Experiment 103 Moment of Inertia

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Experiment 103

Moment of Inertia

Group no. _3_

Subject/Section _PHYS101L/B5_
Date of Performance _February 28, 2023_
Date of Submission _March 7, 2023_


Moment of Inertia
Group 3

Moment of inertia is a term used in physics and engineering to measure an object's resistance to rotation
around a particular axis. Understanding the moment of inertia is important for designing stable machines and
buildings. The paper covers the concept of moment of inertia, the factors that affect it, and its practical
applications. An experiment was conducted online to study the moment of inertia, involving changing
parameters such as mass, pulley mass, and inner and outer radius. Data was collected through graphs to
calculate acceleration, angular acceleration, torque, and moment of inertia. The experiment involved dropping a
solid disk and a wheel with defined inner and outer radii. The group varied the mass of the falling object and
calculated the final velocity, time, linear acceleration, experimental moment of inertia, angular acceleration, and
torque. They used different moment of inertia formulas for the two types of wheels, but the results were similar.
The researchers discovered a direct relationship between acceleration and mass, in accordance with Newton's
Second Law of Motion. They calculated the moment of inertia for the solid disk pulley, which was found to be
consistent with the expected value.

1. Introduction In the experiment, the group was tasked to

carry out the experiment about the moment of
The term "moment of inertia" is commonly inertia ( I ). Some parameters in the online
used in physics and engineering. A compound unit experiment can be manipulated to record
of measurement is the moment of inertia. In the different scenarios of the experiment. These
International System (SI), m is measured in parameters are the mass of the falling object, the
kilograms and r in meters, with the unit of I mass of the pulley, and the inner and outer radius
(moment of inertia) being kilogram-meter square of the wheel of the pulley. These parameters
(The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1998). It could be increased or decreased depending on
refers to an object's resistance to rotational the setting used by the group. The mass of the
motion around a specific axis. It measures how falling object can be changed from 50 g up to
difficult it is to rotate an object in simple terms. 500 g, the mass of the pulley has a minimum of
Understanding the Moment of Inertia is critical in 50 g up to a maximum of 1000 g, the outer radius
designing machines and structures because it of the wheel can be altered from 50 mm up to a
allows engineers to determine stability and radius of 150 mm , and the inner radius of the
predict behavior under various conditions. In this wheel can be changed from a range of 0 mm up to
paper, we will look at the concept of the Moment 145 mm. The simulation was also done on Earth’s
of Inertia, the factors that influence it, and its gravity setting which sets the gravitational
practical applications. acceleration equal to 9.8 m/s 2.
The moment of inertia is a central factor in First, the experiment would be conducted
physics and engineering because it explains how on two different types of wheels, where the first
objects behave when rotated. It measures an one would be a solid disk that does not use
object's mass distribution around a specific axis. include the inner radius of the wheel and the
The greater an object's Moment of Inertia, the second one uses a ring with a defined inner and
more difficult it is to turn. This is due to the outer radius. After selecting the desired
object's mass being distributed even farther away parameter for the experiment, the group started
from the axis of rotation, making it more difficult the simulation by letting the falling object
to move. descend. Then, the data was collected through a
graph that records the time elapsed, the position
2. Materials and Methodology of the object, and the velocity of the object as it
pulls the rope.
Afterward, data of the solid disc part can be calculated by using the formula α =a/R . The value
calculated to compute the computed moment of 0.0702 Nm which is the torque was calculated by
inertia (I comp) using the formula I comp=1/2 m R2, using the formula τ =I exp α .
where m referred to the mass of the falling object On the second attempt the mass of the falling
in kilograms, and R referred to the outer radius of object was increased to 0.2kg. The final velocity
the wheel in meters. Then, acceleration (a) could acquired is 1.4 m/s, and time is 0.33 s. using the
be calculated using the graphs. To obtain the same formulas used on the first attempt, the
linear acceleration (a), the formula a=(v−v o )/t linear acceleration acquired is 4.242m/s^2, the
was used. The formula was composed of the final experimental moment of inertia yielded a value of
velocity ( v), the initial velocity ( v o), and the time 2.6204*10^-8 kg.m^2, the angular acceleration is
(t) . Next, the experimental moment of inertia 42.42 rad/s^2, and a torque of 0.11116 Nm.
(I exp) is equal to the formula I exp=[m( g−a) R 2]/ a. After doing 3 more trials with different values
The formula is composed of the mass of the falling of mass for the falling object, and the same
object (m), the gravitational acceleration (g), the formulas, the students were able to arrive at the
acceleration (a), and the outer radius of the value of the computed moment of inertia which is
wheel (R). Then, angular acceleration (α ) can be 2.5*10^-3 kg.m^2, by using the formula
calculated by simply using the formula α =a/R , I comp=1/2 m R .
where a refers to the linear acceleration and R For the second part of the experiment, a
refers to the outer radius. Lastly, torque (τ) is wheel with a defined inner and outer radius is
calculated by using the formula τ =I exp α . used. Although the wheels differ in inner radius,
The experiment on the ring wheel has a few the only deviation of both is in the formula used
deviations from the first part of the experiment. to compute the moment of inertia (computed).
The calculated moment of inertia has a formula of The formula I comp=1/2 m R is used for the wheel
2 2
I comp=1/ 2 m(r + R ) , where both the inner radius with defined inner radius. all values yielded from
(r ) and the outer radius ( R) of the wheel are the simulation are the same for both experiment
required to calculate the computed moment of 1 and 2. using the formula I comp=1/ 2 m R2 the
inertia. The calculation of the linear acceleration, students arrive at a value of 2.5*10^-3 for
the experimental moment of inertia, angular experiment 2.
acceleration, and torque is the same as the solid 4. Conclusion
disc part of the experiment.
In the experiment, the researchers changed
3. Results and Discussion the mass of the falling object to investigate its
In the first part of the experiment, a solid impact on the moment of inertia. After conducting
disk/wheel without an inner radius is used. In the four trials, they calculated the linear acceleration
simulation, the final velocity, time, inner and for each mass value, and observed that the
outer radius, and mass of the object is given. On acceleration increased along with the mass,
the first trial the mass of the falling object is set to indicating a direct proportionality between the
0.1, this resulted in a final velocity of 1.5 m/s and two. This finding is consistent with Newton's
a time of 0.54s. To get the value of the linear Second Law of Motion, which states that an
acceleration, the formula a=( v−v o )/t was used object's net force is directly proportional to its
by the students to get the value 2.78m/s^2. By mass and acceleration. The formula for Moment of
Inertia is derived from this law. Using the
using the formula I exp=[m( g−a)R 2]/a, the
experimental data, the researchers calculated the
students were able to calculate the experimental
moment of inertia of the solid disk pulley and
moment of inertia which yielded a value of
found it to be similar to the computed value.
2.5*10^-11 kg.m^2. The angular acceleration
which yielded a value of 27.8 rad/s^2 was 5. References
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998,
July 20). Moment of inertia | Definition,
Equation, Unit, & Facts. Encyclopedia
Britannica. Retrieved on March 07, 2023
Retrieved from

Table 1. Moment of Inertia of a Solid Disk Pulley

mass of pulley M = 0.5 kg

radius of pulley R = 0.1 m

moment of inertia (computed) IC =2.5*10-3 kg.m2

TRI Moment
Inertia of
velocity time linear
acceleration falli
ng (experimental angular
acceleration Torque
AL mas )
v (m/s) t (s) a (m/s2) s IE
α (rad/s2)
m (kg) τ (Nm)
1.5 0.54 2.78 0.1 2.5*10-11 27.8 0.0702
1.4 0.33 4.242 0.2 2.6204*10-8 42.42 0.11116
2.05 0.385 5.325 0.3 2.5211*10-8 53.25 0.13425

2.2 0.365 6.027 0.4 2.5040*10-8 60.27 0.15092
0.8 0.12 6.667 0.5 2.3496*10-8 66.67 0.15665

I. Screenshots of Trial 1 (Set Up and v vs. t graph):

II. Sample Computation of Trial 1 (a, IC and IE):
III. Analysis: Based from the data in Table 1, answer the following questions.
a. What factors determine the moment of inertia of a solid disk pulley?

The falling mass and the radius of the pulley affect the moment of inertia of a solid disk pulley.

b. What effect does the falling mass have on the moment of inertia of the solid disk pulley?

As the falling mass increases in mass, the moment of inertia decreases as it attempts to resist

change in momentum.

c. What effect does increasing/decreasing the falling mass m have on linear acceleration?

Increasing the falling mass m increases the linear acceleration of the disc.

IV. Conclusion:

The Falling mass and Linear acceleration are directly proportional; Increasing the mass of m

falling mass increases the linear and angular acceleration of the disc. Moreover, the moment of

inertia decreases as the falling mass increases in mass.

Table 2. Moment of Inertia of a Ring Pulley

mass of pulley M = 0.5 kg

Inner radius of pulley r = 0.095 m

outer radius of pulley R = 0.1 m

moment of inertia (computed) IC = 2.5*10-3 kg.m2

TRI Moment
Inertia of
velocity time linear
acceleration falli
ng (experimental angular
acceleration Torque
AL mas )
v (m/s) t (s) a (m/s2) s IE
α (rad/s2)
m (kg) τ (Nm)
1.5 0.54 2.78 0.1 2.5*10-11 27.8 0.0702
1.4 0.33 4.242 0.2 2.6204*10-8 42.42 0.11116
2.05 0.385 5.325 0.3 2.5211*10-8 53.25 0.13425

2.2 0.365 6.027 0.4 2.5040*10-8 60.27 0.15092
0.8 0.12 6.667 0.5 2.3496*10-8 66.67 0.15665

I. Screenshots of Trial 1 (Set Up and v vs. t graph):

II. Sample Computation of Trial 1 (a, IC and IE):
III. Analysis: Based from the data in Table 2, answer the following questions.

a. What factors determine the moment of inertia of a ring pulley?

The falling mass and the radius of the pulley affect the moment of inertia of a ring pulley.

b. What effect does the falling mass have on the moment of inertia of the ring pulley?

As the falling mass increases in mass, the moment of inertia decreases as it attempts to resist

change in momentum.

c. What effect does increasing/decreasing the falling mass m have on linear acceleration?

Increasing the falling mass m increases the linear acceleration of the disc.

IV. Conclusion:

The Falling mass and Linear acceleration are directly proportional; Increasing the mass of m

falling mass increases the linear and angular acceleration of the disc. Moreover, the moment of

inertia decreases as the falling mass increases in mass. The inner radius of the ring pulley DOES

NOT affect the computation of the moment of inertia.

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