Strength of Materials (Som) : Multiple Choice Questions (MCQS)
Strength of Materials (Som) : Multiple Choice Questions (MCQS)
Strength of Materials (Som) : Multiple Choice Questions (MCQS)
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5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
12 Parallel axis theorem is used for transfer of MI from _______axis to any other parallel coplanar axis.
(A) any vertical
(B) any horizontal
(C) centroidal
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option C
13 The moment of inertia of quarter circle having radius ‘R’ about its centroidal axis is
(A) 0.11R4
(B) 0.055R4
(C) 0.22R4
(D) 0.35R4
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Answer: Option B
14 The moment of inertia of a triangular area having base 20mm and height 60mm about its centroidal axis
(A) 36 x 104
(B) 12 x 104
(C) 18 x 104
(D) 9 x 104
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Answer: Option B
15 For a particular figure, if Ixx = 20 mm4 , Izz = 60 mm4 , then Iyy will be ____
(A) 80 mm4
(B) 40 mm4
(C) 3 mm4
(D) 30 mm4
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Answer: Option B
16 The moment of inertia of a square section of size 1 unit about its diagonal is
(A) 1/3
(B) 1/4
(C) 1/12
(D) 1/6
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Answer: Option C
17 Uni-axial direct loading system produces _____
(A) one dimensional strain system
(B) two dimensional strain system
(C) three dimensional strain system
(D) no strain
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Answer: Option C
18 The relationship between Young’s modulus (E), Bulk modulus (K) and Poisson’s ratio (u) is given by
(A) E = 3K(1-2u)
(B) E = 3K(1-u)
(C) K = 3E(1-u)
(D) K = 3E(1-2u)
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Answer: Option A
19 The unit of Bulk Modulus is
(A) MPa
(B) N
(C) mm
(D) unitless
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Answer: Option A
20 When a member is subjected to a constant load over a long period of time, it undergoes a slow permanent
deformation. This phenomenon is known as______ 3/8
5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
(A) Fatigue
(B) Creep
(C) Malleability
(D) Stiffness
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Answer: Option B
21 A tensile force (P) is acting on a body of length (L) and area of cross section (A). The change in length would
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Answer: Option B
22 The ratio of shear stress to shear strain is called__
(A) Bulk Modulus
(B) Modulus of Elasticity
(C) Poisson’s ratio
(D) Modulus of Rigidity
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Answer: Option D
23 A steel bar of 40 mm x 40 mm square cross-section is subjected to an axial tensile load of 200 KN. If the
length of bar is 2 m and E = 2 x 105 MPa, the elongation of the bar will be____
(A) 1.25 mm
(B) 2.70 mm
(C) 4.05 mm
(D) 5.40 mm
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Answer: Option A
24 Due to which mechanical property, the material can be rolled into thin sheets?
(A) Ductility
(B) Malleability
(C) Brittleness
(D) Hardness
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Answer: Option B
25 The Force (P) required to punch a hole in the plate having shearing area (A) and shear stress (τ ) is___
(A) P = τ/A
(B) P = A/τ
(C) P = τ x A
(D) P = τ + A
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Answer: Option C
26 The unit of stiffness is__
(A) N-m
(B) m/N
(C) N
(D) N/m
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Answer: Option D
27 The slope of the stress-strain curve in the elastic deformation region is___
(A) Elastic modulus
(B) Plastic modulus
(C) Poisson’s ratio
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
28 The elongation of the bar under certain external load is depend on__
(A) applied load 4/8
5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
Part 02
1 When shear force at a point is zero, then bending moment is ______at that point.
(A) Zero
(B) minimum
(C) maximum
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option C
2 Bending moment at a simply supported end is
(A) Zero
(B) Maximum
(C) Minimum
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
3 A point along the length of a beam subjected to loads where bending moment changes its sign, is known as
the point of____
(A) Inflection
(B) Maximum stress
(C) Zero shear force
(D) Contraflexure
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Answer: Option D
4 A cantilever beam subjected to point load at its free end, then the shape of BMD is
(A) Triangular
(B) Rectangular
(C) Parabolic
(D) Trapezoidal
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Answer: Option A
5 Maximum bending moment in a cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load (w /unit length) over whole
length ‘L’ is
(A) wL2
(B) (wL2)/2
(C) (wL2)/4
(D) (wL2)/6
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Answer: Option B
6 Maximum bending moment in a simply supported beam of length 1 m with a concentrated load 40N at its
mid span is
(A) 40 Nm
(B) 20 Nm
(C) 10 Nm
(D) 5 Nm
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Answer: Option C
7 Which is/are the following assumptions in a theory of simple bending___
(A) The stress-strain relationship is linear and elastic
(B) Young’s modulus is the same in tension and compression
(C) Section which are plane before bending remains plane after bending
(D) All of the above 5/8
5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
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Answer: Option D
8 If ‘σ’ be the bending stress, M = bending moment, I = moment of inertia, R = Radius of curvature and y =
distance of the fiber from neutral axis. Then bending equation is,
(A) σ/y = M/I = E/R
(B) σ/I = M/y = E/R
(C) σ/R = M/I = E/y
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
9 If a circular section having diameter ‘D’ is subjected to a maximum bending moment ‘M’, then maximum
bending stress is
(A) 16M/πD3
(B) 32M/πD3
(C) 16M/πD2
(D) 32M/πD2
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Answer: Option B
10 Bending stress at neutral axis is
(A) Maximum
(B) Zero
(C) Cannot be zero
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option B
11 The part of the column section in which the load can be applied without causing tensile stress anywhere in
the section is called
(A) Core of section
(B) Modulus of section
(C) Area of section
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
12 Section modulus (Z) of a beam is a function of
(A) Cross section only
(B) Type of loading only
(C) Both Cross section and type of loading
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
13 For circular section of diameter 100mm, the diameter of Core section is
(A) 50mm
(B) 12.5mm
(C) 25mm
(D) 100mm
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Answer: Option C
14 The core of the rectangular section is of _____shape.
(A) Triangular
(B) Rectangular
(C) Circular
(D) Rhombus
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Answer: Option D
15 A long shaft of diameter ‘d’ is subjected to torque ‘T’ at its ends. The maximum shear stress is equal to
(A) 16T/πd3
(B) 32T/πd3
(C) 64T/πd3
(D) 8T/πd3 6/8
5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
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Answer: Option A
16 The maximum shear stress induced in a power transmitting shaft is
(A) Directly proportional to torque being transmitted
(B) Inversely Proportional to the stress induced cube of its diameter
(C) Both a) and b)
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option C
17 The magnitude of stress induced in a shaft due to applied torque varies from
(A) maximum at the center to zero at the circumference
(B) zero at the center to maximum at the circumference
(C) maximum at the center to minimum but not zero at the circumference
(D) minimum but not zero at the center to maximum at the circumference
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Answer: Option B
18 Two shafts in torsion will have equal strength if
(A) only diameters of the shafts are same
(B) only angle of twist of the shafts are same
(C) only material of the shafts is same
(D) only torque transmitting capacity of the shafts are same
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Answer: Option D
19 A hollow shaft of same cross-sectional area and material as that of solid shaft transmit
(A) Same torque
(B) Lesser torque
(C) More torque
(D) cannot be predicted without more data
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Answer: Option C
20 A solid circular shaft of 120 mm diameter is transmitting 100 KW power at 150 rpm. The intensity of
maximum induced shear stress in the shaft is___
(A) 32.42 MPa
(B) 18.76 MPa
(C) 25.40 MPa
(D) 14.36 MPa
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Answer: Option B
21 The ratio of average shear stress to the maximum shear stress in a beam with a rectangular cross section
(A) 1
(B) 2/3
(C) 3/2
(D) 2
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Answer: Option B
22 What is the nature of distribution of shear stress in a rectangular cross section beam due to shear force?
(A) Linear
(B) Parabolic
(C) Hyperbolic
(D) Elliptic
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Answer: Option B
23 Which of the following is/are correct about Torsion?
(A) Torsion is the twisting of an object caused by a moment acting in a plane parallel to the plane of cross section.
(B) Torsion is the twisting of an object caused by a moment acting in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a
(C) Torsion is the twisting of an object caused by a moment acting about the longitudinal axis of a member.
(D) All of the above 7/8
5/20/23, 8:59 PM Strength of materials (SOM) - Multiple Choice Questions - gpjalgaon
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Answer: Option D
24 The unit of Torque is
(A) N-m
(B) MPa
(C) mm4
(D) N
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Answer: Option A
25 We can select ______value of diameter from diameter calculated on the basis of shear stress condition
and angle of twist condition for overall safety.
(A) Higher
(B) Lower
(C) Average
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option A
26 A solid circular shaft is replaced by a hollow circular shaft of same material whose external diameter is
twice the internal diameter. Both the shafts are required to transmit the same power at the same speed. If both
the shafts are to have the same strength, then % saving in the weight is_____
(A) 94.66
(B) 60
(C) 31.24
(D) 21.69
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Answer: Option D
27 When the body is subjected to eccentric load, then _____types of stresses will be produced in the body.
(A) only direct stress
(B) only bending stress
(C) both direct and bending stresses
(D) None of the above
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Answer: Option C
28 Which of the following is/are the field examples of eccentric loading?
(A) Hook
(B) C-clamp
(C) Load applied on offset link
(D) All of the above
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Answer: Option D
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