TQM Module 6

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MODULE 6 • He recognized that these concepts could be taught, and he

developed some 200 exercises to foster creative problem solving.

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT -This is a series of steps that includes
the conceptualization, design, development, design, marketing of
newly created or newly rebranded goods or services. GENRICH ATLSHULLER (1946)
Theory Of Inventive Problem Solving (TIPS)
SIX PHASES OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadach
1. Idea Generation - Develop concept incorporating customer
needs and expectations • Detailed design focuses on establishing technical requirements
and specifications, which represent the transition from a
2. Preliminary Concept Development - Study new ideas for designer’s concept to a producible design, while also ensuring
feasibility that it can be produced economically, efficiently, and with high
3. Product/Process Development - Evaluate design alternatives
and determining engineering specifications, test prototypes, • Axiomatic design is based on the premise that good design is
develop, test, and standardized process. governed by laws similar to those in natural science.

4. Full-Scale Production - Release the product to manufacturing

or service delivery teams TWO CLASSIFICATIONS OF AXIOMS
1. Independence Axiom: good design occurs when the functional
5. Market Introduction - Distribute to customers requirements of the design are independent of one another.

6. Market Evaluation - Market evaluation and customer feedback 2. Information Axiom: good design corresponds to minimum
to initiate continuous improvements complexity.

CONCURRENT ENGINEERING - is a process in which all major

Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
functions involved with bringing a product to market are
- is a planning process to guide the design, manufacturing, and
continuously involved with product development from
marketing of goods by integrating the voice of the customer
conception through sales.
throughout the organization.
• Through QFD, every design, manufacturing, and control
decision is made to meet the expressed needs of customers.
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) represents a structured approach to
• QFD benefits companies through improved communication and
product development and a set of tools and methodologies for
teamwork between all constituencies in the value chain, such as
ensuring that goods and services will meet customer needs and
between marketing and design, between design and
achieve performance objectives, and that the processes used to
manufacturing, and between manufacturing and quality control.
make and deliver them achieve high levels of quality.

DFSS Principal Activities

• Concept development
• Detailed design
• Design optimization
• Design verification

CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT is the process of applying scientific,

engineering, and business knowledge to produce a basic
functional design that meets both customer needs and
manufacturing or service delivery requirements.

• INNOVATION involves the adoption of an idea, process,

•Manufacturing specifications consist of nominal dimensions
technology, product, or business model that is either new or new
and tolerances.
to its proposed application.
• Innovation is built upon strong research and development
•Nominal refers to the ideal dimension or the target value that
(R&D) processes.
manufacturing seeks to meet.

Creativity- is seeing things in new or novel ways. • Tolerance is the permissible variation, recognizing the difficulty
of meeting a target consistently.
Creativity tools, such as brainstorming and “brainwriting,” are
designed to help change the context in which one views a
Nominal and Tolerance are cannot combine always due to 5 M’S
problem or opportunity, thereby leading to fresh perspectives.
- Men & women, Materials, Machineries, Method’s and
• TRIZ, a Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem
Solving (TIPS)

• Tolerance design involves determining the permissible

• Developed by a Russian patent clerk who studied thousands of
variation in a dimension.
submissions, and observed patterns of innovation common to the
evolution of scientific and technical advances.
1. Narrow tolerances tend to raise manufacturing costs, but Design Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
they also increase the interchangeability of parts within the – identification of all the ways in which a failure can occur, to
plant and in the field, product performance, durability, and estimate the effect and seriousness of the failure, and to
appearance. recommend corrective design actions.
2. Wide tolerances increase material utilization, machine
throughput, and labor productivity, but have a negative Elements of DFMEA
impact on product characteristics 1. Failure modes- ways in which each element or function can fail.

2. Effect of the failure on the customer- such as dissatisfaction,

potential injury or other safety issue, downtime, repair
requirements, and so on.
• TAGUCHI measured quality as the variation from the target
value of a design specification, and then translated that variation 3. Severity, likelihood of occurrence, and detection rating
into an economic “loss function” that expresses the cost of
variation in monetary terms. -The severity rating is based on how serious the impact
• Taguchi assumes that losses can be approximated by a would be if the potential failure were to occur.
quadratic function so that larger deviations from target
correspond to increasingly larger losses. 4. Potential causes of failure -often failure is the result of poor
L(x) = k(x-T)²
5. Corrective actions or controls – these controls might include
changes, mistake proofing, better user instructions,
management responsibilities, and target completion dates.

Scoring Rubric For DFMEA


•Reliability is defined as the probability that a product, piece of
equipment, or system performs its intended function for a stated FAULT TREE ANALYSIS (FTA) - sometimes called cause and effect
period of time under specified operating conditions. tree analysis, is a method to describe combinations of conditions
or events that can lead to a failure.
KEY ELEMENTS: • A cause and effect tree is composed of conditions or events
• Probability connected by “and” gates and “or” gates.
• Time • An effect with an “and” gate occurs only if all of the causes
• Performance below it occur; an effect with an “or” gate occurs whenever any
2 TYPES OF FAILURE of the causes occur.
1. Functional Failure- failure that occurs at the start of
product life due to manufacturing or material detects
2. Reliability Failure - failure after some period of use
• Operating conditions

•Inherent reliability is the predicted reliability determined by the
design of the product or process.

•Achieved reliability is the actual reliability observed during use.

•Achieved reliability can be less than the inherent reliability due to DESIGN FOR MANUFACTURABILITY
the effects of the manufacturing process and the conditions of use. • DFM - the process of designing a product for efficient
production at the highest level of quality.
• Robust design refers to designing goods and services that are • Example guidelines (see Table 7.1)
insensitive to variation in manufacturing processes and when • Minimize number of parts
consumers use them. • Design for robustness
• Eliminate adjustments
• Robust design is facilitated by design of experiments to identify • Make assembly easy and foolproof
optimal levels for nominal dimensions and other tools to • Use repeatable, well-understood processes
minimize failures, reduce defects during the manufacturing • Choose parts that can survive process operations
process, facilitate assembly and disassembly (for both the • Design for efficient and adequate testing
manufacturer and the customer), and improve reliability. • Lay out parts for reliable process completion
• Eliminate engineering changes
• DFX - an emerging concept that includes many design-
related initiatives such as concurrent engineering, design for
manufacturability, design for assembly, design for
environment, and other “design for” approaches

•Higher functional performance

• physically performance * user friendly
•Reliability *Durability
•Maintainability *Serviceability
• Safety
*environmental friendliness
*psychological characteristics.


•Constantly thinking in terms of how one can design or
manufacture products better
• Focusing on “things done right” rather than “things gone
•Defining customer expectations and going beyond them
•Optimizing desirable features or results
•Minimizing the overall cost without compromising quality

Design Verification -sometimes verification is required by

government regulation or for legal concerns.

• The purpose of a design review is to stimulate discussion,
raise questions, and generate new ideas and solutions to
help designers anticipate problems before they occur.

• Life testing – run devices until failure occurs

• Accelerated life testing – overstress devices to reduce

time to failure

• Highly accelerated life testing - focused on discovering

latent defects that would not otherwise be found through
conventional methods.

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