Research Talha
Research Talha
Research Talha
according to the Oxford dictionary (2014) isthe fact or condition of being addicted
severe trauma.
Online video game is defined as a video game played over some form of
but games havealways used whatever technology was current for example
modems before the Internet, andhard wired terminals before modems. Online
In this new era of technology, online gaming has become more popular
possible to be addictedinto playing online video game which at the end of the day
workplace and their social life. In addition to that,player can also now access
their game progress anywhere they went as most of the onlinegaming nowadays
are now also come in many genre such asaction, adventure, simulator and many
. among teenagers nowadays is Dota, Clash of Clan and Hay Day. The total of
daily activeplayer in Dota 2 is 800, 000 concurrent usersand almost 8.5 million
users have registeredin Clash of Clan and also Hay Day combined.There are
actually several cases involve a teendie while playing online game in China and
Some claimed that playing online gaming is one way to release stress and
fill yourfree time. While some said that too much game can affect one's mind and
attitude. Forexample, people who play games are constantly feeling tired. When
someone is more likelyto spend more time in playing online game, some of them
may end up with being addictedto it. Friends and surrounding environment plays
a big part in influencing us towards playingonline game as the city with better
internet connection and easy access to computer willmake it easier for the
people to gain the access to online game.In addition to that, some of the games
developers today try to gain profit by create asystem where the players must use
their real money to help them doing mission, gainspecialty and advantage in
these games. In London recently, there was cases reportedwhere the mother of
In Malaysia,more and more people are now lead to spend money in online
gaming as they can get debitcard easier and some of the young player tend to
The independent variable for this research is the age of the respondent, the
gender,the course they are taking and also the university they study. The age of the
respondent isset from the age of 18 until 24 years old. The resplendent will be
those who are from Facultyof Communication and Media, Universiti Selangor.
The effect of Online Games towards the academic performance of the Senior
High School Students of STI College Tacurong
The effect of
The academic
online games
performance of the
senior high school
students of STI College
1.1 Age;
1.3 Section?
2.1 Grades ;
2.2 Class Participation ; and
The study made to know the effects of online games towards the
For the students, they are thr one who can benefit tthis because they are the
For the teacher, the researcger made the study for the second parents of the
For the reseacher, the researchers want to share knowledge and inform the
students and everybody about the eefects of online games to the students
academic performance.
For the future Researcher, the Researcher want to help the future rsearcher
Research hypothesis
performance ogf the senior high school students od STI College Tacurong.
Scope and Limitation
This study focused on the effect of online games towards the academic
answer the following Questions; what are the students profile, what are the
factors affects the students andd what are the eefects of online games to the
Tacurong City. The respondents are the ITMAUWD A Grade 12 Senior High
Chapter II
This chapter contains the reseach review of related literature and reseach related
Related Literature
Nowadays, online games have become extremely popular among the young
generation thus leading to the rise of online game addiction issues especially
In the research conducted by Ahn and Randall (2008), they were able to discover
academic lifestyles of students. Based on their surveyed data, students who are
students. This statistics corresponds with the amount of playing time of addicted
students on the MMOGs. Their surveyed data also shows that approximately
According to the research conducted by Zhang (2007) and Zhuo (2007) on
online game addiction, the physical symptoms of Internet and online game
spondylosis is a spinal injury caused by having the same sitting position for hours
players engage in hours and hours of game playing with no virtually sleep
intervals in between. This causes sleep sensitivity and disorders which induce
addicted players to wake up several times during the night and as such this leads
them suffering from insomnia which can cause mental anxiety and eventually
In cebu, online game addiction is also becoming an issue. In one of the episode
of I-Wtiness, Kara David was able to interview youngsters namely Doc, Mark and
Ice who resort to illegal activities just to fund their addiction to online gaming.
Doc, Mark and Ice are part of a young generation spending a lot of their time on
computer games. Some of them undergo illegal activities to fund their vices and
they can go on gaming for 24-hours without any sleep. 22-year-old Doc is a
scavenger and vagrant, but once he gets his money out of collecting garbage, he
goes to his favorite Internet shop to play. Mark, 20, is an out of school youth. He
lost his investment money and stole from his mother to pay for his Internet
rentals. Fourteen-year-old Ice says he gets his money from homosexuals in
(CIDG) director Chief Superintendent) stressed the need for measures to protect
children from being hooked on online computer games. He said many children
formative testing, they found out that online games can help a student improve
Related studies
excessive gaming, its prevalence, and associated risk factors. The establishment
of specialized treatment centers in South-East Asia, the US, and Europe reflects
the growing need for professional help. It is argued that only by understanding
the appeal of Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can the
gaming addiction using a holistic approach, taking into consideration the mass
appeal of online games, the context of Internet gaming addiction, and associated
the American Psychiatric Association. The cited research indicates that the
individual’s context is a significant factor that marks the dividing line between
excessive gaming and gaming addiction, and the game context can gain
particular importance for players, depending on their life situation and gaming
gamer in a community with shared beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming
with particular meaning. The cited neuroimaging studies indicate that Internet
health care and insurance providers. The holistic approach adopted here not only
social and human capital for Malaysia. It is paramount to note that adolescents
are the future human capital of Malaysia. Literature indicates adolescents are
confronted with an environment that is rapidly changing and the time spent on
to ensure balance of gender, school type and grade level. Correlation analyses
the study. Participants completed the Daily Record of How I Use My Time each
day for seven consecutive days. Cooperating schools provided copies of the
findings of this research support those of some previous studies and contradict
this study may help to develop a conceptual framework for guiding efforts to
improve academic performance, as it relates to time use, as a contribution to
This chapter contains the research design, respondents of the study the locale of
the study, data gathering instrument, data gathring procedure and the statistical
Reseach design
performance of Senior High School students Of STI College Tacurong. The study
utilize quantitative reseach methodthat use dstatistical data and the study used
The respondents of the study are the students from the ITMAUWD A Grade 12
The respondents of the study are the students of ITMAUWD A ant the
total number of students are 40 but the number of respondents are 30 and the
Tacurong City.
conversation style. The researcher wrote field notes in conjunctions with the
Statistical treatment
Chapter IV
Analysis, Interpertation and persentation of data
number of the respondents are 30 and 25 of them are playing onlinr games or
equivalent of 83 % of the class are playing online games and only 5 are not or 17
Table 2.2 Does your grade get low when you started playing online games?
they are strating playing online games . 16 are says yes or 53% and 14 says no
or 47 %
Table 2.3 Do you always participate when you have class participation?
participating or 17 %.
Table 2.4 Do you think studying is still interesting when you already played online
No 18 60%
This table shows the interested students on studying when they played on line
games. 12 says its still interesting or 40 % and 18 says its not interesting any
Yes 14 47%
No 16 53%
This tables are the number of students who have time management 14 of them
has time management or 47% and 17 of them don’t have time management or
Yes 21 70%
No 9 30%
This table shows the number of students who still follow their time maanagement.
21 are still folowing or 70% and 9 are not following their time management any
more or 30%.
Table 2.7 Does your study habits affect because of online games ?
games affect their study habits or 37% and 19 says its not affect their habit or 63
% of 100 %
Table 2.8 Does your class attendance change when you started in playing online
Yes 18 60%
No 12 40%
This table shows the changes of their class attendance because of online games.
Table 2.9 Does the online games has positive or negative effect on you?
games has positive effect and 20 or 67% says online games hs negative effect.
says online games has a help but 21 or 70 % of them says online games don’t
help them.
Chapter V
This chapter contains the reseach summary colclusion and resommendation for
the study.
performance of the Senior High School students of STI College Tacurong. Online
games now adays is very common because of our innovative world. This study
made to share knowledge and awareness to every body to utilize the social
media in poper way. The study conducted at STI Colge Tacurong and the
respondents are the studnets od ITMAUWD a where most of them are involve on
the technologies because of their track. The study proves that the students are
very engaged on the online games. The study used quantitative reseach method
The students are always playing online games because of it they are
having hard time and losing their interest in their academic performance becaue
they are focus on they online games that they always played. Some of them are
not participating on class participationand some times online games can cause
cutting classes of the students and it leads to having failibg grades for them. So
online games can be It’s not just neglect that costs addicted gamers their
relationships. Some of them talk so much about their game of choice to the
exclusion of everything else that people no longer want to be around them. They
encouragement to friends and family. Because their friends talk about other
things, they begin to feel left out, which in turn causes them to feel irritated or
offended. It doesn’t occur to them that they’ve chosen to be left out by devoting
and poor personal hygiene. Some of the physical consequences of video game
gamer who loses sleep because he’s playing so much simply doesn’t have the
energy to invest in relationships. Lack of sleep may also make him irritable and
difficult to be around.
Multiple studies have shown that as the amount of time a child spends
looking at a screen increases, so does his or her risk for having sleeping,
attention and aggression problems, and difficulty with interpersonal
relationships. Some of these effects may be due to the rapidly changing
intense imagery of television while others could be attributed to
decreased time interacting with other people in favor of screens.