Basic Attention Management
Basic Attention Management
Basic Attention Management
Attention Educators:
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Avatar® Basic Attention Management Course
To increase the students’ control over their own attention.
An increase in free attention. A recovery of self-determinism.
Complete the checklist below.
15 Debrief
Every being is endowed with a certain amount of attention. It appears that this amount
varies from individual to individual and also varies in the same individual according to
time and circumstances. Compare the condition of your attention after you have been up
all night to when you have had a good night’s sleep and feel fresh.
This variation in attention has been observed in religion, philosophy, mental health, and,
of course, self-improvement courses. The concerns are always pretty much the same: How
can someone acquire more free attention or better use what they have. These concerns have
spawned hundreds of mental processes and meditative techniques, but few, if any, have
been as effective as the exercises taught in ReSurfacing, Section I of The Avatar Course.
The word attention is derived from two Latin words, ad meaning toward and tendere
meaning to stretch. When you put your attention on something, you stretch toward it. Once
your curiosity is satisfied, your attention comes off whatever you were looking at, listening
to, touching, tasting, feeling, thinking about, etc., and moves to something else. Or at least it
should. It used to.
Here’s the first exercise. Among other things, it should help you to discover the role that
attention plays in perception.
Congratulate yourself if you really did do this exercise. If you only read the exercise
and thought about it, you need to intellectualize a bit less and experience a bit more.
Behavior Of Attention
Some things have a Velcro quality, while backward from twenty by threes. Have
others have a Teflon quality. Attention you ever heard yourself say, “Don’t bother
sticks to the Velcro and slides off the me right now?” You are giving someone
Teflon. Most people can feel a difference the signal that your allotment of attention
between looking at the floor and looking is occupied.
into a stranger’s eyes, or between personal For purposes of discussion, the allot-
mail and junk mail. If you are in a location ment of attention can be divided into
that is familiar to you, you may find that quantities called attention units. We can
the stickiness or slide-by force is the same classify these attention units into several
for everything. If so, redo the exercise in a categories based on the way they behave.
space that is new to you. You may also At one end of the scale we have attention
discover that there is a difference in the units that are unbiased and that we can
behavior of your attention for different direct (self-directed). At the other end of
emotional states, attitudes, and physical the scale we have attention units that stay
conditions. fixed on something (unconsciously fixed).
Every person has a finite allotment of In between, in descending scale, we have
attention at any given time. This can be biased attention units, other-directed
demonstrated by giving a person more attention units, and disoriented attention
and more tasks until their allotment of units. (See Figure 1) Biased attention units
attention runs out. For example, pat your
head and rub your belly while counting • continues
How they are directed Self-directed May be Follow or Conflicted by Frozen in past
with very little self-directed, but fight another’s contradictory trauma and pain
effort only with effort intention intentions
Free Attention Unit Biased Attention Unit Other-Directed Attention Unit Disoriented Attention Unit Fixed Attention Unit
Observes without judgment. Biased attention units Other-directed attention units follow Disoriented attention units Preoccupied, compulsive, stuck in a
Interested without attachment. have preferences. or rebel against orders. are confused. repeating loop.
Contemplate means to study something ing toward a moment of clarity in which
carefully until its subtler qualities are you experience insight and, perhaps, dis-
revealed. You contemplate something by cover that million-dollar idea.
observing or imagining it from different The secret to contemplation is diligent
angles and in ways that other people control of your attention; take one more
might see it. Contemplation works best as look.
a two-step process. First you focus all the If you concentrate your attention on
attention you can muster on the problem, something and keep it there, without the
question, or mystery being contemplated, relax-and-shift step, your attention will
and then you relax and shift your atten- move down the attention unit scale until it
tion to something else. Shift back and eventually becomes fixed, dull to the state
forth as often as you like. Concentrating, of unconsciousness, and you will lose
relaxing, concentrating, relaxing, over and control of it. This is the short explanation
over. Possibilities form and reform, work- of hypnosis.
There is a folk story about a psycholo- resolution impressions returned by biased
gist who calculated how many thoughts attention units.
the average person has in a day. It was a Using the psychologist’s calculation, you
huge number, in the tens of thousands. could conclude that 99.9 percent of the
The punch line to the story was the dis- average person’s attention may be made
covery that only about .1 percent of the up of biased attention units. And you
thoughts that a person had were signifi- would probably be right.
cantly different from the thoughts that the There is more than a little truth to the
person had thought the day before. Worry idea that people use only a tiny fraction of
is the repetitive analysis of the vague, low- their potential mental ability.
Some things are so loaded with interest and importance that they require every blimp you can send.
Figure :
Unit Blimp
Releasing Fixed Attention 1. Pick any sensitive area from your life.
Alternate between the following: a)
Repeatedly extending attention into and describe the area in detail until your
retracting attention from an area where attention is focused on it, then b)
attention is fixed will eventually recover describe something in your surround-
the fixed attention from that area. Usually ings in detail until your attention is off
the recovery happens abruptly and is the area. Repeat this process back and
accompanied by one or more of the fol- forth until one or more of the above
lowing results: results occurs.
• a sudden insight into the area Note: Be prepared to run this process for
• the appearance of a solution extended lengths of time. It can open old
• the disappearance of the area altogether wounds and should not be abandoned just
• relief from pain because the going gets tough. You are
• discharge of an upset or an emotional tougher. See it through to conclusion.
Some areas may be so fixed or emotionally charged that you cannot
immediately extend attention to them (unconscious memories) or
retract attention from them (danger). These situations are addressed
and remedied in the creation exercises of Section II Avatar materials.
A reality paradigm is a set of assump- certain methodologies and are ready for
tions, concepts, values, and practices that more advanced ones.
constitutes a way of viewing reality for the There are more advanced attention
community that shares it. One of the posi- behavior paradigms employed in The
tive values of having a reality paradigm is Avatar Course, even more advanced in
that it allows the creation of methods The Avatar Wizard Course, and probably
even more advanced in reality paradigms
yet to be constructed. If, in working with
One of the positive values of having a reality this course, you sense a stable opening
paradigm is that it allows the creation of methods into one of these higher attention behavior
whereby the existing reality may be changed. paradigms, conclude your use of the
methods presented here and move on. The
goal of Avatar training is to assist you in
whereby the existing reality may be traversing reality paradigms rather than
changed. This is what you have been any final settlement into, or assertion of,
doing in the Basic Attention Management this is how it is.
Course, which is built upon a For a fuller understanding of how atten-
conventional attention behavior paradigm. tion functions, your next step is to enroll
At some limit of mind changing, your on a weekend ReSurfacing Course.
reality may actually reconstruct itself into If you have any suggestions or com-
a new reality paradigm that will require ments about this, or any other Avatar
the creation of new methods to continue mini-course, I would like to hear them.
your exploration. Some call this the path Love, Harry Palmer, 2003
of spiritual maturation; we grow out of
The mission of Avatar in the world is to catalyze the integration of belief systems.
When we perceive that the only difference between us is our beliefs and that
beliefs can be created or discreated with ease, the right and wrong game will
wind down, a co-create game will unfold, and world peace will ensue.
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Magic In Your Life – a $55.00USD value – for only $25.00USD.
If you are not completely satisfied, you may return the two books for a full refund and keep the rest as our gift to you.
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Would you like to align your beliefs with the goals you want to accomplish?
Would you like to feel more secure about your ability to conduct your own life?
Would you like to experience a higher, wiser, more peaceful expression of self?
Would you like to be able to rise above the sorrows and struggles of the world and
see them for what they really are?