2 Qi WQufx 4 X 1 El 9 LKUDr L
2 Qi WQufx 4 X 1 El 9 LKUDr L
2 Qi WQufx 4 X 1 El 9 LKUDr L
Additional Questions
Short Answer Questions (30-40 words: 2 Marks each)
1. Why was Johnsy counting numbers in the descending order?
Ans: Johnsy was suffering from pneumonia, and she had seen many of her friends
succumb to the illness. She had therefore, given up the hope of survival. She looked out
of the window and was counting the leaves that remained on the ivy, for she concluded
that her heart would stop beating as soon as the last leaf dropped. Johnsy was counting
down the leaves as they remained and dropped from the creeper.
2. What is the significance of the ivy leaves?
Ans: In O. Henry’s story “The Last Leaf, the ivy plays a significant role because the
leaves of the ivy had become the object of measurement of Johnsy’s life and time on
earth. She had given up hope, and had convinced herself of the imminent departure
from the mortal world. Her life on earth would end the day, the last leaf dropped off the
creeper. It was eventually an ivy leaf, though a painted one, that revived in her the
desire to live, and got her back on the road to recovery.
3. How did Behrman react when Sue told him about Johnsy’s condition?
Ans: Behrman was a sixty-year-old painter who lived on the ground floor of Johnsy’s
house. After the doctor’s report of Johnsy’s condition, Sue, her friend went down to pour
out her worries to the old man. He reacted by saying, “Is she stupid? How can she be
so foolish? and went up to meet her. He left the sleeping girl alone, and went back to his
room without uttering a single word.
4. “In spite of the storm and the fierce winds, it didn’t fall. Explain.
Ans: When Johnsy gets up the next morning, she draws the curtain and looks out to
check, if the last leaf had fallen. To her surprise, she sees the leaf still on the creeper
looking more green and healthy. It had not fallen despite the storm and fierce winds of
the previous night. She had actually prepared herself to follow the last leaf out of the
world. She kept looking at the leaf that was clinging quite strongly to the creeper and
developed her own strength and will to get back to life.
5. Why did Johnsy say that she has been a bad girl?
Ans: After noticing the leaf firm and alive on the creeper, she calls out to her friend Sue,
and regrets having been a bad girl. She feels sorry for not having cooperated with Sue
who looked after her so lovingly. Johnsy was sorry for having gone into depression, and
realises that it was sinful of her to have wanted to die.