Lancaster Sheriff's Office General Orders

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders

SUBJECT: Mobile Audio/Video Recording NUMBER: 093

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annually
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 10, 2010 APPROVEDED: Patrick McCranie


To establish policy and procedures for the utilization of audio/video cameras in police


The in-car audio/video equipment will be utilized by deputies as an evidentiary aid to

document any situation where the audio/video recording of conduct or a crime scene may
be useful in court, civil litigation, or the resolution of a citizen complaint. It will be used to
its fullest extent to provide a fair and accurate representation of an incident. Video footage
may also be used by supervisory personnel for reviews of deputy performance and as a
training tool. The use of any other item such as a cell phone or any other equipment
capable of audio/video recording is prohibited.


A. Operation of mobile audio/video recording equipment

1. At the beginning of each shift, the deputy shall inspect the audio/video equipment and
determine whether the equipment is functioning satisfactorily and that the time and date are
correct. Any problems with the equipment shall be immediately brought to the attention of
the on-duty supervisor. The supervisor shall ensure that the problem is corrected before the
equipment is used again. The equipment will be inspected by a supervisor periodically and
at a minimum during the annual vehicle/equipment inspection.

2. The audio/video equipment shall be activated at the beginning of the deputy’s shift and
shall remain activated until the deputy secures from duty. The system shall remain in the
stand-by mode and ready for recording until:
a) Emergency lights are activated, or
b) Manually activated by the deputy

3. The deputy shall ensure that the equipment is operating correctly and recording at the
time of:
a) Emergency responses (lights or lights/siren);
b) Traffic stops beginning at the point of a deputy initiating a traffic stop
and continuing for the duration of the stop;
c) Vehicle Pursuits;
d) Vehicle Searches;
e) Suspected DUI enforcement to include observation of erratic driving
and any field sobriety test given if they can be done in view of the
camera in a safe manner;
f) Other enforcement actions.

Once the system is recording, it must continue to record until the completion of the incident.
The deputy will manually stop the recording at the completion of the incident.

4. Deputies shall not cease the recording of an incident unless one of the following conditions

a) The deputy receives an order from a supervisor to stop recording;

b) The deputy is directing traffic or assisting in some type of traffic
c) The deputy is assisting a disabled vehicle or waiting for a wrecker
d) The deputy initiated the recording (when lights not activated) and no
longer sees a legitimate purpose for recording the activity; In this case
the deputy shall be prepared to articulate the reason for stopping the

5. In addition to the above, whenever possible, deputies should utilize their recording
equipment to record:
a) Acts of hostility or violence when feasible;
b) Any confrontation citizen or violator contact;
c) The circumstances at a crime scene, accident scene, or other event,
such as the documentation of evidence or contraband;
d) During the transportation of combative prisoners, juveniles, or
members of the opposite sex. In this case the in-car microphone should
be on and the camera turned to record the actions of the subject.

6. Deputies are prohibited from tampering with or opening the recording deck. Also deputies
are prohibited from attempting to erase or alter the recordings. Any unauthorized use of the
recording equipment or the recording themselves may result in disciplinary action.

B. Control and access to data:

Patrol Supervisors will have the only keys that can unlock the tape/disc compartment that
house the recordings. Once they are removed a new tape/disc will be installed by the
supervisor. It will be determined at that time whether or not it is to be used for evidential
purposes. If it is for evidential purposes the tape/disc will be labeled as to its content and
placed in the officers file case. If not for that purpose it will be held by the supervisor until
it is erased and recycled for use.
C. Retention of Data:

Data from audio/video recording systems will be retained in accordance with the Code of
Virginia as set forth in the records retention schedule.

1. The patrol supervisor or his designee will remove recordings generated by the audio/video
recording equipment.
a) If the recording is to be used for evidential purposes it will be retained
for a minimum of 30 days after the case for which it was used has been
adjudicated and all appeals have been exhausted.
b) It will be kept in the officer’s case file along with other forms of case
c) After the 30 day period has elapsed, the recording will be erased and
recycled for use.
d) If the recording is not to be used for evidential purposes the recording
will be retained for 30 days and then erased and recycled for use. The
patrol supervisor or his designee will retain these recordings until

D. Public release of information:

Any request for information contained on the recording must be approved by either the
Sheriff or Chief Deputy. The person wanting the information has to fill out a written request
form and it goes to the Sheriff or Chief Deputy in the absence of the Sheriff for approval.
They will then contact the Patrol Supervisor who will remove the disc from the camera in
Question and burn to another disc the recording that was requested.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Oath of Office NUMBER: 001-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 17, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require personnel assuming sworn status to take an oath of office.

Appointed personnel will take and oath of office to enforce the law and uphold the
Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Appointed personnel are escorted to the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The Circuit Court
Judge, Clerk, or Deputy Clerk administers the oath of office. A copy of the oath is made and placed
in the personnel and accreditation file.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Code of Ethics NUMBER: 002-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 17, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require all sworn officers to receive and abide by the Virginia State Sheriff's Code of


All sworn personnel will receive and abide by the Code of Ethics of the Office of the Sheriff.


Sworn personnel are to exhibit behavior as set forth in the Virginia State Sheriff's Code of
Ethics stated below.

As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind, to safeguard lives and
property, to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidations,
and the peaceful against violence or disorder, and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to
liberty, equality and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of
danger, scorn ridicule, develop self-restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others.
Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the
laws of the land and the regulation of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential
nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is
necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feeling, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to
influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I
will enforce the law courteously and appropriately, without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never
employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and accept it as a public trust to be
held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police service. I will constantly strive to achieve these
objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession - Law Enforcement.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Authority of Sworn Personnel NUMBER: 003
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define the authority vested in sworn personnel.


The Sheriff receives his authority from the Virginia Constitution and from statutory law. All
sworn personnel receive their authority from the Sheriff as deputies.


Sworn personnel have the authority to:

A. Enforce the laws of the Commonwealth and of Lancaster Co.

B. Execute legal process.
C. Provide courtroom security.
D. Operate a jail.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Constitutional Requirements NUMBER: 004
EFFECTIVE DATE: November 24, 2020 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To assure compliance with all applicable constitutional requirements.


Sworn personnel will use the following procedures for assuring compliance with all applicable
constitutional requirements including:

a. Interviews;
b. Interrogations;
c. Access to counsel;
d. Search and seizure; with a warrant;
e. Search and seizure, without a warrant;
f. Stop and frisk;
g. Arrest made, with a warrant;
h. Arrest made, without a warrant;
i. Assuring all constitutional safeguards is provided to non-English speaking
and/or hearing-impaired persons in a manner that is clearly understood.


A. Interview

The purpose of an interview is to gather information. Officers may conduct

interviews for the purpose of identifying a suspect, witness, or victim, crime
prevention, intelligence gathering, or community relations. Proper observance
of constitutional safeguards must be considered while conducting an

B. Interrogations

1. When a person is taken into custody and questioned (interrogated), the

investigating officer is to advise the accused of his/her rights (MIRANDA)
either verbally or by using form LCSO #124.

C. Access to counsel
1. Any person in custody requesting to speak to an attorney is to be given access
to a telephone.

2. Any attorney requesting to see a client who is in custody is to be allowed

access to the interview room for that purpose. (Applies only during normal
business hours).

D. Search and seizure; with or without a warrant

1. A search warrant is in possession authorizing such entry.

a. A Search Warrant has been issued by a judge or magistrate upon

application and is based on probable cause that the item(s) to be seized
will be found on the person or the place described in the affidavit.

b. An officer executing a search warrant is to have at least one other

officer assisting.

c. All search warrants shall be served between the hours of 8:00 am and
5:00 pm except:

1. When the warrant is for the subjects blood, or

2. A judge or a magistrate if a judge is not available, authorizes

the execution of the warrant time for good cause shown.

d. The serving officer must provide audible notice of his/her authority

and purpose prior to the execution of the warrant. No Deputy Sheriff
shall seek, execute, or participate in the execution of a no-knock
search warrant.

2. When permission has been granted by a person having legal authority to grant
such entry.

3. Probable cause exist to believe that the person or object for which legal
authority exist to search is located in the building and exigent circumstances
makes the prior securing of a search warrant impracticable. (Examples of
exigent circumstances; danger of violence or injury to officers or others; risk
of the subject's escape; or the probability that, unless taken on the spot,
evidence will be destroyed). Officers may be required to articulate this in

a. Any evidence / property seized are to be brought to the Sheriff’s office

and processed in accordance with the record procedure.
b. Officers may take only such property as he/she is legally authorized to
4. An officer may search incident to an arrest, with or without a warrant, a
person and the immediate surroundings for the purposes of:

a. Officer safety.
b. Preventing escape.
c. Discovering the fruits or evidence of the crime charged or for any
instruments, articles or items used in the commission of the crime.

5. A lawful search may continue until the purpose of the search has been

6. The search must be made contemporaneously with the arrest to which it is

incident. A search of the surroundings should also be made in the presence of
the suspect.

7. An officer may use reasonable force and employ reasonable means to seize
evidence during a search.

8. Objects or material which are not subject to lawful possession such as

narcotics, a sawed off shotgun, etc; may be seized if they are within plain
view of an officer in a place where he/she is lawfully present.

E. Stop and frisk

1. Any officers intending to make a stop must first have facts to believe that the
person or persons to be stopped have committed, are committing, or are about
to commit a crime.

a. Once the stop has been made, the officer must have a reason to believe
the person is in the possession of an offensive weapon before a frisk
can be conducted. (Examples: the crime for which the suspect was
stopped; murder, rape, burglary, robbery, etc.; furtive movements; a
bulge under the clothing; the time and place, (ex. at night time or in a
high crime area); near a place of a recently committed crime; an
officer's past experience) or;

b. The individual gives his permission to be patted down.

F. Arrest made, with or without a warrant

An officer is authorized to take a person in custody only when:

1. In possession of or has confirmation of an arrest warrant in compliance with Va. State
Code for such person.

2. Probable or reasonable cause exist that person(s) has committed or is in the

commission of a felony, or a crime for which state law specifically authorizes a
warrant less arrest;

a. Warrant less arrest; (other than a felony).

1) shoplifting
2) assault and battery
3) a vehicle accident where the driver is not at the scene and is located
within 3 hours of the offense and is found to be under the influence
4) carrying a weapon on school property
5) destruction of private property located on premises used for business
or commercial purposes
3. The person has committed or is committing a misdemeanor in the presence of the
officer, and the offense is one for which arrest is authorized by law. (May be released
on a summons if the officer believes the accused will honor said summons).

4. Arrest by warrants:

a. Officer is to establish if subject named on warrant can be released on a

summons or has to be taken before a magistrate

b. If subject is to be released on a summons the officer is to:

1) inform the subject of the content of the warrant and that he/she can
be released on their signature to appear in court.
2) establish the jurisdiction and the court, than the date for appearance.
3) fill in the lower portion of the warrant.
4) have the accused sign in the appropriate place
5) give a copy to the accused.

5. If a person is taken into custody the officer is to:

a. inform the accused of the charge against them and that they will be
transported to the Sheriff’s office and will appear before the magistrate.

b. pat down or frisk for offensive weapons. ( if the prisoner is female and the
officer is a male, the officer is to use the back of his hand in frisking sensitive
areas of the female).

c. secure by handcuffing, front or back.

d. place in the front seat or cage of the vehicle and seatbelt put on. (If the
prisoner is a female and the officer is male, the officer is to contact the
dispatcher and give the vehicle mileage and to record the time. On arrival at
the office the officer is again to give the dispatcher the mileage and to record
the time).

e. once at the office the officer will have the accused empty their pockets and the
officer is to conduct a thorough search of the person.

f. complete all of the booking procedures, picture, CCRE, fingerprinting, etc.

g. place in the holding tank pending arrival of the magistrate.

h. subject may be permitted to make a phone call at this time if requested.

i. when the magistrate arrives the accused is to be taken before the magistrate.

G. All constitutional safeguards are to be provided to non-English speaking and/or

hearing-impaired persons in a manner that is clearly understood.

1. When Constitutional requirements are to be observed when dealing with non-English

speaking and/or hearing-impaired persons, an interpreter is to be used to ensure
Constitutional rights are understood.

2. A call up list is maintained in the control room containing those persons who have
consented to assist in communicating with non-English speaking persons or those that
are hearing impaired. (Some interpreters require payment for services, if this should
occur, the Sheriff should be contacted for approval of the expenditure.)
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Alternatives to Arrest NUMBER: 005
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 13, 2009 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define the authority, guidelines, and circumstances when sworn personnel may exercise
alternatives to arrest.


Sworn personnel, at their discretion, will exercise alternatives to arrest.


A. 1. Whenever any person is detained by, or is in the custody of, an arresting deputy for any
violation committed in the deputies presence which violates, any county, or town ordinance
of any provision of the code of Virginia that is punishable as a class 1 or class 2
misdemeanor or any other misdemeanor for which he may receive a jail sentence, except as
otherwise provided in Title 46.2, or 18.2-266 of the code of Virginia, or an arrest on a
warrant charging an offense for which a summons may be issued, and when specifically
authorized by the judicial officer issuing the warrant, the arresting deputy shall take the name
and address of such and place to be specified in such summons of notice. Upon the giving by
such person of his/her written promise to appear in person and issue a summons or otherwise
notify him/her in writing to appear at a time and place, the deputy shall forthwith release
him/her from custody.

2 Whenever any person is detained by or is in the custody of an arresting deputy for a

violation of any county or town ordinance of or any provision of this code, punishable as a
class 3 or 4 misdemeanor or any misdemeanor in which he cannot receive jail time, except as
otherwise provided in title 46.2 or to the offence of public drunkenness as defined in the
Code of Virginia, the arresting deputy shall take the name and address of such and place to
be specified in such summons or notice. Upon the giving by such person of his written
promise to appear at such time and place, the deputy shall forthwith release him/her from
custody. However, if any such person shall refuse to discontinue the unlawful act, the deputy
may proceed according to The Code of Virginia.

3. Any person so summoned shall not be held in custody after the issuance of such summons
for the purpose of complying.


1. Person cannot be properly identified.

2. Fails or refuses to discontinue the unlawful act.
3. Public drunkenness.
4. Driving under the influence.
5. A danger to himself or others.
6. Remains at a place of riot or unlawful assembly after having been warned to disperse.
7. Person arrested for domestic violence.

B. Warnings:

An officer is permitted to give a warning in incidents where the officer feels that a warning
will suffice and achieve the same results as an arrest.


1. Crimes with victims.

2. Felonies.
3. Any matters that would reflect negatively on this office.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 19, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure that upon arrest of a foreign national, prompt, courteous notification to the foreign
national of the possibility of consular assistance be made. In addition, that prompt, courteous
notification to the foreign national's nearest consular officials is made so that they can provide
whatever consular services they deem appropriate. This General Order relates to the arrest and
detention of foreign nationals, deaths of foreign nationals, notification of consular officials when a
guardianship or trusteeship is being considered with respect to a foreign national who is a minor
or incompetent, and related issues pertaining to the provision of consular services to foreign
nationals in the United States. They are intended to ensure that foreign governments can extend
appropriate consular services to their nationals in the United States, and that the United States
complies with its legal obligations to such governments. This General Order also includes
guidelines in the handling of offenses involving Foreign Diplomats and members of their family.


The arrest or detainment of a foreign national, death of a foreign national, or when a

guardianship or trusteeship is being considered with respect to a foreign national who is a minor
or incompetent, they must be advised of the right to have their consular officials notified.

Diplomatic and Consular officials will be accorded their respective privileges, rights, and
immunities as directed by International Law and Federal Statute. These officials will be treated
with the courtesy and respect that benefit their distinguished positions. At the same time, it is a
well-established principle of International Law that, without prejudice to their privileges and
immunities, it is the duty of all persons enjoying such privileges and immunities to respect local
laws and regulations.

Questions not addressed in this policy, refer to the "Consular Notification and Access"
handbook. Questions not addressed in the handbook, contact the Department of State at the
number listed on the first page of the handbook. This handbook is maintained on computer
work stations.


Consular Officer: A consular officer (a consul) is a citizen of a foreign country employed by a foreign
government and authorized to provide assistance on behalf of that government to that government's
citizens in a foreign country. Consular officers are generally assigned to the consular section of a
foreign government's embassy in Washington, DC.

Diplomatic Immunity: A principal of international law by which certain foreign government officials are
not subject to the jurisdiction of local courts and other authorities for both their official and, to a large
extent, their personal activities.

Foreign National: Any person who is not a citizen of the United States. This also encompasses
undocumented (illegal) aliens.

Honorary Consular Officer: An honorary consul is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the
United States who has been authorized by a foreign government to perform official functions on its
behalf in the United States. An honorary consular officer is to be treated in the same way as a
consular officer.



A. Summary of Requirements Pertaining to Foreign Nationals

1. When foreign nationals are arrested or detained, they must be advised of the right
to have their consular office notified.
2. In some cases, the nearest consular officials must be notified of the arrest or
detention of a foreign national, regardless of the foreign national's wishes.
3. Consular officials are entitled access to their nationals in detention, and
are entitled to provide consular assistance.
4. When a government official becomes aware of the death of foreign national, consular
officials must be notified.
5. When a guardianship or trusteeship is being considered with respect to a foreign
national who is a minor or incompetent, consular officials must be notified.
6. When a foreign ship or aircraft wrecks or crashes, consular officials must be notified.

B. Steps to follow when a foreign national is arrested or detained

1. The arresting officer must determine the foreign national's country of origin. In the
absence of other information, assume this is the country on whose passport or
other travel documents the foreign national travels.

a. Upon an arrest, a determination must be made whether the foreign

national is from a country of mandatory notification or not.

b. The arresting officer administers the suggested Statements of Rights

to the arrestee or detained foreign national. (See Attachment C).
2. If the foreign national's country is not on the mandatory notification list
(See Attachment A):

a. Offer, without delay, to notify the foreign national's consular officials of

the arrest/detention.

1. The "Consular Notification and Access" booklet containing phone and

fax numbers is available in the squad building and the communication
b. If the foreign national asks that consular notification be given, notify the
nearest consular officials of the foreign national's country without delay.
c. Notification may be made using the attached "Notification to Consular
Officers of Arrest/Detainment" (See Attachment B).
d. A notation is to be made in the narrative of the arrest report that notification
was made, regardless if the foreign national refused the consular services.
e. If the foreign national is committed to jail, a copy of "Attachment C" is
turned in as part of the inmate's records to show proof of notification.
f. If for some reason, the arresting officer is not comfortable that proper
notification was made; all paperwork showing attempts is turned over
Jail personnel for them to continue with the process.

3. If the foreign national's country is on the list of mandatory notification

countries (See Attachment A):

a. Notify that country's nearest consular officials, without delay, of

arrest/detention. (See Attachment B)
b. Tell the foreign national that you are making this notification.
c. A notation is to be made in the narrative of the arrest report that
notification was made, listing the date, time and the person you
contacted at the appropriate consular office. (For telephone numbers
and fax numbers for foreign embassies and consulates in the United
States, see the "Consular Notification and Access" booklet reference
guide available in the squad room and communication center).
d. If the foreign national is committed to jail, a copy of "Attachment C"
is turned in as part of the inmates' records to show that proper
notification has been made.

4. Foreign consular officers must be given access to their nationals and be

permitted to communicate with them. Such officers have the right to their
nationals, to converse and correspond with them, and to arrange for their
legal representation. They must refrain from acting on behalf of a foreign
national, if the national opposes their involvement. In addition, consular
officers may not act as attorneys for their nationals.

5. Consular notification should not be confused with the Miranda warning, which is
given regardless of nationality to protect the individual's constitutional rights
against self-incrimination and to the assistance of legal counsel. Consular
notification is given as a result of international legal requirements, so that a
foreign government can provide its nationals with whatever consular assistance
it deems appropriate.

C. Deaths of Foreign Nationals

1. If an officer becomes aware of the death of a foreign national in the course of

his/her duties, he/she must ensure that the nearest consulate of that national's
country is notified of the death. This permits the foreign government to make an
official record of the death for its own legal purposes.

D. Appointments of Guardians or Trustees for Foreign Nationals

1. When receiving legal documents for service regarding guardianship or

trusteeship with respect to a foreign national who is a minor or an adult lacking
full capacity, the nearest consular authorities for that national's country must be
informed without delay.

II. Diplomatic Immunity

Diplomatic officers should not be arrested or detained except for the commission of a grave
crime. Family members of diplomatic officers, their servants and employees of a diplomatic
mission are entitled to the same immunities under current U. S. Law (22 U.S.C. 254a) if they
are not nationals of, or permanently reside in, the receiving state. Associated with this
personal immunity is the inviolability enjoyed by the premises of the mission of the sending
state and private residence of a diplomatic agent, his/her property, papers, and

Diplomatic immunity is granted by the United States government under provisions of the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Generally, these provisions apply to two
classes of immunity:

1. Diplomats and members of their families enjoy full immunity; and

2. Employees of diplomatic missions and members of their families enjoy

immunity with respect to acts performed in the course of their official duties.

The burden is upon the diplomat to claim immunity through the presentation of valid
credentials. If the subject is unable to produce proper credentials, the officer takes the
individual before the Magistrate on duty where diplomatic status may be verified
through current State Department publications that list diplomats and employees of
diplomatic missions. The State Department may be contacted for verification through the
Communications Center.


A. Diplomatic Officers

Ambassadors and ministers are the highest-ranking diplomatic representatives of a

foreign government. Other diplomatic titles are Minister Counselor, Counselor, First
Secretary, Second Secretary, Third Secretary, and Attache. These officials are located
either in Washington, D.C. or in New York City. Diplomatic officers, their families,
official staff, and servants, who are not nationals of or permanently reside in the
receiving state, are protected by unlimited immunity from arrest, detention, or
prosecution with respect to any civil or criminal offense.

B. Consular Officers

Consular officers (Consuls-General, Deputy Consul-General, Consuls, and Vice-

Consuls) are also official representatives of foreign governments. Adequate measures are
required to prevent any attack on the person, freedom, or dignity, of a Consular Officer.
They are entitled to limited immunities as described below. The governments of
Belgium, Great Britain, Italy, France and the Netherlands maintain consular offices in

1. Immunities

a. Under prevailing international law and agreement, a foreign career

Consular officer is not liable to arrest or detention pending trial except in
the case of grave crime (felony offenses that would endanger the public's
safety) and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority.
He/she is immune from criminal jurisdiction and is subject to court

2. Identification

a. Credentials issued by the State Department can identify career

Consular Officers and other locally issued official identification
papers. The State Department credential bears its seal, the name of the
officer, his/her title, and signature of State Department officials.

C. Honorary Consuls

Often nationals or residents of the receiving state are appointed and received as honorary
consular officers to perform the functions generally performed by career Consular
Officers. Such officers do not receive identification cards from the State Department of
the type issued to career Consular Officers, though they may exhibit reduced-sized
copies of executor or diplomatic notes evidencing recognition by the United States
government. These individuals are not immune from the civil and criminal jurisdiction of
the receiving state, except as to official acts performed in the exercise of their consular
functions. However, appropriate steps must be provided to accord to such officers' acts
performed required by virtue of their official position. In addition, the consular archives
and documents of a consular post headed by an Honorary Consul are inviolable at all
times and wherever they may be, provided they are kept separate from other papers and
documents of a private or commercial nature relating to the other activities of an
Honorary Consul and persons working with him/her. There are several Honorary
Consuls in the Tidewater area.
D. Families of Consular Officers

Family members of Consular Officers do not enjoy the same privileges and immunities
with respect to the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the receiving state, as do Consular
Officers. However, they should be accorded appropriate courtesy and respect.

E. Consular Premises

Consular premises used exclusively for the work of the Consular post cannot be entered
without explicit permission of the head of the Consular post or his/her designee or by
the head of the diplomatic mission. This permission may be assumed in the case of fire
or other disaster requiring prompt protective action.

1. Current known locations in Lancaster Co.; none at this time, but temporary
premises could be established anywhere and at any time.

F. Consular Archives, Documents, Records, and Correspondence

1. The consular archives and documents are inviolable at all times, wherever they may
Be. The official correspondence of the consular posts, which means all correspondence
relating to the consular post and its functions, is likewise inviolable

G. Moving Traffic Violations

When a Consular Officer is stopped for a moving traffic violation, the officer on the
scene, upon being advised by the driver that he/she is a Consular Officer and
ascertaining that he/she possesses the proper credentials, should exercise discretion
based on the nature of the violation and either release with a warning or proceed with
issuance of the appropriate citation. Mere issuance of a traffic citation does not
constitute arrest or detention in the sense referred to above.

H. Driving While Under the Influence

1. The primary consideration in this type incident should be to see that the Consular
Officer is not a danger to himself/herself or the public. Based upon a determination
of the circumstances, the following options are available:

a. Take him/her to the agency or a location where he/she can recover sufficiently to
enable him/her to drive safety.

1. Take him/her to a telephone so that he/she can call a relative or a friend to

come for him/her.
2. Call any available transportation service for him/her.
3. Take him/her home.

2. The Consular Officer should not be handcuffed, subjected to any sobriety test, or
mistreated in any way.
a. At best, this is a sensitive situation. The official should be treated with
respect and courtesy. It should be impressed upon him/her that the
officer's primary responsibility is to care for his/her safety and the safety
of others.

I. Offenses Involving Family Members of a Consular Officer

1. Family members of a Consular Officer cannot claim immunity.

However, consideration should be given to the special nature of this
type of case.

a. A violation should be handled, when possible, through the seeking

of a complaint.

1. The individual should be released once positive identification is

made and relationship with the Consular Official is verified.
2. If the relative is a juvenile as in all juvenile cases, the subject
should be released to the parent Consular Officer

J. Reporting of Incidents to Office of the Governor

1. In the event that a Consular Officer or member of his/her family or personal staff
should become involved in any actions taken by members of this agency, the Office
of the Governor is immediately furnished with all pertinent information by the
Sheriff or his designee.
"Attachment "A"

Mandatory Notification Countries and Jurisdictions

Albania Mauritius
Algeria Moldova
Antigua & Barbuda Mongolia
Armenia Nigeria
Azerbaijan Philippines
Bahamas, The Poland2
Barbado Romania
Belarus Russia
Belize Saint Kitts and Nevis
Brunei Saint Lucia
Bulgaria Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
China (includes Macao and Hong Kong) 1 Seychelles
Costa Rica Sierra Leone
Cyprus Singapore
Czech Republic Slovakia
Dominica Tajikistan
Fiji Tanzania
Gambia, The Tonga
Georgia Trinidad and Tobago
Ghana Tunisia
Grenada Turkmenistan
Guyana Tuvalu
Hungary Ukraine
Jamaica United Kingdom3
Kazakhstan Uzbekistan
Kiribati Zambia
Kuwait Zimbabwe

Notification is not mandatory in the case of persons who carry “Republic of China” passports issued by Taiwan.
Such persons should be informed without delay that eh nearest office of the Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office (“TECRO”), the unofficial entity representing Taiwan’s interests in the United States, can be
notified at their request. TECRO’s offices are listed on pages 126-127 in the Consular Notification and Access
Manual; see also footnote 128 on page 66 of the manual.
Mandatory only for foreign nationals who are not lawful permanent residents in the United States (i.e., “green card”
holders). Otherwise, upon the national’s request. See the question “But since “green card” holders are living in the
United States permanently, why can’t I ignore consular notification requirements for them?” on page 12 of the manual;
see also footnote 18 on page 43 of the manual.
The bilateral consular convention between the United States and the United Kingdom applies to British nationals from
Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland); Northern Ireland; the Crown Dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey, and the
Isle of Man; and the British Overseas Territories, including Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman
Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, along with other island territories. Residents of the
Overseas Territories may be traveling on a passport issued by the territory with no indication that the territory is
British. Nevertheless, for them and all others from a British possession listed about, consular notification and access
should be provided to the nearest U.K. consulate. For advice on how to ascertain whether an arrested or detained
person is a British national, see the question “What about British nationals” on page 24 of the manual. For the U.S. –
U.K. convention, see footnote 30 on page 47 of the manual.



DATE: ____________________ TIME: ____________________

TO: Embassy of _______________________________________, Washington, D.C.

Consulate of ________________________________, ________________________, ____________________
(Country) (City) (State)
Street Address
Zip Code


We arrested/detained the following foreign national, whom we understand to be a national of your country,
on _____________________.

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Passport Number
Date of Passport Issuance
Place of Passport Issuance

To arrange consular access, please call (________) ____________________ between the hours of __________ and
_________. Please refer to case number ______________________ when you call.
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

Suggested Statements to Arrested Foreign Nationals

Statement 1:

When Consular Notification is at the Foreign National’s Option

As a non-U.S. citizen who is being arrested or detained, you are entitled to have us notify your country’s
consular representatives her in the United States. A consular official from your country may be able to help you
obtain legal counsel, and may contact your family and visit you in detention, among other things. If you want us
to notify your country’s consular officials, you can request this notification now, or at any time in the future.
After your consular officials are notified, they may call or visit you. Do you want us to notify your country’s
consular officials?

Yes ____ No ____

Name ____________________________________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________________________________________
Consular Office Contacted on __________________ at __________________ hours.
Consular Official’s Name _____________________________ Telephone Number ______________
Log all attempts to contact or other notations on the back of this sheet.

Statement 2
When Consular Notification is Mandatory

Because of your nationality, we are required to notify your country’s consular representatives here in the United
States that you have been arrested or detained. After your consular officials are notified, they may call or visit
you. You are not required to accept their assistance, but they may be able to help you obtain legal counsel and
may contact your family and visit you in detention, among other things. We will be notifying your country’s
consular officials as soon as possible.

For translations, you must refer to the United States State Department Consular Notification and Access
Handbook maintained in the squad building and communications center.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Bias Policing, Prohibited NUMBER: 007-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 23, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To prohibit officers from engaging in bias-based policing and to require complaints to be



Officers are prohibited from engaging in bias-based policing. Any complaints will be
thoroughly investigated through this agency’s internal affairs process.


1. Officers are not consider race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or socio-
economic levels as the single decision making factor regarding the stopping, detention,
and/or arrest of any person. This does not prohibit actions such as the stopping/detention of
an individual based on descriptive information provided by a victim and/or witness to a

a. Bias-based Policing/Racial profiling is defined as:

1) The belief that the human family is comprised of different races.
2) The perception that a particular human being belongs to a specific race.
3) The interpretation that because of the persons race the person should be
classified as suspect.
4) The routine negative actions, (like arrest) based (even partially) on the
suspects race.

2. Sworn Officers whose primary responsibility is law enforcement are to receive initial (basic)
training during their first 12 months of employment while attending the basic academy, and
on-going (in-service) proactive training in cultural diversity during in-service training every
two years; and

3. All complaints of bias-based policing/racial profiling will be completely and thoroughly

investigated through the internal affairs process.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define this agency’s purpose.


All personnel will have this agency’s mission statement available on the computer


Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office Purpose and Mission

This office constitutes an organization whose every existence is justified solely on the basis of
community service. Although official regulations provide a working pattern, our official activity
must not be confined within the limited orbit described by them. Actually, that portion of police
service dealing with real criminals is only a small part of our overall responsibility. The greater
percentage of our time and energy is expended on non-criminal service functions and dealing with
law-abiding citizens of the community. We should consider it our duty and privilege, not only to
protect our citizens from the criminal, but also to protect and defend the rights guaranteed under our
structure of government. It may be said that matters of civil law are not a basic police responsibility
and within reasonable limits, we should attempt to avoid being entangled in them. However, many
situations can best be served only when we assist in such matters. Our broad philosophy must
embrace a wholehearted determination to protect and support individual rights while at all times
providing for the security of persons, and property in the community. In meeting this objective, it is
our duty to operate as a public service organization. A society free from crime and disorder is an
unachieved ideal, nevertheless, consistent with the values of society, it is the primary objective of
this office role to enforce the law in a fair and impartial manner, recognizing both the statutory and
judicial limitations of police authority and the constitutional rights of all persons. It is not the role of
this office to legislate, render legal judgments, or to punish.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Goals and Objectives NUMBER: 009
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 4, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure the unity of purpose and direction.


All personnel will work toward and use as guidance the goals and objectives as set forth below.


The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office role is to enforce the law in a fair, courteous and
impartial manner, recognizing both the statutory and judicial limitation of its authority and
the constitutional rights of all individuals. It is not the role of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s
Office to legislate, to render legal judgment or to punish.



A. PREVENTION OF CRIME: The primary responsibility of upholding the law lies not
with the law enforcement officer, but with the people. Since crime is a social
phenomenon, then crime prevention is and should be the concern of every person in our
society. Society employs full-time professional law enforcement officers to prevent
crime, to deter it, and when that does not succeed, to apprehend those who violate the
Crime is a symptom of our society, which is not the responsibility of the Sheriff’s
Office to cure. The Sheriff’s Office is responsible, however, for interacting with the
community to generate a mutual understanding to ensure that there will be public support
for crime prevention. Community involvement is essential to facilitate a free flow of
information between the public and the Sheriff’s Office to assist in the identification of
problem areas and to inform the public of crime statistics, patterns and trends.
Additionally, knowledge of the community is necessary so that each employee may be
instilled with a sense of concern for the crime problems and law enforcement needs
generated in the community.
B. DETERRENCE OF CRIME: crime is curbed by the potential criminal being fearful of
his/her immediate apprehension or by the increased likelihood of detection. Deterrence of
crime requires the observation and the investigation of behavior, which reasonably
appears to be criminally directed.
In deploying patrol units to inspire the public’s confidence in the Lancaster County
Sheriff’s Office’s ability to ensure a peaceful environment, a balance must be attained
between the desirable deterrent effect of a visible patrol and the undesirable appearance
of oppression.

C. APPREHENSION OF OFFENDERS: The administration of criminal justice consists

of the identification, arrest, prosecution, punishment, and rehabilitation of the violator,
the objective of which is voluntary compliance with the law. Once a crime has been
committed, it is the duty of the Sheriff’s Office to initiate the criminal justice process by
identifying, locating and arresting the perpetrator. It is also the duty of this office to
obtain the necessary evidence, and to cooperate in the prosecution of the case.

D. RECOVERY AND RETURN OF PROPERTY: The actual cost of crime is difficult to

measure; there can never be a simple dollar value assigned to the injured bodies,
devastated lives, and the human misery which are the products of crime. However, it is
possible to observe the steadily rising costs of lost, damaged and stolen property. This
loss, as well as the other associated costs of crime, is unfortunately and ultimately borne
by the victims. To minimize the losses due to crime, the Lancaster County Sheriff’s
Office shall make every reasonable effort to recover lost or stolen property, to identify its
owner, and to ensure its’ prompt return.

E. MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC: To facilitate the safe and expeditious movement of

vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the Sheriff’s Office is charged with the responsibility for
traffic law enforcement. To enforce compliance with traffic laws and to develop driver
awareness of the causes of traffic accidents, the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shall
appropriately warn, cite, or arrest traffic law violators. Traffic accidents are investigated
to protect the rights of the involved parties, to care for the injured, and to determine the
causes of accidents so that corrective steps and methods of prevention may be developed.

F. PUBLIC SERVICE: Often, due to the fact that there are no public or private agencies
available, the public relies upon law enforcement for assistance and advice in routine and
emergency situations.


A. DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL: Law enforcement officers are frequently required

to make rapid decisions that will affect human life and liberty with no opportunity to seek
advice and very little time to weigh any alternatives.
Law enforcement requires that an officer have the stamina, intelligence, moral courage,
and emotional stability necessary to deal with the human being fairly and impartially. To
obtain the caliber of personnel necessary for professional law enforcement, it is essential
that the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office aggressively pursue a program of providing
equal employment and promotional processes.

B. UTILIZATION OF RESOURCES: Law enforcement is one of the most

necessary, yet expensive and complex services provided by the County. The
quality and the extent of the service provided are limited by the availability of
resources. To ensure that the highest level of service is provided, the Lancaster
County Sheriff’s Office will make use of the most efficient and effective
management and budgeting techniques available.

The supervisory staff is to review the goals and objectives of this agency annually. Any changes
made are to be put in writing and a copy given to all personnel.

The Sheriff or his designee is to note the date of review and any changes made and place said
information in the accreditation file under Adm.04.01.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
AMENDED: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie

To establish guidelines governing the use of force and its limitations, to clearly describe prohibited
activities and to explain the duty to intervene. This directive may encompass the use of all kinds or
types of force, whether deadly or not. The purpose of this standard is to provide officers with
guidance in the use of force in threatening or life-or-death situations, and to prevent the loss of life.
The force “continuum” and alternative force protocols refers to levels of threat perceived by the
officer with corresponding, authorized modes of force to oppose the threats.

Sworn personnel will use force only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish lawful



Deadly Force: Force likely to cause serious physical injury or death.

Less Lethal Force: Force, which is not intended to cause death or serious physical injury. The use
of the baton or similar objects is normally non-deadly force, but they may constitute deadly,
depending on the manner of use and other circumstances.

Reasonably Necessary: An action or response which is reasonable given the circumstances

present at the time and which is necessary to accomplish a lawful objective.

Serious Physical Injury: An injury which creates a substantial risk of death, disfigurement,
prolonged hospitalization, impairment of the functions of any bodily organ or limb, or any injury
that medical personnel deem to be potentially life-threatening.

Excessive Force: Force is excessive when its application is inappropriate to the circumstances,
resulting in serious injury or death to a person. Each situation must be evaluated according to
particular circumstances, as outlined in King v. Blankenship 636 F.2d 70 (4th Circuit, 1980), which
sets forth four considerations in determining whether force was excessive:

1. Need for application of force;

2. Relationship between the need and the amount of force that was used;

3. Extent of injury inflicted; and
4. Whether the force was applied in a good faith effort to maintain and restore
order or maliciously for the very purpose of causing harm.

Intervene: To come between, whether verbally or physically, so as to prevent or alter a result or

course of events.


A. General
1. Whenever possible, force should be used progressively in response to
opposing force to achieve the officer’s lawful objective:
a. Physical presence.
b. Verbal commands.
c. Physical control, Taser or Oleoresin Capsicum (OC).
d. Striking instrument
e. Deadly force.

2. There are a number of factors an officer shall consider when evaluation the
use of force;
a. The severity of the crime committed;
b. The nature and extent of the threat posed by the suspect;
c. The degree to which the suspect resists arrest or detention;
d. Any attempt by the suspect to evade arrest by flight.

3. In making arrests, the degree of force that may be applied by an officer

cannot exceed the level necessary for self-defense to prevent escape of a
suspected felon under certain circumstances, to overcome physical
resistance, or to prevent physical violence to another person.

4. An officer shall escalate or de-escalate their use of force in direct response

to the other person’s actions.

B. Less Lethal Force

An officer may use the following forms of Less Lethal Force when that force is
reasonably necessary:

Definition of resisting: Any verbal or physical act of resistance, i.e. “no” or

attempts to turn away.

1. Physical Force/Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Dispenser

a. An officer may employ needed and reasonable physical force
(holding, pulling, pushing, throwing, or exerting greater strength to
overcome resistance) in order to defend himself or herself or another
person or to subdue a resisting subject.

b. Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) is an option to physical force available to
the officer during the escalation of force.
1) The use of OC calls for it to be sprayed directly into the
face and eyes of the suspect. Shake the canister once a day
and/or before use.
2) Officers are responsible for decontaminating subjects in
their custody who have been exposed to OC. Personal
security should be established in a safe area, area, and
subjects must be physically controlled prior to undertaking
decontamination procedures. If still in custody and
symptoms persist beyond forty-five (45) minutes, the
officer will seek medical attention for the arrestee.
3) Rescue or medical personnel will decontaminate subjects
who are very obese or have bronchitis, asthma, emphysema
or similar respiratory disease.

2. Taser Electronic Control Device

a. The TASER is designed to offer the officer an alternative to physical

force in many situations. However, use of the TASER is not always
appropriate and should not be considered when delay in action could
be detrimental in a particular situation.
b. Instances where the use, or availability, of a TASER may be
effective would include, but are not limited to:
1) Serving Mental Detention Orders on persons believed to be
2) Subjects who are armed with weapons other than firearms.
3) Preplanned warrant service where the subject is believed to be
potentially violent.
4) Violent persons under the influence of drugs.
5) Persons threatening suicide in the presence of an officer.
c. The TASER may be used to control a violent or potentially violent
subject when an officer reasonably believes that the following
conditions exist:
1) Lethal force does not appear to be justifiable and /or necessary.
2) Attempts to subdue the suspect by verbalization or physical
control have been, or will likely be, ineffective in the situation;
or there is a reasonable expectation that it will be unsafe for
officers to approach within contact range of the person.
d. Operational Procedures:
1) Only persons trained and certified in its use use the TASER.
2) Any officer may make requests for a TASER and operator.
3) Use of the TASER will be at the discretion of the operator once
on the scene.

4) The operator will shout “TASER-TASER” before
discharging/firing the TASER to let other officers on the scene
knows that the discharge sound is not a firearm.
5) The TASER is not to be used if one or more of the following
situations exist;
6) Any known or obviously pregnant female.
7) Any subject who is saturated with or in the presence of highly
flammable or combustible materials and liquids.
8) Any subject who may receive a secondary injury resulting from a
fall from its use, i.e. standing on a roof ledge, second story
window, etc.
e. Removal of Probes
1) Subjects with embedded probes or visible wounds of probe
penetration will be transported to the jail physician or emergency
room of Rappahannock Hospital for removal and /or treatment.
The operator may remove probes from the clothing.
2) Photographs are to be taken of the areas of penetration and
submitted into evidence.
3) The probes, once removed, should be considered as infectious
and treated as any other potentially bio-hazardous evidence. The
probes, once removed, should be carefully returned to the air
cartridge tip first, secured with tape and placed into a bio-hazard
bag held as evidence pending disposition in court or the end of
any pending litigation.
4) The officer handling the complaint completes an Incident Report
detailing the use of the TASER. The TASER operator completes
a Supplemental Incident Report.

3. Baton

a. The baton may be used to strike the subject in designated target

areas of the body; i.e. torso, legs arms. Intentional strikes to the
subject’s head, kidneys or groin shall be avoided, whenever

4. Stop Sticks

The use of stop sticks is considered to be the use of less lethal force
but when they are deployed there are considerations to consider.

a. The location of deployment should be in a place that does not place the
officer or the public in danger by the fleeing person swerving or
unexpectedly maneuvering the vehicle to avoid the sticks.
b. Sticks should not be deployed in heavy traffic, in areas where
pedestrians may walk on them, near road construction, or near steep
embankments or curves.

c. The deploying officer should have a good view of the pursuit as it
nears him/her.
d. Never deploy stop sticks when the vehicle has less then four wheels.


1. General
a. Any use of deadly force, including the use of a firearm, is justified
only when it is use;
1) In defense of the officer or others against death or
imminent danger of serious physical injury.
2) To prevent the escape of a suspect or a fleeing felon when;
i. The officer has exhausted all other reasonable
means of capture and believes that the person to
be arrested has used deadly force in the
commission of a felony, or
ii. Believes that the person whose arrest is sought
will inflict death or serious physical harm to the
officer or others if apprehension is delayed. (In
Tennessee v. Garner, 105 S. Ct.1694 (1985), the
Supreme Court ruled that the use of deadly force
to prevent the escape of a suspected criminal is
unconstitutional if the suspect appears to be
unarmed and not dangerous).
3) To kill seriously injured or dangerous animals when no
other disposition is reasonably practical. A supervisor’s
approval should be sought when possible.
4) In routine firearm training or practice at an approved range.
b. All due care shall be used to prevent injury to citizens
c. The use of deadly force to apprehend a misdemeanor is not
justifiable unless the situation described in C-1 a-2 above confronts
the officer.
d. An officer will not discharge a firearm at or from a moving vehicle
except as the ultimate measure of self-defense of another when the
subject is using deadly force.
e. If circumstances permit and when it is reasonably practical officers
will identify themselves as law enforcement and will give verbal
warning of their intent to use deadly force.

D. Weapons
All weapons carried are to be approved by the Sheriff

1. Duty Sidearm: While on duty, an officer will carry a department authorized

sidearm. This sidearm will be fully loaded with department issued

2. Shotgun: While on duty an officer that has been issued a shotgun, will only
use said shotgun when a possibility exists that the officer will be dealing
with an armed suspect, e.g. armed robbery in progress, searching for armed
suspects, answering calls when complainant has indicated a person is armed.
3. Automatic Assault Rifle: While on duty an officer that has been issued an
assault rifle, will only use said weapon when a possibility exists that the
officer will be dealing with an armed suspect, e.g. armed robbery in
progress, searching for armed suspects, answering calls when complainant
has indicated a person is armed.
4. Baton: The baton is used to strike, block and apply pressure to designated
target areas of the body; i.e. torso, legs arms. Intentional strikes to the
subject’s head should be avoided whenever possible.
5. Oleoresin capsicum (OC) is an option to physical force available to the
officer during the escalation of force.
6. TASER: An option to physical force available to the officer during the
escalation of force. May be used to control a violent or potentially violent

D. Prohibited Acts

The following acts associated with the use of force are prohibited:

1. An officer shall not use deadly force under any circumstances where
injury or death to an innocent bystander is likely; i.e. firing into a
building or through doors when the target is not clearly visible.
2. Use of Streamlites or Kel-lites or other flashlights as batons, as a
weapon ONLY if departmentally sanctioned methods are not available
and used in self-defense.
3. Application of chokehold or carotid control holds, except when deadly
force is justified.
4. Carry or use an unauthorized back-up firearm.
5. The carrying or use of saps, blackjacks, or slapjacks.
6. No officer shall use or carry any firearm; baton, OC or any other
unauthorized weapon unless the officer has both received training in
the use of the weapon and demonstrated proficiency in its use.
7. Warning shots are prohibited.

E. Duty to Intervene

A. Any law-enforcement officer who, while in the performance of their

duties, witnesses another law enforcement officer engaging or attempting
to engage in the use of excessive force against another person shall
intervene when such intervention is feasible to stop such action or prevent
. the further use of excessive force. The duty to intervene also applies to a

law-enforcement officer observing another law- enforcement officer
conducting any act that is unethical, or that violates law or policy (e.g.,
theft, fraud, inappropriate language, sexual misconduct, harassment,
falsifying documents, inappropriate behavior, etc.) Intervention may be
verbal/or physical.
Failure to intervene may subject an officer to disciplinary action.

B. All department members benefit when potential misconduct is not

perpetrated or when a potential mistake is not made. Preventing miscon-
duct increases public trust and preserves job security and integrity of
all department members, ultimately protecting members from destroying
their careers as a result of misconduct or, in some instances, as a result
of a failure to intervene to prevent misconduct by others.

Action to be taken: By Officer(s)

1. If aid is required by any individual, ensure that medical attention has been

2. Take a preventive approach, whenever possible, if observing behavior that

suggests that another member is about to conduct unethical or inappropriate

3. Examine the circumstances surrounding the incident to determine the

appropriate form of intervention.

4. Intervene verbally or physically, depending on the circumstances.

Example: While providing backup for a traffic stop after a minor traffic
violation, you notice the primary officer raising their voice and becoming
increasingly agitated with the driver, despite the driver’s cooperative
demeanor. In order to prevent an escalation, you could call for the officer’s
attention to break their agitation, walk up next to the officer and ask a
follow up question of the driver to slow down the interaction and give
the primary officer a chance to collect themselves, or ask the officer to
come speak to you away from the car in order to diffuse the situation.

5. Take an active approach to intervene to stop any unethical behavior or

misconduct, when such conduct is being committed by another member.

6. If verbal interventions are not sufficient to stop the act, physically come
between the offending member and the other individual involved.

Example: You observe an officer strike an individual without any reason.

If appropriate, you could tell the officer to cool it or that you’ll take over the
matter and have them step aside. If necessary, step in between the officer and
the individual or hold the officer back in order to stop them from inflicting
more unnecessary force.

7. Immediately notify a supervisor after conducting any type of intervention,

when safe to do so.

8. When a physical intervention was preformed, document the incident in writing

and submit it to a supervisor. If the intervention involved the actions of a
supervisor, the reporting member shall forward their report directly to the

Action to be taken: By Supervisor(s)

1. Once learning of an incident involving a member intervening with another

member, separate all members involved in the incident.

2. Ensure the preservation of body worn camera and/or in-car camera footage.

3. Conduct a preliminary investigation to gather any pertinent information that

would coincide with the reason for the intervention (e.g., witnesses, in-car
and body worn camera footage, other video/surveillance footage, area
canvass, etc.).

4. Ensure all parties involved in the incident document in writing their observation/
participation in the incident and detailing the circumstances that led to the
intervention and what, if anything occurred once the member intervened.

5. Determine whether the actions leading to the intervention constitute misconduct,

unethical behavior, or potential criminal conduct, and notify the Sheriff.

6. If appropriate, consider making a recommendation that the member who

intervened receive recognition for their actions.

Action to be taken: By the Sheriff or his designee

1. Ensure all incidents resulting from a member invoking their duty to intervene
are reviewed through the internal affairs process. The Sheriff or his designee
may, at their discretion, request investigation assistance from the Virginia State
Police, or another outside agency.

2. Ensure all such cases are classified and investigated thoroughly and properly,
according to the internal affairs investigation procedures.

3. Approve/disapprove the resulting findings of each internal affairs investigation

deriving from a member intervening or failing to intervene to stop misconduct.

Disciplinary procedures:

1. All discipline administered for failing to intervene shall follow departmental

disciplinary policies and procedures.


1. The reading of this policy and the signing of a receipt of understanding will serve
as initial training for both the use of force part of this directive as well as the
on duty to intervene part of the directive.

2. Refresher training will be conducted every calendar year during the firearms
recertification days. These refresher trainings will be held for both the use of
force and the on duty to intervene parts of the directive.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Training in the Use of Force NUMBER: 011-RR
and Firearms
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 8, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure sworn personnel are trained in the use of force and its limitations, the use of any less
lethal weapons, and successfully qualifies on the firing range before he/she is authorized to
carry a firearm.


An officer will not be permitted to carry a firearm or any less lethal weapon until he/she
receives training in the use of force and its limitations, and successfully qualifies on the firing


Prior to or as soon thereafter a person is sworn in; the designated firearm instructor is to:

A. Refer the probate officer to General Order 010 (Adm.05.01) and any information on
firearms or less lethal weapons necessary for review and study.

B. Give the probate officer a written test on his knowledge pertaining to General Order
010 (Adm.05.01) and any other material relevant to firearms and less lethal weapons
that meets the minimum state requirements. The Sheriff may waive certain recruit
training requirements based on:

a. Previous experience
b. Previous training
c. Current certifications (must be on file)

C. The probate officer must achieve one hundred percent proficiency on his/her test prior
to being taken to the range.

D. Once the probate officer has successfully passed the written phase, the firearm
instructor is to take the probate officer to the firing range where the probate officer is
to meet the minimum State requirements in firearm qualifications.

E. The firearm instructor is to inform the Sheriff or his designee of the results of the test
and scores of the probate officer.

F. Upon review, the Sheriff or his designee will or will not grant authorization to the
probate officer to carry a weapon.

G. Training documents are to be maintained in the officer’s personnel file and the
firearm instructor’s training file.

H. Officer’s will receive training annually in the use of force. This training will be
conducted by the firearm’s instructor when the agency has its firearms range dates.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 25, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To outline procedures following an application of force.


This agency will review applications of force used by its members in the execution of their duties
that results in injury or allegedly resulting in the injury or death of a person.


A. Applications of force used by officers that results in injuries (requiring medical attention)
or allegedly resulting in the injury (requiring medical evaluation) or death of a person, or
any degree of force used against a person or persons that is not the result of or does not
result in an arrest (s) are to be documented and reviewed by the Sheriff and/or his

1. Immediately notify the supervisor on duty/call of any use of physical force that
results in injuries requiring medical attention, including alleged injuries that the
officer believes may be possible, even if not probable and requires a medical
evaluation or any degree of force used against a person or persons that is not the
result of or does not result in an arrest (s).

2. Submit a memorandum to the Sheriff or his designee before the end of shift
describing the incident, substantiating the force used, and any medical services
required as a result of the action.

a. A copy of the call sheet may be used in lieu of a memo.

1. If a copy of the call sheet is used, it must be directed to the attention of the
Sheriff or his designee.

B. Physical injuries (requiring medical attention) or allegedly resulting in the injury

(requiring medical evaluation) or death resulting from an officer's application of force or

any degree of force used against a person or persons that is not the result of or does not
result in an arrest(s) is to be thoroughly investigated by the Sheriff or his designee.

1. The Sheriff or his designee will notify the Commonwealth's Attorney and the medical
examiner if the injury results in death.

C. When the application of force results in serious injury (requiring medical attention) or death of
another person, the officer may temporarily be removed from the line-duty assignment pending
administrative review. This action protects both the officer's and the community's interest until
the situation is resolved.

D. All reported uses of force resulting in injury (requiring medical attention) or allegedly resulting in
the injury (requiring medical evaluation) or death of a person or any degree of force used against a
person or persons that is not the result of or does not result in an arrest (s) will be reviewed by the
Sheriff and/or his designee to determine if:

1. Agency policy and procedures were followed or violated;

2. Relevant agency policy was clearly understandable and effective to cover the situation;

3. That the agency's training was adequate.

E. The Sheriff may convene a board of inquiry to examine an incident in which force was applied.

1. The board of inquiry may also review training and policy needs.

F. Internal Investigations:

Internal investigations of serious applications of force (usually of compliance techniques and

more severe methods) are of two types conducted simultaneously. First, an administrative
investigation to determine whether office standards were followed. Second, a criminal
investigation to determine if a law was broken by the application of force. A criminal
investigation is discontinued whenever the Sheriff is satisfied that no violation of law occurred
in the application of force.

1. Dual internal and criminal investigations are conducted on all shootings.

G. Disposition:

1. The findings of any review, at a minimum, will be documented on the appropriate form
and filed in the office of the Sheriff.

a. Involved officers should be notified of the findings.

H. Debriefing Counseling:

The Sheriff whenever deemed appropriate will normally direct psychological follow-up of post-
shooting trauma. During an internal investigation, the agency will do all within its power to avoid
placement of a stigma on the officer who had to apply force, resulting in the serious injury or
death of another. The officer is not to return to duty until a psychological evaluation has been
conducted, and the officer has received counseling.

1. Use of force policies are to be reviewed at least annually.


Administrative Review on the Use of Force by an Officer(s)

Case # _________________ Date of Incident: ________________

Officer(s) Involved: ____________________ _______________________

____________________ _______________________

Type of force used:


Type of Injuries or Alleged Injuries: _________________________________________________


Type of Medical Attention Given: __________________________________________________


What charge(s) were filed: ________________________________________________________

1. Were agency policy and procedures followed: Yes ( ) No ( ) (If no, explain) __________

2. Were any agency policy and procedures violated? Yes ( ) No ( ) (If yes, explain) ______

3. Are relevant agency policy clearly understandable and effective to cover the situation?
Yes ( ) No ( ) (If no, explain) ________________________________________________

4. Is the agency’s training adequate? Yes ( ) No ( ) (If no, explain) ____________________


5. Any recommended changes in agency’s policies and procedures? Yes ( ) No ( ) (If yes,
explain) _________________________________________________________________

Reviewing Officer(s) ___________________________ ___________________________

Sheriff’s signature: _________________________________

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Requirements of Weapons; Lethal and NUMBER: 013-RR & 14
Non-Lethal; On and Off Duty
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 9, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Adm. 06.01 - .02


To establish training requirements and restrictions on all weapons carried on and off duty.


Sworn personnel will receive training and demonstrate proficiency in the use of all authorized
weapons before they carry them and are prohibited from carrying any unauthorized weapons
and ammunition while on duty or off duty.

This policy applies only to those weapons and ammunition carried and used for Law Enforcement


A. Officers are to receive training and demonstrate proficiency in the use of authorized weapons
from the designated training officer before the weapon can be carried. Training is to include:

1. Inspection, care and maintenance.

2. Laws in the use of weapons.
3. Safe handling of weapons.
4. Meet the minimum state requirements for firearm qualifications.

B. Officers are to qualify within every calendar year with any firearm they are authorized to use.

1. Officers who fail to pass qualification shall be relieved of their police powers. If unable to
pass qualification within a period of time that follows during which the officer will shoot
as often as possible, the officer’s status shall be determined by the Sheriff.

2. Officers who have suffered an illness or injury that could affect the use of firearms shall
requalify before returning to enforcement duties.

C. Officers are to undergo refresher training on all weapons, other than firearms, once within
every two calendar years.

D. Any officer wanting to have a weapon or ammunition authorized is to submit a request in
writing to the Sheriff. Upon approval it is to be added to the list of the agency’s authorized
firearms and ammunition.

1. While on duty an officer to carry only the weapons (lethal and non-lethal) he/she is
authorized to carry, special permission must be granted by the Sheriff to carry any
weapon other than what he/she has been issued.

a. The request must be in writing and if approved a copy placed in the personnel

b. Qualification and/or training must take place before the weapon may be

2. Authorized off duty weapons require annual qualifications.

a. Officers may be required to provide their own ammo.

b. Failure to qualify will result in non-authorization of the weapon.

E. Sworn personnel, when in uniform and/or on duty, will carry issued/authorized weapon and
ammunition at all times, (Exemption: duty or assignments and/or security reasons prohibits
the carrying of such weapon and ammunition, i.e working in Corrections, conducting
administrative duties within the agency’s compound; going into a secured area of a
correctional institution, etc.)

F. Off duty sworn personnel whose primary duty is law enforcement will have their authorized
sidearm and credentials with them and available at all times while within the jurisdiction.
(Exemptions: in process of leaving the jurisdiction; involved in a recreational activity that
makes it impractical or unsafe, and/or unable to maintain physical security and/or control.)

1. The carrying of any weapon or ammunition that may be or could be used for law
enforcement purposes that has not been authorized is prohibited.

2. Wearing a sidearm in plain view while off duty must be accompanied by displaying
the badge of authority in close proximity to the weapon. However officers should
refrain from carrying an exposed weapon while off duty whenever possible.

G. All records pertaining to training and authorized weapons are to be maintained in a central

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Requirements of Weapons; Lethal and NUMBER: 014-RR
Non-Lethal; On and Off Duty
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 2, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish training requirements and restrictions on all weapons carried on and off duty.


Sworn personnel will receive training and demonstrate proficiency in the use of all authorized
weapons before they carry them and are prohibited from carrying any unauthorized weapons
and ammunition while on duty or off duty.

This policy applies only to those weapons and ammunition carried and used for Law Enforcement


A. Officers are to receive training and demonstrate proficiency in the use of authorized weapons
from the designated training officer before the weapon can be carried. Training is to include:

1. Inspection, care and maintenance.

2. Laws in the use of weapons.
3. Safe handling of weapons.
4. Meet the minimum state requirements for firearm qualifications.

B. Officers are to qualify annually with any firearm they are authorized to use.

C. Officers are to undergo refresher training on all weapons, other than firearms, every two

D. Any officer wanting to have a weapon or ammunition authorized is to submit a request in

writing to the Sheriff. Upon approval it is to be added to the list of the agency’s authorized
firearms and ammunition.

1. While on duty an officer to carry only the weapons (lethal and non-lethal) he/she is
authorized to carry, special permission must be granted by the Sheriff to carry any
weapon other than what he/she has been issued.

a. The request must be in writing and if approved a copy placed in the personnel

b. Qualification and/or training must take place before the weapon may be

2. Authorized off duty weapons require annual qualifications.

a. Officers may be required to provide their own ammo.

b. Failure to qualify will result in non-authorization of the weapon.

E. Sworn personnel, when in uniform and/or on duty, will carry issued/authorized weapon and
ammunition at all times, (Exemption: duty or assignments and/or security reasons prohibits
the carrying of such weapon and ammunition, i.e working in Corrections, conducting
administrative duties within the agency’s compound; going into a secured area of a
correctional institution, etc.)

F. Off duty sworn personnel whose primary duty is law enforcement will have their authorized
sidearm and credentials with them and available at all times while within the jurisdiction.
(Exemptions: in process of leaving the jurisdiction; involved in a recreational activity that
makes it impractical or unsafe, and/or unable to maintain physical security and/or control.)

1. The carrying of any weapon or ammunition that may be or could be used for law
enforcement purposes that has not been authorized is prohibited.

2. Wearing a sidearm in plain view while off duty must be accompanied by displaying
the badge of authority in close proximity to the weapon. However officers should
refrain from carrying an exposed weapon while off duty whenever possible.

G. All records pertaining to training and authorized weapons are to be maintained in a central

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Authority and Responsibility for the NUMBER: 015
Chief Executive Officer
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: April 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


Designates the authority and the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer by law and/or


The authority and the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer are as set forth below:


The Sheriff of Lancaster County derives his legal authority from the Constitution of Virginia and the
Code of Virginia.

A. The Sheriff is a constitutional officer by virtue of the Constitution of Virginia. His

responsibilities are outlined by the General Assembly in the form of state statutes.
The Sheriff is the Chief Executive Officer of the agency and has criminal and civil
jurisdiction and is empowered to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia
within the County of Lancaster.


1. The Sheriff may execute civil and court processes throughout the jurisdiction in
which he serves.

2. Law enforcement

a. Shall enforce the law or see that it is enforced in the locality from which
he is elected.

b. Sheriffs are authorized to arrest without warrants for felonies and

misdemeanors committed in their presence.

3. Court Duties of the Sheriff

a. The Sheriff shall provide officers to attend the courts within his
jurisdiction while such courts are in session as the respective judges may
require, or under process issuing there from.

4. Shall file a report of arrest of certain school employee for certain offenses.

5. Shall make a report to the CCRE for certain arrest.

6. Records to be kept on each person committed to jail.

7. The Sheriff is to give notice of release of certain prisoners of their duty.

8. Sheriffs to be keepers of jails.

9. To make monthly reports to the Compensation Board)

10. To keep daily records showing number of prisoners admitted and released.

11. To report to the courts number of prisoners, names, date of commitment,

offense and sentence of each prisoner.

12. Responsible for food, clothing and medicine of prisoners.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Command Protocol NUMBER: 016-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 16, 2006 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish the command protocol.


The command protocol will be followed as stated below.


A. In the absence of the Sheriff, the Chief Deputy is in command, followed by the
Lieutenant on call or duty. In the event that neither supervisor is available, than the
highest ranking or senior officer of the division that has the responsibility and is on the
scene, is in charge.

B. There are no exceptions to this protocol, unless in writing from the Sheriff or his
designee. (In the event a senior officer without rank does not want to assume the
responsibility of command, he must do so in writing and give this to the next officer in
line to be in command.)

C. Situations involving personnel of different functions or division engaged in a singular

operation are to follow “A” for command protocol.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 19, 2021 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the office's organizational structure and functions.


The following chart/procedure will be this office's organizational structure and functions
and will be made available to all personnel.



Administrative Assistant

Chief Deputy
(Senior Supervisor)

Patrol Lt. Jail operations Investigative Lt.

(Senior Supervisor) (Senior Supervisor)
1 Lieutenant
2 Sergeants*
9 Correctional Officers* 3 Investigators
2 Sergeants 4 cooks
8 Patrol Officers
2 SRO Officers

1 Communications Supervisor
8 Dispatchers

Court Security
6 Court Security Officers

* Denotes dual responsibility between corrections and communications. Senior supervisors have
supervisory responsibility and authority for day-to-day operations of the Agency.


A. Sheriff

Chief Executive Officer to whom all employees and functional units are responsible and is
responsible for the proper and efficient administration, control and total operation of the agency.

B. Chief Deputy (Senior Supervisor)

1. Act as Sheriff in the absence of the Sheriff.

2. Assist the Sheriff in the administration, control, and operation of the agency.

3. Chief jail administrator.

4. Supervise communications.

5. Supervise Court security.

6. Authority to take disciplinary action or recommend it in keeping with the provision of the
agency's policies.

7. Other duties that the Sheriff may assign.

C. Lieutenant of Patrol (Senior Supervisor)

1. Subordinate to the Sheriff, and Chief Deputy.

2. Responsible for the observance of the orders, proper performance of duty, and
maintenance of discipline in his division.

3. Authority to take disciplinary action or recommend it in keeping with the provision

of the agency's policies.

4. Authority to schedule and grant annual leave to any officer of his division.

5. Responsible for coordinating the work schedule and daily activities of the officers
assigned to his division.

6. Ensures that officers' report for work proper and neat in appearance.

7. Maintain a record of activities performed by officers assigned to him.

8. Investigate any complaints lodged against any of his subordinates that may come
to his attention.

9. Ensures the proper and correct service of all processes.

10. Ensures reports are correct, complete and turned in on time.

11. Supervise patrol officers, field activities and make assignments.

12. Other duties that the Sheriff, or Chief Deputy may assign.

D. Lieutenant of the Investigative Division (Senior Supervisor)

1. Subordinate to the Sheriff, and Chief Deputy.

2. Chief Investigator.

3. Report all investigations to the Sheriff each day with progress updates and strategy

4. Supervise investigators and all criminal investigations, make assignments, offering

suggestions and give assistance as needed.

5. Ensures reports are correct, complete and turned in on time.

6. Investigate cases.

7. Responsible for the observance of the orders, proper performance of duty, and
maintenance of discipline in his division.

8. Take disciplinary action or recommend it is keeping with the provision of the Office

9. Authority to schedule and grant annual leave to any officer of his division.

10. Responsible for coordinating the work schedule and daily activities of the officers
assigned to his division.

11. Ensures that officers report for work proper and neat in appearance.

12. Maintain a record of activities performed by officers assigned to him.

13. Investigate any complaints lodged against any of his subordinates that may come to
his attention.

14. Other duties that the Sheriff, or Chief Deputy may assign.

E. Sergeants (Daily Operations Supervisors)

1. Subordinate supervisors responsible for day to day operations on their respective shifts.

2. Assigns job tasks to deputies in their respective divisions.

3. Reviews daily reports (shift logs, activity reports, traffic and arrest reports, etc.) for
accuracy, completeness and timely submission

4. Performs tasks consistent with his/her designated training function(s).

5. Reports to his/her division supervisor.

F. Deputies (Line Staff)

1. Subordinate to all ranking staff.

2. Performs assigned tasks consistent with his/her designated training function(s).

3. Submits reports consistent with his/her duty assignment.

G. Communications Supervisor

1. Subordinate to all senior supervisors (Lieutenant and above).

2. Reports to division supervisor.

3. Serves as Assistant Terminal Agency Contact for VCIN operations.

4. Conducts second party cross checks for NCIC/VCIN entries

5. Ensures that all VCIN certified staff complete VCIN operator recertification online every
2 years.

6. Performs tasks consistent with the needs of the agency’s Public Safety Answering Point as
an E911 communications operator.

7. Responsible for main jail door control in accordance with DOC standards.

H. Communications Officer

1. Subordinate to the Communications Supervisor.

2. Performs tasks consistent with the needs of the agency’s Public Safety Answering Point as
an E911 communications operator.

3. Makes entries, updates, cancellations and clearances of NCIC/VCIN records.

4. Responsible for jail door control in accordance with DOC standards.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: : Supervision NUMBER: 018-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 3, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require an employee and each organizational component to be responsible to only one

supervisor at any given time and supervisory personnel to be held accountable for employees
under their control.


Each employee will be responsible to only one supervisor at any given time. Each
organizational component will be under the direct command of only one supervisor and all
supervisory personnel will be accountable for the performance of employees under their
immediate control.


A. Each employee is assigned to serve under the direction of one supervisor and any
orders, instructions, or directions are to be given by that supervisor. Any order,
instruction or direction by a higher-ranking officer is to be given to the employee’s
immediate supervisor.

B. Each organizational component/division is under the direct command of the

supervisor as stated in General Order 017. Any general orders, or permanent changes
in day to day operations are to be through the chain of command.

C. Supervisory personnel are held accountable for the performance of employees under
their command.

D. All employees obey any lawful order of a supervisor, including any order relayed
from a supervisor by an employee of the same or lesser rank. If an employee receives
instruction from a higher-ranking officer that conflicts with what his/her immediate
supervisor has told the employee, the employee is to inform the senior ranking officer
of the conflict. The senior ranking officer is to either retract the order or direct that
the order be obeyed. The senior ranking supervisor is responsible for notifying the
subordinate supervisor of the decision when circumstances permit. Also if the
employee receives what he/she believes to be an unlawful order, the employee is not
required to obey the order, but they will be held accountable for the consequences of
their actions. Any such order will be reported to the next level of supervision in the
employee’s chain of command.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide a job description of each position within the agency.


A Job description of each position will be available to all personnel.


A. Job descriptions of each position are available to all personnel on the agency's

Click on the below listed position for description.

1. Administrative Assistant
2. Chief Deputy
3. Cook
4. Correctional Officer
5. E-911 Communication Operator
6. Investigator
7. Lids Coordinator
8. Lieutenant-Investigator
9. Lieutenant- Patrol
10. Lieutenant- Jail
11. First Sergeant
12. Patrol Officer
13. Sergeant-Correctional
14. Sergeant-Patrol
15. Sheriff
16. Victim-Witness Program Director
17. Court Security
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Written Directive System NUMBER: 022-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define this agency’s written directive system in order to give employees a clear
understanding of the constraints and expectations relating to the performance of their duties
and that directives be current and reviewed annually.


Written directives, including policies, procedures, rules and regulations, General Orders, and
memoranda, will be used to provide personnel with a clear understanding of the constraints
under which they operate as well as expectations about their performance. General Orders
will be maintained on the Agency’s server.


A. Written Directives System

1. The formal written directives system of this agency is designated to insure that
employees have a clear understanding of the expectations and constraints relating to
performance in agency activities and duties. Written directives in use within the
agency include, but are not limited to the following:

a. Rules and Regulations of the agency relate to the conduct of an individual in

that they indicate what must not be done.

1. Regulations define, to some extent, the duties and responsibilities of

the individuals, or what they must do. This also includes the agency in
certain areas that require compliance with State Code and/or Virginia
Law Enforcement Professional Standards.

2. The two will collectively be called rules and are the statutes or laws of
the agency, are inflexible, rigid and definite and will be complied with
by every permanent, part-time, temporary, employee of the agency.

a) General Orders that are designated Rules and Regulations are
distinguishable by “RR” included in the General Order number
(example: 022-RR).

3. Disciplinary sanctions will be applied for violation of rules.

b. General Orders described permanent directives concerned with

policy and procedures affecting more than one organizational

1. Policy generally provides flexible guidelines while giving

the employee the general accepted departmental way of
acting and a framework within which to make decisions.

2. Procedures are the normally accepted step by step ways of

doing a particular task and usually are used for training new
employees or for introducing new or revised methods of all.

3. Compliance with policies and procedures are normally

expected unless good reasons exist for not doing so. It will
be the responsibility of any employee choosing non-
compliance to justify such non-compliance.

4. The intent of words such as “will”, “must”, “should”, and

“shall” in any order is a directive and is to mandate a
particular action. Words such as “may”, “can”, and
“normally” are less directive and imply a degree of choice.

c. Agency’s Memorandum generally addressed to “All Personnel” or

“All Officers” and signed by a supervisor are aimed at providing
information, options, guidance, or orders concerning a particular
subject or event. Frequently self-concealing after a particular event,
those that have general application will be included in subsequent
revision of related Administrative Orders.

d. Other memos, letters, training materials, etc., are used within the
agency to communicate orders, instructions, inquiries, and
information among and between units and/or individuals.

2. General Orders establish basic Agency policies and procedures and

must be approved by the Sheriff.

a. Agency policies are to be issued as General Orders to include

purpose, policy and procedure

b. Agency activities are to be governed by General Orders to include
the purpose, policy and procedure.

c. Rules and regulations are to be issued as General Orders to include

the purpose, policy and procedure.

B. General Orders

1. Each new General Order receives an assigned number.

a. General Orders are grouped with a subject heading, and can be assigned the
same number by using the number/letter sequencing, (example: 022A).

2. Any General Order that is purged, its number is to be retired.

a. A General Order is to be purged when its contents are no longer valid or is

superceded by another.

b. Any General Order updated or revised is to maintain its assigned number, but
is to marked “Amended” followed by the date.

3. Divisional supervisors, once a General Order has been approved by the Sheriff, are
responsible for ensuring each affected employee reads and understands the General
Order and ensures the appropriate signed receipt is filed with the Personnel Officer.

4. General Orders are posted on the agency’s server and available at most computer

C. In order to perform their duties properly, all employees are to familiarize themselves
thoroughly with and comply with the General Orders and other written directives adopted by
this agency.

1. The employee has a personal responsibility to seek clarification from supervisors or

the Sheriff of any directive not clearly understood.

2. All employees are assumed to have knowledge of a General Order and are bound by
each after signing a receipt of acknowledgment and understanding.

D. It is the responsibility of the accreditation manager to review, maintain, and revise written
directives as necessary.

1. Reviews are conducted annually.

2. Files are maintained in a locked file cabinet available to the accreditation manager.

3. Any revised or amended written directive is so noted on the General Order.

E. Indexing, purging, updating and revising directives.

1. A copy of each directive is forwarded to the accreditation manager for incorporation

into the General Orders. The accreditation manager prepares a General Order as
necessary for review by the appropriate divisional supervisor and Sheriff. Once
approved, the accreditation manager or divisional supervisor disseminates the General
Order to effected personnel.

2. Each directive is reviewed and updated as necessary. Directives that are purged are
removed from electronic data storage devices and filed for future reference.

3. Directives that are short term, or that are issued for specific, limited assignments, are
not incorporated into a General Order.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders




Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Dissemination of Directives NUMBER: 024-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define the procedures for the dissemination of approved directives.


Approved directives/General Orders will be disseminated to, or reviewed with, affected

personnel. New and/or amended General Orders will be posted on the agency server.
Personnel will execute a receipt for reviewing and understanding a General Order(s).


A. Each General Order is:

1. Reviewed and explained to the supervisory staff by the Sheriff or his

designee, the supervisory staff returns to their prospective division, squad or
shift and reviews the General Order with each of the subordinates or;

2. The Sheriff or his designee calls a meeting of effected personnel to review the
General Order(s) or;

3. The Sheriff of his designee notifies effected personnel for them to review the
General Order(s) posted on the agency’s server and if they have questions, to
see their immediate supervisor.

B. General Orders are available to all personnel in the following locations:

1. Any computer workstation that can access the agency’s server.

2. Personnel are given a CD that contain the General Orders

C. Each employee is to sign an acknowledgment of receipt of understanding of the order.

1. Receipts are kept on file in a central location.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Planning and Research NUMBER: 025
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: May 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide a basis for administrative decisions which is based on sound principles of data
gathering and analysis. The purpose of research and planning is to allow this agency to
respond to an ever-changing environment. This function should allow response to changing
crime patterns, obtaining necessary resources (both staff and physical), training, and
budgeting for future demands on the office.


The Sheriff will designate an employee to be responsible for gathering data, analyzing data,
and making appropriate recommendations to the Sheriff regarding future operations of the
office. The Sheriff may identify areas of concern, members of the office, or citizens.


A. The Chief Deputy is designated to supervise research and planning.

B. For each research and planning project a specific problem or area of concern will be

1. Planning and Research Function

a. Organization of the planning and research function:

1) Grant Funding

a. Seeking sources for grant funding of law enforcement

programs and equipment through use of the Federal Register,
grant related publications, computer services and liaison with
other government and law enforcement agencies.

b. Application for grants funding by working with other members

of the Office to create programs within the requested
guidelines and to create the budget for those programs.

c. Tracking of Active Grants and filing required reports using
desktop publishing text and graphics programs to provide an
informative and easy to understanding activity report.

2. Liaison with County Planning

a. The County Planning Office is a vital source of census information and other
up to date demographic statistics. An open line of information exchange
between these two offices is of mutual benefit.

3. Special Projects and Studies

a. The planning and research function conducts studies and provides information
to other Office members on products, procedures and methods. Request for
these studies are received through the proper chain of command.

C. Written conclusions and recommendations will be made to the Sheriff based on the analysis
of the obtained data.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Crime Analysis NUMBER: 026
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERCEDES: July 28, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish the agency’s crime analysis function.


Information will be obtained from appropriate sources for the purpose of crime analysis.
Necessary or relevant data will be provided to the appropriate staff members of divisions.


The Chief Deputy and/or Lieutenant is to supervise and/or conduct crime analysis by extracting data
from appropriate sources.

A. Criminal offense reports, IBR computer data, etc., are to be used to extract the required

B. Analysis of crime data is to be conducted and reports are to be done when he/she feels it
is necessary

1. Any patterns and/or trends of criminal activity identified are to be distributed to

the appropriate personnel to include the Sheriff.

C. Potential or actual agency staff/citizens concerns that have been identified are to be
documented and given to the crime analyst to include in a report, if any.

D. The following crimes are to be documented at a minimum. The report may contain other
information that may be deemed important to all personnel.

1. Rape
2. Robbery
3. Burglaries
4. Larceny
5. Vandalism
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Interagency Agreements NUMBER: 028-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define the minimum requirements for interagency agreements concerning contiguous

jurisdictions and other jurisdictions within the Commonwealth.


Interagency agreements concerning contiguous jurisdictions and other jurisdictions within the
Commonwealth will be conducted in accordance with the Code of Virginia.

An agreement will be signed by all agency’s Chief Executive Officer when:

A. Any pre-planned or on going operations conducted by this agency involving

officers out of the jurisdiction or officers of this agency assisting another agency
outside Lancaster County jurisdiction will execute an agreement consisting of at
minimum the following:

1. Waiver of any and all claims against all the other parties thereto which
may arise out of their activities outside their respective jurisdictions
under such agreement.

2. Indemnifies and saves harmless the other parties to such agreement from
all claims by third parties for property damage or personal injury which
may arise out of the activities or the other parties to such agreement
outside their respective jurisdictions under such agreement.


A. The Sheriff and the CEO of the other agency are to upon agreeing sign a mutual aid

1. Agreements are to be filed in the office of the Sheriff.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Liaison with Other Criminal Justice NUMBER: 029
Agencies and Emergency Services
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 30, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures and responsibilities for liaison and maintaining communication

between this agency, and other criminal justice and emergency service agencies. Good liaison
can break down barriers that may exist and can result in efficient and effective law
enforcement operations.


This agency will establish and maintain effective liaison and open channels of communication
with other criminal justice and emergency service agencies serving Lancaster County.


A. Relationships with other criminal justice agencies:

1. This agency will provide all possible information, assistance, and support to
these agencies allowed by law. It is the responsibility of all agency personnel
to maintain harmonious working relations and communication with:

a. The Commonwealth Attorney;

b. Public defender;
c. General District, Juvenile and Domestic Relations, and Circuit
Courts and their respective clerks;
d. The local probation and parole officers;
e. Regional jail;
f. Juvenile detention home; and
g. Any other criminal justice agencies.

2. Any serious policy or procedural problems or differences with another agency

or its personnel shall be brought to the attention of the Sheriff who will meet
with appropriate personnel of these agencies in order to resolve the problems.

3. During any investigation, questions of law or criminal procedure will be

addressed to the Commonwealth’s Attorney office.

a. Questions on law enforcement procedure will be addressed to the

4. Any criminal cases referred to the Commonwealth’s Attorney which result

either in decision not to prosecute or to dismiss, due to department
mishandling, shall be carefully reviewed and appropriate corrective action

a. The Commonwealth’s Attorney has been asked to bring such cases

to the attention of the Sheriff.

5. All employees of this agency are to assist and cooperate with all federal, state,
and local law enforcement agencies in every way possible allowed by law.

B. Relationships with fire and rescue agencies:

1. This agency will provide all possible assistance and support to these agencies
allowed by law.

a. It is the responsibility of all agency personnel to maintain

harmonious working relations and communication with local fire and
rescue agencies.

2. Any serious problem with any fire or rescue agencies of its personnel shall be
brought to the attention of the Sheriff who will meet with appropriate
personnel of these agencies in order to resolve the problems.

a. All employees of this agency are to assist and cooperate with all fire
and rescue agencies.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Public and Private Service Agencies NUMBER: 031
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To identify the services and resources available to the public allowing agency personnel to
refer citizens in need of such services for appropriate assistance through both public and
private service agencies.


A list of public and private agencies and their telephone numbers will be maintained in the
communication center of this office and will be available to all personnel. The list will be
updated and changed as needed.


A. It is the responsibility of all Communication Officers to maintain and update

telephone numbers of public and private agencies as needed.

1. A hard copy will be maintained and accessible to the dispatcher on duty.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Requisition and Purchase of Agency NUMBER: 032
Supplies and Equipment
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 31, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern procedures for the requisition and purchase of agency supplies and equipment.


The following procedures will be used when requisitioning or purchasing supplies and/or
equipment for this agency.


A. Specifications for items requiring standardized purchases:

1. All office supplies are obtained through county administration or the agency

a. Items costing $2,500.00 or more must be approved by the Sheriff.

2. Operational supplies, such as batteries, film, etc. may be purchased by the

individual employee.

a. Employee must turn in a signed receipt.

3. All uniforms and uniform items (including leather) must be obtained through
the Sheriff’s designee(s).

a. Designees’ will keep the Sheriff informed of expenditures on a

regular basis.

4. The Sheriff must approve the purchase of any type of equipment.

a. The individual responsible will carry out the normal schedule

maintenance of equipment.

5. Any and all other expenditures not stated above must be approved by the

B. Bidding procedures:
1. In the event this agency has a need for soliciting bids for purchasing purposes
over $10,000 is to be done through the County Administrator’s Office and not
by this agency.

C. Criteria for the selection of vendors and bidders:

1. Any selection of vendors and bidders is to be done through the County

Administrator’s Office.

D. Emergency purchasing or rental agreements for equipment:

1. The Sheriff or his designee is to contact the County Administrator and any
approval or agreements made is to be through the County Administrator’s

E. Requesting supplemental or emergency appropriation and fund transfer:

1. The Sheriff or his designee is to contact the County Administrator and any
supplemental, emergency appropriation or fund transfer is to be handled by
the County Administrator’s Office.

F. Contracts such as maintenance and service agreements:

1. Any contracts or agreements of this nature are to be made through the County
Administrator’s Office and not by this agency.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Accounting System NUMBER: 033
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish this agency’s accounting system.


The Sheriff or his designee will approve each account and will provide monthly status reports

a. Initial appropriation for each account;

b. Balance at the commencement of the monthly period;
c. Expenditures and encumbrances made during the period; and
d. Unencumbered balance.


The Sheriff or his designee is to ensure each month the secretary prepares a report on each account
showing the following:

a. Initial appropriation of each account;

b. Balance at the commencement of the monthly period;
c. Expenditures and encumbrances made during the period; and
d. Unencumbered balance.

The Sheriff or his designee is to approve each account.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Cash Funds or Accounts NUMBER: 034
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern all cash funds or accounts where agency personnel are permitted to receive,
maintain, or disburse cash.


Cash funds or accounts where personnel are permitted to receive, maintain, or disburse cash
will include:

a. a balance sheet that identifies initial balance, credits, debits, and the balance on
b. receipts for cash received;
c. authorization for cash disbursements, including CEO authorization for expenses
in excess of a given amount;
d. records, documentation, or invoice for cash expenditures;
e. persons or positions authorized to disburse or accept cash;
f. quarterly accounting of cash activities;
g. procedures for an independent audit of the fiscal activities.


Petit cash is maintained in the Sheriff’s office and is to be used for incidentals such as
postage, meals for officers on extended prisoner transports or attending training, purchases of office
supplies, drug buys, or other incidentals that may arise in day to day operation.

A. A balance sheet is maintained in the Sheriff’s office. Any money added or removed
to the fund is to be recorded and the balance shown.

B. Receipts or documents for cash received will be filed.

C. Each disbursement requires a petit cash voucher to be filled out and signed by the
authorizing supervisor. Any expense exceeding $200.00 requires approval from the

D. Receipts, invoices or documentation are required for cash expenditures.

E. The Sheriff, Chief Deputy and Lieutenants are authorized to disburse or accept cash.

F. Quarterly accounting of cash activities will be performed by the county

administration office and any errors or discrepancy reported to the Sheriff.

G. A state auditor will be used for an independent audit of the fiscal activities.

1. The Commonwealth of Virginia sets procedures for such audit.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Inventory of Capital Assets NUMBER: 035
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 31, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the procedure for inventory of capital assets within agency control.


The Sheriff or his designee will maintain an inventory of all capital assets within the control of
this agency by ensuring assets are accountable, properly maintained and used in accordance
with acceptable practices. These inventories are performed annually.

Capital Assets:
A. Definition
Capital Assets are defined as:
1. Land, buildings, and equipment with an initial individual cost of more than $5,000
and an estimated life in excess of two years
2. Computer network hardware, regardless of initial individual cost
a. Servers
b. hubs, routers and switches
c. computers (included desktops, towers and laptops)
d. printers
3. Firearms, regardless of initial individual costs
4. Motor vehicles
5. Pagers and cellular telephones, regardless of single unit value

B. Exemptions
The following items are exempt from the capital asset inventory
1. Munitions
2. Badges, uniforms and leathers
3. Safety vests (bulletproof, tactical and traffic)
4. Office equipment not otherwise listed
5. Consumables

C. Designate staff will maintain certain inventories, including items not defined as a capital

A. The Sheriff or his designee maintains a list of capital assets within the agency’s control.
1. The county owns the land and buildings used by the agency.
2. A designated staff member maintains the computer network inventory.
3. Personnel records include a record of each firearm issued to an officer.
4. The titles to motor vehicles assigned to the agency constitute the motor vehicle inventory.
5. The monthly billings for pager and cellular telephone service constitute the inventory of
pagers and cellular telephones.

B. Routine and emergency maintenance is performed appropriate to the capital asset.

C. Capital assets are used to conduct agency business. Personal use of capital assets is subject to
approval by the sheriff and full reimbursement of costs.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Receiving in-Custody and Evidentiary NUMBER: 037
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 5, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


The purpose of this order is to establish a lawful system for the safe and efficient storage of
evidence or other property that enter the custody of this Office.


All evidence and property recovered or turned into this agency will be properly packaged,
handled, recorded, stored and accounted for. All personnel will maintain strict accountability
for all property held as property and evidence.


A. Property/Evidence

1. The recovering officer is responsible for properly packaging and labeling all
items collected or recovered as property or evidence and stored in this
agency’s property/evidence room to prevent any tampering, contaminating, or
destruction of same. A report is written detailing the circumstances by which
the property came into the officer’s possession and describing each item of
property obtained and is to be submitted before ending his/her shift. (In the
event the items are found property turned in by a citizen, the officer may
utilize the available space in the “Description of Property” block to detail how
property came into possession. An incident number is required for tracking

a. Upon return to the Office, the recovering officer inventories all items
recovered on the property and evidence form. This includes contents
in wallets, purses and other like items that are containers for smaller

b. Before property is placed in the property/evidence room for storage,

property/evidence is to be properly packaged in an appropriate
container to protect the item from damage, contamination, and to
segregate from other items (if applicable) and labeled with the
following information:

1. Case/incident number;
2. Officer name;
3. Date.

c. Property/evidence and related property/evidence forms must be

delivered immediately to the property/evidence cabinet, room or

d. Property/evidence that can be or is considered exceptional, valuable

or sensitive comes under the direct supervision of the Chief
Investigator and at his discretion may direct property/evidence to be
secured in a padlocked metal container located in the
property/evidence room or sealed in the safe located in the vault of
the main office or provide other means of extra security.

1. The Chief Investigator and his designee who are the three officers
under his command will only have access.

e. An attempt will be made by this agency in an effort to identify and

or notify the owner or custodian of non evidential or found property
in a timely manner.

B. Vehicles (impounded, seized or recovered)

1. Criteria for Storage:

a. evidence;
b. forfeiture;
c. seized under civil proceedings;
d. seized under traffic or criminal statues.

2. Storage:

a. LCSO Notice of Vehicle Impoundment/immobilization is completed

at the time of storage. (The condition of release must be specific)

1. Complete inventory of vehicle;

2. valuables handled in accordance with A1 and A1-b of this order.

3. the gold copy of is placed in the vehicle on the dash, visible from
the outside; the canary copy along with the keys and the tow bill is
placed in the manila envelopes provided in the communication

center; the remainder of the copies are turned in to the Chief

b. Vehicles are stored in the impoundment lot located on the east side
of the main office only.

I. Evidence

All evidence seized and/or recovered by officers is handled in accordance with procedures
and methods set forth in the Forensic Laboratories guidelines that are posted on the squad room
computer workstation as well as the evidence room workstation. Officers are to acquaint themselves
with these guidelines.

Protecting the integrity of evidence is paramount. Contaminated, altered evidence or

evidence that has been handled improperly is ultimately not evidence at all. It is not unusual to have
the outcome of a case turn on one single piece or evidence. The officer that develops a habit of
handling evidence properly in every case rarely has to be concerned with having evidence excluded
in his cases.

In major cases protecting the evidence at the crime scene is the job of the first officer to
arrive and treated very seriously. On arrival try to determine what area constitutes the crime scene
and seal that area pending arrival of Investigators. Don’t hesitate to take charge.

The following will help accomplish the above.

1. The investigating officer seizes all items of evidence or potential evidence. It

may not be possible to go back.

a. Items seized are protected by packaging and labeling immediately.

b. Don’t allow items to cross contaminate each other when returning

from the scene to the office.

2. All items seized are documented in the case report to show what was taken
and how it relates to the offense.

3. All items are also documented on a property inventory form.

a. This documentation is done as soon as possible and prior to the

evidence being turned in at the end of the officer’s shift.

4. The property inventory form has three copies.

a. White copy that is attached to the original report and is part of the
case file.

b. Yellow copy remains with the evidence in the property room.

1. The back of the yellow copy is used to track the evidence when it
goes into the property room and if it goes out to court or to the lab.

c. The pink copy is placed in the Chief Investigators tray for his

5. Most evidence turned in will be some type of package or container that is

clearly labeled with:

a. Case number;

b. Item number;

c. Officers name, and;

d. Date.

1. Exceptions i.e. bicycles or other large items are labeled with a

hangtag, etc.

6. Access to the property room is limited to the members of the Criminal

Investigation Division. If you have evidence to be checked in or out, contact a
member of C.I.D.

a. The investigator on call is contacted when C.I.D. is off.

b. The locked drawers are to be used to store evidence when C.I.D. is

off and the items are of a size that fit.

c. Place the pink property sheet in the Chief Investigators tray to alert
him that evidence is in one of the drawers.

d. Log the item in the drawer on the back of the yellow copy.

7. When evidence is submitted to the lab and not all items are going it is
necessary to make a copy of the property form for the tray to show which
items went.

a. Log the items going on the back of the original yellow copy then
copy both sides.

b. A copy of the lab form should be attached to the copy in the tray.

8. Questions concerning the handling of evidence are directed to an investigator

or supervisor before a mistake is made. Don’t be afraid to ask a question.

9. No evidence shall be documented or stored anywhere except in approved


II Found Property

1. Any item that is found or received by an officer receives an incident number

and is documented and turned in prior to the end of the officer’s shift.

2. The item is packaged if possible and labeled, (packaging and labeling material
located is in the basement of the annex building).

3. Items are handled carefully considering the fact that sometimes found
property later turns out to be evidence.

a. A field officer experienced in handling such items should receive

items such as weapons, drugs or similar property.

b. Officers assigned to communications or corrections receiving found

property i.e. keys, license plats, wallets, purses, etc. are to follow the
same procedures.

c. Civilian personnel are not permitted to receive any property, nor are
they to handle any type of received property.

III Towed/Impounded Vehicles

1. Any vehicle seized or for any reason towed to LCSO for storage is documented on an
impound vehicle form.

a. A gold copy of the form is placed inside the vehicle in a conspicuous place
that can be read from outside if necessary.

b. The officer allowing access to the storage area insures this form has been

2. Vehicles towed/impounded by officers are searched and any valuable items i.e. guns,
jewelry, money, electronics, tools, etc. are documented, seized, and turned in (in
accordance with A.1. of this standard) to avoid allegations of improprieties. (This
includes vehicles towed and stored at other locations).

a. A property form is still completed even if no property is found as described

above and is so noted on the form.

3. The impound form, keys, tow bill (if applicable) and canary/office copy of the
property form is placed in a manila envelope found in the control room and placed
into the evidence cabinet in the basement of the squad building and secured with the
padlock. The pink copy is placed in the Criminal Investigations tray located in the
hallway of the squad room. The white copy of the notice is to be submitted to the
court when applicable. The green copy is to be given to the operator/owner of the
vehicle. Always have the vehicle placed in VCIN as an impounded vehicle.

4. Only the Evidence/Property Officer or his designee can release vehicles. (All
inquiries are to be referred to him).

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Property & Evidence Storage NUMBER: 038
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: February 10, 2000 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for property and evidence storage.


Sworn personnel will follow required procedures for property and evidence storage.


A. All property/evidence whether it is evidential or non-evidential that is taken into

custody is to be placed in the Evidence Storage Room #1 or #2 located in the
basement of the squad building or locked in the temporary holding cabinet in the
absence of the evidence/property officer or his designee.

B. In the absence of the evidence/property officer or his designee the items are placed in
the temporary holding cabinet located in the annex basement and secured in one or
more of the locked lockers.

1. The pink copy of the evidence/property form is placed in the

evidence/property officer’s box notifying him that there is evidence property
in the temporary cabinet.

2. Upon receiving this notification the evidence/property officer retrieves the

items and logs them in the evidence/property room.

3. In the event evidence/property is recovered that will not fit into the temporary
holding cabinet the evidence/property officer or his designee is called in to
receive the items.

C. The evidence/property officer is the Chief Investigator. The only personnel to have
access to the evidence/property room are the Chief Investigator and his designee, who
are his subordinate investigators. All escorted entry of those not routinely associated
with the property and evidence function into the evidence/property room must be

D. The Chief Investigator or his designee maintains the records reflecting the status of
all property held by this agency.

E. Property/evidence temporarily removed from the evidence storage room is logged out
and in on the yellow copy of the evidence/property form and placed in the
appropriately labeled tray by the door.

1. Property/evidence being released is to be documented on the white copy of the

property form and turned into the Chief Investigator.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Property/Evidence Inspections and NUMBER: 039
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: February 8, 2000 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures to ensure adherence to the property/evidence control function.


Inspections will be conducted on the Property/Evidence Control function and reports filed to
ensure records are correct and procedures are being followed.


A. The Property Key Holder is to file an inspection report, at least quarterly, to the
Sheriff as to adherence to procedures used for the control of property.

B. Whenever a new Property Key Holder is appointed, an inventory of property is

conducted by the Control Officer and a designee of the Sheriff to ensure that records
are correct and properly annotated.

C. An annual audit of property/evidence is conducted by an employee not routinely or

directly connected with property/evidence control.

1. The Sheriff is to designate an employee to do the audit.

2. The employee is to conduct the audit and file a report to the Sheriff noting any

D. Unannounced inspections of property/evidence storage areas are conducted by an

employee not routinely or directly connected with property control. These inspections
or performed at least twice per year and/or as directed by the Sheriff.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Final Disposition of NUMBER: 040
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: February 26, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish guidelines for the disposal of found, recovered, and unclaimed property of non-
evidentiary value.


All found, recovered and unclaimed property of non-evidentiary value will be disposed of
according to state statutes. Personal property coming into agency possession as evidence may
be disposed of only after approval of the Commonwealth’s Attorney and the Chief


A. Responsibilities:

1. Evidence that can be released to its owner will be after developed photos
return; the preliminary hearing is over, and with the approval of the
Commonwealth’s Attorney and the Chief Investigator.

2. The recovering officer is to make every effort to identify and notify the owner
or custodian of property in the agency’s custody and to document those

B. Release of non-evidentiary and found/recovered property:

1. Non-evidentiary and found/recovered property will be released to the true

owner or his agent when claimed.

2. Satisfactory proof of ownership (e.g., serial number, receipts, sales slip,

invoice) must be presented. In lieu of proof listed above, when an owner can
describe a property item in great detail as to color, style, brand, scratches,
marks, and condition (characteristics which only the owner would know),
property may be released.

3. Any other person seeking release of property, particularly when a dispute
exists about ownership, will be advised that the property can only be released
to them by a court order.
C. Disposal of found/recovered and non-evidentiary property:

1. The Chief Investigator prepares a semi-annual list of non-evidentiary items

that have remained unclaimed for a period of time as specified by law, and
disposal is required.

2. The Chief Investigator presents the semi-annual property list to the Sheriff.

3. The Sheriff ensures disposal of these items in accordance with procedures

specified by law, (e.g., advertisement, public sale, deposit of proceeds), and
provides a certificate of disposal, properly witnessed by disinterested persons,
for files. The Sheriff may delegate this responsibility.

D. Unclaimed money or other values:

1. Unclaimed money or other valuables held by this agency that fall into or are
closely related to the following categories must be reported to the Department
of the Treasury, Division of Unclaimed Property, in accordance with, Virginia

a. Currency;
b. Coins;
c. Stamp;
d. Precious metals;
e. Securities;
f. Art objects;
g. Antiques (including weapons).

2. The Sheriff will report annually a list of unclaimed money and valuables to
the Department of Treasury on provided forms. Subsequent disposal of these
items will be governed by their response.

E. Weapons:

1. Following all criminal proceedings, legally possessed weapons not ordered

confiscated by the court will be returned to the owner or the owner’s agent.

2. Proof of ownership (e.g., serial number, receipts, sales slips or detailed

descriptions) will be required before release. Also before release a form must
be signed stating that they have not been convicted of a felony and they are
legally able to own a firearm.

3. Disposal of contraband weapons and those ordered confiscated by the court
will be according to court orders and the Code of Virginia.

4. Any item of evidence released will have a receipt signed by the recipient and
the receipt placed in the case file.

F. Drugs/narcotics:

1. Large seizures in excess of 10 pounds of controlled substances or marijuana

will be disposed of according to Virginia Code.

2. Controlled substances and marijuana of no evidentiary value will be disposed

of according to Code of Virginia.

G. Alcohol:

1. Alcoholic beverages that are not contraband and have no evidentiary value
will not be seized and shall be retained by the owner.

2. Contraband alcoholic beverages (those possessed by underage drinkers) and

alcoholic beverages confiscated by the court will be disposed of according to
the Code of Virginia.
H. Gambling:

1. Property and evidence seized incident to an arrest for violation of Code

Section 18.2-336 will be forfeited to the Commonwealth by order of the court.

2. Money seized will be disposed of according to court order.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Law enforcement provided NUMBER: 041
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 13, 2006 APPROVEDED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure that any law enforcement services that are provided to another agency has a
written contract.


If this agency agrees to provide law enforcement services to another jurisdiction, the
agency will have a written contract detailing the terms of the service.


The terms of service will include at a minimum:

a. A detailed description of the specific service(s) to be provided;

b. Financial terms of the contract;
c. Records to be maintained by the agency;
d. Duration, modification, and termination of the contract;
e. Liability issues;
f. A stipulation that supervision and control of agency personnel will remain with the
agency; and
g. Arrangements for the use of agency equipment and facilities.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Internal Affairs System NUMBER: 042
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 7, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Adm. 18.01-18.02-18.03-18.04-18.05-18.06


To ensure the integrity of the agency is maintained through an internal system where
objectivity, fairness, and justice are assured by intensive and impartial investigation and


Allegations of employee misconduct, improprieties, criminal behavior, etc., will be recorded,

investigated and promptly adjudicated.

The responsible party for the internal affairs function will be the Chief Deputy. The Sheriff
can assign someone else if there is a conflict.


I. All personnel will make available to the public on request the procedures to be followed
in registering complaints against the agency or its employees.

A. A citizen requesting information on how to make a complaint against an officer’s

actions, an employee of this Office or the agency itself is referred to a supervisor or
the Sheriff, if unavailable the officer is to inform the citizen he/she can:

1. Leave his/her name and phone number where they can be reached,
2. Come back or call back at a later time to speak with a supervisor or Sheriff,
3. The complaint is to be in writing and signed.

B. Responsibility for handling complaints:

1. Complaints regarding law enforcement operations are handled through the

chain of command. Complaints involving how service is provided or a failure
to provide service or improper attitudes or behavior normally is investigated
and handled by the division head or by the Sheriff’s designee.
a. The Sheriff, his designee or complainant submits the signed complaint
in writing to the division head of the employee or the officer in charge
of internal affairs.

b. The Sheriff (or his designee) determines (based on category in Section

II) if the complaint is to be investigated by division head or the
internal affairs function and if either as a criminal or administrative
matter, or both.

c. Upon completion of the investigation, a report is filed with the Sheriff

of the results and a recommendation of the disposition, including
disciplinary action to be taken, if any.

C. Receipts of complaints:

1. Complaints, regardless of nature, can be logged in person, by mail, or by

phone at any time. As part of the follow-up investigative procedure, persons
making complaints by mail or phone are to be interviewed and a written
signed complaint prepared. Anonymous complaints are to be followed up to
the extent possible and a report filed only if substantiated or verified through
another source.

2. Every effort is to be made to facilitate the convenient, courteous, and prompt

receipt and processing of citizen complaints. An employee of this agency
who interferes with, discourages or delays the making of such complaints is
subject to disciplinary action.

3. If the division head determines that the complainant is apparently under the
influence of an intoxicant or drug, or apparently suffers from mental disorder,
or displays any other trait or condition bearing on his or her credibility, he is
to note such conditions on the reverse side of the complaint form. Any visible
marks or injuries relative to the allegation are to be noted and photographed.

a. Prisoners or arrestees also may make complaints at the jail for an

interview. If appropriate, the agency representative photographs the
prisoner’s injuries.

4. A citizen complaint received through the mail is to be forwarded to the

Sheriff, who determines investigative responsibility.

5. Complaints received over the telephone by dispatchers or other employees are

to be courteously and promptly referred to a supervisor. The dispatcher or
employee records the name and telephone number of the complainant and
states that the Sheriff, Captain or other supervisor will call back as soon as
6. Complaints are not to be accepted more than thirty days after the alleged
incident, with the following exceptions:

a. When the act complained of is a criminal violation in which case the

criminal statute of limitations will prevail.

b. When the complaining person can show good cause for not making the
complaint earlier.

7. The above procedure may also be used when agency employees desire to enter
a complaint against any other employee governed by this order.

8. Employees’ are to be notified when they become the subject of an internal

affairs investigation to include the following:

a. A written statement of the allegations, and;

b. The employee’s right and responsibilities;
c. The final status/disposition.

D. Disposition of Complaints:

The Sheriff or his designee is to:

1. Notify the complainant, in writing, as soon as practicable, that the agency

acknowledges receipt of the complaint, that it is under investigation, that the
investigation will be completed within thirty days, and that the complaint will
be substantiated or unsubstantiated.

a. If the investigation exceeds thirty days, the Sheriff will write the
complainant a letter explaining the circumstances of the delay.

b. The complainant is to be notified of the status/disposition.

2. Maintain complaint files separate from personnel files.

3. Take appropriate disciplinary action following the investigation.

II. Categories of Complaints

Class I and Class II complaints may be investigated by the division head of the employee or a
designee of the Sheriff. Class III complaints will be handled by the internal affairs function.

Unacceptable conduct is divided into three categories:

A. Class I.
The least severe in nature but requires corrective action in the interest of maintaining
a productive and well-managed work force.

1. Types of offense are:

a. Frequent absence from duty.

b. Tardiness.
c. Unsatisfactory job performance.
d. Violation of policy and procedure.
e. Other minor offenses.

2. Disciplinary action:

a. Oral reprimands.
b. Written reprimand.

B. Class II.

1. Types of offenses are:

a. Absence from post without being relieved.

b. Firing warning shots.
c. Insubordination.
d. Harassment of inmates.
e. Violation of policy and procedures.
f. Violation of rules and regulations.
e. Other similar offenses.

2. Disciplinary action:

a. Written reprimand.
b. Suspension without pay, not to exceed five days.

C. Class III.

This is the most serious in nature that may result in dismissal. Alleged or suspected
misconduct in this category may be handled as criminal or administrative matter or

1. Types of offenses:

a. Failure to obey a direct lawful order of the Sheriff.

b. Violation of policy and procedure.
c. Violation of rule and regulations.
d. Excessive use of alcohol.
e. Possession or use of controlled drugs.
f. Conviction of a felony or a crime involving morale turpitude.
g. Theft or unauthorized removal of County property.
h. Engaging in criminal information to any person except those who may
be entitled to such information or when directed by the Sheriff.
i. Corruption.
j. Brutality.
k. Breach of civil rights.
l. Acceptance of any bribe, gift, token, or monies, or other things or
value intended as an inducement to perform or refrain from performing
any official act.
m. Manifesting cowardice, feigning illness, or otherwise attempting to
shirk official act.
n. Other serious offenses.

2. Disciplinary action:

a. Written reprimand.
b. Transfer.
c. Suspension without pay.
d. Dismissal.

3. The Sheriff has the discretion of making the decision of any of the above


A. The Sheriff will classify completed investigations as:

1. Unsubstantiated-The named employee is found to have acted in accordance

with agency policies and procedures.

2. Substantiated-The named employee is found to have acted in violation of the

agency policies and procedures.

B. Based upon the complaint, the following action may be taken:

1. Review applicable policies and procedures.

2. Amend applicable policies and procedures.

C. Disciplinary action may be taken:

1. Punitive.
2. Complimentary.

A. All matters pertaining to an internal affairs investigation will be confidential and all
records maintained in a secured location, accessible only to the Sheriff and Chief

1. Completed investigations classified as unsubstantiated will be maintained in

internal affairs files in the Sheriff’s Office.

a. Substantiated complaints will be filed in the individual employee’s

personnel file with a copy in the internal affairs files.

2. Unsubstantiated complaints are retained for not less than 3 years after
employee termination, and then destroyed.

3. Substantiated complaints are retained for not less than 5 years after employee
termination, and then destroyed.

B. Disciplinary action taken will be determined by the seriousness of the violation of the
extent of injury to the victim. It will be commensurate with the circumstances
surrounding the incident and in consideration of the officer’s service record and prior
sustained complaints.

C. Written directives relating to the administration of the internal affairs function will be
disseminated to all personnel.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Inspection Process NUMBER: 049
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 13, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify this agency’s inspection process.


The agency’s supervisory personnel will conduct inspections to identify agency needs and
ensure that control is maintained by constantly evaluating agency operations.



Line inspection focuses on the conditions of equipment, uniforms, vehicles, etc.

Staff inspection generally focuses on agency’s policies and procedures and looks at the entire
agency to determine if it is accomplishing its mission.

A. Line inspection responsibilities and objectives:

1. Inspection is an ongoing and daily process conducted by those in direct

command and by those who have the authority to act or require immediate
action of subordinates. Ongoing inspection is the duty of all supervisory

2. A formal inspection will be conducted in each division by the divisional

supervisor or his designee on an annual basis to include:

a. Quantity of forms or other needed supplies.

b. Do field officers have all the necessary forms and equipment in the
vehicle to carry out their duties?
c. Uniforms and equipment maintained properly and authorized.
d. Vehicles are maintained and all equipment in good working order.
e. Existence of needs.

3. The inspection report is filed with the Sheriff or his designee and any
deficiencies that cannot be immediately remedied are to be noted and should

a. Action needed to correct the deficiency.
1) Time needed to correct the deficiency.
b. Disciplinary action taken or recommend (if applicable).
c. Other action taken.

B. Staff inspection responsibilities and objective:

1. A review will be conducted annually between the senior supervisory staff and
the Sheriff, to include:

a. Agency’s mission;
b. Goals and objectives;
c. Policies and procedures;
d. Community and employee concerns and/or complaints;
e. Crime statistics;
f. Agency needs;
e. Emergency Operations plan reviewed.

2. Any deficiencies or corrections will be noted and corrections made. This is

usually accomplished with-in a one month period, there are exceptions where
a large amount of money is required. If this is not possible the senior
supervisory staff will again meet with Sheriff to discuss the problem and how
to correct it.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Maintaining Stored Agency Property NUMBER: 050
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: April 17, 2012 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To direct that stored agency property/equipment be kept in a state of operational readiness.


Stored agency property/equipment used for law enforcement purposes will be maintained in a
state of operational readiness. An inspection of this stored property will be conducted at least
twice per calendar year to determine the operational readiness of the property.


A. Any division or officer assigned agency property/equipment, which is stored until

needed, is to maintain the stored property in a state of readiness. The following areas will
be inspected to determine the operational readiness of property stored.

1. The specialized equipment cabinet which houses the ballistic shield, helmet and maul.
2. The crime scene van. To be checked for its readiness and all equipment in it is
3. The closet that surveillance equipment is stored. All equipment in it is checked.
4. All property stored in agency patrol vehicles is to be checked.

B. Inspection of stored equipment will be conducted semi-annually.

1. Any repairs or part replacements will be done in a timely manner.

2. Findings will be documented and filed by the division supervisor.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Community Relations NUMBER: 051
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish this agency’s community relations function.


Community Relations are based on the principle that law enforcement officers are an integral
element of the public they serve. Community relations are manifested by positive interaction
between the people and the Sheriff’s Office. This represents unity and common purpose.

This agency, through its staff, will strive to maintain positive relationships within the
communities, which it serves. The Sheriff or his designee, through staff assignments,
discussion, and development of policies and procedures will:
a. Continually address citizen concerns.
b. Establish liaisons with formal community organizations and other community
c. Inform staff of their responsibilities for achieving the agency’s community
relation’s objectives.
d. Develop community relation’s policies for the agency as a whole.


A. The Sheriff encourages staff participation in the community’s civil organizations.

Formal participation in and liaison with civic, social, or other public and community
groups. Examples include civic club memberships, school committees, and volunteer
organizations. Staff members who join civil organizations are asked to notify the
Sheriff or his designee of events and activities, which may:

1. Necessitate law enforcement services.

2. Offer an opportunity for public display by office staff.

B. While every agency employee has individual responsibilities for promoting

community relations, this functional area is concerned with specifically identifying
and addressing problems arising between the Sheriff’s Office and all segments of the
county populations, establishment of formal relationships with community groups,
learning of issues and responding to them before they become problems, and by
developing programs which increase community understanding and confidence in
current and proposed departmental activities and programs. This agency is

committed to correcting actions, practices, and attitudes that may contribute to
community problems, tensions, or grievances. By recognizing such problems at an
early stage, preventive action can be taken by the Office that might well ward off
greater problems in the future. Each employee must be aware of law enforcement
needs of the community and of his/her assigned area of responsibility. Guided by
policy, an officer must tailor his performance to attainment of the objectives of the
Sheriff’s Office to the resolution of crime problems in the area he/she serves. The
Office shall provide programs to encourage productive dialogue with the public and
to ensure that the unity of the policy and people is preserved.

1. All employees who receive or hear concerns expressed regarding police

activities, services, or individuals, are encouraged to pass this information to
shift/division supervisors. Depending on the severity or urgency of the
problem, shift/division supervisors should forward this information to the
division head, which in turn ensures that the Sheriff’s informed.

C. Community Relations Activities

1. All contacts, official and unofficial, between an agency employee and

citizens, in any grouping in our community, constitute a vital part of the
Sheriff’s Offices community relations program. Ideally, all such contacts
would contribute to the development of positive images toward the Sheriff’s
Office and its employees and activities.

2. A variety of community relation’s activities are undertaken by the Sheriff’s

Office as a means of increasing public support, dialogue, understanding, and
the development of the Office’s overall community relation’s goals.
Activities include, but are not limited to:

a. Presentation of programs to community groups and organizations

addressing crime prevention, as above, or other selected aspects of the
Office’s programs, objectives, activities, development, successes,
programs, and to help establish community groups.

b. Pre-planned media releases in support of Sheriff’s Office programs.

(See General Order # 056, Public Information).

c. Soliciting and gathering, at every opportunity, citizen/community

input reference Sheriff’s Office policies, practices, and procedures,
utilizing this information in developing and improving department
policies, procedures, and responsiveness to community needs.

d. Determining citizen satisfaction with police service based upon

feedback received in-group activities; review of inquiries and
complaints made, and through the conduct of surveys and interviews,
individually or with groups.

e. Community input concerning Sheriff’s Office policies, procedures,
practices, programs and training, as well as recommendations and
suggestions, are to be considered in the development of future
departmental policies.

D. Evaluation

Since responsiveness to community needs and concerns must be flexible,

evaluation of community relations programs must occur on an annual basis.
Evaluation by the Sheriff will consider citizen surveys, complaints, requests,
and inquires. Emphasis and/or activities will be modified, expanded, or
reduced as needed.

E. Goal of Community Relations

In seeking to maximize the quality and level of services provided to the

community, agency has established the following objectives:

1. Objectives

a. To support the development of new, and perpetuation of

existing, programs establishing close ties with and responding
to the needs of the community.

b. To correct actions, practices, and attitudes that may contribute

to community tensions and grievances.

c. To maximize professional law enforcement behavior by having

the lowest possible number of instances of police misconduct
and incompetence such as discourtesy, verbal abuse,
harassment, excessive use of force, violations of Sheriff’s
Office rules and regulations, and negligent use of Sheriff’s
Office equipment.

d. To maximize public esteem, approval, and respect for the

Sheriff’s Office by maintaining the highest possible number of
instances of citizen approval, satisfaction, and commendation.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Annual Report of Agency Statistics NUMBER: 052
and Activities
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 5, 2009 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide an annual report of agency statistics and activities.


The Sheriff or his designee will prepare a report annually that includes:

a. Agency Statistics to include patrol statistics, arrest made, civil process served,
calls for service, traffic stops made, and summons issued.

b. Agency activities to include but not limited to keep safe request, residential
security checks, and neighborhood watch information if requested.


1. The Sheriff or his designee is to have the report filed as soon after the New Year
begins as time allows. The report will include the following:

a. Agency statistics

b. Agency activities

2. This report will not only be available to the agency staff but also to the public. It will
be posted in the commons area (main building) of the Sheriff’s Office. A copy will be
made available to staff and the general public by request and could be available on
the agency web site.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Survey of Citizens Attitudes and NUMBER: 053
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 17, 2002 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To solicit citizens attitudes and opinions in order to evaluate this agency’s performance and to
make improvements where necessary.


A survey of citizen attitudes and opinions is conducted by means of the survey on the agency
webpage with respect to:

a. Overall agency performance;

b. Overall competence of agency employees;
c. Officers attitudes and behavior to citizens;
d. Concern over safety and security within the county; and
e. Recommendations and suggestions for improvements.


Survey will be conducted electronically.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Crime Prevention NUMBER: 054
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 22, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish and describe this agency’s crime prevention function.


The crime prevention function will maintain close ties with other functions that support the
furtherance of the prevention effort and will target programs to address the public safety
needs of the community.


A. Crime prevention programs are to be based on local crime data. Programs may
include, but not limited, to:

1. Checking details
2. Extra patrol
3. Security check program
4. Surveillance
5. Initiating a neighborhood watch program if the community is receptive
6. Conducting a neighborhood meetings if the community is receptive
7. News releases
8. Newsletters
9. Posting news releases or notices of the agency’s website.

B. Evaluation of the programs are conducted by the Sheriff or his designee after a
sufficient time has past to obtain an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of a
program based on local crime data.

C. Assistance is provided in organizing crime prevention groups in residential and

business areas targeted for such program; and

D. Maintaining liaison with these and other interested community groups.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Crime Prevention Input into Local NUMBER: 055
Government Policies
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide crime prevention input into the development and/or revision of zoning policies,
building codes, fire codes and residential/commercial building permits.


This agency will seek input into Lancaster County governing body to provide crime prevention
input into the development and/or revision of zoning policies, building codes, fire codes, and
residential/commercial building permits.


A. The Sheriff or his designee, upon notification from county administration, will review
and advise on crime prevention issues in the developing and/or revising of zoning
policies, building codes, fire codes, and residential/commercial building permits.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Public Information Function NUMBER: 056
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 27, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish and define the public information function.


This agency will inform the public and the news media of events with openness and candor
within legal requirements, without jeopardizing the outcome of activities or investigations.


A. The Sheriff or his designee must approve any special news release other than the
weekly arrest/call summary report, which the Chief Deputy or his designee is
authorized to release.

B. The supervisor on the scene of an incident may assist news media personnel if the
area is determined to be safe and does not effect or interfere with any operations. If
the incident is on private property, permission must be obtained from the owner or
person having authority to give permission.

C. News releases may be prepared and distributed by the Chief Deputy or his designee
but must be approved by the Sheriff.

D. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for arranging new conferences and may
designate any officer to assist.

E. The Sheriff or his is responsible for responding to media inquiries. If the Sheriff is
not available, the duty supervisor is notified of the media request for information and
responds as appropriate without jeopardizing an active investigation or other on-going

F. The Chief Investigator or investigating officer is to be informed and should agree

before any information on victims, suspects, or witnesses can be released.

G. The Chief Investigator, investigating officer or officer in charge is to be informed and

should agree before any information concerning on-going agency investigations and
operations can be released.
H. In the event other service agencies are involved in a mutual effort, the Sheriff or his
designee may coordinate with other agency heads on the scene before releasing any
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Freedom of Information Act NUMBER: 057A-RR
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish guidelines for employees regarding compliance with the Freedom of

Information Act.


It is the policy of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office to provide the people of the
Commonwealth of Virginia access to records maintained by the Sheriff’s Office as set
forth by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.


The purpose of this procedure is to assist employees of the Sheriff’s Office in

complying with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.

Definition of Records:

“Records” means anything created or received by any means in any format as part of
the work related duties of any person under the authority of the Office of the Sheriff.
This includes, but is not limited to, audio recordings, photographs, videos, notes,
memoranda, correspondence, emails, reports of any kind, legal documents, financial
records, personnel files, inmate files, documents relating to jail operations, work
schedules, policies and procedures, and equipment records.


Any request for records maintained by the Sheriff’s Office shall be

forwarded to the Sheriff or his designated FOIA officer(s). When any
employee receives a request for records, instructions are to be given
informing the requester that the request must provide a full name,
address and phone numbers.

Any citizen of the Commonwealth or media representative from an

outlet that serves the Commonwealth, may make a request. Every
request for records should be treated as a request under the auspices
of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act, whether or not the law is
explicitly cited in the request.
Because the Sheriff’s Office is a public body and subject to the
Freedom of Information Act under Title 2.2-3700 et seq. it is
presumed that records maintained by this office are public

Request for records shall be evaluated to determine a response in

compliance with The Virginia Freedom of Information Act. All
responses will be in accordance with Sec. 2.2-3704:

A. The requested records are being entirely withheld. Such response

shall identify with reasonable particularity the volume and subject
matter of withheld records, and cite, as to each category of withheld
records, the specific Code section that authorizes the withholding of
the records.

B. The requested records are being provided in part and are being
withheld in part. Such response shall identify with reasonable
particularity the subject matter of withheld portions, and cite, as to
each category of withheld records, the specific Code section that
authorizes the withholding of the records.

C. The requested records could not be found or do not exist. However,

if the public body that received the request knows that another
public body has the requested records, the response shall include
contact information for the other public body.

D. It is not practically possible to provide the requested records or to

determine whether they are available within the five-work-day
period. Such response shall specify the conditions that make a
response impossible. If the response is made within five working
days, the public body shall have an additional seven work days or,
in the case of a request for criminal investigative files pursuant to §
2.2-3706.1, 60 work days in which to provide one of the four
preceding responses.

Advice concerning release of information may be sought by

contacting the Virginia Freedom of Information Act Advisory

It should be noted that nothing in the Virginia Freedom of Information

Act will pre-empt the guidelines for information dissemination set forth
in Virginia Code section 19.2-11.2 (Virginia Crime Victims’ Rights Act)
and Virginia Code Section 16.1-301 (Juvenile Confidentiality).

In most cases, the response to a records request may be completed

and supplied in a manner that does not necessitate the imposition of
charges to the requester. However, the Sheriff’s Office may impose
reasonable charges for its actual cost incurred in accessing,
duplicating, supplying or searching for the requested records. All
charges will be based on the actual cost of material used, (i.e., paper,
CD’S, etc.) and employee time (i.e., hourly wage) spent directly
complying with the request.

Records of all request and responses will be maintained in the records

within the Sheriff’s Office.

I, ________________________________________, request the documentation listed below. I

understand that I may be held criminally liable for the reproduction of this material.

Please be specific about the type(s) of document(s) that you are requesting.

















DATE: _________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________


CRIMINAL ACTIVITY REPORTED: ______________________________________________


DATE OF OCCURRENCE: _______________________________________________________

GENERAL LOCATION OF INCIDENT: ____________________________________________


INVESTIGATING OFFICER: _____________________________________________________

INJURIES SUSTAINED (GENERAL DESCRIPTION): ________________________________






NAME OF ADULT ARRESTEE*: __________________________________________________

*(Only names of adult arrestees must be released. Names of suspects and names of juvenile
arrestees are protected from release under the criminal incident information requirements.)

RELEASED BY: _____________________________

DATE: _____________________________________

NOTE: The foregoing criminal incident information is provided as required by the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act. Additional information may be provided, but is not required to be, at
the discretion of the Sheriff’s Office.
Lancaster Sheriff’s Office
Request for Audio/Visual Records

Date & Time of Request ____________________________________________________________

Name of Requester_________________________________________________________________

Agency & Title____________________________________________________________________

Date & Time of Requested Event_____________________________________________________

Record Requested _________________________________________________________________



Reason for Request

Criminal/traffic investigation Criminal/traffic prosecution

Freedom of Information Act Internal Affairs Investigation

Other (explain)_________________________________________________________________


Release Authorized by _____________________________________________________________

Date & Time _____________________________________________________________________

Copy Prepared By _________________________________________________________________

Date & Time _____________________________________________________________________

Audio/Visual Record Released To ____________________________________________________

Date & Time _____________________________________________________________________

Method of Release In person By mail

Released By ______________________________________________________________________

LCSO_281_Request for Audio/Visual Records

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: News Media Access NUMBER: 057
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To control access of news media representatives to the scene of major fires, natural disasters,
or other catastrophic events and the perimeter of crime scenes.


Access of news media representatives to the scene of major fires, natural disasters, or other
catastrophic events and the perimeter of crime scenes will be restricted, but in accordance with
the Code of Virginia.


Personnel from information services such as press, radio, and television when gathering news, are
exempt from the provisions set forth in the Code of Virginia authorizing law enforcement to set
barricades, zones, perimeters or police lines to secure scenes to protect persons, property, evidence
and to allow emergency service personnel and law enforcement to operate unimpeded. However, it
is unlawful for such persons to obstruct the police, fireman and rescuer workers in the performance
of their duties at such scene. Such personnel proceed at their own risk.

The media is not permitted access to a crime scene unless approved by the Investigating Officer.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Rights of Victims and Witnesses NUMBER: 058
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 20016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 18, 2011 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To summarize the rights of victims and witnesses.


Personnel will be familiar with the rights of victims and witnesses.


Victim and witness rights as stated in the Crime Victim and Witness Rights Act are summarized as

A. Code of Virginia states:

“In recognition of the Commonwealth’s concern for the victims and witnesses of
crime, it is the purpose of this Act to ensure that the full impact of crime is brought to
the attention of the courts of the Commonwealth; that crime victims and witnesses are
treated with dignity, respect and sensitivity; and that their privacy is protected to the
extent permissible under the law. It is the further purpose of this Act to ensure that
victims and witnesses are informed of the rights provided to them under the laws of
the Commonwealth; that they receive authorized services as appropriate; and that
they have the opportunity to be heard by law-enforcement agencies, attorneys for the
Commonwealth, corrections agencies and the judiciary at all critical stages of the
criminal justice process to the extent permissible under law”.

B. Crime victims may receive compensation for their injuries through the Criminal
Injury Compensation Fund, administered through the Virginia Worker’s
Compensation Commission, which is an independent judicial agency. Pursuant to
Virginia Code, information from the criminal investigative file, not to include the
identity of any confidential informant, is released to the Criminal Injuries
Compensation Fund in order that the victim’s claim for an award may be properly
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Victim/Witness Services Rendered NUMBER: 059
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define victim/witness services to be rendered during preliminary investigation.


The investigating officer will refer victims and/or witnesses to the Victim/Witness Director for
information on services available, what to do in the event of threats or intimidation, case
number and subsequent step in the processing of the case, and a telephone number to report
additional information about the case or to receive information about the status of the case.

The investigating officer will provide petitioning for an emergency protective order, if
necessary and arrange transportation for victims to safe places or medical facilities, if


1. The investigating officer is to refer victims and/or witnesses to the Victim/Witness

Coordinator for information on: (giving a business card is appropriate)

a. Applicable services such as medical services, compensation programs,

counseling, etc.

b. What to do in the event of threats or intimidation from suspect or suspect’s

companions or family;

c. Case number and subsequent step in the processing of the case, and

d. A telephone number to report additional information about the case or to

receive information about the status of the case.

The investigating officer will provide:

e. Petitioning for an emergency protective order, if necessary; and

f. Arrange or provide transportation for victims to safe places or medical

facilities, if requested.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Follow-Up Victim/Witness Service NUMBER: 060
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify victim/witness assistance services to be provided during the follow-up investigation,

if any.


Assistance service will be provided to victims/witnesses during follow-up investigations.


1. During the course of investigating/working cases, officers are to provide assistance to

victims and witnesses whenever possible, to include:

a. When not detrimental to the successful prosecution of the case, the

investigating officer is to explain to the victim/witness the procedures
involved in their case and their role in those procedures.

b. When possible the investigating officer is to schedule line-ups, interviews, and

other required appearances at the convenience of the victim/witness, and at the
option of the officer, arrange transportation to and from the Sheriff’s Office.

c. The investigating officer is to promptly return victim/witness property taken

as evidence (except contraband, disputed property, and weapons used in the
course of the crime), where permitted by law or rules of evidence and upon
completion of all adjudication proceedings.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Victim/Witness Services for Agency NUMBER: 061
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 10, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify victim/witness services to be provided to agency personnel and their families following
line-of-duty deaths or serious injuries and to insure that personnel are trained in these matters.


Victim/witness services will be provided to agency personnel and their families following line-of-duty
deaths or serious injuries and officers will be trained on line-of-duty death benefits in accordance
with the code of Virginia.



Line-of-Duty Death: The death of an active deputy by felonious or accidental means during the
course of performing law enforcement functions while on or off-duty.

Survivors: Immediate family members of the deceased deputy to include spouse, children, parents,
siblings, fiancée and/or significant others.

A. Death Notification

The following should be adhered to in cases of line-of-duty deaths and in cases of critically
injured officers with poor prognosis of survival. These procedures should be followed
whenever possible with the understanding that the wishes of the family take precedence over
the desires of the office. Officers providing services and assistance to family members and
survivors are to take all possible measures to accommodate their needs, wishes and desires, but
should not make promises to family members that they are not certain can be met.

1. The name of the deceased officer is not released to the media or other
parties before immediate survivors living in the area are notified.

2. The Sheriff or Shift Supervisor will designate an officer to inform the

immediate family of the officer's condition or death. If not immediately
available, the senior ranking officer will make the appointment.

3. Notification of the immediate family should be made as soon as possible and,
if possible coincidental with command notifications.

4. Notification of survivors in the immediate area is to be made in person and,

whenever appropriate, with another person such as the family's minister.
Whenever the health of immediate survivors is a concern, emergency medical
services personnel are requested to stand by.

5. If the opportunity to get the family to the hospital exists prior to the officer's
death, notifying officers are to inform the hospital liaison officer that the family
is on its way. In such cases, immediate transportation should be provided for
survivors rather than waiting for any other members of the office delegation to
arrive. If the officer has died, notification should be made to the survivors in as
forthright and empathetic a manner as possible.

6. Communication of information concerning the officer and the incident is to,

whenever possible, be restricted to the telephone to avoid interception by the
media or others. Should the media obtain the officer's name prematurely, the
ranking officer should request that the information be withheld until proper
notification of survivors can be made.

7. The notifying officer is responsible for identification of additional survivors

outside the area and is to make any notifications as desired by the immediate
family. Such notifications are to be made by contacting the law enforcement
agency in that jurisdiction and requesting that a personal notification is

8. The notifying officer is to submit a written report to the Sheriff specifying

the identity, time and place of survivors notified.

B. Assisting Survivors at the Hospital

Whenever possible, the Sheriff is to join the family at the hospital in order to emphasize the
agency's support. The next highest ranking officer to arrive at the hospital serves as or
designates a hospital liaison officer who is responsible for coordinating the arrival of
immediate survivors, law enforcement personnel, the media and others and assume the
following responsibilities:

1. Arrange for waiting facilities for immediate survivors and a press staging
area. The desires of the surviving family members should be followed with
regard to their accessibility to other officers and friends.

2. Ensure that medical personnel provide pertinent medical information on

the officer's condition to the family before any other parties.

3. Assist family members, in accordance with their desires, in gaining access to
the injured or deceased officer.

4. Provide hospital personnel with all necessary information on billing for medical
services. The liaison officer should ensure that all medical bills are directed to the
appropriate office authority and that they are not forwarded to the officer's family
or other survivors.

5. Arrange transportation for the family and other survivors upon their departure
from the hospital.

6. Ensure that immediate family members are provided with appropriate

assistance at the hospital.

C. Appointment of Sheriff s Office Coordination Personnel.

The designated officer(s) will begin serving in the following capacities: office liaison, funeral
liaison, benefits coordinator, and family support advocate. These assignments are made in
writing to office personnel and the surviving family members are to be informed of those
designated. In addition, the Sheriff or his designee will:

1. Make additional personnel assignments to assist in handling incoming phone

calls and inquiries and to direct the public to appropriate personnel;

2. Ensure that the employee assistance program is implemented to assist surviving

family members and emphasize the family's right to psychological services; and

3. Ensure that other officers are provided the opportunity to participate in

critical incident stress debriefings.

D. Sheriffs Office Liaison

The Sheriffs Office liaison officer serves as a facilitator between the family and the law
enforcement office. This individual should be a commanding officer in order to expedite the
tasks of employing office resources and the delegation of assignments. This officer works closely
with the funeral liaison officer to ensure that the needs and requests of the family are fulfilled.
This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

1. Arranging overnight of travel and lodging arrangements for out-of-town

family members.

2. Identifying alternative churches and reception halls that can accommodate the
law enforcement funeral. These alternatives are to be presented to the family,
who makes the final determination.

3. Coordinating all official law enforcement notifications and arrangements to
include the honor guard, pallbearers, traffic control, and liaison with visiting
law enforcement agencies.

4. Assisting family members in dealing with general media inquiries and

informing them of limitations on what they can say to the media specifically.

5. Providing liaison with the media to include coordination of any statements and
press conferences. The Sheriffs Office liaison also ensures that members of the
office are aware of restrictions regarding release of any information that might
undermine future legal proceedings.

6. Ensuring that security checks of the survivor's residence are initiated immediately
following the incident and for as long as necessary thereafter.

E. Funeral Liaison

The funeral liaison officer acts as facilitator between the decedent officer's family and the Office
during the wake and funeral. The funeral liaison officer is responsible for:

1. Meeting with family members and explaining his responsibilities to them;

2. Being available to the family prior to and throughout the wake and funeral;

3. Ensuring that the needs and wishes of the family come before those of
the Sheriff s Office;

4. Assisting the family in working with the funeral director regarding

funeral arrangements;

5. Relaying any information to the family concerning the circumstances of the

decedent officer's death and appropriate information regarding any

6. Determining the need for travel arrangements for out-of-town family

members and any other special needs of the family during the funeral and
reporting this information to the Office liaison; and

7. Briefing the family members on the procedures involved in the law

enforcement funeral.

F. Benefits Coordinator

The benefits coordinator is responsible for assisting in:

1. Filing worker's compensation claims and related paperwork;

2. Presenting information on all benefits available to the family;

3. Documenting inquiries and interest in public donations to the family and

establishing a mechanism for receipt of such contributions, as

4. Preparing all documentation of benefits and payments due survivors to include

the nature and amount of benefits to be received by each beneficiary, the schedule
of payments and the name of a contact person or facilitator at each benefit
payment office;

5. Filing all benefits paperwork and maintaining contact with the family in order to
ensure that benefits are being received. A copy of benefits documentation
should be provided to all survivors affected and explained to each of them; and

6. Advising the surviving family of the role of the law enforcement associations
and organizations and the nature of support programs that they sponsor for law
enforcement survivors.

G. Family Support Advocate

The family support advocate serves in a long-term liaison and support capacity for the surviving
family. The duties of this individual include:

1. Providing contact with surviving family members in order to keep them abreast
of criminal proceedings relating to the death of their family member;

2. Accompanying surviving family members to criminal proceedings, explaining

the nature of the proceedings and introducing them to prosecutors and other
persons as required;

3. Identifying all support services available to family members and working on

their behalf to secure any services necessary.

4. Maintaining routine contact with family members to provide companionship

and emotional support and maintain an ongoing relationship between the Office
and the immediate family; and

5. Relaying the concerns and needs of the family to those individuals or

organizations that may provide assistance, and encouraging others to visit and
help as necessary.

H. All officers that are employed by this agency will receive training in the line-of-duty death
benefits that they or their families are entitled to. The lesson plan used for this training is the
DCJS Line of Duty Death Benefits. When a new employee comes into the agency he/she will
receive the training within 30 days of their employment and again every two years thereafter.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Responsibility for the Communication NUMBER: 062
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 10, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify the position in the agency responsible for the communication function.


The Chief Deputy will be responsible for the communication function, to include those items
listed under Procedure.


The communication function includes the following system: radio, telephone (E911 and business),
Teletype (NCIC/VCIN), local area network (LAN) computer system, and alarm monitoring.

A. The communication supervisor is responsible for the following:

1. Policy: In keeping with the orders of the Sheriff, sets policies and procedures
that affect the communication function.

2. Staffing: Ensures staff coverage for 24 hours daily; provides supplemental

staffing during critical incidents of prolonged duration.

3. Training: Ensures that staff receives basic and in-service training as mandated
by DCJS and other regulatory agencies; maintains certification as a VCIN
self-training agency instructor; provides in-house basic training and re-
certification for VCIN operators; provides on the job training to staff.

4. Daily Supervisor: Provides direct supervision to communication staff. In the

event of a critical incident (violent weather, serious crimes in progress, etc.)
the supervisor is available to respond rapidly to the communications center to
oversee its operation.

5. Systems Capabilities: Explores system modules to maximize potential for

data storage, retrieval and report generation.

6. Record: Reviews records for accuracy and completeness; ensures the use of
logs and reports to maintain dissemination records, hardware/software
problems and solutions, training and staffing records; ensures the storage of
records so as to facilitate information recall; ensures the destruction of records
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

7. Legal Issues: Maintains awareness of legal issues affecting the

communication function, including but not limited to FCC rules and
regulations, case law and legislative issues.

8. Maintenance: Ensures the maintenance of systems by providing vendor

contract information and methods for reporting equipment failures.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Communication Function NUMBER: 063
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish the communication function.


The communication function of this agency will include:

a. Radio communications;
b. Telephone communications;
c. NCIC/VCIN Communications;
d. Alarm monitoring.
e. Electronic data communications



A. Radio Communications:

1. Transmit/receive information from/to law enforcement personnel/agencies,

fire, and rescue agencies/personnel.

B. Telephone Communication:

1. Take/give information to/from a caller to provide the appropriate services.

2. Give/provide appropriate information to achieve desired results.

C. NCIC/VCIN Communications

1. Enter/receive data to achieve desired results and/or respond accordingly.

D. Alarm Monitoring:

1. The only alarm this agency monitors is the Court House duress alarms. This alarm is
located in the communication center.

E Electronic data communication

1. Enter/receive data to achieve desired results and/or respond accordingly

Electronic messages can be sent and received by two different methods other then
by radio. They can be sent by dispatch to units or units to dispatch either by means
of their MTD’s or phone. Transmission of electronic messages and data will be
treated with the same degree of professionalism, and confidentiality as official
written correspondence.

Messages must be authored in a professional, business-like manner

consistent with that considered acceptable for public records. Transmitting
messages (other than as required for criminal investigation or public safety
purposes), which involve the use of obscene language, images, sexually
explicit materials, or messages that disparage any person, group, or classification of
individuals is prohibited.

F. Maintaining Appropriate Records:

1. Communication records are maintained and deposed of in accordance with the

Records Retention Schedule.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Radio Operations in Accordance with NUMBER: 064
FCC Regulations
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require agency radio operations are conducted in accordance with Federal

Communications Commission procedures and requirements and/or SIRS procedures.


Personnel will operate all agency radios in accordance with Federal Communications
Commission procedures and requirements and abide by SIRS procedures.


A copy of the FCC regulations and requirements is maintained in the communication center and the
squad building. All personnel whose job description requires the use of the radio equipment are to
be familiar with these regulations and requirements. This agency shall maintain a valid license to
operate all dispatch frequencies. All radio communication to include Sirs should be done in plain
language or commonly accepted 10 codes. This is especially true when using Sirs since it is used to
communicate with other agencies.

Station License:

A public safety radio station shall not be operated unless the FCC properly licenses it and the station
license is posted or kept available as specified by the rules governing the particular service and/or
class of station. Station licenses must be renewed prior to the expiration of such license as provided
in the Rules and Regulations.

The current authorization for each mobile station and each base or fixed station authorized to be
operated at temporary locations shall be retained as permanent part of the station records, but need
not be posted. In addition, an executed Transmitter Identification Card or a plate of metal or other
durable substance, legibly indicating the call sign and the licensee’s name and address, shall be
affixed readily visible for inspection, to each of such transmitters: provided, that, if the transmitter is
not in view of the operating position or is not readily accessible for inspection, then such card or
plate shall be affixed to the control equipment at the transmitter operating position or posted adjacent

The current authorization for each base or fixed station at a fixed location shall be posted at the
principal control point of the station, and a photocopy of such authorization shall be posted at all
other control points listed on the authorization. In addition, an executed Transmitter Identification
Card or a plate of metal or other durable substance, legibly indicating the call sign and the licensee’s
name and address, shall be affixed, readily visible for inspection, to each transmitter operated at a
fixed location, when such transmitter is not in view of, or not readily accessible to, the operator at
the principal control point.

Operator Requirements:

A properly licensed Pubic Safety radio station during the normal rendition of service, on frequencies
above 25 MHZ, may be operated by an unlicensed person, if authorized to do so by the station

All transmitter adjustments or test during or coincident with the installation, servicing with the
installation, serving, or maintenance of a radiotelephone station, which may affect the proper
operation of such station, shall be made by or under the immediate supervision and responsibility of
a person holding a first or second class commercial radio operator’s license. The maintenance
operator is responsible for the proper functioning of the station equipment, along with the licensee.

The Provisions of the Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations, authorizing
certain unlicensed persons to operate certain stations, shall not be construed to change or diminish in
any respect the responsibility of station licensees. The licensees must maintain control over the
stations licensed to them, and be responsible for the proper functioning and operation of those

Nature of Communications:

Only such calls as are specifically authorized by the Rules governing station in the Public Safety
Services may be transmitted.

False calls, false or fraudulent distress signals, superfluous and unidentified communications, and
profane language, and the transmission of unassigned call signals are specifically prohibited.
Stations in the public safety service are primarily authorized to transmit communications directly
relating to public safety and the protection of life and property and communications essential to
official public safety activities.

Prevention of Interference

Radio transmissions are conducted on radio channels that are shared among many stations. It is
necessary that precautions be observed to avoid congestion and interference. To avoid interference
with communications in progress, an operator should listen to the frequency on which he intends to
transmit for a sufficient period to ascertain his transmission will not cause interference, one should
not attempt to call if interference is likely to result.

In some cases, it may be required to disable tone squelch or selective call receivers in order to
properly monitor a channel before transmitting.
Operating Procedure

Each station, unless otherwise indicated, shall transmit the assigned call sign at the end of each
transmission or exchange of transmissions, or once each 30 minutes of the operating period as the
licensee may prefer.

Transmitter Control Requirements

Each transmitter shall be installed and protected that is not accessible to or capable of operation by
persons other than those duly authorized by the licensee.

A control point is an operating position, which meets all of the following conditions:

1. The position must be under the control and supervision of the licensee;

2. It is the position at which the monitoring facilities are installed; and

3. It is a position at which a person immediately responsible for the operation of the

transmitter is stationed.

A dispatch point is any position from which messages may be transmitted under the supervision of
the person at a control point who is responsible for the operation to the transmitter. Dispatch points
may be installed at an existing authorized station without added authorization.

At each control point the following facilities shall be installed:

a. A carrier operated device which will provide continuous visual indication when the
transmitter is radiating; or, in lieu thereof, a pilot lamp or meter which will provide
continuous visual indication when the transmitter control circuits have been placed in
a condition to produce radiation; provided however, that the provisions of this
subparagraph shall not apply to hand-carried or pack-carried transmitters or to
transmitters installed on motorcycles;

b. Equipment to permit the person responsible for the operation of the transmitter to
aurally monitor all transmissions originating at dispatch points under his supervision;

c. Facilities which will permit the person responsible for the operation of the transmitter
either to disconnect the dispatch point circuits from the transmitter or to render the
transmitter inoperative from any dispatch point under his supervision; and

d. Facilities which will permit the person responsible for the operation of the transmitter
to turn the transmitter carrier on and off at will.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Immediate Playback Capability; NUMBER: 065 & 070
Retention, Security, and Reviewing Recorded
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 6, 2006 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Adm. 24.04 & Adm. 24.09


To establish the retention, security, storage and procedures for previewing recorded


The communication component maintains the capability of immediate playback of recorded

telephone and radio transmissions and emergency telephone conversations within the
communication center.

Audio records from the Communication Center will be retained in accordance with the Code
of Virginia and are released for reuse by the Sheriff. The Sheriff will be responsible for secure
handling and storage of all audio records. The criteria and procedure for reviewing recorded
conversation will be as set forth below.


A. Retention of audio records:

1. The RevCord recorder retains recordings for all channels and phone lines, it will
retain these recordings based on the amount of memory the hard drive has available.
This usually averages out to be 365 days. Once the recorder reaches the limit it will
automatically delete the oldest records.

B. Security and Handling of records:

1. The Voice Logging System requires a User name and Password to get into the system.
Personnel employed by the agency have a user name and password and can access the
system for the purpose of replaying and listening to a call. If a request for records comes
in, the person requesting the record has to fill out a request form, and it has to be
approved by the Sheriff or Chief Deputy. The system for the purpose of burning disc is
only accessible with an administrative password that only the Communication
Supervisor, and Senior Supervisors have.

C. Criteria and procedure for reviewing recorded conversations:

1. Communication personnel will have immediate playback capability for the purpose of
reviewing/clarifying unclear conversations on the telephone or radio when such
information is deemed crucial in the performance of their duties.

a. Communication personnel are to limit their search and playbacks to the information
sought and are prohibited from listening to other conversations. They are allowed to
go back 12 hours in order to listen to a call. Violation of this will result in discipline

b. Patrol Officers are allowed to go back 24 hours.

c. Supervisors and Detectives are allowed to go back indefinitely.

2. The Sheriff or Chief Deputy may permit the reviewing of recordings by others, on
request, for the following purposes:

a. Training;

b. Investigating complaints against agency personnel;

c. Criminal investigations.

A request form must be filled out and approved by the Sheriff or Chief Deputy before
recordings can be released.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Request for Services: Records NUMBER: 066
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 26, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for obtaining, recording, maintaining and purging relevant

information of each request for service.


The following information will be included, obtained and recorded on all request/calls for
services made of this agency. Complaint/request records will be maintained in a location
designated by the Sheriff and retained for a period of not less than 5 years. Dispatch logs,
including data from computer systems, will be retained for not less than 3 years.

a. Control number;
b. Date and time of request;
c. Name and address of complainant (if possible);
d. Type of incident reported;
e. Location of incident reported;
f. Identification of officer(s) assigned as primary and backup;
g. Time of dispatch;
h. Time of officer arrival;
i. Time of officer return to service;
j. Disposition or status of reported incident.
k. Cad equipped agencies must include a retention schedule for data captured by
the computer system.


1. The DACD function provides for the collection of the specified information.

a. Control number;
b. Date and time of request;
c. Name and address of complainant (if possible);
d. Type of incident reported;
e. Location of incident reported;
f. Identification of officer(s) assigned as primary and backup;
g. Time of dispatch;
h. Time of officer arrival;
i. Time of officer return to service;
j. Disposition or status of reported incident.
k. CAD equipped agencies must include a retention schedule for data captured
by the computer system.

2. Information is stored in the computerized database(s).

3. Information is to be purged as needed in accordance with the Records Retention

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Radio Procedures NUMBER: 067
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 31, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for radio communications.


Personnel from this agency will use the listed radio communications procedures, to include:

a. Specifications of the circumstances requiring radio communications by field


b. The recording of the status of officers when out of service;

c. The methods used for identifying officers during radio transmissions;

d. Communications with interacting agencies;

e. Circumstances that require the presence of a patrol supervisor at the scene for the
purpose of assuming command.


Staff uses radio communications to ensure officer safety and provide the communications operators with
information as to unit availability and location.

A. Radio communications between and with field officers, communications operators and
other agencies are limited to those that are official in nature. Radio communication are
used by field officers under the following circumstances:

1. Marking on duty, off duty, and marking in service while off duty and using an
agency vehicle as approved.

2. Arriving at and leaving the office.

3. Arriving at the scene of call for service; clearing the scene; changing locations
while resolving a call for service; and when the assigned call for service is

4. Making traffic stops, checking on disabled vehicles, and investigating suspicious

persons or vehicles.

5. Serving an arrest warrant, or civil process involving the seizure of personal

property, and on completion of the task.

6. Making a request for assistance, supervisory response, or additional resources;

canceling requests.

7. Making a request for information from NCIC/VCIN, provided that the radio
response will not jeopardize officer safety.

8. Changing location or status as necessary throughout the shift.

9. Notifying the communications operator of the disposition of each assigned call

for service.

B. The communications operator records, via computer, the status of officers when each is
in service, out of service, and on an assignment, along with their physical location.

C. The use of a unit number during radio transmissions identifies officers. Staff is permitted
to use the officer's rank and last name if the unit number is not regularly used and is not
known by the officer initiating the radio communication.

D. Radio communications with interacting agencies are done in clear language.

E. The following circumstances require the presence of a supervisor at the scene for the
purpose of assuming command:

1. Accident involving an agency vehicle

2. Use of force resulting in an injury that requires medical attention
3. Call for service involving a definite potential for violence
4. Disturbance involving a large group
5. Prisoner escape
6. Major accident, crime or disaster, the nature of which draws spectators that
may tend to interfere with law enforcement, fire or rescue operations

F. All transmissions on the radio will be done in an understandable, everyday language. The only
. part of the 10 code still in use is 10-4 (acknowledgement).
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Access to Agency Resources NUMBER: 068
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1. 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require immediate access of agency resources for communication personnel.


Communication personnel will have immediate access to:

a. Officer in charge;
b. Residential telephone numbers of every agency member;
c. Duty roster of all personnel;
d. Visual maps detailing the agency’s service area;
e. Officer status information;
f. Written procedures and telephone numbers for procuring emergency and
necessary external services to the agency.


The following resources are made available to communication personnel in the communication

A. Current supervisory schedule is maintained in the Communication Center.

B. A current residential telephone number for each agency member is maintained in the
communication Center, this list also contains pager numbers if applicable and cell numbers..

C. A current duty roster for all agency members is maintained in the Communication Center to
include supervisor on call and incoming shifts.

D. A visual map detailing the agency service area is posted in the Communication Center; this is
supplemented with map books and address cross-reference manuals.

E. Officer status information is maintained as part of the DCAD function; a status monitor is
used for ready reference.

F. Written procedures and telephone numbers for procuring emergency and necessary external
services to the agency are as follows:
1. All staff members are authorized to procure emergency fire and rescue services as
necessary for incidents at the agency and is to follow the standing operating
procedure for procuring such service; staff is also authorized to contact any law
enforcement personnel on duty within the county. Additional resources may be
authorized as necessary by a senior supervisor.

a. State Police Tactical Team or other special units of the State Police, any
agency or unit of an agency that does not have law enforcement authority in
the County or services that are not routinely provided within the County must
be authorized by a senior supervisor.

2. Upon notification of a senior supervisor, staff may authorize the procuring of any
necessary external services to the agency, i.e.:

a. Power failure;
b. Generator failure;
c. Communication failure (telephone, radio, and radio tower);
d. Water interruption;
e. Electrical trouble;
f. Security door lock system failure;
g. Security camera system failure;
h. Heating and air-conditioning failure;
i. Gas pump failure;
j. Structural damage/failure;
k. Waste treatment system;
l. Alarm systems.

3. Telephone numbers of these agencies/services are available to the dispatcher.

a. Speed dialing capabilities are built into the communications hardware and are
utilized; changes are made as needed.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Security for the Communications NUMBER: 069
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify security measures for the communication center.


Security for personnel and equipment will be maintained at all times to include:

a. Limited access;
b. Protecting the equipment;


A. Limiting access:

1. The security door to the communication center is to remain locked/secured at all

times. Access is limited to law enforcement, agency personnel, court related
personnel and authorized personnel performing maintenance.

B. Protecting equipment:

1. Halon fire extinguishers are to be readily accessible to personnel in the event of fire.

2. In the event of fire, smoke or toxic fumes the dispatcher is to go to one of the
agency’s vehicles and contact Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office and ask the
dispatcher to contact Upper Lancaster Fire and Rescue and a supervisor.

3. In the event of base radio failure the dispatcher is to:

a. Contact the supervisor;

b. Have a field officer to come to the office and use the vehicle’s vehicular
repeater system for radio communications;

c. Contact the radio repairman for emergency repair;

d. Contact the appropriate personnel of the local fire and rescue agencies and
inform them of the problem and the need to have someone standing by at their
individual agency to receive and dispatch emergency services;

e. Contact Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office and ask their dispatcher to

relay any radio traffic to you from SIRS;

The preceding procedures are to be used when all the radios have failed. If only one radio has failed
the use the appropriate procedure pertaining to the failed radio.

1. Telephone failure:

a. Contact a supervisor;

b. Contact Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office and ask the dispatcher to

contact the telephone company for emergency repair and area public radio
stations to announce the loss of phones and to contact Northumberland
Sheriff’s Office for emergencies and the information will be relayed to this

2. Total communication failure:

a. The dispatcher is to go to one of the agency’s vehicles and use the mobile
radio and ask Northumberland County Sheriff’s Office to contact a supervisor
and the necessary repair service and implement the remaining procedures as
stated in the preceding part of this section.

b. If the failure is regional or due to a natural disaster refer to the County’s

disaster manual.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Alternate Power Source NUMBER: 071
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: May 8, 2006 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure continued operation of emergency communication equipment.


This agency will maintain an alternate source of electrical power that is sufficient to ensure
continued operation of emergency communications equipment in the event of the failure of the
primary power source.


The Sheriff is to appoint an employee of this agency to ensure proper care and maintenance is
performed on the agency’s generator. Appointee is to:

a. Ensure regular scheduled maintenance is performed;

b. Ensure auto-testing are successful;

c. Ensure fuel is maintained at a maximum;

d. Maintain records and/or maintenance agreements.

e. Ensure all locks are locked to prevent access to the generator to include the fuel tank.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Incident Reporting NUMBER: 072
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require the reporting of every incident alleged to have occurred in this agency’s service


A record will be made of every incident in one or more of the following categories if it’s alleged
to have occurred in Lancaster County.

a. Citizen reports of crimes;

b. Citizen requests/calls for service;
c. When an employee is dispatched or assigned;
d. Criminal cases initiated by law enforcement personnel;
e. Non-criminal cases initiated by law enforcement;
f. Incidents resulting in custodial arrests, and
g. Incidents resulting in the issuing of citations/summonses


A. Citizens reports of crime:

1. Dispatchers are to enter the required information into DCAD (Distributed Computer
Aided Dispatching) on each request for service:

a. Officers receiving a request in the field for services are to contact the
dispatcher and provide the necessary information, (officers are still required to
file the property reports on reportable offenses).

b. The dispatcher enters the required information into DCAD.

B. Citizen requests/ calls for service:

1. Same as “A”.

a. Upon completion of the call the field officer provides the dispatcher with the
disposition of the call/or what action taken.

C. When an employee is dispatched or assigned (to investigate an incident):

1. Same as “A”.

D. Criminal and non-criminal cases initiated by law enforcement personnel:

1. Officers initiating criminal or non-criminal cases are to contact the dispatcher and
provide the necessary information for entry into DCAD. Field officers are still
required to file the proper reports on reportable offenses.

E. Incidents involving arrests, citations, or summons:

1. Dispatchers are to enter the required information into DCAD of each incident report
by citizens or officers.

a. An officer making an arrest or issuing a summons in response to a request for

services or for self-initiated actions is to contact the dispatcher and provide the
necessary information. (The field officer is still required to file the proper
reports on reportable offenses, arrest, and summons).

b. The dispatcher enters the required information into DCAD and provides the
incident number, if needed or requested by the field officer.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Criminal Record System NUMBER: 073
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure agency’s criminal incident record system are compatible with the requirements of
the Virginia Crime Reporting Program.


This agency’s criminal record system will meet the requirements of the Virginia Crime
Reporting Program and will be accessible 24 hours a day.


A. This agency participates in the Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting/Incident Based Reporting

1. Information submitted to the Virginia Uniform Crime Reporting system is forwarded

to the national Uniform Crime Reporting/Incident Based Reporting systems.

B. Criminal Records are accessible 24 hours a day.

1. State and Federal criminal records can be obtained through the VCIN system in the
communications center.

2. Local criminal records are accessible to authorized personnel through the agency’s
database and physical records located in the Administration office.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Privacy and Security of Central NUMBER: : 074
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish privacy and security precautions for agency's record.


To ensure privacy and security of this Agency's records, the listed procedures will be


The following records are maintained:

1. Personnel (employment, medical, disciplinary, and training)

2. Criminal Investigation
3. Traffic
4. Communication
5. Criminal History and Criminal Records
6. Jail

A. Separation of Records

1. Adult and juvenile records are kept separate and apart.

a. Hard files
1. Arrest/detention records on juveniles are filed with the juvenile court clerk,
we maintain no hard copy. We do maintain hard copies of adult
arrest/incarceration records.
b. Computer records
1. The system displays the notation "Juv" next to each name of a
person, who at the time of arrest/detention, was under the age of 18.

B. Physical Security and Access Control

1. Hard copies of records are maintained at the following locations;

a. Personnel
1. Sheriff’s office
2. Division supervisor's office
3. Inactive records are stored in the vault

b. Criminal Investigation:
1. Administrative office
2. Squad room
3. Chief Investigator's office
4. Closed cases are stored electronically

c. Traffic
1. Patrol Division supervisor's office
2. Administrative office

d. Communications
1. Communication center
2. Division supervisor's office

e. Criminal history and criminal records

1. Administration office
2. Records may be stored electronically

f. Jail

1. Active inmate
a. Control room
2. Inactive inmate;
a. Administrative office
3. Other
a. Administrative office
b. Division supervisor's office

g. Inactive records

1. Hard copies of dead files are maintained in

designated storage locations within this office.

h. Computer Records

1. Computer records are kept at designated locations

with the Agency's physical plan:

a. File servers

1. LAN: special projects office
2. E911: property room off the lobby

b. Work stations
1. Workstations are located in various
c. Back up

1. Back up records are kept on site and

off site at approved locations

a. Special projects office

b. Record Archives office

I. Privacy
1. Unless exempt under the Freedom of Information Act, all
records are considered private and confidential.

j. Security
1. All records are kept in secure locations.
a. Access to hard files and computer workstations is
b. Computer user identification names and passwords
are required to access the system.
c. Only the Sheriff and the senior supervisors have
access to personnel records (which also include
medical, disciplinary, and training records). These
are housed in a file cabinet in the Sheriff’s office.
Employees of this office have access to other
records by the means of their computer work

C. Dissemination of Records


1. Personnel record information is released on the authority of the Sheriff or the employee
named in the information request. A supervisor may release confirmation of employment.

Criminal Investigations

2. Investigative records are released on the authority of the Sheriff, the Chief
Investigator, or the records manager.

a. Criminal investigative reports are shared with the appropriate prosecutor's office on
a regular basis.
b. Pursuant to the Sheriff’s discretionary authority under the code of Virginia,
criminal incident records are released to the Victim-Witness Director, when


3. Copies of accident reports and summons may be released to a charged party and/or
authorized agent and parent/guardian of juveniles upon request.

4. DMV records in accordance with VCIN regulations.


5. Communication records are released on the authority of the Sheriff.

Criminal History and Criminal Records

6. Criminal Adult Information may be disseminated to individuals as follows:

a. To individuals and agencies for research purposes provided an agreement exists

addressing the security and confidentiality.

b. All persons requesting a copy of their own local criminal history record information.

c. Commissioner of Department of Social Services for investigating applicants to

operate a childcare center.
7. Persons requesting the dissemination of CHRI which is reported to the Central Criminal
Record Exchange (i.e., Class I, II misdemeanor, felonies) will be provided a Criminal
History Record Request form and instructed to make a direct inquiry.

8. If there are any questions regarding to whom information can be released, one of the
following avenues should be taken:

a. Check with the shift supervisor or the Sheriff.

b. Ask the requesting company or persons to submit a copy of the federal/state statute
or court order permitting them access to the information.

9. Criminal history records are released as follows:

a. Arrest and conviction information may be released to any member of a bona fide
criminal justice agency.
b. Local conviction information is released to the record subject or his agent, provided
an information request is filed in writing;
1. Two forms of identification.
2. Second party requests must be in writing with a notarized signature from the
record subject; the receiving agent's signature must be notarized unless the
agent appears in person to receive the record.

Juvenile Arrest Information:

10. Virginia Code requires that all law enforcement agencies take special precautions to ensure
that law enforcement records concerning a child are protected against disclosure to any
unauthorized person.

11. Juvenile arrest information/records may be disseminated to individuals/agencies on a need

to know basis to include:

a. A court having the child currently before it, in any proceeding;

b. The officers of public and non-governmental institutions or agencies to which the

child is currently committed, and those responsible for his supervision after release;
c. Any other person, agency, or institution, by order of the court, having legitimate interest
in the case or in the work of the law-enforcement agency;
d. Law enforcement officers of other jurisdictions, by order of the court, when necessary
for the discharge of their current official duties
d. The probation and other professional staff of a court in which the child is subsequently
convicted of a criminal offense for the purpose of a pre-sentence report or other
disposition proceedings, or by officials of penal institutions considering his parole or
discharge or in exercising supervision over him;
e. The child, parent, guardian, or other custodian and counsel for the child by order of the
f. Officers may release, upon request to one another and to other local, state or federal law
enforcement officers, current information on juvenile arrests, limited to name, DOB,
social security number, address, physical description, date of arrest, and charge for
which the arrest was made. Such information may only be used for current investigation
and not for creation of new individual files or records.
g. Upon request, may release current information on juvenile arrests or juvenile victims to
the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission solely for purposes of determining
whether to make an award to the victim of a crime.

12. Exception as to Confidentiality

a. On certain offenses when a juvenile becomes a fugitive from justice or Class 1, 2, 3

felonies if committed by an adult. A court order authorizing public release of the
juvenile’s name, age, physical description and photograph, the charge for which he is
sought or for which he was adjudicated and any other information which may expedite
his apprehension.


13. Jail record information is released as follows;

a. Record of prisoner confined in jail are sent as required by law
1. State and federal agencies
2. Courts
3. Prosecutors
b. Detention facility to which the inmate is being transferred

c. On request, the following information as to the current incarceration of specifically

named individual is released;

1. Confirmation that the inmate is incarcerated at this facility

2. bond amount, if requested
3. no other information is released except in the authority of the Sheriff or the
Chief Correctional Deputy.

14. Primary dissemination is not required to be logged.

15. Secondary dissemination of criminal history records is logged.

a. records obtained through VCIN are logged in accordance with Section II-9 Criminal
Histories of the VCIN manual.
b. local records checks are logged as follows;
1. hardbound book with numbered pages
2. date of dissemination
3. record subject’s identification information
4. name, rank, title, or position of requestor
5. requestor contact information
6. name of person releasing the local record

c. copies of reports filed under C-13 of this policy serves in place of a dissemination
d. no other dissemination logs are required

16. This policy does not supersede the requirement to release records under a subpoena duces
tecum or other order of court.

D. Expungement:

1. Records may be expunged by court order, or purged by an order of the Department

of Criminal Justice Services.

2. In the event of an expungement or purge order, all records of the arrest are placed in
an envelope and sealed. These records include the Department Arrest Report, CCRE
Arrest Report, Fingerprint Cards, Photos, Offense Reports, and all other documents,
which indicate that the arrest took place.

3. This envelope is placed in a secured location and under direct control of the Sheriff.

4. No one, under any circumstances whatsoever review or disclose any information

from such sealed record without an order from the court which ordered the record
expunged. Violation of this section (Title 19.2-392.3) is a Class I Misdemeanor.

E. Retention of Juvenile Arrest Information (Also See, Juvenile Operations):

1. Retention and disposition schedules/statutes, as approved by the State Archivist for

Records and mandated by Virginia Codes, are maintained by the Sheriff or his designee.
2. Fingerprint cards and photographs may be retained when the court finds that a
juvenile, of any age, has committed a delinquent act.

3. All arrest shall take fingerprints and photographs of any juvenile who is taken into
custody and charged with a delinquent act an arrest for which, if committed by an
adult, is required to be reported to the Central Criminal Records Exchange.
Whenever fingerprints are taken, they shall be maintained separately from adult
records and a copy shall be filed with the juvenile court on forms provided by the
Central Criminal Records Exchange.
4. If a juvenile of any age is adjudicated delinquent or found guilty of any offense
which would be a felony if committed by an adult or any other offense for which
a report to the Central Criminal Records Exchange is if the offense were
committed by an adult, copies of his fingerprints and a report of the disposition
shall be forwarded to the Central Criminal Records Exchange and to the
jurisdiction making the arrest by the clerk of the court which heard the case.
5. If a petition or warrant is not filed against a juvenile whose fingerprints or
photographs have been taken in connection with an alleged violation of law, the
fingerprint card, all copies of the fingerprints and all photographs shall be
destroyed 60 days after fingerprints were taken. If a juvenile charged with a
delinquent act other than a violent juvenile felony or a crime ancillary thereto is
found not guilty, or in any other case resulting in a disposition for which
fingerprints are not required to be forwarded to the Central Criminal Records
Exchange, the court shall order that the fingerprint card, all copies of the
fingerprints and all photographs be destroyed within six months of the date of
disposition of the case.
6. Arrest information (i.e., fingerprints, photographs, custody reports), which may be
collected and made part of a juvenile arrest record, is retained for the specified
length of time and then may be disposed of as directed in the retention schedule.
7. For release of juvenile information to the media, see, Public Information.
8. Expungement/Sealing: Provisions for the expungement and sealing of juvenile
arrest records are explained in detail in Section 16.1-306 of the Virginia Code and
is adhered to as mandated.

F. Applicability:

1. These rules/regulations/statutes are applicable to originals, copies, and manual or
automated criminal history information records, which are used, collected, stored,
and disseminated by the Lancaster County Sheriffs Office.

2. Provisions of the rules and regulations applicable to adult arrest information do not
apply to:

a. Court records of public criminal proceedings;

b. Posters or lists for identifying fugitives or wanted persons;
c. Criminal justice intelligence information;
d. Criminal justice investigative information.

3. Nothing in these rules and regulations are construed as prohibiting this Agency from
disclosing to the public factual information concerning:

a. The status of an investigation

b. Apprehension and arrest information
c. Traffic accident/charge information.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Master Name Index File NUMBER: 075
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish and maintain an alphabetical master name index.


This agency will maintain an alphabetical master name index file with the ability to cross
reference to all documents in which a person has been named.


Names of persons identified in field reports are entered into the agency’s Criminal Justice
Information System (CJIS) resulting in the recording of the name in the master name index file.

A. Designated personnel enters names of person identified in field reports into CJIS

1. Other sources that result in the inclusion into the master name index file.

a. DCAD (Distributed Computer Aided Dispatching System)

b. Citations
c. Warrants
d. Booking and jail management

B. CJIS electronically serves as a cross reference to all documents in which an

individual has been named.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Certain Files to be Maintained NUMBER: 076
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require the following files to be maintained:

a. Incidents by type;
b. Incidents by location;
c. Stolen property file;
d. Found property file; and
e. Recovered property file.

This agency, through its automated system, will maintain files containing:

a. Incidents by type;
b. Incidents by location;
c. Stolen property file;
d. Found property file; and
e. Recovered property file.


Designated personnel enter the necessary information from the appropriate documents into the CJIS
(Criminal Justice Information System) program. These files are maintained and contain the

a. Incidents by type;
b. Incidents by location;
c. Stolen property file.
d. Found property file; and
e. Recovered property file.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Numbering System NUMBER: 077
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish a numbering system with provisions for the assignment of a unique number to
every agency identified incident.


A unique number will be assigned to each incident of law-enforcement service.


A. Each incident called in to this agency is to go through the dispatcher.

1. Walk-ins and incidents initiated by field personnel are to contact the dispatcher and
give the necessary information.

2. Each incident receives a number generated by the computer, this number is to be used
when and where required.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Field Reporting System NUMBER: 078
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 8, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish an incident reporting system.


Incident and accident reports will be completed submitted and processed using appropriate
agency forms.


A. Guidelines When Reports Must Be Filed:

1. Reports are filed and required in the following:

a. Founded reports of crime

b. Follow-up investigations
c. Receiving property coming under agency control.

B. Procedures for processing reports;

Completing Incident and Accident Reports:

1. Reports are to be completed and turned in before ending the shift.

a. Any extension must be approved by a supervisor.

2. Active cases are to have a supplement report filed every fourteen (14) days until the
case is cleared, inactive or unfounded.
3. An officer filing a report is to review the report for accuracy, completeness, legibility,
spelling, etc.

Submitting and Processing:

1. Criminal reports are placed in the Chief Investigator’s door tray.

a. Chief Investigator or his designee will review reports for accuracy,

completeness, legibility, spelling, etc.

1. Reports requiring corrections is returned to the officer for correcting;
2. Approved reports are given a disposition, assigned to an officer for
follow up if needed and signed off by the Chief Investigator or his

b. Chief Investigator or his designee forwards reports to the Sheriff for review.

1. Sheriff review reports and forwards to administration.

c. Administration enters reports into the CJIS database.

1. Copies are separated and forwarded as follows:

a. White to administration
b. Canary to case file
c. Pine to Chief Investigator

2. Administration makes up a case file on cleared and pending cases.

a. Cleared cases are filed in the squad building

b. Pending cases are returned to the officer assigned to follow-up.

2. Traffic summons are routed to the Sheriff for review.

a. To administration for filing; and

b. The appropriate copies of the traffic summons forwarded to the clerk of the
appropriate court.

3. Accident reports are forwarded to the Sheriff for review.

a. Sheriff forwards to administration

b. Administration separates copies and forwards as follows:

1. Original to DMV
2. Copy filed in administration

C. If a citizen of Lancaster County reports a CCRE reportable incident to this agency and the
jurisdiction of the offense cannot be determined, the same procedures will apply as if the
offense occurred in Lancaster County unless the seriousness of the incident requires
immediate attention, than the Virginia State Police or other appropriate State agency is to be

1. The Chief Investigator or his designee upon receiving the report will determine the
best course of action to take regarding the incident.

a. This may include a disposition of unfounded, inactive, pending, and cleared or
referral to the appropriate agency or jurisdiction.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Arrest Information; Recording NUMBER: 079
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie



To establish criteria for recording arrest information on all CCRE reportable offenses.


All arrest will be recorded in the agency’s CJIS database. Reporting to CCRE will be in
accordance with the Code of Virginia.


A. All arrest receives a number upon entry into the CJIS database.

1. The arresting officer or other designated personnel is to enter all arrest made by
personnel of this agency.

B. A file is to be created on all persons under custodial arrest to include a copy of the CCRE
form, fingerprints and photographs (photos available in the agency’s data base).

1. Exceptions are class three (3) and four (4) misdemeanors, and Drunk in Public.

C. All reports are completed through the CJIS data base entry.

D. A CCRE form is to be completed on each arrest.

1. On multiple charges, a CCRE form must be completed for each charge.

E. A photograph is taken of each person arrested meeting CCRE requirements, one (1) front and
one (1) profile.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Record System NUMBER: 080
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require a traffic records system or to have access to comparable system containing specific


This agency will maintain a record and/or obtain the necessary data containing the following

a. Traffic accident data;

b. Traffic enforcement data;
c. Roadway hazard reports.


A. Reportable accidents investigated by personnel of this agency are to be documented on the

appropriate report form.

1. All reportable accident records are maintained on file in the administrative office.

2. Accident data is maintained electronically in the CJIS automated records system.

B. Traffic enforcement data is maintained electronically in the CJIS automated records system.
Information entered into the system by the data processor is as follows:

1. Individual charged or arrested;

2. Violation charged; and
3. Location of offence.

C. All road hazards are reported to the dispatcher and forwarded to the Virginia Department of

1. These calls are entered as a call for service and a record therefore maintained.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Warrant and Wanted Persons NUMBER: 081
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for maintaining a warrant and wanted persons file.


This agency will maintain a warrant and wanted file that is accessible 24 hours daily.


A. Wanted persons who cannot be located for service are to be placed into the NCIC/VCIN.

1. To enter a notice into the state of federal information systems (NCIC/VCIN) a form
designated for that purpose is completed.

a. Officers are to complete the form titled, “Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office
NCIC/VCIN Wanted Person” and give the dispatcher.

b. The dispatcher enters the wanted person and places the form in the designated

B. When receiving hit conformation from other jurisdictions, the dispatcher is to verify the
existence of a warrant and give a response to the inquiring/holding agency, or forward the
information to the division or individual it is addressed to.

C. Information entered into the state or federal information system is to be recorded and
maintained in a logbook located in the communication center.

D. Information received through the federal or state information system is to be verified by

checking for the existence of a warrant or contacting the originating agency, whichever
applies, to determine the accuracy of the information.

E. Information entered into the state or federal information system can be canceled by the
Sheriff, Chief Deputy, Chief Investigator, or the individual or agency from whom the request
to enter originated.

F. The warrant and wanted file is maintained in the communications center.

1. Each dispatcher has control of the warrant and wanted file 24 hours a day.

2. Law enforcement personnel have access through the dispatcher on duty to the warrant
and wanted files.

a. Anytime a warrant is removed for any reason a note must be left containing
the following information:

1. Person named on the warrant;

2. Officer taking the warrant;
3. Date taken.

3. The warrant and wanted file is crossed referenced with the master name index file.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Records Retention Schedule NUMBER: 082
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 9, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require a records retention schedule.


This agency will follow the Virginia Public Records Act as a schedule for records retention.


The Records Retention Schedule is available on line at The Library of Virginia website.

a. No public records (including electronic records) are to be destroyed or discarded

without first consulting the records retention schedule to ensure retention period has

b. The Sheriff is the official keeper of records and must approve all dispositions.

c. The proper forms must be completed and sent to The Library of Virginia.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Distribution of Reports & Records NUMBER: 083
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for the distribution of reports and records.


Agency personnel will route specific reports and records to the various specialized functions or
organizational components for follow up and those to be distributed outside the agency.


Reports and records are to be routed to the specified function or component.

A. Crime reports:

1. Criminal reports are placed in the Chief Investigator’s door tray;

a. Chief Investigator review reports for accuracy, completeness, legibility,

spelling, etc.

1. Reports requiring corrections are returned to the officer for correcting;

2. Approved reports are given a disposition, assigned to an officer for

follow up if needed and signed off by the Chief Investigator.

b. Chief Investigator forwards reports to the Sheriff for review.

1. Sheriff reviews reports and forwards to administration.

c. Administration enters reports into the CJIS database.

1. Copies are separated and forwarded as follows:

a. White to administration;
b. Canary to case file;
c. Pink to Chief Investigator.

2. Administration makes up a case file on cleared and pending cases.

a. Cleared cases are filed in the squad building.
b. Pending cases are returned to the officer assigned to follow-up.

d. Prepared case files for the Commonwealth Attorney are given to the Chief
Investigator for review and he is to forward this file to the Commonwealth

2. Traffic summons are routed to the Sheriff for review, to administration for filing and
the appropriate copies of the traffic summons forwarded to the clerk of the
appropriate court.

3. Accident reports are forwarded to the Sheriff for review.

a. Sheriff forwards to administration.

b. Administration separates copies and forwards as follows:

1. Original to DMV;
2. Copy filed in administration.

4. Uniform Crime Report: Submitted to Virginia State Police.

5. Validation of NCIC and VCIN Records: Submitted to Virginia State Police.

B. Field Activity Reports:

1. Routed to the Patrol Lieutenant.

C. Correction Division Reports:

1. LIDS report is submitted monthly to the State Compensation Board.

2. Daily Security Checks- Maintained in Jail records section to be made available to the
Department of Corrections.

3. Security Searches-Maintained in Jail records section to be made available to the

Department of Corrections.

4. A list of confined persons to the Circuit Court.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Responding to Routine and NUMBER: 084
Emergency Calls
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for responding to routine and emergency calls and guidelines for the
use of emergency equipment.


All personnel operating agency vehicles will exercise due regard for the safety of all persons.
No task, call, or incident justifies disregard of public safety. Further, the public expects its
officers to demonstrate exemplary driving behavior. All agency personnel who operate
agency vehicles will comply with safe driving procedures outlined herein with particular
attention to responding to calls for service or engaging in pursuits. Emergency warning
devices will be minimally used consistent with both legal requirements and the safety of the
public and police personnel.



Normal or routine driving:

That driving which dictates vehicle speed consistent with the normal flow of traffic, obedience to
vehicle laws and posted signs, adherence to commonly-understood "rules of the road," and

Emergency driving:

That driving in response to a life threatening or other serious incident (based on available
information), which requires emergency equipment in operation shall be governed by the sections
of the Code of Virginia that pertain to this type of driving.

Emergency equipment:

Flickering, blinking, or alternating emergency lights and a siren, whistle or air horn designed to
give intermittent signals automatically.


A. General:

1. All agency vehicles are to be driven safely and properly in full compliance with all
traffic laws and regulations. Agency vehicles are conspicuous symbols of authority
on the streets and many observe the actions of its drivers. Each officer must set an
example of good driving behavior and habits.

2. Under certain emergencies as defined below, the Code of Virginia authorizes

disregard of traffic regulations; however, both the operator and the agency are not
released from civil liability for failure to use reasonable care in such operation.

B. Driving Rules:

In case of accident or damage to any agency vehicle, the officer is to immediately request a
supervisor and the Virginia State Police to conduct an investigation, which is to be reported
immediately on a state accident investigation form. The Sheriff will review all such reports
and take appropriate action, to include coordination with the commonwealth attorney.

1. The officer is to carefully observe the surrounding conditions before turning or

backing any vehicle.

2. The officer must recognize the variable factors of weather, road surface conditions,
road contour, and traffic congestion, all of which directly affect the safe operation
of any motor vehicle, and is to govern the operation of the vehicle accordingly.

3. The nature of certain crimes-in-progress may call for the use of the siren to be
discontinued upon close approach to the location of the occurrence, and although
authority of this order permits such action, vehicle operations under these conditions
require extreme caution.

4. Emergency driving to the scene of a motor vehicle accident is permissible ONLY

when an emergency exists, or when specific information indicates that conditions at
the scene require the immediate presence of an officer.

5. Upon approaching a controlled intersection or other location where there is great

possibility of collision, the driver who is responding under emergency conditions is
to reduce the speed of his vehicle and control it to avoid collision with another

vehicle or pedestrian, stopping completely, if necessary, before entering and
traversing the intersection. When faced with a red traffic signal, the officer will stop
his vehicle or proceed slow enough to react and to assure by careful observation that
the way is clear before proceeding through the intersection.

6. Regardless of the seriousness of the situation to which he/she is responding, and

excepting circumstances that are clearly beyond his/her control, the operator of an
agency vehicle will be held accountable for the manner in which he/she operates his

7. At the scene of a crime, a motor vehicle crash, or other police incident, an agency
vehicle is to be parked in such a manner as not to create an obstacle or hazard to
other traffic. The emergency lights are always to be used to warn other drivers
approaching the location.

8. Operators of agency vehicles must bear in mind that traffic regulations requiring
other vehicles to yield the right of way to any emergency vehicle do not relieve the
emergency vehicle operator from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of
all persons using the highways, nor will they protect the driver from the
consequences of an arbitrary exercise of such right of way.


A. General:

1. No fixed rule can apply to every circumstance that may arise governing emergency
driving. Although an officer may receive information that leads him to respond to a
call with emergency lights and siren activated, in the majority of such cases an
officer discovers, upon arrival, that an emergency response was not justified. The
agency, however, imposes on the officer the restriction of driving no faster than 20
miles per hour above the posted speed limit in an emergency response (excluding
officer down or in trouble and pursuits). If an officer has reasons to be believe that
human life is in imminent danger and a rapid response is necessary, than the officer
is authorized to exceed the restriction. The officer may be required to justify such
response and if unable to, face disciplinary action.

2. The Code of Virginia reminds the officer that "Nothing shall be construed to release
the operator of any such vehicle from civil liability for failure to use reasonable care
in such operation." Recognizing that protection of human life is paramount; the
responding officer must remember that his objective is to get to the location of the
occurrence as soon as possible--safely-without danger to himself or to others.

B. Officer's Response to Calls.

1. Upon arrival at the scene of a call, the responding officer will rapidly evaluate the
situation and determine whether additional units are still needed or not.

2. All units responding to robbery and burglary in progress calls, before coming within
hearing distance, will discontinue the use of the siren and at that time fully comply
with all traffic laws. Before coming within sight of the location, officers will
discontinue the use of the emergency warning lights.

3. In situations requiring silent response, e.g., alarm response and prowler calls,
officers will respond as rapidly as possible, obeying all traffic laws and signs.

C. Officer-initiated response.

1. When, in the opinion of the officer, an emergency is imminent or exists, or that

activation of emergency warning devices is necessary to protect life or render the
necessary service, the agency authorizes an emergency response.

Examples include:

a. At the scene of any incident where the use of emergency lights

constitutes a necessary warning for the safety of life (such as scenes
of fires, accidents or disasters).

b. A visual signal to attract the attention of motorists stopped for traffic

violations, or to warn motorists of imminent dangers.

c. Due to location, distance to be traveled, or traffic conditions, the

officer determines that emergency operating conditions are essential
in order to provide an appropriate police response.

d. Responding to an officer's emergency request for assistance.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Patrol Vehicles NUMBER: 085
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require vehicles used for routine or general patrol services be conspicuously marked and
equipped with at least a siren and emergency lights and radio for communications.


Agency vehicles used for routine and general patrol will be conspicuously marked and
equipped with operational emergency blue lights, siren and radio for constant communication
with the communication center and other law enforcement vehicles.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Unmarked Vehicles NUMBER: 086
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require that unmarked vehicles used for routine general patrol and/or traffic enforcement
be equipped with a siren, emergency lights, and radio for communications.


Agency’s unmarked vehicles used for routine general patrol and/or traffic enforcement will be
equipped with a siren, emergency lights in operational order and radio for constant radio
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Occupant Safety Restraints NUMBER: 087
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 10, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require members of this agency to use safety restraining devices when operating agency


Agency members will use occupant safety restraining devices when operating or riding in
agency vehicles.


A. Seat belts and shoulder harnesses are worn by all officers, agency personnel, and any
occupant during vehicle operation. Prisoners are strapped in with seat belts whenever
possible. The only exception is:

1. At approach to any scene of an incident or service call where the officer believes a
rapid departure from the vehicle may be required; the officer may release the seat
belt. Seat belts are worn any time the vehicle is being operated under emergency

2. Officers transporting prisoners are exempt if the prisoners’ behavior is such to

warrant the officer to be non-restrictive by the belt for prisoner control.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Body Armor NUMBER: 088
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: April 1, 2011 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie

NOTE: This written directive is for internal use only and does not enlarge a deputy’s civil or
criminal liability in any way. It should not be construed as the creation of a higher standard of
safety or care in an evidentiary sense, with respect to third party claims. Violation of this
directive, if proven, can only form the basis of a complaint by this office, and then only in a
non-judicial administrative setting.

The purpose of this policy is to provide deputies with guidelines for the proper use and care of
body armor.

It is the policy of this agency to maximize deputy safety through the use of body armor in
combination with prescribed safety procedures and to supply well-fitting and quality body
armor to all deputies engaged in enforcement/field operations. While body armor provides a
significant level of protection, it is not a substitute for the observance of deputy safety.


A. Issuance of Body Armor

1. All body armor issued must comply with protective and related requirements as
prescribed under standards of the National Institute of Justice current at the time of

2. All deputies involved in enforcement/field operations shall be issued agency-approved

body armor.

3. Body armor that is worn or damaged shall be replaced by the agency. Body armor that
must be replaced due to misuse or abuse by the deputy shall be paid for by the deputy.

B. Use of Body Armor

1. Deputies shall wear only agency-approved body armor.

2. Body armor shall be worn by recruit deputies during field training.

3. Deputies who perform patrol, traffic enforcement duties, and/or field activities which
could reasonably be expected to place deputies in situations where they would be
required to act in enforcement rather than administrative or support capacities have the
greatest exposure, have experienced the greatest injury and loss from gunshot wounds,
and would experience the greatest safety benefit from wearing body armor; therefore, the
wearing of body armor is MANDATORY unless exempted as follows:

a. When an agency-approved physician determines that a deputy has a medical

condition that would preclude wearing body armor.

b. When a deputy is involved in undercover or plain cloths work that his/her supervisor
determines could be compromised by wearing body armor; or

c. When the office determines that circumstances make it inappropriate to mandate

wearing body armor.

C. Inspection of Body Armor

1. Supervisors shall be responsible for ensuring that body armor is worn and maintained as
required by this policy through routine observation.

2. Annual inspections of body armor will be conducted during line inspections.

D. Care, Maintenance and Replacement of Body Armor

1. Deputies shall routinely inspect body armor for signs of damage and for general

2. As dirt and perspiration may erode ballistic panels, each deputy shall be responsible for
cleaning his/her personal body armor in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Deputies are responsible for the proper storage, maintenance and care of body armor in
accordance with manufacture’s instructions.

4. Deputies are responsible for reporting damage or excessive wear to the ballistic panels or
cover to their supervisor and the individual responsible for the uniform supply function.

5. Body armor will be replaced in accordance with guidelines and protocols established by
the National Institute of Justice.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Cellular Telephone Usage While NUMBER: 089
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 10, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define agency policy on cellular telephone, mobile data terminals/laptop computers, or

other wireless communication devices use while operating an agency vehicle.


Personnel will use cellular telephones/mobile data terminals/other electronic devises in a

manner that is conducive to the safe operation of motor vehicles. It is recommended that the
vehicle be safely stopped out of the traffic for extended non-hands free usage of cellular phones
and for the usage of mobile data terminals and/or other electronic devises.


A. Using a cellular telephone while operating an agency vehicle is to be limited to the time
needed to accomplish the purpose of the call.

1 No socializing or non-essential use is permitted.

2. Use is not permitted while operating in an emergency status and its emergency
equipment in operation.

3. If at all possible agency personnel should pull off the road or use a headset while on the

B. The use of data terminals/laptop computers while operating an agency vehicle is to be limited
to the time needed to accomplish the purpose of the business at hand.

1. No socializing or non essential use is permitted.

2. Use is not permitted while operating an agency vehicle in a moving mode.

3. The vehicle has to be pulled off the road and parked in a safe manner before operating
any data terminal/laptop computer.

C. Any other wireless electronic devises used in the vehicle either issued or personally owned
shall be operated in a manner conducive to the safe operation of the agency vehicle and to the
safety of the motoring public. Safety is always the utmost concern of this agency and must be
the operator’s primary concern. Devises shall be used in accordance with manufactures
operational and safety instructions. Officers are advised to use extreme caution when and
how they operate the devises while the vehicle is in motion

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Shift Assignments NUMBER: 090
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: August 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specifies procedures for assignments to operational shifts and the frequency to shift


Any officer assigned to the patrol division will work shifts assigned by the Lieutenant of
Patrol. Shift rotation will occur only after a 48 hours period has past and not exceed any more
than once in a seven day period.


A. An officer assigned to patrol is required to work shifts and is assigned a shift by the
Divisional Lieutenant.

1. Shifts are to be posted, at a minimum, 30 days in advance.

2. Changes made to the schedule are to be done as soon as the change becomes known
by supervisory personnel.

a. Effected personnel are to be notified as soon as possible thereafter of the

changes made.

B. Officers assigned to a shift are not to be rotated within a 48 hour period or more than once in
a seven day period.

1. The only exception is when a state of emergency is declared by the Sheriff or illness
effect manpower and shift coverage.

C. Beats are normally not assigned, but may be incorporated in special classes.

D. Frequency of beat rotation is to be considered when the assignment extents beyond a normal
10 hour shift.

E. Shift changes occur twice in a 24 hour period, one is from day shift to the evening shift and
the other is from evening shift to the day shift. To provide continuous coverage during the
shift change the following will apply.

Day shift to evening shift:

1. An officer assigned to day shift is to be available to receive complaints before

officially going on duty; this is referred to as “being on call”. The time to be set by
the Sheriff.

2. If an officer assigned to evening shift is going to be late reporting for duty, he/she is
to contact the supervisor on duty, the supervisor is to ensure coverage until the tardy
officer reports for duty.

3. If an officer calls in sick, the supervisor on duty is to ensure coverage is maintained

on the evening shift.

4. Day shift personnel are not to end their shift until an officer of the evening shift has
reported for duty.

Evening shift to day shift:

5. An officer on the evening shift is to be designed as “on call” and available to take
complaints until such time the responsibility is transferred to the day shift personnel.
This is to be set by the Sheriff.

F. Information is to be provided to oncoming shifts by the previous shift if it is determined that

it could be an on going incident. The previous shift can also ask the dispatcher to provide any
information that could be pertinent. It is also acceptable for the previous shift to leave notes
or memos for the oncoming shift.

The preceding includes Corrections and Communication personnel where applicable.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Special Purpose Vehicles and Animals NUMBER: 091
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 1, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 01.08-.09-.12


To establish policy and procedures for the use and care of special purpose vehicles and


The crime scene vehicle and the canine vehicle with the canine will be used to support the
agency’s law enforcement and public relations functions.

A.The crime scene vehicle will be maintained in an operational state of readiness. It

will be marked, including emergency lights and siren, and equipped for response to
any crime scene as deemed necessary by the criminal investigations division. Any
duly designated member of the agency may operate the vehicle. The investigative
tools and supplies will be used by, or under the direction of, a member of the
criminal investigations division. The canine vehicle will also be marked with at the
very least a caution and K9 marking. It also will have emergency lights and siren
and operational radios. It will be used to transport the canine safely when the need
arises and the canine is called for.
B. The canine will be trained, deployed and cared for in accordance with generally
accepted practices. The canine will be assigned to a volunteer officer who will be
trained in the care and use of the canine as a law enforcement tool. There is no
formal training required for the operation of the canine vehicle other then basic
training which is received when the officer goes through the academy. There is no
formal training required for the operation of the crime scene van as the same as
above applies. It will be maintained and operated by the Chief Investigator or his
C. This agency will maintain an inventory of equipment needed for the operation of
the crime scene unit as well as equipment needed for the care and housing of the
canine and canine vehicle.

A. Crime Scene Vehicle

1. The vehicle is marked and equipped with emergency lights and siren.
2. The vehicle is stocked with tools and equipment for use in collecting and preserving
evidence found at a crime scene. An inventory of such tools and equipment is
maintained. Consumable items are replaced as necessary, including any item that has
reached the manufacturer’s expiration date.

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3. The vehicle may be deployed to any crime scene as deemed necessary and
appropriate by a member of the criminal investigations division.
4. A duly designated member of the agency operates the vehicle.
5. The investigative tools and equipment are used by, or under the direction of, a
member of the criminal investigations division.
6. Routine maintenance is performed on the vehicle at the agency’s expense.
7. The vehicle is included in the agency’s vehicle inventory as a capital asset and for
insurance purposes.
8. The crime scene vehicle may be assigned to community events as part of the agency’s
public relations function. Any such assignment will be for educational or general
information purposes.

B. Canine and canine vehicle

1. Agency responsibilities
a. The agency is financially responsible for all legitimate costs relating to the
training, use and care of the animal and its assigned handler.
b. The agency is responsible for choosing an appropriate volunteer staff member
who agrees to serve as the canine handler.
2. Canine Handler
a. The handler agrees to house the animal at the handler’s residence, and to be
trained, and maintain training deemed necessary and appropriate by the agency’s
chief executive officer. After the initial training the canine and handler will be
recertified annually. The handler is required to train with the canine a minimum of
15 hours a month which is the equivalent to 180 hours a year in addition to the
annual recertification. This training is to be done and documented in the areas that
the canine and handler are trained. The handler is to make monthly reports to the
patrol supervisor who will maintain copies of these training records.
b. The handler is responsible for the daily care and maintenance of the animal,
regardless of the handler’s work schedule and personal schedule. By agreement
with another duly trained and designated person, the animal may be cared for on a
short-term basis by someone other than the assigned handler.
c. The handler is responsible for the timely preparation and submission of all
reports, documentation and notifications related to the health, care, training and
use of the animal.
3. The canine vehicle in addition to being marked with caution and K9 will be out fitted
with a cage to transport the canine. The vehicle will also have some of the items
described in Opr. 01.09 bullet C in it to care for and use the canine as described in
this policy.

C. Equipment and Supplies

1. The criminal investigation division supervisor determines the type and quantity of
equipment and supplies necessary for the crime scene vehicle.
2. The canine handler is supplied with appropriate uniforms and equipment necessary
for the housing, care and use of the animal. Such items may include, but are not
limited to:
a. Vehicle and animal transport cage

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b. Kennel and animal shelter
c. Leashes, collars, muzzles, brushes, combs, bowls and bins
3. The canine handler is responsible for securing appropriate training aids for the
animal. This agency uses Scent-Logix as a training aid for the narcotics K-9.

D. Reports
1. No special reports are required for the use of neither the crime scene vehicle nor
canine vehicle.
2. The canine handler is responsible for the following reports, documentation and
notifications relating to the animal:
a. Training records
b. Medical treatment
c. Bites or other injury to any person caused by the animal, whether on duty or
off duty and regardless of the location of the incident
b. Notification of the duty supervisor of any bite or injury caused by the animal
c. Use of Force report

E. Use and Care

1. The crime scene vehicle is used and maintained as stated above. The canine vehicle is
maintained in accordance with general vehicle maintenance.
2. The canine team responds to calls, including requests for assistance from other
agencies, appropriate to the canine team’s certified training. Such training may be
alone or in combination with other training, including, but not limited to, narcotics,
searching, tracking, apprehension and firearms/explosives.
a. Call outs
i. The canine team may be called out at anytime.
ii. The handler has discretion to respond or to decline to respond.
iii. If the call is declined, the handler notifies the duty supervisor of the
reason for declining the call.
b. Requests by other agencies
the canine team may respond to the following requests for assistance from
other agencies:
i. Felonious assault upon a law enforcement officer, fire fighter or
emergency medical care attendant in the performance of his/her duties
ii. Life or death situations that may require the use of the canine
iii. Missing person, based on the totality of the circumstances at the time of
the request
iv. Searches for narcotics that may require the use of the canine
The canine handler is responsible for scheduling routine medical care for the animal during normal
duty hours. The handler is authorized and responsible for obtaining emergency medical care for the
animal regardless of the handler’s work schedule. A licensed veterinarian treats the animal. The
handler may provide emergency first aid treatment for the animal if trained to do so.

F. Retirement

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1. The crime scene vehicle is retired from service when the cost of maintaining the
vehicle exceeds its value.
2. The canine is retired when it can no longer perform adequately due to age, health,
injury or other reason. Upon retirement, the animal:
a. Is offered at no cost to the handler(s) familiar with animal as a nonworking
dog, or
b. To a person approved by the sheriff to accept the animal as a nonworking dog.
c. If no person-approved person is found to accept the animal, the dog is
d. Under no circumstances is the animal donated for scientific or medical testing.
e. The agency is released from all financial obligations upon retirement of the

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Vehicle Pursuits NUMBER: 092
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: May 17, 2000 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern the pursuit of motor vehicles.


Any officer of this agency engaging in a vehicular pursuit will exercise due regard for the safety of all
persons. Personnel will comply with the driving procedures outlined herein, engaging in pursuits.
Emergency warning devices will be used consistent with both legal requirements and the safety of the
public and police personnel.


A. Evaluating the circumstances of a pursuit:

An officer may pursue a vehicle only when he has probable cause to believe the violator has
committed or is attempting to commit a serious felony (a felony involving the use or threatened
use of violence) or when the necessity of immediate apprehension in case of a misdemeanor
outweighs the level of danger created by the pursuit (e.g., DUI, reckless driving). Officers can
pursue vehicles for minor traffic violations or violations of county ordinances but must
consider the following.

Considerations in engaging in pursuit

1. Officers are not to operate a vehicle at a rate of speed that may cause loss of control. This
agency expects an officer to end the pursuit whenever the risks to his or her own safety,
or the safety of others, outweighs the danger to the community if the suspect is not

2. The decision to begin, responsibility for continuing, and the choice of method of
pursuit rests primarily, if not solely, with the individual officer(s) involved. In
deciding, he or she is faced with a dilemma because, although the law does not prevent
the officer from using emergency speeds while engaged in pursuit, it does hold him or
her criminally and civilly responsible. Therefore, officers must exercise sound
judgment and carefully consider the seriousness of the offense, the possible
consequences, and the safety of citizens. Such considerations include:

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a. Does the seriousness of the crime warrant a chase at unsafe speed?

b. What is the possibility of apprehension?

c. Will the pursuit take place on residential streets or a business district?

d. When an officer begins pursuit of a fleeing vehicle, he or she must remember

that citizens using public highways do not expect their travel to be interrupted
by a high-speed chase or to become involved in an accident as a consequence.
Children playing on the side of the street are likely to be drawn towards a
police car with the siren and emergency light operating, rather than cautioned
away from it.

e. Street and traffic conditions.

f. The weather conditions.

g. Road conditions and lighting (visibility).

h. Balancing the pursuit's danger to the public against allowing suspect to escape.

B. Initiating officer's responsibilities:

The officer who undertakes a pursuit does so at his or her discretion taking into consideration the
factors listed below. The officer's primary responsibility in a pursuit is the safe operation of the
vehicle. The officer is to notify the dispatcher of the pursuit, direction of travel, description of
the pursued vehicle, and location.

1. Intersections are a particular source of danger. Officers, when approaching an

intersection where signal lights or stop signs control the flow of traffic, will:

a. Decelerate and be prepared to apply the brakes.

b. Enter the intersection only when safe, when all other vehicles are aware of the
officer's presence, and at a reduced speed.

c. Resume pursuit speed only when safe. When using emergency lights, siren, and
headlamps, the officer is requesting the right of way and DOES NOT
ABSOLUTELY HAVE the right to run a red traffic light or stop sign.

d. Officers will not ram, bump, or collide with a fleeing vehicle nor will officers
pull alongside such vehicles in an attempt to force them off the road or into an
obstacle without a supervisor’s permission.

e. Pursuits are limited to two police vehicles, a primary and a secondary. Additional
units may participate but only under order by the senior officer on duty or the

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f. Officers will not fire their weapons from a moving police vehicle. Officers may
only fire weapons at a vehicle under conditions described in GO 10, Paragraphs
C, 1a 1-2, and C, d.

2. When two vehicles are involved in pursuit, each unit will maintain a safe distance especially
when passing through intersections. Each unit involved in the pursuit is to use a different
siren-sound selection.

3. Should the person(s) attempting to avoid apprehension stop the fleeing vehicle and proceed
on foot, the officer is to give the location, and continue efforts to apprehend on foot. The
back-up car, or second police vehicle, is to be dispatched to offer assistance.

C. Secondary unit's responsibilities:

1. The first back-up unit to respond or the closes will assist the primary officer in making the
arrest. He/she will also assume the responsibility of updating the dispatcher with the location
and direction of travel of all vehicles involved, thereby allowing the primary officer to focus
attention on the pursuit driving.

2. Tire-deflation devices may be deemed appropriate to stop a pursuit and may be set up by
supporting officers'; this includes pursuits originating in another jurisdiction.
(Not to be used on motorcycles).

a. These devices are to be used only by officers trained in their use.

b. Patrol supervisor is to submit any forms or reports required to the manufacturer for
replacement of used sticks.

D. Dispatcher's responsibilities:

1. Advise all other units of the pursuit and the information given by the pursuing officer. Assist
in directing back-up units to strategic locations.

2. Order the police radio cleared of all but emergency traffic.

3. Alert all other nearby law enforcement agencies of the pursuit and information given
by pursuing officer when continuing beyond the county line.

4. Query DMV, VCIN, and NCIC for license data and any warrants.

E. Supervisor's responsibilities:

The patrol supervisor is to monitor the pursuit and respond. The supervisor may end the pursuit
at any time that he or she feels circumstances warrant

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F. Forcible stopping/roadblocks:

Only in the case of suspected fleeing persons whose escape poses a danger to life can officers set
up a roadblock or forcible stop. The decision to erect a roadblock or forcible stop will only be
made by the supervisor on duty or call. The decision to erect a roadblock/forcible stop must

a. The safety of officers;

b. The risk of physical injury to the occupants of the pursued vehicle;

c. The protection of citizens and their property.

A roadblock must be clearly visible at a distance sufficient to enable approaching vehicles to stop safely.
The officer in charge of the roadblock will notify the dispatcher of its precise location. The agency
stresses that roadblocks or forcible stops constitute a last resort in stopping a fleeing violent person.

G. Inter- and intra-jurisdictional pursuits:

1. Pursuits of a misdemeanant will not proceed beyond the Virginia State line. A pursuit of
suspected felons may extend beyond the state line, but the pursuit is to be relinquished as
soon as possible to police personnel of the entered state.

2. When the fleeing suspect is apprehended in another jurisdiction, the pursuing

officer will take the arrested person before a judicial officer of that

3. When a fleeing suspect is apprehended within this county, the officer will take
the arrested person before the magistrate. The on-duty supervisor will confer
with the other jurisdiction to determine which jurisdiction will maintain
custody of the suspect based upon the seriousness of the charges and the
likelihood of release by the respective magistrate.

H. When to terminate a pursuit:

This general order has noted the necessity for a pursuing officer to continuously
evaluate the risks and goal of a pursuit. Under some conditions, abandoning a pursuit
may prove the most intelligent decision the officer can make.

Officers may discontinue pursuit under the following circumstances:

1. Whenever the pursuit extends off the roadway, as when the fleeing vehicle
leaves the roadway and proceeds cross-country, the pursuing officer(s) must
carefully consider whether or not the seriousness of the offense outweighs the
risk to his safety and the potential damage to the police vehicle or private
property. When the risks of pursuit exceed the need to capture the offender,

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2. A supervisor may direct that the pursuit be ended. If the pursuing officer
receives such an order to stop the pursuit, he or she is to do so immediately
and acknowledge the order. Also, the pursuing officer(s) must end the pursuit
if at any time during the course of the pursuit he loses extended sight of the
fleeing vehicle.

3. Officers, when accompanied by civilian passengers, will not pursue. If a

civilian is in the police vehicle at the beginning of a pursuit, that officer will
turn the pursuit over to another officer, or deposit the civilian at an
appropriate, safe location.

4. Should the violator enter a one-way highway against the flow of traffic, the
pursuing officer will not follow the violator but instead parallel the violator
from the correct roadway.

5. If, in the opinion of the pursuing officer or supervisor, the pursuit creates a clear and
unreasonable danger to the officers and other motorists or pedestrians that outweighs the
need for immediate apprehension.

6. The suspects have been identified and can be apprehended later.

7. The prevailing traffic, roadway, and environmental conditions render pursuit futile.

8. The pursued vehicle outdistanced the officer, or its location is not known.

9. The pursuing officer knows, or is reasonably certain that the fleeing vehicle is operated
by a juvenile and the offense constitutes a misdemeanor or non-violent felony (the
pursuit may stimulate the juvenile to recklessly disregard public safety).

Discontinuing a pursuit does not mean that the officer cannot follow the vehicle at a safe speed, or
remain in the area ready to resume the pursuit if the opportunity presents and circumstances warrant.
Officers, when pursuing, will resist the temptation to get into the violator's back seat--figuratively
speaking--but instead simply follow the violator and allow him or her to make the driving mistakes.

I. Administrative Review:


All officers who operate law enforcement vehicles in vehicular pursuit situations are required to
file a report with a case number. Reports are to contain at a minimum the following information:

a. Location, date and time of pursuit initiation.

b. Location, date and time of pursuit termination.

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c. Highest speed achieved, weather conditions, road surface and description of
pursuit area.
d. Reasons for initiating and terminating the pursuit.
e. Consequences of the pursuit, such as accidents, injuries, fatalities.
f. Whether or not the violator was apprehended.
g. The offenses with which the violator was charged.
h. Was any action taken against the suspect vehicle (i.e., ramming or roadblock)? If so what
circumstances necessitated this action.
i. During the pursuit, did the actions of the involved officers conform to established office


a. Pursuit incidents are reviewed by the Patrol Lieutenant for compliance with
applicable policy and procedures within 5 working days of the incident.

1. The review should identify the need for remedial training (if any) of
individual officers or specific areas of training regarding pursuit situations
and the application of pursuit policies and procedures.

2. The review should identify and make any additions, deletions or modification
warranted in pursuit policy and procedures.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Audio/Video Recording NUMBER: 093
Equipment (Body Cameras)
EFFECTIVE DATE: May 17, 2017 REVIEW DATE: Annually
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVEDED: Patrick McCranie

Law enforcement officers shall activate the body-worn cameras (BWCs) when such use
is appropriate to the proper performance of his or her official duties and where the
recordings are consistent with this policy and the law. The use of BWCs is intended to
enhance transparency and accountability. This policy does not govern the use of covert
recording devices used in undercover operations.


This policy is intended to provide law enforcement officers with instructions on when
and how to use BWCs, to accurately record law enforcement actions and to capture
evidence for investigations and court proceedings. Additionally, the use of BWCs may
result in reducing the number of complaints against deputies and frivolous lawsuits
against the Sheriff's Office. This procedure also sets forth guidelines for the management,
storage, release, and retrieval of audio –visual media recorded by BWCs.


A. Use of BWCs Generally

1. BWCs may be used to achieve the following:
a. Documentation of law enforcement-public contacts, arrests, and critical
b. Enhancement of law enforcement reports and courtroom testimony;
c. Documentation of crime and accident scenes or other events that include
confiscation and documentation of evidence and contraband;
d. Supervisor review and evaluation of reasonable suspicion, probable cause for
arrest, deputy and suspect interaction, and evidence for investigative and
prosecutorial purposes;
e. Identifying and correcting internal agency issues (i.e. tactics, communication,
policy compliance, customer service, officer safety, etc.); and
f. Enhance law enforcement training.
2. Deputies who are assigned BWCs shall complete a Department approved training
program to ensure proper use and operation. Additional training may be required
at periodic intervals to ensure the continued effective use and operation of
equipment, proper calibration and performance, and to incorporate changes,
updates, or other revisions in Department policy and equipment.
3. Procedures or equipment shall be put in place to ensure deputies do not edit, alter,
or erase video/audio recorded by BWCs.
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B. Equipment
1. Department issued BWCs shall be for official Departmental use only and shall not
be used for non-work related or personal activities.
2. Law enforcement shall use only those BWCs issued by the Department. The
wearing of personally owned BWC equipment or audio/video recording
equipment shall not be permitted.
3. BWCs shall be issued and assigned to specific law enforcement personnel.
4. Law enforcement personnel shall not use BWC equipment assigned to other
5. Intentional misuse or abuse of BWC equipment may result in disciplinary action.

C. Deputy Responsibility
1. Prior to beginning a shift, deputies shall retrieve their assigned BWC and conduct
an operational inspection.
2. Any BWC equipment malfunction shall be immediately documented and a
supervisor will be notified of the malfunction as soon as practical.
3. Deputies shall activate the BWC during each law enforcement-public encounter
related to a call for service, law enforcement action, subject stop, traffic stop,
and/or deputy services provided that such activation does not interfere with
deputy safety or the safety of others. Additionally, the BWC shall be activated for
tactical activities such as, searches of buildings and vehicles, searches for suspects
and missing persons, seizing and processing evidence, and building checks when
security alarms are triggered.
4. Where practical deputies shall monitor the position of the BWC to ensure the
BWC is capturing evidentiary versus non-evidentiary (e.g. ground, sky, deputy's
arm) footage.
5. Every deputy on a scene shall activate their BWC and leave it on for the duration
of the incident. This shall include transporting to and processing a person at the
6. Deputies shall note in incident, arrest, and related reports when video recordings
were made. However, BWC recordings shall not be a replacement for written
7. If a deputy fails to activate the BWC, fails to record the entire contact, or
interrupts/mutes the recording the deputy shall document the reason.
8. Deputies shall not edit, alter, erase, duplicate, copy, share, or otherwise distribute
in any manner BWC recordings without the prior written authorization and
approval of the Sheriff or a designee.
9. Deputies shall not permit civilians to review recordings without authorization of
the Sheriff or a designee.
10. Deputies shall download video files and charge the equipment at the end of each
shift. Deputies shall mark files as evidentiary, non-evidentiary, or training demo.
Additionally, each file shall contain the date, BWC identifier (i.e. the series of
numbers and/or letters assigned to each BWC to distinguish one piece of BWC
equipment from another), and the name of the assigned deputy.
11. Officers are restricted to reviewing and categorizing their own videos.
12. At the conclusion of the shift deputies shall conduct an operability inspection and
report any issues to their supervisor.

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D. Supervisor Responsibility
1. Supervisors shall:
a. Ensure deputies use BWCs in accordance with Department policy and
b. Review evidentiary video and re-categorize for indefinite retention if a
complaint is associated with a recorded event or the deputy has reason to
believe an incident may generate a complaint; and
c. Conduct random weekly reviews of selected recordings in order to assess
deputy performance as well as identify videos that may be appropriate for
2. Supervisors may limit or restrict a deputy from viewing the video file, if a deputy
is suspected of wrongdoing or involved in a deputy-involved shooting or other
serious use of force.

E. Privacy and Restricted Use

1. Whenever practical deputies shall inform individuals that they are being recorded.
2. In locations where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a
residence, individuals may decline to be recorded unless the recording is being
made pursuant to an investigation, arrest, or search of the residence or individuals
within the residence.
3. In general BWCs are not to be used in the following circumstances:
a. Communications with other law enforcement personnel without the
permission of the office of the Sheriff or a designee;
b. Communications involving law enforcement tactical and strategic policy,
procedures, or plans;
c. Encounters with undercover officers/deputies and confidential informants;
d. While conducting strip searches;
e. When community members are reporting crime;
f. Appearing before a magistrate;
g. When officers/deputies are on break or otherwise engaged in personal
activities; or
h. In restrooms or locker rooms.
4. Deputies shall comply with individual federal, state, and local courthouse policies
regarding the wearing of BWCs within respective courthouses.
5. Deputies shall comply with medical facility policies pertaining to video and audio

F. Access
1. The BWC equipment and all data, images, sounds, video, and metadata captured,
recorded, or otherwise produced by the equipment shall be the exclusive property
of the Sheriff’s Office.
2. All access to BWC data must be specifically authorized by the Sheriff or a
3. Deputies may be permitted to review video footage of an incident in which they
were involved, prior to preparing a report or making a statement about the
4. All access is to be audited to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the

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data for legitimate and authorized purposes.
5. Deputies requesting video for trials must make such requests through the Sheriff
or a designee at least ten (10) business days prior to the trial date. Situations
where circumstances outside of the deputy’s control prevent such notification
shall be handled on a case-by-case basis.
6. Court personnel (e.g. representatives from the Office of the Commonwealth’s
Attorney, Virginia Indigent Defense Commission, and the private defense bar)
may request videos for trial through the Sheriff or a designee.
7. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and media requests of video shall be
submitted to the Sheriff or designee and shall comply with requirements of Title
2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
a. Video capturing criminal incident information pertaining to an ongoing
law enforcement investigation or prosecution shall not be released if the
release of the video is likely to jeopardize the investigation, prosecution,
or safety of an individual; or likely to cause a suspect to flee or evade
detection, or result in the destruction of evidence.
b. Criminal investigative files are excluded from FOIA requirements but may
be disclosed by the Sheriff in his discretion, except where disclosure is
prohibited by law.
c. Provisions will be made for blurring the image of individuals or the
personal identifying information (e.g. license plates, addresses etc.) of
those not involved in the law enforcement act in question, and of crime
victims, or an act described in section (C)(3) of this policy prior to
releasing the video to the media or the individual making the FOIA

G. Video Retention
1. Deputies shall make requests for the deletion of portions of the recording (e.g. in
the event of a personal recording, conversations with confidential informants etc.)
in writing. The Sheriff or a designee shall approve or deny requests in accordance
with records and retention schedules issued by the Library of Virginia. All
requests for deletions and the final decision shall be kept on file.
2. All video files shall be securely stored in accordance with the records and
retention schedules issued by the Library of Virginia. If a video is re-classified to
a different category (e.g. non-evidentiary to evidentiary) the video will be subject
to deletion based on the new category and the original date of the recording.
3. Back-up storage for video files shall be provided.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Preliminary Investigation NUMBER: 094
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 8, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures to be followed in conducting preliminary investigations.


When conducting a preliminary investigation, officers will:

a. Document pertinent conditions, events and remarks;

b. Maintain and protect the crime scene and arrange for the collection of evidence;
c. Locate and identify victims and witnesses;
d. Interview the complainant and witnesses, and interview the suspect; and
f. File reports.


I. When a complaint of a criminal offense is received, communications is to dispatch an

available officer (patrol officer or investigator).

The officer is to respond promptly and is responsible for the initial offense report and
protection of the crime scene.

The officer determines if and what offense has been committed.

If the responding officer is the patrol, the investigator and supervisor on duty or call are to be
notified, or if the responding officer is an investigator then the supervisor on duty or call is to
be notified for all reported felonies, (break-ins, rapes, homicide, etc: any felony requiring
immediate investigation, including death cases: (sudden death of a person not under the care
of a doctor).

The dispatcher is to complete a Serious Incident Notification form, LCSO #118.

If not the responding officer, the investigator will determine if the case requires his
immediate response or if the investigation will be followed up at a later date.

The investigator will make decisions concerning the strategy of the investigation from this
point on.

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II. A. The following steps are to be taken in conducting preliminary investigations:

1. All pertinent conditions, events, and remarks are to be documented:

a. Nature of reported offense;

b. Initial findings of responding officer and a summary of information

from witness.

B. The crime scene is to be secured:

1. Crimes against the Person

a. The building is to be secured by law enforcement personnel; the

business is to be closed to the public.

b. A perimeter is to be established to protect the scene.

c. Any evidence, which is a threat to officer/public safety, is to be secure

immediately; all other evidence is to be collected at the direction of the

2. Narcotics

a. Recovered narcotics are to be held by the officer making the initial


b. Items, which are a threat to officer safety, are to be secured


3. Property Crimes

a. The initial scene, if any, is to be secured.

b. Physical evidence is to be noted for collection and examination.

4. Evidence is to be collected in an orderly and organized manner

a. The investigator is to direct the collection of evidence.

b. Evidence is to be photographed and documented as to its condition at

the time of collection, its location with respect to the crime scene, if
any, and the person from whose control it was obtained, if applicable.

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C. Victims, witnesses, and suspects are to be located and identified by the first officer on
the scene, unless the investigator otherwise directs this matter. The following
information should be obtained:

1. Names;
2. Contact address and telephone number;
3. Birth date and social security number.

D. The following interviews are to be conducted:

1. Victim(s)/complainant.
2. Witness (es).
3. Suspect(s).

E. All information is to be reduced to a written report. Said report is to be prepared and

submitted by each officer involved in the initial response before the ending of that

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Case Screening System NUMBER: 095
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify the criteria for continuing and/or suspending an investigative effort.


The Chief Investigator or his designee will review all offense reports and will determine the
status of the investigation and assign an officer for follow-up as needed or suspend any further
investigative effort. Such a recommendation will be based on the following but not limited to:

a. availability of witnesses;
b. naming of a suspect;
c. information about suspect’s location;
d. information about suspect’s description;
e. information about suspect’s identification;
f. information about suspect’s vehicle;


A. All offense reports are to be turned in before the end of the shift.

1. Upon reviewing the report for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and diction the report
is placed into the administrative tray.

B. The Chief Investigator or his designee reviews all offense reports and determines the status
of the investigation and assigns an officer for follow-up as needed or suspends any further
investigative effort. Such a recommendation is based on the following but not limited to:

a. availability of witnesses;
b. naming of a suspect;
c. information about suspect’s location;
d. information about suspect’s description;
e. information about suspect’s identification;
f. information about suspect’s vehicle;

1. The status of the case is classified as:

a. unfounded;

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b. pending;
c. inactive; or
d. cleared.

2. When appropriate assign an officer for the follow-up investigation.

C. Active cases are to have supplements filed every 14 days until the case is cleared or declared

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Follow-Up Investigations NUMBER: 096
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 28, 2013 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 02.03, 02.07, 02.08


To establish procedures to be used in follow-up investigations.


Criminal complaints requiring follow-up investigations will include:

a. Reviewing preliminary investigation reports;

b. Conducting additional interviews and interrogations;
c. Collecting and preserving physical evidence;
d. Identifying and apprehending suspects;
e. Conducting in-person, photographic lineups, show-ups; and
f. Preparing case files.

A. Major crimes are to be followed up by the Investigative Division. Officers conducting

preliminary investigations of such offenses are to contact the investigator as soon as

B. Occasionally, additional investigation is required at the end of the tour of duty of the
assigned officer. In such cases, the assigned officer’s immediate supervisor will determine
whether the investigation should be discontinued until the assigned officer’s next tour of duty
or continued by the investigating officer, or an officer on the relieving shift.

C. Any and all evidence will be collected and preserved by the investigating officer.

D. During the course of the investigation all possible leads will be exhausted in an attempt to
identify and apprehend the suspect.

E. Composing Lineups

Principle: Fair composition of a lineup enables the witness to provide a more accurate
identification or non-identification.
Policy: The investigator shall compose the lineup in such a manner that the suspect does not
unduly stand out.

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Photo Lineup: In composing a photo lineup, the investigator should:

1. Include only one suspect in each identification procedure.
2. Select fillers who generally fit the witness’ description of the perpetrator. When there
is a limited/inadequate description of the perpetrator provided by the witness, or when
the description of the perpetrator differs significantly from the appearance of the
suspect, fillers should resemble the suspect in significant features.
3. If multiple photos of the suspect are reasonably available to the investigator, select a
photo that resembles the suspect description or appearance at the time of the incident.
4. Include a minimum of five fillers (non-suspects) per identification procedure.
5. Consider that complete uniformity of features is not required. Avoid using fillers who
so closely resemble the suspect that a person familiar with the suspect might find it
difficult to distinguish the suspect from the fillers.
6. Create a consistent appearance between the suspect and fillers with respect to any
unique or unusual feature (e.g., scars, tattoos) used to describe the perpetrator by
artificially adding or concealing that feature.
7. Consider placing suspects in different positions in each lineup, both across cases and
with multiple witnesses in the same case. Position the suspect randomly in the lineup.
8. When showing a new suspect, avoid reusing fillers in lineups shown to the same
9. Ensure that no writings or information concerning previous arrest(s) will be visible to
the witness.
10. View the spread, once completed, to ensure that the suspect does not unduly stand
11. Preserve the presentation order of the photo lineup. In addition, the photos themselves
should be preserved in their original condition.

Live Lineup: In composing a live lineup, the investigator should:

1. Include only one suspect in each identification procedure.
2. Select fillers who generally fit the witness’ description of the perpetrator. When there
is a limited/inadequate description of the perpetrator provided by the witness, or when
the description of the perpetrator differs significantly from the appearance of the
suspect, fillers should resemble the suspect in significant features.
3. Consider placing suspects in different positions in each lineup, both across cases and
with multiple witnesses in the same case. Position the suspect randomly unless,
where local practice allows, the suspect or the suspect’s attorney requests a particular
4. Include a minimum of four fillers (non-suspects) per identification procedure.
5. When showing a new suspect, avoid reusing fillers in lineups shown to the same
6. Consider that complete uniformity of features is not required. Avoid using fillers who
so closely resemble the suspect that a person familiar with the suspect might find it
difficult to distinguish the suspect from the fillers.

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7. Create a consistent appearance between the suspect and fillers with respect to any
unique or unusual feature (e.g., scars, tattoos) used to describe the perpetrator by
artificially adding or concealing that feature.

Summary: The above procedures will result in a photo or live lineup in which the suspect
does not unduly stand out. An identification obtained through a lineup composed in this
manner may have stronger evidentiary value than one obtained without these procedures.

Instructing the Witness Prior to Viewing a Lineup

Principle: Instructions given to the witness prior to viewing a lineup can facilitate an
identification or non-identification based on his/her own memory.
Policy: Prior to presenting a lineup, the investigator shall provide instructions to the witness
to ensure the witness understands that the purpose of the identification procedure is to
exculpate the innocent as well as to identify the actual perpetrator.
Photo Lineup: Prior to presenting a photo lineup, the investigator should:
1. Instruct the witness that he/she will be asked to view a set of photographs.
2. Instruct the witness that it is just as important to clear innocent persons from
suspicion as to identify guilty parties.
3. Instruct the witness that individuals depicted in lineup photos may not appear exactly
as they did on the date of the incident because features such as head and facial hair
are subject to change.
4. Instruct the witness that the person who committed the crime may or may not be in
the set of photographs being presented.
5. Assure the witness that regardless of whether identification is made; the police will
continue to investigate the incident.
6. Instruct the witness that the procedure requires the investigator to ask the witness to
state, in his/her own words, how certain he/she is of any identification.

Live Lineup: Prior to presenting a live lineup, the investigator should:

1. Instruct the witness that he/she will be asked to view a group of individuals.
2. Instruct the witness that it is just as important to clear innocent persons from
suspicion as to identify guilty parties.
3. Instruct the witness that individuals present in the lineup may not appear exactly as
they did on the date of the incident because features such as head and facial hair are
subject to change.
4. Instruct the witness that the person who committed the crime may or may not be
present in the group of individuals.
5. Assure the witness that regardless of whether identification is made; the police will
continue to investigate the incident.
6. Instruct the witness that the procedure requires the investigator to ask the witness to
state, in his/her own words, how certain he/she is of any identification.

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Summary: Instructions provided to the witness prior to presentation of a lineup will likely
improve the accuracy and reliability of any identification obtained from the witness and can
facilitate the elimination of innocent parties from the investigation.

Conducting the Identification

Principle: The identification procedure should be conducted in a manner that promotes the
reliability, fairness, and objectivity of the witness’ identification.
Policy: The investigator shall conduct the lineup in a manner conducive to obtaining accurate
identification or non-identification decisions.

Photo Lineup: When presenting a simultaneous photo lineup, the investigator should:
1. Provide viewing instructions to the witness as outlined in subsection B, “Instructing
the Witness Prior to Viewing a Lineup.”
2. Confirm that the witness understands the nature of the lineup procedure.
3. Avoid saying anything to the witness that may influence the witness’ selection.
4. If identification is made, avoid reporting to the witness any information regarding the
individual he/she has selected prior to obtaining the witness’ statement of certainty.
5. Record any identification results and witness’ statement of certainty as outlined in
subsection D, “Recording Identification Results.”
6. Document in writing the photo lineup procedures, including:
a. Identification information and sources of all photos used.
b. Names of all persons present at the photo lineup.
c. Date and time of the identification procedure.
7. Instruct the witness not to discuss the identification procedure or its results with other
witnesses involved in the case and discourage contact with the media.


Photo Lineup: When presenting a sequential photo lineup, the investigator should:
1. Provide viewing instructions to the witness as outlined in subsection B, “Instructing
the Witness Prior to Viewing a Lineup.”
2. Provide the following additional viewing instructions to the witness:
a. Individual photographs will be viewed one at a time.
b. The photos are in random order.
c. Take as much time as needed in making a decision about each photo before
moving to the next one.
d. All photos will be shown, even if identification is made; or the procedure will
be stopped at the point of identification (consistent with
jurisdictional/departmental procedures).
3. Confirm that the witness understands the nature of the sequential procedure.

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4. Present each photo to the witness separately, in a previously determined order,
removing those previously shown.
5. Avoid saying anything to the witness that may influence the witness’ selection.
6. If identification is made, avoid reporting to the witness any information regarding the
individual he/she has selected prior to obtaining the witness’ statement of certainty.
7. Record any identification results and witness’ statement of certainty as outlined in
subsection D, “Recording Identification Results.”
8. Document in writing the photo lineup procedures, including:
a. Identification information and sources of all photos used.
b. Names of all persons present at the photo lineup.
c. Date and time of the identification procedure.
9. Instruct the witness not to discuss the identification procedure or its results with other
witnesses involved in the case and discourage contact with the media.


Live Lineup: When presenting a simultaneous live lineup, the investigator should:
1. Provide viewing instructions to the witness as outlined in subsection B, “Instructing
the Witness Prior to Viewing a Lineup.”
2. Instruct all those present at the lineup not to suggest in any way the position or
identity of the suspect in the lineup.
3. Ensure that any identification actions (e.g., speaking, moving) are performed by all
members of the lineup.
4. Avoid saying anything to the witness that may influence the witness’ selection.
5. If identification is made, avoid reporting to the witness any information regarding the
individual he/she has selected prior to obtaining the witness’ statement of certainty.
6. Record any identification results and witness’ statement of certainty as outlined in
subsection D, “Recording Identification Results.”
7. Document the lineup in writing, including:
a. Identification information of lineup participants.
b. Names of all persons present at the lineup.
c. Date and time the identification procedure was conducted.
8. Document the lineup by photo or video. This documentation should be of a quality
that represents the lineup clearly and fairly.
9. Instruct the witness not to discuss the identification procedure or its results with other
witnesses involved in the case and discourage contact with the media.


Live Lineup: When presenting a sequential live lineup, the investigator should:
1. Provide viewing instructions to the witness as outlined in subsection B, “Instructing
the Witness Prior to Viewing a Lineup.”
2. Provide the following additional viewing instructions to the witness:
a. Individuals will be viewed one at a time.
b. The individuals will be presented in random order.

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c. Take as much time as needed in making a decision about each individual
before moving to the next one.
d. If the person who committed the crime is present, identify him/her.
e. All individuals will be presented, even if identification is made; or the
procedure will be stopped at the point of identification (consistent with
jurisdictional/departmental procedures).
3. Begin with all lineup participants out of the view of the witness.
4. Instruct all those present at the lineup not to suggest in any way the position or
identity of the suspect in the lineup.
5. Present each individual to the witness separately, in a previously determined order,
removing those previously shown.
6. Ensure that any identification actions (e.g., speaking, moving) are performed by all
members of the lineup.
7. Avoid saying anything to the witness that may influence the witness’ selection.
8. If identification is made, avoid reporting to the witness any information regarding the
individual he/she has selected prior to obtaining the witness’ statement of certainty.
9. Record any identification results and witness’ statement of certainty as outlined in
subsection D, “Recording Identification Results.”
10. Document the lineup procedures and content in writing, including:
a. Identification information of lineup participants.
b. Names of all persons present at the lineup.
c. Date and time the identification procedure was conducted.
11. Document the lineup by photo or video. This documentation should be of a quality
that represents the lineup clearly and fairly. Photo documentation can be of either the
group or each individual.
12. Instruct the witness not to discuss the identification procedure or its results with other
witnesses involved in the case and discourage contact with the media.

Summary: The manner in which an identification procedure is conducted can affect the
reliability, fairness, and objectivity of the identification. Use of the above procedures can
minimize the effect of external influences on a witness’ memory.

Recording Identification Results

Principle: The record of the outcome of the identification procedure accurately and
completely reflects the identification results obtained from the witness.
Policy: When conducting an identification procedure, the investigator shall preserve the
outcome of the procedure by documenting any identification or non-identification results
obtained from the witness.
Procedure: When conducting an identification procedure, the investigator should:
1. Record both identification and non-identification results in writing, including the
witness’ own words regarding how sure he/she is.
2. Ensure results are signed and dated by the witness.
3. Ensure that no materials indicating previous identification results are visible to the

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4. Ensure that the witness does not write on or mark any materials that will be used in
other identification procedures.

Summary: Preparing a complete and accurate record of the outcome of the identification
procedure improves the strength and credibility of the identification or non-identification
results obtained from the witness. This record can be a critical document in the
investigation and any subsequent court proceedings.

F. Show-up procedure

1. Show-ups should only be performed using a live suspect and only in exigent
circumstances that require the immediate display of a suspect to an eyewitness.

2. Deputies should not conduct a show-up with a single photograph; if deputies want to
determine if an eyewitness can make an identification using a photo, a photo lineup
should be employed.

3. The eyewitness should be transported to a neutral, non-law enforcement location where

the suspect is being detained for the purposes of a show-up.

4. The eyewitness should be provided with the following instructions:

1. The perpetrator may or may not be the person that is presented to the eyewitness;
2. The eyewitness should not feel compelled to make an identification;
3. The investigation will continue regardless of whether identification is made;
4. The procedure requires the deputy to ask the eyewitness to state, in his or her own
words, how certain he/she is of the identification that was made;
5. The eyewitness should not discuss the identification procedure with other eyewitnesses
involved in the case and should not speak to the media.
6. If there are multiple eyewitnesses, only one eyewitness at a time should participate
in the show-up procedure, independent of the others. If a positive identification is
made, and an arrest is justified, additional eyewitnesses should be shown photo
7. If identification is made, the deputy should seek and document a clear statement
from the eyewitness, at the time of the identification and in the eyewitness’s own
words, as to the eyewitness’s confidence level that the person identified is the
8. Deputies should photograph a suspect at the time and place of the show-up to
preserve a record of his or her appearance at the time of the show-up.

(Deputies are encouraged to video record the show-up procedure. This assists the agency
in demonstrating that they conducted the show-up at a neutral location and without
any additional suggestion.)

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G. Training:

Training in this policy shall be completed upon initial FTO training within the first 18 months
of employment. Refresher training will be conducted during range days every two years or as
policy/code changes occur. The reading and understanding of this policy and the signing of
acknowledgement will serve as initial training.

H. In addition to the original report. On major offenses, supervisors will ensure that each officer
who responds submits a supplemental detailing what that officer did and any information that the
officer gathered as it pertains to the offense.

I. A follow-up investigation consists of, but not limited to, the following activities:

1. Interviewing complainants and witnesses.

2. Location missing persons.
3. Determining if information or suspicious activity relates to criminal activity.
4. Distributing information to the proper persons or agencies.
5. Locating lost property and returning same to the owner.
6. Investigating deaths, overdoses, suicides and injuries to determine if a crime was
7. Making necessary notifications, conducting necessary inspections, etc.
8. Recording information obtained.
9. Reviewing and analyzing reports of preliminary investigations.
10. Recording information obtained during a follow-up investigation.
11. Reviewing departmental records for investigative leads.
12. Seeking additional information (from other officers, informants, contacts in
community, other investigators/agencies, etc.)
13. Interviewing victims and witnesses.
14. Interrogating suspects.
15. Arranging for the dissemination of information as appropriate.
16. Planning, organizing, and conducting searches.
17. Prepare case file for the Commonwealth’s Attorney.
18. Collecting and preserving physical evidence.
19. Recovering stolen property.
20. Arranging for the analysis and evaluation of evidence.
21. Reviewing results from laboratory examinations.
22. Identifying and apprehending the suspect/offender.
23. Checking for suspect’s criminal history.
24. Determining if other crimes may have been committed by the suspect.
25. Consulting with the commonwealth’s attorney office in preparing cases for court
presentation and assisting in the persecution thereof.
26. Notifying victims and witnesses when their presence is required in court.
27. Attendance to testify in court.
28. Plan, organize, obtain warrants for, and conduct searches.
29. Arrange for polygraph examinations, if necessary.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Case File Management NUMBER: 097
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish a case file management system for the criminal investigation function.


Each criminal report filed by an officer of this agency will come under the control of the case
file management system, which will include:

a. A case status control system;

b. A case coordinator for each case;
c. The types of records to be maintained; and
d. Rules defining accessibility to the files.


A. Each report filed is to be classified by the Chief Investigator or his designee:

1. Upon an officers writing of an offense report the report is placed in the Chief
Investigator door tray.

2. The Chief Investigator or his designee reviews and classifies reports and takes to the
secretary to prepare copies and case file folders.

3. The secretary returns case file to the Chief Investigator or his designee and files a
copy with the Sheriff.

4. Classification:

a. Pending-still under investigation, requiring a supplemental up-date at least

once every 14 days.

b. Cleared-by the arrest of all suspects involved.

c. Inactive-all leads have been exhausted without adequate result leading to an

arrest. May be reopened when any lead or information is received.

d. Unfounded-when investigation reveals no crime to have occurred.

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B. The investigation officer is to be the coordinator for his/her case.

1. When a case is cleared by an arrest, the officer is to write a supplement, complete the
case file to include a copy of the Commonwealth Attorney and forward to the Chief
Investigator or his designee for review.

a. Case file is to be completed and given to the Chief Investigator or his designee
for review as soon as possible, but definitely prior to arraignment.

2. The Chief Investigator or his designee is to forward the file to the Commonwealth

C. Records to be maintained in the case file:

1. Offense report.
2. Supplements from all officers involved.
3. Witness statements.
4. Suspect statement with waiver.
5. Crime scene log.
6. Lab requests.
7. Lab reports.
8. Photos.
9. Sketches.
10. Witness lists.
11. Misc. Documents (receipts, search warrants, etc.)
12. Notes.

D. Accessibility to the files:

1. No one other than officers of this agency are permitted access to case files.

2. No one is to release any portion of or information from any case file to anyone,
including attorneys or officers of other agencies without approval from the Sheriff.

3. Case files are confidential and for the use of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office
and the Commonwealth’s Attorney only.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Investigator on Call Availability NUMBER: 098
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure the availability of an investigator 24 hours.


During the period of time an investigator is not on duty, one will be on call and available.


A. The Chief Investigator is to ensure an investigator is on call and available during the times of
no coverage.

1. The work schedule containing the investigative personnel is marked to indicate the
investigator on call when one is not on duty or available.

a. The schedule is to be maintained on a clipboard in the squad building and in

the communication center.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Informants NUMBER: 099
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify policies and procedures to be followed when using informants.


Officers should develop a variety of information sources or informants. In many cases,

information will flow as a result of friendly, courteous conversations and questioning, by
building rapport, by providing efficient law enforcement response, and by just listening and

For purposes of this order, an informant is defined as someone who provides useful
information concerning criminal activity including, vice, organized crime, or intelligence and
who expects some kind of return. Return is defined as payment in money or assisting the
Commonwealth’s Attorney or the courts or the satisfaction of a personal need to contribute to
the improvement of the neighborhood.

In developing informants, officers will ensure confidentiality of informant identities and

transactions, but observe lawful accountability. The following procedures will be used when
using informants.


A. Informants are to be included into the master file and maintained by the Chief Investigator.

B. Informant files and its contents:

1. Any officer developing and using an informant, as defined above, is to prepare a

confidential file folder on the informant as follows:

a. On the front of a file folder, place the following information:

1. Officer’s name.
2. Badge number.
3. Informant’s number-assigned by Chief Investigator.
4. Date file opened.

If the informant is a juvenile, write the word “Juvenile” on the folder.

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2. Prepare or collect the following and place inside the folder:

a. Biographical and background information: name, aliases, address, telephone

number, known acquaintances, habits, etc.

b. A criminal history record, if any.

c. Information the informant has or can be expected to provide.

d. Record of any payments made.

e. Degree of involvement of informants in any operation.

C. Officers are responsible for keeping the file up-to-date. The officer is to request the
numbered file from the Chief Investigator, place the additional information within, and return
it to the Chief Investigator.

1. Informant files can be retained indefinitely, but officers are encouraged to keep only
active informants on file.

D. Files are maintained by the Chief Investigator in a secure location accessible only to him or
the Sheriff

E. Upon request an officer can review an informant file in the presence of the Chief
Investigator, this is to be so noted and placed in the file.

1. Once an informant file has been prepared, all future references to the informant in any
reports will be by informant number or source. Informant names will not be used.

F. Criteria for Paying Informants:

1. Proven reliability of the informant.

2. Probability for prosecution of the case.

3. Severity of the offense.

4. Willingness of the informant to testify if needed.

G. Precautions:

1. Officers are not to make any deals with people concerning charging, pleading, or
sentencing. Officers may, however, consult with the Commonwealth’s Attorney
regarding these matters.

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2. Informant information may become the basis for a variety of legal and law
enforcement issues. The officer will carefully consider the possibilities of being
required to identify an informant in the courtroom, possibly placing the informant in

3. Officers are to deal with informants very carefully and with circumspection,
particularly with those of a different sex or those whose sexual preferences may make
an investigation susceptible to compromise.

4. Specific guidelines exist through case law regarding the legal use of informants. The
following points are offered to help officers judge the usefulness of their informants.

a. If possible, corroborate informant tips through independent investigation.

b. If informant tips form probable cause to arrest or search, the deputy involved
must be prepared to justify to the court why the informant is credible and his
information reliable.

H. Use of juvenile informants is particularly sensitive, officers must obtain permission from the

I. Officers of the Patrol Division use the same procedures as stated.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Vice, Drug & Organized Crime NUMBER: 100
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure vice, drug and organized crime complaints are recorded and investigated.


Officers receiving information on or complaints regarding organized crime, vice and drugs are
matters of law enforcement intelligence demanding investigation. Officers receiving such
information are to prepare an incident/information report. The Chief Investigator may then
order the matter to be investigated.


A. Any organized crime involvement into but not limited to any of the following areas:

1. Corruption, extortion, lobby.

2. Illegal sale and distribution of liquor, tobacco, firearms, or controlled substances.

3. Prostitution, pornography.

4. Gambling.

5. Theft/fencing rings.

B. Officers receiving such information are to prepare an incident/information report to include

the following information:

1. Type of illegal/suspected activity, location, names and addresses of suspects involved

and information concerning the activities.

2. If a complainant is involved then name, address and telephone number.

3. If the complaint does not involve organized crime then the information may be
verbally past onto the Chief Investigator.

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C. The investigator maintains a file on the case to include all pertinent information.

D. When the investigation is complete, the investigator is to close the case under one of the
following labels:

1. Cleared-an arrest has been made in this case.

2. Exceptional Clearance-the identity and address or exact location of the perpetrator is

known and sufficient evidence to obtain a warrant exist. However, due to some
reason outside the control of the Sheriff’s Office, no arrest will be made. Examples:
Complainant will not testify; Commonwealth’s Attorney will not prosecute;
perpetrator is dead; subject arrested by another jurisdiction and no charges will be
placed by the Sheriff’s Office.

3. False Report-the reporting party lied in order to mislead law enforcement concerning
the incident.

4. Suspended-all leads have been exhausted. No further investigation is possible or

practical until new leads develop.

5. Unfounded-the offense did not occur, although at the time of the original report, it
was believed to have occurred. If the investigation has exhausted all leads, yet the
possibility remains that new facts may come to light given future inquiry, the case
may remain open.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Vice, Drug & Organized Crime File NUMBER: 101
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure records or reports relating to active vice, drug and organized crime investigations
are maintained secure and separate from the central records system.


Files on vice, drug and organized crime investigations will be maintained and filed separately
from the central records of the Sheriff’s Office.


A. All files on investigations being conducted on controlled substance violations, undercover

operations, liquor law violations, prostitution or pornography, and organized crime are
maintained separately in locked files in the Investigative Division.

1. Only the Sheriff, Chief Investigator and the investigators assigned to the Investigative
Division will have access to files on investigations of drug violations, liquor law
violations, prostitution or pornography, and organized crime.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Surveillance Equipment NUMBER: 102
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish a system of controls to prevent the unauthorized use and loss of equipment.


The Chief Investigator or his designee will maintain, disperse or have direct control over
electronic eavesdropping, night vision equipment, all surveillance and undercover equipment.
Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.


A. The Chief Investigator or his designee is responsible for the release of any specialized
equipment for the purpose of surveillance or intelligence gathering.

1. Person(s) requesting the use of any surveillance equipment must demonstrate his/her
ability to operate the equipment prior to release. The person(s) requesting the use of
the equipment has sole responsibility for its upkeep and safe return.

2. All persons, prior to checking out any equipment, must sign the logbook in the
appropriate office. Information needed for the logbook include:

a. Name or Badge number of person checking out equipment.

b. Name of equipment.

c. Serial number if available.

d. Date checked out.

e. Date checked in.

3. All equipment must be signed in by the Chief Investigator or his designee, who will
ensure that the equipment is in good working order when returned.
All maintenance on electronic surveillance equipment will be the responsibility of the Investigation
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Advising the Sheriff of Vice, Drug and NUMBER: 103
Organized Crime Cases
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure the Sheriff is informed of vice, drug and organized crime cases.


The Sheriff will be informed on vice, drug and organized crime cases.


A. Information received on vice, illegal drug, and organized crime activity is to be reported to
the Chief Investigator (see General Order 099), who then reports the activity to the Sheriff as
soon as it is practical.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Surveillance/Raid/Undercover NUMBER: 103
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify procedures for conducting vice, drug and organized crime surveillance, undercover,
decoy, and raid operations.


When officers of this agency are conducting vice, drug or organized crime surveillance,
undercover, decoy, or raid operations, the following procedures will apply.


A. Officers are to be familiarized with the objectives and details of the operation, the
neighborhood, or the target area.

B. Operational procedures

1. The primary investigating officer is to conduct a briefing prior to any raid operation
for the purpose of discussing factors including, but not limited to:

a. Determining operation procedures for observation, arrests, surveillance and

high-risk entries.

b. Review of sight characteristics.

c. Description of potential occupants and any associated dangers they may pose.

d. Assignment of responsibilities for members of the team. This should include

assigned evidence officer(s), all specialized equipment to be used such as ram,
pry bar, weapons, etc.

e. Discuss and develop plans for approaching, entering, securing and leaving the
raid site. All team members are required to wear some type of clothing
identifying themselves as officers.

C. Personnel to be selected are to include uniform officers for providing relief, backup security
and perimeter protection for the team personnel.

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D. During undercover investigations the Chief Investigator will provide officers with false
identities, disguises, and necessary credentials when needed. This includes unregistered or
out of state license plates for vehicles. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the
Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended.

E. It is the responsibility of the Chief Investigator to ensure that confidentiality and cover is
maintained at all times during a vice/narcotics undercover investigation.

F. The Chief Investigator is the supervisor and coordinator for all vice, drug and organized
crime surveillance, undercover, decoy and raid operations.

G. Officers are to be assigned and briefed regarding property/items to be searched for and
seizing evidence and/or contraband.

H. Assistance of medical and/or rescue squad personnel is to be requested to stand-by if there is

reason to believe someone at the scene may have medical reaction or there is a high
probability of injury.

I. During a vice/narcotics raid, radio communications are to be available at all times to the raid

a. All members are to have in their possession or assigned to someone who has a hand
held transmitting unit giving communications capability with other members of the
team and the communication center at the Sheriff’s Office.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Asset Forfeiture NUMBER: 104
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To identify forfeiture action seizure procedures and the position in the agency responsible for
the asset forfeiture program.


The Sheriff or his designee will be conversant in state forfeiture laws (to-wit: Virginia Code
Chapter § 22.1, § 19.2-386.22 and § 19.2-386.1-14), to identify assets in case records and
implement legal process to appropriate these assets for agency use. The Asset Forfeiture
Coordinator (AFC) will also perform as liaison to the Forfeiture Asset Dispute Committee,
Criminal Justice Research Board, to other state and federal agencies, and to the courts, as


A. Responsibilities of the Asset Forfeiture Coordinator (AFC)

1. The Asset Forfeiture Coordinator is the Lieutenant of the Investigative Division with
assistance from the Sheriff.

2. Reviews all law enforcement reports to identify property subject to forfeiture.

3. Effective processing of all paperwork.

4. Reports to the Sheriff on all matters pertaining to forfeiture proceedings.

5. Management of property seized and stored under asset seizure laws.

6. Monitors the proceeds from forfeited assets sales.

7. Ensures compliance with State and Federal guidelines for asset forfeiture.

8. Coordinates, where possible, with other agency representatives, as designated by the

Sheriff, for “pre-seizure” planning meetings to evaluate target assets to ascertain
ownership and the existence of liens or encumbrances.

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a. The planning effort will make every reasonable effort to identify innocent lien
holders to avoid inconveniencing them.
9. Coordinate with the Commonwealth’s Attorney to enter a default judgment against
persons who fail to respond to the court within 30 days to defend against seizure of
their property.

10. Apply to DCJS for return of in-kind property for legitimate law enforcement use.

11. Coordinate with the Commonwealth’s Attorney, or other officials as necessary to

obtain a commercial sale of property in appropriate cases.

12. Coordinate with other agencies participating in a regional drug enforcement task
force to agree on which agency will become the designated seizing agency for
purposes of forfeiture proceedings. Negotiate with participating law enforcement
agencies for a suitable division of assets.

a. Where agencies seize property pursuant to membership in a regional task

force, the AFC will forward to DCJS a copy of the interagency agreement or
contract that authorizes the task force.

b. The AFC will assist inter-jurisdictional coordination to ensue that localities

maintain separate forfeitures accounts and auditing procedures. Similarly, the
AFC will track cases in which the Sheriff’s Office is involved but is not the
primary seizing agency.

13. Ensure that the locality’s certification (that the proceeds will be used for law
enforcement purposes only and will not supplant existing resources) is submitted to
DCJS, and renewed annually by the county administrator.

14. Ensure that the money seized is forwarded to DCJS in check form. Coordinate with
the locality finance officer, as necessary.

B. If the Sheriff’s Office elects to pursue forfeiture through federal proceedings, then the AFC
will not notify DCJS.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Juvenile Operations NUMBER: 105
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish guidelines and procedures for handling juveniles who are in need of protection, in
violation of status offenses, and those charged with criminal offenses.


This agency is committed to the development and the perpetuation of programs designed to
prevent and control juvenile delinquency. It will be the responsibility of all sworn personnel to
participate and support this agency’s juvenile operations function. All members of this agency
will cooperate with juvenile justice and support activities. All agency personnel will practice
the provisions of this order.



Child, Juvenile, Minor: A person who is less than eighteen years of age.

Status Offender: A juvenile who commits an act, which is unlawful only if committed by a
juvenile, i.e., (1) a juvenile who is subject to compulsory school attendance but is habitually absent
without justification (truant); (2) a juvenile who is habitually disobedient to the lawful commands of
parents or other responsible persons (incorrigible); (3) a juvenile who remains away from or who
habitually deserts or abandons the family (runaway).

Delinquent Acts: Acts designated as a violation of a law or an ordinance of any city, county, town
or federal law, but not to include status offenses.

Delinquent Child: A child who has committed a delinquent act or an adult who had committed a
delinquent act prior to his/her 18th birthday.

Intake Officer: A juvenile probation officer who is designated by law as having the quasi-judicial
authority to decided probable case, divert or petition the court and leave a detention or shelter care

Juvenile Court: The name by which the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court is often
called. This court is responsible for the judicial processing juvenile offenders, and the determination

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of abuse and neglect cases. As a result, the judge of this court decides the propriety and legality of
police handling of juveniles.

Person Acting for a Parent: A teacher, relative over the age of eighteen, or any adult wiling to
accept the responsibility for the juvenile.

Officers may handle errant juveniles informally, particularly status offenders, those in need of
protection, and those suspected of committing minor criminal offenses. The authority to carry out
the provisions of this order derives from Virginia Code §16.1-246, 16.1-247 and 16.1-299.

A. Handling of juvenile offenders-general.

1. A juvenile offender is to be handled with firmness and respect: this sets the
tone for the entire processing of the juvenile’s case. The contact a juvenile has
with the police is his or her first impression of society’s enforcement system.
The police officer’s proper handling may prevent the recurrence of anti-social
behavior. A police officer’s warning is often all that is required to keep the
juvenile from having to appear in juvenile court. Improper handling often
creates the mistaken but lasting impression that all police officers and other
government officials are unfair, untrustworthy, and inflexible, and may result
in the juvenile’s complete rejection of lawful authority.

2. The juvenile justice system and laws are designed to give the child a chance to
mature without bearing the stigma of a criminal record. The juvenile justice
system emphasizes confidentiality of records and the privacy of an
adjudicatory hearing. Terms such as “take into custody” and “not innocent”
substitute for “arrest” and “guilty” to avoid giving the juvenile’s behavior a
criminal label. Where appropriate, officers shall reasonably try to keep
juveniles out of the criminal justice system.

B. Guidelines for Informal or Formal Handling:

1. Officers may handle a juvenile either formally or informally. The informal handling
is managing a situation by releasing the juvenile under warning to a parent or
guardian. This requires either the parent picking up the child or the officer taking the
child home and informing the parents of the alleged offense. Formal handling occurs
when the juvenile is brought before the juvenile court or an intake officer for further
processing and deciding the proper disposition.

2. In making the decision to handle either informally or formally, the officers are to
consider the following:

a. Seriousness of the offenses;

b. Prior record of the child;
c. Age of the youth;

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d. Cooperation and attitude of all parties (child, parent, victim) and the
possibility of the offense being repeated.
e. Degree of wrongful intent, violence, premeditation, knowledge of the
f. Likelihood that the child or parent can be successful referred to a helping

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Juvenile Case Alternatives NUMBER: 106
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 4, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish alternatives to charging juveniles with offenses requiring an appearance before

the court.


Sworn personnel will employ the use of informal handling of offenses committed by juveniles
wherever possible.


A. Informal Handling.

1. Informal handling includes the officer’s use of the following measures:

a. Warning and releasing to a parent or guardian.

b. Requiring the parents to pick up the juvenile.

c. Taking the child home and informing the parents of the reasons for his being
picked up.

d. Referring the family to a community social services agency.

e. When handling the juvenile informally, the officer must ensure that the
parents are notified.

f. When the officer encounters a victim/complainant who demands to bring a

child before the juvenile court, and the officer wishes the matter handled
informally, the officer may contact the intake officer for assistance.

g. Even when he or she is being handled informally, the juvenile has all the
constitutional rights that an adult would have in the same situation.

h. Even if the officer handles a case informally, they may still follow-up the case
at a later time or, at any time, refer the juvenile and his parents to an
appropriate social service agency.

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2. Sample Offenses for Informal Handling:

a. Runaways.

b. Annoying telephone calls.

c. Cursing and abuse.

d. Drunkenness.

e. Creating a nuisance.

f. Disorderly conduct.

g. Curfew violation and other status offenses (more specific discussion of status
offenses follows).

3. Philosophy of Informal Handling:

When handling a case informally, the officer should keep in mind that the objective
of the juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate rather than punish. Keeping the child
in the patrol car discussing the case for an inordinate length of time will appear to the
juvenile to be punishment, and might be unconstitutional or illegal. Officers need to
decide without delay whether formal or informal handling is in order, then apply the
appropriate guidelines of this order.

B. Written Citations/Summonses.

1. An officer may use the Virginia Uniform Summons Form when dealing with a
juvenile just as for an adult, in the following situations:

a. Violation of the traffic laws;

b. Violation of the county ordinances;

c. Violation of game and fish laws;

d. Violation of alcohol or tobacco laws.

2. In matters regarding misdemeanor offenses the juvenile may be released on a

summons as an adult, but it must be followed up with a petition from intake.

C. Referrals to Juvenile Court.

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1. Formal handling occurs when the juvenile is taken before the juvenile court or intake
officer for their decision on the proper disposition.

2. When handling an incident by formal handling the officer must complete a juvenile
petition and submit it to the Juvenile Intake Officer.

3. Generally the following situations require formal handling of the juvenile:

a. Acts that if committed by an adult would be felonies.

b. Acts involving weapons.

c. Act involving aggravated assaults and batteries.

d. Acts involving possession of or distribution of a controlled substance.

e. Acts committed by juveniles under probation or with a case pending.

f. Acts that are repeated.

g. When officers arrive at the scene of domestic violence and discover a child at

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Juvenile Arrest NUMBER: 107
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 5, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for taking a juvenile into custody.


Juveniles will be taken into custody as set forth and in accordance with Virginia Code.


When an officer takes a juvenile into custody the officer is to determine:

A. If the juvenile is alleged to have engaged in non-criminal misbehavior (a status


B. An officer may use the Virginia Uniform Summons Form when dealing with a
juvenile just as an adult, in the following situations:

a. Violation of the traffic laws;

b. Violation of county ordinances;

c. Violation of game and fish laws.

d. Violation of alcohol or tobacco laws.

C. Ensure the constitutional rights of juvenile are protected in the same manner as those
of an adult. Juveniles are entitled to the full Miranda warnings. These rights must
be explained, in the presence of parents/guardian, if present and circumstances
permitting. When questioning a juvenile in custody, the same rules and procedures
used for an adult must be followed.

A juvenile may be taken into custody in the following situations:

1. With a legal detention order.

2. When the child is alleged to be in need of services, and

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a. There is a clear and substantial danger to the child’s life or health; or
b. Custody is necessary to insure child’s appearance before court.

3. When in the presence of the arresting officer, a child commits a crime and the officer
believes custody is necessary for protection of public interest.

4. When a child has committed the following misdemeanor offense although the offense
was not committed in the presence of the officer who makes the arrest, the arrest is
based on probable cause on reasonable complaint of a person who observed the
alleged offense.

a. Shoplifting.
b. Assault and Batter.
c. Carrying a weapon on school property; or

4. The officer has probable cause to believe the child has committed an offense, which if
done by an adult would be a felony.

5. The officer has probable cause to believe the child is an escapee from the Department
of Corrections jail, detention home, court-placed residential family, or residential
treatment facility.

6. The officer has probable cause to believe the child has either run away from home or
is without adult supervision at night and in circumstances the officer reasonably
concludes that a clear and substantial danger exists to the child’s welfare.

D. Guidelines for Taking the Juvenile into Custody.

1. When a juvenile is taken into custody, the officer is to take the juvenile to the intake
facility or the juvenile component without delay (unless the juvenile is in need of
emergency medical treatment).

2. When necessary to take the juvenile into custody do so with the least possible
embarrassment to the juvenile and his family. For example, when picking up a
juvenile at school, work through the principal’s office. Have the juvenile brought
there instead of going to the classroom. If he works, try to arrange to pick him up
before or after working hours. Unless there is a special justification for doing
otherwise, don’t remove the juvenile from the home.

3. When the juvenile court service is closed, depending upon the circumstances, the
officer may release the juvenile to a parent or guardian. If the officer feels immediate
juvenile court intervention is necessary, the officer is to contact the juvenile intake
officer on call for assistance.

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E. Notification of parents or guardians is required in every case that a juvenile is taken into

F. Officers shall make every attempt to confer with the parents or guardians of a juvenile before
questioning and should be given an opportunity to understand what the questioning will
cover and to be present during questioning. If this is not feasible, the officer may go ahead
and question anyway, but must very carefully ensure that all rights of the juvenile are

1. When questioning a juvenile, officers are not to prolong the interview beyond what is
needed in order to complete their investigation. Also, the interrogation is to be
handled by no more than two officers.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: School Liaison Program NUMBER: 109
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: March 11, 2002 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish minimum requirements in the school liaison program.


The School Resource Officer (SRO) will incorporate the following in his duties as an SRO. The
D.A.R.E. officer(s) will also incorporate the following while conducting the D.A.R.E. program in
the school system.

a. Provide a resource with respect to delinquency prevention;

b. Explaining the role of law enforcement in society through classroom presentations.


A. The mission of the school liaison program is to:

1. (Acc. bullet "a") Act as a resource with respect to delinquency prevention, by identifying
and preventing, through counseling and referral, delinquent behaviors such as substance
abuse, violence, vandalism, etc.
2. (Acc. bullet "d") Explain and advise on the role of law enforcement in society.
3. Develop and maintain a positive relationship with the students, staff and parents,
4. Provide a safe learning environment for the students and staff.

B The Role of the School Resource Officer (SRO):

1. To protect and serve by:

a. Preserving individual rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of

the United States,
b. Effectively enforcing state and local laws and ordinances,
c. Aggressively investigating criminal offenses,
d. The timely apprehension of persons suspected of committing criminal acts

e. The creative application of modem principles and technologies of public services

f. Cooperating with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and
school staff

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g. Developing, perpetuating, and constantly evaluating the programs and procedures
designed to prevent and control juvenile delinquency, substance abuse and the
illegal distribution of narcotics
h. Providing impartial, competent and courteous service to students and staff,
without regard to race, creed, religion, or gender
I. To enforce the instructions of the Sheriff and the Superintendent of Schools, that
there be a zero tolerance level for any criminal law violations on school property
pertaining to:

1. Weapons
2. Drugs/narcotics
3. Acts of assault or other violence.

2. Being involved with the schools and serving by:

a. Being responsive to students and staff, and providing feedback regarding efforts
to resolve problems or concerns
b. Projecting a professional image through positive interaction with members of the
student body and staff
c. Asking students and staff to assist in the development of law enforcement activities
and programs which impact their school and affect their quality of educational
d. Participating in programs that share responsibility with the school in the
delivery of law enforcement services
e. Encouraging student and staff cooperation with all criminal justice agencies through
various school and community programs.

3. The function of the School Liaison Officer:

a. He/she is first and foremost a law enforcement officer and will conduct
themselves in the following manner
1. Dress in issued and approved uniform apparel,
2. Take law enforcement action as required. School Officials will be
notified as soon as possible if they are not a part of the initial
3. Not act as a school disciplinarian. However, school officials may
include the officer in counseling sessions. This is encouraged when
4. Move freely about the campus, as this is a proven crime prevention
5. Meet with the school principal as necessary to discuss scheduling,
programming, students etc ...
6. Meet with their supervisor and provide intelligence information and briefings
of activities as necessary.
7. Not to be assigned school administrative responsibilities.

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8. Be available for conferences with students, parents and staff to assist
them whenever possible.

C. Work Methods:

1. Criminal offenses are to be investigated

2. Interaction with students is the main tool of this program. The officer may use sports, music,
drama, counseling sessions, cafeteria time, field trips, tutoring, mentoring, etc. to build positive

3. Interaction with school staff will be positive, professional and cooperative. All parties must strive
to maintain open lines of communications to achieve the goals of the program,

4. Upon notification of any persons trespassing, the officer will locate the individual, identify the
individual, investigate the circumstances, and determine the potential for prosecution.

5. The officer will strive to communicate with the citizens and businesses of the county. These
persons can be a key resource.

D. Training:

1. The SRO will receive SRO training as required by DCJS. He/she will attend in-service training as
required. To stay abreast of changes and issues concerning the school environment the SRO will
seek and attend appropriate training and conferences that apply to school safety community
policing issues, etc.

2. The DARE instructors receive the appropriate and required training. They will maintain a valid
instructors certificate and will attend in-service training as required by DCJS and DARE.

E. Assignments:

1. The SRO is assigned to a particular school campus on an ongoing basis.

This is his/her daily duty.

a. His/her hours are 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p.m.

b. On days that students are not in attendance, the SRO will report to his supervisor for
assignment. This does not include state holidays.
c. Worked state holidays will be repaid.

2. The DARE instructor's schedule is determined by mutual agreement between the school
principal, the officer and the Sheriff.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Mobilization Plan NUMBER: 110
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 17, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for mobilizing and responding to a natural or man-made disaster

and/or situations/incidents requiring the intervention of law enforcement personnel in force.


This agency will mobilize and respond to incidents and/or situations in a manner as set


1. Mobilization Plan

This agency's Mobilization Plan consists of three categories:

1. Alert Status I: Upon direction of the Sheriff or his designee, supervisory staff (junior
and senior) are notified of possible mobilization and to standby.

2. Alert Status II: Call in of supervisory staff (junior and senior) and the next scheduled

3. Alert Status III: Expanded to include the call-in of selected sworn and support (non-
sworn) staff and the notification of extra-agency officials and resources; i.e. other law
enforcement agencies.

This plan maybe activated in response to the following situations/incidence;

1. Natural disasters,
2. Man-made disaster,
3. Civil disturbance,
4. Hostage/barricaded person,
5. Active shooter situation,
6. Handling a bomb threat; and
7. Search missions of missing and/or endangered persons.

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A. In the event of an Alert Status II or III, the Sheriff or his designee:

1. Directs the communications personnel to inform complainants that the

Sheriffs Office is presently available to respond to critical service requests,
and to suspend calls for services not involving danger to life and property,
(e.g., larceny reports)

B. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for providing and supervising adequate
personnel to operate telephones. If sufficient personnel are not available the
following measures may be taken:

1. Request assistance from other agencies

2. If available, non-sworn volunteers
3. If necessary, assign patrol personnel

C. Personnel assigned to the telephones are responsible for calling off-duty personnel
and informing them:

1. That the Emergency Mobilization Plan is in effect;

2. To immediately report for duty in uniform and ready for assignment.
3. Of specific areas to be avoided in transit.

D. Assembly Areas

1. Primary and alternate assembly areas to be designated by the Sheriff or his

designee at the time the Emergency Mobilization Plan is put into effect.

E. Equipment:

1. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for assembly and distribution of

needed equipment to cope with the emergency.

F. Command Assignments

1. The Sheriff or his designee is the coordinator with emergency

management personnel and assigns command staff as needed to the following

a. Communication center
b. Field command post, if any
c. Field operations (may be more than one at different locations).
d. Transportation requirements.

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II. Disasters

A. Definitions:

1. Natural disaster: Any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind-
driven water, earthquake, drought, blizzard, ice storm, fire or other natural
catastrophe resulting in damage, hardship, suffering or possible loss of life.

2. Man-made disaster: Any industrial or transportation accident, explosion,

conflagration, major power failure, resources shortage, or other condition such
as sabotage, oil spills, and other injurious environmental contaminations
which threaten or cause damage to property, human suffering, hardship or loss
of life.

B. Authority for placing plan into operation:

1. On-duty supervisors are authorized to place this plan into operation.

Appropriate notification of situations requiring plan implementation must be
made to the Sheriff. The Sheriff is to immediately notify the County
Administrator of the situation and will keep him advised of any changes.

C. Disaster operations:

l. The exact nature of the disaster, buildings or area affected, location, and potential
danger will determine the response. The supervisor is to give consideration to the

a. All agency units at the scene of a disaster must provide information

concerning conditions found, so that the supervisor can evaluate the
magnitude of the required response. Dispatch will also obtain information for
the supervisor from other emergency service and utilities as available.

b. Depending on the nature of the disaster, a field command post may be

established in the vicinity of the disaster. The command post will be the
agency vehicle of the ranking officer present at the scene. In any major
disaster, the command post will be located at the Sheriff s Office.

c. The supervisor must communicate necessary information to emergency

services, utilities, county agencies, and to media agencies. Under some
circumstances, it may also be necessary to loan agency radios to emergency
service/utility crews with whom essential contact must be maintained.

d. In any situation involving casualties, provision of casualty information will

be the responsibility of the hospital and public inquiries are to be so directed.

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e. The Sheriff will have area media agencies notified and establish a media
briefing point either in the vicinity of a small-scale disaster or at the Sheriffs
Office in case of an area-wide disaster. Regularly, information will be
provided directly to media representatives present. All media agencies are to
be advised that no telephone inquiries will be responded to in order to reduce
the burden on dispatchers and telephone lines.

f. The supervisor or Sheriff will advise the Virginia State Police office and area
Sheriffs' Offices of any disaster and may, subsequently, request additional
law enforcement support as required.

g. The involvement of one or more buildings, public or private, can generate a

requirement for security to prevent looting, theft, or trespass.

h. It may be necessary to block roads and reroute traffic away from the affected
area. Emergency service units will be so advised, and announcements made
over local radio stations.

I. Necessary public works and utilities companies are to be notified of road

clearance needs, broken mains, and downed lines.

j. The supervisor or Sheriff will ensure an orderly de-escalation of controls and

personnel as the disaster is reduced.

k. Any special transportation needs may be requested from appropriate county

agencies or other emergency services.

l. The Sheriff may provide a complete after-action report to the county

administrator. After-action reports should include any budgetary impact,
commitments, and obligations.

III. Civil Disturbance

A. Authority for plan implementation:

1. On-duty supervisors are authorized to implement this plan. Appropriate notification

is made to the Sheriff.

B. Duties of first officer(s) on the scene:

The duties of the first officer(s) arriving at the scene of a disturbance include the following

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1. Observe the situation from a safe distance and determine if crowd is peaceful or
potentially violent.

2. Notify the dispatcher concerning the seriousness of the situation and request the
supervisor and additional backup to respond.

3. Try to identify, by observation, the leader of the group.

C. Duties of the on-scene supervisor:

Upon arrival at the scene, the supervisor assumes command until relieved by higher
authority. His or her duties and responsibilities include:

1. Assessing the situation for seriousness and danger (If the situation is minor, it may
be handled with existing resources).

2. Maintaining communications with the dispatcher providing such information as:

a. Estimated size of the crowd and area involved;

b. Gauging the mood of the crowd;
c. Weapons, if any, involved;
d. Any destroyed property involved.

3. Establishing a command post from his vehicle, using the radio for communication.

4. Deciding on number of personnel/equipment needed. If a call out is begun, the

supervisor determines the assembly point and equipment to be worn.

5. Instructing dispatch to make proper notifications, to include:

a. Fire department--to stand by in area;

b. Rescue squad--request stand by in area;
c. Hospital emergency rooms;
d. Neighboring jurisdictions;
e. State Police;
f. Ethnic/civic group leaders;
g. News media to provide public information;
h. Commonwealth's attorney to provide legal advice on arrest/confinement;
I. District/juvenile court judges and magistrates for arrest/confinement;
j. Governor’s office for assistance from the National Guard.

6. Instructing officers about traffic control in disturbance area.

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D. Duties and responsibilities of dispatchers:

When a civil disturbance arises, dispatchers are to:

1. Make appropriate notifications requested by the supervisor. Officers, notified of call

out, are to be told when and where to report and what personal equipment needed.

2. Make news media referrals to the Sheriff.

3. Refer inquiries about any casualties to the appropriate hospital.

E. Operations:

Once appropriate and adequate personnel are in place, the supervisor is to:

1. Approach the crowd and inform the leader or leaders that the assembly is unlawful
and they have to disperse. If the crowd is violent, this may be accomplished by using
the P.A. system in police vehicles or a bullhorn.

2. A time limit for dispersal should be established and no extensions allowed.

3. If the crowd fails to disperse and continues its activity, the supervisor will, after
consultation with Sheriff:

a. Authorize the use of chemical agents/force,

b. Order the foundation of police lines and move into the crowd for control.

F. Transportation:

All agency vehicles will be available for transportation of officers and equipment to the
scene, and for prisoner transport from the scene.

G. Public facility security:

Attempts are made to provide security to all public facilities threatened by any crowd to

1. Fire/rescue/hospital buildings and access to them;

2. County facilities;
3. Schools.

H. Public information/rumor control:

The Sheriff is to respond to appropriate news media requests in order to keep the public
informed and to dispel rumors.
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I. De-escalation procedures:

Once the disturbance has been brought under control and the situation has returned to
normal, the supervisor is to begin de-escalation procedures to include the following steps.

1. Disengage officers as appropriate.

a. On duty officers are to return to normal patrol operation.

b. Called-out officers are to return.

2. Assign officers to remain in area of disturbance to protect from any recurrence of


3. Discontinue the command post.

4. Ensure that agency equipment is collected.

J. Post-occurrence duties/after-action reports:

The supervisor, upon returning to the office, performs the following duties.

1. Prepare a detailed report, providing all factual information about the incident to the
Sheriff, along with any appropriate recommendations.

2. Provide factual information for review by the Sheriff or designee before release to
the news media.

3. Arrange for evidence collection at the scene.

IV. Mass Arrest

A. During the course of a civil disturbance, mass arrests may become a reality and must
be handled quickly and efficiently providing for transportation to jail, release on
summons, arrestee rights, etc.

B. Arrested persons are removed from the point of disturbance by the arresting officers
and brought to where initial booking takes place. The supervisor establishes an arrest
team to handle prisoners. Arrest team duties include the following steps.

1. Photograph the arrested person with the arresting officer using a digital
camera. Arrest identification information shall be recorded by using a
numbering system.

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a. A number is drawn on a blank sheet of paper, large enough to be seen
in a picture.

b. The number is held in front of the arrestee when the picture is taken.

c. The number and pertinent information is recorded separately for later


2. Prisoners are transported to the jail where formal charging/booking takes


3. Arrested persons are allowed the opportunity to contact legal counsel at the
conclusion of booking.

4. Arrested persons who are injured are given medical treatment before any
booking begins.

5. The Commonwealth's Attorney is to provide legal advice to the supervisor as


6. Juveniles involved in arrests are treated according to procedures set forth in

Juvenile Procedures.

M. Use of force:

Officers are to use the minimum amount of force necessary to affect an arrest or control the
disturbance. A Use of Force report is filed as soon as practical after the disturbance is
under control.

V. Hostage/Barricaded Persons

Hostage and barricade situations present special problems because of their danger. Each
hostage/barricade situation is different, but a basic plan may provide officers with guidelines
to help defuse the situation safely. Whatever happens, this agency expects its officers to
react logically and sensibly. Officers will not fuel a hostage taker's stress but should strive to
contain or limit the situation.

A. General:

The first 10-20 minutes of a hostage/barricade situation are the most emotionally charged
and, therefore, offer the greatest danger. Stress is high both among officers and citizens
involved. Normally, there is no need to rush to a solution, time may reduce stress and allow
communication to begin. Additionally, time is needed to assess the situation and to secure
the surrounding area.

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B. Dispatcher responsibilities:

Since dispatchers may be the first to receive information concerning a hostage/barricade

situation, they are to gather as much information as possible and transmit it to officers in the
field clearly and quickly so upon arrival at the scene they are aware of the dangers.
Information gathered by dispatchers is to include answers to the following questions. Try to
keep the caller on the telephone until officers arrive.

1. Where is the event-taking place?

2. From what location is the complainant calling (number and location)?
3. What are complainant's name and telephone number?
4. Can complainant see the scene?
5. Are the suspects armed? With what?
6. How many suspects are there?
7. What do suspects look like?
8. Are there any other persons involved? If so, how many?
9. Is officer already there or approaching the scene?

C. Responsibilities of first officer and supervisor on scene:

The duties and responsibilities of the first officer on the scene include the following.

1. Assess whether a hostage/barricaded situation exists.

2. Inform dispatch and request the supervisor's presence and additional backup.
3. Attempt to contain the situation at its present location.
4. Safely remove all innocent persons from the danger area. Those persons who cannot
be removed immediately are to be instructed to seek protection where they are if
gunfire is taking place.
5. Inform the on-duty supervisor of all pertinent facts upon his arrival.
6. Assist the on-duty supervisor in gathering as much information as possible about the
situation, including the following.

a. Suspects:

(1) Location: floor, room, roof, and basement?

(2) What types of weapons does he possess (handguns, rifles, hand
grenades, dynamite, etc.)?
(3) Who is he, a criminal suspect (burglar, rapist), mentally ill, militant?
a. Complete physical description?
b. Mental and physical condition?
(4) What is his purpose?
(5) What crime has he committed?

b. Hostage: physical description (age, height, weight, sex, hair, etc.)?

(1) Physical and mental condition?

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c. Location:
(1) Interior and exterior descriptions.
(2) Identify all possible escape routes.
(3) Determine locations of service (water and electricity connections).
(4) Determine in which rooms telephones are located.
(5) Determine if a police scanner is in the building.

D. Supervisor's responsibilities:

Upon arrival at the scene, the supervisor is to assume command of all police personnel and
make all appropriate decisions until higher authority relieves him. Duties and
responsibilities of the supervisor include the following.

1. Notify appropriate personnel within agency and support agencies.

a. The supervisor is to notify the Sheriff.

b. After determining the danger of the situation, the supervisor or his designee is
to make the appropriate notifications, which may include call-outs.
c. Implementing the mobilization plan if he determines that additional agency
resources are required.
d. Rescue squads are to be asked to stand by in general area.
e. Hospital emergency room is to be asked to maintain an alert to possible
f. Fire department is to be asked to stand by in general area.
g. State Police can provide specialized services such as the K-9, SWAT, the
helicopter and/or a hostage negotiator.
h. News media may be asked to inform public to stay out of area.

2. Establish an inside and outside perimeter to ensure a safe area in which to operate.
3. Establish a command post in a safe area while maintaining observation of the scene.
4. Arrange for the evacuation of any injured persons.
5. Arrange for and supervise the evacuation of any bystander in the danger area. If
bystanders cannot be evacuated, they are to be instructed to seek protection where
they are.
6. Establish communications with the suspects or suspects to determine their demands
or intentions. Some guidelines to be followed in establishing communications
include the following steps.
a. Attempt to locate relatives, friends, or neighbors.
b. The telephone company will assist if a telephone number is needed. See Code
of Virginia, Section 18.2-50.2, "Emergency control of telephone service in
hostage or barricaded situations; penalty."
c. If unable to contact the suspect telephonically, use public address system.
d. Have a relative or friend converse with the suspect, but do not allow that
person to go inside the building.

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e. Make every effort to persuade the suspect to surrender voluntarily before
using force.

E. Special equipment:

Hostage/barricade incidents may require the use of specialized equipment on the scene.

1. All officers assigned to the immediate area of danger are to wear protective vests.

F. Use of force/chemical agents:

The on-duty supervisor following consultation with the Sheriff may authorize the use of
force or chemical agents.

G. Negotiating with barricaded persons/hostage taker:

Negotiation involves establishing trust between the hostage takers, requiring "give and take"
on both parts. Of primary importance is establishing a dialog is the following points.

1. In negotiating, practically all demands are negotiable except:

a. Supplying the hostage with weapons,
b. Additional hostages or exchange of hostages.

H. Chase/surveillance vehicle/control of travel route:

The on-duty supervisor is to ensure that, should the hostage taker get a vehicle, units cover
all possible routes of travel. Additionally, surveillance vehicles may be assigned in order to
observe the activities of the hostage taker.

I. De-escalation:

Once the hostage taker has been captured, the following actions are to be performed:

1. The suspect is to be removed from the scene immediately. His rights are to be read to
him and searched by the officer assigned to investigate the case. He is to be taken
directly to the Sheriff s office.

2. Hostages are to be removed immediately upon capture of the suspect.

a. The on-scene supervisor is to alert all participants by radio that the hostages
are coming out.
b. Medical treatment is to be provided, if needed.
c. Find a quiet area so that hostages may be united with their families.
d. The on-duty supervisor is to assign the investigator to interview each hostage
to obtain statements.

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3. The crime scene is to be preserved until processed for evidence by officers assigned.

a. The area will remain cordoned off until the on-duty supervisor declares it
b. Units that are no longer needed are to be cleared for normal assignments by
the on-duty supervisor.
c. Investigations are to be made into any surrounding property damage, e.g.,
bullet holes in neighboring building or destroyed lawns and gardens.
Investigations are to include pictures.

J. After action reports.

The on-duty supervisor is to submit a comprehensive report to the Sheriff on all hostage/
barricade incidents containing all facts.

V. Active Shooter

A. Officers responding to an active shooting situation are to proceed with caution and
available backup.

1. Dispatchers are to keep the caller on the phone for updates if at all possible
without putting the caller in danger.
2. The supervisor on duty or call is to be contacted and respond. Once officers
are on the scene and have determine that there is in fact an active shooter, the
supervisor can have dispatch contact VSP TACT Team for assistance.
3. Officers are to contain the situation and wait for the TACT Team if possible.
4. The on scene supervisor is to mobilize whatever resource he believes
necessary to minimize the situation.
5. Evacuation of the surrounding area should be initiated if it can be done
6. In volatile situation where lives are in danger, officers must decide what
course of action to take to protect lives or prevent serious injuries.
a. Deadly force must be considered.

B. Active Shooter in School

In the event of an active shooter within a public or private school, the first officer
on the scene is expected to enter the building and attempt to engage the shooter to
reduce the number of casualties as quickly as possible.

VI. Bomb Threats

In the event of a bomb threat the on-scene supervisor will have the authority to implement
this plan and assumes command of the operation. Officers will investigate bomb threats,
while actual bombings require the assignment of investigators. The on scene supervisor may

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decide it appropriate to call out the investigator if the threat involves extortion or terrorism.
The FBI must be notified of any actual bombings. The FBI will investigate bomb blasts in
schools or at federal installations.

A. Duties and responsibilities of dispatcher:

The duties and responsibilities of the dispatcher receiving a bomb threat/bomb

emergency call include:

1. Obtain as much information as possible such as:

a. Exact location of the bomb,
b. Time set for detonation,
c. Description of bomb,
d. Type of explosive,
e. Type of bomb (pipe, etc.),
f. Reason for bombing.

2. Notify and dispatch the Sheriff (if actual bombing) to the scene.

3. Record pertinent information.

B. Duties and responsibilities of the on-duty supervisor:

C. Upon notification by the dispatcher, the supervisor is to immediately respond to the scene.
Radios and cellphones are to be turned off. Additionally, the supervisor is to:

1. Assess the situation, make a determination to notify command personnel,

investigative personnel or FBI.
a. Call out of additional officers is necessary,
b. Determine what outside agencies is to be notified or assistance requested such
as fire, rescue, hospitals, the FBI, and Virginia State Police.
c. If a bomb is found, have the dispatcher contact the State Arson Investigator's
2. Interview the person who received the original call. All details, such as the caller's
voice, mannerisms, background noises, and the time are to be noted. The time the call
was received is most important since most bombs are activated by a watch or clock
which restricts the "bomber" to a 12-hour period or less. Play back the audio
recording of the bomb call, if one was made.
3. Instruct officers about traffic control in the general area.
4. Establish a security perimeter around the scene.
5. Coordinate with outside agencies that have been called, as they arrive.

C. Duties and responsibilities of investigating officer:

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Upon arrival, at the scene, the investigating officer will assume responsibility for the
completion of the preliminary investigation and begin a follow-up investigation. If an actual
explosion has occurred, detailed investigation and crime scene processing should await the
arrival of the investigator.

D. Evacuation:

1. The final decision to evacuate a building must be left up to its management. The role
of law enforcement is to provide information and recommendations, which the
management officials may use in making the evacuation decision.

2. If the decision is made to evacuate the building, officers may assist in the process.

E. Searching the premises:

1. The decision to search a building is also a management decision, with police

providing recommendations. Since building employees are most familiar with the
building and the space therein, part of the building management responsibility
includes providing assistance to police/fire building search teams.

2. When the decision to search has been made, the on-scene supervisor is to designate
search team(s) as needed, depending on the size of the area to be searched.

3. Officers are to coordinate the search to avoid repetition. Care should be exercised,
however, to impress upon the searchers the importance of not disturbing any
suspected bomb that may be located. A floor plan of the building should be obtained
and made available for immediate reference.

4. All areas open to the public are to be given special attention: restrooms, trash
receptacles, stairwells, elevator shafts, etc. Custodians are to be directed by their own
supervisors, on police orders, to check their closets and storage areas for any unusual
objects and supervisors are to ask their subordinates to check their work areas for
unusual objects.

5. Nothing is be done to change the environment of the area searched, such as cutting on
light switches or thermostats until the area has been searched thoroughly using
flashlights. DO NOT USE RADIOS when approaching or searching the area. DO

6. Never tell management personnel that everything is all clear. Tell them that the search
revealed nothing, but let them make any decisions concerning reoccupation of the
building area.

7. If a search reveals an unusual device or bomb, officers are not attempt to disarm or
move it in any manner. The explosive may contain an anti-disturbance device and

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should be approached only by explosive experts. The main concern is to safeguard
lives by isolating the area. If a suspected bomb is found, the dispatcher is to contact
the State Police Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit. A disposal team will respond to
handle the device, and has all necessary equipment to handle bomb disposal

F. Communications:

Due to the danger of possible bomb detonation from radio transmissions all police radios at
the scene are to be turned off. Communications between the supervisor and dispatch is to be
by standard telephone or an officer can be sent several blocks away to transmit messages
using the police radio. The on-scene officer should initiate calls to the dispatcher as some
devices may be rigged to activate upon the ring tone of a telephone.

G. Scene protection/evidence collection:

If an explosive device has been detonated, the scene is to remain protected until the
investigator or outside agency arrives to begin scene processing. Officers/investigators are to
give any assistance requested by the outside agency.

H. After-action report:

Offense reports are to be completed on each bomb threat/bomb emergency.

VII. Search Missions of Missing and/or endangered Person

Search and rescue on land will be this agency's responsibility and will request the necessary
assistance needed to carry out its mission.

Search and rescue on the waterways of this county will be referred to the United States Coast
Guard, the Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries and VMRC and this will become their
responsibility, however this agency will assist if requested.

A. The on scene supervisor has the authority to call upon any resource necessary to
fulfill the agency's mission. The dispatcher has the authority to contact the necessary
agency for search and rescue on the waterways and to inform the supervisor.

1. Whenever a small child cannot be located or there is reason to believe the

person (adult or juvenile) may have wondered off and/or is suffering from a
mental disorder and/or is considered endangered, a search of the area should
be conducted.

a. In the event the missing person is a client of the Project Lifesaver

Program, operated and maintained by this agency, the procedures
developed to activate the search team(s) are to be followed.

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b. The SOP’s for this program are maintained in the Communication
Center and is the responsibility of the Sheriff or his designee for
changes, updates and compliance thereof.

2. Whenever a search party is organized for missing persons, K-9 units may be
requested from adjoining jurisdiction and Virginia State Police.

3. Search and rescue on the waterways are the responsibility of the USCG or the
Virginia Game and Inland Fisheries and VMRC.

4. Additional search and rescue organizations may be requested by calling the

Virginia Department of Emergency Services (VADES). This is the official
state agency, as determined by state law, which coordinates emergency
services within the Commonwealth. It has an extensive list of resources
available to assist local agencies. Phone: 1-800-468-8892 (number current as
of March 6, 2011. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of
Virginia 1950 as amended.

5. Local Resources:

a. Kilmarnock-Lancaster Volunteer Rescue Squad.

b. Kilmarnock Volunteer Fire Department.
c. Upper Lancaster Volunteer Rescue Squad
d. Upper Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department
e. White Stone Volunteer Fire Department
f. Game and Inland Fisheries
1. Water craft
2. Man power
g. Virginia Marine Resource Commission
1. Water craft
2. Man power
h. United States Coast Guard
1. Water craft
2. Air craft
3. Man power
I. Virginia State Police
1. Canine units
2. Air craft
3. Man power
6. Disaster Search and Rescue is a massive undertaking, this agency will collect
and triage all requests. The Red Cross will field and assemble out of area

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Accessibility of Emergency Plans NUMBER: 116-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 19, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To ensure emergency operation plans are accessible to all command personnel and are
reviewed and updated as needed.


Emergency operation plans will be accessible to command and communication personnel and
will be reviewed and updated as needed.


A. Emergency operation plans are maintained in a manual issued to command personnel and a
manual maintained in the communication center.

1. General Order 110 covers the following emergency operations:

a. Mobilization Plan;
b. Natural Disaster Plan;
c. Man-made Disaster Plan;
d. Civil Disturbance Plan;
e. Hostage/barricaded Persons Situations;
f. Active Shooter Situation;
g. Bomb Threats;
h. Search Mission of Missing and/or Endangered Persons.

B. Command personnel are to keep these orders accessible at all times for immediately

1. This may be accomplished by keeping a manual in the vehicle or maintaining a

booklet containing only those General Orders dealing with emergency operations.

C. The Communication Supervisor or her designee ensures the manual is updated and current.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: VIP Security and Special Events NUMBER: 118
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 1, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish guidelines for the security of visiting dignitaries and special events.


This agency will provide adequate security and/or assistance to visiting dignitaries and at
special events when requested and in doing so cooperate and coordinate such efforts with any
agencies involved.


A. Notification of requests for dignitary security is forwarded to the Sheriff with information
including the dates, times, and specific locations where security is needed.

1. Direct supervision of the security detail is the responsibility of the Chief Deputy.

2. The Chief Deputy coordinates office security efforts with the Sheriff and the
Lieutenant of the Patrol Division.

B. Determination of personnel assigned to a security detail is the responsibility of the Chief

Deputy. He may request personnel, as he deems necessary for the specific detail from any
division of specialized unity within the Sheriff’s Office.

1. Temporary reassignment of on-duty personnel for the security detail is coordinated

with the supervisors of the divisions or units from which the personnel are drawn.

2. Off-duty personnel utilized for a security detail is to be compensated with the

approval of the Sheriff.

3. Any specialized equipment, transportation or identification designations are

disseminated under the supervision of the Chief Deputy.

C. The Chief Deputy or his designee is responsible for coordinating security operations within
the office and with any outside agencies involved. This includes:

1. Gathering intelligence information pertinent to the operation.

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2. Planning and reconnoitering travel routes, and alternates.

3. Advance inspection of sites and facilities to be visited by the dignitaries.

4. Notification and identification of emergency rescue, fire and medical facilities that
may be needed.

5. Coordination with dispatch as to any special communications procedures that may be


6. Coordinate and/or establish any other detail that is necessary.

Specials Events

This agency will handle special events in such a manner to assure the safety and welfare of the
general public.

A. Notification of special events requiring police presence is forwarded to the Sheriff with
information including the date, time, location and nature of the event.

1. Direct supervision of the operation is the responsibility of the Lieutenant of the


2. Deployment of law enforcement personnel to handle the given event is coordinated

by the Lieutenant of Patrol or his designee in the same manner outlined under
dignitary security details.

3. The Lieutenant of Patrol coordinates agency efforts with all other agencies involved.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Tactical Team Operations NUMBER: 120
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 19, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 06.01-.02


To establish guidelines and procedures for the utilization and activation of tactical assistance
for tactical operations.


This agency will not conduct tactical operations or crisis negotiations.

The Sheriff or the on scene supervisor will request assistance from the Virginia State Police
TACT Team should a situation deteriorate to where life of innocent citizens or officers are in
danger and additional manpower and/or specialized equipment may minimize injuries.


Officers of this agency are to be used for the purpose of containing dangerous situations until the
arrival of the VSP TACT Team, and to be in position to act on a situation that may deteriorate and
result in injury or the loss of life. This agency’s objective is to contain the situation until the arrival
of the VSP TACT Team.

A. Situations where tactical operations are utilized (although not all inclusive)

1. Hostage Situation-a suspect who is believed to be armed and is holding a

person against their will.

2. Barricaded Suspect-an armed suspect who is wanted on criminal charges

and has assumed a position which provides the suspect with significant
tactical advantage over officers attempting to affect thereby making
conditions significantly unsafe for the officers on the scene.

3. Execution of High Risk Arrest/Search Warrants-where armed resistance is

likely to be encountered during the execution of such warrants or where the
service of such warrants may require the use of specialized equipment.

4. Suicidal Suspect-an armed suspect who appears to be distraught or mentally

unstable and is threatening to take his/her own life and/or has the capability of
harming others and who has assumed a position which provides a significant

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tactical advantage over the officers on the scene thereby making conditions
significantly unsafe for the officers.

5. Stakeout-utilized for a felony or crime of violence where the suspect(s) is

known or suspected of being armed and where the use of specialized
equipment (not available to other officers) may be required.

6. Active Shooter Situation

Officers responding to an active shooting situation are to proceed with caution

and available backup.

1. Dispatchers are to keep the caller on the phone for updates if at all
possible without putting the caller in danger.

2. The supervisor on duty or call is to be contacted and respond.

Once officers are on the scene and have determine that there is in
fact an active shooter, the supervisor can have dispatch contact
VSP TACT Team for assistance.

3. Officers are to contain the situation and wait for the TACT Team
if possible.

4. The on scene supervisor is to mobilize whatever resource he believes

necessary to minimize the situation.

5. Evacuation of the surrounding area should be initiated if it can be done


6. In volatile situation where lives are in danger, officers must decide

what course of action to take to protect lives or prevent serious

a. Deadly force must be considered.

C. Requesting Assistance from the Virginia State Police TACT Team

1. The Sheriff or the on supervisor is to request assistance from the Virginia

State Police TACT Team should a situation deteriorate to where the life of
innocent citizens or officers are in danger and additional manpower and/or
specialized equipment may minimize injuries.

a. In the event of a preplanned operation such as stated in A-3 and 5

above, the VSP TACT is contacted and arrangements made for their

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2. When the VSP TACT Team arrives officers are to assist as directed.

3. The VSP TACT Team is responsible for any Deliberate Assault initiated to
bring the situation to a halt.

4. Officers of this agency are to contain the perimeter of the situation until the
VSP TACT Team’s arrival.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Enforcement NUMBER: 125
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish uniform procedures for taking enforcement action incidental to traffic law


Officers will use the following procedures when taking enforcement action incidental to traffic
law violations.


Enforcement Actions

A. Physical arrest:

Officers are permitted to make a physical arrest in the following circumstances:

1. When violations of traffic laws pertaining to driving under the influence of alcohol or
other intoxicants occur.

2. When a felony has been committed involving a vehicle.

3. When the operator is licensed by a non-reciprocal state.

4. When the officer has reason to believe that the person will not comply with the
summons if issued.

B. Uniform Traffic Summons is issued to a violator who jeopardizes the safe and efficient flow
of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, including hazardous moving violations or operating unsafe and
improperly equipped vehicles. Uniform Traffic Summons is completed whenever a motorist is
charged with a motor vehicle violation.

C. Warnings:

Officers have discretion in giving verbal warnings to violators whenever minor traffic
infractions are committed. A properly administered warning can be more effective than any other
type of enforcement. The agency does not do written warnings.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Violation Information NUMBER: 126
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 20, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require officers to provide drivers/motorist with certain information relative to the specific


Officers will advise drivers of the following information whenever the driver is charged with a
motor vehicle violation:

a. Court appearance schedule;

b. Whether court appearance by the motorist is mandatory;

c. Prepayment information.


1. The Virginia Uniform Summons is completed whenever a motorist is charged with a

motor vehicle violation. Officers are to advise drivers of the following information:

a. Court appearance schedule;

b. Whether court appearance by the motorist is mandatory;

c. Whether the motorist may be allowed to prepay the fine before court and how.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Uniformed Enforcement for Traffic NUMBER: 127
Law Violations
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: May 6, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish uniform enforcement procedures for traffic law violations.


This agency will be uniform in its enforcement of traffic law violations.


A. Driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs

1. General:

Various courts have interpreted driving under the influence to mean that the ability to
operate a motor vehicle is reduced or impaired by the consumption of alcoholic
beverages or other drugs. It does imply that the operators of a motor vehicle be in a
state of alcoholic or a drug-induced stupor or be entirely incapable of exercising
physical control of his vehicle. Driving under the influence of intoxicants is an
offense generally associated with leisure-time activity. Consequently, most arrests are
made during the evening hours or in the early morning hours after taverns close or
social gatherings end. Although the intoxicated driver may be observed any day of the
week, weekends and holidays reflect an increase of offenses and arrests.

2. Laws:

It is unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle, engine, or train
while under the influence of alcohol, or while under the influence of any narcotic
drug of any nature. The term motor vehicle shall include pedal bicycles with helper
motors (Mopeds), while operated on the public highways of this State.

3. Responsibilities:

Each officer is to be alert for suspected DUI offenders, both on patrol and in selective
enforcement areas. He/she is to use standardized roadside sobriety tests. In addition,
the alco-sensor, if available, is offered to each suspected driver.

4. Intoxilyzer:

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a. The security and all physical evidence obtained from DUI arrest is every
officer's responsibility.

b. The regulations of the Division of Criminal Justice Services states: "The

breath test device must be stored in a clean, dry location which is only
accessible to an authorized licensee for the purpose of actually administering a
breath test, preventive maintenance check, or other official uses."

c. The term licensee shall mean a person holding a valid license from the
Virginia Department of Forensic Science pursuant to the Code of Virginia.

5. Sobriety tests:

a. Officers are to administer a minimum of three field sobriety tests from the
following list. The list names the most commonly administered tests.

1. Gaze nystagmus (only if properly certified).

2. Walk and turn.
3. One-leg stand.
4. Reciting of the alphabet.
5. 10 count.
6. Nose find.

Officers may employ additional tests, but they must be performed in the same
order and manner every time.

b. If the operator fails the roadside tests, an alco-sensor is offered to the operator,
if available. The operator may refuse the alco-sensor test, and must be advised
of his/her right to refuse.

c. At the officer's discretion or if the operator fails the alco-sensor test, he/she is
arrested for driving under the influence and taken before the magistrate.

(Note: The alco-sensor is used for official use only.)

d. If an officer suspects that the vehicle operator was driving under the influence
of both alcohol and drugs, or drugs alone, he may require the operator to have
a blood test performed in addition to testing for alcohol. Blood samples are
analyzed by the Virginia Department of Forensic Science for evidence of
alcohol and for various illegal, prescription, and over-the-counter drugs.

e. The officer makes a full written report of the circumstances of the DUI arrest,
formation of probable cause, and witnesses' observations.

6. Arrest:

a. Advise the arrestee that any person, whether or not licensed by Virginia, who
operates a motor vehicle in this state gives implied consent to have a sample
of his breath/blood or both breath and blood taken for a chemical test to
determine the alcoholic content of the blood or for the presence of drugs if
such person is arrested for violation of 18.2-266 within three hours of the
alleged offense.

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b. If the arrest occurs as a result of operation of a motor vehicle on private
property, the Implied Consent Law does not apply. This does not preclude the
arresting officer from attempting to obtain consent from the arrested person to
submit to a chemical analysis of his blood or breath. Officers requesting blood
or breath samples under these conditions are conducting a custodial
interrogation. Therefore, the arrested subject is advised of his Miranda
warnings before consent is requested. The officer is to make all reasonable
attempts to obtain a blood or breath sample.

1. Miranda is not required before the driver takes sobriety tests, or

otherwise before questioning.

c. Advise the arrestee that he/she must submit to a breath sample, when
available, or blood if the officer suspects the presence of drugs. It is not a
matter of defense that either test is not available.

d. Any person arrested for driving under the influence and chooses to refuse the
breath/blood test will be read the Declaration and acknowledgment of refusal
(form DC-233). The form will be signed by the officer and sworn to in front
of a magistrate that it was read.

7. Blood test procedure:

a. Blood tests are offered only when the arrestee is involved in an accident and
cannot give a sample of his breath, has a physical problem that prevents
him/her from giving a sample of the breath or is being charged with D.U.I.D.
The arrested person is taken to a physician, registered professional nurse,
graduate laboratory technician, licensed practical nurse, phlebotomist or other
technician designated by order of the Circuit Court acting upon
recommendation of a licensed physician, who withdraws blood for the
purpose of determining its alcoholic content and drugs.

b. Blood samples are taken using blood kits available from the Division of
Forensic Science. All directions and mailing instructions are included with the

1. The medical person taking the sample places the name of the medical
person taking the sample and the name of the accused on the label of
each vial with the date and time the blood was taken.

8. Breath analysis:

a. Chemical analysis of a person's breath is performed by anyone possessing a

valid license, issued by the Virginia Department of Forensic Science. This
may include the arresting officer or anyone participating in the arrest. In the
event the Intoxilyzer is inoperable or a licensed operator is not available, this
test is deemed not available.

b. The type of equipment and the methods used to perform breath analysis is to
be in accordance with the regulations of the Virginia Department of Forensic

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c. The testing officer is to issue a certificate of breath alcohol analysis which
indicates that the test was conducted in accordance with the manufacturers'
specifications, the equipment on which the test was conducted has been tested
in the last six (6) months and was found to be accurate, the name of the
accused, the date, the time the sample was taken from the accused, the alcohol
content of the sample, and by whom the sample was examined.

d. The certificate of breath alcohol analysis. The forms are handled as follows:

1. White copy, original, is given to the magistrate to be forwarded to the

General District Court along with the Criminal Complaint and warrant.

2. The second or green copy is given to the arrested person and is asked
to sign the yellow sheet to acknowledge the receipt of the green copy
or if refuses is given a copy regardless and documented "refuse to

3. The third or yellow copy is for department or officer use and is to be

forwarded to administration for filing for a period of one year, after
which it may be destroyed.

B. Operating a vehicle after driving privileges have been suspended or revoked

1. Enforcement for operating a vehicle after privilege to drive has been suspended or
revoked is performed in accordance with the Code of Virginia.

a. Operator is to be released on a summons.

1. If no licensed operator is available at the scene then the violator will

be given an opportunity to contact someone to come to the scene if
such can be done in a reasonable amount of time. If not, the officer is
to have the vehicle towed at the owners expense and the violator may
be given a ride to the office or to a residence, whichever is closer or
the officer deems best.

C. Speed Enforcement

1. Only Officers trained and certified in RADAR usage are to utilize the agency's
RADAR units for speed enforcement purposes.

a. Only Sheriffs Office authorized equipment is used in RADAR traffic


b. Officers utilizing RADAR for speed enforcement purposes maintains all

records and operate the equipment as established by training guidelines.

c. Officers utilizing RADAR ensures that the equipment has a valid calibration
date and is working properly. Any equipment, which is malfunctioning, or has
an expired calibration date, is turned in to the Patrol Lieutenant for
maintenance and/or repair.

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2. Officers operating units not equipped with RADAR, before issuing a summons for
speeding will:

a. Pace the speeding vehicle for at least 2/10ths of a mile.

b. Maintain a record of their unit's speedometer calibration.

D. Other hazardous violations

Hazardous violations are to be strictly enforced when the violation is clearly a threat to the
safety of others.

1. This includes private property.

E. Off-Road vehicle violations

Officers are authorized to enforce violations by operators of Off-Road vehicles (i.e., dirt
bikes, and go-carts, and ATV's) who illegally and/or recklessly operate such vehicles.

F. Equipment violations

Enforcement of equipment violations are enforced when the operator has failed to correct the
problem after being warned or the violation is considered to be dangerous and/or a threat to
the safety of others.

G. Public Carrier and Commercial Vehicle Violations

1. In addition to the laws governing the operation of passenger vehicles/private carriers,

Officers are authorized to enforce all other applicable county and state traffic codes.
This includes:

a. Taking enforcement action against any driver, and/or the owner, of any public
carrier or commercial vehicle found to be in violation of applicable law.

H. Juveniles:

Juvenile traffic offenders are prosecuted in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and that is
to be noted on the summons. Officers issuing a traffic summons to a juvenile offender is to
advise them of their options regarding prepayment or court appearance and that a parent or
guardian must accompany them when they appear before the court.

I. Non-residents:

Officers may consider use of warnings for non-residents who commit minor, nonhazardous
violations. If appropriate, given the type of violation, officers may arrest non-residents by
issuance of a summons, provided the violator's home state is a reciprocal one. If non-
residents are from a non-reciprocal state, they must be taken before a magistrate.

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J. Violations resulting in traffic accidents

1. Officers will enforce violations resulting in accidents.

a. If through investigation it was determined a violation(s) occurred that caused

an accident, then that driver is to be charged with that violation.

b. Other violations detected at the scene of an accident may be enforced at the

officer's discretion.

K. Pedestrian and bicycle violations

Officers are to enforce all applicable laws related to bicyclists and pedestrians who recklessly
disregard traffic laws and/or create a hazard to them and others.

a. A warning is advisable, but if the individual continues then he/she should be charged.

L. Members of the Legislation

The Lieutenant Governor and members of the General Assembly under the Code of Virginia:

During the session of the General Assembly and for five days before and after the session, the
Lieutenant Governor, a member of session, or the Clerk thereof, and their assistants, shall be
privileged from custodial arrest except for treason, a felony, or a breach of peace. The
issuance of a traffic summons for a moving offence is allowed, as is a physical arrest in the
case of an offence involving a DUI offence.

Members of Congress may not be detained for the issuance of a summons while they are in
transit to or from the congress of the United States.
If a member of Congress is stopped for a traffic infraction, upon presentation of valid
credentials, he or she shall be released immediately. The officer may then obtain a summons
for the infraction and make arrangements to serve it when the member of Congress is not on
official business.

M. Military personnel:

Military personnel are treated as any other resident or non-resident of the county.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Stop Procedures NUMBER: 129
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 15, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for stopping and approaching traffic law violators.


Officers will use the following procedures when making traffic stops.


A. Objectives of traffic stops:

1. To take proper and appropriate enforcement action;

2. To favorably alter the violator’s future driving behavior.

B. Traffic violator/officer relations:

1. Followed in all traffic stops:

a. Be alert at all times for the unexpected.

b. Be absolutely certain the observation of the traffic violation was accurate.
c. Present a professional image in dress, grooming, language, bearing, and
emotional stability.
d. Be prepared for the contact by having the necessary equipment and forms, if
they are to be used, immediately available.
e. Decide on the appropriate enforcement action based upon the violator’s
driving behavior and attitude. In most cases, decide on the formal enforcement
action before contacting the violator. Exceptions include stopping an out-of-
sate driver committing a violation that would not be a violation in his
jurisdiction, such as right turn on red light. The officer may then decide to
give a warning rather than a citation.

2. Before making a vehicle stop:

a. Maintain a reasonable distance between the vehicle and the police unit.
b. Locate a safe spot to stop the vehicle.
c. Activate the emergency blue lights and, when necessary, siren to signal the
vehicle to stop.

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d. Advise the dispatcher of the intention to stop the particular vehicle, giving:
1. Location of the stop;
2. Vehicle’s license tag number and/or other description when necessary.

e. Officers are to position the police vehicle approximately one-half to one car
length behind the violator’s vehicle. The police vehicle is positioned so that it
will offer the officer some protection from oncoming traffic. This position is
to be two feet outside and to the left of the violator’s vehicle. This position
provides maximum safety to a violator, the officer, and all other traffic.

3. Additionally, when stopping a vehicle in which the occupant(s) is (are) deemed to

present a hazard to the officer’s safety:

a. Request a backup unit and calculate the stop so that the backup unit is in the
immediate area before making the actual stop;
b. Train the unit’s auxiliary lights (spotlight and alley lights) on the occupant(s)
of the vehicle when applicable;
c. When necessary, use the unit’s public address system to give the occupant(s)
of the vehicle instructions.

4. Hazards:

a. On multi-lane roadways, the officer is to insure the safety of the violator

during the lane changes by gradually changing from lane to lane with the
violator until the right side of the roadway is reached.
b. Should the violator stop abruptly in the wrong lane or another undesirable
location, the officer is to direct him to move to a safer location. Officers are
to use the public address system to instruct violators to move to a safer
location. If the officer’s oral directions and gestures are misunderstood, the
officer is to quickly leave the patrol vehicle and instruct the violator.

5. Approaching the violator:

The following steps in stopping and approaching a traffic violator are intended to
provide maximum safety for the officer, the violator, and other users of the roadway.
Varying conditions regarding the engineering of the particular traffic way, the
urgency to stop the violator (drinking driver), and the existing volume of traffic may
require adjusting or altering the recommended procedure. Under ideal conditions,
follow these procedures if possible:

a. The officer leaving the patrol vehicle is to be continuously alert for any
suspicious movement or actions on the part of the violator or other occupants
in the violator’s vehicle.
b. The officer is to approach from the rear of the violator’s car, looking into its
rear seat and stop behind the trailing edge of the left front door. This position
is to be maintained if there are only occupants in the front seat of the vehicle.

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From this position, the officer can communicate with the violator, keeping
him in a slightly awkward position and the same time keep all occupants of
the vehicle in view.
c. In cases where the violator’s car has occupants in both the front and rear seats,
the officer is to approach to the leading edge of the left front door, alert for
any unusual actions on the part of the occupants and choosing a path so the
door cannot be used as a weapon against the officer. From this position, the
officer can communicate with the violator and keep all occupants in view.
d. In traffic stops may be two-man patrol vehicles, the passenger officer may
handle all radio communications, write all notes and messages relayed from
the communications center, and during the traffic stop is to leave the vehicle
and act as an observer and cover for his fellow officer. At no time are the two
officers to approach the violator together.
e. At night, officers are to exercise caution in selecting an appropriate place for
the traffic stop, signaling the violator (the spotlight is not to be used except in
what officers perceive as a dangerous situations), and positioning the police
vehicle. After the stop, the headlights are to be on low beam for the safety of
oncoming traffic, and emergency bar lights in use on the patrol vehicle (as
well as during the day).

6. Communicating with the violator:

a. Greet the violator courteously with an appropriate title.

b. Inform the violator what traffic law he/she has violated and the intended
enforcement action (the violator should not be kept in suspense).
c. Ask for the violator’s driver license and vehicle registration, and accept only
these forms. If the driver offers money, the officer is to refuse the money and
advise the driver of the illegality of the offer.
d. If the driver has no driver’s license, obtain another document of identification.
e. Allow the driver to discuss the violation. Do not argue, berate, belittle, or
otherwise orally abuse the violator.
f. Complete the forms required for the enforcement action taken or exercise an
oral warning, if appropriate.
g. Explain to the violator exactly what he is supposed to do in response to the
action taken and how this action will affect him.
h. If the enforcement action requires a court appearance, make sure the violator
knows where and when to appear. Explain any alternatives to the violator, but
do not predict the actions of the court.
i. Be alert to any emotional stress exhibited by the driver. If stress is present, the
instructions may have to be repeated or the violator may need to calm down
before resuming driving.

7. Conducting the transaction:

a. Return the violator’s driver’s license, registration, and a copy of the summons.
b. Release the defendant after he/she:

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1. Signs the summons, and
2. Receives a copy of the summons.
c. Assist the violator in safely re-entering the traffic flow.

Do not follow the violator.

C. Stopping a known or suspected felon:

Special procedures are used in vehicle stops when the occupants are known to be armed and
dangerous. When an officer locates a vehicle driven by a known or suspected felon, he or
she is to notify the dispatcher immediately of the location and give a thorough description of
the vehicle and its occupants. The officer is to keep the suspect vehicle in view and request
sufficient assistance in making the stop.

The officer is to keep support units informed of the location and direction of travel to aid
their approach with minimal use of emergency equipment. The suspect vehicle is not to be
stopped unless absolutely necessary until adequate support is available and in position.
Circumstances may, however, dictate a one-officer felony vehicle stop.

The following procedures are used in effecting the stop:

1. The officer should attempt the stop in a location, which presents minimal danger to
other citizens.

2. When conditions are appropriate and support units available, the officer is to move
into position to the rear of the suspect vehicle.

3. The officer signals the violator to stop, using all emergency equipment to warn other

4. The violator is to be stopped on the extreme right side of the road.

5. If the violator is known to be armed and dangerous, the officer is to have his weapon
easily accessible and ready for immediate use.

6. When the suspect vehicle begins to stop, the officer turns off the siren and turns on
the public address system.

7. The officer is to park the police vehicle so that it provides maximum protection and

8. At night, the officer is to focus all lights on the interior of the suspect vehicle.

9. The officer leaves the police vehicle quickly but remains behind the door and
accessible to the public address system microphone.

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10. The officer making the stop is in command and is to direct each occupant, using the
public address system, to get out of the vehicle and into the appropriate search
position. First, once suspects are stopped, the officer orders the driver to shut off the
motor and drop the keys on the ground outside his door. Next, the officer orders
occupants to place their hands, palms up, on the ceiling of the vehicle. Officers then
order occupants to exit the vehicle on the driver’s side only, one at a time. Occupants
are then ordered to lie face down on the ground.

11. If a public address system is not available, the officer are to give voice commands if
they can be heard; if this fails, the officer may cautiously approach the vehicle,
keeping all occupants in view, to a point where he can be heard.

12. To reduce confusion, the officer shall instruct support officers, as appropriate, and
shall be the only officer to direct the suspects.

13. The support officers are to cover the arresting officer and remain on the curbside of
the vehicle until all occupants are in the search position.

14. Officers are to exercise extreme caution not to get within each other’s line of fire.

15. When all occupants have been removed from the vehicle, the support officers are to
move to cover the arresting officer while the persons are searched.

16. Arrestees are searched and handcuffed before transportation.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Accident Reporting NUMBER: 131
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 24, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide guidelines for and the handling of traffic accidents.


When an officer of this agency is dispatched to the scene of a traffic accident for the purpose of
investigating the accident, he/she will be responsible for the investigation and preparation of
all necessary reports involving death or injury, property damage, hit and run, impairment due
to alcohol or drugs, hazardous materials. Accidents occurring on private property will be
investigated to the extent of determining the cause and taking any applicable enforcement
action and/or ensuring the exchange of driver/vehicle and insurance information.


A. All Accidents (on a public highway):

Ordinarily the Virginia State Police have accident investigation responsibility, when not
available officers of this agency will handle as set forth.

1. An officer will be dispatched and respond to the scene of an accident involving any of
the following:

a. Death or injury;
b. Property damage;
c. Hit and run;
d. Impairment of an operator due to alcohol or drugs;
e. Occurrences on private property;
f. Damage to public vehicles or property; and
g. Disturbances between principals.

2. On arrival, the officer must take control of the scene by:

a. Positioning his vehicle in a manner that provides the best protection of the
scene and providing emergency first aid as needed.
b. Notifying dispatch of the situation and requesting additional traffic support
units or if additional medical/fire assistance is needed.

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c. Ensuring that access is available for other emergency vehicles and positioning
flares/cones as needed.
d. Maintaining a flow of traffic, if possible, and assuring that spectators and their
vehicles do not interfere with persons or vehicles engaged at the scene.
e. Taking valuables into custody for safekeeping, following office procedures
regarding the control and storage of money and valuables recovered at the
f. Maintaining calm and order among the parties involved in the accident.
g. Ascertain the ETA (Estimate Time of Arrival) of the responding State Unit
and determine agency responsibility, (if you can have the on-scene accident
investigation completed in the length of time it takes a Trooper to get there
then you should work it).
h. Any reported accident where the vehicle(s) is no longer at the scene, (i.e.
hitting a deer and the driver waits to get home to call) an officer is to be
dispatched to investigate; however a report is not required unless determined
to be a hit and run.
i. A hit and run accident is to include an IBR report.

3. In the event an accident cannot be handled by the Virginia State Police, the primary
officer dispatched to the scene is in charge of the on-scene accident investigation
unless otherwise directed by a supervisor.

a. The investigating officer determines the apparent severity of the accident and
completes the proper accident report forms. Accidents resulting in death,
personal injury, and/or damage in excess of $1,000.00 are completed on the
standard Commonwealth of Virginia Police Accident Report (State Form FR-
300P), regardless of the location of the accident except on private property.

NOTE: If the accident does not fall within one of the categories, the accident
will be considered “minor”. The officer is not required to fill out a report, but
ensures that the parties involved have all necessary information and takes any
applicable enforcement action.

b. The investigating officer should maintain contact with the operators involved
and obtain operators licenses and vehicle registrations. Operators should
remain at the scene until the conclusion of the on-scene investigation, unless
they require medical attention. In those instances, the officer should ascertain
where treatment is to be administered and have the parties remain there until
he is able to contact them to conclude the investigation.

c. As soon as possible, the investigating officer should record all accounts of all
drivers and witnesses.

1. All statements are written as they are given and at the time they are

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2. All driver’s statements are taken in the presence of each other
whenever possible.

3. All statements are to be read by (or to) the person interviewed and then
signed by the person, if possible.
4. If the person interviewed refuses to sign the statement, or is unable to
do so, the officer is to ask if the statement is accurate and then notes
the response at the bottom of the statement.
5. If the witness request additions, deletions, or changes in the statement,
the changes are made prior to the witness’s signatures.
6. The officer ensures that each driver has information pertaining to the
other parties involved. This information includes, but not limited to,
the name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers, operators license
and vehicle registration and name of insurance company of each party
involved in the accident.
7. Accident reports are considered incomplete until such time as all
witnesses are interviewed, regardless of whether charges are placed.

d. In all accidents requiring a state accident report, hit and run, leaving the scene
and incidents involving damage to county/state property, written statements is
taken from all witnesses.

e. The investigating officer records all facts relating to the conditions and
physical evidence found at the scene. These should include measurements of
tire marks, positions of vehicles/pedestrians, and a record of photographs.

4. Removal of vehicles and debris:

a. As soon as practical within the scope of the investigation, the officers on the
scene should provide for the resumption of the orderly flow of traffic.
b. Whenever possible, vehicles involved in the accident should be removed from
the scene by the owner or by a wrecker service requested by the owner. If no
owner is present or no preference is stated, a wrecker service is called in
conjunction with current Agency policies.
c. The investigating officer ensures that debris from the accident is cleared from
the roadway by wrecker personnel or an appropriate county or state agency.
d. The fire department is notified in the event of any hazardous material spills
and will be responsible for any necessary clean up activities.
e. The investigating officer ensures that the appropriate public utility company
(i.e. electric, telephone, cable TV, etc.). is notified is any of their property has
been damaged or destroyed in the accident. Prompt notification should be
made if the damaged property poses any risk to vehicular and/or pedestrian

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5. Follow-up Investigations:

a. Upon leaving the scene of the accident, the investigating officer should
interview injured parties who were transported to the hospital. If the nature of
the injuries does not allow an immediate interview, the officer should
ascertain from the attending physician the earliest time such an interview will
be possible and conclude this part of the investigation at that time.
b. If necessary, canvass the immediate area of the accident to locate witnesses
and conduct a further examination of vehicles involved and the scene noting
condition of traffic control devices, roadway defects, etc.

6. Conclusion of Investigation:

a. The one-scene investigation should produce the principle causes of the

accident, and the investigating officer should make note of these conclusions.
b. If violations of law are found to be present, the officer must note the same and
may issue the appropriate summonses or arrest if warranted.
c. In fatality cases, the investigating officer must present the results of his
investigation along with the follow-up investigation to the Commonwealth
Attorney’s Office for determination concerning related charges.
d. If impairment by alcohol or drugs is determined to have influenced the cause
of the accident, procedures in General Order #127 is followed.

7. Reports:

It is the responsibility of the investigation officer to turn in all related reports

concerning the accident at the end of this shift to include:

a. The designated accident investigation report, to include all statements (if this
report is to be turned in incomplete, it must be done so with supervisory
approval and must be completed within 72 hours, unless there are extenuating
b. Offense report in the event of hit and run, fatality or leaving the scene.
c. Summonses.
d. Printed pictures.
e. Detailed reports concerning investigative findings for later prosecution when
involved in a felony or fatality type investigation.
f. Reports of defects that contributed to the accident are noted on proper forms
and turned in to a supervisor on duty to be forwarded to the appropriate
agency. Defects or hazards that present an immediate danger to safety are
reported to dispatch, which notifies the appropriate agency.

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B. Accidents Involving Death or Serious Injury:

1. Accidents involving Death or Serious Injury are referred to the Virginia State Police
for investigation, if possible.

2. The officer dispatched to the scene takes control of the scene until relieved by a
member of the Virginia State Police.

C. Traffic Accidents Occurring on Private Property:

1. Officers are to respond in the same manner when dispatched to accidents occurring
on private property as to accidents on public roadways.
2. Upon arrival at the scene the officer eliminates any existing traffic hazards and, if
necessary, request additional traffic units and medical/fire assistance.
3. The officer is not required to fill out an FR 300P accident report, but ensures that the
parties involved have all necessary information.
a. Virginia Code sections on Hit and Run apply to both public and private
1. An IBR report is to be completed.

4. The only violations on private property permitted by law are D.U.I., Reckless driving
and Hit and Run. Any charges filed are handled the same if on a public highway.

D. Damage to public vehicles or property is handled the same as private.

1. Some public agencies have policies that require Virginia State Police to investigate
accidents involving public vehicles/property. This should be honored if it does not
cause unreasonable delay.

E. Disturbance between principals:

1. The office should handle as he/she would any other dispute between two parties.
Regardless of the cause of the dispute the officer is to use the same procedure, as
he/she would working any other accident.
2. If the officer has reasons to believe the accident was caused by or the result of a
dispute between the two involve operators, than the officer is to consider criminal
offenses as well as traffic violations.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Accident Scene Responsibilities NUMBER: 133
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: November 24, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify accident scene responsibilities for officers responding to accident scene.


Upon receiving of a report of a motor vehicle accident that requires the services of an officer,
the officer assigned will proceed with due regard to safety. On arrival the following
procedures will apply.


The first officer on an accident scene has the responsibility and authority to request assistance from
any other officers as needed. Other responsibilities include:

A. Becoming the primary investigating officer in charge at the scene, unless the
supervisor deems it more appropriate to assign another officer these responsibilities
or is relieved by the Virginia State Police.

B. Administering emergency medical care (basic life support measures) pending arrival
of a rescue squad.

C. If the potential of fire from leaking or ruptured gas tanks exists or where there is any
major crash of two or more vehicles with any sign of hazardous materials being
transported, the fire department is dispatched.

D. All police vehicles are equipped with a copy of the current emergency response
guidebook, which permits both rapid identification of DOT vehicles, and contains
place cards for hazardous materials giving information concerning the nature of the
hazard, emergency procedures, and evacuation disasters. Any officer arriving at the
scene of such an accident and seeing hazardous material placards is to immediately
request the fire department. The fire chief is to assume control of any scene involving
hazardous materials and all officers are to provide support as required. Any
investigation of the accident occurs after approval by the fire chief. Any accidents
that may involve hazardous materials are referred to the Virginia State Police for

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E. Protecting the accident scene:

The officer is to consider using the police vehicle as a shield to protect the scene as
well as him. The officer is to leave his vehicle emergency lights on. Flares are
available in each police vehicle for use in creating an illuminated warning pattern to
alert other drivers.

1. Preserve short-lived evidence (broken parts, skid marks, etc.)

2. Establish a safe traffic pattern around the scene.

3. Locate witnesses and record key accident information (license numbers,

observation of damage only accidents, where possible, getting vehicles off
roadways immediately to get traffic moving).

4. Expedite removal from the roadway of vehicles, persons, and debris (in
property-damage-only accidents, when possible, get vehicles off the roadway
immediately to get traffic moving).

F. Other Responsibilities:

1. At the scene of the accident, the officer may take immediate enforcement
action and issue a Virginia Uniform Summons.

2. If officer at the scene concludes the DUI and the defendant is still there, the
DUI arrest is to be made before transport.

3. If the driver is transported to the hospital before arrival of an officer, and the
officer later concludes DUI, an arrest warrant is to be obtained.

4. In other traffic-related investigations, when the officer leaves the scene of the
offense and follows up and later identifies an offender or offense, arrest
warrant is to be obtained.

5. Virginia Code requires any person clearing a wrecked or damaged vehicle from a
highway to remove any glass or other injurious substance dropped upon the
highway. The fire department may assist in washing down combustible

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Property from accident scenes NUMBER: 134
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 15, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie

To govern control of property belonging to accident victims


Property belonging to accident victims will be protected from theft or pilferage and, if owners
are not present, it is to be brought to the office, properly packaged, tagged, and put in the
property/evidence room to be held for the victims. (Excludes property attached to or part of
vehicles that are towed).


A. Any property belonging to accident victims is to be protected from theft or pilferage

and, if owners are not present, it is to be brought to the office, properly packaged, tagged,
and put in the property/evidence room to be held for the victim. (Excludes property
attached to or part of vehicles that are towed).
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Direction and Control NUMBER: 135
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 15, 1997 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify procedures for traffic direction and control.


The following procedures will apply when agency personnel are involved with traffic direction and


A. Traffic accident scenes:

1. Direction and control of traffic are best accomplished with two officers, but if none
are available then assigning volunteers from fire and/or rescue agencies is acceptable.

2. Establish the route or path you desire traffic to flow without interfering with
emergency service personnel. If this cannot be accomplished safely then traffic is to
be stopped until safety conditions improve.

3. The speed of traffic is to be kept at a slow pace to prevent additional safety hazards.
This can be accomplished by having the traffic stop before proceeding.

B. Uniform hand signals and gestures for manual direction of traffic:

1. When an officer is directing traffic, he or she knows and uses standardized,

appropriate gestures and/or audible signals to stop, start, and turn traffic.

2. To indicate that the officer is present for the purpose of directing traffic, he or she is

a. position self to be seen clearly by all, usually in the center of the intersection
or street;

b. all hands and arms at his sides except when gesturing;

c. stand facing or with the back to traffic which has stopped and with sides to
traffic he or she has directed to move.

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3. How to stop oncoming traffic:

a. To stop traffic, the officer first extends an arm and index finger toward and
look directly at the person to be stopped until he or she is aware of the
officer's gesture.

b. The pointing hand is raised at the wrist so that its palm is toward the person to
be stopped, and the palm is held in this position until the person is observed to
stop. To stop traffic from both directions on a two-way street, the procedures
are then repeated for traffic coming from the other direction while continuing
to maintain the raised arm and palm toward the traffic previously stopped.

4. How to start traffic:

a. The officer first stands with shoulder and side toward the traffic to be started,
extends the arm and index finger toward and looks directly at the appropriate
driver until he or she is aware of the officer's gesture.

b. With the palm up, the pointing arm is swung from the elbow only, through a
vertical semicircle until the hand is adjacent to the chin. If necessary, this
gesture is repeated until traffic begins to move. To start traffic from both
directions on a two-way street, the procedure is then repeated for traffic
coming from the other direction.

5. Use of a flashlight with an illuminated cone:

a. To stop a driver with the illuminated cone, the officer faces the oncoming
traffic, hold the illuminated cone in the right hand, bend the right elbow, hold
the illuminated cone vertically, then swing the baton from left to right through
an arc of approximately 45 degrees.

b. The GO and LEFT TURN direction are the same gestures as those previously
described except that the illuminated cone acts as an extension of the hand and
index fingers. Signals and directions given with the aid of the illuminated
cone are exaggerated and often needs to be repeated because of poor visibility.

6. A flashlight alone can also be used to halt traffic, but less effectively and safely than
with cone attachment. To stop traffic, slowly swing the beam of the light across the
path of oncoming traffic. The beam from the flashlight strikes the pavement as an
elongated spot of light. After the driver has stopped, arm signals may be given in the
usual manner, the vehicle's headlight providing illumination.

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C. Traffic control at fire scenes:

1. No vehicles, including those of volunteer firemen, are allowed to drive into the area
where fire apparatus is parked and operating.

2. No vehicles are allowed to cross fire hoses without the approval of the Fire Chief.

3. The exceptions to the rules above are lifesaving vehicles on actual calls for

4. Parked vehicles which interfere with fire operations may be towed.

D. Traffic control during adverse road and weather conditions:

1. The Sheriff or his designee is to notify the local radio stations, highway department,
and the emergency service departments of adverse road conditions that affect the
motoring public.

2. The Sheriff or his designee may close a roadway if, in his opinion, the surface
conditions and terrain are unusually hazardous. He is to call the highway department
for assistance in alleviating the problem and request public service radio
announcements are made concerning the closure.

3. The Sheriff or his designee is to request dispatchers to notify the proper utility
company and assign officers to direct traffic and safeguard movement at the scene of
all downed power lines, or water mains or at construction sites, when the situation
endangers the safe movement of traffic.

E. Manual operation of traffic control devices:

1. In the event traffic control is required at an area or intersection by a traffic device the
VSP is to be contacted and requested to perform the function.

F. Use of temporary traffic control devices:

1. Flares:
a. Must be used with caution due to the extreme heat generated. When striking
the end of the flare to light, be certain to hold the flare away from the face and
strike away from the body. Be careful of the residue dripping from the flare as
this is extremely hot and can damage clothing and the tops of the shoes or

b. Flares are not to be used near combustible material.

c. Flares are not to be used if there is any potential or danger of gas or other
hazardous material leaking.

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d. Flares are to be used at a safe distance away from any accident scene.

2. Traffic cones:

a. Once placed in the desired location, cones are to be checked periodically to

ensure they are in the proper location and still standing.

b. Remove as soon as possible.

G. Reflective clothing:

1. Any personnel directing traffic or in the roadway controlling traffic is to wear a

reflective vest or clothing at all times.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Escorts NUMBER: 136
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 26, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To set forth provisions on escorts and emergency escorts.


Non-emergency escorts may be provided on request upon approval of a supervisor.

No escorts of civilian vehicles in medical emergencies of any kind will be permitted.


A. Non-emergency escorts may be provided on request upon approval of a supervisor (i.e.

county treasurer, store clerk to the bank, oversized equipment, funeral, etc.).

B. Emergency escorts:

1. Officers are not to provide an escort to other emergency vehicles. Officers may direct
traffic at intersections to expedite the movement of other emergency vehicles.

2. Emergency escorts are not to be given to private vehicles en route to hospitals. If the
patient’s life is endangered, a rescue squad can be called or the transporting vehicle
proceeds to the hospital.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Traffic Checkpoints NUMBER: 137
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 9, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe circumstances warranting the use of checkpoints and specifies procedures for


Checkpoints may set up for specific purposes and only with approval of a supervisor.




A brief stop of all traffic through a designated location for a limited time to inspect drivers'
licenses and vehicle registrations, and thereby increase traffic safety by apprehending or
citing persons who violate licensing laws, operate unsafe vehicles, or operate a vehicle while
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The following plan is intended for the aforesaid purpose only and is not to be construed as
the only time a checkpoint can be utilized. Checkpoints may be utilized for other law
enforcement purposes (i.e. apprehension of a wanted person, escapee, abduction, etc.) and is
not restricted to the following general guidelines.

1. General guidelines for checkpoints

a. All checkpoints are to be conducted pursuant to the agency's operational

plan, which accomplishes the following:

1. Describes the objective of the checkpoint.

2. Identifies the on-site supervisor.
3. Specifies the location of the checkpoint.
4. Requires a pre-determined screening procedure.
5. Provides adequate space for parking police vehicles out of the traffic
6. Provides adequate space for vehicles to be pulled out of the traffic
flow without creating a hazard.
7. Ask if lighting is adequate.

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8. Specifies the dates, times for beginning and ending the checkpoint.
9. States required number of officers to man the checkpoint.

b. Each vehicle passing through a checkpoint will be stopped and subjected to

the same inquiry or procedure as described in the plan. Vehicle stops are to be
as brief as possible.

1. Alternative plans must be specified in the event of traffic backup.

2. Checkpoints should last from half an hour to three hours under most

c. Nothing in this general order prohibits one or more officers from performing
selective enforcement for specific law violations such as speeding or failure to
stop at a stop sign.

2. Selection criteria

a. The checkpoint operational plan will specify the site to be monitored. The site
is chosen from a list of pre-approved locations. The Sheriff must approve all

b. Any checkpoint is to be directly supervised by a supervisor or a supervisor

designated senior officer.
c. The operation plan form is submitted to the Sergeant of Patrol following the
checking detail.

3. Conduct of the checkpoint

a. Officers assigned to the checkpoint park their vehicles so they do not impede
traffic flow. The vehicles should be highly visible to approaching drivers.

b. Traffic control and warning devices will be placed to provide adequate

warning to drivers.

c. Officers will create a safe location for vehicles that require further inspection.

d. All officers assigned to checkpoint duty will wear traffic vests.

e. Upon approaching a vehicle, officers will scan the interior for weapons and
contraband, advise the driver of the purpose of the stop, request driver's
license and registration.

f. If the officer observes behavior that furnishes a reasonable suspicion that the
driver has been drinking, the officer may ask if the driver has been drinking,
how much, and when. The officer may then direct the driver to the safe
location for further investigation.

g.Officers will not stop vehicles on a discretionary basis. Every car will be stopped
unless the on-scene supervisor directs a change (i.e., every second or third vehicle
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Lancaster County Sheriff's Office
CFS # ............................. Traffic Safety Checkpoint Operational Plan
(Must be entered just prior to implementing)
Objective: _______________________________________________________________________

Primary Site #: ___________________________________________________________________

On Site Supervisor:_______________________________________________________________

Date of Checkpoint: __________________________ Hours of Operations: _________________

Site Location: ____________________________________________________________________

Screen Procedures: All vehicles will be screened unless (1) a backup of more than __
vehicles occur in any lane of travel or (2) vehicles back up more than ____ feet from the
designated checking point. The first alternate method will be to check every __ vehicle. The
second alternate method will be to check every __ vehicle. If back-ups continue, the operation
will be ceased. The method used will be noted on this form.

Number of officers required to man checkpoint: _________________________________

Traffic control measures required: Fuses, marked vehicles and safety vests.

Police vehicles out of the flow of traffic: Yes No

Adequate lighting available: Yes No

Violator parking available: Yes No Type of location: ___________________


Alternate site #: _____________________________________________________________

Site Location: _______________________________________________________________

Screen Procedures: All vehicles will be screened unless (1) a backup of more than __
vehicles occur in any lane of travel or (2) vehicles back up more than ____ feet from the
designated checking point. The first alternate method will be to check every __ vehicle. The
second alternate method will be to check every __ vehicle. If back-ups continue, the operation
will be ceased. The method used will be noted on this form.

Number of officers required to man checkpoint: ____________________________________

Traffic control measures required: Fuses, marked vehicles and safety vests.

Police vehicles out of the flow of traffic: Yes No

Adequate lighting available: Yes No

Violator parking available: Yes No Type of location: ___________________

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Approving Supervisor: ________________________________Date: __________________



The following redactions are made for officer safety while working a
checking detail pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia1950 as amended

White Stone:

2-20 Rt 3. and what is currently the Church of the Nazarene Day or Night

2-21 Rt. 695 and Beach Road intersection Day or Night

2-22 Rt. 3 and Shady Lane intersection Day or Night


2-25 Rt. 200 and King Carter Drive intersection Night

2-26 Rt. 200 and what is currently The Bay Window Day or Night


2-30 Rt. 3 and First Street (in front of Chesapeake Bank) Day or Night


2-35 Rt. 3 and Rt. 201 intersection Day or Night

2-36 Rt. 3 at Brookvale Va-DOT Station Day or Night

Virginia State Police Approved Sites:

Site# Day Night Location

2-1 X Int. 201& 600 McNeal Corner

2-2 X X Int. 200 & 615
2-3 X X Int. 200 & 608 Indian Creek
2-4 X X Rt. 3, 100 ft. west of Rt. 1010
2-5 X X Rt. 3, 500 ft. west of Rt. F689
2-6 X X Int. 222 & 709
2-7 X X Int. 200 & T1036 Hospital Road
2-8 X X Int. 354 & 604
2-9 X Int. 354 & 201
2-10 X Int. 354 & 622
2-11 X Int. 3 & 602

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Assistance to Highway Users NUMBER: 138
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 15, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern the provisions of assistance and hazards to highway users.


This agency will provide necessary assistance needed to citizens using the public highway and
to take action to correct hazardous highway conditions.


A. General Assistance:

1. Officers are to provide reasonable assistance to motorists. Time and duty permitting
an officer may assist stranded and disabled motorists to obtain fuel and repairs.

B. Mechanical Assistance:

1. Under normal circumstances, police vehicles are not to be used to jump-start non-
government owned vehicles.

2. Officers are to assist the motorist by calling any requested mechanical service or
towing service, but officers are not required to perform the repairs personally.

C. Protection of Stranded Persons:

1. Officers are to be aware of possible dangers to motorists who are stranded in isolated
areas and hazardous locations on the highway, and are to take steps to reduce these
threats by transporting motorists to safer locations of setting out flares to warn other

2. If the officer must leave the scene before the arrival of requested assistance, he is to
request that another unit check the area and provide assistance or protection.

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D. Emergency Assistance:

1. Officers arriving at the scene of any highway emergency are to request the dispatcher
to obtain necessary services and then provide emergency assistance, First Aid, fire
suppression, and obtain additional assistance as the situation requires, pending arrival
of appropriate emergency services.

E. Reporting Hazardous Highway Conditions:

1. An officer locating hazardous debris in the roadway is to remove it or request the

dispatcher to notify the highway department to have it removed from the road to a
safe location.

2. Officers detecting dangerous icy spots at intersections, curves, hills or other locations
that have resulted in accidents are to request the dispatcher to notify the highway
department (This includes standing water).

3. Officers are to report all highway defects to the dispatchers and, in turn, dispatchers
are to contact the highway department as soon as the situation dictates.

4. Requests or suggestions for additional or new highway safety features are to be

forwarded the Sheriff who will forward the request to the appropriate department of
agency, if the situation warrants. These requests are to specify the services or actions
requested and the location.

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Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Abandoned Vehicles/Towing NUMBER: 140
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 11, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify procedures for handling abandoned vehicles.


Abandoned vehicles towed will be at the owners expense and stored by the towing service.


A. Parking Violations:

Summons will be issued to the driver of vehicles found to be parked illegally (exp. Parked in
a handicap stop without a license, parked in a fire lane). Summons will be issued on a state
approved summons and will be charged under the Code Of Virginia.

B. Abandoned vehicles:

1. Whenever any motor vehicles is abandoned upon public or privately owned property,
without the permission of the owner, lessee, or occupant thereof, the vehicle may be
towed at the expense of the owner of the vehicle.

2. A vehicle may presumed to be abandoned if:

a. It lacks either:

1. A current license plate;

2. A current county, city or town tag or sticker; or
3. A valid state inspection.

b. It has been in a specific location for ten days (private property) without being

c. It has been left within the state highway system 24 hours or more.

C. Towing from public and private property:

1. An officer is to order the removal of any abandoned vehicle found on public property.

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a. The vehicle and its contents are to be stored at the towing services location
and become the responsibility of the towing service.

2. Property owners, etc., may act immediately to have vehicles towed which are
occupying a lot, area, space, building or part hereof without their permission and
properly posted as such, under Virginia Code which requires them to order the
vehicle towed and the tow truck operator to notify State Police or this agency.

a. The vehicle and its contents become the responsibility of the towing service.

D. Dispatchers are to be notified of all vehicles being towed at the direction of an officer (even
if the request is from an owner). Information is to include date, time, place towed from and
to, license number, make or model, color of the vehicle and reason for being towed. This
information is to be entered and maintained in the communication DCAD system and VCIN
stored vehicle file.

Page 2 of 2
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Prisoner Transport NUMBER: 141
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To prescribe the security and control of prisoners being transported.


Officers will exercise safety awareness, security and control of all prisoners being transported.


A. Handcuffs and other restraints:

1. Arrested subjects are to be handcuffed for the safety of the arrested person, the
Officer, and/or other persons.

a. Handcuffs are to be used when transporting all prisoners.

b. Officers are to handcuff a subject with the hands in back, but may choose to
handcuff hands in front owing to the suspect's handicap or disability.

c. When a suspect is handcuffed, use of the double lock will help insure prisoner
and officer safety. The double lock device is normally located directly above
the keyhole on the locking mechanism of the bracelet and can be locked by
inserting a pointed object (back of handcuff key, pen, pencil) in the lock and
pushing down. Double locking reduces the chance of picking the lock or of
the bracelet accidentally closing, thereby restricting circulation.

2. Body belt:

The body belt allows the officer to handcuff the prisoner in front yet restricts the movement
of the prisoner's arms and hands. Normally, this device will be used when transporting
prisoners considerable distances or on a subject that may be or has demonstrated violence.

3. Ankle shackles:

Ankle shackles are used by officers when transporting any prisoner they have reason to
believe might be an escape risk or prone to violence.
4. Plastic handcuffs:

Plastic handcuffs are used when officers take into custody several prisoners, or when a
prisoner requires multiple restraints. Officers must understand that, once applied, plastic
handcuffs can only be removed with a knife or pair of shears.

B. Seating arrangements:

1. When one officer is transporting one prisoner, the prisoner will be positioned to the
right in the front seat with the seat belt on; if the vehicle is equipped with a cage or
security screen, the prisoner is seated in the right rear of the driver with the seat belt

2. When one officer is transporting more than one prisoner, one prisoner is seated on the
front to the right of the driver; and the other in the rear to the right of the driver; both
prisoners are secured with seat belts. If the vehicle is equipped with a cage or security
screen then the prisoners will be located on the rear seat using seat belts to better
secure the prisoners.

3. If more than one officer is involved in the same vehicle transporting prisoners:

a. One officer positions himself in the rear of the transporting vehicle behind the
driver; if the vehicle is equipped with a cage or security screen then the other
officer sits in the front.

b. In a situation where more than one prisoner is transported by two officers in

the same vehicle, the assisting officer should position himself in the rear of the
transporting vehicle behind the driver, unless the vehicle is equipped with a
cage or security screen then the prisoners should be positioned on the rear seat
and the assisting officer should position himself in the front seat in order to
see the prisoners at all times.

4. Transporting officers must at all times be mindful of weapon security and retention.

C. Searching the Police Vehicles:

1. The transporting officer searches the vehicle before each prisoner transport to ensure
that no weapons or contraband are available to the prisoner.

2. After delivering the prisoner to his destination, officers are to again search their
vehicles to ensure that the prisoner did not hide contraband or other evidence.
D. Security of Prisoners:

All prisoners are to be searched prior to transporting.

1. Control of prisoners while transporting

a. Observation

1. While transporting a prisoner, the officer is to observe him/her at all

times, even when it becomes necessary to allow the prisoner the use of
a toilet.

2. In a situation where observation is not possible (woman prisoner

needing toilet facilities and male transporting officer or vice versa), the
officer should ensure that he has as much control of the situation as
possible. The prisoner should not be allowed in the facility with
another person and the officer should ensure that there are no escape
routes within the facility and that there are no weapons available to the

b. Meals

If necessary for the transporting officer to stop en-route for a meal with a
prisoner, he should choose a drive through restaurant.

1. Prisoners should not be allowed hot liquids for officer safety.

4. Stopping to provide law enforcement services while transporting

When transporting a prisoner, the transporting officer will provide law enforcement
services only in the following situations:

a. When there is a need for the transporting officer to act immediately in order
that a potential victim is not harmed.

b. When a victim has been injured and assistance is required right away.

c. When a crime is in progress and there is an immediate need because of safety

reasons that the suspect be apprehended.

d. In all of the above situations, the transporting officer should ensure at all times
that his prisoner is secure and protected.

e. Under no circumstances is an officer transporting a prisoner to engage in a

5. Prisoner communication:

a. The transporting officer will not allow prisoners to communicate with other
people while in transit unless the situation requires it.

6. Arrival at destination:

a. Firearms are to be secured in the designated place.

b. Restraining devices removed only when directed to do so by the receiving

facility or when the officer is sure that the prisoner is properly controlled and

c. The proper paperwork (jail committal, property form etc.) is submitted to the
proper person at the receiving facility and, in situations that require it, the
officer ensures that proper signatures are obtained on paperwork to be

E. Documentation

1. Prisoner identification:

When picking up a prisoner for transport at a detention facility, the transporting officer is to
ensure that he has the correct person. This can be accomplished by:

a. Officer's personal knowledge of the prisoner.

b. Requesting verification by the jail custodian of the prisoner's identity.

2. Receipt for Prisoner(s)

a. On releasing a prisoner from this facility to a member of another agency, the

releasing officer ensures that a receipt for prisoner (LCSO #431) is completed.

b. On delivering a prisoner to another agency, the transporting officer receives a receipt

for the delivery of the prisoner.

c. Appropriate inmate/prisoner records are transferred to the agency receiving the

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Special Transports NUMBER: 144
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 14, 2010 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 08.02-03-04-05-06


To prescribe procedures for transporting and handling sick, injured, handicapped and
mentally ill prisoners.


Officers will exercise care and common sense when handling sick, injured, handicapped, and
mentally ill prisoners. Prisoners claiming injury or sickness must receive prompt medical
treatment. Prisoners suspected of carrying communicable disease must be handled with
extreme caution.


When transporting a handicapped or a mentally ill prisoner, the transporting officer is to request the
assistance needed in order that the transport may be completed conveniently, comfortably, and safely
for both the prisoner and officer. A rescue squad may be contacted for assistance. The transporting
officer takes whatever special equipment or medicine is necessary for the prisoner. Common sense
must be used when the handicap is such that no danger of escape or injury to the prisoner or officer
exists, then the restraining devices may be inappropriate.

A. Injured/sick prisoners:

1. At any time before, during or after an arrest, the prisoner is injured or

becomes sick, the officer must seek immediate medical attention.

2. The transporting officer must use discretion in using restraining devices on

sick or injured prisoners. Obviously, if a prisoner is injured or sick enough to
be incapacitated, restraining devices may not be appropriate.

3. Minor injuries of sickness maybe treated by the jail physician during normal
business hours. After hours or for more serious injuries/sickness, the prisoner
is taken to Rappahannock General Hospital.
B. Prisoners suspected of carrying communicable disease:

1. Wear latex gloves before handling if possible. Wash hands thoroughly for
thirty seconds with warm water and soap after removing gloves or after
contact with the subject (if bleeding or vomiting).

2. Leather gloves or their equivalent should be worn when searching persons.

Search techniques should be used that require suspects to empty their own

3. When transporting prisoners:

a. Do not put fingers in or near any person’s mouth.

b. A person who is bleeding or producing a fluid may have to wear a

protective covering.

c. Notify other support personnel or law enforcement officers during a

transfer of custody that the suspect has fluids on his or her person, or
that the suspect has stated that he or she has a communicable disease.
Booking forms should so state.

d. A soiled uniform (by blood or bodily fluids) should be changed as

soon as possible. Wash in hot water and detergent or dispose in a bio-
hazardous container.

e. Agency vehicles within which body fluids are spilled require

immediate disinfection procedures. Notify the supervisor of the spill
and arrange for a thorough cleaning as soon as possible.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Juvenile/Opposite Sex Transports NUMBER: 145
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern situations permitting transports by officers of juveniles or prisoners of the opposite



No one under the age of 18 will be transported with an adult suspected of or charged with
criminal acts. When transporting a prisoner of the opposite sex the officer will request an
additional officer or will contact the dispatcher and give time and mileage prior to leaving the
scene of arrest and again on arrival at the jail


A. Transportation of juveniles:

No one under the age of 18 is transported in the same vehicle with adults suspected of or
charged with criminal acts.

B. Transport of a prisoner by officer of different sex:

1. When transporting a prisoner of one sex by an officer of another sex, an additional

officer may be requested to accompany the transport whenever possible.

2. When it is impractical to use a second officer, the transporting officer at a minimum:

a. Contacts the dispatcher by radio and request that the time and odometer
mileage be entered in DCAD.

b. Proceeds directly to the destination by using the shortest practical route.

c. Upon arrival at the destination, contacts the dispatcher by radio and request
that the time and odometer reading be entered in DCAD.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Escape During Transport NUMBER: 146
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures following the escape of a prisoner while being transported.


In the event of an escape during a transport, the transporting officer will notify the
jurisdictional agency of the escape, attempt to recapture the escapee and submit a written
report of the escape to the Sheriff.


A. Escape action to be take:

1. Request assistance immediately from the jurisdiction the officer is in at the time of
the escape.

2. Attempt to recapture the escapee as soon as possible.

3. Charges against the escapee are to be filed by the transporting officer as soon as

B. Transporting officer is to notify the duty supervisor as soon as possible.

C. The transporting officer is to submit a written report to the Sheriff as soon as he returns to the
office explaining the circumstances of the escape.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Restraints NUMBER: 147
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 28, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To identify the types of restraints authorized and the circumstances or conditions for their use.


Officers will use only those restraints identified in the procedures and in a manner they were
designed to be used.


Authorized Restraints


Arrested subjects are handcuffed for the safety of the arrested person, the officer, and/or other

a. Handcuffs are to be used when transporting all prisoners.

b. When a suspect is handcuffed, use of the double lock will help insure prisoner and
officer safety. The double lock devise is normally located directly above the keyhole
on the locking mechanism of the bracelet and can be locked by inserting a pointed
object (back of handcuff key, pen, pencil) in the lock and pushing down. Double
locking reduces the chance of pick the lock or of the bracelet accidentally closing,
further restricting circulation.

Waist belt (may or may not include the black cuff box)

The body belt allows the officer to handcuff the prisoner in front yet restricts the movement of the
prisoner’s arms and hands. Normally, this device is used when transporting prisoners considerable
distances or on a subject that may be or has demonstrated violence.

Ankle shackles:

Ankle shackles are used by offices when transporting any prisoner they have reason to believe might
be an escape risk or prone to violence.
Plastic handcuffs:

Plastic handcuffs are used when officers take into custody several prisoners, or when a prisoner
requires multiple restraints. Officers must understand that, once applied, plastic handcuffs can be
removed with a knife or pair of shears.

A. Multiple prisoners:

1. In transporting more than one prisoner, each prisoner maybe together.

2. Plastic cuffs may be used by placing the cuff around one arm of the two prisoners.

B. Hands cuffed in front or rear?

1. Officers have the discretion to cuff in front or the rear. Officer’s decision should be
based on the prisoner’s demeanor and/or actions prior to the arrest procedure, history
of violence, and seriousness of the crime.

C. Handcuffing to stationary objects:

1. Under no circumstances is a prisoner to be handcuffed to part of the transport vehicle

itself, such as the floor post, a protective screen barrier, etc.

2. If a prisoner is confined to a hospital bed for medical treatment in the hospital,

restraining devices may be used to secure the prisoner to the bed.

D. Mental patients:

1. Authorize restraints may be used if patient is a danger to him/herself or others and/or

needed to transport safely.

2. If the use of a strait jacket becomes necessary to transport a mentally disturbed

prisoner, the officer is to request the assistance of Mental Health personnel. At no
time will a trait jacket be used to restrain prisoners who do not require it.

E. Medical situations:

1. If a prisoner is injured or sick enough to be incapacitated, restraining devices may not

be appropriate.

F. Lengthy transports, extraditions:

1. Handcuffs may be placed in the front with ankle shackles if transport is done win a
vehicle equipped with a security screen/shield. If the transporting vehicle does not
have a security screen/shield then the prisoner must be in handcuffs, waist belt and
ankle shackles.

2. Any prisoner transport using public transportation is subject to the carrier’s policies.
Depending on the prisoner and the possibility of escape potential, a carrier’s policy on
prisoner transports should be reviewed before selecting the type of transportation.

G. Special Situations:

1. When transporting a handicapped prisoner, the transporting officer is to request

assistance when needed that the transport may be completed conveniently,
comfortably, and safely for both the prisoner and officer. A rescue squad may be
contacted for assistance. The transporting officer takes whatever special equipment is
necessary to complete the transport.

2. The transporting officer, with a handicapped person in custody, must use common
sense. When the handicap is such that no danger of escape or injury to the prisoner or
officer exists, then the restraining devices may be inappropriate.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Operation of a Lockup/Holding Cell NUMBER: 148
and Interview Rooms
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: June 28, 2011 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 10.01-02, Opr.14.01


To ensure that all sworn personnel are trained with the rules in the operation of a lockup/holding
cell and interview room.


All sworn personnel will be trained in the operation of a lockup/holding cell and interview room
and adhere to the procedures as set forth.



Lockup: Any area where a detainee is held and their expectation of freedom to leave is
diminished. Placing an individual in this environment is placing him/her in a lockup and is subject to
the requirements of a lockup.

Authorized person: A natural person who is permitted access to an area, record or control system
based upon approval by the sheriff or other competent authority.

Holding Cell: A temporary detention space for securing a detainee or jail prisoner for not more than 12

Court detention area: The vehicle sally port, hallways and their storage rooms, two staff stations, four
holding cells, two detainee interview rooms and staff rest room incorporated into the physical design of
the county’s judicial center.

Court holding cell: A temporary detention space within the judicial center for persons in custody as
part of the judicial process, either pending court appearance or remanded to the custody of the sheriff.

CSO: Court security officer; bailiff; deputy sheriff.

Detainee/arrestee: A person who has been arrested but for which no bond determination has been
made nor has been committed to jail; a person who has been remanded to the custody of the sheriff by
the presiding judge of a case heard that day.
I. Training

A. Training is provided by the Chief Deputy or his designee in the operation of the
lockup/holding cell for both the jail facility and the court detention area.
1. Training may be written, oral, practical exercise or any combination thereof.
2. If a written test is used, a copy of such test will be included in the staff member’s
personnel file.
3. The reading and signing of the understanding of this general order may also serve as

B. The agency lockup is the holding cell located within the booking room.

1. An officer is to be continuously present with the detainee at all other locations.

C. The court holding cells are located within the county’s judicial center.

1. A CSO is present continuously within the court detention area when any
person is confined to a court holding cell.

II. Records
Jail Facility

A. Staff members enter computer-generated records into the system.

1. Each staff member is assigned and required to use his computer user’s name and
self-defined password.

2. Staff members are required to exit the system upon immediate completion of data
entry before assuming other tasks.

3. Written records of detainees are maintained within the control room.

a. Access to the control room is limited to authorize personnel.

Judicial Center

B. Staff members create hard copy records of the activities of detainees

1. Holding cell security checks (randomly twice per hour)
2. Incident reports, if any
3. Detainee property records, if any
4. Other records as deemed necessary by law, rule, regulation or order

C. Access to the records is limited to authorized persons.

III. Security and Control

Jail Facility
A. The officer secures his weapon(s) and ammunition prior to entry into the security area.

1. Lock boxes are provided in the sally port and administrative hall for this purpose.

2. The officer searches the detainee prior to entry into the security area.

3. The officer and detainee enter the booking room.

B. Agency staff maintains access and control to the facility’s keys, including those for the
lockup/holding cell.

1. Only agency staff members are permitted access to these keys.

2. Agency staff assists non-agency members in securing and removing detainees

from the lockup.

C. The detainee is placed in the lockup/holding cell.

1. Under no circumstances are detainees left alone in the booking room.

2. The door to the lockup/holding/cell is locked and the light left on.

3. The Post 1 duty officer maintains a physical check of the detainee by use of the
CCTV system.

The camera dedicated to the lockup is continuously displayed on the CCTV

monitors in Post 1.

D. Agency staff checks detainees at least twice per hour and documents the check.

Judicial Center
E. Access and control
1. Access to the court detention space is limited to authorized persons.
2. Electronic card readers are installed for access to designated offices and the court
detention space. Sworn staff is issued card keys for access to the judicial center including
the court detention space.
3. The holding cell doors lock automatically upon closing; a standard key is required to
unlock the doors.
4. Sworn staff controls the card keys and standard keys to the doors within the court detention
5. The vehicle sally port may be opened remotely by an intercom telephone at the CSO
security screening station at the main entrance to the judicial center. This intercom
telephone is physically removed and locked within the CSO office in the judicial center at
the conclusion of court each day.
F. Security
1. The judicial center is equipped with a CCTV system to include the hallways of the court
detention space. During court, the CCTV system is monitored by a CSO at the security
screening station and by the Post 1 staff at the jail facility. During non-court hours the
CCTV is monitored by the Post 1 staff at the jail facility.
2. Gun boxes are located in areas monitored by the CCTV system. Officers secure their
weapons before entering a court holding cell. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of
the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended
3. Before court, persons in custody are searched, secured with leg irons, waist chain and
handcuffs, then transported to the judicial center and placed in a holding cell pending
court appearance. While in court, the prisoner remains in full restraints unless otherwise
ordered by the court.
4. At the conclusion of court appearance, each prisoner/detainee is removed to the court
detention area pending transport to jail.
5. Secure spaces for non-contact communication are provided for attorneys to talk to their
client(s) within the judicial center. These spaces are under the control of the court security
6. At the conclusion of each court day, a CSO inspects the holding cells, attorney/client
conference spaces and all other areas to ensure no person remains in the court detention
G. Life, Health and Safety
1. Drinking water, sinks for hand washing and toilets are provided in each holding cell.
2. Sufficient light, heat and ventilation is provided for throughout the judicial center.
3. Janitorial supplies are kept in a locked room within the court detention area. Such
supplies are used as needed to ensure the detention spaces are clean and neat.
4. The need for pest/vermin control is reported by the CSO staff to a supervisor, who in turn
notifies the county administrator’s office to contact the pest/vermin control services.
5. Automatic and manual fire alarms and fire suppression equipment are located at strategic
points within the building.
6. Fire suppression equipment is inspected by a licensed vendor to ensure compliance with
applicable fire safety standards.
7. Emergency medical care will be provided to each prisoner/detainee by notification to the
local rescue squad. Any prisoner/detainee requiring transport to the local emergency room
will be accompanied by a deputy sheriff.
8. Non-emergency medical care will be administered by CSO or other authorized persons
based on the nature and extent of the care needed at that time.
9. Persons expected to be in the court detention area during a jail meal time (7 a.m., 12 noon
and 5 p.m.) will be provided with a bagged meal prepared by the jail kitchen. Reasonable
efforts will be made to provide a meal to any other prisoner/detainee whose custody was
not anticipated during a meal time.
H. Prisoner/Detainee Records and Release
1. Records appropriate to each prisoner/detainee (commitment order, continuance notice,
etc.) are delivered with that prisoner to the appropriate jail authority.
2. Prisoners are not released by the CSO staff, but are returned to the jail authority for final
processing and release from custody.
3. Detainees whose custody has been remanded to the sheriff solely for the completion of any
required task (fingerprinting, collection of DNA sample, etc.), but not to serve an active
sentence, are escorted by a sheriff’s deputy to the jail for completion of such task and
thereafter released immediately from custody.

IV. Separation of Adults and Juveniles

Jail facility and court detention
A. Detainees will be separated as follows:
1. Adults will be separated from juveniles by sight and normal sound to the maximum extent
2. Males will be separated from females.
3. Detainees who are testifying against one another will be separated by sight and normal sound
to the maximum extent possible.

V. Escape from Lockup

Jail Facility

A. On discovery of an escape, or suspected escape, all staff, visitor, and inmate movement

1. The duty supervisor is notified and sworn duty staff reports to the facility.

2. The chief correctional deputy and sheriff are notified to report to the facility.

3. The identity of the missing inmate(s) is/are determined.

4. Off duty personnel are contacted to respond as necessary.

5. All inmates are returned to their respective cells and placed in administrative

6. The appropriate escape broadcast messages are sent to the courts, DOC, other
jurisdictions, and the media.

7. The entire building, including all containers of sufficient size, the roof and entire
attic spaces are systematically searched; all vehicles at the facility, including the
motor spaces, trunks, and undercarriages are searched.

8. Efforts to apprehend the escapee continue, as the Sheriff deems appropriate.

9. On apprehension, the escapee is checked for his physical condition and supportive
evidence of his escape.

10. Appropriate notifications of the apprehension are made.

11. The escapee is placed in administrative isolation pending disciplinary and legal

12. The escapee is thereafter moved full restraints.

13. A full investigation and report is made for the Sheriff’s review.

Judicial Center
B. On discovery of an escape, or suspected escape, the presiding judge is notified

1. The duty supervisor is notified and sworn duty staff reports to the judicial center.

2. The sheriff and chief deputy sheriff are notified and may report to the judicial
center or other location as each deems appropriate.

3. The identity of the missing prisoner(s) is/are determined.

4. Off duty personnel are contacted to respond as necessary.

5. The appropriate escape broadcast messages are sent to other jurisdictions, the
media, and other authorities as required by law, rule or regulation or order.

7. The entire building, including all containers of sufficient size, the roof and entire
attic spaces are systematically searched; all vehicles at the facility, including the
motor spaces, trunks, and undercarriages, are searched in accordance with
constitutional limits.

8. Efforts to apprehend the escapee continue, as the Sheriff deems appropriate.

9. On apprehension, the escapee is checked for his physical condition and supportive
evidence of his escape.

10. Appropriate notifications of the apprehension are made.

11. The escapee is placed in the jail facility holding tank pending the issuance of
criminal charge(s).

12. The escapee is thereafter moved full restraints.

13. A full investigation and report is made for the Sheriff’s review.

VI. Searching Detainees/arrestees

A. All prisoners/detainees are to be searched before entering a secured area of the jail
facility and/or court detention area.

1. Persons brought in by officers of other agencies are searched by or in the presence of

an agency staff member prior to being placed into the lockup in either the jail facility
or the court detention space.
2. Persons previously not in custody but remanded to custody by the court are removed
to the court detention area and searched before being placed in restraints and secured
in a holding cell or transported immediately to the jail.

VII. Interview Rooms

Main Building

A. No arrestee or prisoner is to be left alone in the interview room. (Main building next to the
Magistrate’s office).

1. In the event the interviewing officer must leave the room, another officer must be present
and stand-by either in person or monitoring the room by camera.

2. Personnel in close proximity of the room must intervene on behalf of the arrestee/prisoner or
agency personnel immediately if needed.

3. A search of the arrestee/prisoner is conducted prior to entering the interview room.

4. A search of the room is conducted prior to and after each interview.

5. Officers are to secure handguns, ammunition and any item that could be used as a lethal
weapon in an approved location prior to entering the interview room.

6. Officers controlling the access to the interview room from the communication center are to:

a. Monitor all persons entering and exiting the interview room;

b. Ensures that the arrestee/prisoner is not left alone; and
c. Arrestee/prisoner enters and exists only when escorted by an officer.

7. No member of this agency is authorized to leave an arrestee/prisoner alone in the interview


Judicial Center Interview Rooms

A. Interview rooms in this location are used by attorneys to confer with their clients either prior to
or after a court hearing. These rooms are separated by a block wall equipped with a shatter
proof window and microphones that keep the two parties separate.

B. Keys to these rooms are controlled by the officer who is working in the holding cell area.
Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.
Detainees/Clients are put in the interview room from the controlled area of the judicial center by
the officer in charge. The door is locked behind them and they cannot exit until the officer
unlocks the door to remove them. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of
Virginia 195 as amended. The attorneys are allowed to enter from the other side by the officer
working the security desk. The officer in charge will not leave the area of the interview room
until the detainee/client is removed and either transported back to jail or placed in a holding
cell. The officer in charge can visually check the detainee/client by a peep hole installed in the
door on the controlled side of the room.

C. These rooms are searched by the officer in charge prior to each interview.

D. Since detainees/clients are searched after leaving the court room and before entering the holding
cell no further search is needed before entering the interview room since they are in a controlled
area that has been searched before court opened.

E. Officer’s weapons are locked in gun boxes either in the sally port or the closet in the hall in the
controlled area. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as

The reading and signing of the understanding of this general order serves as training for this policy.

Approved by

Hon. Patrick McCranie

Court Security Planning

The purpose of court security planning is to maintain a state of preparedness against a wide range of
events that may have a negative affect upon the safety of persons or property and the integrity of the
judicial process. The sheriff is charged with the responsibility for the court security function pursuant to
§53.1-119 and §53.1-120, Code of Virginia.

There can be no “perfect” court security plan because of infinite variables that may affect any event.
However, that does not mean that an effective court security plan cannot be developed. This court
security plan is intended to serve as a basis upon which staff may rely to guide them through the fluid
dynamics of the “routine” of the business of the court’s docket for the day.

The remainder of this document is redacted pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia
1950 as amended.

Basic Plan

At least 30 minutes before court opens, the court security staff reports to the courtroom. The Senior
Court Security Officer (SCSO) makes assignments for the following tasks:

1. Security and safety search of the courtroom, entry way and lobby, judge’s chambers, jury room,
restrooms, conference rooms and hallways adjacent to the courtroom. Aerosol containers are
removed from the public restrooms that may be used by prisoners.

2. Water pitchers for the moving and defending parties, judge’s bench and jury room are filled;
disposable drinking glasses are restocked; notepads for the bench and jury room are restocked;
sharpened pencils are restocked in the jury room; movable signs indicating court is in session are
placed at strategic points in the hallways.

3. Case files for the day’s docket are moved from the clerk’s office to the clerk’s workstation in the

4. An electrical extension cord is run for the court reporter’s machine, if necessary. The court
reporter is advised to report to a designated area in the event of a disturbance within the
courtroom, and is advised of a designated retreat location in the event of a fire or other
emergency that requires that the courthouse be evacuated.

5. The walk-through magnetometer is powered up and tested; handheld scanning wands are tested.
The magnetometer is manned until court is adjourned.

6. The SCSO meets with the presiding judge and asks about any specific needs or expectations
based on the day’s dockets or the preferences of the judge. The SCSO advises the judge of any
unusual security concerns and plans based on the day’s dockets.

7. For jury trials, the jurors sign in, are given a numbered identification tag to wear on the lapel,
and are seated numerically. Seating begins in the front row of the center section of the gallery;
not more than six jurors are seated per row. Juror seating may continue to the first row of the
gallery nearest the jury box. At least one empty row is maintained behind the last juror and the
At least ten minutes before court opens the SCSO makes the following specific assignments:
1. Court Opening, Witnesses and Evidence
The traditional opening prayer is used to convene court.
The CSO directs witnesses to the clerk’s workstation for swearing in, and directs the witnesses to
waiting areas upon a motion for separation of witnesses. If there is no motion to separate, the
CSO directs the witnesses to the gallery. For separated witnesses, the CSO calls the witness into
the courtroom and directs the witness to the witness stand.
The CSO may circulate items between the parties, the clerk for marking for identification, the
witness and the judge for entering into evidence. The CSO ensures that all evidence is returned
the judge’s bench after examination by the witness. The CSO assists the clerk in comparing the
total number of evidentiary items to the number of items carried into and returned from the jury
room. As needed, the CSO assists the clerk in returning evidence and case files the clerk’s office
at the end of the day.
The CSO is responsible for securing all firearms, ammunition and edged weapons entered into
evidence, subject to the judge’s instructions.
The CSO may prepare witness recognizance forms, financial statement of indigence and request
for court appointed counsel forms, and waiver of right to counsel forms, obtain the necessary
signatures, distribute copies as needed and pass the original to the clerk.
The CSO directs the parties to counsel table when the case is called; escorts defendants with
fines/costs only into the clerk’s office.
The CSO may be required to set up a TV/VCR, easel with white board and/or flip pad, portable
x-ray light box, laptop computer or other device necessary for the presentation of evidence.

2. Jury Assignment
The CSO helps identify jurors by number during the voire dire process; prepares the jury
selection box based upon the number of potential jurors; passes the jury selection box for the
random strikes upon the draw; confirms the remaining juror count meets the rule for the trial
jury, plus alternates (if any) plus the preemptory strikes allowed by both parties. The CSO
passes the final jury list between the parties for the preemptory strikes, confirms the accuracy of
the final count of jurors, and returns the list to the clerk. As the trial jury is called, the CSO
assists the jurors into the jury box.
The CSO is also responsible for assisting witnesses into and out of the witness stand; escorts the
jury to and from the jury room and courtroom; circulates evidentiary items among the jury at the
direction of the judge; ensures that all evidence is returned to the bench during the trial. The jury
is always escorted through the door next to the jury box and witness stand, but not through the
public gallery, during recesses and at the conclusion of the trial.
For lunch recesses, the CSO is charged with directing the jury to report to the jury room after
lunch; conducts a headcount of jurors after lunch, and reports to the SCSO when all jurors have
returned from lunch.
The CSO carries the jury instructions, verdict form and evidence into the jury room, and advises
the jury to notify him, in the outer hall, when the jury is finished. The CSO monitors the outer
hallway and exterior walkways next to the jury room to ensure that jury tampering does not
occur. When notified by the jury foreman that the jury is finished, the CSO holds the jury in the
jury room and notifies the SCSO that the jury is ready.
During recesses, the CSO may inquire of any juror who may need to notify family or others that
the juror will be delayed returning home due to the nature of the case/deliberations. If needed,
the CSO will obtain the names and telephone numbers of those to be notified. The CSO will
advise the jurors that the CSO will make the calls on the juror’s behalf.
The CSO may allow the jurors to step outside the building to a designated area. The CSO
monitors the area to prevent jury tampering.
If permitted by the presiding judge, jurors may take written notes of the case. If jurors do take
notes, the CSO must collect all the notes at the conclusion of the jury’s deliberations and deliver
the notes to the clerk for inclusion in the case file.

3. Public Gallery
The CSO operates the walk-through magnetometer in the lobby/entryway, and monitors the
public gallery during the day. The CSO must be prepared to admonish/control/remove persons
causing a disturbance within the courtroom. The CSO helps direct witnesses from the gallery to
the clerk’s workstation for swearing in, and directs witnesses not separated on motion from the
gallery to the witness stand.
The CSO assists persons in wheelchairs to a location at the end of a pew, but does attempt to
manually remove a person from a wheelchair to a pew, or from a pew to a wheelchair. If a
person confined to a wheelchair is called as a witness, a CSO may need to push the wheelchair
into and out of the courtroom, and to a designed point from which the testimony will be taken.
The CSO assists in direction persons from the courtroom whenever the courtroom is to be
cleared, closed and locked. The CSO may assist the attorney for the commonwealth in retiring
form the courtroom.
The CSO should take a station inside the courtroom at one of the two main doors into the
Depending upon the public interest in the case, members of the media may be seated to create a
buffer between the defendant and persons who may be considered emotionally charged by the
case and more liable to create a disturbance in the courtroom.

4. Criminal Defendants
For defendants in custody before the trial, the CSO directs the defendant to a specific seat within
the well of the court; takes a security position near any criminal defendant during the course of
the hearing; directs the defendant to stand as designated by court protocol; and is prepared to
take immediate physical control of the defendant in the event of an outburst and when remanded
to custody.

5. Prisoner Security
The CSO escorts prisoners to and from the jail, court and conference rooms. For attorney-client
meetings in conference rooms, maintains a security position outside of the conference room to
prevent unlawful contact with the public and to prevent an escape.

Opening Court
1. The SCSO ensures that the parties and attorneys, clerk and court reporter are ready to proceed.

2. The SCSO notifies the judge when all is ready, and escorts the judge from chambers into the
courtroom, and opens court with the traditional prayer:

“All rise. Oyez, oyez, oyez. Silence is commanded upon pain of imprisonment while this
honorable court is in session. All persons having business before this court, suits to enter, pleas
to present or other matters, come forward and you shall be heard. The Lancaster County Circuit
Court is now in session. The Honorable (name of the judge) now presiding. Be seated please and
come to order.”
3. The SCSO announces recesses as determined by the judge, escorts the judge from the courtroom
to chambers, and reconvenes court by a call to order. For lunch or other extended recesses, the
SCSO announces that the courtroom will be closed and locked during the recess, that all persons
are to exit the courtroom, and that the courtroom will be reopened ten minutes before court is to

4. The SCSO ensures that the courtroom is cleared; assists the clerk in securing files and evidence
and the court reporter in securing the taped transcript. Upon completion of these tasks, the
SCSO ensures that the courtroom doors are closed and locked.

5. Approximately ten minutes before court reconvenes, the SCSO ensures that a second security
and safety sweep is performed, opens the courtroom and reconvenes court at the appointed time.

6. At the conclusion of the day’s docket, the SCSO ensures that the courtroom is cleared, all
evidence and files are properly accounted for and returned to the clerk’s office; the water
pitchers are emptied; lights are turned off; HVAC is reset; courtroom doors are locked; hallway
signs are removed.

7. The SCSO escorts the judge, clerk and court reporter to their vehicles if prudent.

Special Considerations

Duress Alarms and Telecommunications

Alarms are located at the judge’s bench and desk within chambers. These alarms are tested periodically
at the direction of the SCSO. The sheriff’s communications staff monitors the alarms.
Each CSO is equipped with a portable radio that has been tested and found to work within the
courthouse. A working telephone extension is located within each courtroom and judge’s chambers.
Each court clerk has access to an active e-mail account from within each courtroom. Any of these
means may be used to notify responsible persons outside of the courtroom that there is an emergency
that requires an immediate response by the sheriff’s staff and/or other law enforcement authorities.

Grand Jury
Upon arriving in the courtroom, a CSO seats the members of the grand jury in first pew of the middle
section of the gallery. Once all are present, a CSO escorts the grand jurors into the jury box before court
is opened.
A CSO receives from the clerk the prepared indictments and escorts the grand jurors into the jury room.
The prepared indictments are left with the grand jury. The CSO advises the foreman that the witnesses
will be waiting in the outer hall and will report when called for by the foreman.
After witnesses before the grand jury are sworn, they report to the hallway near the jury room. Any
deputy to testify before the grand jury may act as the CSO. The CSO must remain in the area until
advised by the foreman that the grand jury has finished its deliberations. The CSO holds the grand
jurors in the jury room, and reports to the SCSO that the grand jury is ready to return to the courtroom.
The SCSO notifies the judge that the grand jury is ready; the grand jury returns to the courtroom on the
judge’s instructions.
The SCSO receives the indictments from the foreman, and delivers them to the clerk. The SCSO may
assist the clerk in counting the number of true bills returned on each individual.
When released by the judge, the grand jurors exit the courtroom via the door nearest the jury box, but
not through the gallery.
Land Commissioner Hearings
The SCSO arranges in advance for sufficient sheriff’s vehicles to transport the judge and all land
commissioners to view the take, as required by law. The sheriff’s office is not responsible for
transporting any witnesses or attorneys, unless so directed by the judge.

Disturbances and Emergency Recess

In the event of a disturbance that requires the clearing of the courtroom, these designated plans will be

1. The judge, clerk, court reporter, witness on the stand, parties and case attorneys will all evacuate
to the judge’s chambers. This is intended to lessen the probability of a mistrial.

2. The jury is escorted to the jury room.

3. The source of the disturbance is quelled and removed from the courtroom to the lower level of
the building (area of the district courtroom).

4. The gallery is cleared to the outside of the building.

5. Prisoners are returned to the jail.

Once order has been restored, the judge is notified and court reconvenes on the order of the judge.

If a criminal defendant is the source of the disturbance, he is returned to the courtroom in full restraints
after consultation with and approval of the judge.

In case of a fire or other serious event that requires evacuation of the courthouse:

1. The judge, jury, witness on the stand, court reporter, clerk, parties and case attorneys are directed
to the Peirce-Lewis House (county office building adjacent to the courthouse).

2. The public gallery is evacuated and are responsible for their own safety.

3. Any witnesses separated on motion are evacuated and directed to report to the lobby of the
sheriff’s office.

4. Any prisoners are returned to the jail.

Biennial Mental Health Review of Criminal Defendant

Sheriff’s staff transports the defendant to a secured location outside of the courtroom; the SCSO is
notified that the prisoner is available for the hearing; the SCSO notifies the judge. By prior agreement,
the judge may interrupt the case at the bar and proceed with the mental health review. The defendant
remains in full restraints due to the nature of the charge (Capital Murder of a Police Officer). Two
offices escort the defendant at all times.

Prior to opening court, the SCSO ensures that two additional chairs, preferably comparable to that
normally at the bench, are placed at the bench. If the three chairs are significantly different, the most
prominent chair is placed in the center for use by the senior judge.
The SCSO meets with the judges in chambers before court to receive any specific procedural
instructions. The SCSO presents the following opening prayer for approval by the tribunal:

“All rise. Oyez, oyez, oyez. Silence is commanded upon pain of imprisonment while this
honorable court is in session. All persons having business before this court, suits to enter, pleas
to present or other matters, come forward and you shall be heard. The Lancaster County Circuit
Court is now in session. The Honorable (name of the senior judge), senior judge, the Honorable
(name of second judge) and the Honorable (name of third judge) now presiding. Be seated
please and come to order.”

All other pre-opening procedures are carried out by the court security team.

Assignment Rotation
The SCSO must be alert to the need for relieving each CSO for restroom and meal breaks independent
of recesses called for by the court. Depending upon the length and complexity of the case, it may be
prudent to rotate each CSO to another assignment. The rotation period should be often enough so that
the security team does not become inattentive, but not so often that it interferes with the examination of
witnesses, interrupts the attorney’s arguments, or interrupts the judge’s pronouncements.
Because of the probability of assignment rotation, it is important that all members of the security team
be familiar with the duties and responsibilities of each specific court security assignment.

Extended Jury Deliberations

The SCSO should be prepared to provide light snacks and beverages to the jury if a dinner recess is
waived by the jury. Snacks and soft drinks for the jury may be obtained from the jail canteen; an
itemized bill for the items should be prepared and submitted to the clerk of the court for payment as a
cost of court. Coffee and condiments may obtained from the jail kitchen at no cost. A portable thermos
is available from the kitchen for this purpose. If needed, ice may be obtained from the jail kitchen as
The following courthouse doors are to remain unlocked for cases that run after the normal close of
business hours:

1. Main front door (main entryway leading into the circuit courtroom)

2. East wing door (front facing, Kilmarnock side, glass door, nearest circuit court clerk’s office)

3. West wing door (front facing, Lively side, glass door, nearest jury room)

A designate CSO must ensure that these doors are closed and locked after the judge, clerk, court
reporter, jury and attorney for the commonwealth have cleared the building.
Irregardless of all doors being locked, anyone locked inside the building may exit safely without need of
a key by means of the stairway, located in the hall behind the circuit courtroom, and exiting through the
wooden door at the base of the stairs (the door will lock when closed). This exit is immediately outside
the glass doors leading into the district court lobby area.

Sequestered Juries
Since before July 15, 1977 there have been no sequestered juries in Lancaster County. If a sequestered
jury is anticipated, specific plans will be developed and presented to the presiding judge in the case for
approval. Adequate hotel space and restaurant services are available in Kilmarnock to house a
sequestered jury. The mutual aid agreement will be used to provide sufficient manpower to meet all the
staffing needs for a sequestered jury trial.

Higher Profile Cases

In the event of a higher profile case, additional manpower is assigned to strategic points and with
specific tasks to ensure security of all persons and to protect the integrity of the judicial process. Such
plans may include, but are not limited to:

1. Establishment of visible outer, middle and inner perimeters with heightened security.

2. Movement of prisoner(s) by vehicle from the jail to the courthouse.

3. Use of entrances and hallways within the courthouse not normally used to move prisoners.

4. Manned barricades.

5. Transportation of jurors en masse by bus.

6. Access by limited media pool.

7. Advance request for mutual aid assistance from other jurisdictions.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Court Security NUMBER: 153
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: October 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 11.01-02-03-04-05


To establish the agency's courthouse/courtroom security function.


This agency will maintain the orderly conduct of trials and other legal activities which take
place in the courthouse/courtroom.



Bailiff - A deputy sheriff who's primary function is to protect the presiding judge and jurors,
maintain order in the courtroom, announce the opening and closing of court, call witnesses and
persons to appear in the court, attend to other matters under the court's direction, and maintain
security of defendants in the courtroom.

Court Security Deputy - A deputy sheriff whose primary function is to provide security for the
courtroom. This may include manning a duty post at the entrance to the courtroom and searching
persons entering.

Court Security - Procedures, technology, and architectural features needed to ensure both the
safety of people and property within the courtroom, and to ensure the integrity of the courthouse.

Prisoner Security Deputy - A deputy sheriff who is primarily responsible for the security of a
prisoner who is appearing in a judicial proceeding

A. Physical Security Plan:

The Sheriff or his designated bailiff is responsible for order in the Courtroom and for the smooth
functioning of Courtroom procedures. The Court expects the Sheriff or bailiff to take the
initiative in keeping order in the Courtroom and in seeing that matters are handled smoothly and
efficiently during trials.

1. The Chief Deputy or his designee is responsible for the security function of the
courthouse facility, including both public and non-public areas.
a. Directives governing courtroom/courthouse security will be available to
personnel assigned to the security function of the courtroom/courthouse.

2. All personnel are responsible to identify threats, or potential threats, to the safe
and orderly operation of the courts, the judicial process, or to the courthouse
itself. Such threats may include, but are not limited to escape, attempted escape,
disorderly conduct, physical assault, with or without a weapon, bomb threat,
bomb explosion, demonstration, suicide, suicide attempt, hostage situation, theft,
fire, medical emergency, etc.

3. Deputies are assigned by the Chief Deputy 0r his designee to

courtroom/courthouse security and to duty post within the courthouse.

a. In civil cases, a bailiff and a court security deputy are assigned.

b. In criminal cases in General District, Juvenile and Domestic Relations and

Circuit Court, a bailiff and a court security deputy are assigned.

c. In Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court a bailiff and a court

security deputy are assigned.

d. In all instances of Court Security, the Chief Deputy or his designee will
have the responsibility to adequately staff required posts.

4. Defendants remanded into the custody of the Sheriff, directly from the court, will
be moved immediately by the deputy assigned to security from the courtroom to
the holding cell.

5. Duress alarms will be tested monthly at a minumin. Test will be logged in the
dispatch office at the sheriff s office. County maintenance will be immediately
notified if an alarm is not functioning
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as

B. Security Operations:

Responsibilities of Deputies/Bailiffs in General District, JDR and Circuit Court.

1. The officer assigned to courtroom security is to arrive at the courtroom

approximately 30 minutes prior to court being.

a. The courtroom and adjacent rooms and offices are searched before court
convenes. Any unusual parcels, items, or incidents are reported
immediately to the court security supervisor.
2. All persons, except officers of the Court, lawyers, and police officers, are
screened by having each person walk through the metal detection device and
visually inspected to prevent the bringing in of contraband.

3. The bailiff positions him or herself in the courtroom at a location providing the
best view of the courtroom including the occupants, the doors, and any windows.
The bailiff should never sit or stand with his or her back to the audience in the
courtroom nor place him or herself in an area where he or she is unable to
immediately see who enters, or intends to enter the courtroom. The bailiff should
remain attentive and alert al all times and refrain from unnecessary movements or
actions which may detract from the proceedings. If a prisoner is present, the
bailiff works with the security deputy.

4. At anytime during a court session there is excessive or deceptive talking among

the audience, the bailiff takes action to quiet the audience members. Such action
may include expulsion of the individual(s) causing the disturbance from the
courtroom or courthouse.

a. Newspaper or magazine reading by spectators in the courtroom, while

court is in session, is not permitted. Eating, drinking, or smoking is also
prohibited at all times in the courtroom. The bailiff is responsible to assure
that such activities do not take place.

b. Pagers and cell phones are to be turned off.

5. The bailiff limits disrupting traffic into or out of the courtroom when the court is
in session, particularly during the opening and closing arguments. In Circuit
Court, during the reading of instructions in a jury trial no one should enter or
leave the courtroom.

6. When a witness is called by the clerk the bailiff will direct the witness to the
witness box. The bailiff should remain alert to the presence of witnesses in the
courtroom who have been excluded from the proceedings.

7. At any time the bailiff believes that additional assistance is needed, he or she
immediately notifies the Chief Deputy or his designee by the fastest possible

8. Before leaving and locking the courtroom, bailiffs will search the courtroom and
remove any items left during the court day.

Responsibilities of Deputies Assigned to Court Security

1. The deputy assigned to court security has the primary responsibility for handling
the prisoner(s) for the court. The bailiff will assist the deputy assigned to court if
necessary. The following guidelines apply to prisoners entering the courtroom.
These guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive, or to replace the judgment of
the deputy assigned to the court or the bailiff.

a. Search the prisoner before leaving the jail by the deputy assigned to court.

b. The prisoner will be in front of the deputy at all times.

c. During court proceedings, the deputy assigned to court security does not
sit beside the prisoner, but rather station him or herself in such a manner to
prevent escape or threat to the judge or other court personnel.

d. Immediately prior to sentencing, the deputy assigned to court security

stations him or herself behind the prisoner and be prepared to subdue the
prisoner should the prisoner present a threat to the security of the
courtroom, and be prepared to handle boisterous relative or friends.

e. Anticipate the prisoner's actions.

f. Speak to the prisoner only when necessary, and do so in a clear and direct

g. Never permit a prisoner to have physical contact with anyone other than
his or her attorney or other court personnel.
h. When a prisoner is remanded into the custody of the sheriff by the judge,
the deputy assigned immediately or as soon as possible takes the prisoner
to the Sheriffs office and searches the prisoner.

i. Under no circumstances is a deputy to leave any unsupervised prisoners in

the courtroom.

j. Prisoners will not be permitted to smoke.

k. Prisoners who require the use of a restroom during a court recess are
escorted to a restroom. Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the
Code of Virginia 195 as amended.


In addition to the above requirements, the below listed items will be adhered to in Circuit Court

l Prior to opening Court, the Bailiff is to see that counsel are at their tables
and the defendant or parties to civil suits are likewise seated next to their
attorneys. Injury cases, before opening Court, the Bailiff is to see that
members of the jury are seated either in the jury box or in the center
section of the Courtroom; he notifies the Judge in Chambers that he is
ready to open Court. While there may be some occasions when it is
impossible to start right on the minute, every effort should be made to
open Court on time.

m. In all felony cases, either the Sheriff or a Deputy has the sole duty of
being near the defendant, and there is never a time while Court is in
session that the defendant is alone without a law enforcement officer in his
immediate vicinity. The officer that is assigned to the vicinity of the
defendant sees that the defendant always stands when being arraigned and
when addressing or being addressed by the Court.

n. In all felony cases and serious misdemeanor cases, the defendant is to be

searched for any possible weapons before being brought into the
Courtroom even if the defendant has been held in jail. After being brought
into the Courtroom the defendant is kept separate and apart from the
general public with the exception of his attorney. He is not be allowed to
talk to relatives or friends once he has been brought into Court and be kept
in a place in the Courtroom where he can be watched and supervised at all
times. Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia
195 as amended.

o. Witnesses:

Officers are to assist the witnesses coming up to be sworn before trial,

showing them where to go and also where to remain until they are called
to stand. When witnesses are called to testify, an officer escorts or directs
them to the witness chair and tells them to be seated.

p. All felony trials require at least three officers in the Courtroom. One office
is assigned to the defendant. Another officer is assigned to the back door
of the Courtroom in order to keep a constant vigil on people in the
Courtroom. The officer assigned to the door in the rear should preferably
be standing at all times. A third officer will be available to call witnesses
and to handle routine procedural matters while Court is in session. If
Officers are to be used as witnesses, then other officers are made available
prior to the trial in order to have three officers always in the Courtroom.
Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as

q In handling papers and exhibits, the Bailiff should constantly be available

to hand papers from attorneys to the Comi or Clerk or from the Court to
the jury. The Bailiff should see that all exhibits are returned to the Judge's
bench after they have been viewed by the jury and should hand verdicts
and other matters reported by the foreman of the jury to the Clerk.
r. Officers are to be conscious of the audience and be alert for persons who
may be present merely for the purpose of causing disturbances. Officers
are free to ask any member of the audience to leave the Courtroom for the
purpose of searching for weapons or any other purpose that would
interfere with the conduct of the proceedings. Persons disrupting the Court
by talking, laughing, sleeping or otherwise are removed from the

s. In all cases, the Bailiff or other Deputy directs the jury to the jury box and
directs and escorts the jury to the jury room and back to the Courtroom
during every recess in the proceedings. An officer remains by the door of
the jury room anytime the jury is in that room and is to keep all other
persons away from the jury room whether the jury is deliberating or in
short recess. When jurors return to the Courthouse from lunch or other
meals, they are to be taken to the jury room and not allowed to mingle
with defendants, witnesses or other people. Redaction pursuant to Sec.
2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.

C. High Profile and High Risk Trial Plan

1. Operational Command

a. Primary authority and responsibility for security operations for a high risk
court proceeding is the Chief Deputy or his designee. He will review and
approve all operational plans used during the trial.

b. The Chief Deputy or his designee is designated as the operations field


2. Notification and Planning:

Upon notification of an upcoming high risk trial, Chief Deputy or his designee
will prepare and submit an operational security plan to the Sheriff.

a. All available intelligence information concerning both the defendant(s)

and the nature of the charge(s) against him or her.

b. Criminal history: with particular attention to any previous acts of violence,

narcotics use, escapes and/or escape attempts.

c. Physical description of defendant(s), including a recent photograph.

d. Personal information of defendant, including home address, names and
addresses of family members and friends, organizations to which the
defendant belongs which may pose a threat; names and addresses of
defendant's visitors at the jail facility.
e. Law enforcement information - case/arrest reports.

f. Schedule of court appearances including arraignments and preliminary

hearings in the General District or Juvenile Domestic Relations Courts,
including the courtrooms to be used; motions, trial, sentencing dates and
presiding judge in the Circuit Court; Commonwealth's Attorney assigned
to the case; and Defense Attorney(s) and expert witnesses if any.

g. Coordination with the presiding judge, Commonwealth's Attorney, and

defense attorneys.

3. Determination of Security Needs:

a. The security plan will address the number of deputies to be assigned for
direct prisoner security, the number of deputies assigned as bailiff,
transportation arrangements to and from the courthouse, or other holding
facility, type of vehicle(s), number of vehicle(s), transporting personnel,
use of decoy vehicle, or need for other specialized equipment or

b. Communications including frequencies, channels, and radios issued to


c. Perimeter security of the courthouse, including but not limited to securing

all doors opening to the outside, rooftop security.

d. Interior security.

e. Seating arrangements inside the courtroom (to be coordinated with

presiding judge and Commonwealth's Attorney), including seats for the
media, victim(s) and family, defendants family and friends, and witnesses
(use of outside witness rooms preferred; separate seating for prosecution
witnesses and defense witnesses).

f. Personal protection needs for the presiding judge, witnesses, attorneys,

and jurors (sequestering determined by presiding judge). This security
may address the needs of personal vehicular, and/or residential protection.

g. Building Search/Shakedown including, if needed, a canine assisted search.

Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195
as amended.

h. Media relations plan including designating a media liaison, providing

space for the media, or other needs.

i. Hostage situation plan - See Emergency Plan.

4. Staff Coordination: Prior to the opening of the trial, staff briefings will be held by
the Sheriff and Chief Deputy or their designee. These briefing(s) will provide
information needed to conduct the trial as well as to discuss other planning and
strategy options. The result of this planning is a contingency plan to address the
potential events.

5. Incidents:

a. If information is gathered that suggests there is an imminent threat to the

trial, the Sheriff or Chief Deputy or their designee will immediately advise
the judge. Action to recess, postpones, or move the trial to another
courtroom will be discussed and determined.

b. In the event of an actual incident, deputies working in the courtroom will

immediately secure the prisoner, the judge and court personnel, the jury,
and advise the supervisor. Back up will be requested, and the contingency
plan implemented. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code
of Virginia 195 as amended.

c. Threats of events will be documented.

6. Critique: Following the conclusion of the trial, the Chief Deputy or his designee
may critique the trial with staff focused on the notification, planning,
implementation and outcome of the activities related to the trial.

7. Seizing Property: Property seized in the course of a high security trial, particularly
at the location of the magnetometer, will be processed and turned over to a
designated evidence officer.

D. Emergency Procedures (fire, bomb, escape, etc.)


1. Medical Emergencies - General Public - If a medical emergency arises involving

a member of the general public or a courthouse employee, the deputy will begin
emergency first aid as dictated by the situation. The deputy will contact, or have
another person contact the Emergency Medical Services, via 911. The deputy will
continue the first aid until emergency personnel arrive.

2. Medical Emergencies Involving Prisoners/Detainees - If a medical emergency

arises with a prisoner, the deputy will secure the scene, and immediately begin
first aid. The deputy should ask that the Emergency Medical Services be
contacted and will continue first aid as needed until the Emergency Medical
Services arrives. If a prisoner in a courtroom exhibits signs that he or she may
need emergency medical care, the prisoner will be immediately removed from the
courtroom, and first aid begun in an adjacent secure area. The Emergency
Medical Services will be called. First aid will continue until the Emergency
Medical Services arrives. Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code
of Virginia 195 as amended.


1. Consideration During a Fire Alarm - Staff should be alert to the possibility of an

alarm being deliberately activated to divert attention from other activities, for
example assaults, escape attempts, or attempts to disrupt judicial proceedings.
2. Fire Alarms - When a fire alarm is sounded, the courthouse will be evacuated except
for sworn personnel of the Sheriff s Office and persons remanded to the custody of
the Sheriff. The deputy assigned to the court will:

a. Call the Fire Department, via 911, and report the alarm, and the location as

b. Notify the Sheriff and the Chief Deputy or their designee of the location of the
alarm and any available information about the alarm and the possibility of an
actual fire.

c. Request that available Court Services personnel closest to the alarm check the
area of the alarm for a possible fire and report to the Sheriff and the Chief
Deputy or their designee.

d. Notify the Sheriffs Office Dispatcher of the alarm/fire and request that field
units be dispatched to the courthouse under the appropriate code.
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as


1. Bomb Threats Received by Telephone - If a bomb threat is received by telephone, the

individual receiving the call should gather as much information as possible about the
threat. Once the information has been evaluated, the Chief or his designee will
determine if the Bomb Disposal Unit of the Virginia State Police needs to be called or
other emergency services. Building evacuations will be at the discretion of the Sheriff
or Chief Deputy or their designee. The responding emergency services will also have
the authority to evacuate the building. (i.e. Fire Department, Sheriffs Office, Bomb
Disposal Unit).

2. Discovery of Possible Explosive/Incendiary Device - If a deputy discovers what he or

she believes to be a bomb device, he will immediately secure the area and notify a
supervisor. Under no circumstances will a deputy attempt to move the suspected
device. As radio communication may detonate a bomb device, telephones should be
used. The supervisor on the scene will immediately call the Sheriff s Office
Dispatcher, via 911, and ask that the Bomb Disposal Unit of the Virginia State Police
be requested to respond. Additionally, the supervisor should notify the Fire
Department, Chief Investigator and the Sheriff, and advise them of the situation. The
courthouse will be evacuated. Appropriate emergency notifications will be made by
the Sheriff or his designee.
Redaction pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.


1. Initial Response
a. Unless immediate action is necessary to protect life, the first deputies on the
scene will confine their activities to containment and stabilization of the
situation. The courthouse should be evacuated if possible without endangering

b. The ranking deputy on the scene will notify the Sheriffs Office Dispatcher and
then and will begin emergency notification to the Sheriff and the Fire
Department. This notification will include preliminary appraisal of the

c. If a hostage or barricade situation exists the supervisor on the scene will

request the assistance of the Virginia State Police hostage negotiator and
tactical team and have it dispatched to the courthouse to standby.
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as

2. Establishing of Command Post: Scene Command

a. As soon as the situation allows, the supervisor on the scene will establish a
command post for the purpose of coordinating the activities of all units
involved. The command post which should include radio and telephone
communications, floor plans, and other items required by the situation.

b. The command post may ultimately be comprised of appropriate Sheriff s

Office Command staff, and when necessary a member of the Fire Department
and other supervisory personnel of the assisting agencies.

c. Overall command of the scene will rest with the highest ranking member of
the Sheriff s Office on the scene.

e. If the Sheriff, or his designee, determines that the situation merits the use of
the VSP, the scene command will be passed to the commander of the VSP.
The scene command will remain with the commander of the VSP until the
incident is concluded. The commander of the VSP will keep the Sheriff, or his
designee briefed as appropriate.

f. Under no circumstances will a hostage taker be permitted to escape or leave

the courthouse.
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as


1. Evacuation of Judges - The bailiff will ensure that the judge has left the courtroom
safely. Judges will be evacuated from their offices and escorted from the building
2. Evacuation of Jurors - The bailiff and/or deputy assigned to the Jury will take the
appropriate action to ensure the safe egress of jurors while protecting the integrity of
the trial proceedings.

a. The deputy assigned to the jury will remain with the jury during the

b. The jurors will exit the building as directed. Jurors will be instructed to remain
together and will advise them that any discussion of the interrupted
proceedings is prohibited.

3. Evacuation of General Public/Courthouse Employees/Witnesses - The general public,

courthouse employees and witnesses will exit the courtroom. They will exit in front
of the courthouse or the two side doors of the courthouse.
4. Evacuation of prisoners - The following procedures will be followed for evacuation
of prisoners from the courthouse:

a. Prisoner Movements - If a fire alarm sounds during a court proceeding where

a prisoner is present, the security deputy will immediately remove the prisoner
from the courtroom and secure the prisoner in the holding cell of the Sheriffs
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as


1. Escape or Attempted Escape - In the event of an escape, or a suspected escape, the

Chief Deputy or his designee will immediately assume the responsibilities for
implementing the procedures contained in this General Order.

2. Securing the Courthouse

a. If there is reason to believe that an escape has occurred, Chief Deputy or his designee will
immediately secure the courthouse, order external perimeter security as necessary,
and request assistance from other divisions. A determination will be made as quickly
as possible concerning:

1. The name and description of the escapee;

2. Location of the escape;
3. The means of escape;
4. Accomplices, if any; and
5. Hazards existing to staff. (Bombs, weapons, etc.)
b. If the escape occurred from the courthouse, and if the identity of the escapee(s) is not
immediately known, all prisoners not participating in court proceedings will be
moved to the jail area and a head count started.

3. Search of the Courthouse - A systematic search will be conducted of the courthouse.

The Chief Deputy or his designee will designate deputies to begin searching the
courthouse beginning on the ground floor. As floors of the courthouse are searched,
the areas will be secured by the best means possible. Deputies participating in the
interior search will be armed.

4. Identification of the Escapee(s) - When the identity of the escapee(s) has been determined,
corrections will provide information to the scene commander including, but not
limited to a photograph, physical description, address, visitor information, criminal
history information, family in-formation, past employers, etc. A copy of the
photograph along with a physical will immediately be furnished to communications
and to any deputy assigned to search for the escapee(s). A teletype of a confirmed
escape and descriptive information will be transmitted by the Dispatcher.
Redactions pursuant to Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.

5. Notification - Notification to the news media, community groups, if necessary, or other

groups will be handled by the Sheriff or his designee.

6. Mobilization of Sheriffs Office Members - If an escape has been affected, the Chief Deputy or
supervisor will make the determination to call back members of the Sheriffs Office to
work. Notification to members to report to work or notification that members will be
held over will be made as quickly as possible.

7. Point of Escape - The point of escape is to be secured and the scene preserved for the
collection of evidence.

8. Securing a Warrant - As soon as possible after a determination has been made that there has
been an escape from custody and the individual(s) has been identified, the scene
commander will secure a warrant for escape. The existence of the warrant should be
entered into VCIN/NCIC. The original of the warrant should be filed with the
Dispatch office and a copy placed in the inmate's file, in records.

9. Post-Incident Notification - When the escapee is captured, law enforcement agencies assisting
with the search will be promptly notified of the capture by the Sheriff or his designee.
The news media will be notified by the Sheriff or his designee.

10. Post-Incident De-Briefing - At the conclusion of the incident, the Chief Deputy or his designee
will prepare a de-briefing report. This report will include, but is not limited to, a
summary of all events, copies of relevant reports and any reference to hardware
which may have contributed to the escape. The Sheriff will assign the escape incident
to the Chief Investigator for investigation.

1. Power Failures During Court Proceedings - Court proceedings in progress or about to begin
when power failure occurs will continue or start at the discretion of the presiding
judge. Any important security concern should be brought to the attention of a
supervisor and the presiding judge.

E. Equipment

1. While court is in session one entrance to the General District courtroom is opened to
the public and employees for entering and exiting. A Garrett Magna Scanner Metal
Detector is manned by a member of this Office.

a. A Garrett hand held scanner is also available to officers for closer inspection of
persons and possessions.

b. Duress alarms are located at each judge’s bench and at other designated points
throughout the courthouse and are periodically tested. Redaction pursuant to
Sec. 2.2-3706 B5 of the Code of Virginia 195 as amended.

c. Items that are used for courthouse/courtroom security are available to officers
at all times.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Legal Process; Records, Process, NUMBER: 159
Execution and Property Disposition
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 31, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Opr. 12.01-02-03-04-05


To govern legal process, both civil and criminal.


Legal process, both civil and criminal, will be governed as follows.


I. Legal Process; Records

1. The secretary or a designee of this office upon receiving legal process is to

record/enter the following information in the civil process database;

a. Date and time received

b. Type of process (civil/criminal)
c. Nature of document
d. Source of document
e. Name of plaintiff/complainant/defendant/respondent
f. Date of assignment


2. Processes are forwarded to field staff for service.

a. A process tracer is completed on papers to reflect any attempted service.

b. A process tracer is completed on any paper that is kept in an officer's

possession past his/her shift.

1. The tracer is placed in the service tray and stays there until the paper is

2. Completed tracers are filed in a designated location by the serving

3. Once served or determined service cannot be made, the serving officer executes the
return and forwards it to administration.

4. The civil process database is updated to reflect the following:

a. Officer assigned for service or serving officer

b. Method of service
c. Date of service and/or return
d. Location of service or attempted service
e. Reason for non-service.

5. Upon completion, processes are returned to the appropriate court.

6. Records are to be maintained for a minimum of six (6) months.

A. automated records may be purged after the six (6) months retention period, at
the direction of the Sheriff.

II. Service of Civil Process

The service of civil process will be in accordance with the, Code of Virginia; Rules of Court;
and local rules as established by the Chief Judges of the 15th Judicial District.

Each newly assigned patrol officer will complete training for Court Security/Civil Process, as
specified by the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

1. All civil processes are served in accordance with the, Code of Virginia; Rules of
Court; and local rules as established by the chief judges of the 15th Judicial District.

2. The Chief Deputy maintains a reference book on civil process. This book contains a
copy of each civil process and directions for executing each specific process.

3. The Chief Deputy is consulted as necessary to ensure that process is served in

accordance with the law and ruled of court.

4. As of January 1, 1998, each newly assigned patrol officer attends the Court
Security/Civil Process training course, as prescribed by the Department of Criminal
Justice Services.

III. Execution of Criminal Process.

A criminal process received by this agency will be executed in accordance with the, Code of
Virginia, and other sections of stated law.

A. Entry
All legal documents received are entered into the agency's automated file. All entries include as
much information as is available at the time of entry, and updated to indicate the current
status and/or location of the document.

1. All criminal documents received are entered into the automated file by designated

a. All felony warrants are entered into VCIN within 72 hrs. Of receipt from the
b. Misdemeanor warrants sent to other jurisdictions for service are entered into
VCIN prior to mailing.

c. Criminal processes are delivered to the Patrol Division for service.

B. Assignment:

1. Officers should make every attempt to serve their own warrants.

2. Each field officer is responsible for the service of all criminal processes on file.

C. Types of Documents:

1. Arrest Documents: The following documents require that the officer take the named
defendant into custody for criminal law violations.

a. Warrant of Arrest-Felony (Form DC-312)

b. Warrant of Arrest-Misdemeanor (Form DC 314)
c. Warrant of Arrest-Misdemeanor (Local Ordinance Form DC-315)
d. Capias, Attachment of the Body (Form DC-361)
e. Capias upon Indictment, Presentment of Information (Form CC-130l)
f. Probation and Parole Board Warrant of Arrest (Form-PB-15 and PB-14)
g. Juvenile Detention Order (Form DC-529)

The following documents require that the officer take the named defendant into
custody for reasons other than criminal law violations.

h. Juvenile Detention Order (Form DC-529)

I. Criminal Mental Temporary Detention Order (Form DC-391)
j. Emergency Custody Order
k. Civil Mental Temporary Detention Order (Form DC-492)
l. Medical Emergency Temporary Detention Order (Form DC-490)

The following document, related to criminal offenses, require the officer to search a
specific person, place or thing.
m. Search Warrants

The following documents require the officer to serve the named individual without
making a custodial arrest. The officer may affect a civil arrest to obtain service.

n. Show Cause Summons (Form DC-360)

o. Juvenile Petition (Form DC-511)
P Summons (Form DC-510)
q. Protective Orders (Form DC-650)
r. Petition for Support (Form DC-610)
s. Subpoena (Form CC-1342)
T. Rule to Show Cause
u. Indictment, Presentment or Information

D. Execution of Legal and Criminal Documents

1. All documents are for service upon individual found, or expected to be found, within
the County of Lancaster.

a. If the warrant or other document requiring arrest is from a county contiguous

to Lancaster County, (i.e. - the counties of Middlesex, Northumberland,
Richmond) the arresting officer may, after executing the warrant and
completing a CCRE form (minus the prints), deliver the accused to the
custody of a law enforcement officer from that county where the charge is to
be tried (this must be immediately), or take the accused before the magistrate,
(§ 19.276).

b. If the warrant is from a city or county not contiguous to Lancaster County, the
arresting officer takes the accused before the magistrate, (§19.2-76).

2. Officers are to attempt to serve all legal and criminal documents "forthwith" which
has been loosely interpreted to mean within 72 hours, unless unusual circumstances
are present.

a. Documents with a predetermined hearing date (items n through u) are returned

to the local courts the day before the hearing date.

b. Documents from other courts are returned in sufficiently in advance to permit

the use of regular mail, unless unusual circumstances dictate otherwise.

c. Felony warrants, fail to appear warrants and capiases, and serious

misdemeanor warrants may be served at any hour of the day of night as
circumstances dictate.
d. Less serious misdemeanor warrants, summonses and other legal documents
should not be served during late hours.

3. A warrant is "valid on its face" when it meets the following requirements as set forth
in §19.2-72:

A. Directed to an appropriate officer or officers;

b. Names the accused or gives a description by which the accused can be

identified with reasonable certainty;

C. Describes the offense with reasonable certainty;

d. Commands that the accused be brought before a court of appropriate

jurisdiction in the locality where the offense was committed, and

e. Signed by the Issuing Officer, (i.e., - a magistrate, clerk or judge).

4. Purging:

a. Misdemeanor warrants are purged from agency files after five years.
b. Most felony warrants are purged from the files after fifteen years.

c. These warrants are forwarded to the Court to be destroyed.

d. As long as a warrant is on file, it is still valid until destroyed by the Court.

5. § 19.2-72 leave the officer no discretion. It states that the warrant shall be executed
by the officer, “.... into whose hands it shall come or be delivered."

6. The serving officer leaves a copy of any warrant or process which is served with the
person arrested, or served with the process, (§ 19.2-75).

a. If no space is provided on the document, for the execution, the officer writes
"Served" or "Executed," followed by the date and time of service, his name
and badge number, and Lancaster County Sheriff s Office for the Sheriff
(name), on the original and the defendant's copies in any blank space on the
face of the document.

7. Upon execution of the legal document, the arresting officer has the Dispatcher check
and remove (clear) the arrestee from VCIN and/or NCIC, or, if the document is from
another jurisdiction, notify that jurisdiction (locate message) if the person was placed
into VCIN and/or NCIC.

a. The officer also checks for other outstanding charges in the agency's
automated warrant file and VCIN/NCIC.
1. If other charges are found outside the county, the arresting officer has
the dispatcher notify the jurisdiction(s) by sending a locate message
that the individual is in custody.

8. All defendants arrested on any felony or class 1 misdemeanor warrant or any offense
for which the arrestee must, by law, be processed, with the exception of class 1
misdemeanors released on a summons, are processed.

a. All county, CCRE, and FBI forms are completed and submitted.

9. Issuance of a Summons in lieu of Arrest

A. For all misdemeanor warrants, the officer releases the accused on a summons,
unless circumstances otherwise dictate. The following circumstances prevent
the officer from releasing the accused on a summons:

1. When the issuing officer indicates that the accused must be taken
before a magistrate.

2. The accused refused to sign the summons after the officer has
explained the purpose of the signature.

3. The accused indicates, by word, action or demeanor, that he will not

appear in court.

E. Search Warrants:

An issued search warrant, based upon complaint on oath, supported by an affidavit as

required in § 19.2-54, Code of Virginia, by any judge, magistrate, or other person having
authority to issue criminal warrants, is promptly served according to Standard Operating

1. To obtain a search warrant, an officer must complete an Affidavit for Search Warrant,
(Form DC-338), and present it under oath to a magistrate, judge or other issuing

2. Search warrants may be issued for the search of specified places, things or persons.

3. The following things may be seized there from as specified in the search warrant:

a. Weapons or other objects used in the commission of a crime.

b. Articles or things, the sale or possession of which are unlawful.
c. Stolen property or the fruits of any crime.
d. Any object, thing, or person, including without limitation, documents, books,
papers, records or body fluids, constituting evidence of the commission of

4. Every search warrant contains the date and time of issue. Any search warrant not
executed within fifteen days after issuance must be returned to the issuing officer to
be voided, (§19.2-56).

5. A search warrant is executed by the search of the place described in the warrant and,
if any property described in the warrant is found there, by the seizure of the property.

a. The officer who seizes the property prepares an inventory thereof, under oath.

b. This inventory must be produced before the court designated in the warrant.

c. The officer executing the warrant must endorse the date of execution on the
warrant and file the warrant, with the inventory or a notation that no property
was seized and the accompanying affidavit, within three days after the
execution, in the circuit court clerk's office in the jurisdiction where the search
was made.

1. Saturdays, Sundays or any federal or state legal holiday are not used in
computing the three-day filing period. (§19.2-57)

F. Return of Un-executed Legal Documents

1. When legal documents are returned un-executed, the officer forwards the document to
administration along with any information as to the reason for nonservice;
A. designated personnel update automated records and forward the document to
the appropriate agency or court;

1. If the document is a criminal warrant from this jurisdiction then the

document is forwarded to the communication center for entry into the
VCIN and placed in the outstanding warrants file.

G. 24- Hour Access to Warrants:

l. The communication center maintains custody and control of the warrant file to ensure
twenty-four hour access to any warrants or other documents on file.

III. Property through Civil Legal Process

Property obtained through legal process will be disposed of in accordance with Virginia

A. Acquisition under Writ of Fieri Facias:

1. The property is placed in secure storage, separate from criminal evidence.

2. For matters resolved before sheriff’s sale, the property is released to the judgment
debtor, with a signed receipt placed in the file.

3. For matters resolved by the sheriff’s sale, the property is turned over to the highest
bidder, with a notation as to the sale amount.

4. for items of personal property which must be licensed (vehicles, boats, etc.); a copy
of the court order is delivered to the winning bidder, along with such other documents
as may be necessary.

5. The Sheriff of Lancaster County is listed as the selling party.

B. Acquisition under Writ of Fieri Facias in Detinue:

1. The property is delivered to the judgment creditor at the time the property is seized.

2. If the judgment debtor surrenders the property to the sheriff by delivery to this office,
a receipt is given to the judgment debtor.

3. The sheriff’s return is the documentation of the disposal of the property.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Domestic Violence NUMBER: 166
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 14, 2010 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish procedures for handling domestic violence.


When handling domestic violence complaints, officers will follow;

a. arrest criteria as outlined;

b. standards for determining the predominant physical aggressor;
c. standards for completing arrest reports;
d. procedures for transporting victims to safe places, medical facilities, or to
appear before a magistrate;
e. requirements for advising victims of available legal and community resources;
f. requirements to petition for an emergency protective order in accordance
withVirginia Code.
g. the requirements for handling domestic violence involving law enforcement
officers; and
h. the requirements for handling repeat offenders of family abuse or domestic



1. Assault: See Va. Code ("Assault and Battery Against a Family or Household
Member," which upon a third or subsequent conviction of the same or similar offense
of any jurisdiction within a twenty year period shall be treated as a Class 6 felony)

2. "Domestic violence shelters/programs" mean services that are provided for women
and their children who have been physically or emotionally abused, or who have been
threatened with abuse by their spouses or partners. Services include crisis
intervention, counseling, shelter, escort to court, food, clothing, and transportation.

3. "Family abuse" means any act of violence, force, or threat including, but not limited
to, any forceful detention which results in bodily injury or places one in reasonable
apprehension of bodily injury and which is committed by a person against such
person's family or household member.

4. "Family or Household Member," per Va. Code includes;

a. Spouses, whether or not residing in the same home;
b. Former spouses, whether or not residing in the same home;
c. Persons who have a child in common, whether or not they have been married
or resided together;

d. Parents, children, stepparents, stepchildren, grandparents, grandchildren,

brothers, sisters, half-brothers, and half-sisters, regardless of whether such
persons reside in the same home with the person;

e. Parents in-law, children in-law, brothers and sisters' in-law who reside in the
same home with the person;

f. Persons who cohabit or who, within the previous 12 months cohabited with
the suspect, and any children of either who then resided in the same home as
the suspect.

[Warrants against family/household members are heard by Juvenile and

Domestic Relations Court]

5. "Predominant physical aggressor" (see Va. Code) is the party that poses the greatest
threat. The predominant physical aggressor is not necessarily the first disputant to engage
in assaultive behavior, but the one with the most ability and inclination to inflict physical
injury. Officers are to identify a predominant physical aggressor based on the totality of
the circumstances. Some or all of these characteristics may be present:

a. Who was the first aggressor;

b. the protection of the health and safety of family and household members;
c. prior complaints of family abuse by the allegedly abusing person involving the
family or household members;
d. the relative severity of the injuries inflicted on persons involved in the incident;
e. whether any injuries were inflicted in self-defense;
f. witness statements;
e. other observations.

6. "Protective order" is a court order of protection on behalf of an abused family/ household

member that restrains the abuser to refrain from further contact, vacate the residence,
relinquish custody of a vehicle, plus other measures. A protective order may be valid up
to two years. Officers must be aware of three types of protective orders:

a. an emergency protective order may be requested by a law enforcement officer by

telephone or in person (or by an allegedly abused individual in person) from a
judge or a magistrate. The emergency protective order aims to protect the health
or safety of any person. It must be reduced to writing as soon as possible by the
officer on form DC-626. This order expires at 5:00 p.m. on the next business day
that the J & DR Court is in session or 72 hours after issuance, whichever is
later. The officer must serve a copy of this order on the respondent, and give a
copy to the abused family/household member. The officer must forward the
original to the issuing judge or magistrate for verification, who then files it
with the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court within five days of issuance.
The officer must also notify communications of the date and time of service.
The dispatcher shall enter the order into VCIN as soon as possible, which
record shall be updated upon service of the order.
b. An abused/family household member may petition for a preliminary protective
order (see Virginia Code) through the Court Services Unit. After an ex parte
hearing and based on immediate and present danger of family abuse or evidence
sufficient to establish probable cause that family abuse has recently occurred, the
court may issue a preliminary protective order (protecting the petitioner or his or
her family) which is valid pending a full hearing. The officer shall leave a
copy of any order with the abused person. The dispatcher enters the order into
VCIN as soon as possible, which record shall be updated upon service of the

c. an order of protection may be issued by the court after the final hearing. This
order is valid for not more than two years, and specifies the types of contacts
and conduct which is prohibited. The appropriate VCIN entry is made on
receipt of the order by this office. Such entry is updated once service is
obtained upon the respondent.

d. Any person violating the provisions of a protective order as outlined in

Virginia Code shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

7. "Purchase or transporting of a firearm by a person subject to protective orders":

Virginia Code prohibit any person subject to a protective order (as defined in the
statutes cited in this order) from purchasing or transporting a firearm while the order
is in effect, punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. Firearms transported or purchased
in violation of this law shall be confiscated and subject to forfeiture. Any person with
a concealed weapon permit shall surrender his permit at the time of service of the
Order. The seizing officer will forward the permit to the court with the return service
of the Order.

8. "Stalking": Any person who on more than one occasion engages in conduct directed
at another person with the intent to place, or with the knowledge that the conduct
places, that other person or the person's family or household member in reasonable
fear of death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury, shall be guilty of a Class 1
misdemeanor. Note that penalties [see (b) below] apply regardless of jurisdiction
where the previous offenses occur. Further, upon a conviction the court shall impose
an order prohibiting contact between the offender and the victim or victim's family.

a. Stalking behaviors include following a person to home, work, and other

places, parking outside home or office, threatening notes or telephone calls,
b. A person who violates Virginia Code when there is a protective order in effect
or for a second time within five years of the first offense will be guilty. of a
Class 1 misdemeanor. A third conviction or for similar offense under the law
of any jurisdiction within five years of the first one is a Class 6 felony.

1. Eligibility for stalking protective orders is extended to victims of

violent crimes resulting in serious bodily injury.

c. Upon a written request from the victim(s), they are to be notified of the
release if released from this agency.
A. Arrest Criteria
1. Officers may make an arrest without a warrant if they have probable cause to believe
that a felony has been committed in or out of his or her presence.

2. The Code specifies the misdemeanors for which officers can arrest for offenses not
committed in their presence.

3. This agency promotes a policy of arrest when the elements of an appropriate offense
are present.

4. Officers cannot release the abuser on a summons, but must take the abuser before a

5. Officers who develop probable cause that a person was the predominant physical
aggressor in a violation of Va. Code (assault and battery against a family/household
member) or Va. Code (violation of a protective order) is to arrest and take him or her
into custody.(If the "no contact," "no trespass," or "no further abuse" provision of a
protective order is violated, then it is treated as its own Class 1 misdemeanor offense.)

a. When the safety of the complainant or victim could be compromised by an

arrest, or some other circumstance precludes physical arrest, the officer must
decide, within his or her discretion, whether to arrest. Officers are not to
instruct victims to obtain warrants for applicable offenses; officers themselves
are to obtain the warrants if circumstance so require.

b. If an arrest is made, advise the victim that the case may be prosecuted even if
the victim later declines to testify.

c. If officers cannot identify a predominant physical aggressor, then they should

not make an arrest. A written report is filed, detailing the incident and
including the reasons for not affecting an arrest. Further, officers are not to
threaten to arrest all parties involved for the purpose of discouraging future
request for law enforcement intervention.

6. In cases where the conditions of a protective order have been violated , officers are to
review the victim's copy of the order, checking it for validity. This information is also
kept on file at the office with the VCIN entry record of the protective order.

a. If a protective order exists and its terms ("no contact, ""no trespass," or "no
further abuse ") are violated then the officer is to arrest the violator if probable
cause exists.

b. Officers are to honor court orders from other states. If officers are unable to
verify an outstanding protective order, they must nevertheless honor it.

c. Officers cannot arrest for violation of the order if the respondent has not be
served with the order. The officer is to provide notice to the respondent as to
the existence and terms of the order.

7. Arrest is the Most Appropriate Response when these Factors are Present:
a. Serious, intense conflict;
b. Use of a weapon;
c. Previous injury or damage;
d. Previous court appearance against the offending party;
e. Previous attempt to sever the relationship;
f. Second call for law enforcement help;
g. When a felony has occurred;
h. Evidence of drugs or alcohol use at the assault;
i. Offenses committed with the officer present;
j. Valid warrants on file for other crimes;
k. A protective order has been violated. Charge as a Class 1 misdemeanor under
Virginia Code;
l. Aggressive behavior toward any person, pets or property, or threatening

8. Arrest the assailant if he or she is present, apply handcuffs, inform him or her that the
decision to arrest is a law enforcement one, and transport securely to the jail

9. If the assailant is absent, transport (or arrange transportation for) the victim to a safe
shelter or other appropriate place. Have circulated a "BOLO" message describing the
assailant and arrange for an arrest warrant.

10. If an arrest must be made because a protective order has been violated, verify its
validity by:

a. Examining the victim's copy, if available:

b. Having communications search VCIN or contact the jurisdiction that issued
the order to confirm its currency.

11. If the Abusive Person is not arrested

a. Complete an incident report.

b. Inform the victim that he or she can begin criminal proceedings at a later time.
c. Provide information about how to file a criminal charge, including time,
location, and case number, if available, and offer to help in filing charges at a
later time.
d. Advise the victim of the importance of preserving evidence.
e. Explain to the victim about protective orders and restraining orders and how
to obtain them and offer to help the victim obtain later.
f. If the victim wants to leave the premises to ensure safety, remain at the scene
while the victim packs essentials. Advise the victim to take only personal
items plus important papers.
g. Give the victim telephone numbers of emergency shelters in the area and the
Sheriff s Office number.
h. Assure the victim that the Sheriff s Office will assist in future emergencies
and explain measures for enhancing his or her own safety.

12. The mind-set during the investigation should be: How can we prove this case without
the participation of the victim.
A report is completed on any complaint of domestic violence.

1. Upon completion of the investigation, the following is to be included in the report

and/or case file.

a. Report of Investigation

2. The following information must be included in the written report if probable cause
exists that an assault and battery has occurred:

a. Identification of the predominant physical aggressor

b. Reasons that person was identified as the predominant physical aggressor

c. If an arrest was not made, document the circumstances dictating another

course of action.

d. Photographs
(1) Photograph the victim and the crime scene to show that a struggle
occurred; if photography is not possible, write a description of it.

e. If a protective order was issued and/or served and on whom.

f. Statements of victim( s) and witness (es)

g. If children were present, make a report of abuse or neglect, if appropriate, and

forward it to Child Protective Services.

D. Transporting Victims to Safe Places, Medical Facilities, or to appear before a

1. An officer investigating any complaint of family abuse including but not limited to
assault and battery against a family or household member shall. upon request,
transport, or arrange for the transportation of an abused person to the hospital. safe
shelter, or magistrate. (See Va. Code)

a. Officers are to assist victims in obtaining transportation to another location if

they cannot drive themselves or do not have transportation, as the
circumstances require. If necessary, officers are to transport victims.

b. If a complainant seeks officers' help in entering his or her residence to obtain

personal property, the officers must determine that the complainant has lawful
authority to do so; must advise all parties that they are accompanying the
complainant to obtain items for immediate personal (or children's) use; that
the officers' function is to maintain order; that any dispute over property is a
matter for the courts to decide.

E. Advising Victims of Available Legal and Community Resources

1. Agency personnel are to refer victims of domestic violence to appropriate community
resources (mental health agencies, medical doctors, legal assistance agencies,
victim/witness assistance programs, and domestic violence shelters/programs). Where
possible, officers are to help victims directly access referral agencies. Referrals help
prevent future disturbances.

F. Petition for an Emergency Protective Order

1. If an officer has at least a reasonable belief that family abuse has occurred and there
exists probable danger of further abuse, the officer is to petition a judge or magistrate
to issue an emergency protective order. Officers are to advise the victim; too, that he
or she can request an emergency protective order directly from a magistrate.

2. An officer can petition for an emergency protective order by telephone or in person.

3. The order will be valid until 5:00 p.m. on the next business day or up to 72 hours after
issuance, whichever is later. The officer is to attempt to serve the order as soon as
practicable to the assailant.

4. The officer shall complete form DC-626 and serve a copy to the respondent as soon
as possible. Field staff is to notify immediately communication of the date and the
time of service of the these orders. The dispatcher is to enter the relevant information
into VCIN upon receipt and update the entry upon service of the order.

5. The officer submits the original order to the issuing judge or magistrate, provides a
copy to the victim, and attaches a copy to the offense report.

6. Officers making arrests under Va. Code will petition for an emergency protective
order. If the officer does not arrest but a danger of family abuse still exists, the officer
will petition for an emergency protective order.

a. If children are involved in the incident, officers are to contact a Child

Protective Services worker if a child is abused or neither parent can
reasonably look after the child's safety and well-being (neglect is a separate,
reportable offense).

b. If the abuser is not present, officers will try to serve the protective order as
soon as possible and so advise the victim once service has been made (and
officers will arrange to have the order entered into VCIN as soon as

G. Arrests of Law Enforcement Personnel

1. If the predominant physical aggressor or abuser is an employee of this agency, the

responding officer summons the supervisor, who in turn notifies the Sheriff.

2. The scene is to be secured and medical attention summoned, if required. The

employee is to be disarmed or removed from access to weapons.

3. The Chief Investigator and or the Sheriff are summoned and will begin an internal
criminal investigation.

a. If probable cause to arrest exists, the investigator will arrest and gather
evidence (including taking photographs) consistent with this general order.
b. The assigned investigator will work with the responding patrol officer to
ensure that the victim receives medical attention, if necessary, is transported
to a hospital or safe shelter, and that all reports are completed, evidence
gathered, and photographs taken.

c. The investigator will speedily present the case to the commonwealth's


4. Upon termination of the criminal investigation, the Sheriff may assign an officer to
undertake an internal administrative investigation in to the incident. The Sheriff may
suspend the employee pending the outcome of the investigation.

a. Suspended employees will immediately turn in all agency-issued weapons,

vehicles, badges, and identification to the property officer.

b. If the internal administrative investigation supports a violation of agency

policy, the Sheriff will take appropriate action consistent with personnel rules.
Further, if the investigation confirms that domestic violence occurred, the
Sheriff may require counseling, psychological evaluation, demotion, or
termination of employment

c. Recently enacted federal law states that any person (including a law
enforcement officer) convicted under any state or federal law for a
misdemeanor involving the use, attempted use of physical force, or the
threatened use of a deadly weapon when committed by a current or former
spouse, parent or guardian of the victim, a person sharing a child in common,
or a co-habitant of the victim (past or present), is prohibited from shipping,
transporting, possessing, or receiving firearms or ammunition. The offense
may have occurred at any time. Law enforcement officers convicted of
offenses involving weapons or threats of force may therefore be unable to
maintain their certification.

5. The Sheriff will ensure that any court orders or injunctions are served to the employee
at the agency. The Sheriff will ensure that legal papers are served in a private setting
so that supervisory personnel can coordinate process service with counseling or
psychological services.
a. The employee's supervisor will monitor the employee's behavior. Upon
service of any court papers, the supervisor will be present to review any
affidavits supporting such papers. The supervisor will stay alert to behavior
that may be unseemly or indicative of problems requiring professional

6. Officers are required to notify the Sheriff of any civil or criminal action pending
against them.

7. Officers of other agencies will be treated as a civilian with regards to domestic

violence. If an arrest is made this agency will attempt to contact the Supervisor of the
officers agency.
H. Dealing with repeat offenders:

1. When investigating domestic disturbances, officers should be aware that there may be a
history of domestic abuse by parties involved. The history does not constitute probable
cause for arrest but it could be used in addition to other factors found on the scene.
Officers should ask the parties involved if there is a history of domestic abuse either in this
county or elsewhere. If there is probable cause for an arrest the officer should follow the
procedure for arrest as listed in this general order.

2. All circumstances of the abuse should be documented weather an arrest is made or not. If
an arrest is not made documentation of the other course of action taken such as referral
information given, any counselor contacted, and why the arrest was not made should be
made in the report. Officers should also note in the report any findings of repeat offenses.

3. If an arrest is made the officer should provide a copy of the criminal history of the subject
to the magistrate for determination of a warrant being issued for the 3rd or subsequent
offense, a class 6 felony under the Virginia Code.

When determining the predominate aggressor, gather all relevant information. Do not assume guilt
based only on visual evidence or physical injuries.

□ History of calls for service at the home

□ History of domestic violence between the parties

•Dispatch/local database
•Officer information
•Disputant information (including excited utterances)
•Witnesses information (other family members, neighbors)

□ Prior assault conviction of either party

□ Current or previous orders of protection filed against either party

□ Proportional nature of injuries inflicted on each person

□ Injuries - offensive and defensive

□ Evidence that one party acted in self-defense

•Scratches on one person's body

•Bite marks on arm or chest of one body
•Defensive wounds on upper arms of one party
•Use of "weapon", such as a frying pan, etc. by one party at the scene
•Injuries that do not fir the stories told by one or both parties

□ Presence of fear in one party

□ Presence of other normal responses to trauma e.g. crying, hysteria, anger

□ Presence of calm and/or controlling behavior in one party

□ Need for protection

□ Potential for future injury

Officer's notes: ____________________________________________________________________





□ Victim received information on victims' services in the area. Use handout, victim card
or fact sheet. (Circle which)

□ Transportation arranged to a hospital, shelter or other safe place at the request of the
victim. (Circle where, if other, write location) _________________________

□ A copy of the report is to be made available to the victim upon request of the victim.
The investigating officer is to note the victim is to be sent a copy of the report upon
its completion. _____________________________________

□ Victim was put in contact with an advocate, shelter, or hotline. (Circle which)
If possible at the crime scene. If not when; _____________________________



□ Identification of the primary aggressor

□ Reasons that person was identified as the primary aggressor;

□ If an arrest was not made, document the circumstances dictating another course of

Officer's Notes:


Interview everyone separately at the scene. The victim and children should not be in the
suspect's line of vision. Interview the victim first, unless you are working alone. Two officers
should respond and investigate domestic violence complaints.

Excited Utterances

An excited utterance is a statement relating to the domestic violence incident made while the victim
or suspect was under the stress caused by the incident. These statements are an exception to
"hearsay' guidelines. Record all excited utterance in quotes in your field notes and the condition and
circumstances the person was in when the statement was made.

Interview the Victim and ask the following questions:

Do you need medical attention?

How can I help?
Do you have any marks of bruises?
Where else do you hurt?
Who hurt you?
What is your relationship to the suspect?
Were there any weapons or objects used to strike you?
How were you injured? Were you hit with a closed or open fist?
Where on your body were you hit?
Were any threats made against you or others?
Were you forced to have sex when you did not want to?
Were any other potential crimes committed (e.g. damaged property, hurt pets, etc.)?
Is the suspect on probation or parole?
Are any court cases pending against the suspect?
Is suspect under any conditions of bond?

Ask about behaviors that might constitute stalking.

Is the suspect following you?

Is the suspect harassing you?
Is the suspect threatening you?

Determine past History.

When has this happened before? How often?

What was the worst incident?
Has a weapon ever been used?
Has the suspect ever been arrested for assaulting you or another member of the household?
Have you ever been treated by a doctor or hospitalized for injuries inflicted by the suspect?

Officer's Notes: __________________________________________________________________

Interview the Suspect

Start by asking non-threatening questions, being careful not to ask leading question. If suspect is led,
the answers are not considered excited utterances. If the suspect has been interviewed by law
enforcement before, he may not cooperate. Keep the suspect talking and attempt to establish
probable cause for arrest.

What happened?
What is going on?
Don't ask "Did you hit her?"

Question any statement made by the victim or suspect that his/her injuries were caused by an

Interview all Applicable Witnesses

document age, sex and name of each child present
be alert to fearfulness in child of either parent
be alert to evidence of child abuse
even if children are not used as witnesses, the presence of children may affect
how the case is handled.

Persons the victim might have spoken with before your arrival
other adults living in home/apartment building
family or friends who were contacted during the incident.
document what was seen and heard
document if neighbor has seen/heard previous incidents of violence.
Person(s) who called (if different than above)

Officer's Notes:

Officers should consider their response to domestic violence calls as homicide prevention. Consider
the following issues when determining future risk of harm or death. An officer's determination of the
following elements will also help assure victim will be able to attain a permanent protective order.

Guns or weapons are kept in the home.

Suspect has access to or carries weapons. Suspect has concealed weapons permit.
Suspect abuses alcohol/drugs.
Suspect has threatened or attempted suicide.
Parties have been recently separated, the suspect is subject to a protective order, and/or
parties have been divorced in past 6 months. The most dangerous time for victim is after
Suspect suffers from depression.
Suspect abuses pets.
Suspect displays obsessiveness about partner.
Suspect has access to victim and/or family members.
Victim has little access to outside resources.
Suspect threatens to kill or severely harm victim or others.
Victim believes suspect may seriously injure or kill him/her.
Suspect shows stalking behaviors.

Officers must petition for an emergency protective order on reasonable grounds that family
abuse or danger of family abuse exists.

Officer's Notes:
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Selection Process For Sworn Positions NUMBER: 167
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 28, 2020 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Per.01.01-02-03-04-05


To identify the process for the selection of qualified applicants for sworn positions.


This agency will recruit and select the persons best qualified to perform its work. Responsibility for
the selection is shared with the Sheriff and selected agency personnel who will be personally
involved in the selection process. The Sheriff reserves the right to wave the selection process if the
candidate for employment is certified and the position is part time.


A. Selection and Employment.

All appointments to the Sheriffs Office are made according to merit and suitability.

Merit and suitability may be ascertained by examinations which are approved by the Sheriff.
Examinations are to relate to those matters which test fairly the capacity and fitness of the
candidates to discharge efficiently the duties of the position for which the examinations are
held. Examinations may be written, oral, physical, or performance tests, or any combination
of these. These tests may take into consideration such factors as education, experience,
aptitude, knowledge, character, physical fitness, or any other qualifications or attributes
which in the judgment of the Sheriff enters into the relative fitness of the applicant.

Personnel involved in the selection process will be trained in these functions.

Candidates' identities are concealed until the examinations are graded. Applicants are
notified of examination dates.

Examinations for purposes of selection are open to all applicants who meet the minimum
requirements for the position being tested.
B. Professional and Legal Requirements

1. The Personnel Officer is responsible to formulate, direct and coordinate a

comprehensive employment program and is to be trained in its functions.

2. Specific selection responsibilities of the Personnel Officer include, but are not
limited to:

a. Recruitment announcements

b. Application forms, physical examinations, correspondence with applicants.

c. Disqualification of applicant.

d. Preparation of relevant examination components and procedures tailored to meet

the specific needs of the Sheriffs Office to insure the employment of best qualified

e. Establishment and maintenance of eligibility lists, removal of names from list,

and annual purging of names from eligibility lists if mandated by the Sheriff.

f. Certification of eligibility

g. Processing of new employees

h. Recommendations to the Sheriff concerning recruitment and selection,

including examination components, procedures, forms, etc.

i. Assisting in actual testing of applicants in areas of physical fitness/agility and oral

panel interviews.

j. Conduct oral interviews with applicants on the basis of standing in the


k. Coordinates panel selection and training.

l. Scheduling of applicants for physical examinations and for testing.

m. Present recommended applicants to the Sheriff.

1. The Personnel Officer maintains a manual on file which describes all

components of the selection process. A copy of this manual is
available in the office of the Sheriff.
2. The Personnel Officer ensures that the selection process uses only those
components that have been documented as having validity, utility, and a
minimum adverse impact.

a. All elements of the selection process are administered, scored,

evaluated, and interpreted in a uniform manner. Personnel
representation of race, sex, and ethnic groups in our service area will
be included in carrying out these requirements whenever possible.

b. All selection materials are stored in a secure area and, if later

disposed of, this action is performed in a manner that prevents
disclosure of the information therein.

3. The Personnel Officer and the Sheriff evaluates the selection process annually.

C. Administrative Practices And Procedures

1. Lateral entry is allowed at the officer level, where the Sheriff evaluates prior law
enforcement service with another agency and can recommend appointment at an
increased salary level. Lateral entry candidates are required to meet the same
qualifications as recruit candidates. Lateral entry may similarly be allowed in any
civilian non-sworn positions where prior experience may be evaluated.
2. Testing of candidates may be ordered by the Sheriff.

a. If testing is ordered, the test will be provided by IPMA (International

Personnel Management Association) or other compliable testing institutions.

1) Test records are to be maintained for a minimum of three (3) years.

b. The Office normally allows candidates not yet appointed to probationary status to
reapply and be retested, and re-included on the eligible list.

c. Candidates who have been rejected for cause (background investigation, medical,
etc.) are not allowed to reapply.

d. Candidates who do not achieve the minimum score are allowed to reapply and be
retested one additional time; if again disqualified by score, no former re-application
is allowed.

3. The Personnel Officer ensures that at the time of application, all candidates are provided a
copy of the selection process information.
4. Candidates determined to be ineligible for appointment are informed by the Sheriff or
Personnel Officer, within thirty (30) calendar days of such decision. (Candidates are informed
of the basis for their disqualification, e.g., background investigation, test scores, medical
examination). Candidates that are determined to be eligible for appointment are informed by
the Sheriff or Personnel Officer in writing or in person within the same time frame.

5. The Sheriff ensures that records of candidates not appointed to probationary status are filed,
retained, and disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local requirements for privacy,
security, and freedom of information.

a. Records of applicants that reach the testing stage (if one is given) will be maintained
for a minimum of three (3) years in a secured location.

D. Background Investigations

1. The Sheriff ensures that a background investigation is conducted of each candidate

prior to appointment. Normally, such investigations are assigned to the Personnel
Officer and/or his designee, who has been trained in collecting the required
information. The investigation uses all data available on the candidate, especially the
application form and medical history questionnaire. Investigations are conducted in
person, unless great distances are involved, in which case, mail and telephone
inquiries are appropriate.

2. The purpose of the background investigation is to determine the candidate's

suitability for employment as a deputy sheriff. Code of Virginia requires such an
investigation. Among other things, the background investigation must verify other
State mandated minimum qualifications for office including U.S. citizenship, have a
high school education or have passed the General Education Development exam
(GED), and possess a valid Virginia driver's license (may possess valid license from
another state but is required to obtain Virginia license prior to employment).

3. The background investigation of regular applicants will include the verification of a

candidate's qualifying credentials to include, at a minimum:

A. Educational achievement - obtain copies of school transcripts if possible.

Contact school officials for personal information.

B. Employment – If the Deputy candidate had been employed at any time by

another law-enforcement agency, the hiring agency shall request from all prior
employing law-enforcement agencies any information related to:

1. An arrest or prosecution of the former officer, including any expunged arrest of

criminal charge known to the agency or disclosed during the hiring process that
would otherwise be prohibited from disclosure in accordance with Virginia
2. Information of a civil suit regarding a former officer’s performance of duties.
3. Information of any internal affairs investigation of alleged criminal conduct, use
of excessive force, or other official misconduct of the state professional
standards of conduct.
4. Information regarding the job performance of the officer that led to their
resignation, dismissal, suspension, or transfer.

If this agency receives a request for this information from any law-enforcement agency
the agency will disclose such requested information within 14 days of receiving the

C. Age/citizenship - verify birth, data, naturalization, etc.

D. Residence - verify current residence; contact landlords, neighbors.

E. Credit history

F. Criminal history - obtain NCIC, state, local records to include driving records,
FBI fingerprint check.

G. Verification of at least three (3) personal references as provided by candidate

and development of at least three additional personal references (teachers,
landlords, neighbors, friends, co-workers) not listed by candidate.

4. Background investigations conducted for applicants for civilian positions with the department
will also be conducted by the Personnel Officer and staff, but is reduced in scope. The intent is
still to ensure that persons employed with the department have suitable background to ensure
compatibility with the goals and objectives of the department.

5. As part of the background investigation process, the names of all candidates is posted on the
department bulletin board, and all personnel are encouraged to provide any information known,
positive or negative, concerning candidates, to the Personnel Officer for use by the investigator
conducting the investigation.

6. The Sheriff will ensure that the record of each candidate's background investigation IS:

a. Maintained in each successful candidate's department personnel file.

b. Maintained for a minimum of three (3) years in the disqualified applicant files.
Names of all new candidates are screened against available files. Where a prior file is
found, such information is reviewed by the Sheriff and used for determination as to
former eligibility for candidacy.

E. Oral Interviews

1. An oral panel, group-interview process is one component of the selection process, including
random questions and rating procedures. The Personnel Officer coordinates panel selection,
training, and participation in the oral interview process.
2. The Sheriff or the Personnel Officer, as one of the final steps in the selection process,
conducts a personal interview with the candidate. The purpose of this interview is to evaluate
the candidate's potential as an officer in terms of his understanding of the job requirements,
job stresses and demands, as well as to explain the pay, benefits, obligations, and
responsibilities of the job.

F. Americans With Disabilities Act: Conditional Offer Of Employment

Applicants selected for positions are offered a Conditional Offer of Employment prior to any
medical screening. The Conditional Offer of Employment is conditional upon the successful
completion of the following as determined by the standards cited in the written job description for
the position and all applicable federal and state statutes and administrative regulations. The
Conditional Offer of Employment includes, but not limited to:

1. A comprehensive medical examination by a licensed physician selected by the Sheriff for

this purpose.

2. A drug screening test conducted according to agency guidelines.

Should an applicant fail to complete any of the above requirements with the exception of those
required by state law or regulation, the Sheriff will investigate the circumstances to determine if a
reasonable accommodation can be made that will permit the applicant to perform the essential job
functions required of the position without undue hardship or disruption to the Office. If such
accommodation is not possible or practical or if the applicant fails any requirements imposed by
state or federal 1aw or regulation, the offer of employment may be withdrawn.

G. Occupational Qualifications

1. The Sheriff ensures that all physical and age qualifications for entry-level sworn positions
meet the requirements of validity, utility, and minimum adverse impact.
2. A medical examination of each candidate is required by Code of Virginia, subsequent to a
conditional offer of employment.
a. The Sheriff selects a licensed physician to conduct physical examinations.

b. The Personnel Officer schedules the candidate for medical examination.

c. The examining licensed physician must certify to the Sheriff that the candidate is
physically fit to perform the duties of an officer.

d. The conditional offer of employment may be withdrawn if the candidate does not pass
this physical.

H. Probationary Period
1. All officers are required to complete a probationary period of not less than 12months.

2. During the probationary period all officers must complete the DCJS required training

3. After completion of the training program, probationary work performance is evaluated, using
valid, useful, and nondiscriminatory procedures.

4. The Office provides probationary employees with a review of performance evaluations.

Review criteria include;

a. Must be the most recent evaluation.

b. Provides for an interview between the employee and the rater's immediate supervisor.

c. Provides for written comments made by the employee.

1. The Sheriff ensures that the appointment rate of candidates from probationary
to permanent status meets the requirements of minimum adverse impact.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Discrimination Prohibition NUMBER: 172
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 20, 2004 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie
VLEPSC STANDARDS: Per.02.01-02-03


To prohibit discrimination in the work place and provides a means by which it can be


Discrimination and/or harassment in the work place based on race, creed, gender, sexual
preference, or national origin is strictly prohibited and will be treated as a Category III
offense. Any employee that is the victim or a witness of such action will immediately report the
incident to his/her supervisor. The supervisor will report the incident to the Sheriff as soon as
practical who will initiate the internal affairs function of this agency.


A. An employee of this agency who believes he/she has been discriminated against because of
race, creed, or national origin is to contact their immediate supervisor. The employee is to
submit a report to the Sheriff, through the chain of command, detailing the circumstances.

B. Employees are to report all allegation of discrimination immediately.

1. Such reports initiate a confidential internal investigation.

2. Investigations of alleged discrimination are conducted by the Chief Deputy who is in

charge of Internal Affairs.

3. Investigations of discrimination is to be held in the strictest confidentiality.

a. Written statements or correspondence relating to an investigation into a

complaint of discrimination is to be maintained in locked files.

b. Reports on investigations of discrimination in the workplace are submitted

directly to the Sheriff by the Chief Deputy.

C. The Sheriff is to immediately take action to limit the concerned employee from any further
work contact.

D. The Sheriff is to initiate the internal affairs function immediately to investigate the allegation
(See G.O. 041)
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 10 2007 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the agency’s salary program.


Salaries paid by the State are set by the Compensation Board and permit a certain number of
sworn and raking personnel. Salaries are determined by years of service, rank and the
county’s supplemental salary based solely on merit and the Sheriff’s discretion. A copy of the
Compensation Board’s pay plan is available for review in the administrative office.
Compensatory time and overtime will be available as defined.


Current and up to date information is available on the Compensation Board’s website.

A. Entry Level Salary:

1. Grade 7; Based on the Compensation Board pay scale on file in the administrative office
plus annual supplement by the County based on merit, determined by the Sheriff.

a. Each grade has 21 steps of increase; an individual may get one step increase
for each year of service.

B. Salary Differential within Ranks:

1. Difference salary within ranks is based on years of service and merit raises
determined by the Sheriff;

a. See Compensation Board Pay Scale on file in administration or check the

Compensation Board’s website under Constitutional Officers pay scale.

C. Salary Differential between Ranks:

1. See the Compensation Board Pay scale plus merit raises determined by the Sheriff.

a. Sergeants-Grade 8- plus county supplement and any increase based on merit.

b. Lieutenant and Investigators-Grade 9- plus county supplement and any
increase based on merit.

C. Chief Deputy-Grade 11- plus county supplement and any increase based on

D. Special Skills:

1. There is no change in salary levels for those with special skills.

E. Compensatory time:

1. Eligible members are compensated with pay, if and when available, at the time and
one-half rate for all overtime hours worked (as defined below).

2. Eligible members are allowed to use their accrued compensatory time, subject to the
limitation that the member’s use of such time does not disrupt the operation of the

F. Overtime:

All employees unless deemed exempt (Chief Deputy) by the Sheriff are eligible for overtime
payments or time off at time and a half.

Overtime Hours Defined

1. Overtime hours for an eligible employee is defined as all those hours worked which
exceed 156 hours in a 28 day period for corrections and 460 hours in a 46 day period
for field. Overtime hours that are given back within the same period as accrued will
be straight time, overtime hours that are carried over into the next period will be time
and a half. Supervisory staff is to make every effort to keep overtime to a minimum.

2. The authorization and control of all overtime work is the direct responsibility of the
immediate supervisor. Overtime assignments are permitted only when required by
operational necessity and without which the normal functioning of the agency
concerned would be adversely affected.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders


AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 1, 2016 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the agency’s leave program.


All personnel will be eligible for leave under the conditions set forth below.


A. Administrative Leave:

When administrative leave is given, it is taken with or without pay, at the discretion
and direction of the Sheriff, and will not be deducted from the employees previously
accrued leave time.

B. Funeral Leave: An employee will be granted full pay for any scheduled work hours missed
during the first seventy-two (72) hours following the death of a member of the immediate family. If
the funeral or memorial service of the deceased occurs more than seventy-two (72) hours after the
death, the employee shall be paid for an additional period of time not exceeding another scheduled
work day for the purpose of attending the funeral. The term “immediate family member” is defined
as including spouse, parent, guardian, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, including step,
foster, and mother and father in-law relationships. “Immediate family member” will also cover any
member of the employee’s immediate household who resided with the employee at the member’s
time of death.

C. Military Leave:

a. An employee who is a member of an officially recognized reserve unit shall

be entitled to fifteen (15) days of military leave for training purposes each
federal fiscal year, plus any week-end days and shall be paid his/her regular

b. An employee who is drafted or volunteers for military service shall be placed

on military leave without pay. Upon receipt of an honorable discharge from
the service or transfer to inactive duty, he/she may, within thirty (30) days, be
reinstated into County service with the same rights and privileges acquired
before entering the military service.
D. Maternity/Paternity Leave:

The Sheriff or his designee may approve maternity leave or a period within the Federal
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) to be agreed upon between the Sheriff or
his designee and the employee. Employee’s may use accrued sick, annual, or
compensatory leave, or leave without pay during the period of maternity.

E. Holiday Leave:

Administrative personnel take holiday leave the day(s) of the designed holiday. Shift
personnel and essential personnel works as scheduled, since the schedule rotates the
employee will get the holiday as their time off allows therefore not requiring any request for
holiday leave. Any holiday leave time given by executive order will be added to the annual

Administrative personnel are granted paid holidays per year as per State Code plus any day
by executive order.

F. Sick Leave:

Employees are permitted to take sick leave only for instances of illness or injury. The Sheriff
may at any time require a physician’s statement to justify the use of sick leave and/or to
determine if the physician approves any employee’s return to duty.

1. Each employee receives one (1) sick day leave for each month worked. Sick leave
may be accumulated without limitation, but the employee is not compensated
monetarily for this time when the employee leaves County Service.

2. An employee may use his/her accumulated sick leave for the necessary care and
maintenance of a family member, provided that such leave shall be limited to no more
than three (3) days at any time, and not more than two (2) times in any one (1)
calendar year, and further, employees must have a sick leave balance of at least
twelve (12) days in order to use it in this manner.

3. Abuse of sick leave benefits by reporting ill or injured when actually fit for duty is
grounds for disciplinary action.

4. Sick leave can be donated to fellow employee’s that may be short of time as long as
the person donating is still an employee of this agency. Once the employee leaves the
agency any accrued sick leave will not be compensated nor transferable to another

G. Vacation (annual) Leave:

All employees earn annual leave as indicated below:


During the first year, through 1 12 24

And including the 5th year

During the sixth year, through 1¼ 15 30

the 10th year

During the 11th year and 1½ 18 36

and thereafter

One day will equal eight (8) hours when calculating time.

Vacation request must be submitted in writing (3 days notice) to the employee’s supervisor for

When an employee leaves the service of the County, he/she is compensated monetarily for
accumulated annual leave up to 140 hours.

If an emergency arises, vacations may be canceled and will be rescheduled. If a vacation cannot be
scheduled between January 2nd and December 20th because of emergency or shortage or personnel,
the vacation may be carried over and rescheduled at the discretion of the Sheriff.

H. Birthday Leave:

1. All employees receive an additional day off for their birthday.

a. The employee is responsible to put in for the leave at least 15 days prior to
their birthday.

2. If the employee is not able to take off the day of the birthday due to agency needs or
scheduling problems, the employee can select a day of his/her choice.

a. The day may be taken no more than a week prior to the birthday unless
approved by the Sheriff.

b. A day off for his leave day is a day off regardless of the hours in a shift and
only applies to the birthday leave.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Benefits NUMBER: 177
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: September 11, 2007 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To described the agency’s benefits.


This agency will describe its benefits to include:

a. Retirement program;
b. Health insurance program;
c. Disability and death benefits program;
d. Liability protection program; and
e. Employee educational assistance program, if any.


A. Retirement Program:

1. Virginia Retirement System. Paid by the county and can retire with full benefits after
5 years of service at age 60 or at age 50 with 25 years of service. Civilian employees
have to age 50 with 30 years of service.

a. Explanation of benefits are available in the “Hand Book for Members”

provided by the Virginia Retirement System upon becoming a member. (Also
available for review on the website “”).

B. Heath Insurance:

1. Health insurance is available through the County and is optional.

a. If the employee elects the county endorsed health insurance the County pays a
portion, the remainder is the employee’s responsibility.

C. Disability and Death Benefits Program:

1. Provided through the Virginia Retirement System.

a. Full time benefits become members upon appointment and are eligible for
these benefits.
b. Explanation of benefits are available in the “Hand Book for Members”
provided by the Virginia Retirement System upon becoming a member. (Also
available for review on the website “”).

D. Liability Protection:

1. Provided by the County. (Information is available at the County Administrators


E. Educational Assistance:

a. This agency does not offer educational assistance to employees.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Clothing and Equipment NUMBER: 178
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the provisions of clothing and equipment used by employees in performing law
enforcement and correctional functions.


Employees performing law enforcement and correctional functions will be provided with the
proper clothing and equipment.


Employees performing law enforcement function are to be provided with, at a minimum, the

a. Two pairs of standard uniform pants

b. Two long sleeve standard uniform shirts
c. Two short sleeve standard uniform shirts
d. Two standard uniform jackets
e. One set of rain gear (rain coat and hat cover)
f. One standard uniform straw hat
g. Two standard uniform ties
h. One traffic vest
i. One bullet resistant vest
j. One set of standard uniform leather gear
k. One set of handcuffs and key
l. One side arm service weapon
m. One latent print kit
n. Ammunition for service weapon
o. Nightstick or Asp
p. Badge (1)
q. Slim Jim (patrol)
r. Two nameplates
s. One pair of standard uniform shoes
t. Fire Extinguisher
u. Identification Card
v. Collar pins
w. Cap-Stun
x. One radio equipped police vehicle
y. One two-way radio hand set

Personnel permanent assigned to the Investigative Division and given the title of “Investigator”
receives a $300.00 clothing allowance annually, in addition to the aforementioned items. The actual
dollar amount may vary and is set by the Sheriff.

Employees performing correctional function are to be provided with, at a minimum, the following:

a. Two pairs of standard uniform pants

b. Two long sleeve standard uniform shirts
c. Two short sleeve standard uniform shirts
d. One standard uniform jacket
e. Two standard uniform ties
f. One set of standard uniform leather gear
g. One set of handcuffs and key
h. One side arm service weapon
i. Ammunition for service weapon
j. Badge (1)
k. Name plates
l. One pair of standard uniform shoes
m. Identification Card
n. Collar pins
o. Cap-Stun

The following uniform may be issued at the discretion of the Sheriff.

a. Two pairs of BDU (black) uniform pants

b. Two long sleeve BDU (black) uniform shirts (includes embroidered name tag and
c. Two short sleeve BDU (black) uniform shirts (includes embroidered name tag and
d. Two cotton pullover cream color shirts summer/winter
e. Two black turtle neck shirts (LCSO embroidered on the collar)
f. Two black t-shirts
g. One BDU (black) uniform jacket
h. One black ball cap (includes badge patch)
i. One pair of black high top all weather leather boots
j. One cold weather trooper hat

The following item is approved but is at the officer’s expense:

1. Dark brown sweaters.

Employees performing the communications function are to be provided with, at a minimum, the
a. Two long sleeve grey shirts with name and approved logo
b. Two short sleeve grey shirts with name and approved logo
c. Two pair khaki, black or grey slacks/pants
d. One coat with approved logo
e. One pair black shoes
f. One photo identification card

The following item is approved for communications operators, but at the employee’s expense:

a. Black or grey sweater with name and approved logo

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Physical Examinations NUMBER: 179
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern the provisions of physical examinations for sworn employees.


Any examination required of a full time sworn employee will be provided at no cost to the


A. The Sheriff may at any time order an officer to have a physical examination by a licensed
medical physician.

1. The physical examination required of the employee is provided at no cost to the

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Work Related Injuries NUMBER: 180A
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 1, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require employees to report work related injuries in a timely manner to ensure claims


Employees will report any work related injuries before the end of duty on the day the injury
was sustained. All injuries regardless of severity will be reported.


A. After sustaining a work related injury, the employee:

1. Notifies the duty supervisor of the injury.

2. The employee makes a copy of the attached document and completes it to the
maximum extent possible.

3. The injury report document is forwarded to administration and placed in the

employee’s medical file. In the event that a workman’s compensation claim is filed,
the document and any other supporting information are distributed as necessary in
order for the claim to be processed.

4. In the event that the employee is unable to file the required document(s), due to the
severity of the injury, the supervisor on duty at the time of the injury is responsible
for the filing of the reports.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Physical Fitness NUMBER: 180
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: May 5, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To encourage both general health and physical fitness be maintained by sworn personnel.


It is the policy of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office to strongly encourage sworn officers to
maintain a high degree of physical fitness and mental readiness.


Physical Fitness

A. Each officer is personally responsible for their own level of fitness so as to ensure that they
are always fit to perform their duties as a Deputy Sheriff.

1. Each Officer is encouraged to maintain healthy lifestyle habits by eating a well balanced
diet and exercising on a regular basis.

2. Officers are encouraged to join the YMCA or any group or gym that will enable them to
exercise and maintain their fitness.

B. If a question of an officer’s health and fitness should arise the Sheriff can order a physical
examination by a physician. Copies of the examination results will be forwarded to the
Sheriff and a copy will be placed in the officer’s personnel file.

C. Health Changes-Any changes, from normal, in an employee’s health may be of concern as

this relates to performance of duties. These changes may occur at any time and must be
reported to the supervisor concerned.

D. Other Employees-Civilian employees are encouraged to have periodic physical examinations

at their own expense.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Off-Duty Employment Restrictions NUMBER: 181-RR
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 26, 2004 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To govern the types of off/extra-duty employment.


No employee will engage in any other employment, business or profession during the hours
which he/she is employed to work for the office, nor outside such hours in a manner or to an
extent that effects his/her ability to perform his/her duties with the agency, impairs the
efficiency of the agency, creates the impression of conflict of interest, or reflects adversely upon
the agency.

Sworn personnel are also prohibited to engage in off-duty employment wherein the actual or
potential use of law enforcement powers is anticipated (this does not apply to extra-duty


A. Employees are prohibited from working in any of the following employment situations:

1. Any occupation which would tend to lower the dignity of law enforcement.

2. Any occupation wherein alcoholic beverages are served and consumed on premise.

3. Any employment which requires access to police records as a condition of


4. Employment, which assists (in any manner) case preparation for defense in criminal

5. Employment on any event wherein any illegal activities are involved.

B. The following employment is prohibited only within the County of Lancaster:

1. Any employment which has any connection with the towing of vehicles, if the place
of employment is used by the office routinely for towing motor vehicles.
2. In the performance of tasks other than those of police service while wearing the
agency uniform.
3. As a process server or bill collector.

C. Permission of the Sheriff or his designee must be obtained before an employee can engage in
off-duty employment. A written request will be submitted by the requesting officer to the
Sheriff documenting the duties involved in the employment.

D. Extra Duty Employment:

1. All extra-duty employment is restricted to the county limits. (This does not include
employment with another law enforcement agency where upon the individual falls
under that agency’s policies and insurance). A written request form must be
submitted by the requesting officer to the Sheriff documenting aspects of the extra
duty employment and his permission or the permission of his designee must be
granted before engaging in the employment.

2. Any request for employment of officers to perform law enforcement services are to
be referred to the Sheriff or his designee.

a. Any outside employment is through the agency only.

b. The behavior of officers during extra-duty employment should follow agency
policy as if on duty.

E. Approval, review and revocation processes pertaining to officers’ off/extra-duty employment

will be conducted by the Sheriff or his designee. The Sheriff may revoke permission to work
off/extra duty at any time. The Sheriffs decision is final.

F. The point of coordination within the agency to oversee adherence to the aforementioned
policies, processes and other matters deemed appropriate by the agency will be the Sheriff or
his designee.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Career Development Plan NUMBER: 183A
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To encourage professionalism within the agency by improving personal skills, knowledge and
abilities of grade seven deputies in order to meet agency objectives, and to reduce deputy
turnover, prevent vehicle accidents, excessive sick leave usage and disciplinary actions.


This agency subscribes to the concept of the Master Deputy Career Development Program
(CDP), and the minimum criteria as set forth in this plan and as prescribed in Items 624,
Paragraph P, Chapter 966, Acts of Assembly and the Compensation Board's Minimum
Criteria for Master Deputy Programs, dated October 27, 1994.


Plan Purpose

To provide each deputy with the necessary information of the eligibility criteria needed to initiate
consideration and participation in the Master Deputy Career Development Program.


The CDP is a recognition and incentive program based upon individual accomplishment and
maintenance of specific criteria. Selection in the CDP is not to be considered a promotion in rank.
All deputies selected to participate in the CDP shall be subject to current agency policies and
procedures and any amendments to established policies. This policy may be amended by the Sheriff
at any time. All financial incentives are subject to approved funding.

The Career Development Plan for grade seven (7) deputies incorporates the following minimum

A. Selection process for offices with two or more ranked positions:

1. The Sheriff appoints a Career Development Board (CDB) to receive applications of

candidate deputies for the program, review and determine eligible criteria and make
recommendations to the Sheriff regarding deputies' acceptance into the program.
2. The minimum composition of the CDB are as follows:

a. One command level ranking deputy, lieutenant or higher.

b. One first line supervisor, sergeant level.

c. One grade seven deputy.

d. One human resource officer/deputy (if the agency does not have a human
resource officer a representative from the county civilian resource office
should be utilized).

e. One ad hoc member as determined by the Sheriff.

3. The Career Development Board is to convene in June and December of each year to
review applications for the program. At this time, the CDB is to request any personnel
file of an applicant or request the applicant to appear in person to answer any

4. Notification of the CDB's recommendation:

a. The CDB forwards all recommendations concerning CDP candidate to the

Sheriff within 30 days following adjournment of the CDB.

b. The CDB notifies each candidate in writing of its recommendations to the

Sheriff no later than 10 days, following adjournment of the CDB.

c. The Sheriff makes the finale decision on a candidate's acceptance into the
CDP. The Sheriff notifies the candidates in writing of his/her acceptance into
the CDP.

d. The Sheriff notifies the deputy's supervisor and all management staff of the
candidate's acceptance into the program in order to assist in the ongoing
evaluation of the deputy.

5. Appeals:

a. A deputy has 10 days to appeal in writing an unfavorable recommendation

from the CDB. The CDB then schedules and hears the deputy's appeal within
seven (7) working days of the receipt of the appeal.

b. If a candidate's application is rejected for entrance into the CDP, that a deputy
may appeal in writing within 10 days to the Sheriff to hear the deputy's
appeal. The Sheriffs' s finding after this hearing is final,
c. If a candidate's application is rejected and all appeals have been exhausted,
he/she may reapply for entry into the CDP after 12 months provided the
deputy has performed at an acceptable level.

B. Initiating Responsibility:

1. It is the responsibility of the individual deputy to review the criteria for

entrance into the CDP and to initiate application into the program as prescribed

2. Application for entrance into the CDP must be submitted in writing to the Sheriff or
his designee 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting of the CDB. Request deadlines,
therefore, are May 1st and November 1st . Requests received after the noted deadline
will be forwarded for consideration at the next scheduled CDB meeting.

3. It is the responsibility of the deputy candidate to include all material that supports his/her
eligibility with the application. Upon request, the deputy appears before the CDB or the
Sheriff to provide additional information and answer any questions that may exist during
the selection process.

4. It is the responsibility of the Sheriff to notify the Compensation Board using C. B, Form
10-MD, of selections made to the Career Development Plan.

C. Eligibility Criteria:

In order to be eligible for the Career Development Program, a deputy must demonstrate above
average service as defined in the following criteria areas.

1. Length of Service: Length of service and, experience is considered when determining

eligibility for the CDP. When determining length of service, only those years served with
the candidate's current agency are to be considered, Employment must be continuous
without a break in service from the time the deputy fulfills the minimum service
requirement and application into the CDP.

a. The minimum length of service necessary to be considered for selection into the
program is five (5) years served consecutively.

1. The longevity of service beyond the minimum of five years is not to be

considered when determining selection into the CDP.

2. Job Performance: Overall job performance is used as a criterion for the selection process.
Candidates for the CDP must personify exemplary commitment and dedication to their
job assignment and serve as a model to other agency employees. The following criteria
should be considered a minimum requirement for selection.

a. Each deputy candidate must have received overall above average evaluations on
his/her last two performance reviews. (The deputy's supervisor determines the
two performance objectives that are used for evaluation purposes. Deleted per
Sheriff 061099)

b. The deputy candidate is not to be considered for selection into the CDP if
overall job performance objectives scores are below 65 per cent on each of the
two most recent rating periods. (Percentage is calculated by totaling the
highest rating numbers (4's) and obtaining the number that is 65% of that
total). (Changed per Sheriff 061599).

c. The deputy candidate is not to have no more serious disciplinary action than
one (1) written reprimand within the past two years immediately preceding
application for selection.

3. Vehicle Accidents:

A deputy is required to ensure that a safe driving environment is maintained for the
protection of life and property, not only for him/herself, but for the general
community as well.

a. As a minimum, a deputy is not to have more than one preventable vehicle

accident in the past three (3) years.

b. The jurisdiction's accident review board's determination regarding avoid

ability is used as documentation in the event an accident has been recorded. If
the jurisdiction does not have an accident review board, the agency's internal
investigation of the accident is used to determine avoid ability. If section III,
A. applies, this information is submitted to the C.B. or sheriff for
consideration in the selection process for those situations governed by III. B.

4. Firearms Proficiency:

One of the most critical aspects of a deputy's job is that of exercising sound judgment
regarding use of force to ensure a safe environment. Deputy candidates for the CDP
should show superior leadership in this and all areas of firearms proficiency.

a. A deputy must qualify, annually with an agency-approved firearm with a

score of not less than 80.

b. Range qualification includes a review of policy relating to:

1. Weapons’ safety
2. Nomenclature
3. Weapons’ maintenance
4. Use of force
c. Courses for firearm qualification is to be in compliance with standards
established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services for in-service
training. Anyone or combination of the following courses is to be used to

1. Virginia Modified Double Action Course for Revolvers

2. Virginia Modified Double Action Course for Semi-Automatic Pistols
3. Virginia 50 -Round Tactical Qualification Course for Revolvers and
Semiautomatic Pistols.

d. Any deputy whom carries or by special duty assignment may have available
for immediate use any special weapons(s), must qualify with that weapons(s)
on an agency-designed course with a minimum score of 80.

e. Equal consideration must be given to a deputy's judgment and actions based

on the appropriate use of force. The deputy's immediate supervisor will make
this determination and forward his/her evaluation to the CDB or Sheriff. If
available, judgment simulation courses should be used to test a deputy's
reaction to stressful scenarios and his/her understanding of use of force

5. Training/Education

a. A deputy must complete a minimum of 40 hours of job-related specialized

training every two years in addition to the mandated in-service training
required by DCJS.

b. Training courses must be approved by the Sheriff and designed to enhance

the deputy's career beyond minimum training requirements.

c. A deputy may substitute job-related college courses for the specialized

training requirement as follows:

1. A college course of at least three (3) Credit hours may be substituted

for 40 hours specialized training. A minimum grade of C must be
obtained in order to receive credit for college course work,

a. The college, university or community college must be

accredited by the State Council of Higher Education of
Virginia or a like agency in other states.

b. The deputy must provide copies of official transcripts for all

college credits claimed. Transcripts must be submitted within
one year of completion of the course.
c. Upon verification a deputy may substitute a previously
acquired job related associates' degree or higher for the training
requirement needed to meet the entrance criteria for the CDP.
However, once accepted into the program, a previously
achieved degree may not substitute for the ongoing
training/education requirement.

e. These requirements will continue to be in force as long as the

deputy is participating in the CDP.

6. Attendance:

a. Sick-leave - Each deputy is to subscribe to agency's Personnel Rules or Policy

regarding use of sick leave. A deputy must have a sick leave usage rate the
same or less than the average usage in the agency

1. Computation of sick leave usage is on a calendar year basis

commencing on January 1't and concluding on December 31st.

2. Instances of legitimate, hospitalization, injuries or illness are not cause

for exclusion from the CDP.

3. Each deputy is required to provide justification as to the legitimacy of

such when his/her sick leave utilization exceeds the maximum time
allowed. Documentation must be included in the deputy's personnel
file prior to the meeting of the C.B. or Sheriffs review.

4. Immediate family sick leave and personal sick leave is considered to

be one in the same. Each use of such sick leave must be documented in
order for it not to be counted against a deputy.

b. Reporting - Each deputy must have a punctual reporting record in accordance

with the agency's policy governing reporting. This applies to all scheduled
functions where the deputy is serving in an official capacity including, but not
limited to duty assignment, court, range, training, meetings, etc.

1. Evidence of compliance is to be supervisory documentation of on-

time reporting; or on such occasion, the deputy contacting his/her
immediate supervisor prior to the time tour of duty is to begin and
advising his/her supervisor of an impending late arrival or absence
from duty.

D. Removal:

Appointment into the CDP is not permanent. A deputy once admitted into the CDP is
responsible for maintaining all stated minimum performance criteria in order to retain
his/her CDP status. The deputy is encouraged to work with his/her supervisors to ensure
minimum requirements are met. However, if necessary, the following procedures are to be
followed to initiate removal of a deputy from the CDP.

1. The Sheriff makes the final determination regarding removal from the CDP. If
removal from the CDP is made, the Sheriff makes the necessary notification to the
deputy, his/her supervisors the C.B. (if appropriate) and to the Compensation
Board by submitting C- B, Form 10-MD.

2. If the deputy's immediate supervisor(s) determines that he/she is not maintaining

the minimum prescribed criteria, the supervisor will draft a memorandum to the
Sheriff which outlines the specific events or deficiencies leading to a
recommendation for removal from the CDP. A copy of the memorandum will be
provided to the deputy and a copy placed in his/her personnel file.

3. Upon receipt of the memorandum recommending removal from the CDP, the
deputy has five (5) working days to appeal in writing the Sheriff or his/her
designee. The Sheriff or designee promptly schedules and conducts a hearing with
the deputy and his/her supervisor to allow explanation of the pertinent
circumstances from both parties.

4. Any deputy removed from the CDP may reapply for selection into the program at
the end of a 12-month period subject to a master deputy' grade availability. The
deputy must have performed at an acceptable level during this period and submit
his/her request and supporting documentation in writing to the Sheriff through the
chain of command. The application is to be accompanied by a recommendation
from the deputy's supervisor indicating deficiencies have been corrected and
reinstatement is appropriate.

5. Any deputy removed from the CDP for more than 18 months, must reapply under
the original selection criteria as established in this plan.

6. Any deputy selected for the CDP is not to have his/her status revoked solely as a
result of a reduction in the total number of eligible grade seven Compensation
Board reimbursed positions in the agency.

E. Administration.

1. Employee Evaluation Plan - this agency is to develop and maintain an employee

plan that meets the minimum criteria established by the Compensation Board.

2. Compensation - It is the understanding of this agency that 20% of grade seven (7)
deputies may receive additional compensation reimbursed by the compensation
Board as a result of being selected for the CDP. Additional compensation is not to
exceed a 4-step increase in salary. Upon removal from the CDP, the deputy's
salary is adjusted to revert back to the original amount which preceded entry into
the CDP.

F. Equal Opportunity Statement -This agency certifies that career development opportunities
are available to all grade seven (7) deputies. Selection into the CDP will be made without
regard to race, religion, gender, national origin or political affiliation of deputies who
choose to apply.

G. Employment Status of Deputies - Not withstanding to the contrary contained in this

program, nothing herein is intended nor should be assumed to contradict or diminish the
power and authority of the Sheriff conferred by Virginia Code Section 15.1-48 with
respect to his appointees. All deputy sheriffs are and remain appointees of the Sheriff and
are not to be considered or assumed as employees of either the Sheriff or Lancaster
County. Neither the creation nor the operation of this program confers in a deputy sheriff
any grievance rights, and no deputy sheriff has the right to be represented by counsel
when appearing before any administrators of this program in connection with operation of
this program.

H. Availability of the Career Development Plan - This plan is made available to all sworn
personnel of the Lancaster County Sheriff s Office.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Knowledge, skills, abilities inventory NUMBER: 183
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 26, 2004 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


In order to provide accurate and effective career planning based on the background of the


It is the policy of the Lancaster County sheriff’s Office to maintain an inventory of each
employee’s skills, knowledge and abilities.


A. The skills, knowledge and abilities inventory will contain the following information:

1. Educational Background

2. Training courses completed

3. Work experience (past and present)

4. Special skills

5. foreign languages

B. The skills, knowledge and abilities inventory will be completed by the employee at initial hiring.

C. Employees will be responsible for review of their skills, knowledge, and abilities at the time of
their performance evaluation to verify accuracy.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Performance Evaluation System NUMBER: 187
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 26, 2004 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To outline and describe the agency's evaluation process.


The agency will regularly and formally evaluate the performance of officers and other
employees. The evaluation system's goal is to serve both the interests of management and
agency employees. The objectives of the evaluation system are to:

a. Allow fair and impartial personnel decisions;

b. Maintain and improve performance;
c. Provide a basis and a medium for personnel counseling;
d. Assist decisions about the tenure of probationary employees; and
e. Identify training needs.


Evaluations on each employee are to be completed annually as set forth and turned into the Sheriff
no later then August 1st of each year.

A. General

1. All officers are to be evaluated using forms approved by the Sheriff.

2. Evaluations reflect observations and perceptions by rating personnel, and are,

therefore, inherently subjective. Nevertheless, personnel are rated as set forth:

a. 0 = does not meet expectation

b. 1 = fair, but needs improvement
c. 2 = meets expectation
d. 3 = exceeds expectation
e. 4 = exceptional

3. Personnel receiving a score of zero (0) in any category, a score of one (1) in two (2)
categories or a score of one (1) in the same category in two (2) consecutive
evaluations is placed on probation for a period to be determined by the Sheriff.

Within the probation period, an officer receives counseling and/or remedial training
in the deficient areas; demonstrate proficiency (or satisfactory improvement) in the
deficient areas. The training and improvement behavior is documented on the
evaluation form. During a probationary period for remedial training, an officer
receives evaluations bi-weekly. Upon completion of the probationary period;

a. An employee receiving a favorable evaluation is removed from probation by

the Sheriff.

b. Failure of the employee to improve to an acceptable level (above the level that
placed the employee on probation) in the deficient areas may result in

4. All evaluations are placed in employees' personnel files.

5. Officers are to be evaluated formally by the division head; the division heads by the

6. An officer who receives an unsatisfactory mark he or she perceives unjust may appeal
same to the Sheriff. The officer concerned must rebut the comments or marks in
writing, submitted through the chain of command to the Sheriff.

B. Scale Value Application:

1. The philosophy of the evaluation form focuses on observations of demonstrated

proficiency in behavior relevant to the job. Proficiency may be demonstrated in a
variety of ways:

a. Performing the behavior in the field.

b. Performing the behavior in a practical exercise or simulation, accompanied by
written or oral testing.
c. Written or oral testing (for subjects not amenable to field demonstration).

2. Any numerical rating 1 or below must be documented. Deficiencies in behavior must

receive precise documentation. For example, an officer might receive a "0" under
category III, officer safety. The rater would write his comments, "Officer consistently
presents his gun to traffic violators and approaches stopped vehicles with objects in
both hands."

C. Evaluation of Division Heads and civilian employees.

1. Civilian employees are evaluated on forms approved by the Sheriff.

2. The investigators are to be evaluated using the same form as that for field officers.
Under "comments," the rater is to specifically refer to the accomplishments, training
and behavior and as an investigator.

3. Dispatchers and Correctional officers are evaluated on form approved by the Sheriff.

4. Division heads are evaluated using a narrative, comments concerning the supervisor's
performance. The Sheriff is to address, at a minimum, the following points:

a. Ability to instill in officers a high regard and respect for the rule of law, civil
rights, and concern for victims.

b. Ability to perceive performance weaknesses in his officers, conduct remedial

training, and document improved proficiency.

c. Command of patrol techniques, methods, and investigative procedures.

d. Ability to reprimand, counsel, praise, or otherwise discipline his officers.

e. Ability to take responsibility for the performance of his officers.

D. Supervisory Review.

1. The Sheriff or his designee counsels the employee at the conclusion of the rating
period and includes the following;

a. Results of the performance evaluation just completed;

b. Level of performance expected, rating criteria or goals for the new reporting
period; and

c. Career counseling relative, to such topics as advancement, specialization, or

training appropriate to the employee's position.

II. Probationary Employees

A. During an employee's probation period (6 months), the division head or his designee
conducts a monthly performance evaluation on the probationary employee.

1. The probate is counseled at the conclusion of the rating period to include the

a. Results of the performance evaluation just completed;

1. Problems and weaknesses identified,

2. Corrective recommendation given, and
3. Strengths and positive work behavior noted.

b. Level of performance expected, rating criteria or goals for the next


B. If the division head determines the employee is not suitable for continued
employment, the division head meets with the Sheriff to discuss termination.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Promotional Process NUMBER: 191
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 15, 2013 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To describe the agency’s promotional process.


This agency will provide promotional opportunities for the full use of employee skills and
abilities and to fill higher level positions from the ranks of current employees providing there
is a sufficient number of qualified applicants. This agency will select by evaluating candidates
for promotion and advancing the most qualified.


A. Responsibilities

1. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for the formulation, direction and
coordination of a comprehensive employment program. This employment program
includes the functional area of promotion. Specific responsibilities include:

a. Approval of position descriptions including any prerequisites for eligibility for


b. Announcements of vacancies and processes to be used to fill these vacancies;

c. Receipt of applicants;

d. Disqualification of applicants;

e. If used, preparation of relevant examination components and procedures that

are tailored to meet the needs of the department, which are job-related and
non-discriminatory, and measure the skills, knowledge and abilities of
employees for positions;

f. If used, assuring all examinations are in compliance with Equal Opportunity

Employment commitments, programs and practices;

g. If used, selects and assists in the development of measurement instruments
that are used in determining skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees for

h. Conducts oral interviews of candidates, selects candidate for promotion;

i. Administers employee probationary periods.

B. Promotion Process

1. All promotions are made according to merit, ability and fitness.

2. Merit, ability and fitness may be ascertained by examinations which are approved by
the Sheriff.

a. Examinations are to relate to those matters which will test fairly the capacity
and fitness of the candidates to discharge efficiently the duties of the position
for which the examinations are held.

b. Examinations may be written, oral, physical, performance tests, or any

combination of these.

c. These tests may take into consideration such factors as education, experience,
aptitude, knowledge, character, physical fitness, or any other qualifications or
attributes which in the judgment of the Sheriff enters into the relative fitness
to the applicant.

d. Candidates’ identity is to be concealed until the examinations are graded.

e. Applicants are notified of examinations dates, if any.

3. The Sheriff may elect to promote without the aid of an examination. This process
will be accomplished by appointing a promotional review board of senior
supervisors and/or at least one from outside the agency who will evaluate each
candidate for promotion. They will take into consideration the candidate’s years of
service, training, stats from previous years, and their evaluations. Once the board
makes their decision they will make their recommendation to the Sheriff. The
Sheriff will have the final say as to who is promoted.

C. Announcements are to be issued no later than 30 calendar days prior to the position being

1. This announcement identifies the prerequisites of the job, and includes all dates, times
and locations of all elements of the promotional process, and requires the filing of a
letter of intent to participate.

a. Lateral Entry: In cases where special qualifications and/or attributes are
necessary and are not present, the Sheriff may find it necessary to fill a
departmental position from outside the Sheriff’s Office. Promotions will be
made from within when possible.

b. Promotions are normally announced in an Executive Personnel Order which

states an effective date for the promotion. Promotion, in addition to a change
of job, of title, and of insignia, normally involves a salary increase.

D. The Chief Deputy or his designee is responsible for reviewing the results of the promotional
process and reporting to the Sheriff with recommendations.

E. Eligibility (Due to the infrequency of promotions, no eligibility list is maintained).

Certain time in service and/or rank is established for a candidate’s eligibility to participate in
the promotional procedure.

1. Master Deputy

An officer must have 60 months of continuous service with the Sheriff’s Office, in
addition the officer must complete 40 hours of job-related training every two years in
addition to mandated in-service. The officer must qualify, annually with an agency
approved firearm with a score of not less than 80. Officers must maintain above
average evaluations by supervisors and not have more than one preventable vehicle
accident in the three (3) years preceding the consideration for promotion.

2. First Sergeant & Sergeant

An officer must have twenty-four (24) months of continuous service with the
Sheriff’s Office, five (5) years law enforcement work, including investigations. In
addition, the officer must be certified as a General instructor, DARE instructor or

3. Lieutenant

The term is used to describe any employee having charge of, or being responsible for
a division while performing the duties necessary to accomplish the assigned mission.
Must have five (5) years of continuous service and meet a sergeant’s entire

4. Captain/Major

The Captain and Majors positions are appointed by the Sheriff

F. The Sheriff will ensure all elements used in the promotional process are job related.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Code of Conduct NUMBER: 197
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To specify a code of conduct for all employees.


The maintenance of unusually high standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality, and conduct
by employees is essential to assure the proper performance of official business and
maintenance of confidence by the citizens of Lancaster County. All employees will adhere to
this high standard.


Integrity: The public demands that the integrity of its law enforcement officers be above reproach.
Succumbing to even minor temptations can be the genesis of a malignancy, which may ultimately
destroy an individual's effectiveness and contribute to the corruption of others. An officer must avoid
any conduct, which might compromise the integrity of himself, his fellow officers, or the Sheriffs

Courtesy: Effective law enforcement depends on a high degree of cooperation between the Sheriffs
Office and the public. The practice of courtesy in public contacts encourages understanding and
appreciation; discourtesy breeds contempt and resistance. The majority of the public is law-abiding
citizens who expect fair and courteous treatment. While the urgency of a situation might preclude the
ordinary social amenities, practice of courtesy is not a manifestation of weakness; on the contrary, it
is consistent with the firmness and impartiality that characterizes a professional law enforcement

A. General rules of conduct

1. Information in the following is to be confidential:

a. Memorandums
b. Correspondence
c. Evidence
d. Complaints related to official investigations e. reports submitted to the
office in confidence.
2. Personnel records and any other record or information designated as
confidential by the Sheriff.

3. No employee is to release any story or statement to any magazine, periodical

or other publication, or publish/cause to be published any statement about the
Operations of the office without first submitting it to the Sheriff or his
authorized representative for review.

a. The purpose of such review is to insure that confidential information is

not divulged or any statement made which would improperly impair
the efficiency of the office or employees.

4. No employee is to publish or cause to be published any statement in which he

represents himself as an official spokesman for the office without authority
from the Sheriff.

5. Employees are to be punctual and prompt in response to all calls,

requirements of duty, court appointments, and in any other situation where
time may be specific.

6. Any employee who is the plaintiff in any civil action, is charged with a traffic
offense, or learns that he/she may be the defendant in any civil or criminal
action, is to report such action to the Sheriff without delay.

7. Employees will at all times be courteous, patient, and respectful in dealing

with the public, and by impartial discharge of their official duties earnestly
strive to win the approval of all law-abiding citizens.

8. No employee will, AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OFFICE, sign any

petition without permission from the Sheriff.

9. Employees should pay each just financial obligation in a proper and timely
manner so as not to reflect adversely upon the office or employees. Just
financial obligations are those, which have been acknowledged by the
employee, or those reduced to judgment by a court.

10. Employees are not to use snuff or chew tobacco in public while on duty.
Employees having stopped a motor vehicle for a violation or on the scene of a
call are to refrain from smoking or leaning on the vehicle.

11. Employees are to give their names in a civil manner to any person who may
request this information in relation to their official duties with this office.

12. No employee is to use his/her badge or credentials for the purpose of gaining
any personal advantage, nor for the purpose of warding off the consequences
of any illegal act.
13. Unless otherwise authorized by the Sheriff, each employee is to carry his/her
identification card and badge on his/her person at all times and have access to
an approved sidearm.

14. No employee is to authorize the use of a photograph of him or employees in

uniform in connection with any testimonial or advertisement of any
commodity or commercial enterprise; nor shall any employee in his official
capacity endorse or subscribe to any such testimonial or advertisement. No
mention is to be made of his official title, rank or testimonial or advertisement
without permission from the Sheriff.

a. When any employee is photographed while performing his/her official

duties, he/she will make every effort to conform to all office
regulations governing personal appearance and general demeanor.

b. Employees are to make every effort to avoid being photographed with

prisoners, at the scene of a crime, or other place where an investigation
may be in progress, or in any situation, which may tend to present law
enforcement in an unfavorable manner.

15. No employee is to speak derogatorily of a person or group because of race,

creed, religion, family background or nationality.

16. Employees are to maintain sufficient competency to properly perform their

duties and assume the responsibility of their positions. Employees are to
become familiar with local and state laws and enforce them accordingly.
Incompetence will not be tolerated in any form and will constitute grounds for
disciplinary action.

17. Sworn personnel are to at all times preserve the public peace, prevent crime,
detect and arrest law violators, protect life and property, and enforce all
criminal laws of this jurisdiction and state. All officers will offer their
assistance to any field Deputy, State Trooper, or other Police Officer who is in

18. Courtesy and civility toward the public are required of all employees of this

19. Members of the public occasionally request services of the office, which the
office cannot provide or does not, as a matter of policy, provide. When the
requested service is available by another public agency, however, consult the
county directory and refer them to the appropriate agency.

20. Employees will refrain from making wisecracks and sharp retorts when
dealing with the public.
B. Public Appearance

1. All employees of this office will at all times appear neat and clean, and keep
their clothing and equipment in proper repair. Whenever they appear in
public, they must be clean-shaven, have their hair groomed, and be clean as to
their person.

a. Hair - Uniformed Female Employees: Hair shall be clean,

trimmed and present a neat in appearance.

b. Hair - Uniformed Male Employees: Hair shall be tapered on

the sides and at the back of the head. It shall not appear bulky
at any point, and only the closely cut or shaved hair may touch
the collar or ears. Hair on the forehead will not extend below
the uniform hat when properly worn.

2. Sideburns shall not extend below the bottom of the ear.

3. If a mustache is worn, it shall be neatly trimmed and tidy. Mustaches

may extend laterally not more than one-half inch from the comer of
the mouth, and shall not exceed below the comers of the mouth, and
shall not exceed three-eights inch in length.

4. Wigs or hairpieces will not be worn on duty in uniform except for

cosmetic reasons to cover natural baldness or physical disfigurement.
If under these conditions a wig or hairpiece is worn, it will conform to
office standards.

5. Earrings will not be worn on duty except for those females who have
pierced ears.

6. Cosmetics, if worn, shall be subdued and blended to match the natural

skin color of the individual. False eyelashes are prohibited.

7. Fingernails will be clean and trimmed at all times.

8. When necessity causes any uncleanliness or lack of neatness, the

employee will avail him/herself of the first opportunity to remedy this

9. While the uniform is being worn, all buttons will be buttoned and all
leather will be shined. Handkerchiefs, notebooks or other articles will
not be exposed. The badge will be worn attached to the appropriate
holes of the issued shirt. The nameplate will be attached to the pocket
flap on the opposite side of the shirt from the badge, directly below the
top seam of the pocket flap in the center.
10. When the uniform heavy-duty jacket is worn, the employee's badge
will be placed in the appropriate holes in the outside of the jacket.

11. The buckle of the duty belt will be worn exactly centered in front with
the tongue of the belt to the left.

12. Metal insignia of rank of officers of grade of Lieutenant and above

will be worn on both sides of the shirt collar centered from bottom to
top, parallel to the front edge of the collar, an inch from the front edge.

C. Compliance with Orders

1. Employees are to promptly obey any lawful order issued by any

superior officer. Should such order conflict with any previous order or
published regulations; this conflict is to be respectfully brought to the
superior officer's attention. The superior officer who issued the
conflicting order is to take such steps as are necessary to correct the
conflict in orders, and, at the same time, he are to assume full
responsibility for the subordinate's action.

a. Failure or deliberate refusal of any employee to obey a lawful

order given by a superior officer will be regarded as
insubordination and grounds for disciplinary action.

2. Unlawful orders

a. No employee is required to obey an order, which is contrary to

Federal, State or County laws. Responsibility for refusal rests
with the employee, who must be prepared to justify his/her,

3. Improper orders

a. Employees who are given orders that they feel are unjust or
contrary to regulations must obey the order, but at the first
opportunity report the incident in writing to the Sheriff through
the proper chain of command.

D. Sworn personnel will, at all times, within jurisdictional limits, prevent crime,
preserve the peace, protect life and property, detect and arrest violators of the
law, and enforce the laws of the United States, Commonwealth of Virginia,
and all local ordinances, in accordance with the roles, regulations, policies,
procedures, and orders of the jurisdiction and the agency. Officers will be
conscious that when they act under "color of law," that the phrase includes not
only laws but also policies, procedures, ordinances, common usage, and
E. Obedience to laws, ordinances, rules, regulations

1. DEFINITION -Employees will obey all federal and state laws. They
will also obey all laws and ordinances of Lancaster County. Employees
will obey all rules, regulations, directives, and orders as may be issued
by the agency. The term "employees" include both sworn and non-
sworn personnel.

2. AUTHORITY - Employees will obey all lawful orders issued to them

by competent authority.

3. VIOLATION OF LAW - Supervisory officers will not knowingly or

willfully issue any order in violation of any law or ordinance or of any
rule, regulation, general or special order of the agency.

4. CONFLICT OF ORDERS - To permit effective supervision, direction,

and control, employees should promptly obey any lawful order of a
superior, including any order relayed from a superior by an employee
of the same or lesser rank. In the event an employee is given two
apparently lawful but different orders that may be in conflict, the last
order given should be complied with unless the order is retracted or
modified. In the event an employee receives conflicting orders, the
employee should inform the person giving the last order of the conflict
of orders. That person giving the conflicting order should then resolve
the conflict by either retracting, modifying or requesting the employee
to comply with the latest order. In the event the conflicting order is not
altered or retracted, the employee will to be held responsible for
disobedience of the order or directive previously issued.

5. OBEDIENCE TO ORDERS - No employee of the agency is required to

obey any order which is contrary to the laws of the United States, State
of Virginia, or ordinances of Lancaster County; however, such refusal
to obey is the responsibility of the employee and he will be required to
justify his action.

6. CIVIL RIGHTS - All members are to take care to observe and respect
the civil rights of citizens, as the term "civil rights" is commonly


arrests a member of another law enforcement agency is to immediately
notify his own supervisor of the fact. Officers must take whatever
action is appropriate to the circumstances, including issuance of
citations or making an in-custody arrest.

8. FALSE STATEMENTS - On any official matter whatsoever, members

are not to knowingly make any false statements or misrepresentations
of the facts.

9. ENFORCEMENT WHILE OFF-DUTY - If an officer, while off-duty,

witnesses a violation of the law committed in his/her presence which,
in his/her professional judgment, demands immediate attention, he/she
should take appropriate action, providing:

a. The law violation was committed in Lancaster County, and

b. The officer does not use his own personal vehicle to chase or
pursue the violator, but observes all traffic laws applicable to
citizens, and

c. He/she displays police identification to the violator and

announces his purpose, and

d. He/she can make the arrest without jeopardizing his/her own

safety, the safety of the violator, or of the public.

10. BRIBES - Employees of the agency found to have accepted bribes are
to be dismissed with prejudice.


1. Employees are to display respect for their superior officers,

subordinates, and associates. When on-duty and in the presence of the
public, superior officers are to be addressed or referred to by rank.

2. Employees are to address their subordinates, associates, supervisors or

members of the general public courteously, and will not use abusive,
violent, insulting or provoking language which could be deemed
insulting to any person or group by reason of their racial or ethnic

3. Employees will at all times be civil and courteous. They will maintain
an even disposition and remain calm, regardless of provocation, in
executing their duties.

4. Employees will not gossip or speak rumors detrimental to the

agency or another employee.

5. Employees will always display honesty.

6. Employees will cooperate and coordinate their efforts with other

employees to insure maximum effectiveness. This high degree of
cooperation and coordination will extend to other law enforcement
organizations and government agencies.

7. An officer will not display cowardice in the line of duty or in any

situation where the public or another officer might be subjected to
physical danger. Unless actually incapacitated themselves, officers will
aid, assist, and protect fellow officers in time of danger or under
conditions where danger might reasonably be impending.

8. Employees will not at any time use or attempt to use their official
position, badge or credentials for personal or financial gain or


1. Employees will not solicit any girls, gratuities, loans or fees where
there is any direct or indirect connection between the solicitation and
their employment.

2. Employees will not accept either directly or indirectly any, gratuity,

loan or fee or any item of value arising from or offered because of any
activity connected with law enforcement employment.

3. Employees will not accept any gift, gratuity or any item of value, the
acceptance of which might tend to influence directly or indirectly the
actions of the employee or any other employee in any manner of
official business; or which might tend to cast any adverse reflection on
the agency or any employee thereof.

4. Employees will not accept any, gratuity or reward in money or other

considerations for services in line of duty to the community, or to any
person, business or agency except lawful salary and that authorized by
the Code of Virginia.


1. Employees of the agency wishing to make suggestions for the

improvement of the agency, or who feel injured or offended by the
treatment, orders, or neglect of duty of a superior, may communicate
either orally or in writing, through proper channels such suggestion or
complaint to the Sheriff. However, certain matters such as those of a
personal or confidential nature may be brought directly to the Sheriff. If
the Sheriff deems appropriate, he may refer the employee through the
chain of command to insure its proper and efficient functioning.


1. Employees will report for duty at the time and place specified by their
assignment or orders and complete the number of hours on duty
required by their assignment.
2. Employees, while on duty, will remain alert and awake, unencumbered
by alcoholic beverages, prescription drugs, illegal narcotics, or conflicts
arising from off-duty employment.

3. Officers serve in order to protect lives, preserve the peace, enforce the
law and assist the public in any reasonable request.

4. Officers are to identify themselves to any person requesting an officer's

name, rank, and badge number.

5. All officers are to maintain a telephone at their home. Officers are to

notify the dispatcher of their telephone number, address, and any
changes thereto.

6. All officers are to, in a timely fashion, complete and submit all forms
and reports required by the agency and the laws of the Commonwealth.

7. Officers are not to provide information from computer-based vehicle

license checks to citizens.

8. If injured, officers are to promptly notify their supervisor of the injury

and the circumstances of it.

9. Officers, while on duty, are to constantly keep the dispatcher

informed of their whereabouts. To this end, officers will utilize
issued portable and vehicle radios to patrol and maintain contact with
the communication center. Investigators are to contact the
communication center by phone or radio and inform the dispatcher by
what means he/she can be contacted, i.e., pager, phone or radio. This
includes any on call status.

10. Officers are to maintain a professional attitude and manner when

communicating by radio. Officers are to communicate in plain
language, abiding by FCC requirements and the requirements of the

11. Officers are to not loiter at the office, but are to use the office for
professional Purposes only. Each officer is responsible for the
cleanliness and upkeep of the office.

12. Officers are to minimize the use of agency vehicles for personal

13. Officers are to maintain a clean vehicle.

14. Officers are to keep their financial affairs in good order and under
control. Excessive debt may be a cause for disciplinary action.
15. No employee is to use his or her position with the agency for personal
or monetary game.

16. Officers must carry agency identification with them at all times. In
addition, while on duty, officers are to carry a valid driver's license.


1. Employees are not to communicate to any person not an employee of

this agency any information concerning operations, activities or matters
of police business, the release of which is prohibited by law or which
may have an adverse impact on the agency image, operations, or

2. Employees are to communicate promptly to a supervisor information

regarding tips on crimes or criminal activity or other relevant law
enforcement information, which may come into their possession.


If an officer receives a request to make a public presentation or appearance, or

publish an article concerning his duties, he is to request permission from the
Sheriff. The agency wishes no interference with the First Amendment rights of
officers. The agency can and will, however, authorize appearances or writings
that represent the agency.


1. Employees will not drink any alcoholic beverage while on duty.

Officers in plainclothes, with the consent of their commanding officer,
may drink limited quantities while on duty when necessary to
accomplish the police mission.

2. Employees will not appear for regular duty, or be on regular duty, while
under the influence of intoxicants to any degree or with an odor of
intoxicants on their breath.

3. In the event of an emergency recall, each officer must determine fitness

for duty if alcohol has been consumed. A supervisor will be consulted
and asked to confirm or deny, as appropriate, the officer's judgment in
the matter. No adverse actions will be taken if, in an emergency recall,
the officer believes him/herself to be incapacitated for duty, or is told
so by a supervisor, before actually going on duty.

4. Officers are to not carry weapons when off duty in a situation the
officer deems socially inappropriate, particularly where the officer
consumes alcoholic beverages.

Employees will not use any narcotic, stimulating or dangerous drugs while on-
duty or off-duty unless prescribed by a physician. Employees using any
prescribed drag or narcotic or any patent medicines that could possible induce
impairment of their performance will notify their supervisor.


1. Employees will be responsible for the proper care and the use of agency
property and equipment assigned to or used by them and will promptly
report to their supervisors any loss, damage, destruction or defect

2. Employees will operate agency vehicles and other equipment in such a

manner as to avoid injury to persons or damage to property. Whenever
a police vehicle is involved in an accident, the operator will notify a
supervisor immediately. Under no circumstances will an officer
investigate his or her own accident. Preferably, a senior officer or
officer of higher rank will conduct the investigation. If necessary, an
off-duty officer will be called out.

3. At the beginning of a tour of duty, employees will examine any vehicle

assigned to them and report any operational deficiencies, damage or
defects to their supervisors. Failure to report damage or defects will
create the presumption that the employee inspected the vehicle and
found no damage or defects. The employee, in this case, will be held
responsible for the damage.

4. Officers are to keep their uniforms clean and pressed, their shoes and
other leather equipment polished and shined, and badges and name
plates clean and bright.

5. Employees wearing civilian clothing on duty will present a neat and

clean appearance. Employees will wear clothing which is appropriate to
the type of duties and citizen contact expected, e.g., coat and tie for
men and equivalent skirt, blouse or pants outfit for women is
appropriate for business contacts; more informal sports clothing might
be appropriate for late hours of work. Civilian dress should not be a
source of negative comment from the community.

6. Employees will not temporarily or permanently convert any agency

property to their own personal use or the use of any other person.
7. When an employee terminates employment, all issued equipment will
be returned on the day the termination is effective. Failure to return all
items will result in withholding final pay or taking legal action.

8. Employees will have as a part of their issued equipment a copy of the

rules and regulations and general orders manual, and will maintain and
make appropriate changes or inserts as directed.


No member of the agency is to be a member of any organization which

advocates the violent overthrow of the government of the United States, the
Commonwealth of Virginia or any unit of local government, or participate in
any organization which has a purpose, aim, objective or any practices which
are contrary to the obligations of a law enforcement officer under these rules
and regulations.


1. There will be no expenditures of money or financial obligations

incurred in the name of the agency by any employee without
permission from the Sheriff.

2. No employee is to imply or accept financial liability for loss or damage

on behalf of the county. Any inquiries concerning financial liability
will be referred to the County administrator


An employee must provide at least two weeks written notice of his or her
intent to resign.


All employees will treat courtroom appearances with the utmost importance.
Further, as a rule employees must arrive at the court early enough to check the
docket, if necessary, and confer with the prosecutor. Employees are to observe
the following rules:

1. If an employee receives subpoenas requiring appearance in different

courts at the same time, he or she should honor the first subpoena
received. If, however, a circuit or higher court issued one of the
subpoenas, it is to receive precedence over the subpoena issued by a
district court.
2. A subpoena receives precedence over an order issued by a supervisor.
In any event, the employee must notify his or her supervisor of the
court appearance.

3. If on duty, sworn employees will appear in court in uniform. If off duty,

employees will wear either the uniform or appear suitably attired in
civilian clothes. Civilian attire means a tie for men, with a sport jacket
or suit if the weather is not too warm, and equivalent clothing for

4. When testifying, employees will remain attentive, face the jury when
giving testimony, and speak in a clear, audible tone. Employees will
respond to questions asked by the judge or attorneys and will not argue,
interject, or offer an emotionally charged response to any remark or

5. Each member is to be familiar with the laws of evidence and will testify
truthfully on any matter.

Conduct Unbecoming an Officer: A Law Enforcement Officer is the most conspicuous

representative of government. To the majority of people, the officer is a symbol of stability
and authority upon which they can rely. Police conduct is scrutinized, and when actions are
found to be excessive, unwarranted, or unjustified, he/she is criticized far more severely than
comparable conduct of persons in other walks of life. The conduct of a public employee, on or
off duty, reflects upon the Sheriffs Office. Therefore, employees must avoid conduct, which
might discredit himself or herself or the Sheriffs Office.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Disciplinary System NUMBER: 198
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To establish a disciplinary system.


Discipline will be positive or negative; it will involve encouragement, inspiration, training, or

imposition of negative sanctions. Discipline will be used to channel an individual's effort into
effective and productive action.



As used in this Administrative Order, the following terms have the following meanings:

1. "Administrative Leave" is a non-disciplinary form or personnel action by which an

officer may be ordered not to report for duty, but will continue to receive pay and the
accrual of benefits. The Sheriff may order administrative leave during the review of
any incident involving an officer's discharge of his weapon (other than in training),
during an internal affairs investigation, or whenever the Sheriff determines that it is in
the best interest of the public safety and the Sheriffs Office.

2. "Alternative Assignments". The Sheriff or any division commander within his own
division may order that an officer perform alternative assignments on a temporary
basis pending review of any incident, during an internal affairs investigation, or when
it is determined to be in the best interest of the public safety and the Sheriffs Office.

3. "Counseling," whether formal as during an annual performance reviews or informal

as during impromptu meetings between an officer and his supervisor, is whereby a
supervisor advises an officer of aspects of his performance which requires
improvement. If unsatisfactory conduct or performance should continue, disciplinary
actions will follow.

4. "Demotion" is a reduction in rank ordered by the Sheriff when an officer fails to

perform duties competently, efficiently, and in accordance with the expectations of
the Sheriff.
5. "Officer" is any sworn member of the Sheriffs Office who is authorized by law to
make arrests.

6. "Relief from Duty". Any sergeant, only within his command and any officer of higher
rank, generally, may order that an officer on duty be relieved of duty for the
remainder of his current shift whenever the sergeant or other officer of higher rank
determines that it is in the best interest of the public safety and of the Sheriff's Office
to do so.

7. "Reprimand" is a form of punitive disciplinary action which involves a formal written

censure by a supervisor of unacceptable performance of duties by an officer within
his command.

8. "Supervisor". Any officer ranked Sergeant or above is a supervisor of officers of

lower rank within his chain of command.

9. "Suspension". A disciplinary action which may be ordered by the Sheriff and

whereby an officer is relieved of duty and law enforcement authority, without pay or
accrual of benefits, for a specified period of time.

10. "Termination". A disciplinary action which may be ordered by the Sheriff by which
an officer is relieved of duty and law enforcement authority, and his employment with
the Sheriff's Office is concluded.

Disciplinary System

The discipline system combines training and incentives to promote efficiency and effectiveness and
progressive measures to address poor job performance, including:

A. Using training as a positive process in discipline to overcome difficulties and improve

performance. If applicable, the supervisor is to use training and is to document it as such and
place it in the Officer's personnel file.

1. Training can be a positive, constructive method to handle an employee's inability to

properly perform, and to correct improper action. With a wide range of officer
backgrounds, training, and longevity, no supervisor should assume that all of his
officers know everything. When an officer performs in an unacceptable manner or
displays a lack of understanding of a process or procedure, the first thing a supervisor
should attempt to identify is the officer's actual state of training and knowledge. If a
knowledge or understanding gap exists, training can be the positive mechanism to
overcome that.

2. Each shift or division supervisor has training resources readily available in terms of
officers who are proficient in a variety of skill areas. Officers who serve as field
training officers are available to meet many of the training needs that might arise.
3. The Training Officer and supervisors provide additional information relative to
specialized training and development and can respond either directly to employee
statements of need or to shift/division supervisors indications of need. A variety of
types of specialized training courses, programs, audiovisuals, etc., is available and
can generally be obtained to respond to our training needs.

B. Using counseling, by persons from within the Office or from outside, as a positive process in
discipline to assist employees in growth and development should be utilized if deemed

1. Counseling: Whenever officer performance, attitude, work habits, or personal conduct

on the job at any time falls below a desirable level. Supervisors are to inform
employees promptly and specifically of such lapses and give counsel and assistance.
If justified, a reasonable period of time for improvement may be allowed before
initiating disciplinary action.

a. Supervisors are responsible for counseling employees on job-related matters,

within their capabilities. Since many things can have an impact on an officer's
job performance, job-related counseling may also involve family as well as
other individual, personal subjects. Counseling may include:

1. Identification of unacceptable behaviors or actions, (i.e., specifically

what was done wrong);
2. What the desired or acceptable performance is;
3. Attempt to determine the reason for the particular behavior;
4. Determine and recommend how to correct or improve performance or
to solve the problems.

b. The chain of command may be used effectively in the counseling process as

counseling by the division commander or the Sheriff can be associated with a
more severe level of counseling.

c. There are a variety of counseling resources available in the community; e.g.,

family, marital, financial, etc. Officers in need of counseling or supervisors
desiring information about such resources are encouraged to talk with the
Sheriff. The Sheriffs Office attaches no stigma to individuals who seek
professional counseling to address individual problems since it is recognized
that unresolved problems may have an adverse impact on job performance.
Some counseling is available at no cost or minimal cost, and some cost may
be borne by health insurance.

2. Any supervisor utilizing counseling as a form of discipline is to document it as such

and place in the employee's personnel file.

C. Punitive Action:
1. Punitive disciplinary actions may include oral reprimand, written reprimand, and
suspension, reduction in pay, demotion, or termination.

2. As appropriate, punitive disciplinary actions may be taken for any of the following

a. Incompetent or inefficient performance of duty or inattention to or dereliction

of duty.

b. Insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public or a fellow employee, or

any act of omission or commission of similar nature tending directly to
discredit or injure the public service or to jeopardize the effective functioning
of the service; or any willful violations of the provisions of this article or the
rules and regulations.

c. Mental or physical unfitness for the position which the officer holds.

d. Conviction of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a

pattern of misconduct as displayed by a series of convictions of misdemeanors
not involving moral turpitude, or similar type of infraction is cause for
automatic termination.

e. Failure to report to an appropriate superior authority, incompetence,

misconduct, inefficiency, neglect of duty, or any other form of misconduct or
negligence by another employee of the Sheriffs Office of which the officer has

f. Failure of a supervisory officer to take corrective action with regard to officers

under their supervision.

3. Nothing in this order shall be deemed to limit charges against officers to those acts and
omissions specifically enumerated in the General Orders, Administrative Orders of the
Office, or in the laws or ordinances of which the Sheriffs Office takes cognizance.

Disciplinary Measures

4. Oral Reprimand: Administered orally by the concerned supervisor with an informal

memorandum prepared reflecting the facts. The memorandum is prepared in original form is
used only as a supervisors aid.

5. Written Reprimand: Recommended by the concerned supervisor with a copy to the

employee, the Sheriff, and the division supervisor. This memorandum must include a
complete statement of the charge(s), facts surrounding the incident, and the officer's signature
and signature of a witness who certifies the officer's receipt of the reprimand. (Use form SD
#11. Approval must be administered by the Sheriff.
6. Temporary Relief from Duty

a. Any supervisor may temporarily relieve an officer from duty to prevent

embarrassment or discredit to the Sheriffs Office or when it is in the interest of public

b. No officer may be relieved of duty for longer than the remainder of his current shift.

c. Each supervisor in the chain of command of the officer who has been removed from
duty is to be notified promptly and a detailed memorandum is forwarded to the
Sheriff, or his designee, through the chain of command within twelve (12) hours
following such events.

7. Termination of Employment, Demotion, Suspension, or Transfer for punitive reasons.

a. Only the Sheriff may reprimand, suspend, demote, terminate employment, or transfer
for punitive reasons.

b. When a recommendation is made to reprimand, suspend, demote, or terminate an

Officer, an action memorandum will be forwarded to the Sheriff by the supervisor
making the recommendation through the chain of command. The memorandum will
include a complete statement of the charge, facts surrounding the incident,
disciplinary action recommended, and the approval/disapproval blocks for each
individual in the chain of command. All background material, including the
investigative file, will be available for review by the Sheriff.

c. Upon the Sheriffs determination to impose disciplinary action, the appropriate

supervisor of the division reporting to the Sheriff will be notified; and notification of
the disciplinary action to be taken will be prepared and signed by the Sheriff. The
notification will be delivered promptly to the officer through the chain of command.

d. Any disciplinary action involving these sanctions may be appealed to the Sheriff.

e. Should an officer who is the subject of an investigative process be eligible for and
elects to retire, the employee's supervisor will promptly notify the Sheriff.

f. If an investigation of officer misconduct results in dismissal, the officer dismissed

will receive:

1. A statement of the reason for the dismissal;

2. The effective date of the dismissal;
3. A statement of the status of fringe and retirement benefits after dismissal;
4. A statement regarding the content of the officer's employment record as the
record relates to the dismissal;
5. Officer notification of disciplinary action will be delivered prior to the
effective date of action.
6. Officers are not to be allowed to work on scheduled days off in lieu of
7. When an officer is suspended, he/she is required to surrender his/her badge,
issued service weapons, county vehicle and any agency keys.
8. The Sheriff reviews all disciplinary actions in order to identify a needed
change in policies, procedures, rules and regulations that may prevent
allegations of misconduct, or to modify or expand training.

D. Appeals

1. An employee's only appeal is to the Sheriff, the Sheriffs decision is final.

a. An appeal must be in writing and delivered to the Sheriff within five (5) days
of the final disposition.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Disciplinary Role of Supervisors NUMBER: 199
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie

To specify the role of supervisors and the responsibility and authority attendant to each
level of supervision and command relative to disciplinary actions.

I. Supervisors will observe employees’ conduct, behavior and adherence to the agency’s
policies and detect instances when disciplinary actions are appropriate and determine the
most effective methods of discipline.

II. Each supervisory rank will have specific disciplinary limits within which to act.

A. Any supervisor may write a letter of commendation for exemplary action

taken by any employee regardless of rank or assignment.
B. Sergeants will issue:
1. Oral or written reprimand for a Class I violations that do not involve
a threat to life or limb of any person.
2. Written reprimand for a Class II violation that do not include a
recommendation for suspension of pay.
3. A written complaint of employee action for a Class II complaint that
does include a recommendation for the suspension of pay; however,
such complaint will be investigated through the employee’s division
head before any disciplinary action is taken.
4. A written complaint of employee action for any Class III violation.
C. Lieutenants and above will issue:
1. Oral or written reprimand for a Class I violation that does not involve
a threat to the life or limb of any person.
2. A written reprimand for any Class II violation or a complaint of
employee action for a Class II violation that includes a
recommendation for a suspension in pay.
3. A written complaint of employee action for any Class III violation;

I. Supervisor Responsibility
A. The role of supervisors is crucial in the disciplinary process. Shift and division
supervisors have the best opportunity to observe the conduct and appearance of
officers and detect those instances when disciplinary actions are warranted
(reward, remedial training, counseling, or punishment). Shift and division

Page 1 of 3
supervisors also have the opportunity to understand the personality traits of the
personnel under their supervision and to determine the most effective methods of

II. Disciplinary Actions

Effective discipline must include both positive actions and punitive sanctions.

A. Positive actions include letters of commendation, written notes from citizens or

other records that reflect positive employee actions.

B. Except for gross, more serious breaches of discipline, supervisors should attempt
to begin officer discipline with measures such as counseling. If this does not
work, then increasingly more severe punitive measures may be required. While
this process may take some time, it is important that each officer be dealt with
justly, as an individual, and in a manner that clearly indicates that positive,
constructive measures to change behavior or performance preceded the imposition
of more negative sanctions. Punitive sanctions include:
1. Oral Reprimand
Issued for the least serious violations that require corrective action to
ensure compliance with the agency’s expectations of employee
performance. Oral reprimands are documented and entered into the
employee’s personnel file.
2. Written Reprimand
Issued for repetitive violations previously handled by oral reprimand, or
for more serious violations that are of a more grievous nature that, if not
corrected, may tend to lead to more serious problems, including but not
limited to an overall decline in the effectiveness of the agency or any of its
personnel. Written reprimands are documented and entered into the
employee’s personnel file.
3. Transfer
The sheriff may opt to transfer the employee to another primary
function/duty assignment when the nature of the violation, or the
employee’s history, indicates that the employee’s performance is more
than likely to improve due to such transfer or reassignment.
4. Demotion
This action may be taken when the employee’s supervisory performance
has deteriorated and other means of corrective action have failed, or when
an employee under the Career Development Program has failed to
maintain the necessary qualifications.
5. Loss of annual/compensatory leave in lieu of suspension of pay
The sheriff reserves the right to punish an employee by this means so as to
lessen the financial impact an actual loss of pay would have upon the
6. Suspension of pay
The sheriff may choose to use this sanction if the employee has
insufficient annual/compensatory leave, or if the violation was so severe

Page 2 of 3
as to border between a suspension in pay or dismissal.
7. Dismissal
The sheriff may dismiss the employee when repetitive punitive actions
have failed, or when any single violation is so severe that the sheriff
deems it to be the best course of action.

III. Disciplinary Authority

A. Any supervisor may file a letter of commendation or other record that documents
positive employee action of an exemplary nature, regardless of the rank or
assignment of the employee being recognized.

B. Sergeants will issue:

1. Oral or written reprimand for a Class I violations that do not involve
a threat to life or limb of any person.
2. Written reprimand for a Class II violation that do not include a
recommendation for suspension of pay.
3. A written complaint of employee action for a Class II complaint that
does include a recommendation for the suspension of pay; however,
such complaint will be investigated through the employee’s division
head before any disciplinary action is taken.
4. A written complaint of employee action for any Class III violation.

C. Lieutenants and above will issue:

1. Oral or written reprimand for a Class I violation that does not
involve a threat to the life or limb of any person.
2. A written reprimand for any Class II violation or a complaint of
employee action for a Class II violation that includes a
recommendation for a suspension in pay.
3. A written complaint of employee action for any Class III violation.

D. Any supervisor may immediately relief from duty a subordinate who reports to
work under the influence of any substance or who is otherwise unfit to work,
(not to include illness). Such immediate relieve from duty will be reported to the
sheriff who will order an investigation.

E. Only the sheriff may transfer, demote, suspend or dismiss an employee.

Page 3 of 3
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Dismissals NUMBER: 200
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide an employee with certain information if dismissal is due to misconduct.


When an employee’s misconduct results in dismissal, the following information will be

provided to the employee.

a. A statement citing the reasons for dismissal (if applicable); and

b. The effective date of the dismissal.


A. The Sheriff when in the act of dismissing an employee due to misconduct, provides the
employee with the following information:

1 A statement citing the reasons for dismissal (if applicable); and

2. The effective date of the dismissal.

B. The Sheriff so notes the information and places it in the employee’s personnel file.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Disciplinary Records NUMBER: 201
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


The purpose is to identify procedures necessary for the proper maintenance and security of
disciplinary records


It is the policy of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s office to maintain personnel records that will
contain documentation of all formal disciplinary actions.


A. Formal disciplinary action (written reprimands, demotions, and suspensions, return to

probationary status or termination) shall require written supporting documentation.

B. All documentation shall be forwarded to the Sheriff or his designee to be placed in the
employee’s personnel file.

C. All personnel files are maintained in the Sheriff’s office to which only the Sheriff and
senior supervisors have keys. The Sheriff’s office is also behind secured doors that are
controlled by a key pad that only employee’s have knowledge of the code.

D. The official personnel file will be maintained as long as the employee is activity employed.

E. All formal disciplinary actions will be a permanent part of an employee’s personnel file.

F. Upon leaving the agencies employ the personnel record of an employee will be kept in the
vault of the Sheriff’s office and eventually destroyed in compliance with the Library of
Virginia’s Records Retention and Disposition Schedule.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Communicable Diseases NUMBER: 202
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To address communicable diseases.


This agency will educate employees who may have the potential of coming into contact with
body fluids, blood, or hazardous materials, to minimize or eliminate employee exposure to
communicable diseases, to establish proper procedure when disposing of or disinfecting
contaminated material, and to establish procedures for reporting a possible exposure and
follow-up of medical care.


A. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for the coordination of this agency's communicable
disease program.

B. Precautions Associated with Personnel in the Performance of Their Duties;

1. Whenever possible, officers are to wear disposable latex gloves when doing any of
the following:

a. Handling persons or items with any blood or body fluid products (hypodermic
needles, syringes, or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids, gun or knife

b. Packaging and handling such items as evidence.

c. Cleaning up blood or other secretions which appear on floors, seats,

equipment, handcuffs, shoes, clothing, pens, pencils, etc.

2. Specialized Devices:

a. Masks are to be worn whenever splashes, spray, spatter, or droplets of

potentially infectious fluids endanger contamination through the eyes, nose, or
mouth. Masks may be worn with other protective devices such as goggles.
b. Gowns, jackets, coats, and aprons are to be worn as determined by the degree
of exposure anticipated.

3. Handling People:

a. Wash hands thoroughly for thirty seconds with warm water and soap after
removing gloves (when handling evidence) or after contact with the subject (if
bleeding or vomiting). If water is unavailable, use pre-moistened towelettes
found in the communicable disease control kit to decontaminate skin.

b. Leather gloves or their equivalent are to be worn when searching persons or

dealing in environments, such as accident scenes, where sharp objects and
bodily fluids may reasonably be encountered. Search techniques are to be used
that require suspects to empty their own pockets or purses and remove sharp
objects from their persons.

c. When transporting prisoners:

1. Do not put fingers in or near any person's mouth.

2. Transport persons with body fluids on their persons in separate

vehicles from other persons. A person who is bleeding or producing a
fluid may have to wear a protective covering.

3. Notify other support personnel or law enforcement officers during a

transfer of custody that the suspect has fluids on his or her person, or
that the suspect has stated that he or she has a communicable disease.
Booking forms should so state.

4. Handling Objects:

a. Objects contaminated with body fluids are to be completely dried, double

bagged, and marked to identify possible disease contamination.

b. Contaminated items to be disposed of are to be incinerated;

1. Contaminated items are bagged in biohazard plastic bags, transported

to Rappahannock Hospital and incinerated.

2. Officers are to use extra care when handling any sharp objects. If
officers find syringes, they are not to bend, recap, or otherwise
manipulate the needle in any way, but place them in puncture-resistant
containers provided by the department.
5. Handling Fluids:

a. Clean up blood spills or other body fluids with regular household bleach
diluted 1 part bleach to 10 parts water (or use undiluted bleach, if easier).
Bleach dilutions should be prepared at least every 24 hours to retain

1. Wear latex gloves during this procedure.

2. A soiled uniform (by blood or body fluids) should be changed as soon
as possible. Wash in hot water and detergent or dispose of after

b. Agency vehicles within which body fluids are spilled require immediate
disinfection procedures. Employees who have the vehicles assigned to them
are to notify their supervisor of the spill and arrange for a thorough cleaning
as soon as possible. Affected vehicles should bear an "Infectious Disease
Contamination" sign upon arrival at a service center and while awaiting

1. All police vehicles will be cleaned with disinfectant as part of a

routine, scheduled washing and maintenance check.

6. Precautions when Bitten:

The danger of infection through bites is low. The victim cannot be infected with HIV
through the blood of the biting person unless that person has blood in his or her
mouth which comes into contact with the victim's blood. HIV cannot be transmitted
through saliva. With HBV, however, transmission takes place through infected blood
or blood-derived body fluids. Infection takes place by exposure of the eyes, mouth, or
mucous membranes to the virus. Precautionary procedures to minimize the risk of
infection include:

a. Encouraging the wound to bleed by applying pressure and gently "milking"

the wound.

b. Washing the area thoroughly with soap and hot water.

c. Seeking medical attention at the nearest hospital.

d. Advising your supervisor, make a report, or follow any other policy for
reporting injuries, including the filing of appropriate Worker's Compensation
7. Precautions when Punctured by Needles or Knives:

If an officer is cut or punctured by a needle or a knife or other instrument while

searching a suspect or handling contaminated evidence, follow these general

a. Allow the wound to bleed (unless severe bleeding occurs) until all flow
ceases. Then cleanse the wound with alcohol-based cleanser (or pre-moistened
towelettes) and then with soap and water. Do not rely exclusively on
towelettes: wash wounds thoroughly with soap and water.

b. Seek medical attention as soon as possible after the injury. A physician will
then decide the proper treatment.

c. Advise your supervisor, make a report, or follow any other policy for
reporting injuries, including the filing of appropriate Worker's Compensation

8. Precautions at Major Crime Scenes:

At the crime scene, officers and crime scene technicians conttont unusual hazards,
especially when the crime scene involves violent behavior such as homicides where
large amounts of blood have been shed.

a. No person at any crime scene is to eat, drink, smoke, or apply make-up.

b. The best protection is to wear disposable latex gloves. Any person with a cut,
abrasion, or any other break in the skin on the hands should never handle
blood or other body fluids without protection.

c. Latex gloves should be changed when they become tom or heavily soiled or if
an officer leaves the crime scene (even temporarily).

d. If cotton gloves are worn when working with items having potential latent
fingerprint value, wear cotton gloves over latex gloves.

e. Hands should be washed after gloves are removed, even if the gloves appear
to be intact.

f. Always keep a plastic bag in the communicable disease control kit to be used
only to collect contaminated items (gloves, masks, etc.) until they can be
disposed of properly. Clearly mark the bag "Contaminated Material."
g. Shoes and boots can become contaminated with blood. Wash with soap and
water when leaving the crime scene, or use protective disposable shoe

h. Wrap-around eye safety goggles and facemasks should be worn when the
possibility exists that dried or liquid particles of body fluids may strike the
face. Particles of dried blood, when scraped, fly in many directions, so wear
goggles and masks when removing the stain for laboratory analysis.

i. While processing the crime scene, be constantly on the alert for sharp objects,
such as hypodermic needles, razors, knives, broken glass, nails, etc. Use of
mirrors may be appropriate while looking under car seats, beds, etc.

j. Use tape--never metal staples--when packaging evidence.

k. If practicable, use only disposable items at a crime scene where blood or other
body fluids are present. Even those items (gloves, masks, shoe coverings,
pens, pencils, etc.) must be decontaminated before disposal. If autoclaving is
not possible contaminated items must be covered with a bleach solution (one
part bleach to ten parts water, or undiluted bleach).

l. Before releasing the crime scene, advise the owner of the potential infection
risk and suggest that the owner contact the local health department for advice.

m. Warning labels must be placed on all plastic evidence bags to go to the crime

C. Protective Equipment:

The Sheriff or his designee is to ensure that adequate supplies are available for
communicable disease control within the agency. Supervisors are responsible for maintaining
continuously an adequate supply of disease control supplies for all affected personnel within
their purview. Further, supervisors must ensure that:

1. Personal protective equipment (PPE) can be found in sufficient quantities at

advertised locations; and

2. Hypo-allergenic gloves and other materials are available for employees allergic to
standard-issue gear; and

3. Supplies are routinely inspected, replaced, cleaned; and

4. First Aid supplies and disinfectants are available always.

5. The Sheriff, through his subordinate supervisors, ensures that the agency vehicles
each contain the following PPE supplies at all times:

a. 3 pairs of disposable latex gloves

b. 1 pair leather gloves
c. 1 disposable facemask
d. 6 absorbent disposable towels
e. 3 disposable plastic bags with contaminated material seals
f. 1 bottle of alcohol-based cleanser
g. 1 CPR shield (with a I-way valve to prevent the patient's saliva from entering
the care giver's mouth)
h. 1 pair of wrap-around safety goggles
i. 1 carrying bag with zipper closure
j. 1 pair disposable shoe coverings
k. 2 puncture-resistant, leak proof containers for needles and other sharp objects
l. l box of waterproof bandages
m. "Isolation Area--Do Not Enter" signs

6. Officers using supplies in their vehicles are to replace them or arrange to have them
replaced as soon as possible. Officers are to maintain disposable gloves in their
personal possession at all times.

7. The Sheriff or his designee ensures the following are maintained at the office;

a. 3 pair coveralls (different sizes)

b. supply of disposable latex gloves
c. orange/red plastic bio-hazard bags and tape, or
d. plastic bags and sealing ties
e. liquid household bleach
f. disposable towels/towelettes
g. "Isolation Area - Do Not Enter" signs
h. buckets, mops

8. Personnel are to use protective equipment under all appropriate circumstances unless
the officer can justify otherwise.

a. Officers who, for whatever reason, do not use protective gear when
appropriate are to document the incident as soon as practicable for agency

9. All personnel whose skin comes into contact with body fluids of another are to begin
disinfection procedures immediately.
a. These procedures range from simple soap-and-water washing to the use of
alcohol or antiseptic towelettes.

b. All open cuts and abrasions are to be covered with waterproof bandages
before personnel report for duty.

D. Reporting Possible Exposure:

1. All employees, as soon as practicable are to, document possible exposure to

infectious fluids or materials. In any case, employees immediately notify their
supervisor of possible exposure. Virginia Code Section 32.1-45.2 requires public
safety employees to immediately notify their agencies "of any possible exposure
prone incident."

2. Examples of such exposure are:

a. Direct contact with body fluids on chapped or open areas (cuts, scratches) on
the skin or on mucous membranes (i.e., eyes, mouth).

b. Direct mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (CPR) without use of a one-way valve.

c. Receiving a cut or puncture wound as a result of searching or arresting a

suspect or handling contaminated evidence.

E. Disposal of Contaminated Materials:

1. Contaminated items to be disposed of are to be incinerated;

a. contaminated items are bagged in biohazard plastic bags, transported to

Rappahannock Hospital and incinerated.

F. Guidelines for Associated Medical Care:

1. Vaccination

a. The agency affords all employees who have occupational exposure to hepatitis
B the opportunity to take the HBV vaccination series at no cost within ten (10)
working days of assignment to an occupationally exposed duty. The
vaccination is provided only after the employee has received agency training
in communicable diseases, is medically fit for the vaccinations, and has not
previously received them.
2. Testing:

If a member of the agency is exposed to the body fluids of a person who has or is
suspected to have a communicable disease, the agency physician must evaluate the
member for evidence of infection.

a. The person whose body fluids came into contact with an officer may state that
he or she has AIDS. Often, a person may try to prevent police from
withdrawing blood for drug screening (as in a Dill arrest), although, in fact, he
or she is not infected at all. While the agency cannot coerce a citizen--suspect
or otherwise-to take periodic tests for infection, the agency will try to
convince the citizen who may have transmitted infection to do so.

1. Virginia Code states that if any person or employee has been exposed
to body fluids, the person or employee whose fluids were involved will
be requested by the agency to consent to HBV or HIV testing and
disclosure of results.

2. Virginia Code provides measures whereby a person charged with any

crime involving sexual assault, or particular offenses against children
may be ordered to submit to HIV testing.

b. Personnel should understand the difficulty of transmitting HIV and hepatitis

B. If infection control measures have been followed, the risk is very low.

3. Testing for presence of infection is done if indicated by a medical assessment (after

an incident involving the possible transfer of blood or other body fluids). The
following information details testing methods and their reliability.


1. Blood tests can detect HIV antibodies (produce by the body's immune

2. The two common tests for HIV antibodies are the ELISA (Enzyme-
Linked Immunosorbent Assay) and the Western Blot. Since the ELISA
is less expensive and easier to perform, it is usually used as a first
screen for HIV. If the ELISA identifies the person as seropositive, a
second ELISA is performed. If the second test is also positive, a
Western Blot is usually performed to confirm the results.

3. Since HIV antibodies may not develop for some months after a person
has been infected, an initial negative result may not mean freedom
from infection. High false positive rates also occur with the use of only
ELISA test.

4. One must be tested, then, immediately following the incident (for a

baseline) and then six and twelve months later.

5. The agency ensures that the employee receives qualified counseling

during the testing period.

6. The Virginia State Public Health Agency provides free confidential or

anonymous testing (both ELISA and Western Blot) in every health
district. The results are given only to the person tested. State law,
under Section 32.136.1, provides confidentiality and prescribes a

b. Hepatitis B - A blood test can confirm the presence of hepatitis

B virus six to eight weeks after exposure. See Section VI

c. Tuberculosis - This disease is detected first by a skin test, then

confirmed by an x-ray. The agency physician can order this test
for the agency employee. (The health agency may do the test.)

G. Training:

1. The Sheriff or his designee ensures all members of the agency with occupational
exposure receives a course of instruction on blood-borne diseases before their initial
assignment. Plus any additional training appropriate to the particular employee
assignment if needed.

2. The Sheriff or his designee maintains in the personnel files complete records on
instruction of employees to include dates of training; content of sessions; names and
qualifications of trainers; names and job titles of attending employees.

3. The Sheriff or his designee is responsible for dissemination of updated information to

all personnel and for appropriate educational programs about communicable diseases.
These programs include at a minimum:

a. Written information concerning AIDS/ARC/HIV, hepatitis B, and

tuberculosis in the form of brochures, bulletins, memorandums, or fact sheets.

b. Group and/or individual presentations and discussions provided by adequately

trained personnel or experts from outside the department.

c. Local resources for further medical and law enforcement information.

d. For more information, personnel may at any time contact:

1. National Hotline for AIDS - 1-800-342-AIDS

2. Virginia AIDS Info Hotline - 1-800-533-4148
3. AIDS Update (Dept. of Health and Human Services) 1-202-245-6867
4. AIDS Clearinghouse (America Responds to AIDS) 1-800-342-7514
5. National Institute of Justice AIDS Clearinghouse 1-301-251-5500
6. State and local public health agency
7. Local American Red Cross
8. Forensic laboratories

H. Record Confidentiality:

1. Confidentiality of information concerning test results is paramount. The victim has a

right to privacy from an employer-maintaining information about his/her health. No
need exists for a supervisor routinely to know that a person tests positive (for HIV or
hepatitis B). The agency views a breach of confidentiality as a serious disciplinary
problem which may result in suspension or termination of employment.


The agency maintains a record for each employee detailing incidents of occupational
exposure, including information on vaccination status; the results of examinations and tests;
health care professionals' written opinion; and any other relevant information. These records
are retained by the Sheriff in their personnel file in a locked file cabinet in his/her office for
the duration of tenure of employees. If the employee leaves the agency the file is transferred
to a locked vault in the lobby of the office for an additional 30 years and shall not be
disclosed or reported without the express written consent of the employee.

General Information

Communicable disease, especially AIDS and Hepatitis B, have been identified by health care experts
as being a significant risk to Emergency Medical Care Providers including Fire, Rescue, and Law
Enforcement Personnel. The following definitions are provided in order to ensure a clear
understanding of the information contained in General Order 202 - Communicable Diseases.

AIDS - A disease in which the infected person's immune system is badly impaired and as a result,
the person falls prey to a variety of infections. AIDS is caused by a virus known as Human
Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. AIDS is also known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
HIV is transmitted by intimate sexual contact, contaminated blood (most often by sharing needles or
other drug equipment, and from an infected mother to her baby before or during birth. The risk of
getting HIV from a blood transfusion is extremely low; all donated blood has been tested for HIV
since 1985. HIV is very fragile and is easily killed outside the body. It is not transmitted by casual
contact, coughing or sneezing, touching, hugging or shaking hands, or by sharing equipment,
bathrooms or kitchens.

ARC - (AIDS Related Complex or condition) A variety of symptoms caused by HIV infection.
These symptoms are usually less severe than those with AIDS and can include loss of appetite,
weight loss, fever, night sweats, skin rashes, diarrhea, tiredness, lack of resistance to infection and
swollen lymph nodes.

Body Fluids - Fluids that the body makes including: blood, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal
fluid, synovia fluids, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, pericardia1 fluid, amniotic fluid, breast milk and

Communicable Disease - transmitted disease

Communicable Disease Liaison Officer - Emergency Medical Services Coordinator.

Disinfect - A procedure which inactivates virtually all recognized disease producing organisms but
not necessarily all organisms on inanimate objects.

Exposure - The act of coming in contact with, but not necessarily being infected by, a disease
causing agent. (See Exposure Incident)

Exposure Incident - A specific eye, mouth, other mucous membrane, non-intact skin, or parenteral
contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.

Hepatitis A - A viral infection that affects the liver. The effects of the disease are usually mild with
symptoms such as fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea and abdominal discomfort, followed in a few
days by jaundice. This type frequents day care centers and institutions, contaminated water, food,
milk, sliced meats, salads, raw or undercooked seafood. The infection is found in feces.

Hepatitis B - A viral infection that affects the liver. The effects of the disease on the liver can range
from mild, even unapparent, to severe or fatal. Hepatitis B is transmitted through blood, dirty
needles, body fluids, and saliva.

Hepatitis (not A or B) - A viral infection not found in Types A and B above, however, it has been
found in every part of the world. It is more common in blood transfusions, especially where paid
donors are used.

HIV - (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) - The cause of AIDS. Referred to in this Administrative
Order and Manual as the AIDS virus or simply AIDS.

Infectious Disease - Invasion of a bodily part by pathogenic microorganisms.

Infectious Waste - Those waste products recognized as presenting a potential exposure hazard
either by accidental injection or by improper handling. Examples include those items contaminated
by blood or other potentially infectious materials.
Mucous Membrane - A moist layer of tissue that lines the mouth, eyes, nostrils, vagina, anus or

Non-Intact Skin - Skin that is chapped, abraded, weeping or that has rashes or eruptions.

Pathogen - A disease causing substance.

Parenteral - Exposure as a result of piercing the skin.

Sterilization - Destruction of all microbial life by means of steam, gas or liquid agents.

Subcutaneous - Beneath or introduced beneath the skin (Example: subcutaneous injection.

Tuberculosis - A Communicable disease of man and animals caused by the tubercle bacillus which
manifests itself in lesions, especially the lungs.

Blood Borne Infectious Disease

Hepatitis B and AIDS are transmitted only by contact with blood and certain other body fluids in
one of the following manners:

1. Contact with an open wound.

2. Contact with non-intact skin, such as chapped, abraded, weeping or dermatitis skin.
3. Contact with mucous membranes.
4. Per cutaneous inoculation (needle stick, etc.)

Blood is the single most important source of Hepatitis B and AIDS and is the focus in preventing
these types of exposures.

Other Infectious Disease

Hepatitis A and Hepatitis (Not A or B) are carried in feces and transmitted through improper hand
washing from exposure. Contamination is from human to human through fecal-oral exposure.
Improperly cleaned day care centers, institutions, and restaurants are all potential settings for
contamination and exposure.

Personal Protection Procedures

Gloves - "Surgical" type disposable gloves shall be worn whenever the potential exists for skin
contact with body fluids, mucous membranes, or non-intact skin. Surgical gloves shall also be worn
when handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or other potentially infectious materials.

No one type of glove is appropriate for all situations. Personnel must use judgment concerning the
advantage of using multiple gloves or a combination of gloves. In some situations "double surgical
gloving" may be appropriate.

Mask - Disposable facemasks are worn when in the presence of persons that are actively coughing,
spitting, etc. or are suspected of carrying an airborne infectious disease such as tuberculosis.
Those persons suspected should be requested to wear a mask.

Non-Intact Skin - Those Agency members with open wounds, sores or abrasions shall dress and
bandage these areas so as to provide protection from contamination.

Needles and Other "Sharps" - Precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from sharp objects
at the scene.

Vaccine - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis B immunization vaccines are provided on a voluntary basis.

When given in a 3-dose series, over a six-month period of time, the vaccine induces protective
antibodies in 95%-99% of healthy adults 20-39 years of age and 91 %
for adults over 40 years of age. Because of the long incubation period for Hepatitis B, it is
possible for unrecognized infection to be present at the time the vaccine is given. The vaccine
may not prevent Hepatitis B in such cases. The duration of immunity is unknown at this time.
The incident of side effects is very low. No serious side effects have been reported with the
vaccine. The possibility exists, however, that more serious side effects may be identified with
more extensive use. The most common side effects reported were injection site reaction:
soreness, pain, tenderness, itching, redness, bruising, swelling, warmth and nodule formation.
Other complaints include fatigue, weakness, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea, sore throat or
respiratory infection.


General - Precautions should be taken to prevent personal exposure during all decontamination
procedures. With the exception of hand washing, all procedures shall be performed using
disposable gloves.

Clothing - Contaminated clothing should be dry cleaned or washed in soap and hot water.

Equipment - Contaminated equipment is defined as any equipment that has come in contact with
any body fluids from any source. Equipment should be cleaned with a 1: 1 0 household solution
of bleach to water and then with a disinfectant soap and warm water solution.

Hand washing - Hands shall be washed after each contact. If other skin surfaces are
contaminated with blood, other body fluids or potentially contaminated micelles, these surfaces
should also be washed. When hand-washing facilities are available, wash hands with warm water
and soap. Washing should be completed using appropriate facilities, such as utility or restroom
sinks. Kitchen sinks shall not be used for this purpose. When hand-washing facilities are not
available, use a water-less antiseptic hand cleanser. In cases where body fluids come in contact
with non-intact skin, immediate disinfection of the non-intact skin with isopropyl alcohol,
followed by a thorough washing with soap and water.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Automated External Defibrillators NUMBER: 203
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 18, 2008 APPROVEDED: Patrick McCranie

Members of this office shall be trained in first aid and CPR (cardio pulmonary
resuscitation), and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED). First aid equipment
and supplies shall be a standard part of the equipment assigned to patrol vehicles. The
AED units shall be assigned to members of this agency who have been trained in its use.

Employees of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office are charged with the duties of
enforcement of the law as well as protecting life, limb and property. This includes assisting
with medical responses as appropriate. This response shall be in according with the
training provided to the members of the Sheriff’s Office.


A. Use of equipment: All equipment shall be used in accordance with the training provided
and with the instructions as provided by the trainer or the manufacturer.

B. Training: Initial training to all personnel shall be provided in accordance with the
standards of either the Red Cross or the American Heart Association or (the currently
accepted training agency). This training will be conducted during the first year of
employment either by the training academy or the agency and shall include the
appropriate and proper use of all equipment involved in the training sessions. Training
shall be documented in accordance with agency policy. Refresher training is given with
the CPR renewal that is required by the Red Cross or American Heart Association once
every two years.

C. Routine testing of equipment: The annual vehicle/equipment inspection shall include the
inspection and testing of the AED and the inspection of first aid equipment and supplies.
The county EMS agency shall provide replacement parts and supplies and will test and
repair AED units as recommended by the manufacturer.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Commendations NUMBER: 204
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 18, 2008 APPROVEDED: Patrick McCranie

The purpose of this policy is to provide operational guidelines for the recognition of
exceptional acts or performances by a member of this office.

The Sheriff’s Office recognizes the exceptional performance or acts of members of this
office and the procedure to do so shall be made available to the public.


A. All personnel will make available to the public on request the procedure to be followed in
registering commendations for an employee of this office.

1. Give the subject a preprinted form titled “How to Commend an Employee” to make
the commendation.

2. Tell the subject to come back at a later time to speak with the Sheriff or Supervisor
if one is not available.

3. Get the subjects name and phone number where they can be reached.

B. A copy of “How to Commend an Employee” will be posted in the public area of the
Sheriff’s Office. The information is also made available on the agency website.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Recruit Training NUMBER: 205
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: February 13, 2003 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require all newly sworn officers to successfully complete a recruit-training program prior
to any routine assignment in any capacity in which the officer is allowed to carry a weapon
and/or is in a position to make an arrest, except as part of a formal field training program.


Newly sworn officers will successfully complete a recruit-training program prior to any
routine assignment in any capacity in which the officer is allowed to carry a weapon and/or is
in a position to make an arrest, except as part of a formal field-training program.


A. Law Enforcement/Corrections Officer/Dispatcher Recruit

1. Each person appointed to the position of Deputy Sheriff, is to attain Law Enforcement
Officer or Corrections Officer/Dispatcher Certification by successfully completing a
prescribed course of training within twelve (12) months from the time of

2. The title “Recruit” is to be used during training for the newly appointed officer.

3. The “Recruit” is sworn as a Deputy Sheriff and receives training from certified
instructors of this agency prior to any assignment. Training to include:

a. Use of force;
b. Firearms;
c. Agency’s policy and procedures.

4. Upon completion of the aforesaid training the “Recruit is assigned to a FTO (Field
Training Officer for a Law-enforcement Recruit, a Correctional Sergeant or other
designated officer for a Correctional Officer Recruit.)

a. The Recruit is assigned to a training officer until he/she attends the next
available D.C.J.S. approved State mandated basic training course.
b. The Recruit is permitted to carry a weapon and/or be in a position to make an
arrest only when a part of the formal training program.

5. Commonwealth of Virginia Law Enforcement/Corrections Certification is granted

only after successful completion of all phases of training as mandated by:

a. The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office;

b. The Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Commonwealth of

6. The Sheriff may waive certain recruit training requirements based on:

a. Previous experience;
b. Previous training;
c. Current certifications (must be on file)
d. Knowledge of the County.

7. At a minimum the recruit will receive training as set forth in “A-3” of this policy. If
the new hire is already certified and has been in law enforcement a minimum of three
years with an agency of this state the Sheriff may wave all recruit and probationary
periods with the exception of “A-3” of this policy.

B. Obedience to Rules and Regulations of the Sheriff’s Office

1. All “Recruits” are subject to all General Orders and policies of the Lancaster County
Sheriff’s Office.

C. Probationary Period

1. A twelve (12) month probationary period for “Recruits” commences upon

appointments as a Deputy Sheriff.

D. Training Records

1. The Sheriff or his designee maintains, in each personnel file, a training record, which

a. Date of training;
b. Type of training received;
c. Any certificate received;
d. Attendance;
e. Score (if received from the training facility).

2. The Sheriff, or his designee, shall maintain files on all in-house training courses or
presentations, including:
a. Course content (lesson plan);
b. Personnel attending;
c. Performance attained as measured by tests, if administered, or competence.

E. Curriculum for minimum training of law enforcement, correctional and dispatchers will be as
stated in the Rules of the Department of Criminal Justice Services, Chapter 2 of the Training

1. Law Enforcement VR-240-01-1;

2. Corrections VR-240-01.4;
3. Dispatchers VR-240-01.5.

F. New members will be in compliance with all state training mandates, within twelve (12)
months after appointment or employment, all applicable legal requirements relevant to
performance of duties.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Field Training NUMBER: 206
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 20, 2009 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To show that all Deputies have completed FTO training under the supervision of a properly
trained FTO(s)


Recruits will be required to participate in the agency’s field training program.


A. Recruit Field Training:

1. Formal academy training must be supplemented by field training to ensure quality

performance. Recruit officers are assigned to a trained and certified Field Training
Officer in accordance with DCJS standards prior to being given responsibility for
regular assignments.

B. Selection Process:

1. The Sheriff is to designate certain officers as Field Training Officers (FTO). The
division supervisor recommends to the Sheriff an officer for the FTO designation.
The Sheriff gives final approval for such designation. This selection is based on
several factors including:

a. Officer interest;
b. Shift supervisory recommendations;
c. Officers evaluation; and
d. Performance.

C. Supervision:

1. All FTO’s are directly supervised by their Division supervisor.

D. Training:

1. The FTO obtains DCJS certification as a FTO and attends refresher training every
three years.

E. Assignment Rotation:

1. The FTO ensures that the Recruit is familiar with all aspects of the agency, with
emphasis on the division to which the Recruit is assigned permanently.

2. The agency does not rotate recruits as they are trained in all aspects of the agency.

a. In addition, all recruits are trained by the FTO in all agency policies,
procedures, rules and regulations.

F. Evaluation:

1. The FTO evaluates the Recruits on a weekly basis. An evaluation report is submitted
to the supervisor and Sheriff.

2. In the event the evaluation indicates that the Recruit’s performance is below minimal
standards and/or insufficient to perform assigned duties the FTO, division supervisor
and Sheriff meet to discuss the issue and reach a decision about training and

G. Reporting and Documentation Requirements:

1. The FTO files recruit evaluation reports weekly to the Division Head and the Sheriff.

2. Upon the completion of the required 100 hour training program, the FTO must submit
with the evaluation report a separate report stating that the recruit is prepared to be
released from the program or should remain in the program for an addition period of
time and why.

3. Upon the recruit’s completion of the program, the FTO submits in writing to the
Sheriff stating the recruit has completed the recruit training program (including any
recommendations) and ready for assignment.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Specialized Training NUMBER: 207
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: January 20, 2009 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To identify the functions for which specialized training is required.


Functions will be identified within this agency for which specialized training is required to

a. Development and/or enhancement of the skills, knowledge and abilities

particular to the specialized training and;

b. Supervised on the job training.


A. The following functions performed by personnel require special training.

1. D.A.R.E. Program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)

a. Officer must attend mandatory classes and be certified as a DARE Instructor.

1. Maintain certification by teaching/instructing the program in the

schools and attending necessary in-services.

2. The DARE instructors receive the appropriate and required training.

They will maintain a valid instructor certificate and will attend
In-service training as required by DCJS and DARE.

2. School Resource Officer

a. The SRO will receive SRO training as required by DCJS. He/she will attend
in-service training as required.
b. To stay abreast of changes and issues concerning the school environment the
SRO will seek and attend appropriate training and conferences that apply to
school safety community policing issues, etc.

B. Documented on-the-job training

The training for specialized functions may come from courses in different locations of the
state or through supervised on-the-job training.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Newly Enacted Laws and Revisions NUMBER: 208
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: December 23, 2008 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To define policy for the training of sworn personnel in the legislative changes that affect the
agency’s responsibilities to all members of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office.


It is the policy of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s to provide training to personnel on legislative
changes that relate to the agency’s responsibilities.


All personnel attend either legislative update training through an approved method, or review
legislative changes as posted on the Virginia State Police website.

A. Training may be completed by attending a legislative update class at any DCJS certified
training academy, by simulcast presentation, video tape or other presentation.

B. Division supervisors may review the legislative changes and conduct training for division
personnel as appropriate.

C. Training can also be obtained by reviewing a printed list of new law updates and signing off
on a sign off sheet that the officer has received the training.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Reassignment/Promotion Training NUMBER: 209
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To provide skill development to all personnel upon functional reassignment or promotion.


Skill development will be provided to all personnel upon functional reassignment or



A. Upon promotion or reassignment to a job with new functions, the member is to be scheduled
to attend courses provided by the Regional Academy, or other approved schools, to enhance
his/her skills in the performance of the newly assigned job functions.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Civilian Employee Training NUMBER: 211
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require the identification of civilian positions for which pre-service and in-service training
are required, and the position responsible for planning, conduction, and/or documenting such


Civilian positions for which pre-service and in-service training is required, and the position
responsible for planning, conduction, and/or documenting such training will be named.


A. Positions requiring pre-service and in-service training.

1. E-911 Dispatcher

a. Basic school for dispatchers

b. VCIN certification
1. Requires bi-annual re-certification

2. Management Information System Administrator (MISA)

a. VCIN certification
1. Requires bi-annual re-certification

3. Records Manager

B. Position Responsible for Planning, Conduction, and/or Documenting Training.

1. The Communication Supervisor

2. Training Officer
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: Training Records NUMBER: 212
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2016 REVIEW DATE: Annual
AMENDS/SUPERSEDES: July 15, 1998 APPROVED: Patrick McCranie


To require proper documentation and records to be kept on file for all job related training
received by agency personnel.


Proper documentation and records will be kept on file for all job related training received by
agency personnel to include:

a. The title of the training received;

b. The dates and hours of attendance;
c. The identification of trainers or agencies presenting the course;
d. The names of all agency personnel receiving the training.


Agency training officers and division heads are to ensure proper documentation and records for all
job related training received by agency personnel to include:

a. The title of the training received;

b. The dates and hours of attendance;
c. The identification of trainers or agencies presenting the course;
d. The names of all agency personnel receiving the training.

Records are to be maintained in the individual employee’s personnel file.

Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
SUBJECT: MDT Usage and Care NUMBER: 01


To establish policies and procedures regarding use and care of MDT equipment, hardware
and software.

The Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office will support all policies and procedures
regarding computer use and security. The office further supports all applicable
State and Federal copyright laws and the license agreements of software manufacturers.


A. All Sheriff’s Office personnel have access to the Sheriff’s Office computer network. This
is accomplished through the utilization of an assigned “User ID” and a user defined

B. The designated administrator of the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office will changing or
assigning all passwords as needed.

C. All personnel that are issued a MDT will also be issued a copy of this policy and shall
adhere to it.

Mobile Data Terminal System:

1. Only certified/approved Sheriff’s Office personnel shall have access to the Mobile
Data Terminal System. This is accomplished through utilization of an assigned
“USER ID” and a user-defined password as approved by NCIC/VCIN.

2. In order to protect access to sensitive information and ensure accountability, MTD

users shall not divulge their password to others.

3. Users shall change their password when required by the server software, or
whenever a security breach is known or suspected.
4. Messages transmitted or received by MTD’s may be subject to Freedom of
Information Act requests and subpoena duces tecums. Queries of network
databases are logged. Messages sent or received by MTD’s are captured by the
Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system.

a. Electronic messages, queries, and retrieved data are considered official

correspondence and shall be handled with the same degree of propriety and

b. The MDT shall remain in the possession and control of the employee(s) to whom it
was issued. To ensure that database access and locally stored information are not
accessible to passengers, prisoners, or motorists, the MTD shall be secured at all
times and not left unattended while operational.

c. For safety and security reasons, the MTD display screen shall be positioned so
that retrieved information can be viewed only by the operator and other authorized
persons. The screen must be either fully opened or closed, and pedestal height at the
lowest level to comply with the air bag deployment zone.

5. The MDT shall remain locked in the docking station, screen fully closed, and
pedestal height at the lowest level while the vehicle is in motion to ensure the
safety of the driver and passengers during air bag deployment. Employees are to
operate their vehicles with due regard for the safety of others and themselves.

6. Employees are responsible for the care, maintenance, and proper use of MTD
equipment in their possession or control. Every effort shall be made to protect and
secure the MTD and related equipment from theft, damage, or exposure to the
elements or environmental hazards.

a. The MTD should be removed from an unattended patrol vehicle as necessary and
properly secured. When not in use, the MTD device shall be locked.

b. The MTD shall be powered down and removed from its docking station prior to
charging the vehicle battery, or any jump-starting activity involving the vehicle.

c. Foreign objects, such as pens, pencils, and paper clips, shall not be placed on the
MTD, screen or keyboard. Only the proper stylus may be used.

d. Magnetic objects, such as magnetic clips or dash lights, shall not be placed near the

e. Beverages shall not be placed on, above, or in proximity to MTD equipment in such
a way that liquid may be spilled into the unit.

f. Deputies experiencing “hardware Related” problems or failures during their normal

shift, but outside of normal business working hours should revert to standard two-
way radio practices for driver or vehicle queries.
g. The deputy shall keep the keyboard reasonably clean using a cloth dampened with
water, and the screen may be cleaned using a dry cleaning cloth.

h. Upon receiving a message at the mobile terminal to “log off” the deputy should do
so as soon as practical to avoid reconnect problems.

i. Deputies will be responsible for having the device turned on at the beginning of
his/her shift for virus updates to be pushed down to the unit.

7. Any physical damage or loss of the MTD or any of its accessory components shall
be reported immediately to the employee’s supervisor.

8. Only persons authorized by the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office shall add,
remove, modify, or reconfigure software or hardware on the MTD.

9. When an MDT is equipped with peripherals or network connections to allow

loading of documents, forms, software or other files, such files shall be scanned
with a current version of Department-approved virus scan software prior to

10. The MTD will be subjected to and operated in only those environments for which
it was designed and intended.
Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office General Orders
EFFECTIVE DATE: December 13, 2018 REVIEW DATE: Annually


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the Sheriff’s Office personnel governing
the utilization of Naloxone pursuant to Virginia Code and any other applicable law.


The Lancaster County Sheriff’s office in an effort to reduce the number of fatalities from opiate
overdoses by the deployment of Naloxone/Narcan (Naloxone may be used when referring to
Narcan) will train agency members before their being authorized to carry and/or deploy the


A. Training:

1. Any sworn member of this office must receive the appropriate training in the carrying,
maintenance, use and administration of Naloxone prior to carrying and/or administrating
the medication.

2. Training shall include a review of the Virginia Code authorizing and governing the use
of Naloxone.

3. This training must be conducted by an appropriately trained and certified instructor as

required by the Virginia Code and as developed by the Virginia Board of Pharmacy.

4. The Sheriff shall designate a Naloxone program coordinator. The coordinator will be
the responsible party for overseeing the program and scheduling the training of agency
B. Program coordination:

1. The program coordinator shall maintain a sufficient supply of naloxone within the
Sheriff’s Office.

2. The program coordinator shall ensure the proper training of those authorized to be
issued Naloxone.

3. The program coordinator shall issue Naloxone to personnel authorized to carry and
administer Naloxone.

4. The program coordinator shall be responsible for the removal of any expired Naloxone
from the agency inventory to include that carried in patrol vehicles.

5. The program coordinator shall be responsible for the maintenance of all records
pertaining to the training, issuance, inventory and administering of Naloxone.

C. Naloxone Use: Before any agency personnel deploys Naloxone, the following facts
must be considered.

1. Agency personnel shall maintain universal precautions.

2. Agency personnel shall perform a patient assessment based on their training in first
aid and CPR.

3. As a part of the assessment agency personnel shall speak with any by-standers, if
appropriate and scan the area for any indication of opiate use by the patient.

4. Agency personnel shall determine the patients level of alertness, check for signs of
life and determine if depressed breathing is occurring.

5. Notify the Communication Center that the patient is in a potential overdose state and
request that the rescue squad be dispatched to the scene and/or verify if they are

6. Administer Naloxone as trained.

D. Maintenance/replacement:

1. Periodic inspections of the Naloxone kits shall be conducted by the agency personnel
assigned the kit.

2. Any missing/damaged/ or expired Naloxone kits will be reported to the program

3. The program coordinator shall replace any missing items in the kit or pull the kit from

4. Naloxone kits shall not be left in off-duty patrol vehicle when the ambient outside
temperature is to drop below 50 degrees or rise above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

E. Records/Documentation:

At any time that agency personnel administers Naloxone that person shall notify the
communication center of its use, and the number of doses administered and ask that it
be indicated in the call comments. The agency personnel administrating the Naloxone
shall complete an incident report. This report shall include the nature of the incident,
the care received by the patient to include the fact that Naloxone was deployed, the result
of that deployment and any additional information available. This report shall be forwarded
through the chain of command and shall be filed and maintained by the program coordinator.

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