Geology M1 Reviwer

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Physical Geology: also density and magnetism of

known as dynamic geology earth

and geomorphology
Allied Branches of Geology:
Stratigraphy Geology: Engineering, mining,
concerned with the climatic geochemistry, geohydrology.
and geological changes like Geochemistry: deals with
tectonic events.
occurrence, distribution, etc.
Economic Geology: of different elements in
groupings of mineral as earth’s crust.
general rock forming
Weathering: defined as the
minerals and economic process of decay etc of rocks
Disintegration: breaking up
Main Branches of Geology:
Physical, Economic, AGENCIES OF PHYSICAL
Mineralogy, Petrology,
Structural, Stratigraphy.
Decomposition: breaking up
Engineering Geology: deals of rocks by CHEMICAL
with the application of
geological knowledge in CE.
Geophysics: study of
Denudation: term used to
physical properties like
describe the wearing a way
of earth by CHEMICAL and Air current: movement of
MECHANICAL actions of atmosphere vertical to
physical agents. earth’s surface

Process of weathering Deflation and Abrasion:

depends on the following: Wind erosion is caused by
Nature of Rock, Length of which two erosion processes.
time, and climate
Deflation: process of
Physical: type of weathering removing loose sand and
characterized by physical dust sized particle from an
breakdown of rock masses. area.

Chemical: type of Abrasion: when wind is

weathering characterized by loaded with particle of
chemical decomposition of considerable erosive power
rock masses. that erode rock surface.

Thermal Effects: state the Transportation by wind: it is

changes in temperature has when sediment is carried by
considerable effect on rocks. wind.

Air: movement of Three: The earth consists of

atmosphere parallel to how many concentric zones.
earth’s surface.
Nebular Hypothesis: one of
the most popular
investigations on the 5 main physical properties of
development of solar system. minerals: colour, streak,
lustre, hardness, cleavage,
Core: which of the following
and crystal form.
concentric zone of earth is
made of iron.

Upper mantle: concentric

zone of earth is made of
Weathering: process of
breaking up earth’s surface
Lithosphere consists of: into sediment
oceanic crust, continental
Sediment: bits of rock, sand,
crust, and upper mantle.
and silt caused by the
Three group of rocks: weathering of rocks.
igneous, sedimentary, and
Erosion: process of moving
metamorphic rocks.
sediments from location to
Three type of plate another.
boundaries: divergent,
Correct order of the process:
convergent, and transform.
weathering, erosion,
Tectonic forces: plate deposition.
boundaries occur by forces
known as.
Exfoliation: when a rock Abrasion: scraping of a rock
expands causing it to break surface by friction between
into flat sheets rocks and moving particles
during their transport by
Ground water: strong
erosional force, as it works to wind, glacier, waves, gravity,
and running water
dissolve away solid rock
Deposition: process in which
Subsidence: occurs when
loose, water saturated sediment is laid down

sediment begins to compact Dissolution: rocks and

causing the ground surface minerals dissolved by acidic
to collapse. waters

Deposition by water: when Sediment: fine or small rock

water moves through a river particles
it sometimes drops sediment Fast subsidence: occurs
to the bottom of the stream.
when naturally acidic water
Deposition by wind: begins to dissolve limestone
sediments blown away by rock to form a network of
wind eventually are water-filled underground
deposited caverns

Glacier: enormous mass of

ice moving over land
Earthquakes: shaking or the motion of the ground
trembling caused by the during an earthquake
sudden release of energy,
Seismometer: internal part
usually associated with
of the seismograph, which
faulting or breaking rocks. may be a pendulum or a
Fault or fault plane: surface mass mounted on a spring.
where the earthquake slip.
Focus, origin, centre, or
Seismology: study of hypocentre: place of origin of
earthquake and the waves the earthquake in the
they create. interion of the earth.

Seismologist: scientist who Epicentre: place on earth

study and measure which lies directly above the
earthquakes to learn more centre of the earthquake
about them and to use them Anticenter: point in the
for geological discovery
earth’s surface diametrically
Seismograms: recordings of opposite to the epicentre.
the ground shaking at the Seismic vertical: imaginary
specific location of the
line which joins the centre
and the epicentre
Seismographs: recording
instrument used to record
Isoseismal: imaginary line Shallow earthquake:
joining the points of same earthquakes with a focus
intensity of the earthquake. depth of less than 50 km

Coseismal: imaginary line Intermediate earthquakes:

which joins the points at earthquakes with a focus
which the earthquake waves depth of more than 50 km
have arrived at the earth’s but less than 250 km
surface at the same time Deep earthquakes:
Seismic waves: form of earthquakes with a focus of
transmitted energy released more than 250 km.
from the focus at the time of Tectonic earthquakes:
the earthquake.
exclusively due to internal
Magnitude: proportional to causes like disturbance or
the energy released by an adjustments of geological
earthquake at the focus formations

Intensity: strength of an Non-tectonic earthquakes:

earthquake as perceived and due to external or surficial
felt by people in a certain causes like volcanic
locality. eruption, sudden landslide,
and man-made explosion.

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