Apologising Matching Apologies To Situations
Apologising Matching Apologies To Situations
Apologising Matching Apologies To Situations
italics) are still together in two columns but there are individual language cards. Students look at just the situations and brainstorm their own ideas for apologies for each one. They are then given the language cards to match to the situations. Give them each an uncut version to check their answers with then do the practice activities at the bottom. !ou kept someone who is phoning you on hold for a long time !ou have arrived late at a restaurant !ou have spilt someone#s drink !ou are phoning someone again to ask another "uestion !ou need someone to move so you can get off the train. !ou spilled your drink on your own clothes $ waiter brought you the wrong food. !ou accidentally burp after a big meal !ou are trying to stop a stranger to ask for directions. !ou are a child who has broken someone#s window Sorry to bother you again, but theres one more thing I dont understand E !use me, !an I "ust#
Sorry Im late. Have you been waiting long? Im terribly sorry. $et me buy you another one. m sorry sir& Ill bring you a !lean one right away. I regret to in'orm you that there has been a problem.
$ customer has just shown you a dirty spoon. !ou have to tell someone their flight has been cancelled !ou didn#t hear someone
(ardon me)
!ou are telling someone they are losing their job. !ou behaved badly when you were drunk last night. Someone enters while you are on the phone Someone is speaking a language you don#t know Language analysis
!ou have eaten your friend#s chocolates !ou have just blown your nose in front of someone !ou see someone smoking where they shouldn#t !ou didn#t follow someone#s instructions
Im so sorry. I didnt realise they were yours. Sorry. I think Ive !aught a !old.
%hat things often follow apologies& 'ind e(amples of e(cuses and promises of future action above. Practice activities )se the phrases on the cards to start longer conversations. *mprovise your own conversations about the topics on the situation cards (without looking at the phrases on the other cards until you have finished).