Group 3 Handout
Group 3 Handout
Group 3 Handout
IN A HOUSEHOLD – the energy consumption includes 2006 - Three CDS phases have been
electricity, gas, water, and any other energy used to live implemented and a preparation grant from the
comfortably. Japanese Government supported several cities
in project feasibility studies.
consumption of transportation includes how much diesel In all, more than 60 cities have participated in
or gasoline vehicles consume to run. the CDS activities. Cities have granted more
than 500 priority programs and projects funded
Climate Change through cities’ own funds, government
intermediates, assistance, and private sectors.
- refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and
weather patterns. 2) National Land Transport policy framework
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Executive Order No. 712, issued on March 11,
Climate Change (IPCC) — the United Nations 2008.
body established to assess the science related
to climate change — modern humans have Viewed from the recognition that traditional
never before seen the observed changes in our transport system management concentrated on
global climate, and some of these changes are individual transport modes and physical
irreversible over the next hundreds to thousands infrastructure results to disconnected efforts.
of years.
3) National Transportation Policy and Planning
Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is
expected to cause approximately 250 000 A five-year program aimed at supporting the
additional deaths per year from malnutrition, government in the formulation and
malaria, diarrhea and heat stress alone. implementation of reforms of various areas of
economic governance including reforms in the the implementation of the MCLUTS recommendations.
transport sector. Prior to its creation, the Metro Cebu Transportation and
Traffic Engineering Office was setup to develop the
An AusAID- funded initiative under the medium to long-term transport proposals of MCLUTS
Philippine- Australia Partnership for Economic and implement its short-term recommendations
Governance Reforms.
Transportation and Traffic Management Plan for
Expected to provide the foundation and Davao City
framework for a National Transport Plan and a
Medium- Term Public Investment Plan (MTPIP). The study was primarily undertaken to come up with
a transportation and traffic management meet the travel
needs of the rapid urban expansion of the city of Davao.
In particular, the study intended to:
Metro Manila Transportation Integration Study
1) assess the existing traffic condition in Davao City
The Metro Manila Transportation Integration through compilation of primary and secondary data;
Study (MMUTIS) followed the conventional transport
planning process, but also incorporated participatory 2) design an efficient traffic circulation plan to ensure
planning through its planning workshops and smooth vehicular and pedestrian flow;
consultative activities. MMUTIS formulated and
evaluated four scenarios on future urban development 3) identify traffic management measures and alternatives
patterns. appropriate for the city to alleviate congestion;
The study selected Scenario I II that assumed 4) develop a framework plan for long-term period; and,
that a transport network would be developed more
strategically to encourage the current land use trend to 5) recommend policy directions to sustain programs for
continue, but with more effective land use control and short, medium, and long-term plans.
growth management of the urban areas. A transport
The Davao City Comprehensive Development Plan
master plan was developed by MMUTIS based on the
(CDP) and the Davao Integrated Development Program
chosen scenario. The plan was a product of two rounds
(DIOP) 22 have provided the medium-term and long-
of plan testing and evaluation.
term plans towards the realization of the city's
Metro Cebu Land Use and Transport Study development vision. The DIOP has looked at the
metropolitanization of Davao City and its impacts on the
Davao Gulf area. On the other hand, the CDP has
The Metro Cebu Land Use and Transport Study focused on the city's urbanization and economic growth
(MCLUTS) prepared a structure plan to guide the
development of Metro Cebu from 1981 to 2000. A
phased program of transportation infrastructure Road Network Improvement of Regional Growth
investments had been prepared in the context of the Centers
Structure Plan. Included in the short-term plan were
The study on Road Network Improvement for
transportation system management measures. The
Development of Regional Growth Centers was
strategic planning component of the MCLUTS
undertaken in 2004 covering Metro Iloilo, Metro Bacolod,
formulated, tested, and evaluated four basic urban
and Metro Cagayan de Oro. The objectives of the study
forms, namely:
1) Concentrated without mainland reclamation;
1) formulate a Master Plan for the Urban Road Network
2) Concentrated with mainland reclamation; Development including short-, medium- and long-term
3) Linear-dispersed; and implementation programs;
4) Mactan Island expansion. 2) carry out a feasibility study for high priority road
projects; and
The study has recommended the creation of a
development authority, although this has not yet been 3) enhance the capability of the National Government as
implemented. However, a project office, the Metro Cebu well as the Local Government Units for urban road
Development Project, has been established to manage network planning and feasibility study.
The study entailed the conduct of the following relative attractiveness of urban centers to firms and
activities: skilled labor by offering different bundles of local
1) Socio-economic profiling of the metropolitan areas. services (most especially infrastructure) vis-a-vis varying
2) Review of transport and traffic conditions. levels of local taxes and user charges.
3) Urban transport and land use modeling.
4) Development of urban road master plans. 3) Performance-Based Grants
5) Feasibility studies on priority road projects
The experience of DILG in managing the SLRF
LAND USE AND TRANSPORT PLANNING is notable as it demonstrates the catalytic impacts of
fund allocations that can be channeled to LGUs. Fund
There is a growing need to address urban transport allocations can be subject to appropriate levels of
issues in several other large and medium size cities, monitoring and evaluation with a mix of capacity-
especially since most of these cities often do not have building strategies. In the case of SLRF, DILG conducts
well-developed urban transport plans or transport field visits and dialogues with concerned LGUs. The
services. Except for Metro Manila24, Metro Cebu25, and DILG have also collected useful statistics relating to the
Davao City, very few comprehensive urban transport urban transport system of LGUs.
studies have been undertaken for cities, if at all. In terms
of local development planning, the Local Government
Code of 1991 clearly defines urban planning and
management and as a primary responsibility of the local
government unit. The Philippines is committed to identify, promote,
and undertake Environmentally Sustainable Transport
(EST) strategies and initiatives, in support of national
1) Motor Vehicle User's Charge
progress and development. In fact, the country is a
Republic Act No. 8794 entitled, "An Act signatory to various conventions and declarations.
Imposing a Motor Vehicle User's Charge (MVUC) on
The Philippines has undertaken various programs
Owners of all types of Motor Vehicles and for other
and activities towards achieving sustainable
Purposes", otherwise known as the MVUC Law which
development and addressing climate change since its
was ratified in June 2000 stipulates that all monies
signing to the United Nations Framework Convention
collected under his law shall be earmarked and used
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Agreement in Rio de
exclusively for road maintenance and improvements of
Janeiro in 1992.
road drainage, installation of adequate and efficient
traffic lights and road safety devices, and air pollution Republic Act No. 8749 or the "Philippine Clean
control, which shall be deposited to the National Air Act of 1999," - provides for environmentally
Treasury in the following ( 4) Special Trust Accounts, sustainable transport through harmonization of national
wherein a Road Board was created to manage the said emission standards with the international standards.
funds in a prudent and efficient manner:
(i) Special Road Support Fund. The Philippines is also a signatory to the Aichi
(ii) Special Local Road Fund. Statement of 2005 that recognizes, among others, the
(iii) Special Road Safety Fund; and need for both national and local level governments to
(iv) Special Vehicle Pollution Control Fund develop and adopt integrated policies, strategies, and
programs incorporating key elements of environmentally
sustainable transport.
2) Local Funds
The Aichi Statement defines these key elements of
One of the major reasons why urban transport- EST into twelve (12) thematic areas of importance:
related projects do not figure dominantly in the CDP is
the absence of transport data on the local level. Because (i) Public health.
of poor transport sector data, sectoral analysis is difficult (ii) Strengthening roadside air quality monitoring and
and necessary transport projects cannot be identified.
(iii) Traffic noise management.
On the other hand, there is a need to work closely with (iv) Vehicle emission control, standards, and
LGUs in terms of distilling workable approaches in inspection and maintenance.
funding local transport projects. With decentralization, (v) Cleaner fuels.
LGUs are envisioned to play a major role in altering the (vi) Public transport planning and travel demand
(vii) Non-motorized transport.
(viii) Environment and people friendly infrastructure 6. Transport Funding
development. The level of investment and the source
(ix) Social equity and gender perspectives. of financing urban transport investment are
(x) Road safety and maintenance. necessary in determining the capacity and
(xi) Knowledge base, awareness, and public efficiency of LGUs for financing urban transport
participation. (xii) Land use planning. programs and projects.
Majority of city transport investment data
are only available at the local budget or treasury
These data can be expected from
1. Road Network Data detailed Statement of Income and Expenditure
Road network data, which include accounts that often come in raw form. Data
information on surface type and surface integration is often done according to the
conditions, are available in different offices in minimum requirements and standard format of
charge of road administration. . the Bureau of Local Government Finance
The Department of Public Works and (BLGF).
Highways (DPWH) maintains a regular inventory
of national roads, while the DILG, in the office of
Special Local Road Fund, keeps an updated
inventory of provincial and city roads.