Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
Qualitative Research
o y oLuO v E
and how they say
they feel.
imagine what will happen in that house! I It This kind
of information subjective. t
am sure the 75% would be considered as 0% involves
feclings and impressions, rather than
and the husband will have to repent for his numbers' (Bellenger, Bernhardt and
quantitative answer. Goldstucker).
Same problem happens now a days in Qualitative research often studies
phenomena in the environments
schools too. They have replaced marks by
grades. Now students getting marks from which they naturally 0ccur and uses
90 to 100°% are all classificd as 'Athe day social actors' meanings to understand
parentson the phenomena. (Denzin
Tou can see the faces of &
of them to
of result. It is ditticult for many good as Lincoln)
digest thefact that their child is Oualitative research 1s an approach
23 others! which seeks to understand, by means
often and
Measurements cantell us how of exploration, human experience,
particular way
how many people behave in ato the question perceptions, motivations, intentions and
but we cannot get answer behavior.
attempts to
"Whv?" The research which
thingsare Qualitative Researchers study "things"
increase our understanding of why C
worldand why (people and their thoughts) in their
the way they are in our social
called as
the people act in a way they do is natural settings, attempting to make
"Qualitative" research. sense of, or interpret, phenomena in
What is qualitative research? terms of the meanings people bring to
Qualitative research is an
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interviews one should not ask
5. Surveys questions. Follow-up interview
needed to verify some lemayadingbe
This is a design in which we go to a
group of people once (Cross sectional) or ii. Key Informant Interviews: information.
more than once (longitudinal) to obtain some
information. This method is routinely used
are "Qualitative, in-depth, flexible
interviews with
by practitioners of public health to estimate
or or experts who
know what is persons
SOme parameters such as mean Hb%
serum cholesterol etc. Similarly survey can
on in the community,
which we want to get
about atopicgoingon
be used to know the patterns of behaviors in informat
objectives1sinclude collecting:ion." The
Steps in planning a qualitative research
from a wide range of people-
community leaders, professionals:
getting general information
lt is not very different from the
local community and the about
of research as we have seen in
research. These steps include:
obtaining insight
on the nature of problems and thei.
recommendations for solution.
a) Selection of the problem
iii. Focus group discussions: FGD is a
b) Formulation of hypothesis (Optional)
group discussion of
c) Selection of research strategy (Study
persons guided by a approximately
design and sample size) facilitator,
which the members of the groupduringtalk
d) Development of study instrument (Set
freely and spontaneously about a certain
of questions, pictures, posters etc)
e) Collection of data
f) Analysis of data Focus group discussion Can help
researchers to:
g) Report writing
Some commonly used methods in Focus research and develop relevant
qualitative research research hypotheses.
A. Rapid appraisal procedures Formulate appropriate questions for
more structure and large-scale surveys.
Individual in-depth interviews: Its Help understand and solve unexpected
purpose is to identify and provide problems in interventions.
preliminary exploration of relevant
topics with selected Develop appropriate messages for health
informants. It is
conversational, one-on-one interviews
using open-ended questions. The education programs.
aim is to get EXplore perceptions on controversial or
and express informants in "open up"
themselves their own sensitive topics.
terms. Some operational issues Steps in the process of focus group
preparation of in-depth Interviews, discussion
interviewing process, and recording theof Identify and train
interviews. While conducting in-depth recorder.
the moderator and
104 --
purposefully selected Limitations of focus group:
participants. You identify
may It requires skilled moderator and
participants during social bemapping recorder. The group is often difficult to
exercisc.Participantsshould willing assemble and considerable care must
the topic. be taken to provide a setting
to talk freely on conducive
for sitting, to discussion. As the
Make arrangenments
drinks and child
respondents are
guipment, snacksand purposefully selected, the researcher
care ifneceSsary. cannot generalize from the results.
breakers or warm-up One really needs to have a good practice
Begin with ice
twin pairs. Give
questions. (1. Make introduction. of asking leading and probing questions.
Ask FGDsession can go maximum up-to 90
little time for mutual
Ask minutes.
them to introduce each other, 2.
them about their well-being or general iv. Case studies: This is in-depth
health conditions in the village). interview, but focused on individual's
who is
Be aware of who is talking and own actions&explanations. Individual
not-Do not allow one or two individuals illness episode" can be very useful
to dominate. type of case study, wherein researcher
asks about entire illness episode and
Usebroad, open-ended questions. Fore.g.
use a checklist of items to fill in entire
What is your opinion about government
health care services? *Avoid* yes or sequence of treatment seeking as well as
no or short answer questions. For e.g. explanations on causeof illness, reasons
Do you like government health care for worsening/improvements etc.
services? V.
Participant Observation: In this
Always probe and don't imply judgment. method, investigator becomes active
Express your interest and curiosity. functioning member of culture under
study. He participates in activities,
Record body language, nonverbal observes what others do, gets involved
communication and record in writing in unstructured interviews and
any nonverbal data. (Add researcher's observations to seek a holistic view of
comments in parentheses.) people and behaviors being observed.
If a tape recorder is used, complement B. Free listing:
taped transcripts with field notes in
preparing final transcripts. Free lists help to isolate & define
relevant domains. Researcher simply asks
Prepare descriptive text
analyze it. See section on report and respondents to list as many items as they can
Analysis mater in this manualQualitative
think of in a particular domain. E.g. "Please
information about data analysis. more tellabout all the illnesses that old people get
in your village."
Write report. C. Pile sorting:
It aims to study relations among items
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useful for discovering
(a Quality Assurance tool)
within a domain. It is and
perceptions on similarities && differences b. Method triangulation:
No Item
team and reflexivity
Domain1: Research
Personal Characteristics Interviewer/facilitator, Credentials, Occupation,
Gender, Experience and training
Relationship with participants Relationship established, Participant knowledge
of the interviewer, Interviewer characteristics
Domain 2: study design (9 to
Theoretical framework Methodologicalorientation and Theory
Participant selection Sampling , Method of approach , Sample size,
Setting of data collection, Presence of non
participants, Description of sample,
Data collection Interview guide, Repeat interviews, Audio/
visual recording, Field notes, Duration, Data
saturation, Transcripts returned
Domain 3:analysis and findings
(24 to 32)
Data analysis Number of data coders , Participant checking ,
Description of the coding tree, Derivation of
themes, Software
Reporting Quotations presented, Data and findings
consistent, Clarity of major themes, Clarity of
minor themes
[ Source:
Tong A, Sainsbury P,,Craig J. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative
(COREQ): a 32-item checklist for interviews and focus groups. Int J Qual Health Care.