212 Exam Assignment
212 Exam Assignment
212 Exam Assignment
Examination assignment:
Mathematics word problem solving instruction:
Bridging the gap between teaching and learning
Photograph of myself
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
This exam assignment substitutes your formal written exam. Through the completion of this
examination assignment, you will be exposed to the teaching and learning of mathematics
word problem solving, with the special emphasis on bridging the gap between teachers’
instruction of mathematics word problems and learners’ performance in this field of
mathematics instruction.
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I, (Name and Surname) TSHIAMO SEKATANA with the student number 21493092
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conduct this examination assignment in line with assessment policy of the University of
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
My fondest memories of mathematics word problem solving is that maths problem solving
can be tricky and has never been a strong point having to answer questions regarding
problem solving was my worst fear, every time when I had to memorize how to do a math
problem I will quickly forget. But when I was busy tackling and learning I realized that the
purpose of word problems is not to teach you how to memorize but to teach you how to think
logically about abstract issues, that you learn how to do math by playing with math once you
play with enough problems of a particular type, you not only know how to solve them
without really thinking about it you know how to recognize that type of problem.
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Word Problem 1
Grade 2
Number operations and relationship
Division (Sharing)
This word problem shows how learning to divide quantities, it is very useful in real life, it is
one of the four basic operations and learners will be taught it with real object and using real-
life scenarios to help them understand the concept.
Word problem 2
Grade 2
Number operations and relationship
This word problem shows how to solve word problems using addition, it will get them to practice on
addition operation with single- and two-digits numbers.
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Evidence Pictures
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Mathematical proficiencies:
Mathematical proficiency is the ability to competently apply the five interdependent strands
of mathematical proficiency to mathematical investigations, the components of it are
conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning and
productive disposition.
1. Strategic competence- ability to formulate, represent and solve mathematical
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2. Adaptive reasoning- the capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation and
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Own lesson outcome/s based on General and Specific Aims from CAPS, in your own words:
4.1. At the start of this lesson the learners should already know… and can do…
(State existing knowledge, skills and values)
• To count with one-to-one correspondence
• To identify and recognise to sorting objects into groups of equal
• Solve problems (story sums) involving equal sharing with whole numbers up to 10 and
with answers that may include remainders.
4.2. By the end of the lesson the learners should be able to…
(State new knowledge, skills and values)
• Will understand basic division.
• Share the counters and beads into equal groups.
• Will be able to convey their division answers using words.
• Be able to write a division sentence.
5.1. Whiteboards /
5.2. counters; crayons
5.3. beads and projector
• Number Literacy: What’s My Place? What’s My Value? by Debby Head and Libby Pollett,
• Illustrative Mathematics, https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/
• Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3 by Jessica F.
• Lesson plan created by Sophia Burr, K-8 Math Coach, Dinuba Unified School District
• This lesson is designed to help students practically solve problems involving equal
sharing and grouping with whole numbers up to 10 and with answers that may include
• Learners use a number board to count forwards and backwards in ones to a maximum of
20. Ask learners to start at different numbers and count on from there.
• To begin the lesson, activate students’ prior knowledge by displaying different numbers
and division on a whiteboard.
• They will have to recognize the list of counting words in order (e.g., “one, two, three…”
number charts and number lines.
• Give learners 2 cups and 4 counters. Ask them to share the counters between the cups
• Give learners 2 cups and 8 counters. Ask them to share the counters between the cups
(four) and repeat with other numbers.
Give learners opportunities to practice mental calculations using division.
Students will sit back at their desks and complete the classwork.
1. Share these counters
– make a drawing of what you do:
a) between two learners (○ ○) (○ ○)
b) between four learners (○) (○) (○) (○)
c) between two learners (○ ○) (○ ○) ○
d) between three learners (○) (○) (○) ○ ○
2. There are 6 apples. Share the apples between Thabo and Ben.
How many apples will they each get?
Draw a picture to show your working.
(○ ○ ○) (○○○) (3 apples each)
3. There are 9 sweets. Share the sweets between Mary, Lebow and Thuli.
How many sweets will they each get?
Draw a picture to show your working.
(○○○) (○○○) (○○○) (3 sweet each with one left over)
4. There are 11 cars. Share the cars between Sipho and John.
How many cars will they each get?
Draw a picture to show your working.
(○○○○○) (○○○○○) ○ (5 cars each with one left over)
• Students have multiple opportunities to develop strategies for mental math division.
• Students develop strategies for solving the problem. They also share and defend their
• Mathematically proficient students are precise in their communication and calculations.
Students communicate clearly, using grade-level appropriate vocabulary accurately as
well as giving precise explanations and reasoning regarding their process of finding
• Students have difficulty with the sharing that leaves a reminder.
• Some students still approach this division problem as a counting problem.
• Next time I will bring students back for about 10 minutes to facilitate a mini discussion. I
will ask them what two different ways of thinking about division are and what they have
learned today. I will assess my own teaching through self-reflection by looking at the
achievement of my learner's and asking them about the difficulties they met during my
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Own lesson outcome/s based on General and Specific Aims from CAPS, in your own words:
4.1. At the start of this lesson the learners should already know… and can do…
(State existing knowledge, skills and values)
To count with one-to-one correspondence
• Model numbers up to 50 using place value blocks
• Adding one-digit number to a two-digit number.
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
• Use concrete apparatus and physical number ladders to solve addition story sums in
• Explain own solutions to problems involving addition with answers up to 50
4.2. By the end of the lesson the learners should be able to…
(State new knowledge, skills and values)
• Will understand basic addition
• Be able to add two single-digit numbers together.
• Will be able to convey their addition answers using words.
5.1. Whiteboards /
5.2. counters.
5.3. cards and projector
• Number Literacy: What’s My Place? What’s My Value? by Debby Head and Libby Pollett,
• Illustrative Mathematics, https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/.
• Number Sense Routines: Building Numerical Literacy Every Day in Grades K-3 by Jessica F.
• Lesson plan created by Sophia Burr, K-8 Math Coach, Dinuba Unified School District,
• This lesson is designed to help students practically solve problems involving using
concrete apparatus and pictures and explain solutions to problems involving addition.
• Learners use a number board to count forwards and backwards in ones to a maximum of
20. Ask learners to start at different numbers and count on from there.
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
• To begin the lesson, activate students’ prior knowledge by displaying different numbers
and addition on a whiteboard.
• I will ask the students if they know how to add, take responses by raised hands.
• Show them two manipulatives, ask them to add the two manipulatives.
• Reiterate to the students one plus one equals two, etc.
• Write the equation on the whiteboard and work with them on the equation.
• Give learners opportunities to practice mental calculations using addition.
• Learners will be in pairs with the beads.
• Give each learner 5 beads.
• Ask them to pair in groups of their choice and add the beads between them in their pairs.
• Ask: How many beads do you each have?
• Ask: Why are there different answers?
• Get learners to count the beads in each group.
Students will sit back at their desks and complete the classwork.
1. Add these counters
– make a drawing of what you do:
a) 2+2= (○ ○) (○ ○)
b) 1+3= (○) (○○○)
c) 2+2+1= (○ ○) (○ ○) ○
d) 1+1+1+2= (○) (○) (○) ○ ○
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3. Thuli has 5 sweets, Mary has 3 sweets, and Lebow has 6 sweets.
How many sweets will they add altogether?
Draw a picture to show your working.
(○○○○○) + (○○○) + (○○○○○○) =14 sweets
• Students have multiple opportunities to develop strategies for mental math division.
• Students develop strategies for solving the problem. They also share and defend their
• Mathematically proficient students are precise in their communication and calculations.
Students communicate clearly, using grade-level appropriate vocabulary accurately as
well as giving precise explanations and reasoning regarding their process of finding
• Students have difficulty with the adding unknown numbers.
• Some students still approach this addition problem as a counting problem.
• Next time I will bring students back for about 10 minutes to facilitate a mini discussion. I
will ask them what two different ways of thinking about addition are and what they have
learned today what difficulties did they meet during my lesson. I will assess my own
teaching through self-reflection by looking at the achievement of my learner's.
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
My view on mathematical word problem differs a bit not too much after the assignment
because now it doesn’t look as difficult as I thought before, I attained skills that help to solve
problems, I have an insight that ‘solving a problem means finding a way out of difficulty and
a way around an obstacle. The assignment helped me with problem solving strategies that
I must follow to successfully solve problems. I have attained skills that to solve a problem
you must first understand both the task and the given information and in order to understand
the problem I must read and re-read the problem carefully to get an overview of the problem.
You must understand the information in the problem and identify what you must solve.
Another thing I learned is to devise a plan which will help me solve a problem which is to
experiment with more than one strategy to solve a problem and carrying out my plan which
is to work out the detail to solve the problem, work accurately and stay focussed on the
actual question. The last thing is evaluation and checking my solution this is where I decide
how realistic my answers are and trying to check with another method.
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Ball, D.L., & Phelps, G. (2018). Content knowledge for teaching: What makes it special?
Journal of Teacher Education. 59(5), 389-407.
Bamby, P., & Bilsborough, L. (2019). Primary Mathematics Teaching for Understanding.
Glasgow: Bell and Bain Ltd.
Department of Basic Education. (2012). Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS)
– Foundation Phase Mathematics Grades R-3.
Nel, C., 2012. Cracking the Vocabulary Code in Mathematics in the Foundation Phase. South
African Journal of Childhood Education, 2(2), pp.15-34.
Van de Walle, J., & Karp, K.S. (2010). Elementary and middle school Mathematics. Teaching
developmentally. United States of America: Pearson Education, Inc.
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JGS 212 Examination assignment brief June 2022
Resources aid the student-teacher in explaining the mathematics word problem 5
Resources aid the learner in understanding the mathematics word problem 5
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Addressing mathematics habits of mind (Choose 2 and explain how you integrated 10
and applied it to your teaching).
Correct submission
Number and variety of sources used 5
List of references correctly referenced according to the Harvard method 5
Technical presentation, neatness and professionalism of the assignment 5
TOTAL: 115
Reference 1
Nel, C., 2012. Cracking the Vocabulary Code in Mathematics in the Foundation Phase. South African
Journal of Childhood Education, 2(2), pp.15-34.
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Reference 2
Groves, S., 2012. Developing mathematical proficiency. Journal of science and mathematics education
in Southeast Asia, 35(2), pp.119-145.
Reference 3
Kilpatrick, J.E.R.E.M.Y., 2004. Promoting the proficiency of US mathematics teachers through centers
for learning and teaching. In Educating for the future. Proceedings of an international symposium on
mathematics teacher education (pp. 143-157).
Reference 4
Lim, K.H. and Selden, A., 2009, September. Mathematical habits of mind. In Proceedings of the thirty
first annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of
Mathematics Education (pp. 1576-1583).
Reference 5
Gordon, M., 2011. Mathematical habits of mind: Promoting students’ thoughtful considerations. Journal
of Curriculum Studies, 43(4), pp.457-469.
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