He Project

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Arba Minch University

Arba Minch Institute of Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

A Report on Internship Work At

Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise


Helen Adugna ID:


Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

I hear declare that the project entitled “Automatic Air Filter Cleaner” is being submitted in
the fulfillment form Arba Minch University. The study was conducted in my host company
Anbessa City Bus Enterprise. This internship project is an authentic record of my own work
as requirement of training of four months under the guidance of Mr. Abel from Anbessa city
bus mentor.

I have been working my internship period (program) since June 06/2014 to October 25/2015
E.C. in Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (Mekanisa branch). I were performing all the
given tasks in time and peaceful manner having good relations with all “senior” workers and
incorporation of the company office law and rules.

During this internship I have gained many interesting and useful knowledge which is very
important to upgrade the practical skill and development in our profession side of theoretical,
practical and work ethics related benefits.

Generally, this report is referred from different materials (books, manuals, documents,
internet etc…) to get related ideas with the internship in addition, I have been collecting
different figural data about the company from different section in the office.

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty GOD for giving the opportunity to go out on
the internship and enabling to start and finish internship period. I also would like to express
my gratitude to my university advisors Mr. Amanuel. D.

My acknowledgment also extends to Anbessa City Bus Enterprise for giving the way to my
internship program by facilitating suitable working condition and worker of Anbessa city bus
service enterprise for sharing usefull skill, experience and for their good interpersonal
relationship. And also I would like to thank my family, for their encouragement, patience and
support throughout our internship time.

Finally, I would like to acknowledgment my company advisor Mr. Abel and Mr. Tsehayweta
for their support and advice though the internship period.

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
It is a clear fact that the knowledge of mechanical engineering without practical experience is
incomplete. This paper is a written report about the internship program which was planned to
help us as internship students grasp practical knowledge of engineering projects. This report
contains our overall stay in our hosting company; Anbessa city bus service enterprise, and it
goes through detail into internship projects, titled ‘Automatic Air Filter Cleaner’. In general,
the report consists of four chapters.

The first chapter provides information about the ACBSE. It consists of the brief history of the
company mainly its service, the beneficiaries from this services and the overall organization
and work flow. We have tried to outline the overall organizational structure and
responsibilities of functional area of the company.

The second chapter is all about the experience that we have gained during our internship
period. This includes the section of the company in which we have been working, the flow of
work, the tasks we have been executing, the procedures used to perform the given tasks, the
different challenges we have faced while we were performing the given tasks and the
measures we have taken in order to overcome those challenges are well explained and
described in this chapter.

The next chapter-chapter three is about the overall benefit that we gained from this internship
program in terms of improving our practical skill, theoretical knowledge, improving
leadership skills, work ethics and communication skill.

The last chapter, describes about our internship projects. The project is Automatic Air Filter
Cleaner system. The project is to provide simple and suitable air filter cleaner device,
specifically for DAF and Bishoftu buses, that improves the manual cleaning system of the
garage. The device uses pneumatic system to operate. Conceptual design, detail design and
manufacturing process are included in the chapter.

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c




LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………….

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………….

LIST OF ACRONYMS/SYMBOLS………………………………………………………..


CHAPTER ONE………………………………………………………………………

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………….
1.1 Background History and Development of the Company……………………………
1.2 Main purpose for the establishment of ACBSE…………………………….
1.3 Vission, Mission and Value of the Company……………………………..
1.3.1 Vision………………………………………………………..
1.3.2 Mission……………………………………………………
1.3.3 Value…………………………………………………….
1.4 Main product of the Company……………………………….
1.4.1 Operation and Transport Service………………………….
1.4.2 Technical Maintenance Service………………………….
1.4.3 Annual Motor Vehicle Inspection……………………….
1.5 Main Customers or End User of the Product………………….
1.6 Depots and their Locations……………………………………..
1.7 Overall organizational structure……………………………….
1.7.1 Division………………………………………………..
1.7.2 Services……………………………………………….
1.8 Machineries and Equipment of the Company……………
1.8.1 Machineries of the company………………………………..
1.8.2 Equipment of the company………………………………..
Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
1.9 General Workflow of the Company……………………………………………

CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………………………………..


2.1 Section of the Company we have been working…………………………..
2.1.1 Preventive maintenance section………………………………………..
2.1.2 Work shop (machine shop) section……………………………………..
2.1.3 Break down (corrective) section……………………………………….
2.1.4 Tire repairing section……………………………………………….
2.1.5 Body repairing section……………………………………………..
2.1.6 Car washing room…………………………………………………
2.2 Work flow in the section……………………………………………….
2.3 Activities that we have been executing………………………………
2.4 Major challenges encountered……………………………………..
2.5 Solutions for the challenges……………………………………

CHAPTER THREE……………………………………………………


3.1 Benefits we gained in terms of improving our practical skills……………..
3.2 Benefits we gained in terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge………
3.3 Benefits we gained in terms of our interpersonal communication skills……..
3.4 Benefits we gained in terms of improving our leadership skills………..
3.5 Benefits we gained in terms of understanding work ethics related issues…

CHAPTER FOUR…………………………………………………………….


4.1 Title of the project…………………………………………………..
4.2 Introduction……………………………………………………….
4.3 Background……………………………………………………….
4.4 Problem of statement………………………………………………………….
4.5 Objectives……………………………………………………………….
4.6 Scope of the project……………………………………………………….

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
4.7 Limitation of the design……………………………………………
4.8 Literature reviews………………………………………………………..
4.9 Benefits of the project…………………………………………………
4.10 Methodology……………………………………………………………
4.11 Components of the Air Filter Cleaner………………………………….
4.12 Modeling and System analysis……………………………………….
4.12.1 Conceptual design………………………………………………
4.13 Detail design……………………………………………………
4.13.1 Material selection……………………………………….
4.13.2 Design analysis…………………………………………
4.14 Manufacturing of Automatic Air Filter Cleaner………………………
4.14.1 Material used for our project…………………………………..
4.14.2 Manufacturing process……………………………………..
4.15 Cost Estimation…………………………………………….
4.16 Result and discussion……………………………………….
Finishing (prototype)………………………………………………..

CHAPTER FIVE…………………………………………………………


5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………….
5.2 Recommendation…………………………………………………..

APPENDIX – A…………………………………………………….

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c


Figure 1.1 DAF bus…………………………………………………………..

Figure 1.2 Bishoftu rigid bus…………………………………………………

Figure 1.3 Bishoftu Articulated bus…………………………………………..

Figure 1.4 Yutong bus………………………………………………………….

Figure 1.5 Double Decker bus………………………………………………..

Figure 1.6 Lathe machine…………………………………………………..

Figure 1.7 Radial drilling machine…………………………………………….

Figure 1.8 Milling machine……………………………………………………..

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
Figure 1.9 Shaper machine…………………………………………………..

Figure 1.10 Surface grinding machine………………………………………….

Figure 1.11 Cutting tool grinding machine……………………………………….

Figure 1.12 Crankshaft grinding machine………………………………………..

Figure 1.13 Boring machine…………………………………………………..

Figure 1.14 Alignment machine…………………………………………….

Figure 1.15 Crankshaft welding machine………………………………….

Figure 1.16 Engine hoist……………………………………………………

Figure 1.17 Work flow…………………………………………………………..

Figure 2.1 Buffering machine…………………………………………………

Figure 2.2 Vulcanizing machine………………………………………………….

Figure 2.3 Car washing room……………………………………………………

Figure 4.1 Typical air filter of DAF and Bishoftu buses……………………………..

Figure 4.2 Cleaning air filter manually………………………………………..

Figure 4.3 Nozzle………………………………………………………………..

Figure 4.4 A. mid pipe B. L pipe……………………………………………..

Figure 4.5 A. small diameter plate B. large diameter plate………………………..

Figure 4.6 Leg support…………………………………………………………..

Figure 4.7 Ball bearing………………………………………………………….

Figure 4.8 Joint………………………………………………………………….

Figure 4.9 Drawing for concept one…………………………………………….

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
Figure 4.10 Drawing for concept two………………………………………………..

Figure 4.11 Drawing for concept three……………………………………………….

Figure 4.12 Drawing for concept four……………………………………………….

Figure 4.13 Drawing for concept five……………………………………………..

Figure 4.14 Drawing for concept six……………………………………………….

Figure 4.15 Experimental setup for automatic air filter cleaner………………………..

Figure 4.16 Automatic air filter cleaner……………………………………………..

Figure 4.17 Bolt and Nut…………………………………………………………….

Figure 4.18 Drilled tube and nozzle prepared for welding……………………………..

Figure 4.19 Welding of the pipe with the leg…………………………………………….

Figure 4.20 Finished prototype…………………………………………………………….

Figure 4.21 Air Filter set up……………………………………………………………….


Table 3.1 Some examples of Italian names for engine parts………………………………….

Table 4.1 Material selection……………………………………………………………………

Table 4.2 Allowable stress of weld metals……………………………………………………

Table 4.3 Nominal size of bolts…………………………………………………………………..

Table 4.4 Cost Estimation for Automatic Air Filter Cleaner………………………………………

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c


 V – Volume
 A – Area
 M – Momentum
 F – Force
 − Summation
 l – Length
 t – Thickness
 D – Diameter  w – Width

 – Diameter
 3D – Three Dimensional
 B – Bore
 Pa – Pascal
 P – Pressure
 S – Allowable stress
 E – Joint factor
 ρ – Density
 g – Gravity
 𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 – Number of holes

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c
 – Stress
 W – Weight
 A – Area
 Pcr – Critical load
 N – Length from the ground
 I – Moment of inertia
 n – Factor of safety
 σall – Allowable stress

• ABS – Anti-lock break system
• ACBSE – Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise
• ASTM – American Society for Testing and Materials
• DAF – Dutch Automotive Factory
• IMA – Ideal Mechanical Advantage
• IOT – Institute of Technology
• MetEC – Metals and Engineering Corporation
• PM – Preventive maintenance

Internship Report At Anbessa City Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c



Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise is the first public transport service arrived in Addis
Ababa. ACBSE has served Addis Ababa over the past decades as a major public mode of
transport. It was started in 1943 G.C after the invasion of fascist Italians regime with five
vehicles which was used by fascist Italy to transport soldiers and it was running four routes
only also its name was public transport. Until today ACBSE has passed though many different
phases of challenges.

From 1952 to 1974 G.C it was operated by shareholders, which include the government, the
royal families, Ethiopian Orthodox church and prominent merchants. During this time the
number of buses increased to 175 and the routes were also expanded to 35. On august 1974
G.C., the Enterprise was transferred to ownership under it in 1974. Anbessa came to be a
public enterprise after it was reestablished in 1994 G.C.

During Dergue Regime when private companies were nationalised, Anbessa fell under the
Ministry of Communication and Transport. At thas time the number of buses grew to 205 and
the routes were expanded to 42. Today the enterprise has four garages which gives all type of
maintenance service and more than 1400 buses serving 125 routes. The four garages are
Shegole Depo established in 1974 G.C, Yeka Depo established in 1987 G,C, Mekanisa Depo
established in 2004 G.C, Kaliti Depo established in 2020 G.C.

Anbessa has recently began to acquire buses assembled locally by the Metal and Engineering
Corporation, a newly established military industrial complex of the Ethiopian government. It
has included in fleet more than 500 of these locally assembled buses known as Bishoftu buses,
which bear the town’s name where the assembly plant is located. Currently there are more
than 1400 city buses in the ACBE serving 125 routes around the city and in nearby towns in

1.2 Depots and their Locations

The City Bus Enterprise head office and depots are located in four localities

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

1. The City Bus Enterprise head office is located at Yeka, in a spacious premise of over
70,000 square meters, with workshop facilities that are equipped with machines,
garage equipment and special tools. Yeka Depot has a fleet of around 428 buses.

2. The City Bus Enterprise also owns the Shegole Depot, located in the north western
part of Addis Ababa, lay on a land covering an area of 53,996 square meters. This
has a satellite spare parts store, satellite fuel station, greasing and washing bay, in
addition to light machines garage equipment and special tools. This 'Depot has an
operating fleet of 360buses.

3. The depot at Mekanissa which is in the western south part of Addis Ababa covers an
area of 72,861 square meters and there are about 218 buses that run their operation
from this depot.

4. The depot at Kalit which is south part of Addis Ababa cover area of 54,657 square
meters there are about 165 buses that run their operation from this depot. It is a new

There are four depots throughout the city, resulting in "negative traffic," in which empty buses
are forced to travel long distances in some cases to reach the origins of their trips; this also
occurs at the end of the day, when empty buses travel from the end point of their previous
trips to their bases. The depot's overall fleet strength is around 1,006 buses, although not all of
them are active; on average, only about 700 of them are despatch for daily route service. [4]

1.3 Main purposes for the establishment of ACBSE

1. To solve the problem transportation around Addis Ababa city and in nearby towns in Oromia.
2. To give service for the customers with fair price.
3. To give diagnosis system for the vehicles once in a year.
4. To engage within maintenance and over hauling of the buses.
5. To manufacture spare parts of the buses.

1.4 Vision, Mission, and Value of the Company

1.4.1 Vision
 To be the leading and commendable African urban transport provider
 To see that the daily activities of the community are done in a sustainable and satisfactory

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

 Working with educated knowledge and transperancy.

1.4.2 Mission
Providing modern, suitable, sustainable, and speedy urban transport service with an affordable price
to the enterprise beneficiary community.

The following activities will be carried out by the company:

 Undertaking re-engineering of works which can grow up its institutional capacity in light
of procedure, organization and human resources.

 Undertaking performance centered activity, which may hances discharging its capacity in
adequate manner.

 Establishing service improvement system for handling customers.

1.4.3 Values

 The enterprise assures sustainability, by rendering continuous, sustainable and quality

transport service, and satisfy the interest of customers.
 Giving special respect, hospitality and attention for the request and comments of
 Giving equitable service to the beneficiaries without any discrimination.
 Thoroughly understanding that we have full responsibility and accountability for the
service we rendered.
Readiness for change
 Running our service suiting with new technological changes.
Environmental safety
 Work for our environmental protection in collaborating with concerned bodies.
Ethical issues
 Building our staff members as well as supervisor with favorable ethics in manner to
enable efficient delivery of service.

1.5 Main product of the company

 Manufacturing of bolt and nuts for the buses.
 Engine and gearbox maintenance.
 Maintenance of body, paint and tire repairing.
 Conducting automotive capacity building training.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

 Assembling and disassembling of engine.

1.6 Operation and Transport Service
The enterprise is rendering the city transport service in four terminals one hundred twenty-five
rout and more than thousand four hundred prepared buses stations. The depots of Yeka,
Shegole, Mekanisa and Kaliti are organized as branch station and bus allocation and
maintenance works, petrol, provision store services etc. are undertaken. Its service is to give a
cheap transport service for the community and it use five types of buses

DAF (dutch automotive factory) bus:

 DAF bus is a Netherlands based bus manufacturer.

 It is manual transmission.
 At this time, it is not giving transport service.

Figure 1. 1 DAF Bus

Bishoftu rigid bus:

 It is assembled locally by the Metal and Engineering Corporation.

 It is manual transmission.
 Bishoftu breakdown maintenance

Figure 1. 2 Bishoftu rigid bus

Bishoftu Articulated bus:

 It is assembled locally by the Metal and Engineering Corporation.

 Present both manual and automatic transmission.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

 It transports about 150-160 passenger.

Figure 1. 3 Bishoftu Articulated Bus

Yutong bus:

 Yutong bus is a China’s based bus manufacturer.

 It uses automatic transmission.

 It transports about 70-80 passenger.

Figure 1. 4 Yutong Bus

Double Decker bus:

 It also uses automatic transmission.

 Transport about 95-100 passenger.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Figure 1. 5 Double Decker bus

1.7 Main Customers or End user of the Product

The customers could be governmental or nongovernmental organizations which include:

o people of Addis Ababa and Oromia special zone by the transportation.

o Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation using service for their employer.

o Ethiopian Airlines for their cars and employers.

o Many insurance companies while an accident is occurred on their customers cars.

o NGO cars for maintenance and annually checkup.

1.8 Overall organizational structure

Anbessa city bus service is enterprise have six divisions and two service in each of them
containing its sub sections.
1.8.1 Division
* Property purchasing and provision division.

* Finance and human resource division.

* Audit and inspection service.

* Operation division.

* Technical division.

* Service researching, designing and supervision division.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

1.8.2 Services
* Legal service

* Plan and data processing service

1.9 Machineries and Equipment of the company

1.9.1 Machineries of the company
In anbessa city bus service enterprise Yeka depo there are many machineries used for different type
of works. These includes: Lathe machine, Radial drilling machine, Milling machine, Shaper
machine, Surface machine, Surface grinding machine, Crankshaft grinding machine, Hauling
machine, Alignment machine, Crank shaft welding machine and Valve grinding machine.

1) Lathe machine
The mother of all machine. It works by rotating the workpiece around a stationary cutting tool.

The main use is to remove unwanted parts of material.

Figure 1. 6 Lathe Machine

2) Radial drilling machine

To make circular holes on the components with the help of drills bits. The purpose of radial drilling
machine is used to drill holes in the given radial distance and this will used, when the components
size is large in terms of height.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Figure 1. 7 Radial drilling machine

3) Milling machine
A milling machine is removes material from work piece by rotating a cutting tool (cutter).

Common milling machine operations

Face milling

Side milling

Grooves milling

Figure 1. 8 Milling machine

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

4 Shaper machine
The shaper machine is a reciprocating type of machine basically used for producing the horizontal,
vertical or flat surface.

Common operations

Rack gear


4) Surface grinding machine

Grinding machine can be used to reduce particulate size of various materials with precision. There is
a surface grinding machine which is used to grind surfaces of cylinder head. Also, there are small
grinding machines which are used to grind cutting tools.

5) Crankshaft grinding machine

Crankshaft grinding machines are used for remove material and refurbish the expensive yet vital part
of an engine.

6) Boring machine
Used for producing smooth and accurate holes in a workpiece by enlarging existing holes with a

7) Alignment machine
It grinds engine block. When the operator on this machine works a job its grinding size should be
equal with crankshaft grinding.

8) Crankshaft welding machine

It is used to weld the crankshaft when it gets crack on it.

1.9.2 Equipment of the company

Engine hoists
Are also known as engine cranes its main advantages are to lifting engine, gearbox and heavy
materials then transporting or move those machines from one place to the other in the shop. The
cranes have different size and have different load capacities to lifting and carrying.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Hand chains
Has the same function with the engine hoists but the difference only hand chains are not movable
from place to place by itself, but it can carry and moves by mounting on another movable machine. It
mainly uses to lifting up and lifting down at a fixed point.

Tools are different in type and functions, the main advantages are simply nut, to assembling and
disassembling, to servicing, or replacing any parts of a bus. Generally, used to full maintenance of
car a mechanic must doing with those types of tools.

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Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

General workflow of the company

Figure 1.17 Work flow

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

2.1 Section of the company we have been working

In the company we have been working there are about five working sections these are:-

 Preventive maintenance section
 Work shop (machine shop) section
 Break down (corrective) section
 Tire repairing section
 Body repairing section
 Car wash
1. Preventive maintenance (PM) section

This section is the busiest section due to the tasks that are taken in here are regular and continuous and
we have worked in this section most time of our internship period. As we can understand from the
name given to the section the works are preventive which means the maintenance given in this section
are before accident occur or damage of the vehicles occur.

Here in the preventive maintenance section, there are about four levels of preventive maintenances:

1. P level maintenance
In this level there are works to be done on the vehicles those are:-

Checking the belts position and weather they are cracked or not.

Giving grease on the places necessary like in the propeller shaft, pulleys and under the


Checking the coolant level and refill it if needed.

Checking if there are loosen joints.

Checking the lights and wipers functionality.

Checking all the oils used in the vehicle’s operation like as engine oil, differential oil,

steering oil.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

In general, every single thing will be checked visually and defaults will be fixed in this level.

2. A level maintenance
During p level maintenance we might observe that the engine oil should be replaced so, we have to
proceed to A level maintenance. In this level of maintenance, we will change the engine oil by a new

To change the engine oil, we have to check the oil’s viscosity, color and odor and also, we can
replace it by the user manual guide which is 12000 kilometers.

During the engine oil replacement, we also have to change both of the oil filters in order to deliver
clean oil after we remove the previous engine oil through the drain plug. The amount of oil to be
filled id 28 litters according to the user manual.

3. B level maintenance
In each level there are an assigned works given also in level B in addition to the p level work we will
change the differential oil but here we cannot observe the problem of differential oil so we will only
follow the user manual guide which tells as it should be changed between 50000-60000 kilometers.
to change the oil, we will flash the used oil through the drain plug and after we can fill it up. This oil
is the most viscous oil because it needs to lubricate gears which are big.

4. C level maintenance
This level is the one which needs more strength than the previous three because in order to change
the brake pads we need to remove the wheels from the hub to get the rotor (disk) which is where we
mount the brake pads.

The pads could be changed by looking it visually if it is wear out or by using the indicator which is on the
dashboard of the vehicle connected with the brake pads by wires.

2.2.2 Work shop (machine shop) section

In this working section parts that can be corrected and reused for the vehicles will be worked.

In this section there are machineries that help us to perform the works these are: Lathe machines,
boring machine, milling machine, Powered hack saws, drilling machines, Shaper machines, Powered
files, Grinders and Crank shaft welding machine. Here in section engine disassembling and
assembling is also takes place.
The vehicle parts maintained by the machine shop section are rotor discs, kingpins, some structural
parts that needs to be cut, drilled, shaped and any work that can be done there. There is also an
accessory shop in this section.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

In accessory shop several parts are maintained. This shop is back bone automotive like foot break,
relay, regulator, break chamber, compressor, these all parts are disassembled and assembled but the
most changed part are seal made from rubber used to guide oil and fuel.

2.2.3. Break down (corrective) section

In break down work section works that take places are those that cannot be done in preventive
section like as vehicles engine problem, transmission problem, differential, transmission and so on.
The vehicles interior and exterior body parts will be also given solution in the breakdown work

2.2.4. Tire repairing section

The tires are crucial functional element for the transmission of longitudinal, lateral and vertical forces
between the vehicle and road. Procedure of Tire Retread tire; in the tire recapping section, everything
is going in sequence, and each task, done by its own work procedures or workflow.

Initial Inspection


Tread preparation and Building


Vulcanizing in Chamber

Final Inspection

Initial inspection
The purpose of initial inspection is to verify that a casing is acceptable for retreading using , inside
and outside. Identify casing injuries and determine if repairable. Reject or approve the casing for

The primary objective of buffing is to prepare the worm tread surface of the tire to receive retreaded.
T is removed to the original tread design and some of the under tread removed to provide the casing
with the required dimensions and surface texture and cementing the buffing.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Figure 2. 1Buffering machine

Tread preparation and Building

Building is the process of applying pre mold deterred or new tread rubber to the buffed and prepared
casing. An uncured cushion gum that will develop the bonding between pre-molded tread and casing
is applied to casing. Pre-molded treads are cut to net length, applied and splice on the casing. In the
mold cure process, the uncured tread compound is extruded or applied as s strip directly to the casing.
In the pre-mold process, the uncured cushion compound has to vulcanize while the pre-mold tread
has to be kept in the position. Therefore, the tire is put in to an envelope which presses though a
vacuum system, the pre-mold tread uniformly on the cushion and the casing.
Vulcanizing Chamber
The purpose of curing is to apply specified heat and pressure over a period of time to unvulcanized
rubber so that the rubber is cured to the point of the best physical property and maximum adhesion to
the surrounding element. In the pre-molded process, the enveloped tire is put in to an autoclave where
as in the molded process the tire is cured in the proper tire molds (boiled at high temperature at 120
degrees for 4hours.

Figure 2. 2 Vulcanizing Chamber

Final Inspection
mandatory that the tire meet all customer and government regulations. Some re-treader are also
using instruments inspection like x ray, or high-pressure Tester, Unacceptable tire rejected and
scrapped. To ensure a quality retread each tire passes a thorough inside and outside visual inspection. It is

2.2.5. Body repairing section

Body shop is one of working place in Anbesa City Bus. In this work shop restoring the damaged part
of the car is done, that damaged because of collision and crash. To restore the body of the Bus we use

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

different methods and materials depending on the type of the body highly damaged or not. Hitting
panel with hummer using dolly block, weld a piece of plate on the damaged part and pull with the
material called puller and also weld washer for simple damage and pull by puller, push the damaged
part from inside using material called hydraulic pump, grinder, MIG weld are the main methods and
materials that we used in the body shop.

2.3 Work flow in the section

The works in every section is done by a several teams organized by the sections team leader; the
number of groups might vary from section to section for instance in preventive maintenance section
there are three groups. Every single member in the group participates in all works of the group, all the
works done on the vehicle will be discussed and give the solution for the problems together and at the
end the work will be checked weather it is functional or not by all members of the group together
before it goes out for public service. Every single member in the group participates in all works of the
group, all the works done on the vehicle will be discussed and give the solution for the problems
together and at the end the work will be checked weather it is functional or not by all members of the
group together before it goes out for public service.
2.4 Activities that we have been executing
We have participated in many activities in the company these are: -
Maintenance of vehicles lighting system
Fog lights
Parking lights
turn signal lights
reverse lights

Maintenance of vehicles body

Maintenance of engine

Maintenance of air system

Door system

Brake system

Suspension system (airbag)

Air filter

2.5. Major challenges encountered

There are some challenges we have faced during our internship period in the company.
There are no safety materials provided for the students.
We could not get materials necessary for our project.
There is no cafeteria for workers or there is no place to have lunch inside the company so it leads
us for extra paymen

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Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

2.6. Solutions for the challenges

For the challenges we have encountered we tried to give solutions as much as we can, some of the
solutions are:-

For the safety material problem, we tried to keep our self from harm, we used some old shoes
and clothes that can be get by cheap price.

For the case of covid pandemic we used face masks as directed by health officers and use
sanitizer for our hands.

The material shortage for our project is solved by searching materials in the compound that are
removed from vehicles after their service period and we made it fit to the materials we needed by
resizing them.

7. Car wash

In this part of shop cars have been washed before given to driver. In addition to washing,
the engine parts that are machined are also clean by water and pressurized air to remove chip.

Figure 2.7: Car washing room


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Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

3. Overall benefits we gain from the internship

Internship have incomparable benefits. The benefits of internship are clear for person who have get
the opportunity. During internship we proof knowledge in terms of many activities or situation. If
you use these kinds of chance, you will learn many things that help you in your life forever. Mainly
we have taken internship for the purpose of exploration the practical operation what we have learn in
theoretical. Because some theoretical knowledge is incomprehensible and be difficult to understand,
but if they are supported by practice, they are so easy and you will interpret and understand them

At internship time we gain many benefits like; use of tools, procedure, technical works, safety and so

Those the above benefits are as it is and additionally during internship, we upgrade our knowledge
such as;






Good agreement with others.

Disciplinary rules and Commitment, respecting other work.


Interest to teach others

Availability at place on time they required etc.

In ACBSE there are: multiethnic group workers, multi-religion follower workers, both sex workers,
different life style follower workers, those who have ability to create effective idea and different
level knowledge owner workers, those who have different level education certificate and etc.

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Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

However what glad you are, all workers work together without regard of these difference. They also
stand together during sad and help each other in case of difficult situation. Within annual (a year)
they also have meeting program with their branch depo. The workers of those branch come together
and meeting each other’s as well as the come together and discuss on serious issue that involve
company’s development. All those activities are positive situation that we have to learn from them
and it develop our positive attitude. Internship was teaching us what are in ACBSE and around the

Generally, internship play vital role in case of develop our social, political and economic knowledge
beside to improving the practical skills of knowledge that we have learned in theoretically.

3.1. Benefits we gained in terms of improving our practical skills

Internship is very important issue that help us to apply practically what we have been learned
theoretically in class. It helps to develop practical experience and how to handling the theoretical
knowledge when it changed into practical one. When we learn theory, it seems too difficult since
there is no more practical experience and lack of sufficient workshop availability in the campus. In
addition to this, in theoretical teaching and learning process of the course sometimes it is difficult to
interpreted and understand the subjects theoretically in a short period of time. But practically in the
internship or job training and practical work easily interpreted and understand. As a whole the intern
ship has excellent advantages for us, because of it deal with what we learned theoretically again we
seen practically.

Mechanical engineering most of the subjects are deals practical manner. However, except certain
course most of the course were not supported by practical activity up to we taken internship. This
renders me from the actual performance of the courses precisely. But in our internship, we got
sufficient knowledge and practical experience from the host internship company. So, that the
internship helps to gain different advantage and benefits. One of the most benefit was improvement
of our practical skills. After doing the internship we have improved our practical skill such as speed
of work, accuracy, confidence, independence in work and also technical skill on machine as well as
tools which are available in the company.

3.2. Benefits we gained in terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge

The internship was very helpful in up grading the theoretical knowledge since it was gained by
practical experience and observation. As all of us knew most of the field Study (mechanical
engineering) which we have been followed were theory. Certain theory of these were difficult to
understand easily and were forgettable within short period of time. But if all theoretical knowledge

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

were supported by practical activity by see and touch what we learn theoretically, they could be easy
to understand easily and we remember that knowledge at anywhere and when. This will successful at
a season like internship. So, the internship helps us in terms of upgrading our theoretical knowledge
development. During we join the company and doing our practice we improve and change our
knowledge which are from miss understand during field study.

Knowledge we have on how machines and mechanism of work and the system behind the machines
such as hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic system were much clear to understand by relating to
the knowledge. Studying different kinds of process, machines and reading manuals has also an
important way for up grading my theoretical knowledge. In addition to this, the internship has also
helped as in how we can relate my knowledge to the working environment and I think that this is
very important for my future in that we won’t be new for working environment.

Generally, up grading theoretical knowledge is important to participate in the internship and also
internship is a backbone to apply theoretically .so, internship is the most important for our future
opportunity to job requiring and to apply the practical experience that we gained during internship

3.3. Benefits we gained in terms of our interpersonal communication skills

Since the most important thing for one employee is good and peaceful communication and for
sharing of idea with other employees, the internship has been of great help in improving our
communication skill. For example, to get different kinds of information about the company and its
function, to acquire knowledge about the mechanical system of each machine, to share one’s
knowledge with others peaceful communication was very important.

Interpersonal communication is important in order to work and to understanding each operation on

the machines and tools. This lead to gain the experience how to apply this into practical one.
Additionally, to gained experience from the skilled professional workers. Due to this reason through
a time personal communication skill improves the knowledge and ability to approach the workers by
living with other peaceful. Personal communication skill improved depending on the practical work
and activities take place during the time.

To exchange, tools and other material during the work time with the workers. The interpersonal
communication skill plays a great role. To asking the operators how some machines perform its tasks
and the process performing on that machine communication is required. Even some workers of
ACBSE use Italian name of materials and tools. This makes us confuse around the beginning week.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Sometimes we assist other in Italian name for a time. But after few weeks we were try to know those
names and able to identify names of materials and could assist the correct tools and materials as we
asked. Therefore, this knowledge is the result of interpersonal communication from our internship.
Some examples of those names are listed in the below table;

English name Italian name

Starter motor Moterino

Hose Manicoto

Cylinder head Testata

Cylinder block Mano block

Oil sump Sotocopa

Crankshaft Colo

Camshaft Albrocam

Gearbox Cambio

Injection pump Pompa

Alternator Denamo

Spark plug Candela

Figure 3.1 Some examples of Italian names for engine parts.

3.4. Benefits we gained in terms of improving our leadership skills

To improving leader ship skills internship is one of the basic criteria and plays vital role in order to
improving leadership skill. Through actively observe all the works how to perform and how to flows
by the supervisors of the company or the company time keeper. We have seen many things related to
leadership during our internship that we have passed in ACBSE. The higher supervisor arranges sub

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supervisors in special way to control individual workers. Example ACBSE supervisor arrange
maintenance supervisor, work shop supervisor, car wash section supervisor so on. This type of
responsibility division is good and easy for the flow of works. Unless otherwise not all some
employee shows them self as hard worker, buthey waste time when there is no manager. From
internship we learn that absolute leaders are very important for any company like ACBSE.

The following are the benefits or advantages of internal ship improving leader ship skill. Those are:

• To increase quality of work.

• To facilitate the manner and terminate on time.

• To increase product of company.

•To have confidence at any project activities.

• To have cost effective to the company.

Generally, we believed that my attitude has changed positively and so does our leadership.

3.5 Benefits we gained in terms of understanding work ethics related issues

Work ethics used to work with any person or to participate in any activity which take places during
work involving in a proper manner the work ethics is necessarily.

During our internship we were so understand and well knew many things what are work ethics and
their benefits for group and individual people as well as for company. Most of the company workers
were work together in order to simplify the activity. All those individual workers are respect and
follow the work ethics. At the time we stay in ACBSE sure we improve or update our knowledge
related to work ethics issues.

The work ethics is important in future because we will not be new this rule and by know that
respecting and trying Generally, from my internship to improving the work ethics issues the basic
work ethics issues used in the work place that we obligate to know them as follows these are: to
implement the rule is beneficial for once and countries development.

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Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c



Respect others idea



Take care for properties and workers while use tools and machines

Responsible for their works……etc

Throughout the time in ACBSE, we identified basic problems which motivated us to give
solution and took it as a project. The projects we’ve done are Design/fabrication of an
Automatic Air Filter Cleaner and design of Wheel Hub Grease Packer Machine.

4.1 Title of project one

 Our internship project title is ‘‘Automatic Air Filter Cleaner’’.

4.2 Introduction
Every internal combustion engine requires a mixture of fuel and air to operate properly.
Without air (oxygen), the gasoline or diesel fuels can’t burn and provide the energy needed to
power the engine. The air that is used by the engine needs to be cleaned before it enters the
engine, otherwise dirt, dust, and debris accumulates and can cause poor engine performance.
As dirt and dust are allowed in the engine, they rub on the essential metal parts of the engine
causing them to wear away and eventually they will have to be replaced.

Air filters catch all of the dust, grime, insects, sap, leaves, and any other debris that may get
sucked up past the air intake of the vehicle's grill and into the engine itself. Without the air
filter, those contaminants may compromise the engine, causing corrosion and abrasion. If the
air filter in the engine becomes too dirty and is not cleaned regularly, the engine is starved of

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

This project design is aimed to made and provide a simple suitable and cost saving air filter
cleaning system for our host company; Anbessa city bus garage.

Our project is directed to an air filter cleaner which can be used in the garage to clean the air
filter of DAF and Bishoftu buses during normally scheduled downtime. In the past, this air
filter element where either cleaned by the process of spraying the compressed air from the
hoses or shaking and throwing the air filter onto the ground. This process was very time
consuming and often resulted in a pin holes or other damage to the pleated material of the
filter. If the pleated material of the filter where damage, the filter would be useless and time
invested in the cleaning of air filter would be a complete loss. Therefore, in the view of this
hazards our project eliminates the problem previously encountered.

Figure 4.1: Typical air filter of DAF and Bishoftu buses

4.3 Background
There are numerous challenges in everyday life that require a significant amount of effort and
time to solve. Cleaning the vehicle air filter is a little but crucial task that everyone should
conduct on a regular basis. It is true that cleaning a single automotive air filter takes a lot of
effort, and cleaning the filter in extreme weather conditions becomes a difficult operation. It
also causes problems in the event of an emergency. So, an advanced air filter cleaner machine
and rotating base tool can solve the problem indicated above. It is a particular tool built for the
purpose of cleaning air filters quickly. It is created in such a way that it can clean both the
inside and outside of the house one time. The most coveted result is that the entire effort and
time spent in the process is minimal. With the same tool, it is simple to clean and optimize the
air filter's performance. The tool is straightforward to create, operate, and transport along with
the vehicle. The equipment most commonly used to clean air filters are a compressor and a

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

human hand. The compressor aids in the removal of dusty particles. However, a compressor
and human effort are insufficient to remove all debris that may be sucked up past the vehicle's
grill's air intake and into the engine. Even these treatments can only remove a little portion at a
time. It will take time to clean the air filter in an emergency. In such situations, an air filter
cleaning machine will be more beneficial. With the help of a compressor, the nozzle that is
needed to apply internally and externally at a shaft is used to remove all of the particles in the
air cleaner. The rotor and stator elements are precisely aligned to carry and revolve the air
cleaner in a circular position around the nozzle. Any derbies or dusty materials can be
removed using this procedure. As a result, this machine will cut down on the time spent
cleaning the air filter.
4.4 Problem statement
In Anbessa city bus garage, we observed that the air filter cleaning system is not in correct
way. Here are some common problems (mistakes) that we observed during the cleaning

1. The cleaning is done manually by shaking and throwing the air filter onto the ground which
can expose the filter to damage and reduce its service life of operation.

2. Cleaning the air filter in the way mentioned above can also affect human health and in
addition it leads to consuming more human power and wastage of time.

3. Shaking and throwing the air filter onto the ground cannot be used to remove the dust and
dirt entirely out from the filter. If the air filter is not cleaned effectively its filtering capacity
will reduce through time which leads to early replacement of air filter and additional cost.

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Figure 4.2: Cleaning air filter manually

As it can be seen from the figure, the floor is covered by dust that comes out of the air filter
which exposes to the problems listed above. Therefore, in this context it is aimed to design air
filter cleaning system which help in minimizing the problems mentioned.

4.5 Objectives
4.5.1 General objectives

The general objective of this project is to improve the air filter cleaning system for Anbessaa city bus
garage and to provide simple and suitable air filter cleaner device for

Bishoftu and DAF buses and solve the problem which are listed above in the problem statement.

4.5.2 Specific objectives

 To prepare a detail design of an air filter cleaner device and its component parts.
 To construct geometric analysis.
 To draw part and assembly drawings
 To make (manufacture) a prototype of the assembled product.

4.6 Scope of the project

The scope of this project is to design and fabricate an air filter cleaner that changes exhausting
process of air filter cleaning by create a sustainable machine for worker.

4.7. Limitation of the design

The main limitation of this project can be considered as it only addresses a single type of air
filter devices which is a cylindrical paper air filter mainly manufactured in the Bishoftu
automotive industry where as there are different kinds and types of air filter mechanism like
gauze air filter and foam air filter.

4.8 Literature reviews

[5] A. Janarthanan1*, R. Hariharan1, C. Ponvijayan1, V.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
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Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Dr.K.Chandrasekaran studied on Interfacing of Automation in Air Filter Cleaner. The air

filters in an air intake system permanently removes foreign particles such as dust, dirt and soot
from the intake air, thereby maintaining the performance of the engine and protecting it from
damage. Proper maintenance can help vehicles perform as designed, thereby positively
affecting fuel economy, emissions, and overall drivability. This paper addresses the issues of
air filters proper cleaning. In contrast, a recent study showed that the fuel economy of modern
gasoline vehicles is virtually unaffected by filter clogging due to the closed loop control and
throttled operation of these engines. Because modern engines operate without throttling, a
different result could be anticipated. This paper describes the measured results with focus on
changes in vehicle fuel economy but also includes performance. The effects of air filters
performance were studied and the analysis is carried out with the different diesel engine of
cleaned air filters.
[6] Gaurav Balpande1, Mayur Chaudhari2, Prerit R. Lambhate3, Ashish Lengure4, Nalini
Turare5, Professor A.N. Lade6 studied on Fabrication of Automatic Air Filter Cleaning
System. For any engine there is necessary to prevent the impurities from air so that engine
should run smoothly so for that we are using air filter. The Air filters is used for heavy
construction equipment such as diesel engine or diesel cycle. For those which are used in little
polluted area like in mines, industries air filter is important criteria. The air filter should be
inspected, clean, and/or replaced every 15000 miles. These filters are specially constructed to
allow a higher volume of air yet still filter out any debris. This is the reason a diesel air filter is
much more expensive. As per our survey the air filter is clean by manually and it will take too
much time to clean it or sometimes due to laziness of worker they do not clean properly.
Sometimes because of manually cleaning it may be damage. So using this research a such type
of machine which prevents more time consumption and less human efforts to clean the air
filter is manufactured.

[7] Guoliang Liua, Manxuan Xiaob,1, Xingxing Zhangc, Csilla Galc, Xiangjie Chenb, Lin
Liud, Song Pane, Jinshun Wue, Llewellyn Tangb, Derek Clements-Croomef studied on a
review of air filtration technologies for sustainable and healthy building ventilation.
Urbanization increased population density in cities and consequently leads to severe
indoor air pollution. As a result of these trends, the issue of sustainable and healthy
indoor environment 7 has received increasing attention. Various air filtration techniques
have been adopted to optimize indoor air quality. Air filtration technique can remove air
pollutants and effectively alleviate the deterioration of indoor air quality. This paper
presents a comprehensive review on the synergistic effect of different air purification
technologies, air filtration theory, materials and standards. It evaluated different air

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

filtration technologies by considering factors such as air quality improvement, filtering

performance, energy and economic behaviour, thermal comfort and acoustic impact.
Current research development of air filtration technologies along with their advantages,
limitations and challenges are discussed. This paper aims to drive the future of air
filtration technology research and development in achieving sustainable and healthy
building ventilation.

[8] Marius Toma, Claudia Bobâlc studied on Maintenance of Air Filters for Internal
Combustion Engines. The previous research on air filters has shown that they are
replaced prematurely before reaching full capacity of utilization, leading to increasing
maintenance costs and to reduced engine protection against abrasive wear. Also, the
customers play a very important part because beyond the warranty period, they have the
last word, making decisions about replacing or not the air filters. In this context, the
present research aims to analyse drivers’ perceptions on the air filters maintenance for
internal combustion engines. We also investigated drivers’ level of knowledge about the
consequences of their decisions regarding air filters maintenance. We conducted a
quantitative research, using the survey method based on a questionnaire. Most
respondents are aware of the main filters used by cars systems. The best known filter is
the fuel filter and the less known is cabin air filter. The most important characteristic in
selecting air filters is higher filtering efficiency. When choosing the air filter, the first
criterion taken into account by respondents is the recommendations from the
maintenance and repair handbook of the car. The main consequence of dust penetration
inside the internal combustion engine is the engine's wear.

[9] Krunal K Parmar, Shailesh M Patel studied on an Effect of Atmosphere on Fuel

Economy & Air Consumption through Clogging of an Air Filter & found that Auto
motive is selfpropelled power generating device which used atmospheric air to optimize
the complete combustion of a fuel. In today’s world utilization of automotive is
increases as well as increase of pollution with industrial development. Recently due to
increase in rapid development of industries increase the number of automotive used to
achieve the requirement.

4.9 Benefits of the project

This design project will have several benefits or advantages over the current cleaning system of the
garage and other air filter cleaning systems, some are listed below:

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

 The system requires no expensive add-ons or external devices - it requires only a simple
source of compressed air.

 It reduces the man power effort required to clean the air filter in the way mentioned in the
problem statement section.

 The project will require a minimized budget cost from the enterprise because of most of
the component parts of the air filter cleaner device can be made from the waste materials
of the garage, therefore, the project generates considerable cost saving.

 It keeps the working area clean and safe for the workers’ health

3.10 Methodology
This section of the report includes guideline system for solving the problem which is stated in
problem statement with specific component such as phases, tasks, methods, techniques and
tool. For this particular project we follow the following guidelines and methods to design the
air filter cleaner.
 Observation and problem identification
 Conceptual design
 Selection of material
 Detail design
 Parts and assembly drawing  Manufacturing method

• Observation and problem identification

The best way to learn about problem is to observe them first hand. Our observation in the
company help us to gain a deep understanding of the barriers and challenges facing during the
cleaning process of an air filter.

• Conceptual design

In this phase we included the description of the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated
ideas about what it should do, how it should behave, and what it should look like.

• Selection of material

We take many considerations to select the material for designing purposes based on;

 Availability of the material

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Engineering, Automotive Stream
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 Suitability of the material for working consideration such as pressure, temperature

 Cost of the material
• Detail design

Analysis of each component such as the nozzles, pipes, plates and base, have been made.

• Part and assembly drawing

Part and assembly drawings of the air filter cleaner is made by using Solid work software.

• Manufacturing method

Cutting, drilling welding and grinding are main workshop activities that we performed during the
manufacturing process.

Procedures we used to make (manufacture) our design prototype:

 Finding and selecting waste materials of the garage that can be reused for our design

 Taking the measurements of the selected materials, depending on our design, and preparing
them for the next activities.

 Using different activities such as cutting, drilling, welding and grinding of the selected
materials to join and make the required prototype.

4.11 Components of the Air filter cleaner

1. Nozzle

The nozzle is the component used to direct a flow of compressed air to the targeted area which
is in this case to the inside and outside face of the air filter. In our design the nozzle(s) has two
functions one is to wipe out dusts from filter and the other is to rotate the filter. The nozzle
which is used to rotate the filter is fitted in an angular position from outside of the air filter.
We designed it to control the direction or characteristics of the gas flow (especially by
increasing the distance travelled per unit of time).

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Figure 4.3: Nozzle

2. Pipe

The pipes are connecting line between the compressor and the nozzles. They are used as
passing lines for the compressed (pressurised) air, that is supplied from the compressor, before
it reaches the nozzle and then the filter. The pipes are also used to hold (fix) the nozzles in a
vertically aligned and erected position. We used two pipes, one is at the center and the other
(L pipe) from the outside of the air filter (will be explained in the conceptual design).


Figure 4.4: A. mid pipe B. L pipe

3. Plates

Plates are used as a base for the whole structure. In our design we used two circular plates, the
one which is the smaller is used to hold the air filter. The second and larger one is under the
smaller plate and used to carry the whole structure.

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Figure 4.5: A. small diameter plate B. large diameter plate

4. Leg support

The leg supports the load of the machine and used to hold the structure above the ground.
The larger diameter plate mount at the top and form table like structure.

Figure 4.6: Leg support

5. Bearing

The bearing is mounted inside the center of the smaller plate and it helps the smaller plate to
rotate while holding the air filter when the machine is on duty. Here, among different types of
bearings we selected ball bearing because that ball bearings have the capacity to reduce
rotational friction and support radial and axial loads compared to other types of bearings.

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Figure 4.7: Ball bearing

6. Belt

It is a strip of flexible strap used to fasten the air filter with the smaller plate when the machine is
7. Joint

The joint is used to connect the mid pipe with the L pipe.

Figure 4.8: Joint

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4.12 Modeling and System analysis

4.12.1 Conceptual design
Conceptual design is the first or very early phase of the design process. This phase includes
the description of the proposed system in terms of a set of integrated ideas about what it
should do, how it should behave, and what it should look like. In the conceptual design phase
designers explore ideas of the project using a variety of tools including drawings, physical
models and 3d renderings of basic, preliminary ideas. In our design we prefer drawing to show
the model basics of our design.

Concept development

1. Concept one

Placing the nozzle to the inside of the air filter. Suppling the pressurised air from the
compressor so that the dust (dirt) can be wipe out from the filter. The nozzle should not be in
contact with the filter in order to prevent damage and allow the air filter to rotate while the
machine is on duty.

Figure 4.9: Drawing for concept one

2. Concept two

Cleaning air filter using multiple nozzles. Considering the height of the air filter, a single
nozzle cannot be used to clean the whole dirt out of the filter therefore, additional nozzles
should be used.

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Figure 4.10: Drawing for concept two

3. Concept three

Fixing the nozzles; all the nozzles should be aligned in a straight vertical line therefore, they
need a single line that connects them and also provide the compressed air for each nozzle.
Therefore, a pipe (tube) is used to connect as well as fix them along the vertical axis of the air

Figure 4.11: Drawing for concept three

4. Concept four

Rotating the air filter; according to concept three, since the pipe and nozzles are fixed along
the vertical axis of the air filter only one side of the filter can be cleaned. For the air filter to be
cleaned fully it should be rotated on its axis by means of some mechanism. So here we used
another set of vertically lined up nozzles that will be fixed from the outside of the air filter in
an angular position which are used to hit and rotate the filter.

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Figure 4.12: Drawing for concept four

5. Concept five

Connecting with a compressor; since the compressor has a single connecting line there should
be a common tube that connects the two columns with the compressor’s nozzle. Therefore, we
used a horizontally aligned pipe that connects the inside and outside columns and this
horizontal pipe intern is connected to the nozzle of the compressor.

Figure 4.13: Drawing for concept five

6. Concept six

The whole structure needs a base. The base supports load of the machine including the air
filter while the machine is on duty. So here we used a table like structure as a base. The table
contains two plates, one is fixed and the other, which is above the fixed, is rotated. The rotated

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

disc is used hold the air filter and rotates with the filter along the axis of the air filter when the
machine starts functioning.

Figure 3.14: Drawing for concept six

Experimental setup

The experimental setup of our design looks like this; -

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Figure 4.15: Experimental setup for automatic air filter cleaner

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4.13 Detail design

4.13.1 Material selection
The selection of materials is based on the appropriateness of the design requirements,
mechanical properties and availability. There are a lot of acceptable materials with acceptable
temperature ranges and design stresses. The manin consideration is strength. Strength is a
material’s ability to withstand an imposed force or stress and it is a significant factor in the
material selection for a particular application.

Design stresses are set using safety factors applied to material properties. The main factors that
influence material selection are:

a) Elongation and reduction of area at fracture

b) Ageing and brittleness under operating conditions
c) Fatigue strength
d) Availability

Based on the above properties:

Table 4.1: Material selection [15]

Number Component Selected Material Yield Stress(MPa) Ultimate Tensile


1 Support Gray cast iron 230 170

2 Pipe And Nozzles Aluminum 95 70

3 Base Discs Stainless Steel 520 860

4.13.2 Design analysis

An air filter cleaner is a device which removes solid particulates such as dust, dirt and pollen from
the air filter by using pneumatic system.

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Figure 4.16: Automatic air filter cleaner

 Design of nozzles

When we consider designing the nozzles the primary goal is that the nozzles should be light in
weight and strong enough to withstand the internal air pressure supplied from the compressor.
The design of the nozzles considers the size of the air filter. The maximum size of air filter has
an outer diameter of 40cm, inner diameter of 20cm and height of 45cm. So we use two types
of nozzles, shorter one placed inside which cleans the inner part of the air filter and the other
longer one cleans the outer face of the air filter and at the same time rotates the air filter. We
consider (assume) that maximum internal pressure of the compressor passes through the pipe
and the nozzles enough to rotate a 2kg of air filter will be 15 bar = 1.5Mpa. Then by taking a
safety factor of 3 we can determine the thickness of the nozzles.

t = 0.6mm

Where; t - thickness of the nozzles

P - maximum pressure

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R - outer radius of the nozzles

S - allowable stress

E - joint factor = 1

For manufacturing simplicity, we will take the thickness of the nozzles as 1mm. Since we found
the thickness of the nozzles we can determine the internal diameter of the nozzles;

D = 2t + d d = D − 2t = 20mm

− 2(1mm) d = 18mm

From the geometry of the nozzles we will determine its volume to analyse its weight.
As we mentioned earlier there are two types of nozzles:

 Inner nozzle is 65mm long outer diameter (Do) =20mm, ro = 10mm

 Outer nozzle is 115mm long inner diameter (Di) =18mm, ri = 9mm

First we are going to find the volume of the longer nozzle which is attached to the outer pipe.
The nozzle we use has two sections; cylindrical section and frustum section.

r = 19mm2

𝑟`2 = 𝑟`2o - 𝑟`2i = 52 - 22 = 9mm2

= 5075.7mm3 + 1505.5mm3

= 6579.2mm3 = 6.58 × 10-6m3

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So the weight of a single nozzle will be

W = ρ × g × v = 2714 kg/m3 × 9.81m/s2 × 0.00000658m3

= 0.18N

Where; 𝑟` – end radius of nozzle end which has a frustum shape

𝑟 − end radius of nozzle end which has a cylindrical shape

h – height of cylindrical section of the longer nozzle

h`– height of the frustum section of the longer nozzle

ρ – density of aluminium

g – gravity

V – volume

Since there is no standard about the number of nozzles, we use 11 nozzles with 20mm gap which
will cover the length of the air filter to be cleaned. So the total weight become

W = 11 × 0.18N= 1.98N

For the shorter nozzle the only difference is the length of the cylindrical section of the nozzle

V =

= 1790.7mm3 + 1505.5mm3

= 3296.2mm3 = 3.3 × 10-6m3

Then weight of a single nozzle on the inner pipe becomes

W = ρ × g × v = 2714 kg/m3 × 9.81m/s2 × 3.3 × 10-6m3

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W = 0.088N

The total weight of nozzles on the inner pipe will be; W= 11 × 0.088N = 0.97N
From this we can find the total weight of nozzles we used

W = 0.97N + 1.93N = 2.89N

Where; ρ – density of aluminium (2714 kg/m 3)

g – gravitational acceleration

 Design of pipes

As we mentioned earlier the pipe should be lighter in weight and strong enough to withstand
the pressure inside it. So when designing it we use aluminium metal same as the nozzles
because it has fair strength and light weight also the pipe and nozzle material similarity gives
as good welding condition, finishing and strength. The pipe has three sections; the inner pipe
holding the shorter nozzles with 65cm length, the outer pipe holding the longer nozzles with
63.5cm length and the pipe that connects the two of them with 36.5 length and no holes.

All the pipes have outer diameter of 35mm. Now let’s find the thickness of the pipe by taking the
above consideration when designing the nozzle,

t = 1.1mm

For manufacturing precision, we take the thickness of 1.5 mm, from this the internal pressure will

D = 2t + d d = D − 2t = 35mm −

2(1.5mm) d = 32mm

Since the pipe is closed at the top and have very small outlet at the side, the pipe undergoes in different types
of stresses caused by the internal pressure.

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 Circumferential (hoop) stress; 

= 17.5𝑀𝑃𝑎

 Longitudinal stress; σ =

= 8.75𝑀𝑃𝑎

 Radial stress; σ = P
= 1.5𝑀𝑃𝑎
Where; P – internal pressure
Do – outer diameter of pipe
t – thickness of the pipe

All the above stresses are smaller than our design stress 23.3Mpa. So the design is safe!

From the geometry of the pipes we can see that they have a cylindrical shape and two of them have
11 holes each. The nozzles are welded on these holes.

• Inner pipe and joint: 650 + 211.5 = 861.5mm the total length of the pipe becomes
• Outer pipe: 635mm = 1913.5mm
• Connecting pipe and junction: 365+52 = 417mm

So the volume of the pipe will be

𝑉 = (𝑟𝑜2 − 𝑟𝑖2)ℎ

= ((17.5𝑚𝑚)2 − (16𝑚𝑚)2)1913.5𝑚𝑚

= 301,921.6mm3

but the volume of the holes should be subtracted

𝑉 = (𝑟2)𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
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= (12.5𝑚𝑚2)1.5𝑚𝑚 ∗ 22

= 16,198.8mm3

So the net volume becomes

V = 301,285.4mm3 - 16,198.8mm3 = 285,087.1mm3

= 2.85 × 10-4m3

Where; r – radius of the hole,

𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 – number of holes,

𝑡 − thickness of the pipe

And from this we can compute the weight of the pipe,

W = ρ × g × v = 2714 kg/m3 × 9.81m/s2 × 2.85 × 10-4m3

= 7.59N

 Design of circular base plates

We use two disc plates. The first one has a clamp on its edges and welded on the bearing. This
plate has the same diameter as the air filter and its mainly used supporting the air filter and
facilitate its motion by fixing it by belt that are attached on the clamp. The plate has a hole at
the center for fitting the bearing which is 72mm diameter and a thickness of 3mm. The second
one is the base plate attached to the support. It has diameter of 600 mm and center hole
diameter of 35 mm which is similar to the pipes outer diameter. As our design consideration
this plate need to carry the load on both the static and moving condition and fairly strong
because it is subjected to a fatigue condition. So we used stainless steel which has a tensile
strength of 860Mpa and yield strength of 520Mpa.

For the smaller disc plate

The stress formed on the plate is due to the weight of the air filter. The air filter used by the
buses has a maximum of 2kg.

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Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

= 208.17N/m2

The stress on the plate is way less than the material strength so it is safe!

The volume of the plate is the sum of the volume of the disc and the volume of the 4 clamps at the
V = Vdisc + Vclamps

= 3.09 × 10-4 m3

Therefore, the weight of the plate will be

W = ρ × g × v = 7920 kg/m3 × 9.81m/s2 × 3.09 × 10-4 m3

= 23.99N

For the larger disc plate

This disc attached on the support by bolt and nut and the joint pipe is welded on the central
hole of the disc. The stress on this disc is formed by the sum of the mass of the air filter, the
pipes, the nozzles and the smaller disc also the mass of air even though it is much smaller.

= 185.29N/m2

This stress is also smaller than the tensile strength of the material so the design is safe! So it can
safely withstand the overall weight of the components.

And to compute the volume of the base plate we have to consider the holes for the bolt passage,

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
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V = Vb.disc + Vholes

= 1.38 × 10-4m3

Then the weight of the disc becomes


= 7920 kg/m3 × 9.81m/s2 × 1.38 × 10-4m3

= 10.75N

 Design of support

The total weight on the support formed from the weight of the air filter, pipes, nozzles, fluid
(very small), disc and base disc. In other word it is the sum of weight on the base disc and the
weight of the base disc.

WT = Won disc + Wb.disc

= 54.4N + 10.75N

= 65.15 N

The support has four legs that are welded on the corner of a square steel beam which are made
of steel square box bar. The base disc is fastened by bolt and nut on halfway of the metal
beam which has a 40cm side length each.

Since the distance between the center and the bolt is equal the load distribution to the beams should
be equal.

= 16.28𝑁

The shear force and bending moment analysis of the support frame be according to the weight on
each frame bars. One analysis can be applicable for all of them.

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First find the reaction forces

∑ F = 0, Ay + By – 16N (0.4m) = 0

Ay + By = 6.4N -----------------------*
∑ M = 0 at A, - ) + By (0.4m) = 0

By = (16N × 0.4m ( ))/0.4m

By = 3.2N

From * Ay= 6.4N - 3.2N = 3.2N

Ay= 3.2N

∑ F=0; -16N(x) + 3.2N – Vx = 0

Vx = -16(x) + 3.2

∑ M=0 +ve, at M; M + 16N(x) (

M = 3.2x – 8x2

Shear force diagram

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Bending moment diagram

The maximum bending moment occurs at the center of the frame bar (0.2m) where the shear
force is zero by the value of 0.32Nm. The maximum shear force is at the ends of the bar and
its value is 3.2N.

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According to our analysis the maximum load on a single bar is due to the reaction of the two
adjacent frame bars. The reaction from one frame bar is 3.2N.

So the load on each leg becomes;

Weach leg = 2 × 3.2N = 6.4N

The leg we use is a square box bar so by considering the bulking condition of the legs we
can determine the size of the side length.

= 𝑛 × 𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑙𝑒𝑔

= 2 × 6.4N = 12.8N

Rearranging the equation

Also for square box bar

Combining these two equations

𝑎 = 0.00283𝑚, so the bar side length has become 3mm.

Where, Pcr= critical load

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E = elastic modules of gray cast iron (69Gpa)

N = length from the ground (taken as 0.5m)

I = moment of inertia

n = factor of safety of 2
 Selection of bearing [16]

Considering our pipe diameter, the bearing bore should fit its size. And for speed rotational
operation ball bearing is preferable. The bearing is subjected to both axial and radial load due
to the weight of the air filter and the reaction force of the compressed air respectively. So we
select a 35 mm bore diameter deep groove ball bearing having a C 10 load rating of 25.5kN and
considering manufacturers rated cycle value of 90 % reliability also recommended bearing life
of 14khr.

 Design of welding joints [17]

Mostly we use welding to attach the metals, especially nozzle to pipe and support frames.as of
the nozzle and the pipe since we use the same material it gives us good welding finish and

When we consider the weld strength on each nozzle

P = 0.707 × t × l × σall

Where; P - welding strength, t - thickness of the base metal σall - allowable

stress of base metal, σall = 0.6Sy = 0.6(95Mpa) = 57Mpa l - length of weld which is

the circumference of pipe holes, l = πD = π(25mm) =


P = 0.707 × 1.5mm × 78.5mm × 57Mpa

= 4.75kN

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And the weld strength on the support frame become:

P = 0.707 × t × l × σall

Where; l is the length of weld which is the perimeter of the square bar, l = 4 × 50mm = 200mm

σall is the allowable stress of base metal, σall = 0.6Sy = 0.6 (230Mpa) = 138Mpa

P = 0.707 × 5mm × 200mm × 138Mpa

= 97kN

When we compare this welding joint strength they are much greater than our loading condition.
The design is safe!

Table 4. 2: Allowable stress of weld metals [15]

 Selection of bolts and nuts

We use bolts to hold the base disc plate to the support frame. We select M14 low carbon steel
bolt having a minimum proof strength of 225Mpa and corresponding nut having 12.8mm. So
the maximum loading capacity without permanent failure can be computed by multiplying the
proof strength to the tensile stress area which is 157mm2.

Proof load (maximum load) = 225Mpa × 157mm2 = 35.3 kN

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Figure 4.17: Bolt and Nut

Table 4. 3: Nominal size of bolts [15]

Since we use 4 bolts and nuts to hold the plate against the frame bar, the link is very strong when
compared to our loading condition. Means the structure can safely support the loading.
4.14 Manufacturing of Automatic air filter cleaner
4.14.1 Materials used for our project
 In order to make our project more affordable we have used materials which we easily found
in the workshop and garage of Anbessa City Bus. Those materials are:

• Pipes
• Nozzle
• Sheet metal
• Adaptor
• Bearing
• Belt
• Ink

4.14.2 Manufacturing processes

Measuring (Dimensioning)

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The very early process is dimensioning of the selected materials. First dimensions are taken
from the pipe and nozzles (lines of compressed air) considering the dimension - height,
internal and external diameter of the air filter (considering our design). Then dimensioning the
sheet metal, the pipes and nozzles.


After taking all the necessary measurements, the next process is cutting of the measured
materials. This can be done through the aid of cutter machine like grinder, stopping, etc in
order to obtain the desired dimension for each component.


Drilling the tubes using radial drilling machine. The holes drilled on the tube used to transfer
compressed air from the tube to the nozzles.

Figure 4.18: Drilled tube and nozzle prepared for welding


Welding is the process of joining to components together permanently. As it is known there

are so many types of welding but, in our case arc welding is recommended for the selected

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Figure 4.19: Welding of the pipe with the leg


After welding, grinding is used to finish work pieces that must show high surface quality,

smoothness and high accuracy of shape and dimension.


Finally, painting the parts in order to prevent from rust and it also good texture for the viewers.

4.15 Cost Estimation

Table 4: Cost Estimation for Automatic Air Filter Cleaner

No. Item Quantity Unit Specification Cost (etb) Total

1 Aluminium 1 m 2 120 per 240
Hollow Pipe meter
2 Square bar cast 4 cm 40*40 234 per 936
iron meter
3 Stainless Steel 1 m 2 350 per 700
sheet metal meter
4 Bolt and Nut 4 M14 10 per bolt 40

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5 Aluminum 1 m 3 120 per 360

Hallow Nozzle meter

Tota 2296etb

4.16 Result and discussion

Primary test
Our primary test was unsuccessful. There were four main reasons for the test to fail. The first
one was leakage caused by imperfect welding. During the welding process of the nozzles with
the pipe, some welding defects such as incomplete penetration and incomplete fusion were
occurred. These defects occur when the root of the weld bead does not reach the root of the
joint and when there is lack of fusion at the joint edges, respectively. This was caused due to
unprofessional welders. The second reason was; size of the nozzle orifice was not small
enough to pressurize the air. Since we used waste materials to made our prototype, we were
not able to find the right type of nozzle. Therefore, the compressed air couldn’t reach the
targeted area for the targeted purpose. The third reason was that instead of ball bearing we
used plain bearing which was available in the garage, and this had effect on the rotation of the
smaller plate. The last but not the least was that the capacity of the compressor we found in
the garage was not enough to make the device functional. Compressor capacity is the volume
of air delivered by the compressor. It is known that larger model of compressor has a greater
capacity to produce more compressed air which is very important for our project.

Secondary test
After the failure of our primary test, we made some modifications on the prototype. First we
changed the nozzles. As it is explained earlier, the pressure of air depends on the type of
nozzle. Therefore, we dug out more in the shop and found a different (better) type of nozzle
then replaced it with the former one. Next we changed the pipe, since we should have to drill
again so that it can be fit with the ‘newly found’ nozzle. Then we used better technique of
welding, i.e. after drilling the pipe, penetrating the hole with the nozzle by some millimetres
(say 1 or 2) can improve the welding by avoiding leakage and defects explained previously.

But unfortunately we couldn’t change two things, the type of bearing and capacity of the
compressor. We only tried to change things that were possible and tested the prototype for the
second time. This time our test was partially successful. That is, the nozzles at the mid pipe

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
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were able to wipe out the dust from the air filter but, those at the L-pipe were not able to rotate
the filter because of the already explained reasons (the bearing and compressor capacity).

Finishing (Prototype)

Figure 3.20: Finished prototype

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Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c



5.1 Conclusion
Anbessa city bus service firm is a corporation that manufactures and maintains a variety of
products, providing us with a diverse set of skills and experience. As a result, our organization
has a wealth of information to offer, particularly in the field of mechanical engineering.

We were really fortunate to be able to participate in the qualifying internship program because
we got a wealth of knowledge and experiences that we would not have had otherwise, and we

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

were able to expand on what we had learned previously by connecting theoretical and
practical knowledge. We also got extra talents that are not taught in formal education but can
be learned. Like those of we have improved our practical skill, theoretical knowledge, work
ethics, entrepreneurship skills, Interpersonal communication skills, team playing skills and
leadership skills.

In our stay, we have done two projects that can solve problems in ACBSE. The first one is
Automatic Air filter cleaner which cleans the air filter using pneumatic system. As we
observed in the garage the air filter is cleaned by manually and took too much time to clean or
sometimes due to laziness of workers they do not clean properly. Sometimes because of
manual cleaning it may be damaged. So we fabricated a such type of machine which prevents
more time consumption and less human efforts to clean the air filter. In our second project we
were successful in designed a grease packer for wheel hubs. If the final manufacturing of our
project is conducted properly, a very important problem in the wheel hub bearing service
process will be avoided. Our project states that the bad habit of grease packing tradition of all
around auto repair, and servicing shops in Addis Ababa city is unsatisfactory and risky, while
depending on our project design it increases the time to pack for a single medium wheel hub
bearing with hand takes from 10- 15 minutes while our project detected into 1-minute
maximum including the overall process of preparing grease into the pack up to the final press
or packing process.

Generally, the internship period was satisfactory and knowledgeable period for us!

5.2 Recommendation
ACBSE is one of the huge companies in Addis Ababa, however they have so many problems
we would like to raise point out limitation of resources like special tools, machines, enough
working area and good working environment. The maintenance plan should also have revised
by the skilled person carefully, means that the company must give a higher emphasis on the
overall maintenance plan, by taking sample problems on the damage part of the bus.

Regarding of the problems we have stated above we would like to recommended the following
points: -

• The Company must put danger sign for machine parts that is difficult for employees and
students to do work and practice.

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

• The company must buy quality safety materials for the workers to protect employees and
increasing production.

 Concerning safety goggles and gloves: goggles aren’t used in the shops by the
operators as they are supposed to having the above mentioned flying chips the operator
cannot afford not to wear goggles. So ACBSE shouldn’t undermine the fact that safety
comes first.

 Concerning idle machines: The company should train all operators to minimized down time
by knowing worn-out parts.

Many machines in the precision and convectional shops are idle because of simple
mechanical or electrical problems. If they are maintained they should be a great help in
avoiding delays. As a result, maintaining should also be among the tasks that need to
be done.

Regarding the first project, because of resource and time shortage our automatic air filter
cleaner project had encounter a shortcoming i.e. the dust/dirt that cleaned out of the
machine was directly spreads to the air. So our machine needs a separate large area to
work which may be difficult to find. Therefore, we recommend for the next designers they
should consider ideas like a case/housing that is designed to remove the dust without
dusting back on to the air filter or a motor operated automatic air sucker system which
collects the dust and dump them to a relatively wet place.

In addition, we would like to recommend for the future designer to design automatic air
filter cleaner and wheel hub bearing grease packer that can be available for all kinds of
[1] https://addisfortune.net/articles/seventy-years-of-anbessa-buses/
[2] https://en.sewasew.com/p/anbessa-city-bus-service-enterprise
[3] https://www.bus-planet.com/bus/bus-africa/Ethiopia-site/ANBASA/index.html
[4] Anebessa city bus service entrprise company file room
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Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream
Internship Report At Anbessa City Bus Service Enterprise (ACBSE) 2015 E.c

Turare5, Professor A.N. Lade6 “Fabrication of Automatic Air Filter Cleaning System” p-
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Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
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Figure 4.1 An Automatic Air Filter Cleaner

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Figure 4.2: D40 Circular plate

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Figure 4.3: D60 Circular plate

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Figure 4.4: Joint

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Figure 4.5: L-pipe

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Figure 4.6: Larger Nozzle

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Figure 4.7: Mid pipe

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Figure 4.8: Smaller Nozzle

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Figure 4.9: Table

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Figure 4.10: Ball bearing

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Figure 4.11: Bolt

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Figure 4.12: Wheel hub grease packer

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Figure 4.13: Grease packer assembly drafting

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Figure 4.14: Frame

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Figure 4.15: Plate

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Figure 4.16: Lever arm

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Figure 4.17: Lever arm holder plate

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Figure 4.18: Pin

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Figure 4.19: Pressing rubber for the small bearing

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Figure 4.20: Pressing rubber for the large bearing

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Figure 4.21: Washing sink

Arba Minch University Institute of Technology (AMIT). Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Automotive Stream

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