Pce 13471
Pce 13471
Pce 13471
DOI: 10.1111/pce.13471
State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and
Breeding, Key Laboratory of Silviculture of the Abstract
State Forestry Administration, Research Uptake, translocation, detoxification, and sequestration of heavy metals (HMs) are
Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of
Forestry, Beijing 100091, China key processes in plants to deal with excess amounts of HM. Under natural conditions,
Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Tree plant roots often establish ecto‐ and/or arbuscular‐mycorrhizae with their fungal part-
Breeding by Molecular Design, College of
ners, thereby altering HM accumulation in host plants. This review considers the
Biological Sciences and Technology, Beijing
Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China progress in understanding the physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in
Forest Botany and Tree Physiology, HM accumulation in nonmycorrhizal versus mycorrhizal plants. In nonmycorrhizal
University of Goettingen, 37077 Göttingen,
plants, HM ions in the cells can be detoxified with the aid of several chelators.
Institute for Forest Sciences, University of Furthermore, HMs can be sequestered in cell walls, vacuoles, and the Golgi apparatus
Freiburg, 79110 Freiburg, Germany of plants. The uptake and translocation of HMs are mediated by members of ZIPs,
NRAMPs, and HMAs, and HM detoxification and sequestration are mainly modulated
Zhi‐Bin Luo, State Key Laboratory of Tree
Genetics and Breeding, Research Institute of by members of ABCs and MTPs in nonmycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhizal‐induced
Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry,
changes in HM accumulation in plants are mainly due to HM sequestration by fungal
Beijing 100091, China.
Email: luozbbill@163.com partners and improvements in the nutritional and antioxidative status of host plants.
Funding information Furthermore, mycorrhizal fungi can trigger the differential expression of genes
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Non‐profit Research Institutions of CAF, involved in HM accumulation in both partners. Understanding the molecular mecha-
Grant/Award Numbers: CAFYBB2018ZY001‐ nisms that underlie HM accumulation in mycorrhizal plants is crucial for the utilization
2 and CAFYBB2018SY005; National Natural
Science Foundation of China, Grant/Award of fungi and their host plants to remediate HM‐contaminated soils.
Numbers: 31770643, 31670609, 31570587
and 31470618; Research Project of the Chi- KEY W ORDS
nese Ministry of Education, Grant/Award
Number: 113013A; Program of Introducing ATP‐binding cassette transporter, heavy metal ATPase, phytoremediation, transcriptional
Talents of Discipline to Universities, Grant/ regulation, transporter
Award Number: B13007
1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N 5 g cm−3 (Ali & Khan, 2017). Some HMs, such as zinc (Zn), copper
(Cu), and molybdenum (Mo), are essential nutrients for normal plant
Heavy metals (HMs) are naturally occurring metals with atomic growth and development because they are involved in enzymatic
numbers (Z) greater than 20 and an elemental density greater than and redox reactions, electron transport, and the biosynthesis of bio-
molecules (Zenk, 1996). These HMs are essential and beneficial for
plants at low concentrations, but they are toxic to plants when present
Abbreviations: ABC, ATP‐binding cassette transporter; AM, arbuscular
in excess. In contrast, other HMs, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb),
mycorrhizae; Asc, ascorbate; CDF, cation diffusion facilitator; EM,
ectomycorrhizae; GSH, glutathione; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide; His, histidine; and mercury (Hg), are nonessential and highly toxic to plants (Ding
HM, heavy metal; HMA, heavy metal ATPase; IRT1, iron‐regulated transporter et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2019). To complete their life
1; MT, metallothionein; MTP, metal tolerance protein; NA, nicotianamine;
cycle, plants must absorb essential HMs and other elements, such as
NRAMP, natural resistance‐associated macrophage protein; PC, phytochelatin;
PCS, phytochelatin synthase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; ZIP, zinc‐iron calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and nitrogen (N). In addition to essential
permease; ZNT1, zinc transporter 1 HMs, plants can also absorb nonessential and toxic HMs from the soil
Plant Cell Environ. 2019;42:1087–1103. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/pce © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1087
1088 SHI ET AL.
solution through their uptake system because some transporters can progress in the utilization of ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal plants
take up several similar HM ions. For instance, root transporters to remediate HM‐polluted soils.
for Zn2+ and Ca2+ can also take up Cd2+ (Rogers, Eide, & Guerinot,
2000; Williams, 2011), and the transporters for phosphate can also
absorb arsenate (AsO3−; Ditusa et al., 2016). As a result, these nones- 2 | P H Y S I O L O G I C A L A ND M O L E C U L A R
sential and toxic HMs can be absorbed by plants including crops, MECHANISMS OF HM ACCUMULATION IN
eventually entering the food chain. Nonessential and toxic HMs are N O N M Y C O R R H I Z A L P LA N T S
mutagenic, teratogenic, and carcinogenic to humans (Alshatwi et al.,
2014; Koedrith, Kim, Weon, & Seo, 2013). The entry of these HMs HMs are often present as HM ions in the soil solution where they can
into human food poses a serious risk to human health. Thus, to control be accessed by the roots of plants. HM ions in the soil solution can
the accumulation of HMs in plants, scientists need a better under- enter the roots and can be loaded into the xylem of the vascular
standing of the physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in system where they are further translocated to the aerial parts along
HM uptake, translocation, detoxification, and accumulation. the transpiration stream. The uptake, translocation, detoxification,
Under natural conditions, plant roots are usually colonized by and accumulation of HMs are key processes for HM accumulation in
soil microorganisms, including ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi, plants. These processes are controlled by physiological and molecular
which can significantly affect HM accumulation in host plants (Coninx, regulatory mechanisms.
Martinova, & Rineau, 2017; Ho‐Man et al., 2013; Leyval, Turnau, &
Haselwandter, 1997; Luo et al., 2014). The associations between the
2.1 | Physiological mechanisms underlying HM
roots of vascular plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi belonging to
Asco‐ and Basidiomycetes are called ectomycorrhizae (EM). The sym-
bioses between host roots and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi of the 2.1.1 | Uptake and transport of HMs via apoplastic
phylum Glomeromycota are referred to as arbuscular mycorrhizae and symplastic pathways
(AM). EM are characterized by the mantle and Hartig net (Smith &
Read, 2008). The mantle is formed of fungal hyphae that ensheath HM ions in the soil solution move according to their respective con-
the root tip. Inside the mantle, the hyphae can penetrate the cell walls centration gradients. The chemical and physical properties of the soil,
of epidermal and cortical cells of the root tips and grow in the intercel- such as the concentrations of other metal ions, the pH of the soil solu-
lular space to form the Hartig net (Smith & Read, 2008). In contrast to tion, and soil organic matter contents can markedly affect the mobility
EM, where the fungal hyphae never enter the lumina of the root cells, and availability of HM ions to plant roots (Miransari, 2011). The cen-
AM are characterized by the presence of arbuscules inside root tripetal movements of HM ions in the roots (i.e., the movements of
cells (Bonfante & Genre, 2010). The Hartig net and arbuscules are HM ions on the root surface to the vascular cylinder) follow apoplastic
interfaces that allow the exchange of nutrients, water, and other and symplastic pathways. HM ions that pass through the apoplastic
substances between both partners. Obviously, the accumulation of pathway can also reach the stele in the root apical region where the
HMs in mycorrhizal plants is complex because it involves fungal endodermal suberin lamellae are not well developed (Lux, Martinka,
partners and the plants (Coninx, Martinova, & Rineau, 2017). How- Vaculã, & White, 2011; Schreiber, 2010; Tao et al., 2017). Due to
ever, there are some higher plant families that are unable to form variations in the anatomical and biochemical properties of different
mycorrhizae, such as species belonging to the Chenopodiaceae and functional regions (i.e., root cap, meristematic zone, and elongation
Brassicaceae families (Smith & Read, 2008). It is important for scien- and maturation zones) of the root tips, the radial movement rates of
tists to understand the physiological and molecular mechanisms HM ions can differ significantly among root tip regions (He et al.,
underlying HM accumulation in these nonmycorrhizal versus mycor- 2011; Ma et al., 2014). Both the apoplastic and symplastic pathways
rhizal plant species. play pivotal roles in the mobilization of HM ions toward the vascular
In recent years, great progress has been made in our understand- cylinder, but most studies have focused on the contribution of the
ing of the physiological and molecular mechanisms that underlie symplastic path to HM uptake into plant roots (Courbot et al., 2007;
the uptake, translocation, detoxification, and accumulation of HMs in Yin et al., 2015). Thus, little information is available about the contri-
nonmycorrhizal plants (Clemens & Ma, 2016; Fasani, Manara, Martini, bution of the apoplastic route to HM absorption by the roots.
Furini, & Dalcorso, 2018; Luo, He, Polle, & Rennenberg, 2016; Shao, Recently, it has been found that the contribution of the apoplastic
Yamaji, Shen, & Ma, 2017), as well as in mycorrhizal plants (Ho‐Man pathway to Cd2+ movements toward the vascular xylem is related to
et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2014). In this review, we first describe recent the concentration of Cd2+ applied in the hyperaccumulating ecotype
progress in elucidating the physiological and molecular mechanisms of Sedum alfredii Hance. This pathway contributed up to 37% at the
of HM accumulation in nonmycorrhizal plants, mainly in Arabidopsis highest Cd2+ concentration applied (Tao et al., 2017). Obviously, more
thaliana (L.) Heynh. and Noccaea caerulescens (J.Presl & C.Presl) F.K. studies are needed to quantify the contribution of the apoplastic route
Mey. (formerly known as Thlaspi caerulescens [J.Presl & C.Presl] F.K. to HM movements toward the stele of the root before any general
Mey.), which are unable to be colonized by mycorrhizal fungi. We then conclusions can be drawn.
discuss the physiological and molecular regulation of HM accumula- After HM ions in the root cells are centripetally transported to the
tion in ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi, as well as in ecto‐ and vascular cylinder, they are loaded into the conduits of the xylem
arbuscular‐mycorrhizal host plants. Finally, we briefly describe recent where they are further translocated to the aerial parts of plants,
SHI ET AL. 1089
including the stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds (Clemens & Ma, their lignin biosynthesis in response to HM exposure, thereby suggest-
2016). In the aerial parts, HM ions in the xylem conduits can also be ing that lignin in plant cell walls plays a role in sequestering HMs
radially translocated to cells of the phloem and other tissues. In the (Cheng et al., 2014; Elobeid, Gobel, Feussner, & Polle, 2012). By HM
aerial parts of plants, HM translocation can also occur through sequestration in root cell walls, the entry of HMs into the protoplasts
apoplastic and symplastic routes. Several studies have demonstrated can be reduced, thereby alleviating the toxicity of HMs in plant cells.
that HMs can be accumulated along their transport pathways in plants Inside the cells, toxic HMs are often transported to subcellular organ-
(Clemens & Ma, 2016; He et al., 2013, 2015; Wang et al., 2015). elles such as vacuoles and the Golgi apparatus, where the HMs can
also be sequestered (Peiter et al., 2007; Sharma, Dietz, & Mimura,
2.1.2 | HM detoxification by chelators 2016). For instance, Cd is mainly sequestered in vacuoles of paren-
chyma cells in the leaf mesophyll, stem pith, and cortex in the shoots
After uptake and translocation of HMs, their detoxification is essential of the Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator S. alfredii (Tian et al., 2017). Vacuolar
for HM accumulation in plants. Several compounds function as chela- sequestration of HMs can reduce concentrations of HM ions in the
tors to detoxify HMs in plant cells, including thiols such as reduced cytosol and thereby alleviate HM toxicity to enzymes involved in
glutathione (GSH), phytochelatins (PCs), and metallothioneins (MTs) cytosolic biochemical reactions. The Golgi apparatus is a part of the
and nonthiol ligands such as histidine (His), nicotianamine (NA), endomembrane system in the cytoplasm and packages proteins into
oxalate, and organic acids (Alvarez‐Fernández, Díaz‐Benito, Abadía, membrane‐bound vesicles inside the cell before the vesicles are sent
López‐Millán, & Abadía, 2014). GSH can act as a low‐affinity ligand to their destination. The Golgi apparatus plays a pivotal role in Mn
for HMs in plants (Seth et al., 2012; Zlobin, Kartashov, & Shpakovski, accumulation via vesicular trafficking and exocytosis to reduce exces-
2017). HM‐induced higher GSH levels are often observed in various sive cytosolic Mn2+ levels, likely alleviating Mn toxicity in plants
plants (Drzewiecka et al., 2017; He et al., 2015; Shi et al., 2015). More- (Erbasol, Bozdag, Koc, Pedas, & Karakaya, 2013; Peiter et al., 2007).
over, GSH is the precursor for the biosynthesis of PCs, which are key
players in chelating HM ions in plant cells (Pal & Rai, 2010). Decreased
2.2 | Molecular mechanisms underlying HM
levels of free PCs are often found in HM‐treated plants due to the
formation of HM‐PC complexes (Pal & Rai, 2010).
In recent years, many complexes with HM‐chelators have been 2.2.1 | Transporters involved in HM uptake and
identified and characterized in various plants (Alvarez‐Fernández transport
et al., 2014; Leitenmaier & Küpper, 2013). For instance, complexes
of Cd‐PCs have been detected in the xylem sap of Brassica juncea Plant roots take up nonessential and toxic HM ions via transporters
(L.) Czern (Wei et al., 2007). Complexes of Cd‐PCs and Cd‐GSH have for essential metal ions, such as Mn2+, Fe2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+. Thus,
also been proposed to exist in Brassica napus L. based on the high con- identifying and functionally characterizing the transporters for these
centration of PCs relative to that of Cd, as well as the contents of GSH essential metal ions has helped to elucidate the transporters involved
relative to Cd in the phloem sap (Mendoza‐Cózatl et al., 2008). Cd is in the uptake and translocation of nonessential and toxic HM ions. The
mainly chelated with thiol groups in the roots of Zygophyllum fabago roles of many transporters in HM absorption and transport have been
L., which is a Cd‐ and Zn‐tolerant plant (Lefèvre, Vogel‐Mikuš, Arčon, characterized in model plants and some hyperaccumulators (Migeon
& Lutts, 2016). In Carpobrotus rossii (Haw.) Schwantes, most of the Cd et al., 2010; Shao et al., 2017). These HM transporters include mem-
is bound to sulphur‐containing chelators in different tissues, except bers of the zinc‐iron permease (ZIP) family, the natural resistance‐
for the xylem sap (Cheng et al., 2016). Among the nonthiol chelators, associated macrophage protein (NRAMP) family, and the heavy metal
HM‐chelators have also been detected in several plants. For example, ATPases (HMA) family. These transporters play pivotal roles in HM
NA binds to Cu and Zn in the Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator N. caerulescens accumulation in plants.
(Mijovilovich et al., 2009; Trampczynska, Küpper, Meyer‐Klaucke, ZIP family members are involved in the uptake and translocation
Schmidt, & Clemen, 2010). Furthermore, oxalate can bind Cu in of HMs in plants. A. thaliana possesses 18 ZIP members (Migeon et al.,
N. caerulescens (Mijovilovich et al., 2009). These findings strongly sug- 2010). AtZIP1 functions as a vacuolar Mn2+ exporter, whereas AtZIP2
gest that thiol and nonthiol ligands play crucial roles in chelating HM is a plasma membrane‐localized transporter, which is involved in
ions to reduce their toxicity in plant cells, resulting in enhanced HM Mn2+/Zn2+ uptake into root stellar cells (Milner, Seamon, Craft, &
accumulation. Kochian, 2013). In addition, the transcript levels of AtZIP4 and AtZIP9
increase significantly in Arabidopsis roots and shoots after Zn starva-
2.1.3 | HM sequestration in cell walls, vacuoles, and tion or Cd exposure (Jain, Sinilal, Dhandapani, Meagher, & Sahi,
the Golgi apparatus 2013). In the hyperaccumulator N. caerulescens, NcZNT1 (a homolog
of AtZIP4) modulates the uptake of Zn2+ and Cd2+ (Pence et al.,
The sites for HM sequestration in plant cells mainly include cell walls, 2000). Recently, it has been demonstrated that NcZNT1 is a plasma
vacuoles, and the Golgi apparatus. Cell walls are the first barrier membrane‐localized Zn2+/Cd2+ transporter and that the NcZNT1 pro-
against HM entry into plant cells. HM ions can bind to the functional moter is mainly active in cells of the cortex, endodermis, and pericycle
groups of cell wall components, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, of N. caerulescens roots (Lin, Hassan, Talukdar, Schat, & Aarts, 2016).
and pectin (Chen, Liu, Wang, Zhang, & Owens, 2013; Parrotta, In addition, iron‐regulated transporter 1 (IRT1), a ZIP family member,
Guerriero, Sergeant, Cai, & Hausman, 2015). Some plants can enhance is a plasma membrane‐localized transporter that can absorb Fe2+/
1090 SHI ET AL.
Fe3+, Zn2+, and Cd2+, and its transcriptional upregulation has been responsible for the transport of Cd‐PCs and Hg‐PCs into vacuoles
observed in N. caerulescens in response to Fe deficiency (Lombi, for HM storage in A. thaliana (Park et al., 2012).
Tearall, Howarth, & Zhao, 2002). CDF family members are known as metal tolerance proteins
NRAMP family members are involved in the transport of bivalent (MTPs). CDF family members function as transporters for HM ions,
HM ions in plants. Six NRAMP family members have been identified in including Mn2+, Fe2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Ni2+, from the cytosol to the
Arabidopsis. AtNRAMP1 is a plasma membrane‐localized transporter outside of the cell or into intracellular compartments (Podar et al.,
that is responsible for Mn2+ uptake into root cells (Cailliatte, Schikora, 2012; Ricachenevsky, Menguer, Sperotto, Williams, & Fett, 2013).
Briat, Mari, & Curie, 2010). AtNRAMP3 and AtNRAMP4 are tonoplast There are 12 MTPs in Arabidopsis (Gustin, Zanis, & Salt, 2011; Migeon
membrane‐localized transporters and function redundantly by et al., 2010). AtMTP1 is a vacuolar transporter that is responsible
exporting vacuolar Fe2+/Mn2+ into the cytosol (Lanquar et al., 2005, for mobilizing excessive Zn2+ in the cytosol into vacuoles to maintain
2010; Thomine, Wang, Ward, Crawford, & Schroeder, 2000). In the Zn homeostasis in the cytoplasm (Kobae et al., 2004; Zaal et al.,
Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator N. caerulescens, the NcNRAMP1 protein is 1999). The MTP1 homolog in A. halleri contributes to the Zn
implicated in Cd uptake into endodermal cells and probably plays a hyperaccumulation trait and is also involved in the hyperaccumulation
pivotal role in Cd2+ movement towards the stele (Milner et al., 2014). of Zn, Cd, Co, and Ni in Noccaea goesingense (Halacsy) F.K.Mey.
The P1B‐type ATPases, also known as HMAs, play key roles in (formerly known as Thlaspi goesingense [Halacsy] F.K.Mey.; Dräger
transporting monovalent and divalent HM ions in plants (Williams & et al., 2004; Persans, Nieman, & Salt, 2001). AtMTP8 is a vacuolar
Mills, 2005). There are eight HMA members in A. thaliana (Migeon Mn2+ transporter involved in the interference of Mn on Fe nutrition
et al., 2010). AtHMA1 to AtHMA4 are responsible for the transport (Eroglu, Meier, Von, & Peiter, 2016). AtMTP11 is a Golgi‐based
of divalent HM ions including Co2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+, and other Mn2+ transporter with a possible role in Mn accumulation via vesicular
AtHMAs are involved in the transport of monovalent HM ions trafficking and exocytosis (Peiter et al., 2007). Thus, MTPs play crucial
+ +
such as Cu and Ag (Cobbett & Haydon, 2003). AtHMA1 is a roles in the transport of HM ions into cellular organelles or out of cells
chloroplast‐localized transporter that is responsible for exporting to the vascular stele to facilitate root‐to‐shoot mobilization in plants.
excessive Zn2+ from the chloroplast to the cytosol (Kim et al., 2009). Based on the above‐mentioned studies, a schematic model of the
AtHMA2 and AtHMA4 are plasma‐membrane‐localized transporters physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying HM accumulation
that are responsible for the export of cytosolic Zn2+ and Cd2+ into in nonmycorrhizal plants is presented in Figure 1. Some functionally
the vascular cylinder to facilitate the movements of these HM ions characterized genes involved in HM accumulation in nonmycorrhizal
from the roots to the shoots (Hussain et al., 2004; Mills, Krijger, plants are listed in Table 1.
Baccarini, Hall, & Williams, 2003). Overexpression of AtHMA4 in
Arabidopsis has led to the extraction of greater amounts of Zn and
Cd from HM‐contaminated soil (Cun et al., 2014). Moreover, HMA 3 | P H Y S I O L O G I C A L A ND M O L E C U L A R
proteins have major roles in HM accumulation in hyperaccumulators MECHANISMS OF HM ACCUMULATION IN
such as Arabidopsis halleri (L.) O'Kane & Al‐Shehbaz, N. caerulescens, MYCORRHIZAL PLANTS
and Sedum plumbizincicola L. (Craciun et al., 2012; Hanikenne et al.,
2008; Liu et al., 2017). For instance, a higher expression level of Ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal plants have altered physiological and
AhHMA4, due to higher number of gene copies in the roots of A. halleri, molecular characteristics in comparison with nonmycorrhizal plants.
contributes to the high rate of Zn2+ translocation from the roots to the Thus, mycorrhizal plants often exhibit increased or reduced HM accu-
shoots (Hanikenne et al., 2008; Talke, Hanikenne, & Krämer, 2006). mulation. For instance, the leaves of ectomycorrhizal plants of Populus
tremula L. grown on Zn‐contaminated soil contain much higher Zn
concentrations compared with those of nonmycorrhizal poplars
2.2.2 | Genes involved in HM detoxification and (Langer et al., 2012). Experimental studies found higher concentrations
sequestration of Zn in the stem and of Cu in the roots of Salix × dasyclados Wimm.
when inoculated with Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and grown on
A number of genes have been functionally characterized for their HM‐polluted soil (Baum, Hrynkiewicz, Leinweber, & Meissner, 2006),
essential roles in HM detoxification and sequestration of plant cells, and greater accumulation of Mn in the needles of ectomycorrhizal
leading to enhanced HM accumulation in plants. Some of these genes Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii variety glauca [Mayr] Franco)
belong to the NRAMP family, HMA family, ATP‐binding cassette (ABC) exposed to excess Mn (Ducic, Parlade, & Polle, 2008) in comparison
family, and the cation diffusion facilitator (CDF) family. For instance, with that in nonmycorrhizal plants. Similarly, higher concentrations
AtNRAMP6, a member of NRAMP family in A. thaliana, is localized of Cu and Zn and a greater plant biomass were found in arbuscular
at a vesicular‐shaped endomembrane system, where it is involved in Populus alba L. when grown on Cu‐ and Zn‐polluted soil compared
the intracellular distribution of Cd (Cailliatte, Lapeyre, Briat, Mari, & with nonmycorrhizal plants (Cicatelli et al., 2010). Thus, both EM and
Curie, 2009). AtHMA3 resides in the tonoplast where it transports AM can lead to higher HM concentrations in the host plants and even
cytosolic Co2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ into vacuoles (Morel et al., stimulate plant growth, thereby suggesting that mycorrhizal plants
2009). In the Cd and Zn hyperaccumulator S. plumbizincicola, SpHMA3 possess enhanced HM accumulation.
is a tonoplast‐localized transporter and plays a pivotal role in the vac- However, some ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal plants were
uolar storage of HMs (Liu et al., 2017). AtABCC1 and AtABCC2 are found to have lower HM concentrations in their shoots than
SHI ET AL. 1091
FIGURE 1 A schematic model for the uptake, translocation, detoxification, and accumulation of HMs in vascular plants. HMs in soil solution are
absorbed by roots. In the roots, these HMs are detoxified, sequestered, or transported along the symplastic and/or apoplastic pathways towards
the vascular cylinder, where they are loaded into the conduits in the xylem and further translocated to the aerial parts along the transpiration
stream. After translocation to the leaves, HMs are unloaded and enter foliar cells for detoxification and storage. HMs access to root cells through
plasma membrane transporters or channels, including ZIPs, NRAMPs, and Ca2+ channels. HMs in the root and foliar cells can be detoxified by
chelators such as metallothioneins (MTs), histidine (His), glutathione (GSH), and phytochelatins (PCs). The chelated‐ and free‐HM ions can be
sequestered in the vacuoles through ABCC1/2, MTP1/8, and HMA3 and in Golgi apparatus via MTP11. The HMs sequestered in the vacuoles can
also be released back to the cytosol through ZIP1 and NRAMP3/4. In the vascular cylinder of roots, loading of HMs mainly depends on
transporters, such as ZNT1 and HMA2/4. In the leaves, HMs enter the cytosol through plasma‐membrane‐located transporters and ion channels.
In the chloroplast, HMs can be transported to the cytosol through HMA1. CW: cell wall; CS: casparian strip; Xyl: xylem; HM: heavy metal; NRAMP:
natural resistance‐associated macrophage protein; ZIP: zinc‐iron permease
nonmycorrhizal plants (Gu et al., 2017; Sousa, Ramos, Marques, & indicate that fungal partners can function as physical barriers to pre-
Castro, 2014; Zhou et al., 2017; Zong et al., 2015). For instance, in vent HM entry into host plants, thereby facilitating mycorrhizal‐
ectomycorrhizal Eucalyptus globulus Labill. inoculated with Pisolithus induced resistance to HMs in host plants.These experimental results
albus (Cooke & Massee) Priest, the concentrations of HMs, including indicate that HM accumulation in mycorrhizal plants is determined
Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, and Ni, were lower than those in nonmycorrhizal plants not only by the fungal partners but also by the host plants (Colpaert
(Jourand et al., 2014). Similarly, a Cu‐sensitive maize genotype & Assche, 1992; Coninx, Martinova, & Rineau, 2017; Galli, Meier, &
(cv. Orense) inoculated with the arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungus Brunold, 2010; Schützendübel & Polle, 2002). Although some studies
Rhizophagus irregularis C. Walker & A. Schuessler had lower Cu con- have showed that HM accumulation remains unaltered in mycorrhizal
centrations in the shoots compared with nonmycorrhizal plants plants (Baum et al., 2006; Krpata, Fitz, Peintner, Langer, & Schweiger,
(Merlos, Zitka, Vojtech, Azcón‐Aguilar, & Ferrol, 2016). These results 2009; Sell, Kayser, Schulin, & Brunner, 2005), here, we only discuss
1092 SHI ET AL.
Note. GSH: glutathione; HM: heavy metal; PC: phytochelatin; ROS: reactive oxygen species.
physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying ecto‐ and important roles in HM detoxification (Colpaert, Wevers, Krznaric, &
arbuscular‐mycorrhizal‐induced changes in HM accumulation in fungi Adriaensen, 2011; Meharg, 2003; Ray & Adholeya, 2009). There
as well as their host plants. are also positive correlations between the levels of these exudates
and the concentrations of HMs, including Cd, Pb, and Ni, inside
the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi (Ray & Adholeya, 2009).
3.1 | Physiological and molecular mechanisms
When the ectomycorrhizal fungus Russula atropurpurea (Krombh.)
underlying HM accumulation in mycorrhizal fungi
Britzelm. was exposed to excess Zn, the exudates were rich in
3.1.1 HM detoxification by the exudates of
| cysteine‐containing peptides, which can bind up to 80% of the Zn
mycorrhizal fungi extracted from the sporocarps (Leonhardt, Sácký, Šimek, Šantrůček,
& Kotrba, 2014). Moreover, the exudates of arbuscular fungi
The exudates of mycorrhizal fungi can contain HM chelators such contain glomalin and HMs (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+) that can be
as oxalic acid, formic acid, malic acid, and succinic acid, which play extracted from the chelates of glomalin‐HM complexes (González‐
SHI ET AL. 1093
Chávez, Carrillo‐González, Wright, & Nichols, 2004). Clearly, the were characterized, and their expression levels were assessed in fun-
exudates of mycorrhizal fungi can chelate HM ions and reduce their gal cells in response to HMs. In S. luteus, SlMTa and SlMTb function
toxicity to the host plants, resulting in elevated HM accumulation in as chelators for Cu2+ and the transcript abundance of both genes is
mycorrhizal plants. increased by exposure to excess Cu2+ (Nguyen et al., 2017). Similarly,
the transcriptional levels of the MT genes from Laccaria bicolor (Maire)
3.1.2 | Cell walls and vacuoles of mycorrhizal fungi P.D. Orton, LbMT1 and LbMT2, are upregulated upon excess Cu expo-
as biological barriers against HM entry into hosts sure, and the mRNA level of LbMT1 also responds to Cd treatment
(Reddy et al., 2014). In the ectomycorrhizal fungus P. albus, increased
In addition to HM detoxification via exudates of mycorrhizal fungi, transcript levels of PaMT1 were observed in both the extraradicle
HM ions can be bound by cell walls of mycorrhizal fungi or seques- hyphae and the mycorrhizae with the host Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm.
tered in vacuoles. Under these conditions, fungal cell walls and vacu- in response to Cd and excess Cu (Reddy et al., 2016). Thus, transcrip-
oles may function as biological barriers to prevent HM entry into tional induction of fungal MT genes probably contributes to HM
host plants (Blaudez, Botton, & Chalot, 2000; Frey, Zierold, & Brunner, detoxification in ectomycorrhizal fungi. Recently, SlZnT1 and SlZnT2
2000; Tichelen, Colpaert, & Vangronsveld, 2001; Turnau, Kottke, & from S. luteus, encoding CDF family transporters have been character-
Dexheimer, 1996). The components of mycorrhizal fungal cell walls, ized. SlZnT1 was found to be localized in the tonoplast and plays a role
such as chitin and extracellular slime, can bind HM ions (Meharg, in transporting excess Zn into the vacuole (Ruytinx et al., 2017). Both
2003). Cd is mainly restricted to the cell walls of the fungus in the SlZnT genes are constitutively expressed, irrespective of the external
extraradicle hyphae of AM between Lotus japonicus L. and R. irregularis Zn concentrations (Ruytinx et al., 2017).
(Nayuki, Chen, Ohtomo, & Kuga, 2013). In addition, the vacuoles of In addition, the efflux of HMs is a valuable strategy employed by
mycorrhizal fungi can sequester large amounts of HM ions (Blaudez mycorrhizal fungi to reduce the accumulation and toxicity of HMs.
et al., 2000; González‐Guerrero et al., 2008; Nayuki et al., 2013). This is indicated by transcriptional induction of genes involved in the
Several HM ions, including Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+, are mainly localized efflux of HMs from fungal cells in response to HM exposure. Three
in the vacuoles in the extraradicle hyphae of the arbuscular‐ genes that encode a P‐type ATPase, an ABC transporter, and a major
mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus intraradices N.C. Schenck & G.S. Sm. facilitator superfamily permease, respectively, which are involved in
(previously known as Glomus intraradices; González‐Guerrero et al., the efflux of HMs from fungal cells, were characterized in the Ni‐
2008). Thus, the cell walls and vacuoles of mycorrhizal fungi play key tolerant ectomycorrhizal fungus P. albus, where transcriptional overex-
roles in HM sequestration, thereby decreasing the amount of HM ions pression of these genes was observed in mycelia following exposure
that enter the host plants, leading to enhanced HM accumulation in to Ni (Majorel, Hannibal, Ducousso, Lebrun, & Jourand, 2014). There-
the fungal partners of mycorrhizae and reducing toxic effects of fore, these genes seem to play key roles in the export of Ni from
HMs to host plants. P. albus cells into the soil solution.
Similar to ectomycorrhizal fungi, genes involved in the trans-
3.1.3 | Transcriptional regulation of genes involved port, detoxification, and sequestration of HMs were characterized
in HM accumulation in mycorrhizal fungi in arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi. RintABC1 was isolated from
R. intraradices as a putative transporter involved in the detoxification
In EM and AM, the fungal partner often functions as the first biological of Cu and Zn in fungal cells (González‐Guerrero et al., 2010). MTs in
filter against HMs in the soil solution. At the molecular level, ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi can chelate HMs by binding HM ions
arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi can regulate the expression levels of a via the thiol group of the cysteine residues (Latef et al., 2016). Two
number of genes related to the absorption, transport, detoxification, fungal genes, GrosMT1 and RintMT1, have been reported to be
and sequestration of HMs in fungal cells. In the ectomycorrhizal fun- involved in HM detoxification. GrosMT1 was found in Gigaspora rosea
gus Suillus luteus (L.) Roussel, transcripts of a member of the ZIP family T.H. Nicolson & N.C. Schenck BEG9 (Stommel, Mann, & Franken,
involved in Zn uptake, SlZRT1, are accumulated immediately when 2001). RintMT1 was isolated from R. intraradices and is involved in
grown in medium without Zn, but the mRNA level of SlZRT1 is maintaining reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis under HM
reduced upon exposure to elevated concentrations of Zn (Coninx, stress (González‐Guerrero, Cano, Azcón‐Aguilar, & Ferrol, 2007).
Thoonen, et al., 2017). In the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tricholoma RintZnT1 was also isolated from R. intraradices as a putative transporter
vaccinum (Schaeff.) P. Kumm., mte1, a multidrug and toxic compound implicated in vacuolar Zn sequestration (González‐Guerrero et al.,
extrusion protein, is localized on the plasma membrane and/or the 2005). The transcriptional upregulation of several genes encoding a
vacuolar membrane where it can export HM ions outside the cell or Zn transporter, an MT, a 90‐kDa heat shock protein, and a glutathione
transport Cu2+/Ni2+ into vacuoles depending on its localization, S‐transferase was found in the intraradicle and extraradicle mycelia of
thereby facilitating Cu and Ni detoxification in fungal cells (Schlunk R. intraradices in response to Cd and excess Cu or Zn (Hildebrandt,
et al., 2015). In the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber melanosporum Regvar, & Bothe, 2007).
Vittadini, the transcript levels of genes encoding metal transporters Overall, these results suggest that molecular regulation of genes
related to Cu and Zn trafficking were found to be increased in mycor- involved in the absorption, transport, detoxification, and sequestra-
rhizae, indicating active translocation of both metals to root cells and tion of HMs has key roles in HM accumulation in mycorrhizal fungal
to fungal metalloenzymes (Bolchi et al., 2011). In mycorrhizal fungal cells, which can further affect the mobilization of HMs towards
cells, MTs play critical roles in chelating HM ions. Several MT genes host plants.
1094 SHI ET AL.
3.2.1 | Mycorrhizal‐improved nutritional and water Mycorrhizal fungi can induce the transcriptional regulation of host
status of hosts conferring HM accumulation genes implicated in HM accumulation in response to HM exposure.
In the EM of P. × canescens colonized with P. involutus, transcriptional
Many studies have demonstrated that the nutritional and water status overexpression of several genes implicated in HM uptake, transloca-
of ectomycorrhizal‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal plants are often supe- tion, detoxification, and sequestration, including ZIP2, NRAMP,
rior to nonmycorrhizal plants (Coninx, Martinova, & Rineau, 2017; HMA4, PCS, and ABCC1, leads to enhanced Cd accumulation (Ma
Godbold, Jentschke, Winter, & Marschner, 1998; Jamal, Ayub, Usman, et al., 2014). Furthermore, EM‐induced transcript levels of HA2.1
& Khan, 2002; Luo et al., 2014). The improved nutritional and water and AHA10.1 genes that encode plasma membrane H+‐ATPases were
status of mycorrhizal plants is mainly ascribed to the enhanced uptake detected in the host P. × canescens (Ma et al., 2014). Recently, it was
of nutrients and water from the soil by mycorrhizal hyphae. It can demonstrated that activated plasma membrane H+‐ATPases can stim-
stimulate growth and alter the biosynthesis of numerous metabolites, ulate Cd2+ uptake through hyperpolarization‐activated Ca2+ channels
such as free amino acids, phytohormones, and fatty acids, to deal with in ectomycorrhizal roots of this poplar species (Zhang et al., 2017).
various stresses including HM stress (Luo et al., 2009; Luo et al., 2011; In addition, differential expression of a number of genes involved in
Luo, Ke, Jiang, & Polle, 2009; Ma et al., 2014). Ectomycorrhizal HM transport, detoxification, and stress signalling has also been
Populus × canescens (Aiton) Sm. plants possess larger surface area of reported in host plants inoculated with arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi.
fine roots, higher concentrations of nutrients, including phosphorus Inoculation with arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi leads to the transcrip-
(P), Ca, Fe, and Zn, elevated photosynthetic rates, and increased solu- tional upregulation of MT1, MT2, MT3, and PCS in the leaves of poplar
ble carbohydrate contents compared with nonmycorrhizal poplars, and plants grown on HM‐contaminated soil (Cicatelli et al., 2010, 2012;
exhibit faster Cd2+ uptake and greater Cd accumulation in the hosts Pallara et al., 2013). The transcriptional induction of genes involved
(Ma et al., 2014). In arbuscular‐mycorrhizal pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan in HM accumulation was also found in herbaceous plants, including
L. Millsp.) plants, AM improve the nutritional (P, N, Mg, and Fe) and ABC transporter and MT genes in Ni‐tolerant tall fescue plants inocu-
water status, and they stimulate proline biosynthesis in the host, lated with Funneliformis mosseae (formerly known as Glomus mosseae;
which enhances the accumulation of Cd and Zn (Garg & Singh, 2018). Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe under Ni exposure (Shabani et al.,
2016) and NRAMP, MT2b, and PCS in Solanum lycopersicum L. inocu-
lated with R. irregularis grown on HM‐polluted soil (Fuentes et al.,
3.2.2 | Mycorrhizal‐induced antioxidative system of
hosts for scavenging HM‐triggered ROS 2016). These findings indicate that mycorrhizal‐induced transcriptional
overexpression of host genes involved in HM transport, detoxification,
During the establishment of EM and/or AM, higher concentrations of and sequestration can lead to enhanced HM accumulation in mycor-
antioxidants are often detected in host plants in comparison with rhizal plants.
those of uninoculated plants (Coninx, Martinova, & Rineau, 2017;
Garg & Bhandari, 2014). The mycorrhizal‐induced antioxidative sys- 3.2.4 | Mycorrhizal‐fungi‐activated defence‐related
tem in hosts can scavenge excess ROS produced by HM exposure genes of hosts enhance HM accumulation
(Emamverdian, Ding, Mokhberdoran, & Xie, 2015). The antioxidative
system includes enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants. Higher Plants inoculated with mycorrhizal fungi can enhance their defence
antioxidative enzyme activities have been frequently reported in systems to cope with HM‐induced stress. Activation of defence sys-
mycorrhizal plants and may contribute to the scavenging of HM‐ tems has been documented in plants colonized by mycorrhizal fungi
induced ROS (Canton et al., 2016; Rozpądek et al., 2014). Recently, (Fernández‐Fuego et al., 2017; Lingua et al., 2012; Luo, Janz, et al.,
it was showed that the activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate 2009). For instance, the formation of EM between P. × canescens
peroxidases, and glutathione peroxidase are elevated in arbuscular‐ and P. involutus activates defence‐related genes and signalling cas-
mycorrhizal Robinia pseudoacacia L., which probably contributes to cades in host plants, thereby priming related pathways to enhance salt
the alleviation of Pb‐induced toxicity (Yang et al., 2015). In addition, tolerance (Luo, Janz, et al., 2009). Similarly, EM‐induced defence‐
nonenzymatic antioxidants, such as Asc, GSH, proline, and phenolic related genes may lead to increased accumulation of HMs. In particu-
compounds, play key roles in ROS homeostasis in mycorrhizal plants lar, transcriptional upregulation of genes encoding catalase (CAT) and
exposed to HMs (Coninx, Martinova, & Rineau, 2017; Luo et al., APX, as well as higher enzymatic activities of CAT and APX, were
2014). In ectomycorrhizal poplars, higher concentrations of Asc detected in ectomycorrhizal birch plants (Betula pubescens Ehrh.)
and/or GSH were found in the root, wood, bark, and leaf tissues com- grown on HM‐polluted soil compared with nonmycorrhizal plants
pared with those in nonmycorrhizal poplars. Elevated antioxidant (Fernández‐Fuego et al., 2017). The defence system may also be
levels may contribute to the scavenging of Cd‐induced ROS in the improved in plants inoculated with arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi.
hosts (Ma et al., 2014). Therefore, the mycorrhizal‐induced antioxida- Upregulation of defence‐related genes, including genes encoding
tive system can contribute to ROS homeostasis in HM‐exposed plants, thaumatin‐like protein, glutathione synthase, remorin, and peroxidase
thereby improving HM accumulation in mycorrhizal plants. was found in the leaves of poplar plants inoculated with arbuscular‐
SHI ET AL. 1095
mycorrhizal fungi and grown on HM‐polluted soil (Cicatelli et al., 2012, increase the efficiency of phytoremediation. However, it has to be
2014). These findings suggest that mycorrhizal fungi can enhance the pointed out that some mycorrhizal fungi can lead to less HM accumu-
defence systems of host plants to cope with HM stress. lation in host plants, which may decrease the efficiency of
The physiological and molecular mechanisms related to phytoremediation in the field (Luo et al., 2014; Sousa et al., 2014).
mycorrhizal‐induced HM accumulation in host plants have prompted For instance, lower Cu contents were found in the shoots of a maize
us to propose the model that is illustrated in Figure 2. Some genotype (cv. Orense) inoculated with R. irregularis in comparison with
genes involved in HM accumulation in mycorrhizal plants are pre- nonmycorrhizal plants (Merlos et al., 2016). Thus, it should be noted
sented in Table 1. that the effects of mycorrhizal‐assisted phytoremediation on the accu-
mulation of HMs by host plants depend largely on the fungal isolates,
the specific HMs, and other factors (Schneider, Bundschuh, Rangel, &
4 | P H Y T O RE M E D I A T I O N B Y Guilherme, 2017).
M Y C O RR H I Z A L P L A N T S Selected fungal isolates, host plants, HMs, and the effects of
mycorrhizae on host plant growth and accumulation of HMs in host
At present, it is estimated that 3.5 million sites in the European Union plants are summarized in Table 2.
and 600,000 sites in the USA have been polluted by HMs (Coninx,
Martinova, & Rineau, 2017). In China, national soil surveys showed
that ~16% of soil samples were polluted with HMs (equivalent to 5 | CO NC L U SI O NS A N D O U TL OO K
~1.0 × 106 km2 if we assume that the area is proportional to the num-
ber of samples; Zhao, Ma, Zhu, Tang, & Mcgrath, 2015). Throughout In nonmycorrhizal plants, nonessential and toxic HM ions enter plants
the world, contamination with HMs is of great concern due to their through both apoplastic and symplastic pathways. HM ions in the cells
effects on human health and ecosystem sustainability. Therefore, can be detoxified with the aid of several chelators, such as GSH, PCs,
HM‐polluted soils must be remediated, and phytoremediation of MTs, His, and NA. Subsequently, HMs can be sequestered in cell walls,
HM‐contaminated soil has been proposed due to its low cost, environ- vacuoles, the Golgi apparatus, and other subcellular organelles in
mental friendliness, and good performance (Krämer, 2005; Meagher, plants. A number of HM transporters are involved in HM accumulation
2000; Peuke & Rennenberg, 2005). Phytoremediation involves the in nonmycorrhizal plants. The uptake and translocation of HMs are
utilization of plants and associated microorganisms to absorb HMs mediated by members of the ZIPs, NRAMPs and HMAs, and HM
from soil solutions before finally eliminating the HMs from soils by detoxification and sequestration are mainly modulated by members
harvesting the plants (Luo et al., 2014; Raskin, Smith, & Salt, 1997). of the ABCs and MTPs in nonmycorrhizal plants.
As discussed in the previous sections, ecto‐ and arbuscular‐ Plant roots often form ecto‐ and/or arbuscular‐mycorrhizae with
mycorrhizal fungi mediate HM accumulation in their host plants. soil mycorrhizal fungi under natural conditions. Mycorrhizal plants
Thus, using mycorrhizal plants to remediate HM‐polluted soils is a have modified physiological characteristics and molecular processes
valuable strategy. compared with nonmycorrhizal plants, thereby often leading to
The establishment of mycorrhizae can facilitate the modulation of enhanced HM accumulation in host plants. The enhanced HM accu-
HM accumulation in host plants. Therefore, it is important to select mulation in mycorrhizal plants is mainly related to the following phys-
appropriate fungal and host plant partners to form mycorrhizae for iological and molecular mechanisms in the fungal partners: (a) HM
the use in remediation of HM‐polluted soils. Furthermore, the accu- detoxification by the exudates of mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere,
mulation of HMs can be enhanced, reduced, or not affected in host (b) HM sequestration in the cell walls and vacuoles of mycorrhizal
plants after inoculation with ecto‐ or arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi. fungi, and (c) transcriptional regulation of genes involved in HM accu-
To remediate HM‐polluted soil, it is desirable to use mycorrhizal fungi mulation in mycorrhizal fungi and to the following molecular and phys-
that can stimulate uptake and accumulation of HMs in host plants. iological adjustments in the host plants: (a) mycorrhizal‐improved
Thus, several ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi as well as their nutritional and water status, (b) mycorrhizal‐induced antioxidative sys-
host plant partners have been explored to assess their capacity for tems for scavenging HM‐triggered ROS, (c) mycorrhizal‐fungi‐induced
remediating HM‐contaminated soils (Aggangan & Aggangan, 2012; differential expression of host genes implicated in HM accumulation,
Ho‐Man et al., 2013; Luo et al., 2014). For instance, EM between and (d) mycorrhizal‐fungi‐activated defence‐related genes. Therefore,
P. × canscens and P. involutus stimulate the uptake and accumulation it is desirable to select mycorrhizal fungi to stimulate the accumulation
of Cd2+ in aerial plant parts (Ma et al., 2014). Similarly, arbuscular‐ of HMs in host plants to remediate HM‐contaminated soils.
mycorrhizal fungi can stimulate the accumulation of HMs in their The physiological and molecular mechanisms that underlie HM
host plants. The rates of Pb accumulation are higher in the shoots of accumulation have been studied extensively in nonmycorrhizal and
vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanoides) inoculated with R. intraradices mycorrhizal plants, but the identification and functional characteriza-
exposed to Pb compared with nonmycorrhizal plants (Bahraminia, tion of genes involved in HM accumulation require further research.
Zarei, Ronaghi, & Ghasemi‐Fasaei, 2016). Sunflower plants inoculated First, many genes involved in uptake, translocation, detoxification,
with R. irregularis or F. mosseae accumulate more Cd or Zn in their and accumulation of HMs were discovered and studied in A. thaliana
aerial parts than nonmycorrhizal plants (Hassan, Hijri, & Starnaud, and N. caerulescens that are unable to be colonized by ecto‐ and/or
2013). These studies indicate that selecting appropriate mycorrhizal arbuscular‐mycorrhizal fungi. Therefore, the functions and transcrip-
fungi can enhance the accumulation of HMs in host plants and tional regulation of these genes must be verified in plants that are able
1096 SHI ET AL.
FIGURE 2 Schematic representation of ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizal‐induced HM accumulation of host plants. (a) A tangential‐section
view of EM and AM, and physiological mechanisms underlying mycorrhizal‐mediated HM accumulation in host plant. (b) The cellular and
molecular processes of mycorrhizal‐modulated HM accumulation in host plant. The physiological processes of mycorrhizal‐mediated HM
accumulation mainly include (i) binding HMs by exudates of mycorrhizal fungi and (ii) enhanced uptake of mineral nutrients and water. The
cellular processes for HM detoxification mainly include (i) reduced HM movement to host plants through cell wall chelating and vacuolar
storage of mycorrhizal fungi, (ii) pumping HM out of cytosol, (iii) chelation of HM in cytosol, and (iv) enhanced antioxidative system in
mycorrhizal plants. The molecular processes for mycorrhizal‐mediated HM accumulation mainly include (i) upregulated expression of genes
involved in HM uptake, translocation, detoxification, and sequestration in fungal cells, including P‐ATPase, ABCs, met1, MFSs (major facilitator
superfamily permease), ABC1, ZnT1, MTs, and GST; (ii) triggered the differential transcriptional regulation of the host genes involved in HM
accumulation in plants, including ZIP2, NRAMPs, HA2.1, AHA10.1, Ca2+ channels, and ABCC1; and (iii) induced transcriptional levels of genes
related to the defence system of host plants, including GSH, PCS, TLPs, MTs, and genes encoding antioxidative enzymes. Fungal and plant cells
do not have the same size as drawn. CW: cell wall; PM: plasma membrane; AM: arbuscular mycorrhizae; EM: ectomycorrhizae; HM: heavy
metal [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
SHI ET AL. 1097
TABLE 2 The selected ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizae mediate HM accumulation of host plants
increment Metal con.
Microorganisms Plants Metals (%)a increment (%)b References
Agaricus bisporus (J.E.Lange) Pistacia vera L. Zn NA −48 ↓ (Mohammadhasani,
Imbach Ahmadimoghadam, Asrar, &
Mohammadi, 2017)
Pisolithus arrhizus (Scop.) Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. Cu 73 ~50 (Wen et al., 2016)
Rauschert Cenococcum
geophilum Fr.
Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. Populus × canescens (Aiton) Cd 27 ~22 (Ma et al., 2014)
Rhizopogon roseolus (Corda) Pinus pinaster Aiton Cd 30 36 (Sousa, Ramos, Marques, & Castro,
Th.Fr. 2012)
Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Salix viminalis L. Cd/Zn 51 ~12 (Cd), 19 (Zn) (Hrynkiewicz, Dabrowska, Baum,
Quél. Niedojadlo, & Leinweber, 2012)
Pisolithus sp. (from Eucalyptus Eucalyptus urophylla S.T.Blake Cu 347 303 (Aggangan & Aggangan, 2012)
coded internationally as
H. mesophaeum Populus nigra L. Cd Zn/ 20 −50 (Cd), −45 (Pb), (Mrnka et al., 2012)
Pb −30 (Zn) ↓
P. arrhizus (Pers.) Coker and Populus alba × Populus tremula Cd 25 70 (Han, Kim, & Lee, 2011)
Couch var. glandulosa
Pisolithus albus (Cooke and Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Ni 500 −95 ↓ (Jourand et al., 2012)
Massee) Priest
Arbuscular mycorrhizae
Funneliformis coronatum Tagetes patula L. Cu ~50 ~−73 ↓ (Zhou et al., 2017)
Gigaspora margarita Becker Miscanthus sacchariflorus Zn ~67 250 (Sarkar, Asaeda, Wang, Kaneko, &
& Hall (Maxim.) Franch. Rashid, 2017)
Rhizophagus intraradices N.C. Capsicum annuum L. Cu ~27 ~400 (Ruscitti, Arango, & Beltrano, 2017)
Schenck & G.S. Sm.
Rhizophagus irregularis C. Walker Medicago sativa L. Cd/Ni 185 (Cd), 295 (Cd), 155 (Ni) (Mnasri, Janoušková, Rydlová,
& A. Schuessler 49 (Ni) Abdelly, & Ghnaya, 2016)
R. intraradices Populus deltoides Bartr. Cd 8 (male), 6 ~100 (male), ~−44 (Chen et al., 2016)
(female) (female)
Diversispora versiformis (P. Solanum nigrum L. Cd 310 259 (Liu et al., 2015)
Karsten) S.M. Berch
R. intraradices Linum usitatissimum L. Cd/Cr 17 (Cd), 19 27 (Cd), 47 (Cr) (Amna et al., 2015)
Funneliformis mosseae (Nicol. Populus cathayana Rehd. Pb 15 25 (Chen et al., 2015)
& Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe
R. roseolus Pinus pinaster Aiton Cd 14 36 (Sousa et al., 2014)
F. mosseae Zea mays L. Cd 13 350 (Liu, Gong, Zhang, & Li, 2014)
F. mosseae Helianthus annuus L. Pb 13 316 (Jarrah et al., 2014)
F. mosseae P. alba L. “AL35” Cu/Zn 464 Cu (58), Zn (38) (Pallara et al., 2013)
to establish ecto‐ and arbuscular‐mycorrhizae in response to HMs. HM‐polluted soils. Finally, large numbers of nonmycorrhizal and
Second, in future studies, additional key genes involved in the mycorrhizal plants have been examined to assess their HM accumu-
uptake, translocation, detoxification, and sequestration of HMs lation under laboratory conditions, but only a limited number of
should be functionally characterized in mycorrhizal plants to further these plants have been applied in HM‐polluted field sites (Gerhardt,
increase accumulation of HMs. Third, some mycorrhizal plants can Gerwing, & Greenberg, 2016; Peuke & Rennenberg, 2005). Thus, it is
increase the accumulation of HMs, but the underlying molecular important to investigate these plants and their fungal partners to
mechanisms still need to be elucidated to create genetically modified assess their performance in HM‐contaminated soils under field
mycorrhizal plants that facilitate more efficient phytoremediation of conditions.
1098 SHI ET AL.
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