Oral Presentations Lesson Plan Final

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Oral Presentations Lesson Plan

Danny R Orraj

MTE 508

August 29, 2011

Prof. Lynne Sheffield


Oral Presentations Lesson Plan


Subject(s) ESL, Language Arts (English)

Topic or Unit of Study Oral Presentations

Grade/Level Grade 9

Objective Objective #1: After being shown a flow map on a

whiteboard/chalkboard, the student will identify and summarize on an
individual handout the sequential elements of an oral presentation
(introduction with attention-getting statement, thesis statement, body
or main points, conclusion) within the 10 minutes allocated for the
activity with minimal assistance and 100% accuracy.

Objective #2: When assigned to a small group, the student will

collaborate with other group members to compile a list of 5 good oral
presentation/public speaking habits and 5 bad habits within the 10
minutes allocated for the activity and with 100% accuracy.

Objective #3: When given a specific topic, the student will compose
and deliver a three-minute oral presentation with 90% accuracy that
employs oral presentation "best practices" and includes all the
conventional elements of oral presentations (introduction/attention-
getting statement, thesis statement, body or main points, conclusion)
as well as a maximum of five grammatical errors.

(Extended evidence outcome [pending approval in Colorado]: With

appropriate support, the student will prepare and orally relate two
pieces of information relating to personal interests or preferences with
100% accuracy.)

Summary This lesson is designed to help 9th grade students (including ESL and
exceptional students) master the skills needed to conceptualize,
prepare, and deliver an effective oral presentation. The lesson would
begin with a short lecture (10 minutes maximum) introducing the
conventional elements characteristic of oral presentations: An
introduction (with both an attention-grabbing statement and a thesis
statement), a body (or main points), and a conclusion. Elements of the
oral presentation would be presented to the students using a flow map
displayed on a whiteboard or chalkboard. Students would then be
provided handouts with blank flow maps and a list of possible
responses; students would be asked which responses correctly identify
the elements of an oral presentation and indicate their proper order in
the flow map. Next, students would be divided into smaller sub-groups
and asked to brainstorm a list of "best practices" for oral presentations
(5 items minimum) and a list of "worst practices" (5 items minimum).
Best practices can include: direct eye contact, appropriate body
language, enthusiastic delivery, relaxed but confident posture, audible
volume, clear & crisp pronunciation, talking at a comfortable speed,
and pausing for effect. "Worst practices" can include: Minimal or no
eye contact, no or overly dramatic body language, apathetic delivery,
tense or nervous posture, inaudible volume or mumbling, talking too
fast or too slowly, and pausing too much or not enough. Students
would compose the lists on poster paper/boards and hang them in

designated places in the classroom. Finally, students would be given a

limited amount of time to prepare and then deliver a short oral
presentation. Their speeches must include all of the characteristic
elements of oral presentations discussed earlier in the lesson and must
include no more than 5 errors in grammar or overall delivery. As
Extended Evidence Outcomes are soon to be integrated with other
academic standards in Colorado, I have included one EEC: namely,
certain exceptional students may be expected to prepare and orally
relate two pieces of information relating to their personal interests or

Learning Context This lesson is imagined as belonging to a
larger unit focusing on the development of
oral communication skills. This unit would
be part of a broader program for teaching
English language mastery skills to ELL
students or as part of a broader 9th grade
language arts curriculum.

Task Goal: The student will be able to give a

Analysis/Procedure three-minute oral presentation.

Objective #1-(Comprehension): After being

shown a flow map on a
whiteboard/chalkboard, the student will
identify and summarize on an individual
handout the sequential elements of an oral
presentation (introduction with attention-
getting statement, thesis statement, body
or main points, conclusion) within the 10
minutes allocated for the activity with
minimal assistance and 100% accuracy.

Objective #2-(Synthesis): When assigned to

a small group, the student will collaborate
with other group members to compile a list
of 5 good oral presentation/public speaking
habits and 5 bad habits within the 10
minutes allocated for the activity and with
100% accuracy.

Objective #3-(Synthesis): When given a

specific topic, the student will compose and
deliver a three-minute oral presentation
with 90% accuracy that employs oral
presentation "best practices" and includes
all the conventional elements of oral
presentations (introduction/attention-
getting statement, thesis statement, body
or main points, conclusion) as well as a
maximum of five grammatical errors.

Task Analysis -- Steps for essential learning:


1. Preparation

A. Gather all necessary materials:

1) A smart-board, blackboard, or poster


2) Paper for handouts (Objective/activity


3) Note cards for note taking

(Objectives/activities #2 & #3).

4) Pencils for students.

5) Poster paper for group lists.

B. Prepare a flow map for the smart-board

(or blackboard or poster board/easel)--an
example is provided as an attachment to
this lesson plan.

C. Prepare flow maps with blank spaces for

students to fill in--an example is provided as
an attachment to this lesson plan.

2. Organization

A. Make sure the smart-board is working

prior to class.

B. Arrange the physical layout of the

classroom to suit planned activities before
the lesson begins.

C. Handouts, pencils, poster paper, and

note cards will be placed in a convenient
and accessible location.

3. Introduce the lesson

A. Write basic lesson objectives and lesson

agenda on smart
board/whiteboard/chalkboard prior to the
start of class.

B. Review lesson objectives and agenda

with the students at the beginning of the

C. Provide students with the rationale for

the lesson; i.e., let them know why it is

relevant to their lives.

1) Public speaking is something almost all of

us must do at one time or another in our

2) It is important to know how to prepare

and deliver an effective and interesting oral

3) Good communication skills are critically

important in most careers, in our
professional and personal relationships, and
in the lives of those who seek to be
community leaders.

4. Executing Objective #1 -- Flow Maps

A. Show a completed flow map to the class

on the smart-board and explain it.

1) Discuss the parts common to a well-

planned oral presentation.

a) The introduction, including an attention-

getting statement.

b) The thesis statement (i.e., the sentence

or two towards the beginning of your oral
presentation that explains what your
presentation is going to be about).

c) The body (or main points) of the


d) The conclusion.

2) After describing the parts of an oral

presentation, ask the following questions of
different students to assess comprehension
and retention:

a) What is the first part of an oral


b) What is an attention-getting statement?

Can you give me an example? Why is it

c) What is a thesis statement? Can you give

me an example? Why is it important?

d) What is the "body" of a presentation?


How many points should one make in the

body of a speech?

f) If you were giving a talk on how to play

video games, what points might you want to
make (or directions would you want to
provide) in the body of your talk? If you
were giving a talk about how to make a

g) What is the final part of an oral

presentation? What do you want to do in
your conclusion? Why is it important?

B. Select students to distribute the

incomplete flow map handouts and pencils
to the rest of the class.

C. Have students complete their flow maps

by themselves, with a partner, or in their
table groups.

1) Have students fill in all the blank sections

of their flow maps identifying the sequential
parts of an oral presentation.

2) More advanced or gifted students can

coach other students (including students
with other exceptionalities) with whom they
are partnered or share a work table.

3) Give students 5 minutes to complete the


D. Project the original flow map on the

smart-board once again so students may
compare it with their answers.

1) Have them correct any errors in their


2) Instruct students to keep their handouts

to use as a reference tool when preparing
their oral presentations later in the lesson.

E. Proceed to the next activity when ready.

5. Have students compile a list of good and

bad habits for delivering oral presentations -
- Objective #2

A. Assign students to small groups and have

them gather together.

1) Instruct students to brainstorm to create

a list of 5 good public-speaking habits and 5
bad public-speaking habits.

2) More advanced or gifted students can

either coach the other members of their
groups or be challenged to come up with
additional "good" and "bad" habits if they

3) Instruct students to choose a member of

each of their groups to write the lists on a
large piece of poster paper placed on their

4) Have a student from each group hang the

poster paper with their lists in a designated
spot somewhere in the classroom.

5) Have this same student read their

group's lists to the class.

6) After each group's representative finishes

reading their lists aloud, ask questions such

a) Why are the "good" habits "good"?

b) How can one develop good habits?

c) Why are the "bad" habits "bad"?

d) How does one break or avoid bad habits?

7) Instruct each student in every group to

write their list of 5 good speaking habits and
5 bad speaking habits on a note card to help
each of them remember.

8) Give students 10 minutes to complete

the task.

B. When the activity is over, have students

return to their seats if they are not already
in them.

C. Proceed to the next activity when ready.

6. Have students prepare their oral

presentations -- Objective #3

A. Instruct students to use note cards to


make notes.

B. Have students refer to their completed

flow maps for the 4 important parts
common to oral presentations.

C. Instruct students to make sure to include

all 4 required parts of an oral presentation:

1) An introduction or attention-getting

2) A thesis statement (the main point of

their talk).

3) Presentations should include a "body"

with one or more important points.

4) Have them conclude their presentations

by summarizing important points and re-
affirming their thesis statements.

D. Have students review their notes to make

sure they are conjugating verbs correctly
and using good grammar.

E. If they finish preparing their own

presentations ahead of time, more advanced
or gifted students can be asked to help
exceptional students if needed.

E. Give stuents 15 minutes to prepare their


7. Have students deliver their oral


A. Designate a place for students to stand

when delivering their speeches.

B. Instruct them to take a deep breath to

calm themselves before starting to speak.

C. Ask them to stand straight; advise them

their posture should be comfortable but
poised and respectful.

D. Instruct students to speak loudly enough

for everyone in the class to hear.

E. Encourage students to speak

enthusiastically and confidently.

F. Encourage students to present their ideas

calmly and clearly.

G. Recommend students establish eye

contact with as many of their classmates as
they can while delivering their presentation.

H. Tell students they should not speak too

slowly but neither should they rush.

I. Advise students their presentations should

last at least 3 minutes.

J. Instruct students to return to their seats

once they have finished speaking.

8. After each student gives their speech:

A. Ask each student to evaluate their own

performance by asking these questions:

1) What, if anything, did you forget to

include in your presentation?

2) What in your opinion did you do well?

3) What could you have done better?

4) What "good" public speaking habits are

easy for you to use?

5) What "bad" public speaking habits

challenge you the most?

B. Have their peers offer constructive

comments about the strengths and
weaknesses of their presentations.

C. Offer additional constructive criticism,

praise, and encouragement when

9. Conclude the lesson

A. Direct the students' attention to the flow

map on the smart
board/whiteboard/chalkboard (or their
individual copies of the flow map handouts
they each completed). Briefly review the
principal parts of an oral presentation:

1) The introduction (with attention-getting



2) The thesis statement (that explains what

the presentation is going to be about),

3) The body or main points of the

presentation, and

4) The conclusion.

B. Direct the students' attention to the

pieces of poster paper hung around the
classroom. Briefly review:

1) "Good" oral presentation/public speaking

practices and

2) "Bad" oral presentation/public speaking


C. For the finale, ask the students why it is

important to know how to give a good oral
presentation. Make sure the following points
are highlighted again in addition to any
additional points the students make:

1) Public speaking is something almost all of

us must do at one time or another in our

2) Good communication skills are critically

important in most careers, in our
professional and personal relationships, and
in the lives of those who seek to be
community leaders.

Collaboration Students will work collaboratively & individually.

Students will work in groups of 4.

Time Allotment 3 class periods. 1 Hr. per class.

Author's Comments I believe the detail already provided is sufficient to

allow another teacher to successfully implement this

Since all students in the class will be expected to give

an individual oral presentation, it will probably take
two or three class periods before all students
complete Objective/Assessment #3. This will vary
depending upon the number of students in the class.

Implementation of this lesson might be improved by

providing more details re: accommodations and
adjustments that can be made for ELL and other

exceptional students.


Instructional Materials I will be posting a completed flow map as well as a
(handouts, etc.) sample flow map handout (that students will fill in) to
this lesson.


1. Oral Presentations Flow Map This is a

sample of the Flow Map that will be drawn
on the smart-board or blackboard at the
start of the lesson.
2. Oral Presentations Flow Map Handout
This is the handout that will be given to
students for them to complete.

Resources  Materials and resources:

1) A smart-board, blackboard, or poster

2) Paper for handouts (Objective/activity #1).

3) Note cards for note taking

(Objectives/activities #2 & #3).

4) Pencils for students.

5) Poster paper for group lists.

 Technology resources:
Word, Smart-board
 The number of computers required is 1.


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CO- Colorado Academic Standards (updated)

Subject: Reading, Writing, and Communicating
Standard: Oral Expression and Listening
Grade/Level: Ninth Grade
1. Oral presentations require effective preparation strategies
Evidence Outcome:
a. Give formal and informal talks to various audiences for
various purposes using appropriate level of formality and
rhetorical devices
Evidence Outcome:
b. Use verbal and nonverbal techniques to communicate
CO- Special Education Generalist Standards
Standard 1: The special education generalist shall be

knowledgeable about student literacy, and the development of

reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening skills, and is
able to:
Competency: (e) increase the oral and written English
language arts skills and proficiency of students, including, but
not limited to: the appropriate and correct use of vocabulary
and standard English; punctuation; grammar; sentence
structure; spelling; and an understanding of the relationship(s)
between reading, writing, and oral language, and is further able
Competency: (e, iii) match appropriate instructional strategies
to student needs, as related to the acquisition of knowledge and
skills in required content areas, such as, but not limited to,
reading and writing.
Competency: (f) incorporate Colorado Model Content
Standards into strategies for teaching reading and writing.

Assessment/Rubrics Objective #1 (Comprehension):

After being shown a flow map on a smart

board/whiteboard/chalkboard, the student will identify and
summarize on an individual handout the sequential elements of
an oral presentation (introduction with attention-getting
statement, thesis statement, body or main points, conclusion)
within the 10 minutes allocated for the activity with minimal
assistance and 100% accuracy.

Assessment #1:

Distribute a printed handout with a blank flow map similar to

the one previously shown and explained to the students on the
smart board/whiteboard/chalkboard. Have the students fill in
the blank areas of the flow map that refer to the sequential
parts of an oral presentation (i.e., an introduction with an
attention-getting statement, a thesis statement, a body or main
points, and a conclusion) with 100% accuracy within the time
allotted. A sample handout is provided as an attachment to this
lesson plan.

Objective #2 (Synthesis):

When assigned to a small group, the student will collaborate

with other group members to compile a list of 5 good oral
presentation/public speaking habits and 5 bad habits within the
10 minutes allocated for the activity and with 100% accuracy.

Assessment #2:

Divide the class into small groups of four students each (adjust
as needed) and have them brainstorm to produce a list of 5
good oral presentation/public speaking habits and 5 bad oral
presentation/public speaking habits with 100% accuracy within
the time allotted. Each group is to choose one of their members
to write the lists on a piece of poster paper. The group is also to
choose a different member to hang the lists in a place
designated by the teacher and read the lists aloud to the rest of

the class when directed to do so.

Objective #3 (Synthesis):

When given a specific topic, the student will compose and

deliver a three-minute oral presentation with 90% accuracy
that employs oral presentation "best practices" and includes all
the conventional elements of oral presentations
(introduction/attention-getting statement, thesis statement,
body or main points, conclusion) as well as a maximum of five
grammatical errors.

Assessment #3:

Provide students with a topic and have them give a three-

minute oral presentation with no more than five grammatical
errors that includes an introduction/attention-getting
statement, thesis statement, body or main points, and a
conclusion. Have students employ "best practices" such as
frequent eye contact, enthusiastic delivery, clear and audible
diction, and relaxed but confident posture.

Extended evidence outcome (pending approval in


With appropriate support, the student will prepare and orally

relate two pieces of information relating to personal interests or
preferences with 100% accuracy.


1. Oral Presentations Lesson Plan Rubric

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