Journal of Asrifa Iriany Prepaired Scopus
Journal of Asrifa Iriany Prepaired Scopus
Journal of Asrifa Iriany Prepaired Scopus
Research shows that promotion variables affect positive, significant to the
decision of the purchase, proven by a statistical output that reveals a positive and
significant value of the purchase decision with a statistical output value With the value
of a statistical output that expresses a 0.05 value , the study also states that their image
is not a modeling variable (boosters) of promotion influence over decision purchases, it
is concluded from data analysis that the immediate impact of influence is greater than
the indirect impact.
Keywords : Promotional Mix, Brand Image, Purchasing Decision.
1. Introduction
As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia is a very fertile
market for the growth and development of competition for tour and travel service providers, the
Hajj and Umrah travel industry is a very large industry because the number of requests is very
large, this is due to the pilgrimage and Umrah is a dream for all Muslims in Indonesia to perfect
their spiritual values, the steep competition in this industry makes all companies providing Hajj
and Umrah travel services to innovate and vary in terms of their marketing,It is undeniable that
the marketing factor is a very vital thing to develop considering that it is this factor that is able
to identify the things that cause consumers to make purchases, marketing is an activity in
delivering goods or services to consumers, where these activities can fulfill consumer needs and
satisfaction (Kotler & Keller, 2014), the process of delivering goods/services from producers to
consumers is explicitly a function of promotion which is the core of the marketing process, self-
promotion in the world of marketing is an activity aimed at influencing consumers so that they
can become acquainted with products offered by the company to those who then they become
happy and then buy the product (Indriyono Gitosudarmo,2018) a successful company or
institution, because of a good promotion strategy and good implementation combined with other
variables known as the promotion mix, the promotion mix according to (Fandy tjiptono, 2018) is
a combination of corporate communication tools so that the values or goals of the company
acceptable to the general public.PT Arrafsyah Safari Haramain implements the promotion mix
as explained (Indriyono Gitasudarmo, 2018) that the focus of promotion is so that information
about products or services from a company is conveyed to consumers so that consumers become
happy and make purchases of these products or services.According to (Hamdani, 2014)
promotion through social media is one of the variables in the promotion mix which is very
important for companies to carry out in marketing a product or service.
In relation to the discussion above, it should be noted that the application of the
promotional mix will have a direct impact on consumer buying interest, this is based on the fact
that no matter how good the product/service is, if the information does not reach the target
market, consumers will not buy it, fluctuations in purchases at PT. Arrafsyah Safari harmin is
displayed in the following table:
No Year Number of service users
1 2017 1159 worshipers
2 2021 789 worshipers
3 2022 720 worshipers
Table 1.1. Worshiper sheet
Purchase fluctuations at PT.arrafsyah safari harmain show that management has a
responsibility to maintain and increase sales through continuous promotional activities for
reasons. would ever buy it. Due to its position as the first thing that is judged by customers, the
role of promotion can also form a brand image of a company (Sengkey Wenas, 2011) explains
that the continuity of promotions that match the quality produced will create positive
perceptions in the minds of customers of a brand.Does the promotion mix affect the purchase
decision at PT Arrafsyah Safari Haramain? (2) Does brand image affect purchasing decisions at
PT Arrafsyah Safari Haramain? (3) Does the promotional mix affect brand image at PT
Arrafsyah Safari Haramain? (4) Does the promotion mix supported by brand image affect the
purchasing decision at PT Arrafsyah Safari Haramain?
The approach in explaining research questions starts from describing the theoretical
concepts used in this research, the first thing is of course related to marketing itself, because
promotion is an integral part of the marketing concept itself according to (Fandy Tjiptono,
2014) marketing is an activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, delivering,
communicating, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and
society at large. Meanwhile, according to (Kotler and Armstrong, 2018) states that marketing is
the process of managing profitable customer relationships. broadly defined, Marketing is a
social and managerial process by which individuals or organizations obtain what they need and
want through creating and exchanging value with others. According to (Budiarto, 2017)
marketing is the process of creating, communicating and providing value to customers and to
manage good relationships with customers in ways that benefit the company and customers. So
it can be concluded from the opinion above that marketing is a process of interconnected
activities in which individuals and groups get what they need and want by creating, offering and
exchanging products with other parties. Several important factors in marketing are often stated
with the term marketing mix, the marketing mix is a series of combinations of variables or
activities that are the essence of the marketing system, where these variables can be controlled
by marketers to influence the reactions of buyers or consumers (Dharmmesta and Irawan 2011),
while the core variable combinations referred to in the marketing mix are, product, price ,
promotion, and distribution, in this study the focus of the researcher is to review the theory of
promotion. Promotion is one of the determining factors for the success of a marketing program.
Regardless of the quality of a product if consumers have never heard of it and are not sure that
it will be useful to them, then they will never buy it. There are several definitions of promotion
according to experts, According to (Fandi Tjiptono 2014) promotion is a form of marketing
communication, with the intention of marketing communications are marketing activities that
seek to disseminate information, influence/persuade, and/or remind the company's target market
and its products to accept, buy, and be loyal to the products offered by the company concerned.
According to Laksana (George E. Belch, 2009) promotion is communication from sellers and
buyers that comes from the right information that aims to change the behavior and attitudes of
buyers, who are not yet known so that he becomes a buyer and continues to remember the
product. According to Assauri (2009) promotion is a company's attempt to influence by seducing
potential buyers through the use of all marketing reference elements. So it can be concluded that
promotion is an activity of communicating, informing, persuading, and influence a product or
service to the target market. In carrying out promotions for a company, promotional plans are
prepared according to market targets so as to create effectiveness and efficiency in
implementing promotions. This is in the form of promotional strategies explained by experts
regarding promotional strategies. According to (Kotler and Keller, 2018) promotion strategy is
any action or performance offered by one party to another is in principle intangible and does not
result in any transfer of ownership, the production may or may not be related to a physical
product. further (Lamb, et al 2017) explains that the promotion strategy is a plan for optimal use
of promotional elements: advertising, public relations,
2. Methodology
This research applies a qualitative descriptive research approachQualitative descriptive
research is an approach to analyze, explain, explain and answer in more detail the problems to
be studied by studying as much as possible an individual, a group or an event. In qualitative
research, humans are a research instrument and the results of writing are in the form of words
or statements that are in accordance with the actual situation (Sugiyono: 2016). Data collection
in this study used a questionnaire and then measured using a Likert scale, the population in this
study were customers of PT.Regression analysis was carried out twice. The first regression
analysis was to determine the strength of the relationship between the independent variable and
the dependent variable. The second regression analysis is to determine the strength of the
relationship of the independent variable to the moderating variable
Y = b1 X1 + b2 Y1 e1
Y = b1 X1 + e
Information :
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B std. Error Betas
1 (Constant) 17,990 2,540 7,083 .000
Promotion Mix .740 .066 071 1,120 002
Brand Image .315 075 .269 4,224 .000
0.299 0.315
Promotion Mix
(X1) Purchase decision
Based on the results of the research and discussion, the conclusions are as follows (1) The
promotion mix has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase tour and travel
services at PT. Arrafsyah safari harmain. (2) Brand image has a positive and significant effect
on the decision to purchase tour and travel services at PT.Arrafsyah safari harmain. (3) The
promotion mix has a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase tour and travel
services at PT.Arrafsyah safari harmain. (4) Brand image does not cause a moderating variable
(strengthens). The relationship between the promotion mix variable and the purchase decision ,
The suggestions given by the author are as follows: (1) PT. Arrafsyah safari harmain to continue
to maintain consistency in implementing a sustainable promotion mix strategy. (2) PT. Arrafsyah
safari harmain to continue to maintain the positive image that has been built in society by
maintaining the quality of the services it has. (3)Carrying out development in the field of
automation-based promotions, as well as expanding the range of promotions so that they are not
only on a regional scale, but nationally.(4)The next researcher is to be able to add variables
related to more complex matters in accordance with future scientific developments.
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