1° Inglés 2022
1° Inglés 2022
1° Inglés 2022
ð Father, mother
Hi Friends!
Formal Greetings Informal Greetings
Formal greetings
a - Good morning
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--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
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b - Good afternoon
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--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
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c – Good evening
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--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
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--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
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Informal Greetings
------ ------
------ -------- ------ --------
------------- -------------
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------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
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------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
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------ ------
------ -------- ------ --------
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------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
------- ------- ---------------- ------- ------- ----------------
------- ------- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
------- ----------- ------- -----------
Mr. = Señor
Mrs. = Señora
Ms. = Señora/Señorita
Miss= Señorita
b.- 8:30 am
________________ _
c.- 9:20 pm
George Anne
d.- 7:00 pm
Mr. Rojas: ………………………………………….…. Mrs. Abanto:…………………………………..
I´m ……………….
Hello. …………
3.- It is 8:00 pm Good …………………..
4.- It is 7: 00 am …………… Morning
5.- It is 10:00 pm Good ……………………
1.- It is 9:00 am Good …………………….
2.- It is 3:00 pm Good ……………………
I = Yo
You = Tú, usted
He = Él
She = Ella
It = Esto
We = Nosotros, nosotras
You = Ustedes
They = Ellos, ellas
oo = /u/ good
th = / / thanks
th = / / they
--------- = -------
--------- = -------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = ------------------ , --------------------
--------- = -----------
--------- = ---------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = ------------------ , --------------------
--------- = -----------
--------- = ---------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = ------------------ , --------------------
--------- = -----------
--------- = ---------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = ------------------ , --------------------
--------- = -----------
--------- = ---------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------- , -----------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = -------
--------- = ------------------ , --------------------
--------- = -----------
--------- = ---------- , -----------
Verb To Be
Full form = Contractions
I am = I´m
You are = You´re
He is = He´s
She is = She´s
It is = It´s
We are = We´re
You are = You´re
They are = They´re
1 2 3
One Two Three
4 5 6
Four Five Six
7 8 9
Seven Eight Nine
10 11 12
Ten Eleven Twelve
13 14 15
Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
16 17 18
Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen
19 20 21
Nineteen Twenty Twenty one
22 30 40
Twenty two Thirty Forty
50 60 70
Fifty Sixty Seventy
80 90 100
Eighty Ninety One hundred
Spain(España) Spanish(Español-a)
Peru(Perú) Peruvian(Peruano-a)
Italy(Italia) Italian(Italiano-a)
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Personal Information
@ = at _ = underscore
. = dot