Waste Segragation

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International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)

ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Students' Awareness on Waste Management: Their

Effect on Waste Management Practices
Annaliza Panganiban-Santos, MAEd and Ray Rudolf M. Pastrana

Abstract: The main problem of this study is the assessment of the students' waste management awareness

on their waste disposal practices. This study made use of descriptive correlational method of research that

utilized standard questionnaires as primary data gathering tools. The respondents of the study were the

students in a public school in Bulacan. The results were analyzed and interpreted using statistical tests

such regression analysis in determining the effect of students’ waste management awareness on their

waste disposal practices. Using the aforementioned procedures, the findings of the study revealed that the

students’ very great extent of awareness on waste management is a good indication that the school is

effective in informing their staffs regarding standards, regulations, and effects of health and environment.

Waste disposal practices that are done to a very great extent may be maintained but those practices with

lowest means may be addressed and further strengthened. The null hypothesis, which states that

students’ waste management awareness does not exert significant effect on their waste disposal

practices, was rejected. Implications drawn from the findings of the study are good thoughts of further

improving the institutions waste management system

Keyword: Waste Disposal Management, Recycling. Reusing. Reducing. Segregation, Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Gautam et al (2010) argued that to shift from the existing wasteful conditions to a more

sustainable management, there is a critical need to review the existing conditions and identify its

associated problems and alternative solution. Hence, the students’ level of awareness on solid

waste management as well as its relationship to their practices is important in sustaining an

ecological health.

There are1.8 billion cases of diarrhea with majority of cases caused by food contamination

in 2005. Also, knowledge is one of the predisposing factors that facilitate a person’s behavior. A

good knowledge of waste management can help a person to be aware on health and the

community’s health.

Philippine Health Profile in 2010 recorded that diarrhea and gastroenteritis were ranked as

the number one in-patient illness cause. Practicing good hygiene while processing and handling

food can prevent the process of transmission. Canteen or cafeteria is an example of food retail

business and service where most people consume food and drinks. It is also one of the working

places of food handlers. Canteen workers handle and prepare food and drinks; therefore, they need

to be aware about the possibilities of having food borne illness through unsafe waste management

practices.The concern for environmental conservation is continuously growing in every part of the

world including developed and developing countries. In line with this, members of United Nations

include environmental sustainability as one the Millennium Development Goals. According to this,

there should be a significant reduction in the loss of consumption of ozone-depleting substances

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

which comprises some of the wastes humankind is producing. Members of the United Nations

create procedures in eliminating or reducing these products through systematic waste management


Rao (2013) said that the problems connected with refuse storage in buildings were, insects,

rats, fire, and odor. These problems are also associated with other problems of human health and

aquatic systems. Waste management is an important facet of environmental hygiene and it needs

to be integrated with total environmental planning (WHO Expert Committee, 2010). Its storage,

collection, transport, treatment and disposal can lead to short term risks. In the long run there may

be dangers arising particularly from the chemical pollution of water supplies.

With the foregoing findings in the literature, it is therefore the intention of this study to

assess the waste management practices of students and their effect on their waste management


Significance of the Study

This study is deemed significant to the following:

School Heads. The result of the study can educate the school administrators on the

importance of improving the students’ and teachers’ knowledge and attitude on waste management

as they relate with waste management practices.

Students and Teachers. The students and teachers will be informed of their current

practices, hence can become a basis of either correcting or further improving their waste

management. If found non-knowledgeable, they may be given proper information dissemination

and/or education regarding waste management.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

This study postulates that the students’ knowledge and attitudes on waste management are

related with their waste management practices.

Figure 1 depicts the conceptual model that was utilized in determining the effect of

students’ awareness and attitudes towards waste management on their waste management


Awareness on
Waste Waste
Management Management
 Awareness on Practices
regulations  Collection
 Awareness on practices
standards  Disposal
 Awareness on practices
health  Recovery and
environmental processing
effects practices

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study

Level of awareness was assessed in terms of the respondents’ awareness on standards,

regulations, and environmental and health effects.

Meanwhile, the waste management practices were also be evaluated and will serve as the

dependent variable of the study.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Statement of the Problem

The major problem of the study is to assess the waste management practices of students

and their effect on waste management practices. Specifically, this study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is level of awareness of students on waste management practices in terms of:

1.1 Awareness on regulations;

1.2 Awareness on standards; and

1.3 Awareness on health environmental effects?

2. To what extent do the students practice waste management in terms of:

2.1 collection practices;

2.2 disposal practices; and

2.3 recovery processing practices?

3. Does the level of respondents’ awareness on waste management significantly affect their

waste management practices?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what implications may be drawn?

Hypotheses of the Study

The following hypothesis was tested at .05 level of significance.

“The respondents’ level of awareness does not significantly relate with their waste

management practices.

Definition of Terms

To further understand the study, some terminologies were given conceptual and/or

operational definitions.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Waste Disposal Management. It is a systematic approach in managing waste from

production, disposal, recovery, and waste reduction.

Recycling. Also known as resource recovery, this is one of the most popular waste disposal

practices wherein products that can still be used is recreated or be used to produce another product.

Reducing. This is an approach to lessen the wastes being produced. It includes the use of

paper bags instead of plastic bags and the use of stainless steel cutleries instead of disposable the

disposable one.

Segregation. It is waste disposal practice which uses different trash bins for a specific

waste produced. It separates biodegradable from non-biodegradable products such as cans, papers,

bottles, and plastics.

Reusing. This is a waste management practice wherein products that can still be used are

saved for later use.

Solid Waste Management Act of 2000. An act providing for an ecological solid waste

management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring

certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for other


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of the study was the assessment of the students’ respondents’ level of awareness

towards waste management and its effect on their waste management practices.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Level of awareness was assessed in terms of the respondents’ awareness on standards,

regulations, and environmental and health effects.

Meanwhile, the waste management practices were also be evaluated and will serve as the

dependent variable of the study.

The respondents of the study shall be the students in one of the public schools in Bulacan

during the school year 2018-2019.

Methodology of the Study

This chapter presents the methods and techniques in the study, the respondents of the study,

the instruments, and the data processing and statistical treatment to answer the sub-problems given

in Chapter 1.

Methods and Techniques Used

This study utilized the descriptive evaluation to be able to provide facts, essential

knowledge about the nature of program, closer observation into the practices and behavior, as well

as in formulating policies and programs. This design is to appraise carefully the worthiness of the

current awareness and practices towards waste management. This study involved descriptive

correlation where it attempted to determine the effect of the respondents’ waste management

awareness on their waste management practices.

Standardized structured questionnaire on waste school waste management practices was

used as a primary data-gathering tool.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will be the students for school year 2018-2019 who were

selected using systematic random sampling. Table 1 shows the distribution of the respondents.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Name of School Total

Number of
Grade Level Students
School A School B per Grade
7 8 8 16
8 8 8 16
9 8 8 16
10 8 8 16
11 8 8 16
12 10 10 20
Total 50 50 100

Instrument of the Study

This study utilized standardized instrument on students’ level of awareness and practices

towards waste management. The 1st part delved on the assessment of the students’ awareness on

waste management. Meanwhile, the waste management practices was also be evaluated and will

serve as the dependent variable of the study. The instrument was pilot tested from among the

respondents who will not be included in the study, to determine whether they would understand

them the way the researcher means them. The respondents were asked to identify words or items

in the questionnaire that are ambiguous or hard to understand.

Data Gathering Procedure

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

The mode of data gathering was the questionnaire method. Each of the respondents was

given a structured set of questions. In gathering the data, the researcher carried out the following


 A letter was sent to the Superintendent to ask permission in the conduct of proposed


 Upon approval, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to the respondents


 The researcher collected the questionnaires from the respondents and checked

whether all the questions are answered.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The data collected were tabulated and processed using Statistical Packages for Social

Sciences (SPSS). In order to analyze and interpret the data gathered, the following statistical

measures were used:

 The respondents’ level of awareness and practices towards waste management were

quantified using the following scale:

Rating Scale Range Description

5 4.50-5.00 Very Great Extent

4 3.50-4.49 Great Extent

3 2.50-3.49 Moderate Extent

2 1.50-2.49 Least Extent

1 1.00-1.49 None at all

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

 Correlation and regression analysis was used in determining the effect of the

respondents’ waste management awareness on their waste disposal practices.

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents, analyses, and interprets the data collected in the study. For clarity of

presentation and consistency in the discussion, the data are presented following the order and

sequence of the questions raised in Chapter 1, to wit: (1) level of awareness of the students on

waste management, (2) extent of students’ waste management practices, (3) effects of waste

management awareness on their practices, and (4) implications drawn from the findings of the


Awareness of Students on Waste Management

Waste management is an important facet of environmental hygiene and it needs to be

integrated with total environmental planning (WHO Expert Committee, 2010). Its storage,

collection, transport, treatment and disposal can lead to short term risks. In the long run there may

be dangers arising particularly from the chemical pollution of water supplies. Rao (2013) said that

the problems connected with refuse storage in buildings were, insects, rats, fire, and odor. These

problems are also associated with other problems of human health and aquatic systems. The level

of awareness of the students was assessed in terms of their awareness on regulations, awareness

on standards, and awareness on health and environmental effects.

The data in Table 2 show that the students’ level of awareness on regulations, awareness

on standards, and awareness on health and environmental effects was to a very great extent as

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

shown by the average value of 4.58. Their level of awareness on regulations was seen in the

awareness about the existence of solid waste management rules (4.45); awareness about the

existence of solid waste management plans of the school (4.45), and awareness on the 5S, which

means short, set in order, shine, standardization, and sustain (4.37).

Table 2

Awareness of Students on Waste Management

Awareness on Waste Management WM Interpretation

Awareness on Regulations
1. I am aware about the existence of solid waste
4.45 To a Great Extent
management rules
2. I am aware about the existence of solid waste
4.45 To a Great Extent
management plan in the institution
3. I know 5S. (Short, Set in Order, Shine, Standardized,
4.37 To a Great Extent
Awareness on Standards
4. I know solid waste disposal symbols 4.37 To a Great Extent
5. I am aware that waste must be segregated into
4.74 To a Very Great Extent
different categories at the source
6. I know the 3R. (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) 4.42 To a Great Extent
7. I am aware that receptacles/waste containers shall be
4.61 To a Very Great Extent
protected against vermin and other animals
8. I know that disposal area should be placed
4.74 To a Very Great Extent
9. I know that solid waste should not be left in food
4.71 To a Very Great Extent
preparation areas overnight
Awareness on Health and Environment Effects
10. I know that food-borne illness may occur if there is
4.74 To a Very Great Extent
an improper handling of solid wastes
11. I know that inappropriate of solid wastes results in
4.76 To a Very Great Extent
environment degradation
Average 4.58 To a Very Great Extent

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Meanwhile, the respondents’ awareness on standards was manifested in their knowledge

about solid waste management symbols (4.37); awareness that waste must be segregated into

different categories at the source (4.74); knowledge of the 3R (reuse, reduce, and recycle) (4.42);

awareness that receptacles/waste containers shall be protected against vermin and other animals

(4.61) ; knowledge that disposal area should be placed strategically (4.74); and knowledge that

solid waste should not be left in food preparation areas overnight (4.71).

Also, the respondents’ awareness on health and environmental effects was to a very great

extent when students show knowledge that food-borne illness may occur if there is improper

handling of solid wastes (4.74) and manifest knowledge that inappropriate solid wastes results in

environmental degradation (4.76).

This is a good indication because students are always well informed on the important rules

and standards of waste management.

The influence of perception which describes how a person views himself and the world

around him and how it tends to govern behavior is explained by Anomie theory (Merton, 2008)

which explains that deviance can arise by accepting culturally determined goals without the

acceptability of cultural means. In this case it translates to either paying for SWM services or the

total rejection of its cost recovery methods. This situation may be due to the difficulties posed by

the institutionalized means, or deviance may arise through accepting the means but rejecting the

goals, while sometimes it may involve rejection of both.

A situation that may result is greater incidence of deviant behaviors towards SWM services

as perceived or a total breakdown of waste control system. In this wise, individual’s perception of

(touching issues of taxes revenues, government sincerity etc) will influence the cultural values,

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

responses, and success of the solid waste management system. Hence, people’s perception on fees

and on waste collection services is primordial for its willingness to pay.

More importantly, when the people that waste services perceive it is paid for through taxes

or even considered as a social service to be paid for by the government. Unwillingness to pay could

lead to illicit burning and dumping, hence, in their model, Fullerton and Kinnaman (2015) were of

the opinion that household collection should be subsidized in order to prevent such external

environmental costs resulting from illegal dumping.

Waste Management Practices of Students

Today the most important subject that affects and worries mankind is the issues concerned

with waste management. Waste management practices especially the municipal solid waste can

differ for developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas, and for residential,

commercial and industrial producers. Waste collection methods vary widely among different

countries and regions. Domestic waste collection services are often provided by local government

authorities, or by private companies in the urban cities. Countries and experts alike spend lot of

time and resources to come out with a solution to the problem of environmental degradation and

climate change.

It may be gleaned in Table 3 that in general, the respondents’ properly waste disposal was

being practiced to a very great extent. With this, the top five waste disposal activities that are

practiced to a very great extent are as follows: solid waste materials are not disposed to rivers,

canal, sea, or vacant lots; solid waste materials are disposed properly in the designated trash bins;

left-overs are disposed in separate trash bins; solid waste is disposed in the designated collection

area; and disposal area is strategically located.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Table 3

Collection Practices

Indicators Mean Interpretation

Waste materials are collected according to the schedule 3.76 Great Extent
Waste materials are collected during weekends and even 3.55 Great Extent
during holidays
Departments are informed on the days when garbage are to be 3.73 Great Extent
No garbage are left uncollected on the scheduled time 3.54 Great Extent
Waste materials are collected in designated area 3.78 Great Extent
Medical waste are place in appropriate container located 3.56 Great Extent
throughout medical department facility at time of generation.
(If applicable)
Wastes are collected by the maintenance staff. 3.67 Great Extent
Infectious waste, chemical waste, toxic substances are 3.42 Moderate
collected together, regardless of whether or not they are
contaminated. (If applicable)
Grease trap, kitchen waste, are collected by authorized staff in 3.51 Great Extent
strong, leak proof containers that are clearly label. (If
Average 3.61 Great Extent

Moreover, the following waste disposal activities although practiced to a great extent,

recorded the lowest practices and can still improved as namely: disposal of solid waste in marked

high-density garbage bags; full implementation of material recovery facility; 5S and 3R are not

strictly implemented; no designated area for disposal of chemical wastes such as cleaning

materials; and no safe disposal of chemical wastes.

Table 4

Disposal Practices

Indicators Mean Interpretation

Waste materials are not disposed to rivers, canals, sea, or 3.82 Great Extent

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Disposal of waste materials are being done through bidding 3.58 Great Extent
Waste materials are disposed according to the methods 3.62 Great Extent
prescribed by the government
Waste materials are disposed properly in the designated trash 3.88 Great Extent
Waste is disposed according to schedule 3.68 Great Extent
Leftovers are disposed in separated trash bins. (if applicable) 3.66 Great Extent
Waste are disposed in the designated collection area 3.72 Great Extent
Infectious waste, chemical waste, sharps waste, toxic 3.71 Great Extent
substances are disposed properly
Kitchen waste, infectious waste, chemical waste, sharp waste, 3.66 Great Extent
toxic substances, medical waste is disposed in marked high-
density garbage bags. (if applicable)
Average 3.70 Great Extent

Table 5

Recovery and Processing Practices

Indicators Mean Interpretation

Practice 3R. (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) 4.15 Great Extent
Using 5S. (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardized, Sustain) 3.67 Great Extent
Full implementation of MRF. (Material Recovery Facility) 3.47 Moderate
Average 3.76 Great Extent

Effect of Students’ Waste Management Awareness on their Waste Disposal Practices

In conducting the study, it was hypothesized that students’ level of awareness on waste

management does not significantly influence their waste disposal practices. To determine the

extent of influence of awareness on waste management on waste disposal practices, the data were

subjected to regression analysis and presented in Table 6.

Results of the regression revealed that canteen workers’ awareness on standards and

awareness on health and environmental effects produced B coefficients of .667 and .606 with

associated probability less than the significance level set at .05. The findings indicate that for

every unit increase in their awareness in regulations and awareness on health and environmental

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

effects could generate a .661 and .449 increase in their waste disposal practices. The factor

“awareness on regulations” likewise influence the respondents’ waste disposal practices but nor to

a significant extent.

Table 6

Regression Analysis of the Students’ Waste Management Awareness on their Waste Disposal


Unstandardized Standardized P-
Variables Coefficients Coefficient value

B S.E Beta

(Constant) 0.912 0.965 0.946 0.354

Awareness on Regulations 0.321 0.163 0.3 1.969 0.061

Awareness on Standards 0.667 0.205 0.661 3.255 0.003

Awareness on Health and

0.606 0.201 0.449 3.008 0.006
environmental effects

R-squared – .642

F – 8.603

p-value - .000

alpha - 0.05

The obtained F-value of 8.603 with a p-value of .000 which was found significant at .05

alpha indicates that level of awareness of the students on regulations, standards, and health and

environmental effects when combined together formed a very significant set of predictors for waste

disposal practices.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Implications Drawn from the Findings of the Study

A number of implications were drawn from the findings of the study as follows:

 Solid waste management (SWM) is an issue that generates continuously increasing

interest due to the extra amounts of solid waste generated; the lack of existing

disposal facilities with adequate infrastructure and integrated management plans,

also often accompanied by legislative and institutional gaps.

 In conjunction with the creation of economic growth, vast population increase,

urbanization and industrialization, and excessive consumption of modern daily

life, a large quantity of waste is generated. With such a high quantity of generated

waste, proper SWM is becoming increasingly difficult.

 The management of solid waste is today one of the important obligatory functions

of the Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the entire country. However, this very

important and essential service had in the past gulped a lot of money out of the

local authorities, that the sate governments’ intervention became necessary. The

reason is not farfetched, the LGAs were not properly, technically and financially

equipped to perform this statutory function well. The banes of the problem include

but not limited to lack of financial resources, weak institutional and legal frame

work. Others are inappropriate choice of technology, inadequate collection and

transportation systems as well as unsafe final disposal options. The public

confidence on the ability and the capability of the LGAs to play this statutory role

diminished in the face of mounting heaps of refuse on major roads and highways.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations with

regards to the assessment of students’ waste management awareness on their waste disposal


This study made use of descriptive correlational method of research that utilized standard

questionnaires as primary data gathering tools. The respondents of the study were the students in

a public school in Bulacan.

The following null hypothesis was subjected for testing at 0.05 level of significance.

“The students’ waste management awareness does not exert significant effect on their

waste disposal practices.”

The results were processed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) and

the data were presented using appropriate tables and texts. The results were analyzed and

interpreted using statistical tests such regression analysis in determining the effect of students’

waste management awareness on their waste disposal practices.

Using the aforementioned procedures, the findings of the study may be summarized as


Summary of Findings

Problem 1: Students’ awareness on waste management

The respondents’ awareness on regulations, awareness on standards, and awareness on

health and environmental effects was to a very great extent. Their level of awareness on regulations

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

was seen in the awareness about the existence of solid waste management rules; awareness about

the existence of solid waste management plans of canteens, and awareness on the 5S, which means

short, set in order, shine, standardization, and sustain.

Problem 2: Waste Disposal Practices of the Respondents

The respondents’ properly waste disposal was being practiced to a very great extent. With

this, the top five waste disposal activities that are practiced to a very great extent are as follows:

solid waste materials are not disposed to rivers, canal, sea, or vacant lots; solid waste materials are

disposed properly in the designated trash bins; left-overs are disposed in separate trash bins; solid

waste is disposed in the designated collection area; and disposal area is strategically located.

Moreover, the following waste disposal activities although practiced to a great extent,

recorded the lowest practices and can still improved as namely: disposal of solid waste in marked

high-density garbage bags; full implementation of material recovery facility; 5S and 3R are not

strictly implemented; no designated area for disposal of chemical wastes such as cleaning

materials; and no safe disposal of chemical wastes.

Problem 3: Effect of students’ waste management awareness on their waste disposal


Results of the regression revealed that canteen workers’ awareness on standards and

awareness on health and environmental effects produced B coefficients of .667 and .606 with

associated probability less than the significance level set at .05. The findings indicate that for

every unit increase in their awareness in regulations and awareness on health and environmental

effects could generate a .661 and .449 increase in their waste disposal practices. The factor

“awareness on regulations” likewise influence the respondents’ waste disposal practices but nor to

a significant extent.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Problem 4: Implications drawn from the findings of the study

A number of implications were drawn from the findings of the study as follows:

 Solid waste management (SWM) is an issue that generates continuously increasing

interest due to the extra amounts of solid waste generated; the lack of existing

disposal facilities with adequate infrastructure and integrated management plans,

also often accompanied by legislative and institutional gaps.

 In conjunction with the creation of economic growth, vast population increase,

urbanization and industrialization, and excessive consumption of modern daily

life, a large quantity of waste is generated. With such a high quantity of generated

waste, proper SWM is becoming increasingly difficult.

 The management of solid waste is today one of the important obligatory functions

of the Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the entire country. However, this very

important and essential service had in the past gulped a lot of money out of the

local authorities, that the sate governments’ intervention became necessary. The

reason is not farfetched, the LGAs were not properly, technically and financially

equipped to perform this statutory function well. The banes of the problem include

but not limited to lack of financial resources, weak institutional and legal frame

work. Others are inappropriate choice of technology, inadequate collection and

transportation systems as well as unsafe final disposal options. The public

confidence on the ability and the capability of the LGAs to play this statutory role

diminished in the face of mounting heaps of refuse on major roads and highways.


International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

In the light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1.The students’ very great extent of awareness on waste management is a good indication that

the school is effective in informing their staffs regarding standards, regulations, and effects

of health and environment.

2.Waste disposal practices that are done to a very great extent may be maintained but those

practices with lowest means may be addressed and further strengthened.

3.The null hypothesis, which states that students’ waste management awareness does not exert

significant effect on their waste disposal practices was rejected.

4.Implications drawn from the findings of the study are good thoughts of further improving

the institutions waste management system.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are

hereby submitted:

1. That the school continuously provide awareness training on the importance of solid waste


2. Further strengthening of the students’ waste disposal practices must also be given attention

by the institutions and that the inclusion of 5S and 3R’s be included in the discussion.

3. Since, level of awareness and attitudes were found to significantly influence the

respondents’ waste disposal practices, a waste management program must be developed by

the administration in collaboration with the municipal and local agency of Bulacan.

4. That the respondent institution considers the implications drawn from this study.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36


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International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Appendix A

Instruments of the Study

Directions: This questionnaire explores the level of self-perceived awareness and practices of
students on waste management. Each item is different, so please answer each one truthfully. There
is no time limit, but do not dwell too long on an item. For each statement below, decide which of
the following answers best applies to you. Please check () the number that best represents your
answer using the scales below.



Awareness on Waste Management 5 4 3 2 1

Awareness on Regulations
1. I am aware about the existence of solid
waste management rules
2. I am aware about the existence of solid
waste management plan in the institution
3. I know 5S. (Sort, Set in Order, Shine,
Standardized, Sustain)
Awareness on Standards
4. I know solid waste disposal symbols
5. I am aware that waste must be segregated
into different categories at the source
6. I know the 3R. (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)
7. I am aware that receptacles/waste containers
shall be protected against vermin and other
8. I know that disposal area should be placed
9. I know that solid waste should not be left in
food preparation areas overnight
Awareness on Health and Environmental Effects
10. I know that food-borne illness may occur if
there is an improper handling of solid
11. I know that inappropriate disposal of solid

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

wastes results in environmental degradation


These are your actual waste disposal practices. Check () the number that best represents your
answer using the prescribed scale. Please be honest as you can.

Waste Disposal Practices 5 4 3 2 1

1. Solid waste materials are not disposed to
rivers, canals, sea, or vacant lots.
2. Solid waste materials are disposed according
to the methods prescribed by the government.
3. Solid waste materials are disposed properly
in the designated trash bins.
4. Solid waste is disposed according to
5. Leftovers are disposed in separate trash
6. Solid waste is disposed in the designated
collection area.
7. Chemical waste, sharps waste, toxic
substances are disposed properly.
8. Solid waste is disposed in marked high-
density garbage bags
9. Practice 3R. (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)
10. Using 5S. (Sort, Set in Order, Shine,
Standardized, Sustain)
11. Full implementation of MRF. (Material
Recovery Facility) (if applicable)
12. Disposal area is strategically located
13. 5S/3R is not strictly implemented
14. Solid waste materials are not properly
15. No designated area for disposal of chemical
wastes such as cleaning materials
16. No safe disposal of chemical wastes such as
cleaning materials
17. Solid wastes are not left in food preparation

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36




Collection Practices 5 4 3 2 1
Waste Materials are collected according to the schedule.
Waste Materials are collected during weekends and even
during holidays.
Departments are informed on the days when garbage are
to be collected.
No garbage is left uncollected on the scheduled time.
Waste Materials are collected in designated area.
Medical Waste are place in appropriate container located
throughout medical department facility at time of
generation. (if applicable)
Wastes are collected by the maintenance staff.
Infectious Waste, chemical waste, toxic substances are
collected together, regardless of whether or not they are
contaminated. (if applicable)
Grease trap, kitchen waste, are collected by authorized
staff in strong, leak proof containers that are clearly label.
(if applicable)
Disposal Practices
Waste Materials are not disposed to rivers, canals, sea,
or vacant lots.
Disposal of waste materials are being done through
bidding process.
Waste Materials are disposed according to the methods
prescribed by the government.
Waste Materials are disposed properly in the designated
trash bins.
Waste is disposed according to schedule.
Leftovers are disposed in separate trash bins. (if
Waste are disposed in the designated collection area.

International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR)
ISSN: 2643-9123
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May - 2021, Pages: 9-36

Infectious Waste, chemical waste, sharps waste, toxic

substances are disposed properly.
Kitchen waste, infectious waste, chemical waste, sharp
waste, toxic substances, medical waste is disposed in
marked high-density garbage bags. (if applicable).
Recovery and Processing Practices
Practice 3R. (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)
Using 5S. (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardized,
Full implementation of MRF. (Material Recovery
Problems Encountered
Disposal area is not strategically located.
None compliance of the department/offices.
5S/3r is not strictly implemented
Waste Materials are not properly disposed
Delayed schedules of collection
No designated area for disposal infectious
waste/chemical wastes.
No safe disposal of infectious waste, toxic waste, sharps
waste, chemical waste, pressurized container and
radioactive waste (if applicable).

-Thank You!-


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