Quantitative Finance: Master of Science (MSC)
Quantitative Finance: Master of Science (MSC)
Quantitative Finance: Master of Science (MSC)
“WU’s Master in Quantitative Finance offers an optimal
program design that combines well-founded academic
qualifications in computing, statistics, and mathematics
with a specialization related to the challenges faced by the
modern financial industry. By learning how to develop
and apply quantitative methods and models and gaining
knowledge in the fields of credit and market risk
management, graduates become well-equipped for
future challenges in financial markets.”
Welcome to WU
The Master in Quantitative Finance (QFin) is designed to prepare students for a broad range of
careers in the financial industry and academia. The curriculum builds strong quantitative skills
coupled with a solid base of financial theory. Students acquire the necessary knowledge and
skills to use mathematical models and apply statistical tools in the context of financial econom-
ics. A lot of focus in the program is on computing and data analysis and several professors are
strongly involved in the international development community of R.
By joining the QFin program, students benefit from our strong academic and industry networks.
The Vienna Graduate School of Finance (VGSF) is involved as a cooperation partner – guarantee-
ing an exposure to the international academic world. In collaboration with committed students
from the QFin Club, we additionally organize Company Talks, inviting practitioners and gradu-
ates working in top institutions to talk about their current challenges and how to place yourself
in the industry.
The structure is designed to guarantee a high degree of flexibility in the curriculum. In the sec-
ond year, students choose between Industry Track and Science Track, and select among several
electives. This system allows students to diversify their curriculum and to focus on a career either
in academia or industry.
The QFin program aims to prepare students to face challenges – careers requiring to deal with
complex financial problems and to innovate facing market challenges. We are looking forward
to welcoming you here at WU Vienna.
Contact qfin@wu.ac.at
1st semester
2nd semester
›› Asset Pricing ›› Paper Reading At least seven electives are offered each year,
›› Corporate Finance and Writing students select a total of three.
›› Financial Econometrics ›› Research Seminar The number and the contents of the electives
›› Game Theory 1&2 vary regularly depending on current
developments in theory and practice.
›› Master Thesis Seminar The actual electives available are announced on
1st semester
2nd semester
›› Asset Pricing ›› Industy Lab At least seven electives are offered each year,
›› Corporate Finance students select a total of four.
›› Financial Econometrics The number and the contents of the electives
›› Game Theory vary regularly depending on current
developments in theory and practice.
›› Master Thesis Seminar The actual electives available are announced on
Georg Mikula, Program Coordinator
Adrian Baron, Program Coordinator
Qualification Profile
and Career Prospects
Our program is designed to qualify highly skilled students with the necessary theoreti-
cal and empirical training to make a real difference in the business and academic world.
By the time they graduate, QFin students are sophisti- Our graduates have the experience and competence to
cated finance professionals who understand the principles work in industry or pursuing an academic career. Our
of finance and have the expertise to meet market chal- graduates work in:
lenges. Our students are equipped with the technical ›› asset management
and financial tools needed in today’s financial industry. ›› credit and market risk management
›› treasury and trading
After completing the program, graduates will be able to ›› financial engineering
›› understand and analyze complex financial problems ›› research and technical analysis
using mathematical and statistical models; ›› corporate finance
›› apply mathematical and statistical methods and com-
putational procedures for financial decision-making; Graduates are also qualified to further deepen their spe-
›› handle financial market data and information systems cialized knowledge in a relevant PhD program.
in theory and practice
›› work in teams and participate successfully in problem-
solving processes
›› write and present academic papers (Science Track)
›› develop and apply computational processes for
solving finance-related problems (Industry Track)
WU offers two financial aid programs that provide need-
based and merit-based scholarship grants.
Campus Resources
Living in Vienna
Vienna is consistently ranked the city with the world’s highest quality of living according
to Mercer’s Quality of Living Ranking.
WU has no on-campus dormitories or housing services. Still, Life in Vienna is quite affordable, especially for a capital city
international students can choose from various housing
options: Housing
approx. €400– 600 per month
›› Student dormitories:
WU cooperates with the OeAD Housing Office to guar- Health insurance
antee a limited number of places in student dormitories approx. € 60 per month
(housing.oead.at/en). Other providers include: stuwo.at, Essentials (food, personal expenses)
wihast.at, akademikerhilfe.at, milestone.net, approx. € 300 per month
Public transportation
›› Private accommodation:
approx. €150 per semester
WU recommends housinganywhere.com, a peer-to-
peer platform for finding private student apartments. Books
approx. € 75–150 per semester
WORKING IN VIENNA Communications
WU’s ZBP Career Center is the first place to go for any approx. €15–30 per month
questions regarding working in Austria (zbp.at).
›› Job openings for students, graduates and young approx. € 50–150 per month
›› Approx. 3,000 job vacancies per year
›› Approx. 1,800 CV checks, coachings and career advice
In October 2013, WU relocated to an impressive new cam- the master’s degree programs are taught primarily in the
pus in Vienna’s 2nd district. As a public institution, WU is individual department buildings. The Executive Academy
aware of its responsibility, and built its campus in an eco- building is the home of continuing education and life-
nomical, ecological, and socially sustainable manner. We long learning programs. In this way, the various buildings
have not only constructed new buildings, but in the process and their functions reflect the three tiers of teaching and
we have also given concrete realization to our ideas of what learning represented by the Bologna Process.
the university of the future should look like. The campus is
more than just a place for academic research and teaching WU’s department-based organizational structure was also
and learning practical skills; it is also designed to create a a contributing factor. In its former location, various aca-
new space for social, cultural, and political life. demic units were scattered across the district. Now they
have been brought together in five department buildings,
The imposing Library & Learning Center (LC), designed making life much easier for both students and faculty.
by the Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, is a testament
to the central importance of research and teaching at The campus infrastructure features auditoriums with
WU. The Library & Learning Center is surrounded by six state-of-the-art teaching equipment, including digital
building complexes, including the Teaching Center, which whiteboards. There are 3,000 student workplaces, located
houses most of WU’s auditoriums. The Teaching Center not only in areas intended for individual study, but also in
is intended mainly for bachelor’s degree students, while project rooms that can be booked by teaching staff and
students alike. They cater to different needs by providing The campus is not only architecturally outstanding, the
quiet spots for focused academic work as well as oppor- entire complex was also designed in accordance with
tunities for work on group projects in communication- “green building” principles. Much of the required energy
friendly study areas. is obtained using geothermal energy from groundwa-
ter, and “green IT” systems capture the heat from server
The campus provides an environment for WU students facilities and recycle it back into the buildings’ energy
and staff that encourages productive work and com- supply.
munication. Not only the buildings themselves, but also
the surrounding grounds offer plenty of opportunities Another key feature of Campus WU is barrier-free acces-
for communication and meeting people. 55,000 m² of sibility. All auditoriums are specially equipped for people
Campus WU’s total surface area of 90,000 m² is open, with disabilities, all areas are designed to be wheelchair
publicly accessible space. Fences or barriers would accessible, and the campus also features a tactile guid-
contradict our vision of an open campus. ance system for the visually impaired.
Visitors and area residents are more than welcome We have not only made sure to comply with all relevant
on Campus WU. The campus offers not only food for legal guidelines, but we have also drawn on experience
thought, but also restaurants, cafés, and shops, all in gained from best practice examples. WU aims to play a
a stimulating architectural environment. pioneering role – in all respects.
Information and contact