Assesment Gabungan
Assesment Gabungan
Assesment Gabungan
2). Issues with 4G MIMO mode control can cause by following statement, except:
A. Inappropriate selection between the two transmission schemes
B. Ping-Pong between spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing
C. Switching between transmission schemes to create additional signalling
D. Inappropriate' selection between spatial diversity and spatial multiplexing
E. All options are incorrect
Fungsi umum MIMO adalah Increase Capacity, reduce interference, increase THP,
Pembahasan :
A. Tidak tepatnya penyeleksian antara dua skema transmisinya (Spasial Diversity &Spasial
Multiflexing)=>> trigger issue
B. Keragaman spasial adalah teknik dalam MIMO yang mengurangi pemudaran sinyal dengan
mengirimkan banyak salinan dari sinyal radio yang sama melalui beberapa antena; multiplexing
spasial adalah teknik dalam MIMO yang meningkatkan kecepatan data dengan mengirimkan
muatan data dalam aliran terpisah melalui antena yang terpisah secara spasial. (Spatial
diversity is a technique in MIMO that reduces signal fading by sending multiple copies of the
same radio signal through multiple antennas; spatial multiplexing is a technique in MIMO that
boosts data rates by sending the data payload in separate streams through spatially separated
antennas) Spatial Diversity is a technique to overcome probability of error, P_e. Spatial
Multiplexing is a technique to increase data throughput.
C. Beralih di antara skema transmisi untuk membuat pensinyalan tambahan =>> akan
menyebabkan issue karena antenna MIMO hanya menggunakan 1 skema (diversity or
D. Sama dengan jawaban A
3). What is a3offset ?
A. A threshold for RSRP Neighbor Cell so that intrafreq HO can perform
B. A threshold for RSCP WCDMA Cell so that intraRAT HO can perform
C. A threshold for RSRP Serving Cell so that intrafreq HO can perform
D. A margin between RSRP Neighbor and RSRP Serving Cell
E. All options are incorrect
Pembahasan :
Intinya pahami event HO
Tujuan adanya offsetA3 agar tidak ada ping pong
4). In the 3GPP evolved release 10, transmission modes are support to:
A. Single Antenna Port or Tx Diversity & 4x4 MIMO in the downlink harus 4x4 in the uplink
B. Tx Diversity & Closed Loop Spatial Mux with single Layer
C. 8x8 MIMO in the downlink or Dual Layer Beamforming
D. Tx Diversity & Closed Loop Spatial Mux (Close Loop MIMO)
E. All options are incorrect
Pembahasan :
A. Release 8 =>> atau harusnya 4x4 MIMO pada uplink
B. Dan D hanya obsi tidak ada terdapat pada spesifikasi realese
PCFICH ditransmisikan pada simbol pertama dari setiap sub-frame dan membawa bidang Indikator Format Kontrol, CFI.
CFI berisi kata kode 32 bit yang mewakili 1, 2, atau 3. CFI 4 dicadangkan untuk kemungkinan penggunaan di masa
PCFICH menggunakan pengkodean blok 32,2 yang menghasilkan tingkat pengkodean 1/16, dan selalu menggunakan
modulasi QPSK untuk memastikan penerimaan yang kuat.
=>> Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) .Tujuan utama dari saluran fisik ini adalah untuk membawa
informasi penjadwalan dari berbagai jenis:
1. Penjadwalan sumber daya downlink
2. Instruksi kontrol daya uplink
3. Hibah sumber daya uplink
4. Indikasi untuk paging atau informasi sistem
PDCCH berisi pesan yang dikenal sebagai Informasi Kontrol Downlink, DCI yang membawa informasi kontrol untuk UE
atau grup UE tertentu. Format DCI memiliki beberapa tipe berbeda yang didefinisikan dengan ukuran berbeda. Berbagai
jenis format meliputi: Ketik 0, 1, 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3, 3A, dan 4.
=>> Physical Hybrid ARQ Indicator Channel (PHICH) . Sesuai dengan namanya, channel ini digunakan untuk
melaporkan status Hybrid ARQ. Ini membawa sinyal HARQ ACK/NACK yang menunjukkan apakah blok transport telah
diterima dengan benar. Indikator HARQ panjangnya 1 bit - "0" menunjukkan ACK, dan "1" menunjukkan NACK.
PHICH ditransmisikan dalam wilayah kontrol subframe dan biasanya hanya ditransmisikan dalam simbol pertama. Jika
tautan radio buruk, maka PHICH diperluas ke simbol angka untuk ketahanan.
8). When is the best timing to get measurement of UL RSSI Interference that possible indicate
internal hardware problem?
A. At non busy hour get the RSSI_PUCCH_L EVEL maksut soal adalah kapan waktu terbaik untuk
melakukan pengukuran ketika UL RSSI sudah terindetifikasi adanya interference kemungkinan masalah
dalam perangkat keras, ini sudah termasuk interference intenal karena gangguan dari perangkat, kalau
interference extermal adalah gangguan dari luar seperti noise/fadding. Waktu yang terbaik untuk
melakukan pengecekan disaat non busy karena UE tidak banyak melakukan aktivitas UL DL.
B. At busy hour get the RSSI_PUSCH_ LEVEL
C. At non busy hour get the RSSI_PUSCH_L EVEL
D. At busy hour get the RSSI_PUCCH_ EVEL
E. All options are incorrect
Ada range, di data 105 jatuhnya internya, kalau misalkan 110 115 itu externa
Interference ada dua, internal dan external,
UL RSSI interference Internal hardware problem, ada nya masalah di perangkat transmisi, di segala kondisii
waktu sibuk atau tidak sibuk/ bnyak user atau sedikit, issue interference akan terlihat.
Kalau dari UL RSSI terindentifikasi dari external hardware, itu berarti bukan pengaruh dari internal perangkat
tapi dari keadaan sekitar, apakah keadaan tersebut ramai, jadii ada jam tertentu.
Ada istilah GEMER, ini digunakan sebagai pemecah gelombang, memberi interference dengan cara mengatur
freq perangkat sama dengan freq site site disekitar. Ini biasanya dipakai oleh militer atau kaum berkepentingan.
(RB*84*Modulation*MIMO) / 0,5
Pembahasan :
A. Congestion (Kemacetan)
B. TX2 relocation timer (failure), melewati batas preparation handover
C. Jika ada issue di X2 maka msih bias dilakukan handover dengan menggunakan interface S1
D. Jika bad quality makan HO akan gagal
12). Which event that The non-contention based random access are applicable to ?
A. All Event
B. RRC re-establishment
C. handover and DL data arrival
D. Initial Access
E. All options are incorrect
Pembahasan :
14). What is the side effect could be happen on applying DRX/DTX (Discontinuous RX/TX)
A. Increase Power Consumption applying DRX/DTX membuat Decrease Power Consumption
B. Longer Call Setup Time
C. Save Power Comsumption
D. Increase paging repition
E. All options are incorrect
17). Handover are essenstial procedure for UE moving from cell to cell. What are the 4G Handover Event ?
A. Al—Interfreq, A2—Intrafreq, A3—BetterCell, A4—BetterCell, A5— CoverageBased
B. Al Intrafreq, A2 Interfreq, A3 BetterCell, A4 InterRAT, A5- CoverageBased
C. A1—Intrafreq, A2—InterRAT, A3—CoverageBased, A4— Interfreq, A5 BetterCelI
D. Al BetterCell, A2 Intrafreq, A3- Interfreq, A4- CoverageBased, A5 InterRAT
E. All options are incorrect
Versi google:
Event A2 digunakan untuk memulai measurement ketika berada di kondisi radio yang tidak bagus
(digunakan untuk inter frequency, inter-technology handover).
Sedangkan untuk,
event A1 digunakan untuk menghentikan measurement, yaitu pada kondisi radio yang bagus (digunakan
inter frequency, inter-technology handover). A1 dan A2 ini berlawanan.
Event A3 akan di ter-trigger ketika neighbor cell lebih baik daripada serving cell. Event A3 ini dapat
digunakan untuk inter frequency dan intra frequency, namun biasanya digunakan terutama untuk intra
frequency handover.
Event A4 adalah kondisi dimana neighbor cell menjadi lebih baik dari threshold. Event A4 ini digunakan
untuk inter frequency handover, event ini akan terjadi setelah event A2, yaitu setelah dimulainya
measurement, atau ketika event A1 tidak terjadi.
Event A5 adalah kondisi dimana serving cell menjadi lebih buruk dari threshold1 DAN neighbor cell menjadi
lebih baik dari threshold2. Untuk event A5 ini ter-trigger dengan dua kondisi tersebut, digunakan untuk
inter frequency handover ketika event A3 dan A4 tidak dikonfigurasi.
“Handover terjadi ketika UE berada dalam kondisi RRC Connected. Trigger-nya ada beberapa diantaranya
seperti mobility, ataupun strategy load balance. Dalam skema mobility biasanya parameter yang
digunakan adalah RSRP. Seperti misalnya handover terjadi ketika event A3 ter-trigger, yaitu neighbor cell
menjadi lebih baik (RSRP/RSRQ) dari serving cell”.
Versi Bapak:
A1 Intra A2 inter A3 better A4 inter A5 coverage based
Due to GPS clock sync issue Time synchronization gets failed, downlink slots of this eNB will overlap with
uplink slots of other eNB, then uplink interference increase.
Karena masalah sinkronisasi jam GPS Sinkronisasi waktu gagal, slot downlink eNB ini akan tumpang
tindih dengan slot uplink eNB lain, kemudian interferensi uplink meningkat.
Dalam konteks telekomunikasi, "payload" mengacu pada data yang sebenarnya yang dikirim melalui jaringan
atau saluran komunikasi. Ini adalah informasi yang berguna atau pesan yang ditransmisikan antara pengirim dan
Contohnya, dalam komunikasi data melalui internet, payload dapat berupa file, teks, gambar, video, audio, atau
jenis data lainnya yang dikirim dari satu perangkat ke perangkat lainnya melalui jaringan.
Jadi, secara umum, payload dalam telekomunikasi merujuk pada data yang dikirim atau diterima dalam proses
komunikasi antara perangkat atau sistem.
19). Is there any relation between low 2G CSSR and high capacity ?
A. Yes there is, CSSR is all about congestion
B. It depends on the CSSR formula
C. Depend on the site to site distance
D. No relation because CSSR is about Quality
E. All options are incorrec
CSSR (Call Setup Success Rate) adalah indikator kinerja utama dalam telekomunikasi yang digunakan untuk
mengukur tingkat keberhasilan upaya pembentukan panggilan. Ini mewakili persentase pembentukan panggilan
yang berhasil dibandingkan dengan total jumlah upaya pembentukan panggilan. CSSR yang rendah
menunjukkan tingkat kegagalan pembentukan panggilan yang lebih tinggi.
Dalam skenario kapasitas tinggi, di mana jaringan memiliki banyak pengguna simultan atau volume lalu lintas
yang tinggi, sumber daya jaringan yang tersedia dapat menjadi terbatas. Ketika kapasitas jaringan terlampaui, hal
ini dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan pembentukan panggilan dan akhirnya menyebabkan CSSR yang rendah.
Kapasitas tinggi, jika tidak disertai dengan sumber daya jaringan yang memadai seperti saluran, frekuensi, atau
daya pemrosesan, dapat berdampak negatif pada CSSR. Jaringan mungkin kesulitan menangani tuntutan lalu
lintas yang meningkat, menyebabkan kegagalan pembentukan panggilan dan CSSR yang rendah.
20). Which of the following that you will not do if you find 2G TBF Downlink Success Rate is not pass
the target baseline ?
A. Adjust GTRX number and CDED/CDEF
B. Switch GTRX to better quality TRXs
C. Reset the GTRX, GENA, EGENA
D. Downtilt from 4 to 10 terlalu barbar menurunkan tilting antena dari 4 ke 10
E. All options are incorrect
Aliran Blok Sementara adalah koneksi fisik yang digunakan oleh dua entitas RR (Sumber Daya Radio)
untuk mendukung transfer searah PDU (Protocol Data Unit) LLC (Kontrol Tautan Logis) pada saluran fisik
data paket. TBF bersifat sementara dan dipertahankan hanya selama durasi transfer data, yaitu sampai
tidak ada lagi blok RLC (Radio Link Control) / MAC (Medium Access Control) yang akan dikirim.
In English : A Temporary Block Flow is a physical connection used by the two RR (Radio Resource) entities
to support the unidirectional transfer of LLC (Logical Link Control) PDU (Protocol Data Unit) on packet
data physical channels. A TBF is temporary and is maintained only for the duration of the data transfer,
i.e. until there are no more RLC (Radio Link Control) / MAC (Medium Access Control) blocks to be
TBF (Temporary block Flow) menunjukkan Persentase keberhasilan panggilan data GPRS di GSM. TBF
Success rate indicate Success percentage of Data call GPRS in GSM.Temporary Block Flow (TBF) is a
physical connection used by the two Radio Resource entities to support the unidirectional transfer of
PDUs on packet data physical channels. The TBF is allocated radio resource on one or more PDCHs and
comprises a number of RLC/MAC blocks carrying one or more LLC PDU. TBF Success Rate is when during
a data session, TBFs are successfully established on UL and DL. PDASR (Packet Data access Success Rate)
also called TBF Success rate indicate Success percentage of Data call GPRS in GSM.
the Alpha value communicated to the UE in SIB2. If the Alpha value is set to 1, then all of the PL needs to be
taken into account in the power control formula. Some vendors might not allow you to change this
value, though (as it is hardcoded)
LTE Power Control (Case of Uplink Channel : PUSCH)
α (pronunciation is Alpha [ˈælfə]) is used as pathloss compensation factor. It is provided by
the serving cell to the UE to be used for PUSCH power calculation in open loop. Following
values can be setup {0, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1}. PL is downlink path loss estimation
calculated by the UE for the serving cell.
Alpha =0 =>> our network eliminate/irrespective of path loss | tidak bergantung pada jalur path loss
Alpha =1 =>> meningkatkan path loss
24). When throughput test shows low throughput value for TCP, but UDP throughput is high, what could
be the cause?
A. Not enough BTS baseband capacity
B. Shaping is enabled in the transport path between the core and eNodeB
C. Packet loss somewhere between the core network and eNodeB
D. Test is done too close to the site
E. All options are incorrect
Jika UDP nya baik berarti transmisinya baik, sedangkan TCP berhubungan ke datanya. Jadi jika TCP
rendah berarti bermasalah di kapasitas
TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, whereas UDP is a connectionless protocol. A key difference
between TCP and UDP is speed, as TCP is comparatively slower than UDP. Overall, UDP is a much faster,
simpler, and efficient protocol, however, retransmission of lost data packets is only possible with TCP.
expectedCellSize digunakan hanya untuk melihat (Visualisasi)
untuk meningkatkan THP dilakukan pengubanhan pada pMax, BW, dan MIMO
26). what is below is not correct condition that cell reselection will trigger in 4G inter-frequency?
A. Squal <= SlntraSearchQ
B. RSRQ >= qQualMin + slntraSearchQ
C. Srxlev <= SnonlntraSearc hP (benar)
D. RSRP <= qrxlevmin + slntraSearchP
E. All options are incorrect
intinya kualitas jaringan harus lebih kecil dari Qrxmin/Qqualmin agar dilakukan HO/cell reselection
Sintrasearch untuk intra HO/cell reselection
sNointrasearch untuk inter HO/Cell reselection
27). what is below is not correct condition that cell reselection will trigger in 4G intra frequency?
A. Qrxlevmeas - Qrxlevmin <= Sintrasearch
B. Srxlev <= Sintrasearch (benar)
C. Qrxlevmeas <= Qrxlevmin + Sintrasearch
D. Qrxlevmeas - Qrxlevmin < Sintrasearch
E. All options are incorrect
Qrxlevmin, titik level dimana ketika ue mendapatkan nilai dibawah level ketentuan maka ue akan blank
Pembahasan :
A. TA harus sama dengan area yang dilayani oleh satu gateway MME =>> salah
B. Satu sel harus terhubung hanya dengan satu TA
C. TA harus sama persis dengan Area Lokasi di jaringan 3G yang ditempatkan bersama =>> salah
D. Satu sel dapat dimiliki oleh beberapa TA =>> salah
E. Semua opsi salah
Intinya satu cell hanya boleh terhubung dengan satu TA
29). Which of the following parameter mush have the same setting for Pcell and Scell when CA is activated?
1. riEnable (rank indication reporting enables).
2. periodicCqFeedback Type (periodic CQI feedback type)
3. cqPerSbCycK (Periodic CQI sub-bands cycles)
4. caShecFairFact (carrier aggregation scheduling fairness control).
A. 1), 2) and 4)
B. 1), 2), 3) and 4)
C. 2), 3) and 4)
D. 1), 3) and 4)
E. 5. All options are incorrect
Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) .Tujuan utama dari saluran fisik ini adalah untuk
membawa informasi penjadwalan dari berbagai jenis:
1. Penjadwalan sumber daya downlink
2. Instruksi kontrol daya uplink
3. Hibah sumber daya uplink
4. Indikasi untuk paging atau informasi sistem
32). 4G Coverage Based Handover will be only performed under what condition?
A. RSRP at serving cell > threshold3 and RSRP at target < threshold3a
B. RSRP at serving cell > threshold3 and RSRP at target > threshold3a
C. RSRP at serving cell threshold3 and SRP at targe threshold3a
D. RSRP at serving cell < threshold3 and RSRP at target > threshold3a
E. All options are incorrect
cross-carrier scheduling dapat
meng discrease overhead karna
memindahkan/payload ke Scell.
cross-carrier scheduling
berhubungan dengan CA. cross
carrier scheduling hanya terjadi
pada downlink (PDCCH). Cross
carrier scheduling terjadi pada
realese 10
36). In 4G Intrafreq handover, in what condition UE will not measure or report any neighbor cells RSRP ?
A. If RSRP of neighbor cell is lower than threshold1, only neighbor cell is measured
B. If RSRP of serving cell is greater than threshold1, only serving cell is measured
C. if RSRP of neighbor cell is greater than threshold1, only serving cell is measured
D. If RSRP of serving cell is lower than threshold1, only serving cell is measured
E. All options are incorrect
37). It is possible to configure a UE to aggregate a different number of Component Carrier (CCs)
originating from the same eNB and of possibly different bandwidths in the UL and the DL, except:
A. 4db
B. In typical TDD deployments, the number of CCs and the bandwidth of each CC in UL an DL is the same.
C. CCs originating from the same eNB need not provide the some coverage
D. The number of DL/UL CCs that can be configured epends on the DL/UL aggregation capability of the UE
E. All options are incorrec
Carrier aggregation is used in LTE-
Advanced in order to increase the
bandwidth, and thereby increase the
bitrate. Since it is important to keep
backward compatibility with R8 and
R9 UEs the aggregation is based on
R8/R9 carriers. Carrier aggregation
can be used for both FDD and TDD,
see figure for an example where FDD
is used.
38). What is the first thing you do when you find degradation on KPI?
A. Fallback your parameter change that you do yesterday
B. Check hardware alarm and packet loss rate
C. Check the availability measurement to detect if any missing hour of measurement
D. Check if any parameter change from the day before
E. All options are incorrect
39). For Volte services, which QCI will be use as resources bearer ?
A. QCl2 and QCI8
B. QCI3 and QCI5
C. QCI1 and QCI5, QCI selain 1 dan 5 beruhubungan dengan data
D. QCI3 and QCI7
E. All options are incorrect
40). What is the impact of changing cellIndOffNeigh ? cellIndOffNeigh = Cell individual offsets of other
neighbor cells
A. Adding offset to serving and neighbor cell RSRP
B. Adding offset to neighbor cell RSRP
C. Adding offset to neighbor cell RSRQ
D. Adding offset to serving cell RSRP
E. All options are incorrect
41). The CQI is defined as a table containing 16 entries with modulation and coding schemes (MCSs).
Which one is correct for representing the modulation ?
A. CQI 1-6 = QPSK, CQI 7-9 = 16QAM, CQI 10-15 = 64QAM
B. CQI 1-5 = QPSK, CQI 6-8 = 16QAM, CQI 9-15 = 64QAM
C. CQI 1-6 = QPSK, CQI 7-10 = 16QAM, CQI 11-15 = 64QAM
D. CQI 1-6 QPSK, CQI 7-11 = 16QAM, CQI 12-15 = 64QAM
E. All options are incorrect
43). What is the parameter you will change if you want to decide the absolute priority of the 4G serving cell
A. cellReSelPrio (This is the priority of the own cell. It depends on the layering plan. The cell
reselection priority parameter defines the absolute priority of the serving layer. 0 means the
lowest priority. Equal priorities between RATs are not supported according to [3GPP 36.304].)
B. uCelResPrio (Depends on layering plan. LTE prio > 3G prio > GSM prio. Absolute priority of the
UTRA carrier frequency. Equal priorities between RATs are not supported according to [3GPP
C. gcelResPrio (LTE prio > 3G prio > GSM prio. Its value depends on layering plan of the operator.
Usually GERAN would be the last resort coverage layer and low priority is used. Absolute
priority of the GERAN carrier frequency. Equal priorities between RATs are not supported
according to [3GPP 36.304].
D. eutCelResPrio (Depends on layering plan. Absolute priority of the EUTRA carrier frequency. Equal
priorities between RATs are not supported according to [3GPP 36.304].
E. All options are incorrect
44). There is 4 types on preamble, what is the significant difference between this 4 types ?
A. PRB Number
B. Reference Signal
C. Cell Range
D. Guard Time
E. All options are incorrect
Pembahasan :
Perbedaan yang paling signifikan dari ke 4 jenis preamble adalah jangkauan sel (range cell).
Cell edge (tepian cell)
ICIC (Inter-cell interference coordination )berfungsi mengkoordinasikan interferensi antar cell pada
jaringan heterogen yaitu cell makro dan cell mikro. ICIC membantu mengurangi terjadinya kemacetan
(congestion) data.
ICIC reduces the interference level suffered by LTE users at the cell edge, thus improving the signal-to-
noise-ratio of their data channels and allowing the network to operate in a cleaner RF environment.
ICIC mengurangi tingkat interferensi yang diderita oleh pengguna LTE di edge cell, sehingga
meningkatkan rasio signal-to-noise dari channel data mereka dan memungkinkan jaringan untuk
beroperasi di lingkungan RF yang lebih bersih.
Protokol eICIC dibangun di atas
ICIC protokol LTE, yang membantu
mengurangi interferensi antara dua
sel makro. Dengan menggunakan ICIC,
BTS dapat mengurangi daya
transmisinya pada frekuensi tertentu
pada waktu tertentu ketika stasiun
tetangga menggunakan sumber daya
tersebut untuk berbicara dengan
pengguna seluler di dekat tepi area
jangkauannya. Tetapi skema
pembagian spektrum ini hanya
berfungsi untuk mengirimkan aliran
data. Untuk berkomunikasi dengan
perangkat seluler dan membantunya
memahami data, stasiun pangkalan
juga harus mengirim sinyal kontrol,
yang membawa informasi rumah tangga seperti keputusan penjadwalan, permintaan pengiriman ulang,
dan instruksi decoding. Dan karena perangkat mengharapkan pesan-pesan ini tiba pada frekuensi yang
dapat diprediksi pada waktu yang dapat diprediksi, stasiun pangkalan tidak dapat begitu saja
meminjamkan sumber daya tersebut ke tetangga kapan pun dibutuhkan.
The following procedures result in transition from Idle to ECM Connected
=>>Attach Request
=>>Tracking Area Update Request
=>>Service Request
=>>Detach Request
*The location of UE in ECM Connected State is known by the MME to an accuracy of serving eNodeB level
*UE mobility is handled using handovers not through cell selection or reselection.
47). Which of the folllowing is not correct about the reason of 4G ERAB Drop ?
C. TA Expiry
D. Srxlev > 0 and Squal > 0
E. All options are incorrect
Ada beberapa alasan yang dapat menyebabkan ERAB (Evolved Radio Access Bearer) drop pada jaringan 4G.
Beberapa alasan umumnya termasuk:
1. Gangguan Jaringan: ERAB drop dapat terjadi karena adanya gangguan pada jaringan. Gangguan ini
bisa berupa interferensi dari sumber-sumber eksternal, kepadatan lalu lintas yang tinggi, atau
masalah pada peralatan jaringan itu sendiri.
2. Kualitas Sinyal yang Buruk: Jika sinyal yang diterima oleh perangkat tidak cukup kuat atau
mengalami degradasi saat melewati hambatan fisik seperti dinding bangunan atau topografi yang
kompleks, ERAB drop dapat terjadi. Jika perangkat tidak mampu mendapatkan sinyal yang cukup
untuk menjaga koneksi ERAB, maka koneksi dapat terputus.
3. Pergantian Sel: Saat perangkat berpindah dari satu sel ke sel lainnya dalam jaringan 4G, terjadi
proses yang disebut handover. Handover yang tidak lancar atau tidak berhasil dapat menyebabkan
ERAB drop.
4. Konflik Interferensi: Ketika ada interferensi antara frekuensi yang digunakan oleh jaringan 4G
dengan frekuensi dari sumber lain, seperti peralatan elektronik atau jaringan lainnya, ERAB drop
dapat terjadi. Interferensi dapat mengganggu kualitas sinyal dan menyebabkan putusnya ERAB.
Penting untuk diingat bahwa ERAB drop dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor dan penyebab yang spesifik
dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kondisi jaringan dan lingkungan tempat Anda berada. Untuk masalah
ERAB drop yang berkelanjutan, direkomendasikan untuk menghubungi penyedia layanan jaringan Anda
agar mereka dapat melakukan pengecekan dan perbaikan jika diperlukan
48). Which network element of NOKIA's LTE solution performs the E2E monitoring and reporting functions?
A. Flexi NG
B. Charge@onc
C. PCS-5000
D. Netact Nokia
E. All options are incorrect
49). What parameter to define the maximum numbers of preambles allowed in one preamble ramping cycle ?
A. PowerRampStepPRACHpreamble (“The power ramping step size parameter defines the power
increment step size for Random Access preamble transmission.”)
B. PRACHRequired ReceivedCI
C. PRACH_Preamble_retrans
E. All options are incorrect
Preamble hanya ada di uplink di PARCH
It is also recommended that you set PRACH Preambles to no greater than 3 and set PRACH
Ramping Cycles (MMAX) to 1 to allow the UE's PRACH sequence to end as soon as possible.
Preamble terjadi di SIB2
=>> PowerRampStepPRACHpreamble merupakan parameter to increase the transmit power of
the PRACH preamble when no response is received from the test set .
50). Which network element always triggers the user network authentication process
D. EnodeB
• Tracking area updates
• Roaming control
• Security (Authentication, Chippering, Integrity protection)
• Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) signalling NAS signalling bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan pembentukan,
pemeliharaan, dan pelepasan koneksi sinyal antara UE dan jaringan inti.
• Coordination the signalling to setup transport bearer (SAE bearers) through the EPC for a UE
Koordinasi pensinyalan untuk mengatur pembawa transportasi (pembawa SAE) melalui EPC untuk
• Radio Resource Management Radio Resource Management sangat penting dalam menjaga kualitas
layanan yang tinggi, efisiensi spektrum, dan pengalaman pengguna yang memuaskan dalam jaringan seluler.
Dengan mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya radio, RRM membantu meningkatkan kapasitas jaringan,
meminimalkan interferensi, dan menjaga konektivitas yang stabil saat pengguna bergerak di dalam jaringan.
• Measurement collection and evaluation
• User data routing to the SAE GW SAE GW (System Architecture Evolution Gateway) bekerja sama dengan
elemen jaringan lainnya, seperti eNodeB (evolved NodeB) dan MME (Mobility Management Entity), untuk
menyediakan konektivitas yang andal, mobilitas yang lancar, dan kualitas layanan yang optimal dalam jaringan
• Transmission of paging message coming from MME
• Successor between UE and MME
• Manage user data path whithin EPC
• Switching the user plane path to a new e-Node B in case of handover
• Packet routing/forwarding between e-Node B, PDN GW, and SGSN
• Provide connection for UE to non 3GPP technology like IEEE (Wimax) and 3GPP2 (CDMA 2000 1x and
• IP address location for UE
• Packet routing/forwarding between SGW and external data network
51). A new site is on air with condition low revenue sites. What will you NOT do ?
A. Recommend to add more new site to increase the revenue
B. Check the antenna if properly directed to residence
C. Check the coverage parameter
D. Check the hardware if properly working
E. All options are incorrect
52). What is the bad impact on applying Closed Loop Power Control in 4G ?
A. UL RSSI will degraded seharusnya meningkat karena ada request dari penerima
B. DL User Throughput will degraded sda
C. No bad Impact ga mungkin tidak memiliki impact buruk
D. UL User Throughput will degraded seharusnya meningkat karena ada reques dari penerima
E. All options are incorrect
54. Select the factor that does NOT improve the Spectral Efficiency In Massive MIMO ?
A. Multiuser gain
B. UL interference cancellation
C. 3D beamforming
D. SINR Improvement due to narrower UE beam
E. All options are incorrect
57. Without this feature VOLTE call will drop when it leaves the LTE coverage ?
B. Service based Mobility Threshold
C. Service Mobility Trigger,
D. Dedicated Mobility Thresholds for SRVCC
E. All options are incorrect
SRVCC (Single Radio Voice Call Continuity) merupakan mekanisme handover yang ada di LTE yang
dilakukan ketika user kehilangan jaringan LTE saat melakukan layanan suara. SRVCC memungkinkan
VoIP / IMS panggilan dalam domain paket LTE untuk pindah ke domain suara yang ada (GSM / UMTS
atau CDMA 1x) saat melakukan panggilan VoLTE.
63. How does MIMO improve spectral efficiency, network capacity and throughput
A. By using multiple uplink and downlink transmitters
B. By using multiple receiv and transmit antennas
C. By using multiple eNB sites
D. By using multiple transmit and receive amplifiers
E. All options are incorrect
Pembahasan :
Spectral Efficiency biasanya dinyatakan sebagai "bit per detik per hertz," atau bit / s / Hz. Dengan kata
lain, ini dapat didefinisikan sebagai kecepatan data bersih dalam bit per detik (bps) dibagi dengan
bandwidth dalam hertz. Laju data bersih dan laju simbol terkait dengan laju data mentah yang mencakup
muatan yang dapat digunakan dan semua overhead.
raw data rate = Payload + Overhead
net data rate = raw data rate – overhead
Spectral efficiency = net data rate dalam bps / Channel Bandwidth dalam Hz.
Spectral efficiency adalah nilai efisiensi penggunaan bandwidth dalam cell. Nilai tersebut diperoleh dari
penghitungan jumlah data yang sampai ke tujuan per detik dalam setiap Hertz.
Network capacity =>> Kapasitas eNB yang bias menampung UE yang dipengaruhi oleh bandwidth.
Throughput adalah kecepatan data rate yang diterima oleh UE.
Conclution: untuk memperbaiki/improve spectral efiensi maka digunakan MIMO Multiple antenna TX dan
RX nya.
Half rate adalah fitur yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki kanal trafik pada 2g. Salah satu cara untuk
memperbanyak kanal trafik pada jaringan 2G adalah dengan membagi kanal full rate dengan bit
rate 13 kbps menjadi dua kanal half rate dengan bit rate 6,5 kbps. Dengan bertambahnya jumlah
kanal maka jumlah pelanggan yang dilayani menjadi lebih banyak. Namun penggunaan kanal half
rate secara penuh ini berpengaruh kepada kualitas suara yang diterima, sehingga diperlukan
pengaturan terhadap kanal half rate yang dipakai. Manfaat penggunaan half rate sbb:
a. Meningkatkan kapasitas kanal, mampu melayani hampir semua trafik yang masuk sehingga TCH
(Trafic chanel availability) congestion menurun
b. Kualitas suara pada penggunaan half rate menurun sehingga untuk mengatsi hal tersebut
digunakan parameter AMR (Adaptive Multi rate) dan Non AMR untuk meningkatkan kualitas suara
atau SQI (Speech Quality Indikator)
Conclution: Full rate =>> TCH Congestion Naik, sehingga tidak bias melayani semua trafik user tpi
kualitas suara bagus. Half rate =>> TCH Congestion rendah, tpi mempengarui kualitas suara.
66. What air interface technology has been defined for LTE uplink ?
B. WCDMA 3G technology
C. GSMK 2G Technology
D. OFDMA untuk Downlink
69. what is below is correct condition that cell reselection will trigger in 4G inter-frequency?
A. RSRP <= qrxlevmin + sNonlntraSearchP snointrasearch adalah untuk cell reselection
interfreq/interat, dalam keadaan idle
B. If cannot do intra-frequency handover then do inter-frequency handover
C. RSRP > qrxlevmin + sNonlntraSearchP
D. Cell re-selection only happen in 4G Intra-frequency
E. All options are incorrect
70.You are in optimizing 1 new site, you see 2G TCH Blocking is not Pass the target KPI. What will you do ?
A. Disable the Halfrate so the cell can go full rate to accomade full service
B. Check if VOLTE 4G is not activated yet
C. Adding PDCCH channel to reduce the tch blocking
D. reduce the SDCCH channel, so that no UE can not do setup
E. All options are incorrect
a. TCH Blocking terjadi apabila pengalokasian kanal TCH yang tidak efisien terhadap kepadatan trafik
yang ada dalam sebuah jaringan, tidak tersedianya kanal TCH yang available. Sehingga
mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidaknyamanan pelanggan dalam melakukan suatu panggilan. (Jumlah
TCH tidak bisa menghandle panggilan yang masuk)
b. Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) Kanal ini biasanya menempati satu time slot
ketika suatu pelanggan memulai satu hubungan telepon baik voice, SMS maupun GPRS (data).
Kanal ini berperan membangun hubungan signaling dan prosedur hubungan antara pelanggan
melalui jaringan GSM maupun interkoneksinya ke jaringan lain.
72. What will you do if find cell with high PRB Utilization ?
A. Wait until any PO new site suurounding released and ON AIR
B. Offload to 3G with high BB Util
C. Downtilt from 2 to 10
D.Try to do payload sharing to neighbor cells
E. All options are incorrect
74. in Mapinfo you can map the entire site in region to get
information visually. What is the function if highlighted yellow in
picture ?
A. To query selected data from table
B. To plot the position of the site in the map
C. To visually mapping the category of point
D. To make buffer like 5 Km from point
E. All options are incorrect
75. After check MDT, you find that low SNIR happen across the main street. What is the best will you do?
A. Check if any multiple server in main street and do coverage audit
B. Switch off all sites, except one site to cover the street
C. Uptilt all cells that cover the main street to get best coverage
D. Downtilt all cells that cover the main street to get best coverage
E. All options are incorrect
79. You are in optimizing 4G New Site, but you find that the Packet Loss Rate is high. What will you do
A. Check in hourly basis if packet loss is happen frequently or just a spike
B. Immediately escalate to transport Engineer to seek support
C. Perform drive test to check the field impact
D. Check hardware alarm if any baseband module broken
E. All options are incorrect
80. You are optimizing 1 new site and 4G Payload suddenly increase and impact to your CSSR KPI, what
will you not do immediately?
A. Check if any site surrounding site if shutdown pasti di check
B. Check if any promo campaign to up the sales mksd nya ada keramaian atau event di lokasi,
C. Check your validity of your measurement if any double counting
D. Payload Increase is good, so make justification for CSSR KPI
E. All options are incorrect
81. . From Drive Test Result, to check coverage of the cells, What plotting will you used ?
A. RxQual on dedicated mode
B. RxLevel (dBm) on idle mode karna hanya melihat coverage saja, tidak ke interference/kualitas,
sebenarny membaca parameter c1 c2 bukan RxLevel, karena di kondisi idle memiliki lebih besar
C. RxQual on Idle mode
D. RxLevel (dBm) on dedicated mode belum tentu semua user online
E. All options are incorrect
83. Do you think this formula is correct or not CSSR 4G = RRC – SR% X RAB-SR% X S1-SR%?
A. Not correct, because CSSR 4G only count RRC-SR
B. Correct, but must confirm to customer if S1-SR included or not
C. Correct, but must be confirm to customer if S1-SR included or Not
D. Correct and must have this 3 component
CSSR (Call Setup Succes Rate)
CSSR =>> Service Accessbility
Evolved Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB) merupakan parameter yang menunjukan tingkat kesuksesan
permintaan layanan yang dikirim user equipment (UE) dan diteruskan melalui Radio Resource Control
Radio Resource Control Success Rate (RRC SR) adalah parameter yang bertujuan untuk menghitung
kesuksesan permintaan layanan yang dikirim oleh pengguna dan diterima oleh eNodeB.
85. There is a complain 2G cannot make a call at all, what the best should you check ?
A. Check 2G can do PS (Packet Switch) data
B. Check if connected to correct SGSN
C. Check BCCH frequency is clear or not from interference kurang tepat karena soal meminta at all,
kalau soal meminta dalam satu area, jawaban ini benar
D.Check LAC-CI already registered in Core
87. Which tools is NOT recommended in the Global NPO Tools Portofolio?
A. 9955RNP 9955 Radio Network Planing, tools network planning
B. Asset radio tools network planning (berhubungan dengan capacity)
C. Radio basic pemahaman Radio perlu
D. Mentum Planet semacam aplikasi propagasi, berguna untuk RF Network Planning dan
E. Atoll aplikasi perencanaan dan melihat propagasi site, tools network planning
88. Which sentence is NOT true concerning Cell trace and Subscriber trace?
A. Both Cell trace and subscriber Trace, indentify UE based upon their
B. Cell trace records all the UEs connected to the cell, whereas Subscriber Trace record only specific UE
C. The cell trace, trace activation command is sent to the enb, whereas the Subscriber Trace, Trace
Activation command is sent to the MME
D. Cell trace does not capture the subscriber identify, whereas Subscriber Trace captures the IMSI
Conserning cell trace (Pelacakan cell) sedangkan subscriber trace (pelacakan pelanggan).
The Cell trace feature collects events/traces for a group of cells. It collects all events related to the cell
relations for that cell and for the entire RBS.
The Cell trace is the most common form of general troubleshooting within the network. It is possible
to analyze overall performance of the network seeing patterns and trends within a large group of
89. Which statement(s) correctly describe the SBTS site configuration evolution”
<br/>1. Cell sets define on sub baseband module level are combined in independent building blocks to build
an SBTS configuration
<br/>2.LTE and SRAN (SingleRAN) cell set can flexibly combined to build target configuration
<br/>3.”Cell set” approach is adobted from LTE. Requires higher effort on LTE migration from legacy RAT to
SRAN in comparison to the “Profile” approach
<br/>4. “Cell set” concept is only applicable to the shared operation SRAN (SingleRAN) cells
A. 2 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 1 and 4
D. 1 and 4
SRAN adalah produk untuk singleband = stau frequensi bisa untuk 2g 3g 4g
90. Which physical channel must be dimensiond when LTE CA feature is activated
93. To troubleshoot an ul throughput problem in a live network, a drive test log has been collected with
simultaneous TTI trace. In order to find the correct UE in MAC TTI trace, which information is required
from the drive test log?
A. IMSI bisa di lihat di log dt
B. Data Radio Bearer ID
D. M-TMSI temporary
94. Which is NOT a possible cause for an eNodeB-triggered radio link failure (FDD case)?
A. PDDCH Order Failure
B. Max RLC Retransmission
95. 95.Which tool does NOT belong MINT (Management and Intelligence Tool) Suite?
A. PKDB pemantuan PRTG
B. 2.Network Auditor
C. 3.PB2
Radio Link Failure (RLF) from UE Side
a. The measured RSRP is too low (under a certain limit)
b. It failed to decode PDCCH due to power signal quality (e.g, low RSRP, RSRQ)
c. It failed to decode PDSCH due to power signal quality (e.g, low RSRP, RSRQ)
Radio Link Failure (RLF) from Network Side
a. SINR from UE is much lower than what eNB configured for the UE
b. eNodeB couldn’t detect any NACK nor ACK from UE for PDSCH.
Radio Link Failures (RLF) is a wide variety of issues of Radio Link Supervision
mostly accounts for failures of 1. Physical Layer, 2. Radio Link Control (rlc)
and 3. Random Access.
1. Physical Layer Issues, it comes under erroneous detection and
monitoring of radio link. Issues like sudden pathloss, extreme inter
symbol interference, PSS/SSS detection issues, timer reset or processing
failures, etc mostly count here. N300/N310/T300 are the regulators.
2. RLC Issues, it is due to failure in ‘efforts’ to get the data to receiver end.
In RLC-AM, when all the retransmissions exceed the maximum threshold
defined at network end/specification, RLF is declared. ACK/NACK
mechanism is the regulator and is independent of radio signal quality.
3. RA failure is like RLC failure in mechanism. It’s also controlled by a
threshold of preamble transmissions. UEs in poor/Interfered coverage
retransmit with ramping power (also controlled by parameters) till it
gets through by receiving an RAR message or maximum number of
retransmission is reached. On unsuccessful in ‘efforts’, RLF is declared.
An RLF is followed by RRC Connection RE-establisment.
97. Which 3GPP release starts using the term LTE Advance Pro?
A. Rel 14
B. Rel 13
C. Rel 15
D. Rel 12 masih LTE Advance
98. Nokia Single RAN solution is designed to support multiple Radio Access Technologies with common or
shared functionalities. Which og the following statement are correct?
<br/> 1.Single FSMF baseband capacity can be shared between GSM+WCDMA or GSM+LTE but not
<br/>2.Common BTS OAM to simply site creation commissioning and configuration process, where IOMS is
re-used to handle SRAN operability
<br/>3.SRAN solution is compatible with FSME, FSMF and Air Scale system module
<br/>4.Air Scale System Module can be used as two logical SBTSs in full subrack, or one logial SBTS and one
logial LNBTS and one logial LNBTS in full subrack
A. 2 and 4
B. 1 and 2
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 4
99. Select all the statements) which are correctly describing the Uplink Power Control function/algorithm:
1. Uplink Power Control is trade-off between inter-cell interference and own cell throughput
2. Closed loop ULPC is UE oriented, SIN and RSSI target window power control Steering
3. Interference Aware ULPC replace Closed Loop ULPC for PUSCH/SRS, but keep OLPC algorithm
4. UL Interference Offset feature overcomes the impact of power restrictions on PUCCH allocating
PUCCH away from power restrick region.
A. 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 1 and 3
D. 2 and 4
100. Which protocol stack layer within the enb is responsible for uplink and downlink adaptation?
A. RLC Layer
B. MAC Layer
C. Physical Layer
D. PDCP Layer
101.What could be the reason for high average ping round trip time under good radio conditions in an
unloaded network?
A. 256 QAM in downlink is disabled causing bandwidth limitation and hence lager ping response
scheduling delay
B. Uplink periode CQI reporting interval is too long
C. Uplink pro-active scheduling timer value is shorter than ping transmission interval membuat RTO
D. Not enough Scheduling Request resources to accomdate al RRC connected UEs in the call
102. Which statement is Incorrect about KPI : E-UTRAN Drop Ratio, RAN View?
A. E-RAB release due to “No Radio Resources Available” initiated by enb are caunted as abnormal
B. RAN point of view means that as abnormal E-RAB drops only those ones Initiated by enb are
C. This KPI describes the radio of abnomally released (dropped) E-RAB from RAN point of view
D. In denominator of the formula normal E-RAB releases due to successful HO to Ehrdpd are not
107. Which Global NPO community contains network planning and optimization guidance material grouped
per technology or product?
A. NPO Service Wiki
B. NPO Modular Working Item Wiki
C. Services Community
D. Radio Community Wiki
108. Which of the following is NOT correct about the reason of 4G ERAB Drop?
B. Srxlev > 0 and Squal > 0
C. CQI Report RLF
E. All Options are incorrect
110.Which interface allows application data transfer through the Serving Gateway
A. LTE Uu =>> user ke eNode
B. X2 =>> EnodeB ke EnodeB
C. S1-MME =>> EnodeB ke MME
D.S1-U U is user plane
111.Which managed objects are not a part of GSM technology (more than one option can be valid)
BCF (Base Control Function)
A base transceiver station (BTS) is a piece of equipment that facilitates wireless communication between
user equipment (UE) and a network. UEs are devices like mobile phones (handsets), WLL phones, computers
with wireless Internet connectivity, or antennas mounted on buildings or telecommunication towers. The
network can be that of any of the wireless communication technologies like GSM, CDMA, wireless local loop,
Wi-Fi, WiMAX or other wide area network (WAN) technology.
Dalam Nokia arsitektur 2g terdiri dari:
MSC=>BSC=>BTS disebut BCF=>>Cell1-3/sektor disebut BTS1,BTS2,BTS3 =>TRx1,TRx2,TRx3,TRx4
Pada 3G
BSC disebut RNC =>>Sektor disebut Wcell =>> site disebut WBTS
113.Which answer can NOT be applied to the following statement: When a UE is in RRC_Connected mode and
RRC security is active, the UE can trigger Radio Link Failure (RLF) and initiated RRC Connection Re
establishment due to:
A. T310 Timer Expiry
B. TA Timer Expiry
C. Reaching the maximum number of UR RLC
D. Handover failure (T304 expiry)
di dalam BCCH ada RACH
RLF terjadi ketika eNB terus mengirimkan namun UE tidak menerima.
SSS is a specific physical layer signal that is used for radio frame synchronization.
115.You are in optimizing 1 new site and 4G Payload suddenly increase and impact to your CSSR KPI, what will
you NOT do immediately?
A. 1.Check your validit of your measurement if any double counting
B. Check if any site surrounding site if shutdown
C. Payload Increase is good, so make justification for CSSR KPI
D. Check if any promo compaign to up the sales
116.The SBTS is connected to Netact via :
A. 1.BTS mediation (IMI)
B. GSM O&M connection
C. SBTS O&M (NE35)
117.Cloud based RAN uses the cloud operating model. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Telco Cloud:
A. Optimized hardware utilization by resource sharing
B. Simplified Operations by allowing multiple organization to use same platform simultaneously
C. Decoupled software and hardware as there is not vendor lock in for hardware
D. increased end user throughput by improving spectral efficiency
118.Which of the following MIMO statement is TRUE for radio pilot overhead?
A. In TDD, it is independent of the number of spatially multiplexed Ues
B. In FDD, It depends on number of antennas and the number of spatially multiplexed UEs
C. In TDD, it depends on number of antenna and the number of spatially multiplexed UEs
D. In FDD, it is only independent on the number of spatially multiplexed Ues
121.What protocol layer providers header compression and ciphering for user Plane data?
B. PDCP packet data
122.Which scheduler considers the UL interference level and the signal strength of each UE during resource
A. Measurement trigger for cell reselection is based on priorities where 0 is the hiahest and 7 is the
lowest 7 itu higher
B. If a UE moves out of coverage without an appropriate target for cell reselection if will trigger a band
C. UE receives inter-frequency neighbouring cell information from SIB5
D. It is NOT permitted to allocated equal priorities to different radio access technologies
124.Abis is the interface
A. BSC-Transcoder
B. BSC-MSC A interface
C. BTS-BSC Abis Interface
D. MS-BTS Um Interface
127.You are in optimizing 1 new site, you see 2G TCH Blocking is not Pass the target KPI. What will you do?
A. Adding PDDCH channel to reduce the tch blocking
B. Enable the Halfrate so the cell can increase capacity
C. Add the SDCCH channel to reduce TCH Blocking
D. Disable the halfrate so the cell can go full rate to accomade full service
129.How many subframes are within each half-frame in a LTE TDD Frame Type
A. 14
B. 7
C. 5
D. 10