3is The Difficulties Fundamental

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Review of Related Literature

Acosta and Acosta (2016) stated that the K12 was the enhancement of the basic

education program that is also known as the Republic Act No. 10533 or "An Act of

Enhancing the Basic Education in the Philippines" that was signed by the former

Philippine president Benigno Aquino on May 15, 2013 because the Philippines is the

last country in Asia with a 10-year pre university cycle.

The law proposed a new program that covers 12 years of basic education which

includes the additional two years in the secondary level and the deletion of the

preparatory level in the primary level. Furthermore, the additional two years in Senior

High School was targeted to prepare students for tertiary education, middle level skills

development, entrepreneurship, and global employment (Acosta& Acosta, 2016).

The specialized subjects are enrichment courses that includes the fundamental

basics of selected college subjects. Accountancy, Business, and Management a strand

under the academic track that is designed for students who are planning to take up a

degree related to commerce and business on their tertiary level. With this program, the

students in this area will be garnering advance knowledge as well as to foster the

characteristics and attitudes of becoming a Business oriented person.

The Department of Education proposed four tracks which are (1) The Academic

strand which includes the Accountancy, Business and Management strand (ABM), the

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand (STEM), the Humanities

and social sciences strand (HUMMS), as well as the General Academic Strand (GAS);

the (2) Technical Vocational Strand that includes the Home Economics strand, the TVL

Maritime, the Agriculture and Fisheries strand, and the Information and

Communications strand; the (3) Sports track; and the (4) Arts and Design track.

Moreover, the curriculum of the different specializations of the different strands are

carefully selected and distributed to give quality education to the Senior High School

students. The subjects offered are subdivided into three categories namely the core

subjects, the applied subjects, and the specialized subjects. Each subjects play a role in

the students. The core subjects include the general academics wherein it is taken by all

the strands. The applied subjects wherein simulations and practical subjects were

included that is also taken by all the strands.

Supported by Abun, Foronda, Belandres, and Magallanez (2018) claimed that the

benefit of becoming an ABM student is that it enhances the student's entrepreneurial

attitude. Therefore, it states that ABM is a good preparatory course for business related

programs in the tertiary level of education.

Ambition is the starting point in choosing a career. Porter and Umbach (2006)

explained that choosing a field is being affected by different factors. In the point of view
of Baired (1988) as cited in Montmarquette, Cannings, & Mahseredjian, (2001) scholars

have long understood the impact of academic majors on students, and have concluded

that they often produce quite different influences on the development of students’

interests and abilities.

According to the book of Shertzer (1981), study habits are an important ingredient in

the life of the successful college student. Almost all students would like to improve their

study habits or skills. Much research has reported that many students worry about their

study habits and about their reading, notetaking, and test-taking skills. However, few

students do much about it, particularly on any kind of systematic, and continuous basis.

In addition to the given factors, Montmarquette et al.(2001) aspects include people

who differ in their socioeconomic and ascriptive characteristics as well as cognitive

capabilities also differ in their willing-ness to choose riskier areas of concentration. Self-

concept are the factual attributes of a person that includes a person's skill, strengths,

weaknesses, and the like. And in choosing a career, one must assess his capabilities

and cognitive level.

Prince, Saveri & Swanson (2017) identified the core social-emotional skills as

selfdiscovery, individual awareness and social awareness. The deep self-knowledge

pertains to the ability of the person to discover his own personal and professional

strengths, weaknesses, passion and emotional patterns. Meanwhile, individual

awareness refers to the ability to recognize own emotions and the triggers that create

them. Lastly, the social awareness pertains to building social relations for learning,
collaboration and innovation. All these are associated with specific skills, qualities and


ABM is not an easy strand. Actually, there is no easy strand, it is also difficult and

hard. There is a lot of reason why it is a tough strand. The lessons are one of those

reasons. It is arduous, but it depends how on students will handle it. The combination of

perseverance and patience is the best. As I have said, it needs to exert a lot of effort, so

if the students do not have perseverance in terms of reading and analyzing

transactions, it may be hard for the students to conquer this strand. Just know your

priorities and have focus, you can make it. Patience is also essential in studying some

lessons because there are things that you will not learn easily. It might be tough and

rough but with perseverance and patience, you will overcome those challenges and

hardships. Also, despite those hardships, it is very beneficial because those activities

can really improve your skills as a student. You will learn what is your purpose as an

ABM student and you will also know what are your own weaknesses are and how to

overcome it.

According to a student who took up ABM strand, in ABM you will learn a lot of things,

You will be Mathematics friendly, you are free to express everything, you will meet more

friends, you can explore Mathematics, you may learn how to manage a business, you

can improve your business-minded ability, you may know how to be a successful

accountant, you can learn how to effectively manage your own management, your

efforts are not worthless and most especially in ABM you will not just be better but you

will the best.

Conceptual Framework
As shown in Figure 1, the IPO of Tyler (1950) which is composed of input,

process and output was utilized in this study.

The first frame is the input which has the identification of Socio-demographic

Profile: 1.1 sex and 1.2 grades in fundamental basics. The second box represents the

data collection of students profile, Administering questionnaires, Organization of

Students responses and the statistical analysis of data. The third box is the output

which include the Proposed Enhancement Activities to Address the Difficulties in

Fundamental Basics of G12 ABM Students.


profile of respondents
according to:
1.1 sex 1. Data collection of
1.2 grades in Students profile
fundamental basics:
Proposed Enhancement
a. Entrepreneurship 2. Administering Activities to Address the
b. Inquiries, questionnaires Challenges and Improve
Investigations and
the Academic
Performance of G12
c. Business Ethics 3. Organization of ABM Students in CLIS in
d. Business Finance Students their Fundamental
e. Work Immersion responses Basics
The present difficulties
encountered by G12
ABM Students in Conde 4. Statistical
Labac Integrated School analysis of data
in their Fundamental
Research Paradigm on the Difficulties in Fundamental Basics of G12 ABM
Students in Conde Labac Integrated School: Basis for Enhancement

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