4a Ajm
4a Ajm
4a Ajm
(Lecture Notes)
containing the abrasivepowder and vibrating at 50c/s,entrains the abrasiveparticle and is the passed intoa
connecting hose. This abrasiveand gas mixture emerges from a small nozzle at high velocity. The
abrasivepowder feedrate is controlled bythe amplitudeof vibration of the mixing chamber.A pressure
regulatorcontrolsthe gas flowand pressure.
The nozzle is mounted on a fixture. Either the work piece or the nozzle is moved by cams pantograph or other
suitable mechanisms to control the size and shape of the cut. Hand operation is sometimes adequate to remove
surface contaminations or in cutting where accuracy is not very critical. Dust removal equipment is necessary to
protect the environment. Commercial bench mounted units including all controls, motion producing devices, and
dust control equipment are available.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
1) Gas propulsion system
2) Abrasive feeder
3) Machining Chamber
4) AJM Nozzle
5) Abrasives
Gas propulsion system:
Supplies clean and dry air. Air, nitrogen and carbon dioxide to propel the abrasive particles. Gas may be
supplied either from a compressor or a cylinder. In case of a compressor, air filter cum drier should be used to
avoid water or oil contamination of abrasive powder. Gas should be non-toxic, cheap, easily available.
Abrasive feeder:
Required quantity of abrasive particles is supplied by abrasive feeder. The filleted propellant is fed into the
mixing chamber where in abrasive particles are fed through a sieve. The sieve is made to vibrate at 50-60 Hz and
mixing ratio is controlled by the amplitude of vibration of sieve.
Machining Chamber:
It is well closed so that concentration of abrasive particles around the working chamber does not reach to the
harmful limits. Machining chamber is equipped with vacuum dust collector. Special consideration should be given
to dust collection system if the toxic material (like berilium) are being machined.
AJM Nozzle:
AJM nozzle is usually made of tungsten carbide or sapphire (usually life – 300 hours for sapphire, 20 to 30 hours
for WC) which has resistance to wear. The nozzle is made of either circular or rectangular cross section and head
can be head can be straight, or at a right angle.
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) Silicon carbide (SiC) Glass beads, crushed glass and sodium bicarbonate are some of
abrasives used in AJM. Selection of abrasives depends on MRR, type of work material.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
Properties of abrasive:
Good flow ability
Grain shape
Grain size
Abrasive Hardness:
Knoop Hardness
Aluminium Oxide 2000‐3000
Silicon Carbide 2100‐3000
Cubic Boron Nitride 4000‐5000
Diamond 7000‐8000
Knoop hardness use for brittle material and thin sheet.
Knoop hardness =
P =load
L =length
Abrasive Friability:
The ability of the individual grains to fracture or split into smaller pieces.
The variables that influence the rate of metal removal and accuracy of machining in this process:
1. Carrier gas
2. Types of abrasive
3. Size of abrasive grain
4. Velocity of abrasive jet
5. Flow rate of abrasive
6. Work material
7. Geometry, composition and material of nozzle
8. Nozzle work distance (standoff distance)
9. Shape of cut and operation type
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
Material – , SiC, Glass beads, Crushed glass, Sodium bi carbonate
Shape – irregular/regular
Size – 10 to 50 microns
Mass flow – 2-20 gm/min
Carrier Gas:
Composition - Air, ,
Density – 1.3 kg/m3
Velocity - 500 to 700 m/s
Pressure - 2 to 10 bar
Flow rate - 5 to 30 ltr/min
Abrasive Jet:
Velocity - 100 to 300 m/s
Mixing ratio – Volume flow rate of abrasives/Volume flow rate of gas
Stand- off distance (SOD) - 0.5 to 15mm.
Impingement angle – 60 to 90 deg.
Material – WC, Sapphire
Diameter – 0.2 to 0.8 mm
Life – 300 hours for sapphire, 20 to 30 hours for tungsten car
Mixing Ratio
MR = =(Va/Vg)
Mass Ratio
Where, ma is Abrasive mass flow rate and (ma+mc) is abrasive and carrier gas combined mass flow rate.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
= − −
=− +
r= ( )
Case-1 brittle material
Volume of the material removed is the volume of the hemispherical crater due the fracture is given by
Volume of the material removed
Let us assume that grits also move with velocity (V) then we can write
On the impact, work material would be subjected to maximum force F, which would lead to indentation of
Work done during such indentation is
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
equation (3) and (4) we get
( )
= ( )
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
= = =
As =
( )
Where and are constants, is minimum flow stress of work material, v is velocity of impacting particles, m
is mass of impacting particle and is impingement angle.
Material Removal Rate (Empirical)
Q = xZd v ( )
Where, is no. of particles impacting per unit time, d is mean diameter of abrasive grains, v is velocity of abrasive
grains, is density of abrasive particles, H is hardness of work material (or the flow stress), and x is a constant.
Effect of MRR on various parameter:
Effect of Nozzle pressure on MRR:
The abrasive flow rate increasing the flow rate of the carrier gas. This is possible by increasing the inernal gas
pressure → abrasive mass flow rate increase→ .
Nozzle pressure
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
Material removal rate increase with mixing ratio but after certain limit it will be decreasing.
Mixing ratio =
MRR increase with abrasive flow rate but after certain limit it will be decreasing.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
The material removal rate can be improved by increasing the abrasive flow rate provided the mixing ratio can be
kept constant.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
Material removal rate – 0.015 cm3/min
Narrow slots – 0.12 to 0.25mm ± 0.12mm
Surface finish -0.25 micron to 1.25 micron
Sharp radius up to 0.2mm is possible
Steel up to 1.5mm, Glass up to 6.3mm is possible to cut
Machining of thin sectioned hard and brittle material is possible.
High surface finish can be obtained upon the grain size
Particle size (in micron) Surface roughness (in micron)
10 0.152 to 0.203
25 to 27 0.355 to 0.675
50 0.965 to 1.27
2) Depth of damage is low
3) It provides cool cutting action, so it can machine delicate and heat sensitive material.
4) Process is free from chatter and vibration as there s no contact between the tool and work piece.
Capital cost is low and it is to operate and maintain AJM.
Thin section of hard brittle materials like germanium, mica, glass, ceramic can be machined.
It has capability of cutting holes of intricate shape in materials.
MRR is low (around -15 mm3/min for machining glass)
Abrasive particles tend to get embedded particularly if the work material is ductile.
Tapering occurs due to flaring of the jet.
Environmental load is very high.
Abrasives may get embedded in the work surface, especially while machining soft material like soft
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur
Advanced Manufacturing Processes (AMP)
(Lecture Notes)
The accuracy of cutting is hampered by tapering of hole due to unavoidable flaring of abrasive jet.
Stray cutting is difficult to avoid.
A dust collection system is a basic requirement to prevent atmospheric pollution and health hazards.
Nozzle life is limited (300 hours)
Abrasive powders cannot be reused as the sharp edges are worn and smaller particles can clog the nozzle.
Short stand- off distances when used for cutting, damages the nozzle.
This is used for abrading and frosting glass more economically as compared to etching or grinding
Cleaning of metallic smears on ceramics, oxides on metals, resistive coating etc.
AJM is useful in manufacture of electronic devices, drilling of glass wafers, de burring of plastics, making
of nylon and Teflon parts permanent marking on rubber stencils, cutting titanium foils
Deflashing small castings, engraving registration numbers on toughened glass used for car windows
Used for cutting thin fragile components like germanium, silicon etc.
Register treaming can be done very easily and micro module fabrication for electrical contact,
semiconductor processing can also be done effectively.
Used for drilling, cutting, deburring etching and polishing of hard and brittle materials.
Most suitable for machining brittle and heat sensitive materials like glass, quartz, sapphire, mica, ceramics
germanium, silicon and gallium.
It is also good method for deburring small hole like in hypodermic needles and for small milled slots in
hard metallic components.
For drilling holes of intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials
For machining fragile, brittle and heat sensitive materials
AJM can be used for drilling, cutting, deburring, cleaning and etching.
Micro-machining of brittle materials
The better performance, and the applications presented above statements confirm that ABRASIVE JET
MACHINING (AJM) will continue to expand. Industry is convinced that the large aerospace segment will take
off in near the future together with other segments that are currently showing interest in AJM method. From
operator experiences the abrasive jets are capable of anywhere from 0.5mm-0.025mm precision. High precision
manufacturing needs can be met by using AJM method. Newer machines are capable of 3D machining thus
making it an important in specialty manufacturing. The new software’s used will minimize time and investments,
thereby making it possible for more manufacturers of precision part to install AJM center.
©Dr. Harlal Singh Mali, Asso. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MNIT Jaipur