Anand M Nair

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Customer Care Engineer (Civil),
Vanross Jn,


Vanross Jn.


This is to certify that this project report entitled MODELING OF A
RESIDENTIAL BUILDING is a complete record of the work done by
ANAND.M.NAIR for the requirement for the award of MASTER
DIPLOMA in Building Design during the year 2013 from CADD

Guided by:

Technical Leader
CADD Centre
Vanross Jn.

Customer Care Engg (Civil)
CADD Centre
Vanross Jn.


First of all I wish to thank the CADD CENTRE Thiruvananthapuram, having given
me the opportunity and facilities to pursue the project and present the report.

I take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those concerned for
their valuable suggestions and guidance, especially
Mr.ANAND.A.DAS, Customer Care Engineer (Civil) of CADD CENTRE
for the technical information imparted by him is gratefully acknowledged.

I also use this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr ARUN D., Technical
Leader of CADD CENTRE for the encouragement provided by him to make this project a

I accord myself the privilege of thanking all other members of CADD CENTRE who were
directly and indirectly connected to this project.



Individuals from Charles River Software started the development of
Revit in year in1997.
In 2000 the company was renamed Revit Technology Corporation and
on April 5, 2000 in Cambridge, MA the first version of Revit (1.0)
was released. First offered as a software lease, Revit was the first
parametric building modeler specifically designed for the AEC
industry. Its technology offered the model concept with an easy-to-
use platform designed to enable architects, engineers and contractors
life-cycle planning for building projects. Revit's intelligent design
environment encouraged design revisions because there was real-time
synchronization of the documentation.
On February 21, 2002, Autodesk announced plans to acquire Revit
Technology Corporation. The acquisition meant more research,
development and improvement of the software.
Since purchasing Revit, Autodesk has developed three versions of
Revit for the varying building design disciplines:
REVIT ARCHITECTURE, for architects and building designers
(formerly Revit Building).
REVIT STRUCTURE, for structural engineers.
REVIT MEP, for mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers
(formerly Revit Systems).
Revit is intended to be a major component in Building Information
Modeling. A main function of Revit is to eliminate redundancies such
as having multiple models across industries. Currently, architects,
consultants, general contractors, and manufacturers all create their
own models and databases from information handed down in a chain
of command. BIM intends to replace this approach with a more
centralized one. Revit models created in different disciplines
(Architectural, Structural, and Mechanical) can be linked and/or
combined into one model. This allows a single model and associated
database to be kept, ensuring that all parties have the latest
information and that there are no errors in translation. Revit also
utilizes its rendering engine to remove the interpretation from
complex geometries, allowing more intricate designs to be made and
Revit uses the term 'family' to describe a discrete definition of a part
of the building model. There are many Categories of Families, but
three main types: System, Component and In-Place Families.
A hierarchical system is used, where a Family tells Revit how to make
something, a Type (of a Family) forces certain parameters to be
applied, and an Element (or Instance) (of a Type) is the actual part of
the building model.

Every element in Revit is considered a family, and each family
belongs to a category.

Figure : Essential categorization of Revit elements
Revit uses a classification system to organize all the families in the
model. This system of organization is based specifically on the AEC
industry and is set up to help manage relationships between classes of
elements as well as the graphical representation for each class.

Model Object categoriesthe first tab in the Object Styles dialog
boxinclude all the real world types of objects typically found in
buildings. These object categories include elements such as walls,
floors, roofs, and furniture, along with other categories that make
sense in an architectural project.

Annotation Object categories include all the annotations, symbols,
and descriptive data added to a view to describe the building. These
are listed in the second tab of the Object Styles dialog box. Most
annotations are view-specific 2D elements and appear only in the
view in which they
were created. Examples include dimensions, tags, callouts, and text
notes. Annotations such as sections, levels, and grids are 2D graphics,
but they have 3D characteristics and appear in other views. These
elements (levels, grids, sections) appear in many views thanks to BIM
application functionality. Levels, grids, and section marks extend
throughout the model and can be edited from multiple views. You
dont need to draw these elements in each view as separate,
graphics. With Revit, theyre truly 3D annotations. (Levels, grids, and
section marks never appear in 3D views.)

Views are also considered parametric elements in Revit, and they
have many properties to help you define how they should display
information. A view doesnt change the model in any way it only acts
as a filter through which you view the model. This also applies to
schedules and
material take-offs. Although schedules are more abstract ways to
think of a view, theyre still parametric views into the model.
The floor plan view is the default view in a new project. Most projects
include at least one floor plan.
Elevation views are part of the default template in Revit Architecture.
When you create a project with the default template, 4 elevation
views are included: north, south, east, and west. It is in elevation
views where you sketch level lines. For each level line that you
sketch, a corresponding plan view is created.Provide sections ,
elevations, exterior elevations and interior elevations directly without
any delay in time.
Helps to clip the viewable portions of a 3d view
You can create perspective and orthographic 3D views in Revit
Perspective 3D Views
Orthographic 3D Views
Perspective 3D views show the building model in a 3D view
where components that are further away appear smaller, and
components that are closer appear larger.
You can select elements in a perspective view and modify their type
and instance properties. When you create or view a perspective 3D
view, the View Control Bar indicates that the view is a perspective
Orthographic 3D views show the building model in a 3D view
where all components are the same size regardless of the cameras

A parametric element is something that can change size, material, and
graphic look but is still the same fundamental element. Most elements
in Revit are designed with parameters that allow for the creation of
variations of a base type.
Take a typical Revit door family as an example. Each family can have
many types built into it, where each type typically represents a
variation in size, material, color, or other defining characteristic.
Although each type can vary in shape and size, the base geometry for
each type is derived from the same family.
Depending on how the family is built, parameters can affect either the
type or the instance. A change of type parameters affects all instances
of this type in the same family used in the model, whereas instance
parameters affect only the selected instance. This is an important
distinction: you can change instance properties only when you have
an element selected, but you can change type properties without
selecting anything.

Objects with parameters that can be edited are nothing new in the
world of software. But what makes Revit unique is its ability to go
beyond 3D objects with parameters and create relationships between
objects. This ability, which includes the parametric relationships and
the underlying
change engine, is a core technological advantage built into Revit.
Another powerful manifestation of interrelationships occurs among
walls, floors, roofs, components, and levels. They all have explicit
relationships to levels, so that if a level changes elevation,all elements
associated with that level update automatically. Not only do the bases
of the walls attached to a level change, but the tops of the walls
attached to this level also change.


During the design phase, you may want to apply some dimensional
rules to the design and make sure they arent altered. These rules
might be a minimum hallway width for code compliance or a
maximum office square footage for a particular user. Whatever the
restriction, Revit
dimensions make it possible to lock it down and create a constraint.
This constraint is independent, but its related to the dimension. If you
delete the dimension, you can keep the constrained condition and
know that the model will maintain those relationships. The point is
that a dimension
can be much more than a 2D annotation.These design rules are used
all the time, but not many software applications let you capture this
design intent in the model. If you run a dimension string from level to
level and lock the dimensions youre locking the relationship between
these elements in the whole model. By locking down elements, you
make it harder for other elements in the model to break this important
design intent and thus keep the model more intact and predictable.

Revit families are used to create your model. There are three
overarching methods for creating families in Revit:
System families
Component (Standard) families
In-place families

The difference between them lies in their creation method, in what
context theyre created, and the types of parameters available. Lets
review each of these types of families.

Model system families are made up of a limited set of categories:
walls, roofs, floors, ceilings, stairs, railings, ramps, mullions, curtain
panels, mechanical equipment, and toposurfaces(topography).
For example, to make walls you can just start drawing (placing a
wall), whereas to make a floor or roof, you enter a Sketch mode in
which you
define the outer shape with lines that then generate a 3D model of the
floor. For stairs and railings,you enter a more detailed Sketch mode
that has additional features not available for floors or roofs. When
making toposurfaces, you use a Sketch mode that lets you edit 3D
points specific
to toposurfaces. As you can see, system families all have slightly
different creation methods.You can create new types of system
families by duplicating existing types and editing their parameters. If
youve been using Revit for any length of time, then this method of
duplicating a type to create new types should be familiar territory for
You cant create new categories in Revit. These categories are
predefined within Revit and limited to the list available. This is
primarily to maintain control over the graphics from project
to project.

System families are also used for many annotation categories, such as
sections, elevations,levels, grids, text, and dimensionsthey arent
limited to model elements. Another characteristic of system families
is that you cant save them outside of your project toa shared library
as a standalone component. Even so, its still possible to reuse system
families in other projects. To transfer system families between
projects, go to the Manage tab, and from the Project Settings tab,
choose Transfer Project Standards to display the Select Items to Copy
dialog box.This dialog box gives you a feel for the number of
different types of system
families used in a Revit project.

Component or standard families are created outside of the project
environment using the Family Editor. Theyre stored in an external
library (folders on your hard drive) and can be loaded into a project
for use at any point. Every component family belongs to a specific
Revit category so that when its loaded into a project, it adopts the
graphic rules defined for its category in the Object Styles dialog box.
This guarantees graphic consistency throughout your project without
your having to manage changes to new families constantly. This also
guarantees that when you schedule a category, you get all elements
that belong to that category.

For example, if you find a lighting fixture family on the Web and load
it into your project,it will use the Lighting Fixtures object style in
your project to represent the family. It will be scheduled with other
lighting fixtures. You arent forced to open the family and adjust line
weights or colors or add metadata to the element, because this is all
controlled at the project level. This illustrates the value of having a
fixed number of categories to manageyou can rest assured that the
project wont inflate with endless, oddly named layers that are
difficult, if not
impossible, to decode.Component families have their own file format
extension (.rfa) and can be stored outside the project environment for
later use in other projects. Revit ships with a predefined folder
structure to help manage the vast numbers of families available. Go to
the Insert tab and from the Load from Library panel, choose Load
Family to see how Revit organizes information.
To create variations of a component family, duplicate an existing one
in the project and modify its properties. To make more radical
geometrical changes to the family, you need to open it in the Family
Editor and change the form there. The process of editing a family
supports an iterative design workflow: by selecting any family, you
have the option either to edit its properties or to open it in the Family
Editor and make changes to it and then load it right back into your
project. Families can be complex, but at least you wont need to learn
any specialized scripting languages to create smart, parametric
content. This goes for all forms of component families, from totally
parametric windows and doors to one-off pieces of furniture or
lighting fixtures.Revit provides a set of starting family templates you
can use to make content from scratch.
When you want to start creating a new library element (family), you
first need to select the correct template. To open a template, go to the
Application Menu and choose
the type of element you want to make, and the template will open.
Embedded in each template are smart behavior characteristics of the
family youre creating.
Doors, windows, balusters, casework, columns, curtain wall panels,
entourage, furniture,massing elements, generic objects, and plantings
are all examples of standard Revit family categories.
To move families between projects, you can copy and paste them or
save your families to disk and then load them into another project.

In-place families are custom elements that are specific to a project and
the conditions of the project. An in-place family accesses
functionality available in the Family Editor in the context of a project
environment. The model grays out and becomes unselectable when
you make such
families. A nonvertical, sweeping wall shape is a good example for
when you would use an inplace family.
You can copy and paste in-place families from project to project, but
you cant save them as RFA (Revit projects have the extension .rvt,
Revit families .rfa) as you can with standard families.

There are no layers in Revit. Revit uses object categories and
subcategories (not layers) to define the graphics for each element
class as well as to control visibility (which is the purpose of layers
in other software). The Object Styles dialog box (accessed from the
Manage tab, in the Project Settings panel, under Settings) establishes
the default graphics for every category; however, in any view, you
can override these graphics using the Visibility/Graphics Overrides
dialog box(on the View tab, in the Graphics panel click
Visibility/Graphics). The two dialog boxes look very similarthe
difference is that Object Styles shows the defaults preset for a project,
whereas Visibility/Graphic Overrides is the place to review and make
changes to those default settings on a per-view basis. The same
familiar categories and subcategories displayed in the Object Styles
dialog box are displayed in this dialog box as well.The same level of
visual control for line weight, color, and pattern is provided here but
in a slightly different interface. In addition to line overrides, you can
override cut and surface patterns
and choose to show a category as halftone, transparent, or at a
different level of detail.Changes made using this dialog box are
applied only to your current view.The same categories are used to
control the visibility of elements in a view. You can turn off entire
categories, subcategories, or individual elements in any view.

You can use Revit Architecture to generate a photorealistic image of a
building model so you can present the design to clients or share it
with team members. Revit Architecture renders 3D views with
various effects and contents, such as lighting, plants, decals & people.
Capture design ideas in a photorealistic state.With easy user
interaction, high quality output and faster render times.Mental ray
rendering engine enables superior design presentation .
Take advantage of the extensive detail library and detailing tools.
Create, manage, and share your own detail library.
Easily create expressive forms to produce an overall massing study.
Import conceptual massing from applications such as rhino,
sketchup, and Autocad 2007.
Develop and study multiple design alternatives to make key design.
Present multiple schemes to your clients easily.
Schedules are just another view of the revit architecture model.A
change to a schedule view is automatically reflected in every other
view and vice versa.
Appropriate for sustainable design and checking material quantities in
cost estimates.Simplifies the tracking of material quantities .

Revit architecture supports publishing a model to 2d or 3d dwf
format.Communication of design information in a lightweight format
for nontechnical participants in the project review process

It is a single storied building, location near to
Varkala. Area is 2200 sq.ft. It was very easy to create model
using revit architecture. It reduced my stress on spending time
for creating model. Its a naalukettu style residential





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