International Jurnal, Promosi, Positif 5376-15278-1-PB
International Jurnal, Promosi, Positif 5376-15278-1-PB
International Jurnal, Promosi, Positif 5376-15278-1-PB
Abstract Keywords
price; promotion; purchase
The rise of marketing strategies in the business world today makes
competition even higher and companies are required to produce a interest; consumer behavior
product or service in accordance with the wishes and needs of
consumers in order to compete and attract as many consumers as
possible. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of
price and promotion on buying interest moderated by consumer
behavior. The research method used in this research is quantitative
with Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) technique and assisted by
SmartPLS 3.0 software. The researcher chose the census technique
in the sampling technique, namely all members of the general
population in Jabodetabek were used as samples in this study to
examine the effect of price and the direct effect of the related
variables. The results of this study indicate that price has an effect
on buying interest, the effect of promotion on buying interest, the
influence of consumer behavior on buying interest, moderation of
consumer behavior can strengthen the effect of price on buying
interest, moderation of consumer behavior can strengthen the
influence of promotion on buying interest. The method of
determining the number of respondents' eligibility uses the Hair
Method which states that respondents may be 5 to 10 times the
number of indicators of research variables.
I. Introduction
DOI: 14994
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 5, No 2, May 2022, Page: 14994-15008
e-ISSN: 2615-3076 (Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715 (Print)
strategy is to determine the target market it will serve. Then the company determines good
marketing including the price factor, promotion factor.
The more appropriate these things are with the wishes and needs of consumers, the
more they can attract consumer buying interest in the goods and services that have been
offered by the company. Buying interest is consumer behavior caused by the desire to
choose, buy, consume and own a product. Basically, buying interest is a driving factor in
making purchasing decisions. Buying interest arises because of desires, personal needs, the
influence of advertising, demands from society, feelings and thoughts on a product
(Gunawan & Herdinata, 2021). Buying interest is also supported by the existence of prices
and promotions in giving an impact on consumer behavior. With high prices and
promotions, it is expected to be able to encourage consumer behavior to make a purchase
of products and services. Prices and promotions have an important role in the marketing
mix in increasing interest in buying a product and service so that the desired company
goals can be achieved.
Price is the value one would buy in a limited quantity or other measure of a good or
service. As consideration is given in exchange for the transfer of ownership, price forms an
important basis for commercial transactions (Amal & Hafasnuddin, 2017). In addition to
price, promotion is also important to note because it has an impact on buying interest and
consumer behavior. Promotional mix is a variable part of marketing stimuli that can be
controlled by the company. Companies really need to carry out appropriate promotional
activities and appropriate pricing, so that they are able to attract consumer buying interest
(Kotler & Keller, 2016).
Several previous studies, according to (Soegeng Wahyoedi et al., 2021),(Gunawan &
Herdinata, 2021), (Prayogi & Santosa, 2019)found that price had a significant effect on
buying interest. Besides that, (Suhatman et al., 2020), (Irawan, 2020), (Latief, 2018) stated
that there was a significant and significant effect of promotion on buying interest, the
results of which were found in his study. Then, (Hamiyah, 2020), (Laela, 2015), based on
the results of his research the researcher stated that there was a positive and significant
influence between consumer behavior on buying interest. Based on the research gap, the
researcher is interested in examining the effect of price and promotion on buying interest in
moderating consumer behavior.
2.2 Hypothesis Development
a. The Influence of Price on Buying Interest
Price is one of the factors that influence buying interest in the selection and
determination of a product (Suranto & Djunaidi, 2021). Price is one of the determinants of
product selection that will affect buying interest (Son & Kijboonchoo, 2018). The basis of
consumer buying interest is the consideration of price. Price is one of the benchmarks for
buyers if they have difficulty in evaluating and choosing a product or service. Today's
consumers are smarter, more critical and more price conscious, more demanding and also
approached by many competitors by offering the same or even better. The effect of price is
very influential and has a relationship with buying interest. This is also one of the
important factors in purchasing decisions, especially for products to be purchased which
can be associated with buying interest in consumers. According to research conducted by
(Soegeng Wahyoedi et al., 2021), (Gunawan & Herdinata, 2021), (Prayogi & Santosa,
2019) which shows that there is an effect of price on buying interest.
H1: There is an effect of price on buying interest.
often compare prices. In this case, consumers are very interested in the advantages and
disadvantages of using the service (Darmansah & Yosepha, 2020). According to research
conducted by (Sholeh et al., 2018), (Lathiifa & Ali, 2013) which shows that there is an
influence of consumer behavior on price on buying interest.
H4: There is an influence of consumer behavior on price on buying interest.
2.3 Price
Price is the value listed and used as a reference for a product or service and can be
measured by an amount of money(Soegeng Wahyoedi et al., 2021). Price is the only factor
in the marketing mix that generates revenue for an organization (Amanda et al., 2021).
Price is the amount of money that can get an item or service that is needed or desired by an
individual or group. Pricing also affects marketing channel demand and is related to
revenue(Prayogi & Santosa, 2019). And the suitability of price with benefits, namely
consumers often compare prices. In this case, consumers are very interested in the
advantages and disadvantages of using the service(Darmansah & Yosepha, 2020).
2.4 Promotion
Promotion is an important factor in marketing management and is often called as a
continuous process to provide information about a product or service, as well as attract and
remind consumers to make purchases of goods and services. Promotion is a form of
marketing communication that seeks to disseminate information, remind and influence the
target market for the company and its products so that they are willing to accept, buy, and
be loyal to the products offered by the company concerned.(Syardiansah, 2017).
needs and wants. Consumer behavior as the basis for making purchasing decisions and
consumer behavior related to the process of buying goods and services(Kurniasih, 2018).
Consumer behavior has 4 indicators, namely: cultural, social, personal/individual and
psychological (Saputri, 2016)
3.5 Variable Operations
Buying Interest
Buying interest is the attitude of consumers who are curious and interested but have
not entered the stage of making a purchase decision on a product or service(Soegeng
Wahyoedi et al., 2021).If consumers already feel interested or give a positive response to
what has been offered, then buying interest will appear by itself(Puspita et al., 2020).
Buying interest is consumer behavior caused by the desire to choose, buy, consume and
own a product. Basically, buying interest is a driving factor in making purchasing
decisions. Buying interest arises because of desires, personal needs, the influence of
advertising, demands from society, feelings and thoughts on a product.(Gunawan &
Herdinata, 2021). Buying interest will be realized if it meets the criteria that consumers
want(Bougenvile & Ruswanti, 2017). Buying interest is one of the most supportive factors
in marketing(Syazali et al., 2019). According to(Ferdinand, 2014)Buying interest has 4
indicators, namely:transactional interest, referential interest, preferential interest and
exploration interest.
a. Descriptive Analysis
Descriptive research is a research that aims to make a systematic, factual and
accurate descriptive, picture, or painting about the facts, characteristics and relationships
between the phenomena being studied (Ghozali, 2016).
IV. Results and Discussion
From the table, it can be seen the description of respondents regarding gender, age,
education level, employee status. When viewed from the gender of the female respondents,
there were more than men, namely 332 people (88.1%). In terms of age, respondents were
dominated by the age of less than 21-30 years as many as 195 respondents (51.7%). From
the level of education, the majority of respondents graduated from high school/equivalent
as many as 272 people (72.1%). In terms of employment status, students dominate with
294 respondents (78%). And finally, in terms of having purchased coffee, 378 people
b. Validity Test
Validity test is used to measure the validity or validity of a questionnaire. A
questionnaire is said to be valid if the questions on the questionnaire are able to reveal
something that will be measured by the questionnaire. The validity of the instrument can
be proven by some evidence. These evidences include content, otherwise known as content
validity or content validity, constructively, or known as construct validity, and criteria, or
known as criterion validity.(Yusup, 2018).
c. Reliability Test
A reliable instrument is an instrument which, when used several times to measure the
same object, will produce the same data(Sugiyono, 2013). Reliability test is carried out on
the outer model:
1. Composite Reliability. Data that has composite reliability > 0.7 has high reliability.
2. Cronbach Alpha. The reliability test was strengthened by Cronbach Alpha. Expected
value > 0.7 for all constructs.
3. Average Variance Extracted (AVE). Expected AVE value > 0.5.
Based on the results of respondent data processing and outer loader images,
respondents from this study were reliable and answered the questionnaire questions
consistently and the accuracy of the data from respondents deserved to be tested in
hypothesis testing.
Testing this hypothesis includes the significance value of each path coefficient which
states that there is a significant or insignificant effect between constructs. Structural model
testing is used to test the hypothesis between research variables can be seen from the P
value and T statistics. If the T statistic value > 1.96 then the effect is significant or if the P
value < 0.05 the effect is significant(Angelini, 2018).
Table 2. Path Coefficient Hypothesis Testing Results
Information Original Sample Standard T P
Sample Mean Deviation Statistics Value
X1 Price -> Y Buying 0.421 0.419 0.421 10,077 0.000
X2 Promotion -> Y 0.328 0.334 0.044 7.415 0.001
Buying Interest
Z Consumer Behavior 0.255 0.251 0.051 4.966 0.000
-> Y Buying Interest
Z moderation over X1 - 0.221 0.222 0.037 5,980 0.000
> Buying Interest
Z moderation over X2 - -0.146 -0.145 0.042 3,488 0.000
> Buying Interest
From the data in tables 2 and 3 above, to answer the proposed hypothesis, it is known
that the five proposed hypotheses are all accepted. This shows that there is a significant
effect between the independent and dependent variables. The following is an analysis
related to the influence between variables according to the proposed hypothesis
1. There is an influence of price on buying interest
The results of the path coefficient based on the T-Statistics value show that the effect of
price on buying interest has the strongest significance level of the five hypotheses
proposed, which is 10,077. So it is stated that the price has a positive and significant
effect on buying interest.
The results of this study are consistent with research conducted by(Soegeng Wahyoedi
et al., 2021),(Gunawan & Herdinata, 2021),(Prayogi & Santosa, 2019)which suggests
that the price has a positive effect on buying interest. The basis of consumer buying
interest is the consideration of price. Price is one of the benchmarks for buyers if they
have difficulty in evaluating and choosing a product or service. The results of this study
indicate that the price can be a factor of buying interest and Hypothesis 1 is accepted.
2. The influence of promotion on buying interest
The results of the path coefficient based on the T-Statistics value show the parameter
coefficient value of 7,415 which means that promotion has a positive and significant
effect on buying interest so that Hypothesis 2 is accepted.
Promotion is an important part of marketing, the effect of this promotion is will affect
consumer buying interest. The stronger the purchasing power of consumers, the higher
it will be and have a positive impact on increasing income for the company.
The results of this study are consistent with the results of research by(Suhatman et al.,
2020),(Irawan, 2020),(Latief, 2018) Boon-Long & Wongsurawat (2015). The study
explains that promotion has a positive and significant effect on buying interest.
3. The influence of consumer behavior on buying interest
The results of the path coefficient based on the T-Statistics value show that consumer
behavior towards buying interest has a significance level of 4,966 so that it is stated that
consumer behavior has a positive and significant effect on buying interest and the
hypothesis is accepted.
Consumer behavior is one of the important variables to determine consumer buying
interest where the company always expects good consumer behavior to increase
consumer buying interest. The better the consumer behavior, the higher the consumer's
buying interest in making a purchase decision.
The results of this study are consistent with the results of the study(Hamiyah,
2020),(Laela, 2015). The study explains that consumer behavior has a positive and
significant effect on buying interest.
4. Moderation of changes in consumer behavior is able to strengthen the effect of
price on buying interest
The results of the path coefficient based on the T-Statistics value show that consumer
behavior on price towards buying interest has a significance level of 5,980 so it is stated
that consumer behavior has a positive and significant effect on price on buying interest
and the hypothesis is accepted.
Consumers always consider the price according to the benefits and quality of the
product. If a product has high quality, appropriate benefits, and a good brand image,
consumers will not hesitate to pay high costs to get the product.
According to research conducted by(Sholeh et al., 2018),(Lathiifa & Ali, 2013)which
shows that there is an influence of consumer behavior on price on buying interest.
5. Moderation of changes in consumer behavior can strengthen the influence of
promotions on buying interest
The results of the path coefficient based on the T-Statistics value show that consumer
behavior in promotion of buying interest has a significance level of 3,488 so it is stated
that consumer behavior has a positive and significant effect on promotion of buying
interest and the hypothesis is accepted.
Promotions carried out by the company are companies communicating with consumers
with the aim of being interested and willing to buy the products offered. With the
promotion by providing a more affordable price, it will be taken into consideration by
consumers to make a purchase.
V. Conclusion
The results of the research / research provide empirical evidence regarding the effect
of price and promotion on buying interest moderated by consumer behavior. This study
uses a sample of 378 respondents, who are the general public in Jabodetabek. The results
showed that:
1. There is an influence of price on buying interest
Price is one of the benchmarks or benchmarks for consumers in choosing and
considering a product or service to be purchased / consumed later. Consumers often
compare the price of a product with other products. In this case, the price of a product is
very much considered by consumers when they are going to buy the product. For
example: lower prices than competitors. Setting an appropriate price will result in
customer trust in the company to buy a product and service. It can be concluded that the
price is the amount of money that must be paid by consumers as a medium of exchange
to get a number of goods/services or benefits and services from the product or service to
be purchased. obtained by the consumer.
2. There is an influence of promotion on buying interest
Promotion is a communication tool from companies to consumers to promote and
convince consumers to be interested in buying a product or service that is offered.
Promotion is an important factor in the marketing mix and is often referred to as a
continuous process to provide information about the products or services offered by the
company and persuade and influence consumers to make purchases of products and
services. Thus, it can be concluded that promotion aims to increase sales that are
profitable for the company.
3. The influence of consumer behavior on buying interest
Consumer behavior is closely related to the buying process. Consumer behavior is an
activity carried out by an individual in finding, understanding, evaluating to the stage of
making a decision to buy a product or service. Consumers will make a purchase if he
feels interested and feels the product or service is in accordance with the wishes and
needs of the consumer.
4. Moderation of consumer behavior is able to strengthen the effect of price on buying
interestable to strengthen the effect of price on buying interest. This shows that the price
is a consideration for consumers in making a purchase, if the price given is in
accordance with the benefits and quality of the product, the consumer will appear
interested and decide to make a purchase for the product or service that has been
5. Moderation of consumer behavior is able to strengthen the influence of promotion on
buying interestable to strengthen the effect of promotion on buying interest. The
purpose of a good promotion is to get as many consumers as possible to switch to
choosing the products and services offered and to increase sales results. This
promotional activity is to persuade and influence consumer behavior so that there is a
sense of buying interest in the products and services offered by marketers.
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