Opeman C4
Opeman C4
Opeman C4
-New products and services are the lifeblood of an organization. ❖ Price range- for the product that is
Designs can provide a com-petitive edge by bringing new ideas to compatible with the market segment
the market quickly, doing a better job of satisfying cus-tomer needs, and image of the new product is
or being easier to manufacture, use, and repair. discussed.
❖ Quantitative techniques- such as
-Design is a critical process for a firm. Strategically, it defines a cost/benefit analysis, decision
firm’s customers, as well as its competitors. It capitalizes on a firm’s theory, net present value, or internal
core competencies and determines what new compe-tencies need rate of return are commonly used to
to be developed. It is also the most obvious driver of change—new evaluate the profit potential of the
products and services can rejuvenate an organization, define new project.
markets, and inspire new technologies. ❖ Technical and strategic analyses -
answer such questions as: Does the
-The design process itself is beneficial because it encourages
new product require new
companies to look outside their boundaries, bring in new ideas,
technology? Is the risk or capital
challenge conventional thinking, and experiment. Prod-uct and
investment excessive? Does the
service design provide a natural venue for learning, breaking down
company have sufficient labour and
barriers, working in teams, and integrating across functions.
management skills to support the
required technology? Is sufficient
4.1 The Design Process
capacity available for production?
-Design has a tremendous impact on the quality of a product or Does the new product provide a
service. Poor designs may not meet customer needs or may be so competitive advantage for the
difficult to make that quality suffers. company? Does it draw on corporate
strengths? Is it compatible with the
An effective design process: core business of the firm?
❖ Performance specifications- are
➢ Matches product or service characteristics with written for product concepts that
customer requirements; pass the feasibility study and are
➢ Ensures that customer requirements are met in the approved for development.
simplest and least costly manner;
➢ Reduces the time required to design a new product or Rapid Prototyping and
service; and
➢ Minimizes the revisions necessary to make a design
Concurrent Design
workable. -Designers take general
performance specifications and transform
Idea Generation them into a physical prod-uct or service with
technical design specifications. The process
➢ Perceptual map - a visual method for comparing
involves building a proto-type, testing the
customer perceptions of different products or services.
prototype, revising the design, retesting, and
➢ Benchmarking- the process of comparing a product or
so on until a viable design is determined.
process against the best-in-class product.
➢ Rapid prototyping -the method of creating,
➢ Reverse engineering -the careful dismantling of a
testing, and revising a preliminary design
competitor’s product to improve your own product.
Feasibility Study ➢ Concurrent design-a new approach to
design that involves the simultaneous design
➢ Marketing takes the generated ideas and the customer of prod-ucts and processes by design teams.
needs identified from the first stage of the design Form Design
process and formulates alternative product and service
➢ Form design- how the product will look.
concepts. The promising concepts undergo a feasibility
study that includes several types of analyses. Functional Design
❖ Market analysis -assesses ➢ Functional design- how the product will
whether there’s enough demand
➢ Reliability-the probability that a product will
for the proposed product to perform its intended function for a specified
invest in developing it further. period of time.
❖ Economic analysis- looks at ➢ Maintainability- the ease with which a
estimates of production and product is maintained or repaired.
development costs ➢ Usability -the ease of use of a product or
Production Design
-Production design how the product will be share product-design files and work on
made. them. in real time from physically separate
➢ Simplification- the attempt to reduce the locations.
number of parts, assemblies, or options in a
product. -Collaborative product design(CPD)-a
➢ Standardization -the process in which software system for collaborative design and
commonly available and interchangeable develop-ment among trading partners.
parts are used.
-Collaborative design -accelerates product
➢ Modular design -the process that combines
development, helps to resolve product
standardized building blocks, or modules, to create
launch issues, and improves the quality of
unique finished products.
the design. Designers can conduct virtual
➢ Design for manufacture (DFM)- the process of design-
review sessions; test “what if ” scenarios;
ing a product so that it can be produced easily and
assign and track design issues; communicate
with multiple tiers of suppliers; and create,
1.Minimize the number of parts and sub-assemblies. store, and manage project documents.
2.Avoid tools, separate fasteners, and adjustments. 4.3 Design Quality reviews
3.Use standard parts when possible and repeatable, -Before finalizing a design, a company
well-understood processes. should follow formal procedures for
analyzing possible failures and rigorously
4.Design parts for many uses, and modules that can be
combined in different ways. assessing the value of every part and
5.Design for ease of assembly, minimal handling, and
proper presentation. ➢ Failure mode and effects
analysis (FMEA) -a systematic
6.Allow for efficient and adequate testing and method of analyzing product
replacement of parts. failures.
➢ Fault tree analysis (FTA)- a visual
Final Design and Process Plans method for analyzing the
interrelationships among
➢ Design Specifications-for the new product have failures.
considered how the product is to be produced. ➢ Value analysis (VA) -a proce-dure
➢ Manufacturing or delivery specifications- more closely for eliminating unnecessary
reflect the intent of the design. features and functions.
-This should mean fewer revisions in the design as the
prod-uct is manufactured and service provided. 4.4 Design for the Environment
➢ Final design- consists of detailed drawings and ❖ Sustainability- the ability to
specifications for the new product or service. The meet present needs without
accompanying process plans are workable instructions compromising future
for manufacture, includ-ing necessary equipment and generations.
tooling, component sourcing recommendations, job ❖ Design for environment (DFE)-
descrip-tions and procedures for workers, and the process of designing a
computer programs for automated machines. product from material that can
4.2 technology in Design be recycled or easily repaired
rather than discarded.
Part of the impetus for the deluge of new products is the
advancement of technology available for designing Green Sourcing
products: Design for the
➢ Computer-aided design (CAD)- software that assists in environment begins with
the creation, modification, and analysis of a design. using less material, and,
➢ Computer-aided engineering (CAE)- a software system where possible, using
that tests and analyzes designs on the computer screen. materi-als that are
➢ Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufac- recycled, organic (e.g., not
turing (CAD/CAM)- the ultimate design-to-manufacture treated with chemicals),
connection. nontoxic, and conflict-free.
➢ Product life cycle management(PLM)-a system for The materials should also
managing the entire life cycle of a product. be renewable, not
Collaborative Product Design Systems endangered or scarce, and
durable, so that the
The benefits of CAD-designed products are
product will last.
magnified when combined with the ability to
Suppliers should be vetted suggested that product failure is
to ensure that their primarily a function of design
processes are quality.
environmentally sound, -Consumers- subject products to
and should be located an extreme range of operating
nearby so that greenhouse conditions and still expect them
gases are minimized in to function normally.
transportation. From a designer’s point of
Finally, the design should be
rationalized so that only the
- controllable factors- are design
needed features (and thus
parameters such as material
materials) are included, and so
used, dimensions, and form of
that the product is saleable and
will not end up, unused, in
-Uncontrollable factors -are
under the user’s control (length
Green Manufacturing of use, maintenance, settings,
-In the manufacturing process, and so on).
green design is concerned with
how much energy is needed to The designer’s job is to choose
produce the product, whether values for the controllable
that energy is renewable, how variables that react in a robust
much waste or harmful byprod- fashion to the possi-ble
ucts are generated from the occurrences of uncontrollable
process, and if that waste can be factors. To do this, various
recycled or byproduct disposed configurations of the product are
of safely. tested under different operating
Carbon footprinta- measure of conditions specified in the design
greenhouse gases. of experiments (DOE). The
Green Consumption experiment is replicated multiple
-Images of overflowing landfills, toxic times. The mean performance of
streams, and global warming have an experimental configu-ration
prompted govern-ments worldwide to over a number of trials is called
enact laws and regulations protecting the “signal.” The standard
the environment and rewarding deviation of performance is
environmental stewardship. referred to as “noise.” The most
Extended producer responsi-bility robust design exhibits the
(EPR)- a concept that holds companies highest signal-to-noise ratio.
responsible for their product even
after its useful life. Robust design- a process that
Recycling and Reuse yields a product or a service
-When a product reaches the end of its designed to withstand variations.
useful life, it can be recycled, reused, Tolerances- the allowable ranges
or discarded (usu-ally to a landfill). of variation.
Recycling and reuse close the design He supports this view with the
loop, and are the ideal for following observations:
sustainability. • Consistent errors can be more
easily corrected than random
4.5 Quality Function
Deployment • Parts within tolerance limits
Quality function deployment (QFD)- a may produce assemblies that are
process thattranslates the voice of the not within limits; and
customer into technical design • Consumers have a strong
requirements. preference for product
Design for robustness characteristics near their ideal
-A product can fail because it was values.
manufactured incorrectly in the
factory—quality of con-formance—or
because it was designed incorrectly—
quality of design.
-Genichi Taguchi, a Japanese
industrialist and statistician,