Log Cat 1682821733740

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--------- beginning of crash

04-30 10:28:51.850 20401 20434 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1

(SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x7700002784 in tid 20434 (GcaGeneric-2), pid 20401
--------- beginning of main
04-30 10:28:53.759 20507 20547 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 D CameraExtStub: init
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.866 20507 20507 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:23357): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="dm-10" ino=450972 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c512,c768 tclass=file
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 2
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 3
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 4
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 5
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.764 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 6
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 7
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20547 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 8
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20547 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20540 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20540 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20528 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20528 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20528 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20528 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20529 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20529 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 6
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20529 W libc : Access denied finding property
04-30 10:28:53.765 20507 20529 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 7
04-30 10:28:53.766 20507 20507 W CAM_Log : Tag ConfigGserviceSource is 1 chars
longer than limit.
04-30 10:28:53.777 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:0 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.778 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:4.711.790
04-30 10:28:53.778 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:1 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.778 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:3.142.21
04-30 10:28:53.779 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:2 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.779 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:1.942.42
04-30 10:28:53.779 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:3 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.779 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:1.62.2
04-30 10:28:53.780 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:4 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.780 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:1.942.4
04-30 10:28:53.780 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:5 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.780 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:4.711.79
04-30 10:28:53.782 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:6 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.782 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:4.711.79
04-30 10:28:53.783 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:7 bit 4:false bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.783 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:4.711.79
04-30 10:28:53.784 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Number:8 bit 4:true bit 5:false
bit 6:false bit 7:false bit 8:false
04-30 10:28:53.784 20507 20544 D CameraManager2: Caps:3.142.2
04-30 10:28:53.785 20507 20544 F libc : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1
(SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x7700002784 in tid 20544 (GcaGeneric-1), pid 20507
04-30 10:28:53.807 20507 20534 I Hooking : addHookClass; hookWrapperClass: class
04-30 10:28:53.808 20507 20534 D SandHook: method <private void
.String)> hook <replacement> success!
04-30 10:28:53.808 20507 20534 D SandHook: method <private void
hook <replacement> success!
--------- beginning of system
04-30 10:28:53.808 20507 20507 D ViewScrollStubImpl: the value of ScrollFrictionRes
is: 0.03
04-30 10:28:53.812 20507 20507 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
04-30 10:28:53.812 20507 20507 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
04-30 10:28:53.812 20507 20507 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
04-30 10:28:53.812 20507 20507 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
04-30 10:28:53.813 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
04-30 10:28:53.865 20562 20562 I crash_dump64: obtaining output fd from tombstoned,
type: kDebuggerdTombstoneProto
04-30 10:28:53.866 20562 20562 I crash_dump64: performing dump of process 20507
(target tid = 20544)
04-30 10:28:53.871 20507 20507 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 IDX: 0
04-30 10:28:53.871 20507 20507 I ProReC : setprogres0
04-30 10:28:53.873 20507 20507 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171228096; UID 10300; state: ENABLED
04-30 10:28:53.874 20562 20562 E DEBUG : failed to read /proc/uptime: Permission
04-30 10:28:53.881 20507 20507 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable
fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
04-30 10:28:53.921 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
04-30 10:28:53.921 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus
displayWindowDecor is false
04-30 10:28:53.925 20507 20507 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
time=0ms latency=336ms running=0ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=2
wall=123ms seq=2 late=7ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110) (msgIndex=3
wall=209ms seq=3 late=128ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
83a0eede45, If3f4a1ab82
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.6 AArch64
04-30 10:28:53.945 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
04-30 10:28:53.949 20507 20535 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
04-30 10:28:53.968 20507 20535 D hw-ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway
spam detection failed: Invalid argument
04-30 10:28:54.055 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
04-30 10:28:54.055 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: updateDecorCaptionStatus
displayWindowDecor is false
04-30 10:28:54.064 20507 20507 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by
com.google.android.apps.camera.evcomp.EvCompSlider{7fa2c13 VFED..... ......ID
540,720-540,720 #7f0b00c4 app:id/evcomp_brightness_slider} during layout: running
second layout pass
04-30 10:28:54.064 20507 20507 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by
qk{8a4be50 VF.D..C.. ......ID 0,0-102,102 #7f0b0114 app:id/lock_button} during
layout: running second layout pass
04-30 10:28:54.066 20507 20507 D DecorView[]: onWindowFocusChanged hasWindowFocus
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** ***
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint:
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2023-04-30
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : Process uptime: 0s
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : Cmdline:
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : pid: 20507, tid: 20544, name:
GcaGeneric-1 >>> com.google.android.GoogleCameraEob <<<
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : uid: 10300
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1
(SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x7700002784
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x0 000000006f6e6cc0 x1
0000000000000001 x2 0000000000000000 x3 fffffffffffffffe
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x4 00000000ffffcbf2 x5
0000000000000000 x6 0000000000000000 x7 0000000000000010
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x8 0000007700002778 x9
0000000000000000 x10 0000000000000001 x11 b40000787ede8a00
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x12 fffffffffffffffe x13
0000000000003298 x14 fffffffffffffffe x15 0000000000000004
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x16 00000077e0e0f460 x17
00000078628be118 x18 00000077533e2000 x19 000000775692c440
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x20 00000077cc744168 x21
00000077d82f8000 x22 000000000000002c x23 b40000787eed0840
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x24 000000775692f000 x25
0000000000000008 x26 000000775692c030 x27 000000775692c004
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : x28 0000000000000000 x29
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : lr 00000077e0c2b524 sp
000000775692bfb0 pc 00000077e0c2b820 pst 0000000020000000
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : backtrace:
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000000000062b820
/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::CatchBlockStackVisitor::VisitFrame()
+884) (BuildId: 289d75599f6112d5757113220599e90b)
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #01 pc 0000000000395f8c
/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (void
(BuildId: 289d75599f6112d5757113220599e90b)
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #02 pc 000000000046cb24
(BuildId: 289d75599f6112d5757113220599e90b)
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000000000046bec0
/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art::Thread::QuickDeliverException()+332)
(BuildId: 289d75599f6112d5757113220599e90b)
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #04 pc 000000000046bd48
/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (artDeliverExceptionFromCode+28) (BuildId:
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #05 pc 0000000000457058
/apex/com.android.art/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_deliver_exception+72) (BuildId:
04-30 10:28:54.195 20562 20562 F DEBUG : #06 pc 00000000024a8898
/memfd:jit-zygote-cache (deleted)
04-30 10:28:54.212 20562 20562 E MIUINDBG: miui_native_debug_process_O
04-30 10:28:54.213 20562 20562 E MIUINDBG: unable to connect to mqsas native socket

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