PT Report - Siti Nurrindah (Dem181006)

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SEMESTER 2 (2020/2021)




Prepared For:
Miss Wan Nabilah Wan Deraman
Prepared By:
Siti Nurrindah Binti Hiyang

Date of Submission:
18 jun 2021

I declare that the work in this report was carried out in accordance with the regulations

ofInternational Islamic College. It is original and is the result of my own work, unless

otherwise oracknowledged as referenced work. This topic has not been submitted to

any other academicinstitution or non-academic institution for any other degree of

qualification.In the event that my report is found to violate the conditions mentioned

above, I voluntarily waivethe right of conferment of my final marks and agree to be

subjected to the disciplinary rules andregulation of International Islamic College.

Name of Candidate : (Siti Nurrindah Binti Hiyang)

Candidate ID No: (DEM181006)

Programme : (Diploma in Enforcement Management)

School :School of Management

Title :Practical Training Report

Signature of Candidate



First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to almighty Allah for enabling me to

complete my practical training report for Practical Training for Semester 3 2020/2021.

Successfully completion of any type of project requires helps from a numbers of

persons. I have also taken helps from different people for the preparation of this report.

So here, there is a little effort to show my deep gratitude toward that helpful person. I

would like to convey my sincere gratitude to our head of Practical Training, Madam

Zanariah Binti Zakaria. Without her kind direction and proper guidance, this report would

be a little success. In every phase of this report, her supervision and guidance shaped

in this report to be completed perfectly. In performing the Practical Training which is

compulsory for every each of student of Diploma in Enforcement Management, I have

learned that to be grateful on the opportunity that have given to me by the enforcement

department in CIDB for me to explore more experience and learn more on the corporate

and legal world.

In addition, I would like to thank my Boss En. Azhar, my Supervisor En Shapiee, and

the other staff which is, En Amar, En Amin, En Ezaudin, Puan Fazliana for their careful

and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically

and practically.

Last but not least, I had perceive this opportunity in CIDB, as a big milestone in my

career development in the future. I hope that everyone will be getting strong and always

be positive to face every situations in working placement environments. We have to be

positive all the time and never give up because this is the challenge that we have to

face and will give good benefits to our lives and future. I wish all the best to everyone.

REFERENCES (if any) 27

i.Copy of Acceptance letter

ii.Copy of Report Duty
iii.Log Book
iv.Photo (Permission must be obtained from
vBusiness card of Immediate supervisors
vi.Photo of activities done by students


Diploma student in INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC COLLEGE are compulsory to go for

practical training at organizations either government sector or private sector. The

training is a part of academic subject that requires final year students to

undergo training at selected organization. This practical training provides pre-

professional work experience for the students. The period of practical training is two

months includes presentation of knowledge gained during training and the semester

break. Students are required to choose any company or agencies for industrial training’s

placement whether it is paid or unpaid. According to practical training guideline, the

students have to work under supervision of experienced information professional.

Therefore, students are able to learn more on management, gained added

skills and practical knowledge that are possibly different at the class. For this practical

training, students will be grade through the assessment that comes from report of

organization itself, practical training report prepared by the students and presentation at

the end of training period.

The main objective of practical training for the students is to give them working

experience with specific task and responsibilities. The relevant of giving at least two

months working experience at selected organization is most of the students do not have

chance to work in various company or organization. Student can chose their practical

training placement according to their diploma course and the subject that they learn at

the college which can apply in their training placement. Therefore, with
the existing of this subject, students can get the image on working in field that they have

learnt. Thus, the second objective of practical training is adding marketability for the

students to apply for a job. Currently, industries are more welcoming for new

employment with job experience. This is because they are able to cut cost for sending

their new staff for job training. Thus, practical training would give added value for the

students in jobs application. Other than that, students are able to apply the knowledge

gained in the class to the working environment.

Thus,We can observe that the purpose of the Practical Training for Students are meant

to mould and shape the next generation of workforce for the Country’s ever expanding

economy and gives great value for International Islamic College for forging the next

generation of work force,and add value for Students who shall learn and practice the

knowledge and wisdom acquired from IIC to the corporate world and a major

contribution to the Workforce is that they not only train better candidates from the

practical only but may also evaluate some of the students as potential employees that

may help expand and create a more dynamic impact upon the Country’s economy by

allowing and encouraging more and more practical students into the industry. 

Construction Industry Development Board was established under the Construction

Industry Development Board Act 1994 (Act 520) to regulate, develop and facilitate the

construction industry towards achieving global competitiveness.

The Board advises the Federal and the State Governments, as well as other

stakeholders on matters affecting or connected with the construction industry.


The Act 520 spells out CIDB's functions as listed below:

 To promote and stimulate the developement, improvement and expansion of the

construction industry.

 To promote, stimulate and undertake research into any matter relating to the

construction industry.

 To promote, stimulate and assist in the export of service relating to the

construction industry.
 To advise and make recommendations to the Federal Government and the State

Government on matters affecting or connected with the construction industry.

 To provide consultancy and advisory services with respect to the construction


 To promote and encourage quality assurance in the construction industry.

 To regulate the conformance of standards for construction workmanship and


 To obtain, publish, initiate and maintain information relating to the construction

industry including the establishment of a construction industry information


 To provide, promote, review and coordinate training in the construction industry.

 To register and accredit contractors, to impose any conditions of registrations

and accreditation of the contractors and to revoke, suspend or reinstate the

registration and accreditation, and

 To register, accredit and certifying building personne and to cancel, suspend or

reinstate registration, accreditation and certification of such building personnel.

 Regulating implementation for safe and quality construction work.

 To regulate the implementation of the Industrial Buildings System in the

construction industry.

 To manage any complaints or reports made in respect of any failure of

construction wok or completed construction work affecting public safety and take

appropriate action to handle it.

To regulate, develop and facilitate the construction industry by inculcating

professionalism in delivering quality, productive and sustainable built environment.


To be an esteemed organization that delivers construction excellence in Malaysia.


To develop the capacity and capability of the construction industry through the

enhancement of quality and productivity by placing great emphasis on professionalism,

innovation and knowledge in the endeavour to improve the quality of life.

Staff Amenities

In the CIDB,the facilities as provided are cubicles for each staff at hand and Personal

Computer’s for office work and duties to be performed.Next,there is a Prayer room

or Musollah to conduct prayers for muslims,A pantry with a refridgerator for food storage

and indoor plumbing with a restroom for personal usage.A books for reference of staff.

The task that was assigned to me by the Supervisor were to fully understand and

study the details pertaining to industry development Act 520 of Malaysia , SOP and

Notice . I was given freedom to make reference from the books in the office  and from

their websites to add knowledge and give understanding on its application. I have to

understand all these three important things before I do any work that related with the

subject. And indeed, it was a challenging for me but gladly my other colleagues helps

me by explaining every detail that I can understand .

The important thing that I focused was what Act 520 . Main focus encompasses three

main areas where it Enhancing construction quality through registration of construction

personnel as well as skills and competency certification, Ensuring quality of building

material and compliance with standards and Contractors and site managers'

responsibility to ensure safety of buildings during or after the construction work.

The amended Act 520 makes it compulsory for construction personnel to be registered

with CIDB. This is to allow CIDB to gather sufficient and accurate data on the number of

construction personnel available and needed, the relevance of skills training

programmes to the nation's need, and to keep tabs on standards of construction


The amendment also requires all construction site supervisors and skilled

construction personnel as specified in the Third Schedule of Act 520 to be accredited by

CIDB, and to hold a valid CIDB issued certificate according to their respective trades

and skills.
This is because construction personnel who have been certified of their skills can

produce work of high quality, be competent and highly productive. This in turn will

increase the image of the construction workforce and attract more to be involved in this


•Making a table in excel to key-in all data of “PENGURUSAN NOTIS”

•Doing the “SEMAKAN NOTIS”

•Reading all SOP document in file given

•Scanner some document and turn into ‘PDF’

•Key-in a data in excel which is “SENARAI NEGERI”

•Key-in a data in excel which is “SENARAI JABATAN SELURUH NEGARA”

•Make a photocopy of file of “KOMPAUN”

•Make a draft of NTS “NOTICE TUNJUK SEBAB”

•Arrange and filing a document

•Assist officers in reviewing the list of contractor who make complaints

•Fill in the information on the notice receive based on the email into excel

•Making an update of record “SEMAKAN PEMATUHAN KONTRAKTOR”


Meeting with MKN online (Kehadiran secara Online)

I was given chances by En ridwan to join the meeting with MKN (MAJLIS

KESELAMATAN NEGARA). Where I need to sit infront of the computer and listen

everything that been discussed. The meeting purpose is about “PENYELARASAN


BERSYARAT (PKP, PKPP, PKB). People that involved in the meeting are officers from

police, military, health department, enforcement department and any position connected

from every state in malaysia. Other than that, they need to do some presentation on

behalf of how they run every work during the pendamic. In the meeting, also they been

discuss the total or the increasing amount of COV-19 cases all over the state by

showing a graf any polls in slides. This is because they need to plan some new

strategies in order to overcome the cov-19 crisis happening abided with the vision


See an interview to take a statement from “BILIK PENYIASATAN”

In the interviewing, the officers who handled the case asked several question to the

contractors .Which is :-

- How longer you have been working with the company?

- Are you dealing with sub-contractor?

- What are your qualifications?

- What kind of sub-contractors that u know?

- Do you familiar with the contractors above?

- What will you do if theres a collision of an employee’s fault?

- Who the names of SHO main contractor?

So in this situation it can states that as a CIDB officers their doing the job quite careful

and responsibility.


Establish and standardize the implementation of the daily duties of CIDB enforcement

members. This procedure also clarifies the implementation of tasks and enforcement

actions in accordance with the work implementation procedures that have been set in

accordance with the provisions of authority as per the laws and regulations set.


This procedure covers the procedures for the execution of the daily duties of CIDB

enforcement personnel. It only covers the essential duties of enforcement personnel

and does not include additional duties or instructions issued from time to time



P25 P7 P8 P2 / P3 P6 P4 P24

Penyediaan Pemeriksaan


1. Kontraktor
2. Levi
3. Bahan Binaan
Pemeriksaan Tapak
4. Personel Binaan
Notis N1 / N2 / N9 Jika Perlu 5. Arkreditasi


1. Palsu Maklumat P27
2. Notis P26 / 28
3. Siasatan P23
4. Sita / lak P19 / 20 / 21
5. Geledah P18
Penyediaan Laporan 6. Pemberhenti Kerja P22



1. Prosedur Kompaun P30 /

2. Prosedur Pendakwaan P31 /
3. Prosedur Tatatertib P33

During my study in International Islamic College, I was privileged to have learn Core

subjects relating to law, physcology and human relations in my Diploma of

Enforcement Management.Now as a practical student I have been given the chance to

apply and learn the practicality and usage of the knowledge of the subjects I had

learned during my previous semesters studying.The importance of knowledge can

bridge understanding between working effectively and efficiently in the legal industry.


The first subjects which I would like to apply to my practical training would be the

subjects of Introduction to law and Introduction to law 2,These subjects are represent

the basic understanding of what is the law.The Law is known as a set of rules which a

country or community used to regulate the actions of its citizens.Given that it is a set of

rules the law is also known as Acts of Parliament or Acts Legislature and Statute.

An Act is a rule of law that is issued by Parliament as they are responsible for the

application of legislature in a Country.Lawyers and layperson are those whom study and

practice the application of law whereas Judges make decisions from the cases

presented by disputing parties.

From the description above, I have understood that during my practical training that the

Act or Legislature is very important to understand it thoroughly with guidelines as to how

a law is being utilized. In the organization , standing committees are key agencies and

some legislators play larger legislative roles by virtue of their committee assignments .

Not only do chairmen exercise leadership, but the rank and file of both the majority and

minority parties also may have influence at the committee stage of the process. In a
number of states the party caucus is another locus of member influence. There issues

are hashed out and party positions on legislation are developed. Internal democracy

also requires that members have basic parliamentary rights.

For example,during my practical training I had observe my Supervisor and fellow

colleagues on how they issued notice and compounded to contractors and what

Statute to be utilized upon as to prevent any misunderstanding. This is because,

argument will appear between contractors and the organization when the notice issued

or their company being compounded . Some of the contractors I can see are not

hesitate to sue CIDB once they got compound. That is why this it is very important for

us to understand the Act or legislature in utilizing the act that is to be presented as an

argument in a court of law.

From my perspective, these processes not only work to make laws, they are also

intended to address problems facing the state. If legislative processes are not related to

state needs, they cannot entirely fulfill the expected lawmaking function. As what I can

observe, any tasks that involves will have its laws that need to be followed in order to

satisfy the interests of the community. Which is why legislation is very important to

everyone in any situations. Therefore, I have applied my understanding of the

importance of legislation during my training.

Commercial Law

Second subject that i can related with my PT is commercial law . Commercial law, also

known as mercantile law or trade law, is the body of law that applies to the rights,

relations, and conduct of persons and business engaged in commerce, merchandising,

trade, and sales. It is often considered to be a branch of civil law and deals with issues

of both private law and public law . The goverment has established the Act 520 that has

main focus encompasses three main areas:

First is to Enhancing construction quality through registration of construction personnel

as well as skills and competency certification . Second is to Ensuring quality of building

material and compliance with standards and Third, Contractors and site managers'

responsibility to ensure safety of buildings during or after the construction work.

Since it is CIDB, they focusing on regulate, develop and facilitate the construction

industry towards achieving global competitiveness. They are the one who will concern

about construction industry in malaysia , so they will offer a developer for a registration.

As a matter fact, in Section (19) of the Construction Industry Development Board Act

stipulates that “No person shall offer his services as a Consultant or Contractor unless

he is registered under the Construction Industry Development Board Act”.

This can be said that CIDB has perform a contract to the developer. As we know in

commercial law , to make a contract should have 4 basic element which is , proposal ,

acceptance , consideration and intention . When this four element are fulfilled then

contract are made . In sec25. (1) No person shall carry out or complete, undertake to

carry out or complete any construction work or hold himself out as a contractor, unless
he is registered with the Lembaga and holds a valid certificate of registration issued by

the Lembaga under this Act. So any contractors who been registered with CIDB,

against the contract will be punish under Act 520 of Registration and Accreditation of

contractors. Any person who contravenes subsection 2(1) shall be guilty of an offence

and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than ten thousand ringgit but not

more than one hundred thousand ringgit.

As I know , it is very important for us to follow the rules that been established by the

government. If it any violating agains the rules, it is consider as criminal . So that ,

contractors, consultants and clients should ensure they perform their respective roles

and responsibilities to prevent unwanted incidents from occurring.


Third subject that I would like to relate with my PT is Investigation techniques and

critical issues in law enforcement. The purpose of the investigation is to explore in detail

the allegations, to examine the evidence in depth, and to determine specifically whether

academic research misconduct has been committed, and if so, the responsible person

and the seriousness of the misconduct.

From what I have learn according to the subject is Investigators cannot solve crimes

without accurate information. Sources of information are innumerable. Criminal

investigators must become familiar with those that will be most beneficial in the specific

type of offense they are investigating. A good investigator must develop the skills for

obtaining information. Law enforcement agencies should train their investigators in

developing sources of information and preparing information documents for their


Since I don’t have any physical experience to venture any enforce work due to Covid-

19, I still able to see a preview on how they carry out the investigative work at the

construction site by watching a documentary video. Also, even if I cannot inter the

process on taking statement, but I still manage to see on how the statement to be

taken . Such as what kind of questions they may ask and the way they play psycho

questions, so that the offender can provide accurate information . From here, I can

tolerate that theory have been used in handling an investigation and taking statement

are using interviewing method.

Rather than that, in this investigation also they used the lie detection method . In my

PT , I can see that lie detection method been used during the interview is

psychophysiological detection of deception. Some techniques for detecting deception

are based on the interpretation of subtle signals in behavior or demeanor, defined here

as activities of an individual that can be observed with the usual human senses, without

physical contact with the individual and therefore, potentially, without the individual's

knowledge. Demeanor includes, among other things, gaze, posture, facial expressions,
body movements, sound of the voice, and the patterns and content of speech when one

person talks to another during an interview, interrogation, or any other conversation.

This method usually applied in the taking statement process during my PT in CIDB.

They used tricky questions in order to make sure no lies in all answer given from the


From my understanding from the past semester and relate with my PT , investigation

normally shall include examination of all documentation including, but not necessarily

limited to, relevant research data materials, proposals, publications, correspondence,

memoranda, and notes of telephone calls. Whenever possible, interviews should be

conducted of all individuals involved either in making the allegation or against whom the

allegation is made, as well as other individuals who might have information regarding

key aspects of the allegations. All interviews should be tape- recorded. Copies of these

interview tapes should be prepared, provided to the respondent, and included as part of

the investigatory file. A copy of the tape of respondent’s interview may be provided to

the interviewed party upon request.

CIDB Act 520 ( self-learning)

Unfortunately, in my Diploma course of Enforcement Management does not provide subject

that related to Act 520 . Since the company focuses more into enhancing construction quality ,

ensuring quality of the building, contractor and sites, this Act is very important to learn and
apply at Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia ( CIDB ), and to provide for its

function relating to construction industry and for matters connected. I had a chance to have a

talk with my lecturers regarding this issue. They were all fine for me to do my practical training

at this company. In fact, I will gain more new knowledge about law matters that are not include

in my course syllabus.

As what I briefly understand about Act 520 Malaysia, it regulate, develop and facilitate the

construction industry towards achieving global competitiveness. The Board advises the Federal

and State Governments, as well as other stakeholders on matters affecting or connected with

the construction industry. And I also know what documentation that need to be there such as

Notice and Compound. Notice is a notification or warning of something, especially to allow

preparation made. The contractor are given 14-30 days at least to complete any circumstances,

such as providing personal protective equipment to employees, written statement about safety

and health, update workers detail and whats related.

Other than that, I understand that Compounds action can be taken agains contractors who fail

to adhere to the directives issued by CIDB shall be guilty of an offence and on conviction be

liable to a fine not exceeding RM500,000, and in respect of a continuing failure to comply, an

additional fine of not exceeding RM10,000 for every day or part of a day which the offence

continues after conviction. So that, if any contractor whose breach of duty results in death shall

be guilty of an offence, and on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding RM500,000 or to

imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or both. Apart from that, Contractors who

fail to pay levy can be fined up to RM50,000, or four times the amount of such levy payable,

whichever is higher.
Human Relations

Last but not least, subject that I would like to correlate is the Human Relations subject that

involves everything around us including at the workplace. Human relations is an important part

to our career success. It is defined as relations with or between people, particularly in a

workplace setting. Because a company depends on good human relations through its

organizational structure, developing these skills is important. From my understanding of it

during at the workplace, it is observed as a wider understanding and a broader view as to how

to handle problems and tasks due to the nature of work. To communicate with the people, it

requires a good soft skills and being a good listener as well.

During my training at CIDB , I was instructed by my industrial supervisor to have a meeting with

Sub Bahagian Pematuhan . En. Shapiee had explain about the process and what should they do

in order to carry out all matters discussed in the meeting and take important notes. So that all

work matters and routine matters can be carried out properly. Everyone has their own

responsibility by giving opinions and personal perspectives. Gladly, I managed to take part in

the meeting by doing the document review after the meeting done .

Besides, I was able to see how my other colleagues settle down any conflict arise from the

contractor . Some contractor are coming to the office asking about their current bills, notice ,

statuses and more because they might in a hurry to settle their problem. I managed to see how

they answer the contractor questions calmly without worries. It is important to maintain the

image of the firm and everyone needs to be professional to do all the tasks.
Otherwise, human relations taught me on how to relieve stress during the work. Stress

sometimes could cause people’s emotions in a negative way and it will effect our work as well if

we cannot handle it well. In order to relieve my stress, I used to talk with someone and laugh .

Luckily, CIDB staff are very friendly and we all always talked and created some jokes that could

relieve stress . They also taught me what things should I do and how to overcome problem..

With this kind of environment, it would give a splendid spirits to all workers or even trainees. I

am sure that many people would love to work there and having such a great environment.

As I applied all those subjects above to relate with my industrial training, it is indeed that

theories that I have learned were all connected to the workplace except for CIDB Act 520

because I learned it by my own. The reason I chose Compliance department is because of

pandemic and my place does not have any law firm that involves litigation . As I thought about

it, it was not an issue for me to choose the firm that does not apply for litigation. At least I could

know that law is not only to litigation but also to many applications such as construction

industry development . And I could also seek for new knowledge regarding construction . The

training itself has influenced view of understanding the law in action. I was blessed that I had a

chance to apply for Practical Training.


Taking everything in account, the aim of practical training is to help students develop

skills and abilities that support professional studies and prepare them for work later on.

In my opinion, for students especially in International Islamic College practical

training provides an opportunity to learn important skills. This is also another precious

opportunity for students to explore and gain knowledge as much as possible for the

future preparation and develop professionality in them. Since practical training is part of

the student's studies, it must be well-planned and supervised.

Through all experiences I have obtained during my training, I learnt about so many

things that new yet beneficial for everyone and me. In these 2 months of practical

training , from my first day as to researching and discovering the laws from its offenses

and punishments it’s a truly fascinating experience as to how it helped me it has given

me a new outlook as to how the legal industry . I have obtained an understanding that

our College life and theory learning is different as to be compared to the Practical

Training and interaction with contractors and, colleagues. Last but not least I want to

conclude that whatever profession we pursue in our life, always stay humble and do not

stop learning in order for us to gains skills in the industry.


My recommendation for Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) in improving

the company is to upgrade old technologies in to the new one such as the Personal

Computer (PC), where it will makes the employee to do their work with comfy also at

east . As it at my department, there is one staff that having problem with the pc

brightness , like the screen is very unclear to be seen, the font faded and etc and had to

switch his pc with mine.

Second, they need to improve the complaint area , such hire at least one staff to be at

front, also they need to put counter desk . This is because, I see that many contractors

that comes to the office were slightly confuse with who they can ask , it always happen

whenever they wanted to meet the person concerned to making complaint . So that,

with improving the waiting area will makes all the clients or any contractors more easier

to communicate or gets information also no need to enter the staff area to asking .

Last but not least , I would like to recommend the company to hire more enforcers,

especially at the enforcement department . I see that there are shortage of young

workers, this may be lead to lack of the way they thinking, opinions and ways of work .

Outdated communication tools can be a major barrier to transparency, especially if

we’re working across different offices and remote employees. It's imperative that team
has an easy and efficient way to connect with one another and to share crucial


Overall, CIDB has a pleasant environment where all the staff in here are very friendly to

everyone and they also ready to helps me whenever In need. CIDB is not just a

company but it create bonding between all staff.





i) Copy of Acceptance Letter.

ii) Copy of Report Duty.
Business Card of Immediate Supervisors
Photo of student doing work .

Photo of The Firm

Photo of The Activities Done by Student .

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