Material Self
Material Self
Material Self
An aspect of self that is associated with an
individual’s process of seeking and expressing 1. meaning and purpose that go beyond
meaning and how he or she is connected to the the physical realities of life.
self, to others, to the moment, and to 2. Connections to different aspects of
everything else that composes his or her his/her existence
environment, including the sacred and 3. being sacred and transcendent.
significant (Puchalski, 2014).
Participation in virtual environments may entail First, of course, we want to meet the
changes affecting a person’s sense of self. expectation of others; Research shows
over 50% of women would edit their
In fact, in cyberspace, people can create
social media photos to look better and
multiple digital identities. People are likely to
meet the expectations that the media
behave differently when engaged in social
and magazines have set.
media interactions since physical presence is
Through these, they might feel that
not required of them. Social media enables
others also like them. We want to boost
individuals to adopt identities independent of
our self-esteem; people upload photos
one’s physical image. According
and statuses online that they think will
to Turkle (1995), people can redefine
receive ‘likes’ and positive feedback in
themselves online. Assumptions made in the
which ultimately helps their egos and
virtual world are different from those in real
gain their confidence. To feel a sense of
belonging, Some of us want to fit in
There is a “TRUE SELF” that is the instinctive with the crowd and upload things that
core of our personality and must be nurtured are ‘down with the trend’ - for instance,
and realized, and there is also a “FALSE SELF” or who notices the number of people
“CURATED SELF” that is created to protect the posting pictures of their food
“true self” from insult and danger. increasing? It didn’t come from
Social media also enables people to create fake
To have a bigger sense of freedom, real
identities. Individuals can create different social
life, digital platforms allow us to express
media accounts to hide their authentic selves.
ourselves in any way we want to
without anyone there to judge us
makes people less likely to display their “real
physically and, of course, to strive to be
selves” to others, especially strangers. To share
our ideal selves, Digital Apps, such
that self with the world, we engage our decoy
as Facetune, that allow us to improve
selves to manage the day-to-day anxieties and
our appearances on photos (through
challenges that come before us.
teeth whitening, skin smoothing, and
body shape editing) helps consumers to
express as their ‘ideal’ self online and
inevitably feel better about themselves.