BSC Econometrics and Operations Research en DIGI
BSC Econometrics and Operations Research en DIGI
BSC Econometrics and Operations Research en DIGI
growth and inflation? These are the sorts of issues you will Mathematics 1: Calculus 6
encounter in econometrics. In Econometrics and Operations Macroeconomics for AEO 6
Research (E&OR), you will learn how to make the economy
Probability Theory and Statistics 1 6
function more efficiently. Your analysis at both the micro
and macro level predicts the health of economic policy. Microeconomics for AEO 6
After your Bachelor’s
Financial and economic decisions play a major
role in our society. Econometricians, ORM spe- “For me, Econometrics is
cialists and logistic advisers are therefore highly the perfect combination of
sought after on the labour market. Increasing maths with a clear practical
levels of competition mean that businesses have
application in society. I’ve
an ever-greater need for efficiency, which requires the analyti-
been very happy in the
cal skills of econometricians and ORM specialists. As a qualified
econometrician you could work for a government ministry, the
degree programme. My
Dutch Central bank, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy group was small, which
Analysis, Statistics Netherlands, multinationals, consultancies, meant there were plenty of
banks, pension funds or insurance companies. ORM specialists opportunities for one-on-
usually work for multinationals Heineken, Ahold), in the transport one interaction with the
sector (airlines, railways), IT consultancies (Logica, Getronics) and
for research institutions (universities, hospitals).
Anna Buijsman
Useful links
Language English • Programme
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University of Amsterdam
Economics and Business
Roetersstraat 11 I 1018 WB Amsterdam I The Netherlands
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