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Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

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The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host

Zhi-Bin Luo a,b,∗ , Chenhan Wu a , Chao Zhang b , Hong Li c , Ulrike Lipka d , Andrea Polle d
College of Forestry and State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, PR China
College of Life Sciences, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, PR China
College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, PR China
Büsgen-Institut, Department of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology, Georg-August Universität, Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ectomycorrhizas (EMs) are mutualistic associations between certain soil fungi and higher plants. EMs can
Received 3 October 2013 modulate the cellular, physiological and molecular processes of host plants, resulting in altered responses
Received in revised form 18 October 2013 of the colonized plants to heavy metals. Progress in elucidating the role of EMs in modulating heavy metal
Accepted 23 October 2013
tolerance of host trees is reviewed. In the last decade, a number of ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates and host
plants have been characterized for their tolerance to heavy metals. Additionally, the cellular processes
have been investigated with regard to heavy metal uptake, transport, distribution, toxicity and detox-
Abiotic and biotic stress
ification by ectomycorrhizal fungi and/or host plants. At the cellular level, mechanisms of heavy metal
Mycorrhizal fungi
detoxification include (i) binding of heavy metals to cell wall and extracellular exudates, (ii) decreased
Reactive oxygen species uptake and/or pumping metal ions out of cytosol, (iii) chelation of metal ions in cytosol, (iv) compart-
Subcellular localization mentation of metals in vacuoles or other subcellular structures, and (v) repair of damaged biomolecules.
Transcriptional regulation The efficiency of these protective measures is often increased by EMs, resulting in improved physiological
status and rescued growth. While physiological and cellular responses to heavy metals have been well
studied, experimental data on the underlying molecular mechanisms, especially those induced by the
interaction of ectomycorrhizal fungi and hosts, are scattered. Progress in genome sequencing of EM part-
ners has revealed the importance of metal transporters in mediating tolerance. A better understanding
of the molecular mechanisms is essential for effective application of selected fungal isolates and hosts to
improve the efficiency of bioremediation on heavy metal polluted sites.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction penetrate into the cell wall and grow between epidermal cells and
cortical cells, but never enter the cell lumen of roots (Bonfante and
1.1. Function and ecological significance of ectomycorrhizas Genre, 2010). These hyphae form the Hartig net, the interface for
exchange of water, nutrients, and other compounds between both
The ectomycorrhiza (EM) is an association formed between partners (Nehls et al., 2010). Outside the fungal mantle, hyphae
ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) and the root tips of many plant species extend into the forest soil and have access to nutrients unavail-
(Smith and Read, 2008). Most EMF belong to the basidiomycota or able to plant roots. Thus, the ectomycorrhizal plants obtain water
ascomycota and it has been estimated that as many as 10 000 fun- and nutrients via the fungal hyphae from the soil, while the fungi
gal species can form EMs with host plants (Finlay, 2008). The hosts are rewarded with photosynthates or stored carbohydrates of the
of EMF are mainly tree species in the families Pinaceae, Fagaceae, host plants (Druebert et al., 2009; Kaiser et al., 2010; Pena et al.,
Dipterocarpaceae and Caesalpinoidaceae, distributed in tropic, sub- 2010). In forests and plantations, the roots of a distinct tree species
tropical, temperate and boreal forests (Smith and Read, 2008). are colonized by many different EMF (Buee et al., 2005; Danielsen
In functional EMs, fungal hyphae ensheath the root tips to form et al., 2012, 2013; Lang et al., 2010, 2013). Different trees species
the hyphal mantle; inside the mantle at the root surface hyphae can be interconnected by the fungal hyphae which form a common
ectomycorrhizal network (Bingham and Simard, 2012b; Martin
et al., 2007; Martin and Nehls, 2009; Rooney et al., 2009). With the
help of this common ectomycorrhizal network, exchange of water
∗ Corresponding author at: Key Laboratory of Environment and Ecology in West-
and nutrients between different individual tree can occur, which
ern China of Ministry of Education, College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University,
may increase the stability and fitness of forest ecosystems against
Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100, PR Chin. Fax: +86 29 87092262.
E-mail address: (Z.-B. Luo). adverse environments (Bingham and Simard, 2011, 2012a).

0098-8472/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.
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EEB-2698; No. of Pages 16

2 Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Trees are long-lived perennial plants and, therefore are likely heavy metals have been identified, such as Phytolacca acinosa and
to face abiotic and biotic stresses including nutrient deficiency, Maytenus founieri for Mn (Fernando et al., 2008; Xue et al., 2004),
drought, salinity, heavy metals and pests during their life time Solanum nigrum and Sedum alfredii for Zn (Ferraz et al., 2012; Lu
(Campioli et al., 2012; Chen and Polle, 2010; Osakabe et al., 2011). et al., 2013), Commoelina communis and Elsholtzia splendens for Cu
For instance, EMs mediate improved drought tolerance of their (Jiang et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2004), Arabidopsis halleri and Noc-
host plants (Beniwal et al., 2010, 2011; Luo et al., 2009b; Pena caea caerulescens (formerly known as Thlaspi caerulescens) for Cd
et al., 2013; Pena and Polle, 2013). EMs can furthermore attenu- (Hanikenne et al., 2008; Kramer, 2010; Milner and Kochian, 2008),
ate salt stress on host plants (Langenfeld-Heyser et al., 2007; Li Pityrogramma calomelanos and Pteris vittata for As (Huang et al.,
et al., 2012; Luo et al., 2009a, 2011). Positive effects of EMs on 2011; Visoottiviseth et al., 2002), Microstegium ciliatum, Polygala
host resistance to pests and/or pathogens have been unraveled umbonata, Spermacoce mauritiana and Hirschfeldia incana for Pb
(Gange et al., 2005; Hartley and Gange, 2009; Nerg et al., 2008, (Auguy et al., 2013; Rotkittikhun et al., 2006), Sesbania drummondii
2009; Pritsch et al., 2009). EMs have positive effects on plant sur- and Brassica juncea for Hg (Shiyab et al., 2009; Venkatachalam et al.,
vival, even in the absence of a functional symbiosis (Müller et al., 2009), and Alyssum inflatum, Rinorea bengalensis and Pimelea lep-
2013). Recent reviews have focused on mycorrhizal modulation of tospermoides for Ni (Ghasemi et al., 2009; van der Ent et al., 2013).
host drought and pathogen responses (Hartley and Gange, 2009; However, herbaceous plants produce limited amounts of above-
Lehto and Zwiazek, 2011; Muller et al., 2007b). Progress has also ground biomass which constrains the amount of absorbed metals.
been reviewed in the field of mycorrhiza-modulated host plant Furthermore, their root system is also less developed than that of
tolerance to heavy metals (Colpaert et al., 2011; Rajkumar et al., woody species, which limits the access to heavy metals in deeper
2012). However, there is rapid progress in the area of the cellular, soil layers. Therefore, application of fast growing woody plants,
physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying the function such as Populus and Salix species, which have large biomass, deep
of EMs and ectomycorrhizal influence on plant heavy metal toler- root systems and can sequester intermediate heavy metal concen-
ance. Therefore, we will focus this review mainly on these aspects trations in aerial parts, has been proposed for phytoremediation
of the biotic (EMF) and abiotic (heavy metals) interaction of plants. (He et al., 2013b; Merkle, 2006; Vollenweider et al., 2006; Zhao and
McGrath, 2009). Roots of poplars and willows form EMs with ecto-
1.2. Sources and toxicity of heavy metals mycorrhizal fungi (Baum and Hrynkiewicz, 2005; Baum et al., 2006,
2009; Danielsen et al., 2012, 2013; Krpata et al., 2008, 2009; Mrnka
Heavy metals are elements with a density higher than 5 g cm−3 , et al., 2012; Sell et al., 2005) and therefore not only the perfor-
mainly including transition metals, some metalloids, lanthanides, mance of trees on polluted soils but also their associated microbes
and actinides (Schützendübel and Polle, 2002). Not all of these are of high importance for the success of bioremediation. In com-
heavy metals are biologically important. Among these metals, some bination with appropriate ectomycorrhizal fungi, trees can play a
elements such as Zn, Cu and Mn, are required as micronutrients, but key role in bioremediation of heavy metal polluted soils (Aggangan
higher concentrations of these heavy metals can be toxic (Ducic and Aggangan, 2012; Krpata et al., 2009; Sousa et al., 2012). Readers
et al., 2006; Ducic and Polle, 2007; Langer et al., 2009). Other heavy interested in general aspects of bioremediation of plant-associated
metals such as Cd, As (a metalloid, but hereon also included as a microbes, are referred to several recent excellent reviews (Clemens
heavy metal), Pb, Hg and Ni, are non-nutritional and toxic elements et al., 2013; Kramer, 2010; Milner and Kochian, 2008; Rajkumar
for most organisms (He et al., 2011, 2013a; Jourand et al., 2010; et al., 2012). Here, we wish to highlight that the interaction of
Krupa and Kozdroj, 2007). EMF with trees that affects plant tolerance to heavy metals also
Heavy metals occur naturally in soil with large variations in their has practical applications and that an improved understanding
concentrations. Notably, they are steadily accumulating in the envi- of the underlying mechanisms of this abiotic × biotic interaction
ronment because of the rapid expansion of industrial activities and contributes to developing improved soil amelioration strategies.
their non-degradability (Clemens et al., 2013). Because of their tox- Furthermore, we specifically distinguish the effects of nutritional
icity, the enrichment of heavy metals, particularly of the ions of (Zn, Cu and Mn) and non-nutritional toxic (Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni and As)
heavy metals, leads to decreases in biodiversity and productivity heavy metals.
and, thereby, results in changes in structure and function of ecosys-
tems (Mayor et al., 2013; Niemeyer et al., 2012; Pauwels et al., 2. Effects of EMs on nutritional heavy metals in plants
2008). Heavy metals in soils can be taken up by plants and accumu-
late in edible parts, which may eventually enter the human body 2.1. Uptake, transport and distribution of nutritional heavy
through the food chain (Kaplan et al., 2011). Some heavy metals metals
are carcinogenic and toxic, affecting the central nervous system
(i.e., Mn, Hg, Pb, As), the kidneys or liver (i.e., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cu), skin, As micronutrients Zn, Cu and Mn are needed in minute amounts
bones and teeth (i.e., Ni, Cd, Cu) (Bertin and Averbeck, 2006). Thus, by ectomycorrhizal fungi and plants. The nutrients usually occur in
toxic heavy metals in ecosystems pose a serious threat to human ionic forms in soil solution or are adsorbed to soil particles and
health. are taken up by specific transporters localized in the plasma mem-
The typical concentrations (␮g g−1 ) of heavy metals in most brane and the internal membrane system of fungal and root cells
plants are 50 for Zn, 10 for Cu, 200 for Mn, 0.05 for Cd, 0.1 for (Martin et al., 2008; Pilon et al., 2009). Genome sequencing of Lac-
As, 1 for Pb and 1.5 for Ni (van der Ent et al., 2013). In con- caria bicolor resulted in the discovery of a number of genes encoding
trast, plants with foliar concentrations (␮g g−1 ) of heavy metals putative transporters for Zn, Cu and Mn ions (Martin et al., 2008).
above 10,000 for Zn and Mn, 1000 for Cu, As, Pb and Ni and 100 To date, only few nutritional heavy metal transporters have been
for Cd are regarded as hyperaccumulators for the respective ele- functionally studied in EMF. For instance, in the ectomycorrhizal
ment (van der Ent et al., 2013). Thereby, plants in concert with fungus Hebeloma cylindrosporum, a gene (HcZnT1) conferring Zn tol-
EMF and other microbes can be used for bioremediation of heavy erance was isolated and functionally characterized (Blaudez and
metal polluted soils (Rajkumar et al., 2012). For bioremediation, a Chalot, 2011). HcZnT1 was constitutively expressed in cells of H.
particular challenge is to obtain hyperaccumulating plants and/or cylindrosporum irrespective of the external Zn status and the cell
micro-organisms including EMF which can readily absorb high type (mycelia, sporocarps or ectomycorrhizas) (Blaudez and Chalot,
amounts of heavy metals and transport them to the harvestable 2011). Further characterization showed that HcZnT1 was probably
parts. In the past, numerous herbaceous hyperaccumulators of located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (Blaudez

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.
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Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 3

and Chalot, 2011) and suggested that HcZnT1 can supply Zn2+ to the hyphal mantle, to 280–675 ␮g g−1 in cortical cells and to 430 ␮g g−1
ER and deliver overloaded Zn2+ out of cytosol. Based on the genome in vascular tissues (Turnau et al., 2001). Similarly, the Cu concen-
sequence of Tuber melanosporum and on transcriptome analysis, trations decreased from 420 ␮g g−1 in rhizomorphs to less than
Bolchi et al. (2011) found that heavy metal transporters involved 17 ␮g g−1 in the hyphal mantle, 32–79 ␮g g−1 in cortical cells and
in Zn2+ and Cu2+ trafficking exhibited the highest expression lev- 6 ␮g g−1 in vascular tissues (Turnau et al., 2001). For the Mn concen-
els in ectomycorrhizas, suggesting active translocation of these ions trations, decreases from 490 ␮g g−1 in rhizomorphs, 88–148 ␮g g−1
from fungal hyphae to roots cells. Recently, OmZnT1 encoding a zinc in the hyphal mantle, 13–26 ␮g g−1 in cortical cells and 14 ␮g g−1
membrane transporter has been identified in the heavy metal toler- in vascular tissues were reported (Turnau et al., 2001). Apparently,
ant ericoid mycorrhizal isolate Oidiodendron maius Zn and probably in the association of P. sylvestris with S. luteus, the fungal mantle
plays a role in Zn transport across the ER membranes (Khouja et al., acts as a biological filter for Zn, but in EMs of this host inoculated
2013). Currently, no studies have reported transporters involved with Hebeloma or Inocybe, Zn concentrations in cortical and vascu-
in Mn trafficking in EMF. With the advent of molecular tools and lar tissues were similar to those in the mantle. Therefore, the fungal
genomics information, we expect rapid progress in understanding species is important with regard to the accumulation or exclusion of
the regulation of nutritional heavy metal uptake by fungal trans- nutritional heavy metals in host plants (Turnau et al., 2002). Further
porters. However, to date, data are very limited. examples show, however, EMFs do not form constitutive barri-
After uptake in ectomycorrhizal fungal cells, nutritional heavy ers against heavy metal uptake. For example, in Salix × dasyclados
metal ions can be transported to the Hartig net, translocated out of grown on heavy metal contaminated soil increased concentrations
fungal cells into root cells, and further transported to other parts of of Zn in the stems and Cu in the roots were found after inocula-
plants with the help of plant metal transporters (Pilon et al., 2009). tion with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus (Baum et al.,
In plants, a number of membrane transporters exist for Zn, Cu and 2006). In two varieties of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var.
Mn, which have, however, mostly been studied in non-mycorrhizal menziesii and glauca) colonized with Rhizopogon subareolatus, Mn
herbaceous plants (Migeon et al., 2010). In the genome sequence was enriched in hyphal mantle, Hartig net, cortical cell vacuole and
of the ectomycorrhizal tree, Populus trichocarpa, six genes encod- central cylinder compared to roots of the non-mycorrhizal controls.
ing putative metal tolerance proteins (MTPs) were found (Migeon Instead of preventing Mn entry, the EM appeared to have facilitated
et al., 2010; Tuskan et al., 2006). Among these proteins, PtMTP1 transport into the root cells (Ducic et al., 2008). The accumulation
was functionally characterized as a Zn transporter facilitating the of Mn in these plants was linked with phosphorus (P) availabil-
Zn transfer into the vacuole (Blaudez et al., 2003). PtMTP11.1 and ity (Ducic and Polle, 2007; Ducic et al., 2012). In fact, strong Mn
PtMTP11.2 are involved in Mn transport and probably located in accumulation can be observed in the xylem of P-starved compared
Golgi apparatus, suggesting that the Golgi apparatus may play a with P-sufficient plants (Fig. 1). Since EMF influence plant P nutri-
role in Mn exocytosis in plants (Migeon et al., 2010; Peiter et al., tion (Plassard and Dell, 2010), indirect effects on Mn uptake and
2007). translocation cannot be excluded.
Copper transporters are required for copper acquisition from Although the influence of EM on uptake of nutritional heavy
the soil or from cellular storage compartments. In the P. trichocarpa metals is well known and some transporters have been identi-
genome, seven genes encoding putative copper transporters were fied, a clear picture how changes at the molecular level influence
identified and supported by EST evidence (Migeon et al., 2010). uptake and translocation of the elements and subsequently in the
Zinc–iron permeases (ZIPs) transport zinc and/or other metal plants is still missing. The situation is further complicated by the
ions from the extracellular space or organellar lumen into the fact of different species-specific features that become apparent in
cytoplasm. Phylogenetic analysis identified 20 putative PtZIPs in plant–fungal interactions. It would therefore be useful to identify
the black poplar genome (Migeon et al., 2010). Analysis of EST major transporters across different EMF genera and link measure-
databases and microarray experiments revealed tissue-specific ments of transport activities with the subcellular allocation of the
expression patterns of the PtZIP transcripts in roots, xylem and nutritional heavy metals in plants.
leaves (Migeon et al., 2010). Particularly, PtZIP2 and PtZIP10.2 were
highly expressed in the roots of the black poplar, suggesting that
the latter PtZIPs play crucial roles in the uptake of nutritional metals 2.2. Plant performance in response to excessive concentrations of
(Migeon et al., 2010). nutritional heavy metals
Additionally, plants possess natural resistance-associated
macrophage proteins (NRAMPs), which are divalent ion trans- Although Zn, Cu and Mn are essential elements for ectomyc-
porters for a range of metal cations including Mn2+ and Zn2+ (Cellier orrhizal fungi and host plants, high concentrations of these heavy
et al., 1995; Kaiser et al., 2003; Migeon et al., 2010; Pilon et al., 2009; metals in soil can be toxic. The threshold concentrations of these
Xiao et al., 2008). In P. trichocarpa, 9 PtNRAMPs were identified, nutrients for the biological requirements vary among different
among which PtNRAMP3.1 and PtNRAMP3.2 were highly expressed organisms. As a general reference for the demand of plants, the con-
in poplar roots (Migeon et al., 2010) in agreement with the expres- centrations of these elements in Long-Ashton (LA) and Hoagland
sion of their closest homologues in A. thaliana (Lanquar et al., 2005; nutrient solutions can be used: 0.2–1000 ␮M for Zn2+ , 0.2–250 ␮M
Thomine et al., 2003). for Cu2+ and 2.0–1000 ␮M for Mn2+ (Hewitt, 1966; Hoagland and
Overall, these results indicate that nutritional heavy metal ions Arnon, 1950). Higher concentrations than these values are toxic to
are absorbed and further transported to different compartments most plants studied.
of the host plant. Obviously, plant uptake of these nutrients is not Currently, few studies have addressed the effects of excessive
dependent on EMF. However, ectomycorrhizal fungi can modulate concentrations of these nutritional heavy metals on ectomycor-
nutritional heavy metal concentrations in host plants (see below). rhizal plants. For example, ectomycorrhizal P. tremula in metallifer-
Often, the fungal mantle acts as an effective barrier for heavy metals ous soil with Zn concentrations up to 1960 ␮g g−1 soil accumulated
(Godbold et al., 1998; Jentschke and Goldbold, 2000) because the much higher Zn concentrations in leaves (1890–2740 ␮g g−1 tissue)
heavy metal concentrations in EMs decrease between rhizomorphs than non-ectomycorrhizal plants (Langer et al., 2012). Although
and mantle and from cortical cells to the central cylinder of the the Zn concentrations in host plants were elevated in this inter-
roots. For instance, in ectomycorrhizas of Pinus sylvestris and Suil- action, the Zn translocation factor decreased with Zn addition in
lus luteus collected on a zinc waste site, Zn concentrations declined ectomycorrhizal plants, suggesting a barrier effect of EMs on Zn
from 12,830 ␮g g−1 in rhizomorphs to 2040–3820 ␮g g−1 in the entry into poplar roots under elevated Zn concentrations (Langer

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.

EEB-2698; No. of Pages 16

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Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.

Table 1
The ectomycorrhizas mediated nutritional and non-nutritional toxic heavy metal tolerance of host plants.
Microorganisms Plants Metals Concentrations Medium Duration Biomass increment Metal con. in plants Main effects of EMs on host References
(%)a (%)b plants
Nutritional heavy metals
Cenococcum geophilum Populus tremula L. Zn 0–80 mg kg−1 Soil 88 days 200 −4 to 56 Zn translocation to shoots was Langer et al., 2012
inhibited at high Zn levels.
Paxillus involutus Pax1 Paxillus Salix × dasyclados Zn/Cu 762–886 mg kg−1 Soil 6 months 10 to 43 −12 to 21 (Zn) No significant effects on the total Baum et al., 2006
involutus Pax2 (Zn) −33 to 0 (Cu) uptake of Zn and Cu and even
164–192 mg kg−1 (Cu) caused decreased Cd (Pax2) and
Pb (Pax1) contents in the stems.
Glomus spp. Salix spp. Zn 35–80 mg kg−1 Soil 3 month 51 to 100 NA The use of mycorrhizal fungi Kacprzak and Fijalkowski, 2009
only caused less increase of
willow biomass.
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestris Zn 3 ␮M–3 mM Perlite 28 days −17 to 29 NA Increased Zn uptake in root and Bucking and Heyser, 1994
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestris Zn 0.1–150 ␮M Sandy soil 9 months NA −44 to −29 Plants colonized by the Adriaensen et al., 2006

Zn-tolerant isolate grew much
better and remained

Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
physiologically healthier when
exposed to elevated Zn.
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestri Zn 0.1–229 ␮M Soil 6 weeks NA NA The Zn-tolerant S. bovinus Adriaensen et al., 2004
genotype was particularly
efficient in protecting pines
from Zn stress.
Suillus bovinus NP1 Pinus sylvestris Zn 7–14 mM Sand–vermiculite 4 months −40 to 4 (shoots) −49 to 22 These mycorrhizal fungi act as a Colpaert and Vanassche, 1992
Suillus bovinus P2 mixture safety net that can immobilize
Thelephora terrestris large amounts of zinc.
Laccaria laccata
Scleroderma citrinum
Paxillus involutus
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestris Cu 0.3–47 ␮M Soil 22 to 36 days 75 −13 to 56 (shoots) Both ectomycorrhizal fungi Van Tichelen et al., 2001
Thelephora terrestris protect P. sylvestris against Cu
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestris Cu 6.5–25 mg L−1 Perlite 4 weeks −8 to 42 NA No significant improvement in Huang and Tao, 2004
reducing the physiological
restrain in ectomycorrhizal
Suillus bovinus Pinus sylvestris Cu 0.005–4.8 mM Soil 10 weeks −55 to 43 NA Root growth and nutrient Adriaensen et al., 2005
uptake of plants colonized by
the Cu-tolerant isolate were
hardly affected under Cu stress
Pisolithus 23-01 Eucalyptus Cu 0–750 ␮M Soil–sand mixture 3 months −67 to 24 −44 to 303 Seedlings inoculated with Aggangan and Aggangan, 2012
Pisolithus H6394 urophylla Pisolithus, Scleroderma and
Scleroderma Acacia aulacocarpa Astraeus grew better than the
Astraeus non-mycorrhizal ones.
Rhizopogon Seudotsuga Mn 10 mM Peat–sand mixture 5 months NA −18 to 40 Accumulation of high Mn was Ducic et al., 2008
subareolatus menziesii var. not prevented in inoculated
menziesii and var. seedlings.
Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Betula lenta L. Mn 0.25–500 ␮M Soil 30 months 23 to 104 −33 to 5 Inoculated seedlings had lower Walker et al., 2004
Coker & Couch concentrations of potentially
phytotoxic metallic elements,
particularly Mn, than
uninoculated seedlings.

Non-nutritional toxic heavy metals

Suillus luteus Pinus sylvestris Cd 10 mM Perlite 8 weeks NA NA Seedlings inoculated with fungi Krznaric et al., 2010
collected from the polluted site
reduced metal transfer to their
host and maintained nutrient
acquisition under high metal
Suillus luteus Pinus sylvestris Cd 0–20 ␮M Perlite 8 weeks NA −67 to 12 Mycorrhizal pines showed Krznaric et al., 2009
better plant protection: more
fungal biomass and a higher
nutrient uptake at high Cd
exposure. Less Cd was
transferred to aboveground
plant parts.
EEB-2698; No. of Pages 16
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Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.

Paecilomyces lilacinus NH1 Solanum nigrum L. Cd 50 mg kg−1 Soil 2 to 10 weeks NA NA Application of CA and PLNH1 Gao et al., 2010
significantly improved the
antioxidative defense in S.
nigrum under Cd stress.
Hebeloma mesophaeum Salix viminalis Cd 7.8 mg kg−1 Soil 3 months NA −2 to 38 Inoculated willows showed Hrynkiewicz et al., 2012
increased concentrations of
nutritional elements and
decreased concentrations of Cd
in the shoots.
Suillus bovinus Pinus pinaster Cd 0–30 mg kg−1 Soil 6 months −94.02 −19.85(shoots) Colonization by S. bovinus Sousa et al., 2012
Rhizopogon roseolus significantly enhanced shoot
development up to 30% in
contaminated soil while

colonization by R. roseolus
produced no significant effect.

Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
Laccaria Pinus sylvestris L. Cd 20 ␮g ml−1 Soil 3 months NA NA The concentration of cadmium Krupa and Piotrowska-Seget, 2003
laccata (Scop.:Fr), in plants inoculated with fungi
Rhizopogon luteolus (Corda) was significantly lower than in
Th.M, Xerocomus badius non-inoculated seedlings.
Amanita rubescens Pinus sylvestris Cd 10 ␮g ml−1 Soil 10 week NA NA Elevated accumulation of Cd in Kozdroj et al., 2007
Hebeloma sinapizans underground parts of the
Pseudomonas putida inoculated seedlings was found.
Bacillus cereus
ECM(various) Populus tremula Cd 5.7–111 mg kg−1 Soil NA NA NA Aspen trees accumulated Zn and Krpata et al., 2009
Cd to similar concentrations as
the EMF.
Paxillus filamentosus (Scop) Fr. Betula celtiberica 5– 10 mg kg−1 Peat:vermiculite 15 days 46 to 153 −2 to 767 Plants of Fernandez et al., 2008
Dittrichia viscosa (1:10) mycorrhized white
Cd birch grown in the
presence of Cd had
a better
development and
accumulated more
Cd in their shoots
than the
Paxillus involutus Populus Canadensis 1.91 mg kg−1 Soil 11 weeks 11 to 33 45 to 81 P. involutus Sell et al., 2005
Hebeloma crustuliniforme Salix viminalis significantly
Pisolithus tinctorius Cd enhanced the total
Cd extraction by P.
Boletus edulis Pinus tabulaeformis Cd 0–3 mg kg−1 Soil 12 weeks NA NA The content of exchangeable Cd Huang et al., 2008
in the mycorrhizosphere
decreased remarkably.
Cadophora finlandica Salix caprea Cd 32.7 mg kg−1 Soil 19 weeks NA NA Significantly increased Cd Utmazian et al., 2007
Salix smithiana concentrations in leaves of both
willow species.
Xerocomus chrysenteron Pinus tabulaeformis Cd 0–20 mg L−1 Perlite 6 weeks NA NA While APase activity in exudates Zheng et al., 2009
of fungi and seedlings decreased
under Cu and Cd stress in
comparison to that of the
control, the APase activity in
seedlings was maintained by
Laccaria bicolor (Maire) Orton Picea abies(L.) Cd 0–5 ␮M Sand 9 weeks NA −56 to 54 Paxillus involutus ameliorated Jentschke et al., 1999
S238 Paxillus involutus Karst.) the negative effects of 0.5 M Cd
(Batsch) Fr. 533 on shoot and root growth and
chlorophyll content of old
needles, whereas L. bicolor did


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Table 1 (Continued)
Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.

Microorganisms Plants Metals Concentrations Medium Duration Biomass increment Metal con. in plants Main effects of EMs on host References
(%)a (%)b plants
Thelephora terrestris Ehrh. ex Pinus sylvestris Cd 44.5 ␮M Perlite 2 months −45 to 14 (shoot) −74 to −28 A protective effect against Colpaert and Vanassche, 1993
Fr. cadmium toxicity in the host
Laccaria laccata was observed with all
(Scop, ex Fr.) Cooke mycobionts.
Scleroderma citrinum Pers.
Paxillus involutus (Batsch ex
Fr.) Fr., two strains of Suillus
luteiis (L. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray
three isolates of Suillus
bovinus (L. ex Fr.) O. Kuntze.
One isolate of 5. luteus
two isolates of 5. bovinus
Laccaria laccata Picea abies (L.) Karst Cd 190 ␮M Peat–vermiculite 6 days NA −61 (shoot) Cadmium content of needles of Galli et al., 1993
(Scop, ex Fr.) (1:14, v/v) mycorrhizal plants was
significantly lower than that of
non-mycorrhizal plants.
Paxillus involutus Betula pendula Roth Cd 0–200 ␮M Peat–vermiculite 30 min NA NA The mycorrhizal birch seedlings Blaudez et al., 2000

revealed high efficiency of N

Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx
acquisition under metal
exposure might be regarded as a
mechanism of stress avoidance.
Paxillus involutus Pinus sylvestris Cd 0–25 ␮g g−1 Peat:vermiculite 8 weeks NA NA Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Hartley et al., 1999
(1:5, v/v) Scots pine was shown to be
more sensitive than Scots pine
itself to Cd and Zn, but prior
colonization did provide a
competitive advantage with
respect to biomass production.
Paxillus involutus Pinus sylvestris Cd 0–25 ␮g g−1 Peat–vermiculite 8 weeks NA NA P. involutus ameliorated the Hartley-Whitaker et al., 2000
toxicity of Cd to P. sylvestris.
Suillus variegatus Pinus sylvestris Cd 0–100 mg kg−1 Peat–vermiculite 8 months NA NA Colonisation by S. bovinus Kim et al., 2004
Paxillus involutus improved shoot growth,
colonisation by Paxillus involutus
had no effect on growth of
Glomus intraradices Salix alba L. Pb/Cd. NA Soil 6 months NA −33 to −8 H. mesophaeum strongly reduced Mrnka et al., 2012
Hebeloma mesophaeum Populus nigra L. the accumulation of Cd and Fe in
willow and poplar shoots.
Scleroderma citrinum, Amanita Pinus sylvestris L. Pb/Cd 10 ␮gml−1 (Cd) Soil 12 weeks NA −38 to 7 Inoculation of pine seedlings Krupa and Kozdroj, 2007
muscaria Lactarius rufus 40 ␮gml−1 (Pb) significantly reduced
translocation of Zn(II), Cd(II) or
Pb(II) from roots to shoots.
EMF (various) Betula pendula Roth Pb/Cd NA Soil NA NA NA Fivefold higher concentrations Krupa and Kozdroj, 2004
of the metals were found in the
mycorrhizal roots.
Paxillus involutus Pinus sylvestris L. Pb/Cd NA Soil NA NA NA On the polluted substrate the Werner et al., 2004
Laccaria laccata mycorrhizal roots showed
Suillus luteus significantly lower content of
terpenoids than nonmycorrhizal
Paxillus involutus Picea abies Pb 5 ␮M Sand 32 to 42 days NA NA P. involutus decreased Pb Marschner et al., 1996
Pisolithus tinctorius translocation from the roots to
Lccaria laccata the stems.
EMF (12 morphotypes) Betula pendula Roth. Pb 1459–1812 mg kg−1 Soil 4 months NA NA The addition of unpolluted Bojarczuk and Kieliszewska-Rokicka, 2010
forest soil to the
metal-contaminated soil
resulted in the enrichment of
the soil substrate by propagules
of EMF.
Paxillus involutus Piua abies Pb 5 ␮M Soil 3 weeks NA NA Total Pb in roots was reduced by Jentschke et al., 1998
Laccaria bicolor mycorrhizal infection.
Hebeloma crustuliniforme Pinus sylvestris Pb NA Soil:gravel:sphagnum 5 to 17 months NA NA Inoculation of pine seedlings Werner and Karolewski, 2004
(Bull.) Quél. (strain 22-1) peat (1:1:3, v/v) resulted in a decrease in
Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. concentration of phenolics in
(strain 5-1), Laccaria laccata roots and except for seedlings
(Scop. ex Fr.) (strain 9-1) inoculated with Laccaria laccata
Suillus bovinus (Fr.) Knutze negatively influenced the
(strain 15-4), Suillus luteus above-ground part:root ratio.
(Fr.) S.F.
Gray (strain 14-1)
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Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 7

et al., 2012). Under elevated Zn2+ concentrations, a Zn-tolerant iso-

Metal concentrations in leaves or shoots were calculated as metal concentrations in ectomycorrhizal plants minus metal concentrations in non-ectomycorrhizal plants divided by metal concentrations in non-ectomycorrhizal
Ahonen-Jonnarth and Finlay, 2001
late of the ectomycorrhizal fungus S. bovinus was identified, which

Ahonen-Jonnarth et al., 2000

protected its host, P. sylvestris from Zn toxicity by inhibition of

Jean-Philippe et al., 2011

Zn accumulation in the needles (Adriaensen et al., 2004, 2006).
Johansson et al., 2008

Jourand et al., 2010

Similarly, a Cu-adapted S. luteus isolate provided an effective pro-

Crane et al., 2012

tection against Cu toxicity in seedlings of P. sylvestris exposed to
high Cu concentrations (60 ␮M) and diminished Cu accumulation in

Biomass increment percentage was calculated as biomass of ectomycorrhizal plant minus biomass of non-ectomycorrhizal plant divided by biomass of non-ectomycorrhizal plant multiplied with 100.
needles compared to those of non-mycorrhizal plants (Adriaensen
et al., 2005). In the same line, seedlings of sweet birch (Betula lenta)
inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius
Exudation generally increased in

ones and had better P, K, Mg and

contained lower Mn concentrations in leaves under elevated Mn

The mycorrhizal seedlings grew

no protective effects against Hg

mycorrhizal treatments than in

Seedling survival declined with

ultramafic P. albus were able to

shifts in community structure.

composition was altered with

Soil inoculants from EFPC had

(145–175 ␮g g−1 ) than non-mycorrhizal trees (Walker et al., 2004).
better than non-mycorrhizal
the presence of mycorrhizal
seedlings compared to NM

non-mycorrhizal controls.
Levels of oxalic acid were

Ectomycorrhizal species
increasing Hg additions.
An earlier study has demonstrated that two ectomycorrhizal fungi,
tolerate high and toxic
Plants inoculated with
significantly higher in

concentrations of Ni.

S. bovinus and Thelephora terrestris, forming EMs with P. sylvestris

protected their host against Cu toxicity at high Cu concentrations in
the soil (Van Tichelen et al., 2001). These results suggest that metal-

S status.

tolerant EMF can act as an effective biological barrier against metal
toxicity in host plants (Table 1) and may play a role in large-scale
land reclamation at phytotoxic metalliferous sites.
However, not all ectomycorrhizal fungi protect their host plants
−19 to 10 (shoots)

from toxicity imposed by nutritional heavy metals. For instance,

EMs with Thelephora terrestris (Ehrh.) Fr. increased the Zn con-
−98 to 105

centrations in the shoots of P. sylvestris seedlings compared with





non-mycorrhizal plants and also enhanced Zn toxicity (Colpaert

and Vanassche, 1992). Similarly, in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga men-
ziesii variety glauca) seedlings inoculated with R. subareolatus, the
−70 to 125 (roots)

Mn concentrations in needles were elevated in comparison with

those of non-mycorrhizal plants, aggravating Mn toxicity in the
host (Ducic et al., 2008).
In spite of some variations, most studies indicate that ectomy-





corrhizal trees maintain better growth than non-ectomycorrhizal

trees when exposed to excess concentrations of nutritional heavy
5 months
15 weeks

11 weeks

12 weeks

metals (Table 1). For the magnitude of the positive effect, the extent
28 days
1 week

by which metal accumulation is prevented does not play a deci-

sive role. Therefore, in addition to shielding the plant from excess

uptake, EMF may also enhance the internal detoxification. The

studies also indicate that selection of appropriate ectomycorrhizal

fungal species or isolates is important for utilization of EMs as a


strategy to remedy soils with Zn, Cu and/or Mn pollution. Effects of

(1:4, v/v)


EMs on metal uptake, translocation and toxicity in host plants must


be thoroughly investigated before their application in the field on

a large scale.
10–100 ␮M (Pb)

85–170 ␮M (Ni)

0–366 mg g−1
0–60 mg kg−1
1–10 ␮M (Cd)
1–10 ␮M (As)

100 mg kg−1
0.44 ␮M(Cd)
8.9 ␮M (Cd)

3. Effects of EMs on non-nutritional heavy metals in plants

17 ␮M(Ni)

3.1. Uptake, transport and distribution of non-nutritional heavy




Since the non-nutritional heavy metals Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni and As



are toxic for most ectomycorrhizal fungi and plants, from an evo-
lutionary point of view, specific transporters for their uptake and
Platanus occidentalis

transport are unlikely to exist in these organisms. Their transport

Eucalyptus globulus
Pinus sylvestris L.

Pinus sylvestris L.

is thus probably afforded by transport systems for essential ele-

Pinus sylvestris

Pinus rigida

ments such as Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn or phosphate, which exist in
ectomycorrhizal fungi and plants (Ma et al., 2013; Mendoza-Cozatl

et al., 2011; Pilon et al., 2009; Seth et al., 2012). In EMs, the non-
nutritional toxic heavy metals can be taken up by fungal hyphae
plants multiplied with 100.

and are transported to the Hartig net for loading into root cells.
Ectomycorrhizal communities
Hebeloma velutipes, Paxillus

Alternatively to active transport through the fungal cells and the

NA: no data available.
roseolus, Suillus bovinus
byssinum, Rhizopogon

cortical symplast, the elements can diffuse in the apoplast follow-

involutus, Piloderma

Rhizopogon roseolus
Suillus variegatus

Paxillus involutus

ing the concentration gradient. However, this apoplastic pathway is

Suillus variegatus
Laccaria bicolor

Pisolithus albus

EMF (various)

blocked by the Casparian strip in endodermis of roots and requires

active loading into the vascular system. Consequently, the accumu-
lation of heavy metals in roots is often much higher than in other

plant tissues.

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.
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8 Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. Imaging of the manganese (Mn) distribution in vessels of poplars supplied with limited (a, c: 0.064 ␮M) or sufficent (b, d: 641 ␮M) phosphorus (P). Images were
generated for the Mn-L edge. The images were generated with an energy-dispersive X-ray scanning/transmission electron microscope (STEM) as described elsewhere
(Abo-Ogiala et al., 2013). The original STEM images are shown in c and d, and the Mn mapings were scaled from 42 to 525 units.

Up to now, no studies have identified and functionally char- Other studies have demonstrated that there is no general
acterized specific transporters for Cd2+ , Pb2+ , Hg2+ , Ni2+ , arsenate responses with regard to EMs mediated uptake of Cd2+ , Pb2+ ,
or arsenite in ectomycorrhizal fungi. However, in the genomes of Hg2+ , Ni2+ , arsenate or arsenite from the soil (Baum et al., 2006;
the ectomycorrhizal fungi L. bicolor and T. melanosporum, several Jean-Philippe et al., 2011; Johansson et al., 2008; Jourand et al.,
sequences encoding genes for putative heavy metal transporters 2010; Krpata et al., 2009; Mrnka et al., 2012; Sell et al., 2005;
were identified (Martin et al., 2008, 2010). Additionally, the ecto- Sousa et al., 2012). The presence and concentration of other ions
mycorrhizal fungus Cadophora finlandica grown in either Cd or of respective nutrient elements can affect uptake of toxic com-
Pb containing medium displayed differential expression of sev- pounds because the non-nutritional heavy metals compete with
eral genes predicted to encode heavy metal transporters (Gorfer essential elements for uptake by transporters. For example, Cd
et al., 2009). In bacteria, various mercury transporters such as MerC, affects the translocation of some metals using the Fe-like or Ca-
MerE, MerF, MerH and MerT, whose main function is to modulate like pathway in poplar (P. jacquemontiana var. glauca) (Solti et al.,
mercuric ion uptake into the cells, have been identified (Mok et al., 2011). For Fe-like metals, Cd can share a common translocation
2012; Yamaguchi et al., 2007). Given the diversity of EMF and occur- system, but Cd competes for translocation systems with Ca-like
rence under a wide range of environmental conditions, it is likely metals (Solti et al., 2011). P. alba × P. tremula var. glandulosa trans-
that much is to be discovered with regard to heavy metal trans- formed with yeast cadmium factor 1 (ScYCF1), a gene encoding
porters. The current results, though still very limited, suggest that a transporter that delivers toxic metal(loid)s into the vacuoles
in future studies efforts should be undertaken to identify and func- of budding yeast, accumulated increased amounts of Cd and Pb
tionally characterize transporters involved in uptake and transport compared with the wildtype plants (Shim et al., 2013). These
of toxic heavy metals in ectomycorrhizal fungi. results show that uptake and transport of the non-nutritional
Similar to the transporters in ectomycorrhizal fungi, little infor- toxic heavy metals can be influenced by biotechnological means,
mation is available about transporters implicated in uptake and but may also disturb the absorption of essential nutritional
transport of the non-nutritional toxic heavy metal in ectomycor- metals.
rhizal host plants. Recently, seedlings of P. × canescens inoculated It is well known that herbaceous plants take up and transport
with the ectomycorrhiza-forming strain MAJ of Paxillus involutus Cd2+ , Pb2+ , Hg2+ , Ni2+ , arsenate and/or arsenite from the soil via dif-
were found to display enhanced Cd2+ uptake into EMs, which was ferent types of transporters such as heavy metal ATPases (HMAs),
associated with upregulation of transcript levels of plant genes NRAMPs, ZIPs and ATP-Binding Cassette transporters (ABCs), whose
encoding several metal transporters, i.e., ZIP2, NRAMP1.1, HMA4 main functions are to transport essential elements (Migeon et al.,
(Ma et al., 2013). It has been speculated that these genes may be 2010; Park et al., 2012; Takahashi et al., 2011; Ueno et al., 2011).
involved in Cd transport. Although herbaceous plants are unable to form EMs, their heavy

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.
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EEB-2698; No. of Pages 16

Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 9

metal transport systems can provide insights into similar pro- allocated to the collenchyma cell walls of the veins (Vollenweider
cesses in ectomycorrhizal host plants. For example, N. caerulescens et al., 2006). In roots of A. halleri and N. caerulescens, Cd was mainly
is a Cd hyperaccumulator, which possesses uptake systems for deposited in the vacuoles and cell walls (Kupper et al., 2000;
Cd2+ (Milner and Kochian, 2008): TcHMA3 is located in the tono- Vazquez et al., 1992). In ectomycorrhizal plants, these metals are
plast and transports Cd into the leaf vacuoles (Ueno et al., 2011). also bound to hyphal cell walls, which therefore, act as biological
Higher expression of TcHMA3 confers Cd hyperaccumulation in N. filters.
caerulescens (Ueno et al., 2011). Another member of HMAs in N.
caerulescens, TcHMA4, was demonstrated to play a role in metal
tolerance by mediating active efflux of Cd2+ and Pb2+ out of the 3.2. Plant and fungal performance and toxicity symptoms in the
cell (Papoyan and Kochian, 2004). Similarly, elevated Cd2+ uptake presence of non-nutritional heavy metals
and transport in A. halleri depends on higher expression of the
metal pump HMA4 which is ascribed to modified cis-regulatory Ectomycorrhizal fungi and host plants possess a basal toler-
sequences and increased copy numbers of the gene (Hanikenne ance to Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni and As (Clemens, 2006). The appearance of
et al., 2008). Involvement of HMA2 in Cd uptake and transport toxicity symptoms such as growth retardation mainly depends on
was also demonstrated in rice (Takahashi et al., 2012). OsHMA2 the heavy metal concentration, duration of exposure, and species,
was localized at the plasma membrane and mainly expressed genotype or isolate of the ectomycorrhizal fungus and the plant
in rice roots. OsHMA2-suppressed rice displayed decreased foliar (Table 1) (Clemens, 2006; Colpaert et al., 2011; Krpata et al., 2008,
Cd concentrations compared with the wildtype, suggesting that 2009; Patra et al., 2004; Rajkumar et al., 2012; Sell et al., 2005). For
OsHMA2 plays a role in Cd loading to the xylem (Takahashi et al., both, EMF and trees, genotypes with increased resistance have been
2012). identified (Colpaert et al., 2011; Fomina et al., 2005; Krznaric et al.,
NRAMP is also implicated in uptake and transport of the non- 2009). For instance, in a study investigating the toxicity of Cd and
nutritional toxic heavy metals in plants. For instance, OsNRAMP1 Pb to an ectomycorrhizal fungal species, more than 60% of fungal
in rice was likely located at the plasma membrane; its higher isolates displayed a lethal sensitivity to Pb salts (phosphate, car-
expression in the roots led to increased Cd accumulation in the bonate, sulphide, tetraoxide), but metal tolerant isolates with good
shoots, suggesting that OsNRAMP1 plays a key role in Cd uptake growth performance on medium containing these metals were also
and transport in rice (Takahashi et al., 2011). Using radioactive identified (Fomina et al., 2005).
Cd-109 and Zn-65, Zhao et al. (2006) suggested that A. halleri When the basal tolerance threshold is exceeded after the
at least partly employs the Zn pathway to absorb and trans- exposure to toxic heavy metals, EMF and host plants display
port Cd2+ , probably involving several ZIPs (Talke et al., 2006). symptoms of injury such as yellowing and shedding leaves in
The Arabidopsis AtABCC1 and AtABCC2 vacuolar transporters are plants and necrosis and decreased growth for fungi and plants
important for transport of cytosolic phytochelatin-metal (arsenic, (Hall, 2002; Ma et al., 2013). At this stage the metabolism is dis-
Cd and Hg) complexes into the vacuoles (Park et al., 2012). Inter- ordered including defects in mineral metabolism (Hrynkiewicz
estingly, it was reported that oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and et al., 2012; Jamnicka et al., 2007; Ma et al., 2013; Patra et al.,
white lupin (Lupinus albus) possess an active, saturable component 2004), inhibited gas exchange (Godbold et al., 1998; Jentschke
for Hg uptake (Esteban et al., 2013). In future studies, it will be et al., 1999; Ma et al., 2013; Mrnka et al., 2012) and dam-
worthwhile to investigate the orthologues of these transporters in age to the DNA (Patra et al., 2004). To counteract heavy metal
ectomycorrhiza-forming plants and to find out how these trans- toxicity, which is at least partly caused by an induction of
porters are regulated by EMF in response to the non-nutritional reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Finlay, 2008; He et al., 2011,
toxic heavy metals. 2013b; Ma et al., 2013; Ott et al., 2002; Schützendübel and
After uptake of the toxic elements, they are distributed in Polle, 2002), defenses are activated including differential regu-
different tissues, cells and subcellular compartments of the ecto- lation of gene expression (Ma et al., 2013; Majorel et al., 2012)
mycorrhizal fungi and host plants along the transport pathway. and increased the biosynthesis of antioxidants (Schützendübel and
Heavy metals are mainly found in the hyphal mantle, Hartig net, Polle, 2002). As fungi lack ascorbate, activation of glutathione and
root, leaf and phloem (Blaudez et al., 2000; Cocozza et al., 2011; He phytochelatins is particularly important to avoid stress due to ROS
et al., 2011, 2013a, 2013b; Kieffer et al., 2008; Krupa and Kozdroj, (He et al., 2013a; Hegedus et al., 2007; Ma et al., 2013; Seth et al.,
2004; Turnau et al., 2001, 2002; Vollenweider et al., 2006, 2011). At 2012).
the cellular and subcellular levels, the toxic metals are accumulated Non-nutritional heavy metals are particularly dangerous
in root epidermal cells, trichomes, in the cell walls and in vacuoles because of their mutagenic potential. Hg, Pb and arsenic injure
(Cocozza et al., 2011; He et al., 2013a; Turnau et al., 1996, 2001, mitosis by spindle disturbance due to their affinity to thiol groups
2002; Vollenweider et al., 2006, 2011). Elemental microanalysis (Patra et al., 2004). Mercury induced c-mitosis, i.e. doubling of
coupled with transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the chromosome without proper sorting to the daughter cell,
that in Rhizopogon roseolus EMs of P. sylvestris exposed to calamine thereby, leading to polyploid and aneuploid cells, and c-tumors
dumps rich in Cd and Pb, the heavy metals were mainly located in plants (Patra et al., 2004). Lead salts caused numerous c-
in the fungal mantle, Hartig net, vacuoles and extracellular spaces mitoses, low mitotic activity and inhibited root growth (Patra et al.,
(Turnau et al., 1996). EMs of P. sylvestris formed with S. luteus 2004). Furthermore, arsenite is a potent co-mutagen (Patra et al.,
contained higher Pb concentrations in the hyphal mantle than in 2004).
the extramatrical mycelia, whereas those formed with Hebeloma Often, non-nutritional heavy metals influence the uptake and
or Inocybe spp. exhibited higher Cd deposition in the extramatrical concentrations of nutritional heavy metals (Krpata et al., 2008;
mycelia compared with in the hyphal mantle (Turnau et al., 2002). Krznaric et al., 2009). The toxicity of non-nutritional toxic heavy
In a recent study, using histochemical staining, transmission metals to ectomycorrhizal fungi and host plants, thus, can result
electron microscope in combination with energy-dispersive X-ray from (i) the displacement of essential metals such as Mg2+ , Ca2+ ,
microanalysis, He et al. (2013a) found that Cd in P. × canescens Fe2+ and Zn2+ in biomolecules causing molecular dysfunctions, (ii)
was mainly located in root epidermal cells, intercellular spaces of binding of metals to thiol groups which leads to inhibited functions
root cortical cells, phloem, leaf veins and trichomes, and vacuoles of the target biomolecules and (iii) as the consequence of blocked
of root epidermal cells, cortical cells, companion cells of phloem, thiol groups overproduction of ROS (Hall, 2002; Schützendübel and
and of mesophyll cells. In leaves of Salix viminalis, Cd was mainly Polle, 2002; Sharma and Dietz, 2009).

Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.
G Model
EEB-2698; No. of Pages 16

10 Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

4. Mechanisms of EM-modulated host plant tolerance to between different poplar species with regard to their ability to
heavy metals prevent transport and to detoxify Cd (He et al., 2013b; Polle et al.,
2013; Zacchini et al., 2009).
4.1. Cellular mechanisms
4.2. Physiological mechanisms
The nutritional heavy metals Zn, Cu and Mn are beneficial to
ectomycorrhizal fungi and host plants in the desirable concentra- During the establishment and functioning of EMs, numerous
tions range. For instance, Zn ions serve as structural components physiological changes occur in roots and even at the whole-
in transcription factors and act as co-factors in many enzymes plant level of the host (Beniwal et al., 2011; Ducic et al., 2008;
(Broadley et al., 2007). Under normal conditions, Zn is allocated to Gafur et al., 2004; Langenfeld-Heyser et al., 2007; Li et al., 2012;
the cytosol, chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes (Broadley Luo et al., 2009a). These physiological responses include altered
et al., 2007). At higher concentrations, ectomycorrhizal plants can uptake of nutrients, particularly of phosphorus, improved water
alter the cellular availability to minimize toxicity of these metals status and increased osmolality, changed photosynthetic rates
(Fig. 2). Emerging evidence suggests that the cellular mechanisms and photosynthate supply to roots, varied concentrations of free
involved in detoxification of excess heavy metals mainly include (i) amino acids, phytohormones and fatty acids, and shifts in the
the biofilter function of ectomycorrhizal fungi and (ii) subcellular ROS balance (Beniwal et al., 2010; Ducic et al., 2009; Gafur et al.,
sequestration of these metals in ectomycorrhizal plants (Bellion 2004; Langenfeld-Heyser et al., 2007; Luo et al., 2009a, 2009b;
et al., 2006; Colpaert et al., 2011; Hall, 2002). For example, in P. Schützendübel and Polle, 2002). For instance, in P. × canescens col-
sylvestris inoculated with the metal-tolerant fungus S. luteus, a sig- onized with P. involutus, EMs resulted in elevated phosphorus
nificant decrease in the concentrations of Zn, Cu and Mn from concentrations in roots and leaves (Luo et al., 2009a, 2011), and
the rhizomorph of the fungus to vascular tissues of host plants increased net influxes of Ca2+ and K+ into the roots (Li et al., 2012).
demonstrated filter effects of the ectomycorrhizal fungus and pre- Higher photosynthetic rates increased the concentrations of solu-
vented excess metal accumulation in plant roots (Turnau et al., ble sugars and sugar alcohols in ectomycorrhizal plants (Druebert
2001). Other examples show that ectomycorrhizal plants enhance et al., 2009; Langenfeld-Heyser et al., 2007; Luo et al., 2009a; Pena
the uptake of nutritional heavy metals and sequester them in vac- et al., 2013). Improved nutrition of the host plants may therefore
uoles and vesicles, thus favoring intracellular detoxification (Ducic contribute to increased host resistance to upcoming abiotic and
et al. (2008). In the case of Mn, EM-facilitated P-uptake probably led biotic stresses including heavy metals (Luo et al., 2009a, 2011; Ma
to formation of Mn-P deposits, and thus, improved Mn detoxifica- et al., 2013; Rajkumar et al., 2012).
tion. These examples show that understanding of the benefits of the Currently, only few studies have investigated EM-triggered
EMF-plant interaction requires knowledge of the cellular utilization physiological changes in host plants exposed to excess nutritional
and localization of nutritional heavy metals. heavy metals (Ducic et al., 2006) and thus, this area deserves fur-
The toxicity of non-nutritional heavy metals was outlined in ther analyses. For the non-nutritional toxic heavy metals, i.e., Cd,
Section 3.2. Their detoxification is important to avoid toxicity to Pb, Hg, Ni and As, modified tolerance of ectomycorrhizal plants to
the two interacting organisms, the EMF and the plant. Ectomycor- these metals is also related to EM-induced physiological changes
rhizal fungi are likely to employ protective mechanisms similar to in host plants (Fig. 2). Recently, Ma et al. (2013) demonstrated
those of their host plants (Bellion et al., 2006; Colpaert et al., 2011; that P. × canescens inoculated with P. involutus displayed larger root
Hall, 2002) including binding to cell walls and sequestration in surface area, higher concentrations of P, Ca, Fe and Zn, increased
the vacuole. Further protective measures are: (i) binding of heavy photosynthetic rates, soluble sugars and starch, altered concentra-
metals to extracellular exudates, (ii) decreased uptake and/or tions of O2 •− and H2 O2 , and elevated concentrations of ascorbate
pumping metal ions out of cytosol via transporters located at the and glutathione, suggesting improved nutrient and carbohydrate
plasma membrane, (iii) chelation of metal ions in cytosol by com- status, increased detoxification, and defense preparedness in host
pounds, such as glutathione, phytochelatins and metallothioneins, plants, which probably contributed to their enhanced Cd tolerance.
(iv) compartmentation of metals in other subcellular structures to Additionally, exudates of ectomycorrhizal fungi, for example
avoid accumulation of metal ions in cytosol, and (v) repair of metal oxalic acid, that can alter toxic heavy metal bioavailability in the
damaged biomolecules (Fig. 2) (Colpaert et al., 2011; Gallego et al., rhizosphere, may also result in modified tolerance of host plants
2012; Hall, 2002; Schützendübel and Polle, 2002; Seth et al., 2012). to these toxic metals (Bellion et al., 2006; Colpaert et al., 2011;
In ectomycorrhizal plants, the extramatrical hyphae and mantle Meharg, 2003). Formic acid, malic acid and succinic acid were
constitute the first biological barrier against toxic metal ions and detected in exudates of four ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates grown
can decrease plant exposure by extracellular binding or seques- with Modified Melin-Norkans medium (Ray and Adholeya, 2009).
tration in the vacuoles of the fungal cells (Colpaert et al., 2011; Correlations between organic acid exudation and accumulation of
Hall, 2002; Schützendübel and Polle, 2002). Higher heavy metal Cd, Pb, Ni and As in hyphae of the EMF suggest that fungal exudates
concentrations were detected in cell walls and vacuoles of hyphal play a pivotal role in tolerance of EMs to these heavy metals (Ray
cells of EMs than cell walls of root cells (Turnau et al., 1996, 2001, and Adholeya, 2009). In addition to fungal exudates, EMs can also
2002). Binding of Cd to the cell wall and accumulation of Cd in vac- induce changes in exudates of the host plants in the rhizosphere to
uole were the two main cellular mechanisms for Cd detoxification modify metal tolerance. The soluble protein and acid phosphatase
of fungus P. involutus (Blaudez et al., 2000). Ectomycorrhizal Scots activity in root exudates of P. tabulaeformis inoculated with an
pine seedlings showed increased exudation of organic acids, amino ectomycorrhizal fungus, Xerocomus chrysenteron, were enhanced in
acids, dissolved monosaccharides and dissolved organic carbon in comparison with those of non-ectomycorrhizal roots, which may
comparison with those of non-mycorrhizal plants. These exudates increase nutrition and improve Cd tolerance of the host plants
can chelate Cd2+ and Pb2 and therefore, most likely contributed to (Zheng et al., 2009). Most studies to date indicate that EMs induce
detoxification of the heavy metals and improved the performance physiological changes that improve the supply with essential nutri-
of the seedlings (Johansson et al., 2008). In P. × canescens apart ents, alter metabolite levels, activate defense pathways and root
from cell wall and trichome allocation, Cd was mainly found in exudates of host plants, thereby resulting in modified tolerance
vacuoles of roots, mesophyll and the companion cells of phloem, to the toxic heavy metals of the hosts. Obviously, the improved
suggesting that the plant attempts of immobilize Cd along the nutrition is an important factor in EMF-mediated host tolerance. To
transport path (He et al., 2013a). However, large differences exist increase our understanding of the physiological regulation, further

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Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx 11

Fig. 2. A schematic model for EM-mediated host plant tolerance to the nutritional (Zn, Cu and Mn) and non-nutritional toxic (Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni and As) heavy metals. A tangential-
section view of an EM, uptake of the heavy metals and rhizoshperic exudates (panel a). The physiological processes underlying EM-modulated host plant tolerance to the
heavy metals (panel b). The cellular and molecular processes underlying EM-mediated host plant tolerance to the heavy metals (panel c). The cellular processes for heavy
metal detoxification mainly include (i) binding of heavy metals to cell wall and extracellular exudates, (ii) decreased uptake and/or pumping metal ions out of cytosol, (iii)
chelation of metal ions in cytosol, (iv) compartmentation of metals in vacuoles or other subcellular structures, and (v) repair of metal damaged biomolecules. The molecular
processes in mycorrhizal plants mainly include (i) transcriptional regulation of heavy metal ion transporters, (ii) differentially expressed transcriptomes, and (iii) differentially
expressed proteomes in response to the heavy metal exposure. ZIPs: zinc–iron permeases, NRAMPs: natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins, HMAs: heavy metal
ATPases, ABCC1/2: ATP-binding cassette transporter C1/2, MTPs: metal tolerance proteins, MTs: metallothioneins, PCs: phytochelatins.

studies should pay attention to the uptake dynamics of the heavy modulate the availability of chelating molecules for binding heavy
metal ions in relation to the changes in EM-mediated changes in metals in cells (Ma et al., 2013; Seth et al., 2012). Third, EMs can
plant nutrition. alter the transcriptomes of host plants to mediate defense against
stresses including heavy metals (Flores-Monterroso et al., 2013;
4.3. Molecular mechanisms Heller et al., 2008; Luo et al., 2009a).
For the nutritional heavy metals (Zn, Cu and Mn), most studies
Coordinated activation of detoxification processes is required were concerned with Zn. In the ectomycorrhizal fungus, H. cylin-
for the successful defense of heavy metal toxicity. Priming of drosporum, the gene HcZnT1 was isolated and characterized for its
these pathways in the host plants appears to be an important roles in Zn homeostasis and detoxification in fungal cells (Blaudez
benefits provided by EMF (Fig. 2). Ectomycorrhizal plants employ and Chalot, 2011). An involvement of metal transporters in Zn tol-
several molecular pathways to regulate the interaction between erance was also found in two isolates of S. luteus whose contrasting
host plants and heavy metals (Fig. 2): first, EMs can modify the expression patterns suggested that Zn uptake and transport is reg-
activities of transporters for metal uptake and transport at the ulated at the transcriptional level in this fungal species (Muller
transcript and protein levels (Ma et al., 2013). Second, EMs can et al., 2007a). In poplars, the overexpression of PtHMA4 and PtPCS1

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12 Z.-B. Luo et al. / Environmental and Experimental Botany xxx (2013) xxx–xxx

caused differences in tolerance to Zn exposure, and higher Zn accu- the bark, whose toxicity was probably attenuated by defense acti-
mulation was detected in leaves of a PtPCS1-overexpressing line, vation through a differentially regulated transcriptomic network
indicating that HMA4 and PCS1 play roles in Zn uptake and accu- (He et al., 2013a). Mycorrhizal fungal colonization has an influence
mulation in poplars (Adams et al., 2011). In N. caerulescens, NcZNT1, on the differential expression of transcriptomes and/or proteomes
a ZIP family transporter, is a plasma membrane-localized trans- of host plants under stress (Aloui et al., 2011; Heller et al., 2008;
porter for Zn uptake that is regulated at the transcript and protein Lingua et al., 2012; Luo et al., 2009a). In P. × canescens colonized
levels (Milner et al., 2012). In Thlaspi goesingense, the metal tol- with P. involutus, EMs formation activated stress-related genes and
erance protein 1 (TgMTP1) was involved in Zn accumulation via signaling pathways in host, resulting in priming of pathways and
Zn transport into the vacuoles and its expression in the tonoplast conferring enhanced abiotic stress tolerance in the host plants (Luo
led to increased Zn tolerance in A. thaliana (Gustin et al., 2009). et al., 2009a). So far, improved stress tolerance by EM-induced
Another metal tolerance protein, AtMTP11 was found to be a Golgi- priming has been tested for salt stress (Luo et al., 2009a), but it
localized manganese transporter and plants overexpressing MTP11 is highly probable that the EM-modulated stress-related genes can
conferred hyper-tolerance to Mn (Peiter et al., 2007). Therefore, also lead to increased tolerance to other abiotic stresses including
Peiter et al. (2007) suggested that this gene may achieve Mn toler- heavy metals. Taken together, there is progress in the analysis of the
ance by Golgi-mediated exocytosis. In P. involutus, the transcript molecular mechanisms underlying EM-modulated host plant toler-
levels of Pimt1 encoding a metallothionein was induced by Cu ance to heavy metals. Given the diversity of EMF and the variability
(Bellion et al., 2007). Overexpression of Pimt1 in H. cylindrosporum of host defenses (Colpaert et al., 2011; Schützendübel and Polle,
conferred higher Cu tolerance (Bellion et al., 2007). Collectively, 2002), there is now an urgent need for more systematic approaches
these results suggest that the molecular regulation of genes and/or unraveling the molecular basis of EMF-plant interaction to improve
proteins involved in metal uptake, transport and chelation play heavy metal tolerance. We may anticipate that the ongoing fun-
key roles in tolerance to the nutritional heavy metals. There is ini- gal genome sequencing projects (Plett and Martin, 2011) provide a
tial evidence that metal trafficking is affected by ectomycorrhizal useful basis for future research in this direction.
fungi, thereby affecting plant performance, but most studies to date
have addressed transport processes only in the plants and not in
5. Conclusions and outlook
the associations between EMF and their hosts. The regulation and
protection of trees with excess nutritional heavy metals by EMF
Heavy metal contamination in soils is a serious threat to the
deserves further detailed investigations.
health of human beings. To remedy heavy metal polluted soils,
Information on the molecular regulation of uptake, trafficking
heavy metal tolerant ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates and suit-
and detoxification of the non-nutritional toxic heavy metals (Cd,
able host tree species may be employed for bioremediation as an
Pb, Hg, Ni and As) by EMF and their host trees is also relatively
environmentally friendly technology. In the last decades, progress
limited. As described above, the metal concentrations in ecto-
has been made in the identification of heavy metal tolerant
mycorrhizal plants are influenced by EMs, but are not always
species/isolates of ectomycorrhizal fungi and plants. The com-
diminished (Table 1). For instance, the transcript levels of genes
bined analysis of cellular, physiological and molecular responses
involved in metal uptake, transport and detoxification processes,
of trees and associated ectomycorrhizal fungi has shown that dif-
such as ZIP2, NRAMP1.1, PCS, ABCC1, ATM3 and HMA4, were induced
ferent detoxification strategies can be employed such as binding
in P. × canescens colonized with P. involutus, probably resulting in
of the heavy metals outside the living tissue either to chemical
the enhanced Cd uptake in the host (Ma et al., 2013). The Ni-tolerant
groups in the cell wall or by complexation with exuded organic
isolate of Pisolithus albus was found to improve the growth of its
compounds in the rhizosphere. Metal transporters appear to be
host Eucalyptus globulus at toxic nickel concentrations, which has
crucially involved in tolerance, generally by increasing deposition
mainly ascribed to reduced Ni uptake by the roots and lower trans-
of the toxic elements in the vacuole. However, the overall picture
fer from roots to shoots in ectomycorrhizal plants (Jourand et al.,
how plants can safely accumulate heavy metals or detoxify them
2010). Transcriptome analysis under Ni-stress revealed Ni-induced
with the help of EMF remains scattered. A main reason for the slow
genes encoding proteins putatively involved in the modification of
progress is the huge diversity and host specificity of EMF with spe-
cellular components and molecular functions in P. albus (Majorel
cific response patterns and the influence of EMF on many plant
et al., 2012).
processes, in particular on mineral nutrition, which in turn affects
In the ascomycete, T. melanosporum (truffle) transcriptional
the interaction with other elements such as heavy metals. A further
regulation was detected in response to Cd for metal homeostasis-
challenge is to understand how the utilization of nutritional heavy
related genes involved in metal transport, oxidative stress defense
metals can be optimized and the damage due to non-nutritional
and metal detoxification, e.g., TmelMT, a small-size metallothionein
elements minimized since both groups seem to partly share uptake
and TmelPCS, a phytochelatin synthase, suggesting that transcrip-
pathway and occur frequently together on polluted sites. A bet-
tional regulation of metal homeostasis-related genes plays a crucial
ter understanding of the molecular mechanisms is essential to
role in the fungal tolerance to Cd (Bolchi et al., 2011). Additionally,
improve the efficiency of bioremediation on heavy metal polluted
in another EM-forming ascomycete, Cadophora finlandica, Cd expo-
sites. With the accomplishment of the genome sequencing of sev-
sure led to increased transcript levels of genes encoding multidrug
eral ectomycorrhizal fungi including L. bicolor and T. melanosporum
transporters, again highlighting that transcriptional regulation of
(Martin et al., 2008, 2010), and host trees, such as P. trichocarpa,
genes implicated in metal transport may be important for Cd
(Tuskan et al., 2006); Eucalyptus grandis (Genome Project 2010,
tolerance (Gorfer et al., 2009). Moreover, exposure of the ectomyc-, and Picea abies (Nystedt
orrhizal fungus P. involutus to Cd induced biosynthesis of chelating
et al., 2013), it becomes feasible and advantageous to dissect the
molecules such as glutathione, ␥-glutamylcysteine and metallothi-
cellular, physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying EM-
onein in mycelia, suggesting that the chelation of the toxic heavy
modulated host plant tolerance to heavy metals.
metals in the cytosol with these thiols may be of importance for
metal detoxification and tolerance (Courbot et al., 2004).
Differential changes of the proteome and transcriptome in Acknowledgements
response to toxic heavy metals have been analyzed in tree species
(He et al., 2013a; Kieffer et al., 2008). For instance, exposure of This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foun-
P. × canescens to 200 ␮M Cd resulted in strong accumulation of Cd in dation of China (Grant nos. 31070539, 31100481, 31270647),

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Please cite this article in press as: Luo, Z.-B., et al., The role of ectomycorrhizas in heavy metal stress tolerance of host plants. Environ. Exp. Bot.

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