Oral Presentations Lesson Plan Final
Oral Presentations Lesson Plan Final
Oral Presentations Lesson Plan Final
Danny R Orraj
MTE 508
Grade/Level Grade 9
Objective #3: When given a specific topic, the student will compose
and deliver a three-minute oral presentation with 90% accuracy that
employs oral presentation "best practices" and includes all the
conventional elements of oral presentations (introduction/attention-
getting statement, thesis statement, body or main points, conclusion)
as well as a maximum of five grammatical errors.
Summary This lesson is designed to help 9th grade students (including ESL and
exceptional students) master the skills needed to conceptualize,
prepare, and deliver an effective oral presentation. The lesson would
begin with a short lecture (10 minutes maximum) introducing the
conventional elements characteristic of oral presentations: An
introduction (with both an attention-grabbing statement and a thesis
statement), a body (or main points), and a conclusion. Elements of the
oral presentation would be presented to the students using a flow map
displayed on a whiteboard or chalkboard. Students would then be
provided handouts with blank flow maps and a list of possible
responses; students would be asked which responses correctly identify
the elements of an oral presentation and indicate their proper order in
the flow map. Next, students would be divided into smaller sub-groups
and asked to brainstorm a list of "best practices" for oral presentations
(5 items minimum) and a list of "worst practices" (5 items minimum).
Best practices can include: direct eye contact, appropriate body
language, enthusiastic delivery, relaxed but confident posture, audible
volume, clear & crisp pronunciation, talking at a comfortable speed,
and pausing for effect. "Worst practices" can include: Minimal or no
eye contact, no or overly dramatic body language, apathetic delivery,
tense or nervous posture, inaudible volume or mumbling, talking too
fast or too slowly, and pausing too much or not enough. Students
would compose the lists on poster paper/boards and hang them in
Learning Context This lesson is imagined as belonging to a
larger unit focusing on the development of
oral communication skills. This unit would
be part of a broader program for teaching
English language mastery skills to ELL
students or as part of a broader 9th grade
language arts curriculum.
1. Preparation
2. Organization
d) The conclusion.
make notes.
1) An introduction or attention-getting
4) The conclusion.
exceptional students.
Assessment #1:
Objective #2 (Synthesis):
Assessment #2:
Divide the class into small groups of four students each (adjust
as needed) and have them brainstorm to produce a list of 5
good oral presentation/public speaking habits and 5 bad oral
presentation/public speaking habits with 100% accuracy within
the time allotted. Each group is to choose one of their members
to write the lists on a piece of poster paper. The group is also to
choose a different member to hang the lists in a place
designated by the teacher and read the lists aloud to the rest of
Objective #3 (Synthesis):
Assessment #3: