WIH Enrolment Form - Final
WIH Enrolment Form - Final
WIH Enrolment Form - Final
Birth Details
Day / Month / Year of Birth Place of Birth Country of birth
Male Female Gender Diverse (please state) Occupation
Usual Residential
House (or RAPID) Number and Street Name Suburb/Rural Location Town / City and Postcode
Postal Address
(if different from above)
House Number and Street Name or PO Box Number Suburb/Rural Delivery Town / City and Postcode
Contact Details
Mobile Phone Home Phone Email Address
Contact Name Relationship Mobile (or other) Phone
In order to get the best care possible, I agree to the Practice obtaining my records from my previous Doctor. I also
understand that I will be removed from their practice register, as I am only able to be enrolled at one practice at a
time in New Zealand.
Transfer of
Records Yes, please request transfer of my records No transfer Not applicable
Previous Doctor and/or Practice Name Address / Location
I confirm that, if requested, I can provide proof of my eligibility Evidence sighted (Office use only)
An authority has the legal right to sign for another person if for some reason they are unable to consent on their own behalf.
Authority Details
Full Name Relationship Contact Phone
(where signatory is
not the enrolling
person) Legal basis of authority (e.g. parent of a child under 16 years of age)