B2 UNIT 10 Test Answer Key Higher
B2 UNIT 10 Test Answer Key Higher
B2 UNIT 10 Test Answer Key Higher
Grammar 8
1 breaking
1 2 turn
1 had remembered to charge 3 on
2 whether he has finished writing 4 item
3 if we hadn’t stopped 5 digital
4 idea why he doesn’t
5 was about to start so
1 you could 9
2 were going to walk 1 F
3 has been 2 E
4 wouldn’t you 3 A
5 is it 4 G
5 D
3 6 B
1 was going
2 would be 10
3 about to 1 B
4 wouldn’t 2 C
5 had studied 3 A
4 C
4 5 B
1 would 6 D
2 whose
3 have 11
4 who 1 the news
5 was 2 amateurs
3 bystanders
4 need/appetite for
5 Use of English
1 front page news
2 world news 12
3 arts 1 B
4 obituaries 2 A
5 gossip 3 C
4 A
6 5 C
1 B 6 D
2 D 7 D
3 A 8 B
4 B 9 C
5 C 10 A
1 headlines
2 conference
3 informed
4 forecast
5 updates
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Listening Speaking
13 16
1 D Students’ own answers
2 F
3 A Marking criteria
4 C Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 12.
11–12 Full contribution without prompting. Basic and some
14 complex structures, accurate and well-organised.
1 T Pronunciation mostly clear.
2 F 9–10 Full contribution without prompting. Adequate
3 NM contribution. Basic and some complex structures,
4 NM generally accurate and well-organised. Pronunciation
5 T mostly clear.
6 F 7–8 Adequate contribution without prompting. Basic
structures, generally accurate and some organisation.
Pronunciation mostly clear.
Writing 5–6 Adequate contribution with some prompting. Basic
structures, generally accurate and some organisation.
15 Pronunciation mostly clear.
Students’ own answers 3–4 Limited contribution even with prompting. Basic
structures, often inaccurate but some organisation.
Marking criteria Pronunciation mostly clear.
Use the marking criteria below to give a score out of 12. 1–2 Very limited contribution even with prompting. Basic
11–12 All content is relevant, accurate, appropriate and structures, mostly inaccurate and little organisation.
structured without prompting. Pronunciation not always clear.
9–10 All content is relevant, mainly accurate and appropriate 0 Contribution too small or too incomprehensible to
without prompting. mark.
7–8 No more than one irrelevance, mainly accurate, rarely
inappropriate without prompting.
5–6 No more than one irrelevance, minor inaccuracies,
sometimes inappropriate without prompting.
3–4 Several irrelevancies, noticeable inaccuracies, often
inappropriate without prompting.
1–2 Many irrelevancies, mainly inaccurate, mostly
inappropriate without prompting.
0 Too little or too incomprehensible to mark.
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