Research Paper in GE2 (Purposive Communication)
Research Paper in GE2 (Purposive Communication)
Research Paper in GE2 (Purposive Communication)
Research Paper
In partial fulfillment of
(Purposive Communication)
The advent and development of technology brings many things which may
either ease or make life of people more difficult and complicated. One of
results of this development is the opening of online gaming through the
internet which has become addictive and one of the widely used leisure
activities by many people and teenagers. Online gaming is a technology
rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than
a particular pattern of game play. Online games are played over some form
of computer network, now typically on the Internet. This study aimed to
determine the effect of online games to the academic performance of the
students in the College of Teacher Education. The researchers used the
descriptive-correlational research design. This design described the profile
of respondents and determined the difference in academic performance of
players and non-players of online games. On the basis results of this study, it
can be concluded that playing online games has no significant difference
between the academic performances of the respondents for they still
excelled in their class as revealed by their academic grades.
The advent and development of technology brings many things which may
either ease or make life of people more difficult and complicated. One of
results of this development is the opening of online gaming through the
internet which has become addictive and one of the widely used leisure
activities by many people and teenagers. Online gaming is a technology
rather than a genre; a mechanism for connecting players together rather than
a particular pattern of game play. Online games are played over some form
of computer network, now typically on the Internet. According to one
concerned Internet Cafe entrepreneur, “Internet Cafe's are seducing
youths to a new form of addiction, one which may not destroy their bodies
as drugs do, but which is certainly twisting their minds.” In reality, students
mostly are addicted in online gaming. They sacrifice their allowances just to
save for their bets on online gaming. In fact, students already fail to
remember their commitment in school and in their home.
Accordingly, video games have an immense impact in the lives of their
family, it also distracting students and compromise ones jobs. This can be
seen through their attitudes and worse in their absences in their classes and
workplace J. .Fieror (2016) said that he can't concentrate on what he is
doing. He added that most of the time his mind is not working for
he is pre-occupied of the on line games he is addictive to. Adolescents and
even adults are becoming hooked with online games which are becoming
more and more popular. In fact, most online games tend to get old too
quickly and lost their appeal. It is because of the ever growing number of
online games being develop from time to time. Nowadays, the popular
online games that encourage the students to play are MINIMILITIA, DOTA
CHASE etc.
This study aimed to determine the effect of online games to the academic
performance of
the students in the College of Teacher Education. Specifically, it aimed to
answer the
following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Weekly Allowances
2. What are the types of computer games being played by the respondents?
3. How often and how many hours do the respondents spent in playing
online games in a
4. What is the academic performance of the respondents?
5. How do respondents perceive on the effects of online games to their
6. Is there a significant difference between the academic performances of the
two groups
of respondents?
But in these case I have just gathered the information through online since
we are not allowed to conduct a survey in our school.
The researchers used the descriptive-correlational research design. This
design described the profile of respondents and determined the difference in
academic performance of players and non-players of online games.
The following were used in the analysis and interpretation of data.
Frequency, percentage and T-test distributions were used to facilitate the
analysis of data.
Aldus, Kyle (2014, February 2). Computer gaming effects on academic performance.
Retrieve march 7, 2017 from 5910606 computer gaming effects
academicperformance. Html
Anand, V. (2007). A study of time management: the correlation between online games
usage and academic performance markers. Cyber psychology and behavior. Retrieve
7, 2014 from www. Online
Journal of Advanced Research in
ISSN: 2278-6236
Management and Social Sciences
Impact Factor: 7.065
Vol. 8 | No. 3 | March 2019
Anderson & Dill, 2000), he found similar null effects.
Anderson and Bushman (2001) have recently published a meta-analysis of the research.
Their analysis concludes that exposure to violent video games has a negative effect on a
variety of measures
Chen and Voderer, gamers fit into certain categories: the competitor, explorer, collector,
achiever, joker, director, storyteller, performer, and the craftsmen.
Dorol (2009).Dorol concluded that electronic games were related significantly to pupils'
academic performance with correlation of .194 significant .021 levels.
Dwyer & Dwver. 2000; Orbach, 2001). Gaming as an instructional variable may be
as content
Dwyer & Dwyer, methods of rehearsal by facilitating the organization and a
2000; Orbach, 2001).
Escobar-Chaves and Anderson, 2008)The current generation is exceedingly comfortable
technology and electronic entertainment.
Jones 2000). An instructional game can be defined as any training format that involves
competition and is rule-guided.
Lojo (2008) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games on the academic
performance and behavior of high school students.
Mandanas (2007) conducted a study on the effects of playing computer games and
students' profile in the socialization and academic performance of selected students in
Kapayapaan National High School, Canlubang, Calamba City