Thermal Properties Building Materials 2021
Thermal Properties Building Materials 2021
Thermal Properties Building Materials 2021
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1 author:
Hicham Johra
Aalborg University
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Hicham Johra
ISSN 1901-726X
Technical Report No. 289
Aalborg University
Department of the Built Environment
Division of Sustainability, Energy & Indoor Environment
Thermal Properties of
Building Materials -
Review and Database
Hicham Johra
October 2021
© Aalborg University
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Published 2021 by
Aalborg University
Department of the Built Environment
Thomas Manns Vej 23
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Denmark
ISSN 1901-726X
Technical Report No. 289
Table of Contents
1. Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Density Dependency of Many Building Material Properties ..................................................................... 8
4. Overview of Building Material Properties ................................................................................................. 9
4.1. Density ............................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Thermal Conductivity ...................................................................................................................... 10
4.3. Specific Heat Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 15
4.4. Volumetric Heat Capacity ................................................................................................................ 17
4.5. Thermal Diffusivity .......................................................................................................................... 19
4.6. Effective Gas Permeability ............................................................................................................... 21
5. Thermo-Physical Material Properties of the Indoor Content and Furniture Elements ........................... 22
References ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
1. Foreword
The aim of this technical report is to present and give an overview of a dataset collecting the main thermo-
physical properties of various common construction and building materials used in the built environment and
composing elements of buildings and infrastructures. In addition, suggestions and recommendations are
made for the thermo-physical properties of the materials composing the indoor content and furniture
elements present in the built environment [1][2]. This dataset and technical report are extensions of previous
data collection presented in [3].
This dataset contains around 2100 different material lines. Some materials may have multiple entries with
variations in the estimates of the thermo-physical properties. These variations between the different sources
emphasize the difficulty to accurately determine the thermo-physical properties of building materials. In
addition, these thermo-physical properties can vary significantly with temperature and humidity. For some
material entries, only a part of the thermo-physical properties are indicated in the source and therefore
compiled in this database.
The data has been aggregated from more than 100 different sources (scientific reports, scientific
publications, technical documentation, online databases). It also includes measurement results from
experimental investigations carried out at the Laboratory of Building Material Characterization
( of Aalborg University (Denmark), Department of the Built
Environment (
Although it is relatively simple to find information about the density and thermal conductivity of many
materials, the specific heat capacity, volumetric heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, relative gas diffusivity and
effective gas permeability are much harder to find out. In addition, many materials in a given category are
stated with generic round numbers for the specific heat capacity. This indicates that these data points are
not accurately measured for a specific material but rather estimated for a whole category of materials (e.g.,
most of the woods are stated to have a specific heat capacity of exactly 1200 or 1600 J/kg.K).
The dataset can be found as an Excel sheet in the appendix of this report on
One can also visualize the data with interactive figures on this website: https://therm-properties-build-
2. Introduction
In thermodynamics and building physics, a good knowledge of the main material properties that play a major
role in the heat, air and mass (HAM) transports is crucial to conduct proper design, sizing and simulations,
and verify experimental measurements.
• Density [kg/m3]
• Thermal conductivity [W/m.K]
• Specific heat capacity [J/kg.K]
• Volumetric heat capacity [kJ/m3.K]
• Thermal diffusivity [mm2/s]
• Relative gas diffusivity [-]
• Effective gas permeability [m2]
The dataset focuses on building materials used in the built environment and composing construction
elements of buildings and infrastructures. The data entries are grouped into 17 distinct material categories:
• Insulating vacuum panel (although not being a material category per se)
• Aerogel
• Bio-based insulation
• Mineral insulation
• Polymer insulation
• Cellular glass/mineral
• Textile
• Paper / cardboard
• Wood
• Plastic/polymer
• Plaster
• Ceramic
• Structural material
• Natural stone
• Soil
• Metal
• Carbon structure
• Fiber/particle composite
Except if stated otherwise in the name of the material, the reported properties of the materials are assumed
to be for ambient (room) temperature (10 °C ̶ 40 °C), with normal conditions of pressure (atmospheric
pressure) and relative humidity of around 50%. One should keep in mind that the thermo-physical properties
of materials (especially porous materials) can be highly dependent on temperature and humidity.
3. Density Dependency of Many Building Material Properties
Many building materials are porous to some extent, meaning that they contain a certain fraction of pores
that can be filled with dry or humid air (or other gases) or liquid water. The fraction of pores relative to the
solid phase of the material and whether these pores are filled with dry air, humid air or liquid water can thus
largely influence the density of the material but also its thermal conductivity, volumetric heat capacity,
thermal diffusivity, relative gas diffusivity and effective gas permeability.
There is a strong correlation between the density and thermal properties of porous materials such as thermal
conductivity (bulk metals and ceramics are not porous and thus do not present such a trend). The thermal
conductivity of porous building materials is mainly determined by the solid phase fraction/porosity (and thus
density), and the air and water content of these pores. Higher porosity materials (lower density) with air-
filled cavities have fewer and smaller solid-phase bridges that conduct heat better than air/gas, and many
air/gas-filled cavities with low thermal conductivity. This drives the overall effective thermal conductivity of
the porous material down. If the conductive solid-phase fraction is larger, the density and the thermal
conductivity tend to increase. If the cavities of the materials are filled with liquid water, the overall humidity
content of the material increases together with its density (because liquid water is much denser than air/gas)
and its thermal conductivity (because liquid water is much more conductive than air/gas and forms highly
conductive bonds/bridges within the solid-phase matrix of the porous material). One can thus observe that,
in general, building materials with a high density have larger thermal conductivity than building materials
with a lower density (some exceptions are discussed in this report).
Because of this general correlation between density and other material properties, the data is presented in
this report as a series of figures showing a given material property as a function of the density. However, one
can note that the correlations between the density and the other material properties are not always positive,
linear and/or monotonic. Although much weaker, these correlations can hold when looking at the overall
dataset, but can change significantly or disappear when looking at the data points within a specific material
category: e.g., the correlation between density and thermal conductivity is negative for ceramics and very
weak but negative for metals.
4. Overview of Building Material Properties
4.1. Density
One can see in Figure 1 that the density of building materials spans over a very wide range of several orders
of magnitude. However, the figure provides information about the range of possible density for each material
One can see in Figure 2 that the thermal conductivity of building materials spans over a very wide range of
several orders of magnitude. However, the figure provides information about the range of possible thermal
conductivity for each material category.
Figure 3: Thermal conductivity as a function of density for building materials (log-log scale).
Figure 4: Thermal conductivity as a function of density for building materials (log-log scale).
Figure 5: Thermal conductivity as a function of density for building materials with a density below
3000 kg/m3.
Figure 6: Thermal conductivity as a function of density for low-density building materials.
Figure 7: Thermal conductivity as a function of density for low-density building materials (excluding
aerogels and insulating vacuum panels).
One can see in Figure 6 and Figure 7 that for insulation porous materials (excluding aerogels and vacuum
panels) there is an optimum density (around 30 - 50 kg/m3) for which the thermal conductivity tends to be
minimum. For a density lower than 30 - 50 kg/m3, the thermal conductivity tends to increase slightly with
decreasing density.
This negative correlation between density and thermal conductivity below a critical point can be explained
as follows:
• Above the critical point (higher density) the overall heat transfer driving the effective thermal
conductivity of the porous material is conduction through the solid phase. Therefore, the lower is the
density, the more air-filled cavities are present in the material and thus the fewer solid-solid conductive
bridges exist (Figure 8 right side).
• Below the critical point (lower density) although decreasing density reduces the number and size of the
solid-solid conductive bridges, the air-filled cavities are getting larger. Above a certain size, convection
becomes significant in those air-filled cavities, which drives the effective thermal conductivity of the
porous material up (Figure 8 left side).
Figure 8: Different heat transfer modes driving the effective thermal conductivity of porous insulation
materials around the critical compactness density point [38].
The trend described above is, however, not applicable to aerogels. Aerogels have extremely high porosity
and thus low density but also present ultra-low thermal conductivity (down to 0.01 W/m.K). Nevertheless,
aerogels alone are fairly brittle and expensive and require to be incorporated into other tougher materials
to ensure certain durability for building applications.
4.3. Specific Heat Capacity
One can see in Figure 9 that the specific heat capacity of building materials is often within the 300 –
2500 J/kg.K range. The figure provides information about the range of possible specific heat capacity for each
material category.
Figure 10: Specific heat capacity as a function of density for building materials.
4.4. Volumetric Heat Capacity
Similarly to the density, one can see in Figure 11 that the volumetric heat capacity of building materials spans
over a very wide range of several orders of magnitude. However, the figure provides information about the
range of possible volumetric heat capacity for each material category.
Figure 12: Volumetric heat capacity as a function of density for building materials.
4.5. Thermal Diffusivity
One can see in Figure 13 that the thermal diffusivity of building materials spans over a very wide range of
several orders of magnitude. However, the figure provides information about the range of possible thermal
diffusivity for each material category.
Figure 14: Thermal diffusivity as a function of density for building materials (log-log scale).
4.6. Effective Gas Permeability
One can see in Figure 15 that the effective gas permeability of insulation materials spans over a very wide
range of several orders of magnitude: from 10-10 to 10-6 m2. In addition, one can observe a negative
correlation between material density and effective gas permeability, which can be explained by the fact that
insulation materials with higher density have higher compactness and thus offer fewer and narrower free
paths (open channels or cavities) for the gas to flow through.
Figure 15: Effective gas permeability as a function of density for building materials (log scale).
5. Thermo-Physical Material Properties of the Indoor Content and
Furniture Elements
The indoor content and furnishing elements present inside the built environment often have complex
geometries with various types of material. One can find in Table 1 recommendations for the thermo-physical
properties of these indoor content elements. It is considered that the materials composing the indoor
content elements can be classified into 4 main categories: light material, wood/plastic material,
concrete/glass material, metal material. In addition, the properties of an equivalent indoor content material
(which would therefore account for the equivalent thermo-physical properties of the overall indoor content
elements) is given. For all categories, indications on the dimensions, effective thermal inertia and amount in
buildings (mass relative to floor surface area) are given. These recommendations are valid for both residential
and office buildings [1][2].
Table 1: Thermo-physical properties of the representative indoor content material categories [2].
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Recent publications in the Technical Report Series
Hicham Johra. Thermal properties of common building materials. DCE Technical Reports No. 216.
Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2019.
Hicham Johra. Project CleanTechBlock 2: Thermal conductivity measurement of cellular glass samples.
DCE Technical Reports No. 263. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2019.
Hicham Johra. Cleaning Procedure for the Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus EP500. DCE Technical Reports
No. 265. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2019.
Hicham Johra. Long-Term Stability and Calibration of the Reference Thermometer ASL F200. DCE
Technical Reports No. 266. Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University, 2019.
ISSN 1901-726X
Technical Report No. 289