Misner 1969
Misner 1969
Misner 1969
A singularity involving infinite densities at a finite proper time in the past is strongly suggested for the
beginnings of the Universe by Einstein's general relativity theory, and is consistent with the few relevant
observational data. There is no reasonable point at which to anticipate a failure of the theory, especially
since a simplified quantum calculation in the accompanying paper predicts that quantum effects do not
change the nature of the singularity. Therefore, we suggest that the singularity be treated as an essential
element of cosmological theory, and indicate how this can be made more palatable by refining our concepts
of time.
Other theories in physics have also rigorously pre- rather than observational, then, I judge it is a situation
dicted singularities: In Euler's hydrodynamic equations in which tolerance is indicated. We should stretch our
most solutions develop discontinuities, and in Lorentz's minds, find some more acceptable set of words to de-
electrodynamics a classical Bohr-like atom radiates scribe the mathematical situation now identified as
infinite energy in a finite time. In these cases a more "singular," and then proceed to incorporate this
refined and accurate physical theory (transport pro- singularity into our physical thinking until observa-
cesses, quantum theory) showed no true singularity, so tional difficulties force revisions on us.
to accept Einstein's theory would be to accept some- The concept of a true initial singularity (as distinct
thing never before known in physics, the concept of a from an indescribable early era at extravagant but
true singularity actually achieved in nature. Therefore finite high densities and temperatures) can be a positive
most authors11 presume that refinements will be required and useful element in cosmological theory. For instance,
in Einstein's theory under extreme conditions, and that I have proposed14 that neutrino viscosity above 1010°K
a true singularity in nature is not to be expected. The could lead to a specific finite limit on the 12-h anisotropy
significance of the singularity theorems, then, is that of the microwave background radiation. Whether this
they tell us the Universe has evolved from an earlier calculation based on a viscosity approximation can be
state in which conditions were so extreme that the pres- validated by kinetic-theory computations remains to
ently known laws of physics were inadequate. be seen.15,16 Stewart16 has suggested a more basic objec-
I prefer a more optimistic viewpoint ("Nature and tion to the argument, however. He points out that the
Einstein are subtle but tolerant") which views the equations which govern the problem are regular, well-
initial singularity in cosmological theory not as proof posed differential equations, so that the simple con-
of our ignorance, but as a source from which we can tinuity of the solutions as functions of the initial condi-
derive much valuable understanding of cosmology. tions shows that no finite limit on the present anisotropy
Thus, while I presume that relativity, like other physical can result if arbitrary anisotropy is admitted at some
theories, will be improved from time to time, I do not finite initial epoch, whether that be 1014°K, or even
see that these changes need bear directly on the present higher. The continuity requires that the differential
problem of the cosmological singularity. Therefore I equations be regular on a finite interval, and serves to
propose to discuss the singularity within Einstein's point up the essential contribution which a singularity
theory. This means accepting all known theorems and brings. For equations which are singular at the initial
examples. As a working hypothesis I presume that the time (or which set the initial conditions in the infinite
inevitable singularity required by the theorems is of the past), an infinite range of initial conditions could evolve
worst possible type, typical of the examples, where all into a finite range of possible present conditions. Thus
matter experiences infinite density at a finite proper any argument that some features of the present uni-
time in the past. One then sets about tolerating this verse are independent of most parameters specifying the
assumed consequence of the mathematics. initial conditions17 could only succeed if initial condi-
Progress in physics can proceed both from tolerance tions are specified at a true singularity, or in the infinite
and from intolerance. One could be intolerant of classical past, but not at any finite and regular past era.
models of the atom because atoms were observed not to Some possibilities for understanding the large-scale
surfer catastrophic radiative decay. But Einstein12 and homogeneity of the Universe may also be opened up by
Bohr13 were tolerant of Planck's theory of radiation (in treating the initial singularity as an acceptable element
spite of its singular discontinuities) which violated no in the theory. There is a model of a homogeneous closed
observation. Relativistic cosmology has had reasonable universe which I have called the "mixmaster universe"18
success (the expansion of the Universe, the microwave and which has a very interesting initial singularity. It is
background) tending in the direction of support for an anisotropic modification of the closed Robertson-
its most dramatic theoretical novelty (the initial singu- Walker model, and could evolve into a closed isotropic
larity), and there are no observational indications of, present-day universe if neutrino viscosity, or some other
say, an era of contraction preceding the present expan- anisotropy limiting process, is effective. In this model
sion. Since the objections to a singularity are conceptual, the anisotropy is measured by the ratios of the circum-
ference of the Universe in the three orthogonal space
J. A. Wheeler, in Relativity, Groups, and Topology—Les
Houches 1963, edited by C. DeWitt and B. DeWitt (Gordon and
Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 1964); Battelle C. W. Misner, Phys. Rev. Letters 19, 533 (1967); Astrophys.
Rencontres, edited by C. Dewitt and J. Wheeler (W. A. Benjamin, J. 151, 431 (1968).
Inc., New York, 1968) Chap. I X ; R. Penrose, Ref. 10; S. Hawking A. G. Doroshkevich, Ya. B. Zel'dovich, and I. D. Novikov,
and G. Ellis, Ref. 1; K. S. Thorne, in High Energy Astrophysics— Zh. Eksperim. i Teor. Fiz. (to be published); 53, 644 (1967)
Les Houches 1966, edited by C. DeWitt, E. Schatzman, and P. [English transl.: Soviet Phys.—JETP 26, 408 (1968)]. R. F.
Veron (Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc., New York, Carswell, Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 144, 279 (1969).
1967), Vol. I l l ; I. D. Novikov, Astron. Zh. 43, 911 (1966), J. M. Stewart (unpublished.)
[English transl.: Soviet Astron.—AJ 10, 731 (1967)]; R. H. Dicke, C. W. Misner, in Battelle Rencontres 1967, edited by C. DeWitt
Phys. Today 20, 55 (1967). and J. Wheeler (W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, 1968),
A. Einstein, Ann. Physik 17, 132 (1905); 22, 180 (1907). Chap. VI.
13 18
N. Bohr, Phil. Mag. 26, 1 (1913). C. W. Misner, Phys. Rev. Letters 22, 1071 (1969).
directions. If we follow the development of this Universe Two questions remain to be discussed: First, if
backwards toward the singularity, we discover that nothing else modifies the singularity out of Einstein's
first one axis is the longest, then another. The relative theory a more sensible epoch, must we not at least
expansion rates change in an ergodic way, first main- presume that the quantization of space-time curvature
taining one ratio for several ^-foldings of the volume, will make classical singularity ideas break down when
then changing to another expansion rate ratio, etc. the radius of the Universe is less than (Gh/cd)ll2= 10~33
When two axes become very nearly equal, the solution cm? Second, how can we rephrase the language of
approximates what is known as the Taub universe. 8 physics to make the singularity appear more reasonable
The approximation is a stable perturbation of the more once we decide to accept it?
highly symmetric Taub space, and therefore holds for The surprising answer to the first question is no;
very many decades of decrease in volume (as one ap- quantizing gravitation does not appear to have any
proaches the singularity at zero volume), but small major effect on the singularity. As is shown in the
nonlinear terms eventually destroy the near symmetry. accompanying paper, the quantum theory of gravity 19
It is this close and long maintained approximation to can be applied to models of the universe as complex as
the Taub universe which suggests that the establish- those that can be treated classically. The two main
ment of homegeneity in the Universe could be under- results of quantum cosmology are: (1) The degree of
stood with the help of this model. For in the Taub freedom corresponding to the expansion of the Universe
universe, light rays can travel many times around the is not directly quantized, but like longitudinal electro-
Universe near the singularity, with each circumnaviga- magnetic fields, is constrained to be a specified function
tion requiring a change in the volume of space by a of the independent metric and matter degrees of free-
factor e47r. With causal interactions now capable of dom; and (2) the independent metric degrees of
spanning the length of the Universe, the way is open freedom, like electromagnetic and other quanta, are
to look for physical processes which could equalize compressed adiabatically as one approaches the singu-
gross discrepancies between the properties of different larity, increasing their energies but not their quantum
parts of the Universe. In the Taub universe, however, numbers. Thus modes which are classical now (high
causal interactions propagate around the Universe in quantum number) remain classical at the singularity.
only one direction along the symmetry axis. But in the Briefly stated, the quantum theory of gravity gives no
mixmaster universe, a prolonged Taub-like period (in- indication that it will significantly change the nature of
volving a volume change of some high power of e 4r ) the initial singularity.
with near symmetry about one axis, is followed by a On to the final question then, and the title of this
period of asymmetry in which first one axis, then essay: Can we make a lower limit on time (at the
another, expands most rapidly, until the ergodic nature singularity) some finite proper time in the past seem
of changes in expansion rate ratios again leads to a as harmless as a lower limit on temperatures some finite
Taub-like epoch where two axes are nearly equivalent. number of degrees below normal body temperature?
This time the approximate symmetry axis need not be I think so. We must distinguish two senses of time, a
the same as before, however, and since each step in this philosophical or psychological sense of time, and a
process requires only a finite number of ^-foldings of physical definition of time which is proper time. Now
the volume, every possibility will be tried infinitely proper time is a very precise and therefore limited
many times before the singularity is reached. Thus one concept, while the other concept of time is a very
anticipates that causal interactions spanning the entire untidy but fertile concept which can evolve as we carry
Universe in all directions are possible near the singu- it to richer intellectual grounds. I t has already evolved.
larity in the mixmaster universe. This approach to an Who now would argue that a pendulum keeps good
understanding of the large scale homogeneity of the time by referring to a heartbeat as the standard? And
Universe makes little sense, however, if one is not we recognize that the second, the day, and the year
prepared to take the singularity seriously. If high are not just different units for the same thing (like the
anisotropy only occurs at temperatures above 1010°K, centimeter and the meter), but genuinely different kinds
and if one was not prepared to discuss any physics of time tied to atomic constants, the earth's rotation,
above 1020°K, this would leave only about ten decades and its orbit period, respectively. When men settle on
of expansion in which to invoke the mechanisms of the other planets they will no doubt adopt a different day
mixmaster universe. With each step in the ergodic and year to live by, but do physics with the same second.
search for near symmetry already involving several I t is clear that the age of the Universe is not to be
decades of expansion, and each Taub-like era of long- measured by counting earth days or years, then, since
range interaction lasting many decades of expansion, the earth's motions change or disappear as we push
little if any mixing could be achieved in these few back into history. But ammonia molecules also disappear
decades. But if the computations accept the singularity as we delve back toward the orgins of the universe, so
and therefore contemplate infinitely many decades of
expansion, we have here a promising approach to an 19
C. W. Misner, Phys. Rev. 186, 1319 (1969), accompanying
understanding of large-scale homogeneity. paper.
an atomic clock is not qualitatively superior to the of the Universe to reach thermal equilibrium, one can
earth's motion. Nuclear transitions are available at even justify the summary: In the first second of its
temperatures below 109°K, but we might prefer to existence the Universe evolved slowly through infinite
use the muon lifetime as a unit near 1012°K (100 epochs, gradually speeding up toward an explosive
MeV) when nuclei could not exist but thermal muon expansion during the ten billion years of the most recent
pairs were plentiful. At 1016°K (103 GeV) some- epochs. For it was in the hot early stages that the ex-
thing unfamiliar, no doubt, is the natural prevalent pansion was slow enough to allow thermal equilibrium,
standard of proper time. With a good knowledge of and only recently has matter expanded too fast to
physics, all these time standards can be interrelated, thermalize radiation. The cosmologically significant
but none of them really appeals to us as being the rates are measured by d/dQ,: How many reactions occur
ultimate heart of the Universe, whose beats give us a per e-folding of the size of the Universe? A proper time
standard of time more enduring than man, or the earth, rate, how many reactions per revolution of the earth,
or the atom. or per 7r° lifetime, can seem very pointless or parochial
In this discussion we have recited some history of the in the wrong epoch. Only by such parochial standards
Universe in an increasingly standard way. Epochs are does the cosmological singularity present itself as an
labeled by temperature, which is roughly the same as object of concern. By a better standard, the approach
redshift, T= ( 3 ° K ) ( l + s ) . The useful label is really the to the singularity shows a Universe which beats at a
exponent, l n ( l + z ) or logT. In theoretical studies of rather regular but gradually slowing rate in the infinite
expanding universe models, including the closed mix- past, 12—»oo.
master model 18 described previously, a convenient epoch
label in Einstein's equations has turned out to be APPENDIX
equivalent, namely 12= — ln(F 1 / 3 ), where V is the Khalatnikov, Lifshitz et al.7<20'22 do not draw from the
volume of space at the given epoch. I find this Q time examples the same conclusion which I have at the
to be very attractive as a primary standard; 20 the en- conclusion of the third paragraph of the above essay.
during measure of evolution throughout the history of They assume, contrary to the experience from the
the Universe is its own expansion. We see that signi- examples, that most cosmological solutions have no
ficant cosmological epochs (galaxy formation, nucleo- singularity. I discern two main arguments for this
synthesis, hadron era, etc.) are spaced at reasonable conclusion in their work. The first argument is that
intervals of 12 or log2\ The most general example yet their examples have been produced specifically by
studied of the original singularity 18,21 (which is by studying singularities and will include essentially all
definition at 0—>oo, an infinite 12 time in the past) is conceivable types of singularities. Then, since the
the mixmaster universe, where expansion rates in the more general undiscovered solutions are not of these
different directions maintain essentially constant ratios, catalogued singular types, they must be intrinsically
for finite intervals A12 of 12 time, then change to new nonsingular. The flaw in this agrument is that the
values which again hold for another finite A12 interval. typical cosmological solution may have a singularity
Successive 12 intervals of constant expansion rate ratios of a presently inconceivable type. There is even an
are, on the average, longer than the preceding one by a example to illustrate this flaw, for subsequent to
small factor, and are occasionally interspersed by a very the paper 22 which first suggested that a sufficiently
long, but still finite, A12 interval in which two axes have complete survey of possible singularities had been made,
nearly equal (very small) expansion rates. Thus, as we a subsequent paper 21 (and independently m y own
approach the singularity 12 -^oo, we see the universe work18) exhibited a true singularity of a previously
ticking away in 12 time quite actively. The Universe is inconceivable type.
meaningfully infinitely old because infinitely many things The second argument of Lifshitz and Khalatnikov
have happened since the beginning. and the one to which they appear to give more weight,
Since objections to a finite age for the Universe are concerns not a singularity in a solution of Einstein's
philosophical and not observational, one must use a equations, but in a coordinate representation of some
philosophical concept of time in such discussions. In portion of a solution. (By "solution" I mean an abstract
my view, then, one is satisfied by an infinite age re- Reimannian manifold of Lorentz signature whose Ricci
flecting an infinite succession of noticeable events, as in tensor, in the case of empty space, vanishes. A "singu-
the history of the Universe apparently suggested by larity of a solution" means, in this paper, that some
Einstein's general relativity. When one considers the curvature scalar becomes infinite.) Now a singularity in
times required at different densities for the constituents a coordinate representation of a solution may occur
either because the solution is singular in, or on the
Professor Chandrasekhar has called to my attention that a boundary of, the region where the coordinates are de-
similar time, r«: logt has been advocated by E. A. Milne, Kine-
matic Relativity (Oxford University Press, New York, 1948).
21 22
V. A. Belinsky and I. M. Khalatnikov, Zh. Eksperim. i Teor. E. M. Lifshitz, V. V. Sudakov, and I. M. Khalatnikov, Zh.
Fiz. 56, 1700 (1969) [English transl.: Soviet Phys.—JETP (to Eksperim. i Teor. Fiz. 40, 1847 (1961) [English transl.: Soviet
be published)]. Phys.—JETP 13, 1298 (1961)].
fined (true singularity), or because the coordinates them- Thus synchronous coordinate systems constructed now
selves are singular at points where the solution is regular in the real Universe last at most an hour, not the 101()
(coordinate singularity). As Lifshitz and Khalatnikov years required if they were to lead to any information
show, coordinate representations satisfying go/*= — V? about the initial singularity of cosmological theory. If
called synchronous coordinates, have singularities of the Universe now contains a neutron star (or anything
the type (—g)1'2—> 0, but this singularity they show is, of comparable density, e.g., a nucleus), the lifetime of a
in general, a coordinate singularity or "fictitious singu- synchronous coordinate system is less than a milli-
larity." They then conclude 7 "Any grounds for the second, or if a galaxy is the smallest scale irregularity
existence of another type of singularity, which would one is prepared to notice, the life of a synchronous
be real and at the same time peculiar to the general coordinate system could be extended to 107 years, but it
solutions, therefore essentially disappear." I am unable remains equally irrelevant to the study of the initial
to follow this last quoted step in the argument. singularity. It also does not help to choose the initial
Synchronous coordinate systems can be set up by hypersurface of a synchronous coordinate system closer
simple constructions, 7 and one can easily arrange that to the singularity, since the generic solution which re-
any regular point of a solution lie on the */(—g) = 0 sembles our Universe now will, if extrapolated back
singular set bounding an appropriately chosen syn- toward the singularity, be even more irregular near the
chronous coordinate system. But there is no demonstra- singularity, 7 so synchronous coordinates will then
tion that synchronous coordinate systems can be extend an even smaller fraction of the required distance
chosen in such a way that they reach the singular points to the singularity than now.
of the solution. Thus there is no reason to believe that Note added in proof. In a recent report 23 Belinski and
the singularities of solutions (conceived of in a coordi- Khalatnikov have provided the final steps in the
nate-independent way) can be discussed on the basis analysis of a general solution of the Einstein equations
of representations in synchronous coordinates. Another whose singularity is qualitatively similar to that of
way to phrase this objection is to note that not only does the mixmaster universe.18'19-21 The aim of the singularity
the construction of a synchronous coordinate system studies of Khalatnikov and Lifshitz, from the beginning,
(by choosing an arbitrary initial hypersurface and has been the construction of a general solution; they
erecting geodesies normal to it 7 ) lead almost always to summarize the significance of this recent result in Ref.
a fictitious singularity in flat space, 7 but also in a 24. One most important result is that the knowledge
Robertson-Walker cosmology, or in any other singular gained by these investigations 24 is now seen to be
solutions. Thus the nature of the singularity in the generic comfortably consistent with the singularity theo-
synchronous coordinate representation of a solution is un- rems.1-10 But it furthermore complements the theorems
affected by whether or not the underlying solution is in an extremely useful way by shedding the light of a
singular. very powerful and general example on the problem of
A synchronous coordinate system is essentially a hy- describing the nature of the singularity. In this
persurface-orthogonal congruence of time-like geodesies. Khalatnikov-Lifshitz example,24 the singularity cor-
The coordinate system fails (becomes singular) when responds to infinite curvature at every point of space.
the geodesies intersect one another. 7 Let us estimate I t is therefore of just the type which the viewpoint I
when this will occur. If the initial hypersurface has a have formulated in this paper is designed to accept.
radius of curvature p (second fundamental form ^ l / p ) , The generality of the example is expressed in the state-
then even in flat space the failure will occur within dis- ment that the nature of the singularity is stable under
tance (or proper time) ^ p from the hypersurface. In arbitrary small changes in the Cauchy data defining it.
curved space-time, however, the Einstein equations I t has not yet been established whether there exist
show that the curvature always has a sign tending to stable singularities of any quite different character,
make the failure occur earlier.7 Thus if the congruence nor does one know of any precise way to state that the
of geodesies passes through a region of space-time whose nonsingular character of empty flat Minkowski space
curvature is ~ l / p 2 , some geodesies can be expected to is stable. [The difficulty here is that, although most
intersect a time p later. In particular, if the initial hyper- perturbations of flat space are believed to be stable,
surface for the synchronous coordinates includes our and all are in linear order, a singularity can arise from
Galaxy at the present epoch, then it includes the sun. certain small perturbations. Let any small limit m>0
A congruence (continuous space-filling family) of geo- be placed on the total energy of the perturbation, and
desies covering the sun will fail in about one hour, since let [guv—rinvl < € be required at t=0, Then no matter
the radius of curvature of space-time near the sun or how small the positive numbers m and e are, a care-
near any other object of comparable average density is fully focused pulse of incoming gravitational radiation
about 1 h. (Think of the geodesies as paths of test par- can be found which (a) will satisfy these conditions
ticles ; for particles starting from rest near the solar sur- 23
V. A. Belinski and I. M. Khalatnikov, Zh. Eksperim. i Teor.
face, the hour is the free-fall time to collisions at the Fiz. (to be published).
1 . M. Khalatnikov and E. M. Lifshitz, Phys. Rev. Letters (to
center, or at moderate velocities it is the orbit period.) be published).
and (b) will a finite time later localize the energy in a ever, that the statement "Flat space-time is un-
region of dimensions that are small compared to the stable . . . " would be a misleading summary of this
Schwarzschild length m, and thus initiate a gravita- situation.] Our understanding of the nature of the
tional collapse to a singularity. 25 I t seems to me, how- Einstein singularity is therefore quite meager, but the
25 Khalatnikov-Lifshitz examples provide the bulk of it.
R. Ruffini and J. A. Wheeler (unpublished).
Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India
Department of Mathematics, Jodhpur University, Jodhpur, India
(Received 30 April 1969)
A general solution of the field equations of general relativity theory has been obtained for a composite
sphere having a number of shells, one above the other, of different densities.