2022 Q3 Ridership APTA

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American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 Contact: David Kahana

1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Policy Analyst

Washington, DC 20005 Telephone: (202) 496-4807
Email: dkahana@apta.com
Third Quarter 2022



Period 2022 2021 2022-2021
2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
(000's) (000's)
JULY 505,129 428,893 17.78% Weekdays 21 22 23 22 22 22
AUGUST 544,437 436,468 24.74% Saturdays 5 5 4 4 4 4
SEPTEMBER 578,416 475,935 21.53% Sundays 4 4 5 5 4 4
Third Quarter 1,627,982 1,341,295 21.37% Holidays 1 1 0 0 1 1


JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- Third Year
MODE JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22- SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Quarter -to-Date
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
Heavy Rail 184,377 191,191 208,511 584,079 1,646,040 153,758 149,445 160,925 464,128 1,147,916 25.84% 43.39%
Light Rail 25,215 26,765 27,517 79,496 221,112 19,928 20,766 23,288 63,983 156,982 24.25% 40.85%
Commuter Rail 22,837 24,493 25,183 72,513 191,594 16,839 16,782 18,465 52,085 116,953 39.22% 63.82%
Trolleybus 3,928 4,319 4,484 12,731 35,308 3,411 3,584 3,826 10,821 26,673 17.65% 32.37%
Bus Population Group
2,000,000+ 172,640 186,494 192,053 551,187 1,551,284 151,250 154,934 168,108 474,292 1,251,624 16.21% 23.94%
500,000 to 1,999,999 48,399 54,272 56,813 159,483 440,863 42,535 44,652 47,405 134,591 365,767 18.49% 20.53%
100,000 to 499,999 17,602 22,000 26,782 66,384 187,242 15,406 18,067 22,522 55,994 144,301 18.55% 29.76%
Below 100,000 6,039 9,349 13,349 28,738 85,267 4,784 7,613 11,991 24,387 56,013 17.84% 52.23%

Bus Total 244,679 272,115 288,997 805,791 2,264,656 213,974 225,265 250,025 689,264 1,817,706 16.91% 24.59%
Demand Response 12,373 13,763 13,258 39,394 109,990 10,902 11,176 11,091 33,169 89,094 18.77% 23.45%
Other (c) 11,721 11,792 10,465 33,978 88,137 10,081 9,449 8,316 27,846 65,562 22.02% 34.43%

United States Total 505,129 544,437 578,416 1,627,982 4,556,837 428,893 436,468 475,935 1,341,295 3,420,886 21.37% 33.21%
Canada 127,337 129,726 151,252 408,314 1,079,781 82,504 87,505 105,328 275,336 674,322 48.30% 60.13%

* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.

Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2010 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.
(c) Includes aerial tramway, automated guideway, cable car, ferryboat, inclined plane, monorail, and vanpool.
For more information visithttps://www.apta.com/research-technical-resources/transit-statistics/ridership-report/
American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 2
1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Contact:David Kahana
Washington, DC 20005 Policy Analyst
Telephone: (202) 496-4807
Third Quarter 2022



State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA 72.2 2,053.4 2,115.9 2,132.1 6,301.4 19,239.8 1,787.2 1,853.8 1,927.3 5,568.3 14,829.6 13.17% 29.74%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD 139.7 3,305.8 3,760.3 3,906.1 10,972.2 28,933.2 2,247.6 2,482.6 2,749.2 7,479.4 16,959.0 46.70% 70.61%
DC Washington Washington Metro Area TA 316.4 8,495.2 8,331.8 8,553.5 25,380.5 67,574.6 6,128.4 5,664.7 6,496.0 18,289.1 39,151.3 38.77% 72.60%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency 41.0 953.3 1,076.5 1,012.3 3,042.1 8,891.1 722.2 749.6 795.7 2,267.5 7,152.5 34.16% 24.31%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth 92.4 2,389.6 2,574.5 2,762.2 7,726.3 20,699.8 2,052.3 2,120.5 2,339.7 6,512.5 16,393.1 18.64% 26.27%
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority 351.1 9,350.6 9,649.5 10,200.3 29,200.4 76,601.1 7,987.5 8,061.2 8,988.3 25,037.0 54,533.0 16.63% 40.47%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth 246.7 7,080.0 6,446.7 6,175.3 19,702.0 58,448.0 5,766.4 6,057.8 6,998.4 18,822.6 43,120.7 4.67% 35.55%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin 4.2 69.9 122.1 164.8 356.8 1,058.3 137.8 132.2 142.1 412.1 1,149.6 -13.42% -7.94%
NJ Jersey City Port Authority of NY & NJ 158.6 3,946.2 4,166.8 4,450.6 12,563.6 33,872.0 2,994.4 2,962.0 3,324.7 9,281.1 21,519.1 35.37% 57.40%
NY New York MTA New York City Transit 5,675.7 142,706.0 148,363.0 164,237.0 455,306.0 1,290,101.0 120,132.9 115,449.0 122,379.0 357,960.9 901,314.2 27.19% 43.14%
NY New York MTA Staten Island Railway 12.7 256.7 274.1 343.8 874.6 2,735.7 219.9 223.3 281.2 724.4 1,817.8 20.73% 50.50%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA 8.1 216.4 231.7 247.8 695.9 2,035.4 195.4 197.1 214.1 606.6 1,731.5 14.72% 17.55%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA 132.0 2,956.5 3,388.3 3,647.6 9,992.4 30,479.9 2,919.3 2,985.4 3,741.2 9,645.9 24,624.6 3.59% 23.78%
PR San Juan Puerto Rico DOT 9.5 194.9 244.6 189.7 629.2 1,748.6 131.0 157.8 171.4 460.2 1,106.9 36.72% 57.97%

REPORTED TOTAL 7,260.4 183,974.5 190,745.8 208,023.1 582,743.4 1,642,418.5 153,422.3 149,097.0 160,548.3 463,067.6 1,145,402.9 25.84% 43.39%

PROJECTED TOTAL (c) 184,376.8 191,191.4 208,510.9 584,079.1 1,646,039.5 153,757.8 149,445.3 160,924.8 464,127.9 1,147,916.1 25.84% 43.39%

* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.

Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2010 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.
American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 3
1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Contact: David Kahana
Washington, DC 20005 Policy Analyst
Telephone: (202) 496-4807
e-mail: dkahana@apta.com
Third Quarter 2022



State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
AZ Tucson City of Tucson MTS 4.4 59.7 115.9 178.7 354.3 1,024.3 42.7 77.2 128.1 248.0 537.8 42.86% 90.46%
AZ Phoenix Valley Metro Rail, Inc. 26.5 658.3 764.1 834.0 2,256.4 6,687.5 569.3 638.9 672.1 1,880.3 5,166.1 20.00% 29.45%
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA 93.1 2,436.1 2,602.5 2,663.4 7,702.0 23,489.0 2,345.8 2,430.1 2,510.9 7,286.8 18,881.7 5.70% 24.40%
CA Oceanside North County Transit District 4.4 116.1 118.6 123.0 357.7 378.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA
CA Sacramento Sacramento Reg Tr Dist 17.3 416.3 452.8 502.3 1,371.4 3,830.3 342.3 350.0 371.9 1,064.2 2,950.4 28.87% 29.82%
CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit Sy 104.3 2,842.2 2,977.1 3,031.0 8,850.3 25,073.7 2,068.7 2,163.6 2,299.3 6,531.6 16,501.2 35.50% 51.95%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy 14.4 1,427.0 1,600.4 1,712.6 4,740.0 12,609.2 1,521.3 1,811.0 2,032.7 5,365.0 8,927.6 -11.65% 41.24%
CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth 12.5 311.4 356.4 344.7 1,012.5 2,534.5 0.0 0.7 145.3 146.0 1,132.6 >100% >100%
CO Denver Regional Trp District 58.9 1,222.8 1,393.6 1,276.4 3,892.8 10,282.4 937.0 990.8 1,165.1 3,092.9 6,968.7 25.86% 47.55%
DC Washington District Dept of Transp 1.0 19.5 33.4 32.6 85.5 207.5 24.7 18.8 18.9 62.4 225.6 37.02% -8.02%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth 0.5 18.6 16.9 16.8 52.3 125.9 14.3 10.7 10.3 35.3 85.6 48.16% 47.08%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth 82.6 2,394.0 2,226.6 2,356.9 6,977.5 20,011.4 1,992.2 2,046.2 2,638.5 6,676.9 14,800.7 4.50% 35.21%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin 12.8 317.2 367.4 364.2 1,048.8 2,471.8 205.8 237.4 249.6 692.8 1,923.9 51.39% 28.48%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit 36.6 987.0 1,043.1 1,226.3 3,256.4 9,042.5 866.4 916.8 1,087.8 2,871.0 7,562.0 13.42% 19.58%
MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency 20.7 546.2 563.9 655.9 1,766.0 5,022.1 513.0 549.9 587.1 1,650.0 4,312.4 7.03% 16.46%
NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit 17.1 486.9 511.7 503.2 1,501.8 3,819.1 265.7 280.6 352.9 899.2 2,189.3 67.02% 74.44%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp NA 1,525.0 1,556.2 1,691.4 4,772.6 12,959.0 1,291.4 1,245.5 1,332.7 3,869.6 9,991.2 23.34% 29.70%
NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Trp Auth 7.9 198.8 195.8 217.7 612.3 1,754.6 182.5 178.8 204.4 565.7 1,331.9 8.24% 31.74%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA 2.4 54.6 68.6 66.7 189.9 491.5 52.7 12.1 0.0 64.8 326.7 >100% 50.44%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist 63.7 1,830.5 1,861.8 1,765.5 5,457.8 15,238.6 1,461.4 1,458.8 1,436.8 4,357.0 11,617.3 25.27% 31.17%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co NA 221.3 231.2 262.5 715.0 1,782.2 192.1 189.0 226.7 607.8 1,392.3 17.64% 28.00%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA 38.1 798.8 1,010.2 1,073.8 2,882.8 8,423.9 635.8 650.1 1,007.6 2,293.5 6,155.7 25.69% 36.85%
State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit 57.7 1,527.3 1,627.5 1,583.6 4,738.4 13,125.6 1,314.5 1,355.7 1,435.9 4,106.1 10,919.2 15.40% 20.21%
TX El Paso El Paso Mass Transit Dept 0.3 4.4 5.5 7.1 17.0 37.4 1.5 2.6 2.8 6.9 6.9 >100% >100%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co 40.9 968.7 1,109.9 1,108.5 3,187.1 8,935.9 821.7 880.7 852.6 2,555.0 6,330.0 24.74% 41.17%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority 36.0 865.9 957.1 984.8 2,807.8 8,079.9 682.3 773.8 881.2 2,337.3 5,885.7 20.13% 37.28%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit 2.6 63.8 72.3 71.5 207.6 560.8 58.4 56.7 61.8 176.9 449.3 17.35% 24.82%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp 3.6 95.3 104.0 102.1 301.4 800.9 78.1 78.4 77.8 234.3 562.3 28.64% 42.43%
WA Seattle Sound Transit 77.3 2,202.7 2,340.6 2,322.8 6,866.1 17,644.6 1,041.8 1,020.7 1,138.0 3,200.5 6,500.6 >100% >100%

REPORTED TOTAL 837.8 24,616.4 26,285.1 27,080.0 77,981.5 216,444.8 19,523.4 20,425.6 22,928.8 62,877.8 153,634.7 24.02% 40.88%

PROJECTED TOTAL (c) 25,215.1 26,764.5 27,516.5 79,496.1 221,112.2 19,928.1 20,766.2 23,288.3 63,982.6 156,982.4 24.25% 40.85%

* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.

Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2000 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.
(c) Includes missing agencies (Central Arkansas TA and Kenosha Transit).
American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 5
1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Contact: David Kahana
Washington, DC 20005 Policy Analyst
Telephone: (202) 496-4807
Third Quarter 2022



State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '21- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '21 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
AK Anchorage Alaska Railroad Corporation 1.8 59.9 54.0 24.8 138.7 217.0 50.9 49.6 14.7 115.2 163.1 20.40% 33.05%
CA Los Angeles Southern California RRA 15.2 368.3 409.3 386.5 1,164.1 3,029.9 254.1 268.6 267.8 790.5 1,846.4 47.26% 64.10%
CA Oceanside North County Transit District 2.6 89.6 79.8 69.1 238.5 250.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA
CA San Carlos Caltrain 18.1 443.0 494.8 468.9 1,406.7 3,527.4 478.8 504.4 515.1 1,498.3 3,765.4 -6.11% -6.32%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD 4.4 97.7 113.4 114.3 325.4 896.7 71.1 78.9 89.5 239.5 568.5 35.87% 57.73%
CA San Rafael Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Tr Di 1.8 43.8 48.3 49.1 141.2 340.4 24.6 25.0 27.9 77.5 147.8 82.19% >100%
CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Rail Comm 8.9 30.6 38.5 37.9 107.0 283.9 20.6 23.8 25.8 70.2 153.5 52.42% 84.95%
CO Denver Regional Trp District 34.3 724.5 832.4 709.3 2,266.2 6,025.9 656.6 655.3 686.8 1,998.7 4,679.9 13.38% 28.76%
CT New Haven Connecticut DOT 0.7 20.5 20.0 17.9 58.4 138.5 14.5 12.7 13.7 40.9 79.6 42.79% 73.99%
FL Orlando SunRail 3.8 82.5 85.1 60.1 227.7 697.7 67.8 61.3 58.3 187.4 532.3 21.50% 31.07%
FL Pompano Beac South Florida RTA (Tri-Rail) 10.9 267.3 302.9 282.4 852.6 2,495.8 205.7 223.6 225.8 655.1 1,796.9 30.15% 38.89%
IL Chicago Metra 115.8 2,221.5 2,409.5 2,365.0 6,996.0 17,220.9 1,608.1 1,577.0 1,598.6 4,783.7 9,376.8 46.25% 83.65%
IN Chesterton Northern IN Commuter TD 5.1 149.1 136.2 123.8 409.1 1,044.2 121.6 107.9 105.7 335.2 689.8 22.05% 51.38%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth 69.4 1,569.7 1,752.9 1,837.4 5,160.0 13,152.9 724.5 791.2 1,068.4 2,584.1 5,143.7 99.68% >100%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin 9.1 250.2 273.3 265.7 789.2 2,043.4 67.5 87.3 176.6 331.4 763.2 >100% >100%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit 0.3 6.2 7.3 7.4 20.9 56.3 4.7 4.9 6.3 15.9 32.6 31.45% 72.70%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp NA 3,896.8 4,120.1 4,406.6 12,423.5 32,495.6 2,839.4 2,808.9 3,052.4 8,700.7 19,358.7 42.79% 67.86%
NM Albuquerque New Mexico Dept of Trp 1.8 41.1 48.7 47.6 137.4 311.3 21.6 24.2 25.1 70.9 111.8 93.79% >100%
NY New York MTA Long Island Rail Road 226.1 5,930.5 6,287.3 6,446.9 18,664.7 50,796.0 4,897.9 4,795.7 5,314.6 15,008.2 33,663.0 24.36% 50.90%
NY New York MTA Metro-North Railroad 191.2 4,424.4 4,576.6 4,913.0 13,914.0 37,262.7 3,264.6 3,155.7 3,430.6 9,850.9 23,032.7 41.25% 61.78%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist 0.5 9.6 11.6 10.4 31.6 87.5 8.4 8.6 8.2 25.2 66.2 25.40% 32.18%
PA Harris-Phil Penn DOT (Keystone) 2.6 77.4 79.4 82.1 238.9 607.7 50.0 50.4 55.2 155.6 327.5 53.53% 85.56%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA 55.7 1,208.6 1,365.7 1,478.5 4,052.8 11,462.3 790.1 834.5 1,017.2 2,641.8 6,404.1 53.41% 78.98%
TN Nashville Regional Transp Auth 0.4 7.9 9.6 9.4 26.9 68.0 6.3 6.0 6.7 19.0 38.4 41.58% 77.08%
State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '21- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '21 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth 1.4 28.1 45.9 42.0 116.0 356.2 37.8 36.1 35.7 109.6 216.1 5.84% 64.83%
TX Dallas-Ft Worth Trinity Railway Express 3.5 74.2 87.7 89.7 251.6 764.1 74.7 75.5 85.1 235.3 623.4 6.93% 22.57%
TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro 1.6 49.0 47.3 51.6 147.9 394.6 34.8 32.8 37.5 105.1 244.1 40.72% 61.66%
TX Lewisville Denton County Transportation 0.6 12.4 14.9 19.1 46.4 129.1 10.3 12.0 15.1 37.4 88.9 24.06% 45.22%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority 12.6 262.5 303.9 340.3 906.7 2,317.6 173.6 206.8 245.2 625.6 1,437.2 44.93% 61.26%
VA Alexandria Virginia Railway Express 5.6 99.1 117.9 141.9 358.9 841.1 54.4 57.8 57.3 169.5 360.3 >100% >100%
WA Seattle Sound Transit 5.3 101.9 121.5 113.8 337.2 891.9 64.6 69.7 72.6 206.9 505.5 62.98% 76.44%

REPORTED TOTAL 811.0 22,647.9 24,295.8 25,012.5 71,956.2 190,207.5 16,699.6 16,646.2 18,339.5 51,685.3 116,217.4 39.22% 63.67%

PROJECTED TOTAL 22,836.7 24,493.4 25,183.0 72,513.1 191,593.8 16,838.8 16,781.6 18,464.5 52,084.9 116,952.5 39.22% 63.82%

* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.

Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2010 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.
American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 7
1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Contact: David Kahana
Washington, DC 20005 Policy Analyst
Telephone: (202) 496-4807
e-mail: dkahana@apta.com
Third Quarter 2022



State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy 107.0 2,806.3 3,129.1 3,228.5 9,163.9 24,764.7 2,227.5 2,395.3 2,501.7 7,124.5 17,274.2 28.63% 43.36%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 241.4 99.8 100.2 119.5 319.5 806.2 ######## -70.06%
OH Dayton Greater Dayton Regional TA 5.9 147.0 170.3 184.0 501.3 1,281.3 149.3 158.6 162.6 470.5 1,340.9 6.55% -4.44%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA 8.1 185.9 200.3 224.6 610.8 1,910.9 187.1 186.0 229.7 602.8 1,613.8 1.33% 18.41%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp 36.2 788.4 819.1 847.3 2,454.8 7,109.8 747.0 744.0 812.5 2,303.5 5,638.1 6.57% 26.10%

REPORTED TOTAL 157.3 3,927.6 4,318.8 4,484.4 12,730.8 35,308.1 3,410.7 3,584.1 3,826.0 10,820.8 26,673.2 17.65% 32.37%

PROJECTED TOTAL (c) 3,927.6 4,318.8 4,484.4 12,730.8 35,308.1 3,410.7 3,584.1 3,826.0 10,820.8 26,673.2 17.65% 32.37%

* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.

Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2010 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.
American Public Transportation Association 22-Nov-22 8
1300 Eye St NW, Suite 1200 E Contact: David Kahana
Washington, DC 20005 Policy Analyst
Telephone: (202) 496-4807
e-mail: dkahana@apta.com
(Transit Agencies in Urbanized Areas of 1,000,000 or more population that operate 300 or more peak-hour buses, plus a selection of other large bus operators)

Third Quarter 2022



State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
AZ Phoenix City of Phoenix PTD 55.4 1,281.1 1,540.5 1,524.7 4,346.3 12,988.3 1,165.1 1,225.3 1,266.6 3,657.0 11,253.3 18.85% 15.42%
CA Long Beach Long Beach Transit 52.1 1,309.7 1,198.2 1,562.0 4,069.9 13,351.1 1,188.1 1,231.8 1,379.5 3,799.4 11,680.4 7.12% 14.30%
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA 623.5 16,018.9 17,482.4 17,584.7 51,086.0 145,791.2 15,887.1 17,188.9 17,384.4 50,460.4 127,372.3 1.24% 14.46%
CA Oakland Alameda-Contra Costa TD 129.5 2,378.0 2,908.6 3,006.5 8,293.1 23,213.3 1,959.4 2,248.1 2,527.0 6,734.5 16,805.7 23.14% 38.13%
CA Orange Orange County Transp Auth 96.1 2,465.4 2,710.7 2,634.0 7,810.1 21,077.9 2,018.5 2,081.0 2,233.6 6,333.1 15,606.4 23.32% 35.06%
CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit Sy 102.5 2,444.4 2,712.0 2,823.9 7,980.3 22,197.7 2,050.5 2,116.5 2,601.5 6,768.5 16,868.3 17.90% 31.59%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy 14.3 5,326.3 5,995.4 6,180.0 17,501.7 47,850.8 4,085.2 4,525.2 4,844.8 13,455.2 34,675.1 30.07% 38.00%
CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth 57.8 1,380.5 1,581.5 1,672.2 4,634.2 12,749.9 1,043.0 1,167.0 1,202.7 3,412.7 8,654.7 35.79% 47.32%
CA Santa Monica Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus 23.6 558.6 624.5 709.4 1,892.5 5,163.0 484.3 502.3 526.3 1,512.9 3,941.4 25.09% 30.99%
CO Denver Regional Trp District 163.8 3,177.6 4,028.4 3,627.5 10,833.5 28,978.3 2,815.1 2,944.6 3,106.6 8,866.3 22,732.3 22.19% 27.48%
DC Washington Washington Metro Area TA 311.2 7,803.4 8,387.4 8,792.0 24,982.8 65,175.3 5,236.3 5,466.6 6,101.5 16,804.4 42,660.5 48.67% 52.78%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency 125.4 3,190.0 3,442.0 3,123.6 9,755.6 28,266.6 2,769.9 2,843.6 2,877.1 8,490.6 28,291.9 14.90% -0.09%
FL Orlando Central Florida RTA 48.9 1,320.5 1,439.1 1,249.2 4,008.8 11,708.4 1,106.3 1,167.7 1,151.2 3,425.2 9,801.0 17.04% 19.46%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth 100.0 2,512.6 2,730.0 2,680.4 7,923.0 20,446.6 1,893.0 2,114.1 1,947.8 5,954.9 18,450.8 33.05% 10.82%
IL Arlington Heights PACE Suburban Bus 48.3 1,114.6 1,275.9 1,291.3 3,681.8 10,107.3 1,071.1 1,151.8 1,220.0 3,442.9 8,942.3 6.94% 13.03%
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority 470.9 11,554.4 12,641.8 13,266.3 37,462.5 103,565.8 10,605.1 10,949.7 12,058.8 33,613.6 84,352.0 11.45% 22.78%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth 271.2 6,704.0 7,125.0 7,417.3 21,246.3 59,288.8 5,524.6 5,782.2 6,582.0 17,888.8 45,189.0 18.77% 31.20%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin 125.5 3,334.9 3,553.3 4,189.5 11,077.7 31,035.5 3,121.0 2,910.8 3,658.7 9,690.5 26,451.9 14.32% 17.33%
MD Rockville Montgomery County Ride-On 43.1 1,115.9 1,122.7 1,168.9 3,407.5 10,479.2 1,094.8 1,143.0 1,181.1 3,418.9 8,702.6 -0.33% 20.41%
MI Detroit City of Detroit Dept of Trp 32.2 810.6 848.5 865.0 2,524.1 6,908.5 728.4 552.5 729.1 2,010.0 6,288.5 25.58% 9.86%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit 89.4 2,210.5 2,444.8 2,601.9 7,257.2 19,596.4 1,867.4 1,927.2 2,237.7 6,032.3 15,896.9 20.31% 23.27%
MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency 40.9 984.7 1,135.9 1,152.8 3,273.4 8,916.8 996.8 1,024.4 1,047.9 3,069.1 8,686.5 6.66% 2.65%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp NA 9,459.3 10,110.5 10,505.5 30,075.3 82,247.1 7,905.0 8,040.8 8,526.4 24,472.2 63,705.8 22.90% 29.10%
NV Las Vegas RTC of Southern Nevada 136.7 3,721.1 4,072.2 4,084.8 11,878.1 32,674.9 3,282.2 3,341.4 3,260.7 9,884.3 27,988.9 20.17% 16.74%
NY New York MTA Bus Company 266.4 8,107.1 8,424.5 8,831.2 25,362.8 73,785.0 7,159.9 7,007.4 7,971.3 22,138.6 57,655.0 14.56% 27.98%
State and AVG JUL '22- JAN '22- JUL '21- JAN '21- 3rd Qtr YTD
Primary City Transit Agency WKDY JUL '22 AUG '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 SEP '22 JUL '21 AUG '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 SEP '21 Chng Chng
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's)
NY New York MTA New York City Transit 1,545.2 39,777.9 41,408.9 42,856.7 124,043.5 358,412.3 35,556.7 35,182.2 38,931.3 109,670.2 295,873.2 13.11% 21.14%
OH Cincinnati Southwest Ohio RTA 32.9 769.7 853.6 975.1 2,598.4 6,878.1 585.5 666.4 773.2 2,025.1 5,317.2 28.31% 29.36%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA 50.9 1,212.5 1,366.0 1,440.9 4,019.4 10,985.0 1,029.6 1,171.9 1,291.6 3,493.1 9,097.6 15.07% 20.75%
OH Columbus Central Ohio Transit Auth 34.0 835.4 967.2 987.8 2,790.4 7,458.9 746.4 769.1 864.1 2,379.6 6,422.9 17.26% 16.13%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist 105.9 2,703.5 2,908.3 2,925.3 8,537.1 24,021.8 2,487.6 2,475.8 2,574.5 7,537.9 20,210.8 13.26% 18.86%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA 272.8 6,267.9 6,907.6 7,473.5 20,649.0 60,249.1 6,010.8 5,716.1 6,751.9 18,478.8 49,128.0 11.74% 22.64%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co NA 2,429.4 2,765.9 3,161.9 8,357.2 23,538.8 1,959.5 2,231.5 2,656.8 6,847.8 17,173.1 22.04% 37.07%
RI Providence Rhode Island Public TA NA 746.3 781.6 950.4 2,478.3 7,220.9 695.6 609.9 854.0 2,159.5 6,030.6 14.76% 19.74%
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit 76.8 1,923.0 2,100.8 2,227.9 6,251.7 17,412.3 1,785.8 1,884.5 1,937.4 5,607.7 15,233.8 11.48% 14.30%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co 150.3 3,763.0 4,154.7 4,277.5 12,195.2 33,600.7 3,019.2 3,218.5 3,137.5 9,375.2 25,990.1 30.08% 29.28%
TX San Antonio VIA Metropolitan Transit 71.9 1,809.7 1,987.8 2,024.3 5,821.8 16,107.3 1,689.3 1,695.3 1,789.6 5,174.2 14,449.2 12.52% 11.48%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit 19.5 501.3 538.2 493.9 1,533.4 4,039.7 480.0 463.8 461.4 1,405.2 4,045.6 9.12% -0.15%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp 170.8 4,693.5 4,857.2 4,849.7 14,400.4 39,717.1 3,895.6 3,880.7 4,040.7 11,817.0 30,591.6 21.86% 29.83%
WI Milwaukee Milwaukee County Tr Sys 51.9 1,301.6 1,376.7 1,485.6 4,163.9 11,602.3 1,218.1 1,273.3 1,429.5 3,920.9 10,429.4 6.20% 11.25%

REPORTED TOTAL 6,011.6 169,018.8 182,510.3 188,675.1 540,204.2 1,518,808.0 148,217.8 151,892.9 165,117.8 465,228.5 1,232,646.6 16.12% 23.22%
* Preliminary information based on data from reporting systems.
Note: Data may differ from that included in Federal Transit Administration reports due to differences in data calculation procedures and in periods of time covered.
(a) Transit agencies assigned by urbanized areas or urban places of less than 50,000 population outside urbanized areas based on 2010 U.S. Census Population.
(b) Year-to-date ridership adjusted for data received after closing dates of previous issues.

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

AK Anchorage Alaska Railroad Corporation CR 1.8 59.9 54.0 24.8 217.0 50.9 49.6 14.7 163.1 20.40% 33.05%
AK Anchorage Alaska Railroad Corporation TOTAL 1.8 59.9 54.0 24.8 217.0 50.9 49.6 14.7 163.1 20.40% 33.05%

AL Birmingham Birmingham-Jefferson Co TA DR 0.3 7.7 8.6 7.7 69.8 8.3 8.2 7.6 70.2 -0.41% -0.57%
AL Birmingham Birmingham-Jefferson Co TA MB 7.0 174.8 171.8 166.4 1,311.3 131.2 126.9 132.2 1,026.1 31.44% 27.79%
AL Birmingham Birmingham-Jefferson Co TA TOTAL 7.3 182.5 180.4 174.1 1,381.1 139.5 135.1 139.8 1,096.3 29.58% 25.98%

AZ Flagstaff N. AZ Intergovernmental Public TA DR 0.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 7.5 0.7 0.9 0.9 5.9 4.00% 27.12%
AZ Flagstaff N. AZ Intergovernmental Public TA MB 4.6 65.9 98.2 175.8 894.0 66.2 103.6 151.0 737.7 5.95% 21.19%
AZ Flagstaff N. AZ Intergovernmental Public TA VP 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 6.4 36.36% 34.38%
AZ Flagstaff N. AZ Intergovernmental Public TA TOTAL 4.6 67.7 100.2 177.6 910.1 67.6 105.2 152.7 750.0 6.14% 21.35%

AZ Glendale Glendale Transit DR 0.1 3.6 4.0 3.9 32.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 34.0 10.58% -4.12%
AZ Glendale Glendale Transit MB 0.3 6.1 7.5 6.9 56.4 5.7 6.0 5.6 48.7 18.50% 15.81%
AZ Glendale Glendale Transit TOTAL NA 9.7 11.5 10.8 89.0 9.2 9.4 9.1 82.7 15.52% 7.62%

AZ Phoenix City of Phoenix PTD DR 0.9 21.5 23.9 23.9 206.5 26.0 26.0 26.0 220.4 -11.15% -6.31%
AZ Phoenix City of Phoenix PTD MB 55.4 1,281.1 1,540.5 1,524.7 12,988.3 1,165.1 1,225.3 1,266.6 11,253.3 18.85% 15.42%
AZ Phoenix City of Phoenix PTD TOTAL 56.2 1,302.6 1,564.4 1,548.6 13,194.8 1,191.1 1,251.3 1,292.6 11,473.7 18.22% 15.00%

AZ Phoenix Valley Metro DR 1.6 38.8 43.0 42.4 360.7 38.1 40.0 38.6 324.8 6.43% 11.05%
AZ Phoenix Valley Metro MB 26.0 524.2 751.6 754.3 5,453.4 346.2 433.0 470.1 4,006.0 62.50% 36.13%
AZ Phoenix Valley Metro VP 1.9 41.5 49.5 46.7 343.3 38.1 38.3 35.9 332.2 22.62% 3.34%
AZ Phoenix Valley Metro TOTAL 29.5 604.5 844.1 843.4 6,157.4 422.4 511.3 544.6 4,663.0 55.04% 32.05%

AZ Phoenix Valley Metro Rail, Inc. LR 26.5 658.3 764.1 834.0 6,687.5 569.3 638.9 672.1 5,166.1 20.00% 29.45%
AZ Phoenix Valley Metro Rail, Inc. TOTAL 26.5 658.3 764.1 834.0 6,687.5 569.3 638.9 672.1 5,166.1 20.00% 29.45%

AZ Scottsdale City of Scottsdale MB 2.0 31.4 49.6 47.4 384.3 26.2 20.2 35.8 297.4 56.20% 29.22%
AZ Scottsdale City of Scottsdale TOTAL 2.0 31.4 49.6 47.4 384.3 26.2 20.2 35.8 297.4 56.20% 29.22%

AZ Tucson City of Tucson MTS DR 1.6 35.5 40.1 38.6 327.8 32.1 34.4 34.6 259.0 12.96% 26.56%
AZ Tucson City of Tucson MTS LR 4.4 59.7 115.9 178.7 1,024.3 42.7 77.2 128.1 537.8 42.86% 90.46%
AZ Tucson City of Tucson MTS MB 47.1 1,058.8 1,280.0 1,274.4 10,068.9 1,102.7 1,271.1 1,109.0 9,170.5 3.74% 9.80%
AZ Tucson City of Tucson MTS TOTAL 53.1 1,154.0 1,436.0 1,491.7 11,421.0 1,177.5 1,382.7 1,271.7 9,967.3 6.52% 14.58%

AZ Yuma Yuma County Intergovernmental PT DR 0.0 0.5 0.7 0.6 5.7 0.5 0.5 0.6 4.8 12.50% 18.75%
AZ Yuma Yuma County Intergovernmental PT MB 1.1 18.5 27.4 29.5 226.0 16.4 20.4 22.7 180.4 26.72% 25.28%
AZ Yuma Yuma County Intergovernmental PT TOTAL 1.1 19.0 28.1 30.1 231.7 16.9 20.9 23.3 185.2 26.35% 25.11%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA Alturas Modoc Transportation Agency DR 0.1 0.7 0.8 0.6 5.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 5.9 5.00% -1.69%
CA Alturas Modoc Transportation Agency MB 0.2 0.9 1.0 0.9 7.4 0.8 0.6 0.6 4.3 40.00% 72.09%
CA Alturas Modoc Transportation Agency TOTAL 0.3 1.6 1.8 1.5 13.2 1.6 1.2 1.2 10.2 22.50% 29.41%

CA Anaheim Anaheim Resort Transportation DR 0.5 16.2 13.5 14.1 157.1 16.1 13.4 14.7 46.9 -0.90% >100%
CA Anaheim Anaheim Resort Transportation MB 19.9 618.7 586.6 626.0 5,478.2 394.7 380.8 569.8 1,411.1 36.13% >100%
CA Anaheim Anaheim Resort Transportation TOTAL 20.4 634.9 600.1 640.1 5,635.3 410.8 394.2 584.5 1,458.0 34.95% >100%

CA Antioch Eastern Contra Costa Tr Auth DR 0.5 10.9 13.1 13.3 96.1 8.3 9.0 9.7 66.1 38.15% 45.39%
CA Antioch Eastern Contra Costa Tr Auth MB 3.2 65.6 81.9 89.9 660.3 70.2 78.7 89.9 583.7 -0.59% 13.12%
CA Antioch Eastern Contra Costa Tr Auth TOTAL 3.7 76.5 95.0 103.2 756.4 78.5 87.7 99.6 649.8 3.35% 16.41%

CA Bakersfield Golden Empire Transit District DR 0.5 11.0 12.3 12.5 89.7 10.3 8.5 8.5 67.2 31.14% 33.48%
CA Bakersfield Golden Empire Transit District MB 9.0 236.7 259.2 266.2 2,260.3 237.2 260.0 358.3 2,232.2 -10.92% 1.26%
CA Bakersfield Golden Empire Transit District TOTAL 9.6 247.7 271.5 278.7 2,350.0 247.5 268.5 366.8 2,299.4 -9.62% 2.20%

CA Concord Central Contra Costa TA DR 0.4 7.9 9.2 8.8 70.8 6.3 7.0 7.7 39.2 23.33% 80.61%
CA Concord Central Contra Costa TA MB 7.7 139.7 202.4 206.2 1,479.9 111.0 150.0 175.3 999.1 25.67% 48.12%
CA Concord Central Contra Costa TA TOTAL 8.1 147.6 211.6 215.0 1,550.7 117.3 157.0 183.0 1,038.3 25.56% 49.35%

CA Davis Unitrans MB 5.5 85.1 86.2 210.9 1,495.1 34.9 37.0 174.5 440.4 55.11% >100%
CA Davis Unitrans TOTAL 5.5 85.1 86.2 210.9 1,495.1 34.9 37.0 174.5 440.4 55.11% >100%

CA Fairfield Fairfield/Suisun Transit Sys DR 0.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 7.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 5.5 42.86% 41.82%
CA Fairfield Fairfield/Suisun Transit Sys MB 1.1 23.3 24.8 24.4 247.7 26.0 29.3 32.7 250.1 -17.61% -0.96%
CA Fairfield Fairfield/Suisun Transit Sys TOTAL 1.1 24.2 25.8 25.5 255.5 26.7 30.0 33.4 255.6 -16.20% -0.04%

CA Fresno Fresno Area Express DR 0.4 10.6 12.2 12.4 103.7 10.6 11.4 11.0 85.8 6.67% 20.86%
CA Fresno Fresno Area Express MB 25.6 609.2 694.1 703.1 5,536.4 592.8 641.6 568.5 4,777.3 11.29% 15.89%
CA Fresno Fresno Area Express TOTAL 26.0 619.8 706.3 715.5 5,640.1 603.4 653.0 579.5 4,863.1 11.20% 15.98%

CA Gardena Gardena Municipal Bus Lines DR 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.3 4.1 0.4 0.5 0.3 4.0 -8.33% 2.50%
CA Gardena Gardena Municipal Bus Lines MB 5.7 93.7 116.8 169.4 1,166.9 117.6 130.0 141.0 1,017.0 -2.24% 14.74%
CA Gardena Gardena Municipal Bus Lines TOTAL 5.7 94.1 117.2 169.7 1,171.0 118.0 130.5 141.3 1,021.0 -2.26% 14.69%

CA Hesperia Victor Valley Transit Authority DR NA 8.8 10.0 9.3 78.3 7.5 9.0 8.6 56.3 11.95% 39.08%
CA Hesperia Victor Valley Transit Authority MB NA 40.1 45.6 44.7 397.8 50.9 48.6 51.9 442.7 -13.87% -10.14%
CA Hesperia Victor Valley Transit Authority VP NA 35.6 40.0 35.2 320.6 16.5 17.1 17.5 243.5 >100% 31.66%
CA Hesperia Victor Valley Transit Authority TOTAL NA 84.5 95.6 89.2 796.7 74.9 74.7 78.0 742.5 18.32% 7.30%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA Lancaster Antelope Valley Transit Auth DR 0.2 5.3 5.8 5.3 46.7 5.2 5.3 5.0 35.7 5.81% 30.81%
CA Lancaster Antelope Valley Transit Auth MB 4.1 93.1 107.2 107.8 883.4 66.0 80.5 82.3 682.1 34.66% 29.51%
CA Lancaster Antelope Valley Transit Auth TOTAL 4.3 98.4 113.0 113.1 930.1 71.2 85.8 87.3 717.8 32.83% 29.58%

CA Livermore Livermore/Amador Valley TA DR 0.1 2.1 2.4 2.3 18.8 1.8 2.1 2.2 13.9 11.48% 35.25%
CA Livermore Livermore/Amador Valley TA MB 3.5 57.0 98.1 107.2 704.0 41.8 60.9 80.6 399.6 43.10% 76.18%
CA Livermore Livermore/Amador Valley TA TOTAL 3.6 59.1 100.5 109.5 722.8 43.6 63.0 82.8 413.5 42.08% 74.80%

CA Long Beach Long Beach Transit DR 0.1 1.8 2.1 1.9 16.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 12.7 13.73% 26.77%
CA Long Beach Long Beach Transit FB 0.3 14.8 11.5 4.5 49.5 5.3 3.5 3.6 18.1 >100% >100%
CA Long Beach Long Beach Transit MB 52.1 1,309.7 1,198.2 1,562.0 13,351.1 1,188.1 1,231.8 1,379.5 11,680.4 7.12% 14.30%
CA Long Beach Long Beach Transit TOTAL 52.5 1,326.3 1,211.8 1,568.4 13,416.7 1,195.1 1,237.0 1,384.8 11,711.2 7.59% 14.56%

CA Los Angeles Access Services DR 10.3 263.8 286.1 288.5 2,344.8 220.9 225.2 224.9 1,785.9 24.95% 31.30%
CA Los Angeles Access Services TOTAL 10.3 263.8 286.1 288.5 2,344.8 220.9 225.2 224.9 1,785.9 24.95% 31.30%

CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA HR 72.2 2,053.4 2,115.9 2,132.1 19,239.8 1,787.2 1,853.8 1,927.3 14,829.6 13.17% 29.74%
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA LR 93.1 2,436.1 2,602.5 2,663.4 23,489.0 2,345.8 2,430.1 2,510.9 18,881.7 5.70% 24.40%
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA MB 623.5 16,018.9 17,482.4 17,584.7 145,791.2 15,887.1 17,188.9 17,384.4 127,372.3 1.24% 14.46%
CA Los Angeles Los Angeles County MTA TOTAL 788.8 20,508.4 22,200.8 22,380.2 188,520.0 20,020.1 21,472.8 21,822.6 161,083.6 2.80% 17.03%

CA Los Angeles Southern California RRA CR 15.2 368.3 409.3 386.5 3,029.9 254.1 268.6 267.8 1,846.4 47.26% 64.10%
CA Los Angeles Southern California RRA TOTAL 15.2 368.3 409.3 386.5 3,029.9 254.1 268.6 267.8 1,846.4 47.26% 64.10%

CA Modesto Stanislaus Regional Transit Authorit DR 0.5 9.1 12.0 11.9 93.9 7.2 8.6 8.8 52.0 34.15% 80.58%
CA Modesto Stanislaus Regional Transit Authorit MB 8.6 153.9 206.0 197.2 1,476.9 127.8 148.1 154.5 930.6 29.44% 58.70%
CA Modesto Stanislaus Regional Transit Authorit TOTAL 9.0 163.0 218.0 209.1 1,570.8 135.0 156.7 163.3 982.6 29.69% 59.86%

CA Monterey Monterey-Salinas Transit DR 0.5 11.0 13.3 10.4 110.6 10.0 11.7 12.2 87.5 2.36% 26.40%
CA Monterey Monterey-Salinas Transit MB 6.1 178.5 190.8 187.1 1,370.1 170.5 177.8 157.1 1,160.0 10.09% 18.11%
CA Monterey Monterey-Salinas Transit TOTAL 6.6 189.5 204.1 197.5 1,480.7 180.5 189.5 169.3 1,247.5 9.61% 18.69%

CA Napa Napa County Transportation and Pla DR 0.2 4.4 5.7 6.3 50.2 7.3 7.1 6.7 62.4 -22.27% -19.55%
CA Napa Napa County Transportation and Pla MB 1.4 33.0 40.1 38.5 307.9 25.4 30.9 30.6 207.4 28.42% 48.46%
CA Napa Napa County Transportation and Pla TOTAL 1.6 37.4 45.8 44.8 358.1 32.7 38.0 37.3 269.8 18.52% 32.73%

CA Norwalk Norwalk Transit System DR 0.2 1.2 1.4 1.5 9.7 0.4 0.4 0.7 3.8 >100% >100%
CA Norwalk Norwalk Transit System MB 3.4 75.5 89.9 78.6 657.6 57.8 62.1 64.3 527.6 32.46% 24.64%
CA Norwalk Norwalk Transit System TOTAL 3.7 76.7 91.3 80.1 667.3 58.2 62.5 65.0 531.4 33.60% 25.57%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA Oakland Alameda-Contra Costa TD DR 1.6 32.0 35.2 34.3 267.5 22.5 23.1 25.3 171.0 43.16% 56.43%
CA Oakland Alameda-Contra Costa TD MB 129.5 2,378.0 2,908.6 3,006.5 23,213.3 1,959.4 2,248.1 2,527.0 16,805.7 23.14% 38.13%
CA Oakland Alameda-Contra Costa TD TOTAL 131.1 2,410.0 2,943.8 3,040.8 23,480.8 1,981.9 2,271.2 2,552.3 16,976.7 23.35% 38.31%

CA Oceanside North County Transit District CR 2.6 89.6 79.8 69.1 250.9 55.5 50.3 44.6 255.7 NA NA
CA Oceanside North County Transit District DR 0.3 5.8 7.2 7.2 56.2 6.2 6.4 5.9 48.8 9.19% 15.16%
CA Oceanside North County Transit District LR 4.4 116.1 118.6 123.0 378.7 103.0 105.8 108.6 921.0 NA NA
CA Oceanside North County Transit District MB 14.0 325.0 380.1 402.5 3,152.5 267.5 291.9 360.8 2,393.5 20.37% 31.71%
CA Oceanside North County Transit District TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA 432.2 454.4 519.9 3,619.0 NA NA

CA Orange Orange County Transp Auth DR 3.5 79.3 91.1 87.4 697.9 59.7 64.5 67.6 457.5 34.41% 52.55%
CA Orange Orange County Transp Auth MB 96.1 2,465.4 2,710.7 2,634.0 21,077.9 2,018.5 2,081.0 2,233.6 15,606.4 23.32% 35.06%
CA Orange Orange County Transp Auth VP 1.0 20.9 24.5 22.8 188.8 18.8 20.4 19.6 167.6 15.99% 12.65%
CA Orange Orange County Transp Auth TOTAL 100.5 2,565.6 2,826.3 2,744.2 21,964.6 2,097.0 2,165.9 2,320.8 16,231.5 23.58% 35.32%

CA Oxnard Gold Coast Transit DR 0.2 6.6 6.8 6.6 58.0 6.6 6.5 5.9 51.7 5.26% 12.19%
CA Oxnard Gold Coast Transit MB 8.6 198.0 234.9 255.2 1,838.8 168.9 179.7 186.2 1,503.4 28.66% 22.31%
CA Oxnard Gold Coast Transit TOTAL 8.8 204.6 241.7 261.8 1,896.8 175.5 186.2 192.1 1,555.1 27.86% 21.97%

CA Redding Redding Area Bus Authority DR 0.0 1.9 2.3 2.3 18.3 2.0 1.9 1.8 13.8 14.04% 32.61%
CA Redding Redding Area Bus Authority MB 1.2 25.9 31.8 30.6 259.8 27.7 27.2 27.2 240.5 7.55% 8.02%
CA Redding Redding Area Bus Authority TOTAL 1.2 27.8 34.1 32.9 278.1 29.7 29.1 29.0 254.3 7.97% 9.36%

CA Redondo Beach City of Redondo Beach DR 0.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 5.9 0.5 0.6 0.6 3.9 29.41% 51.28%
CA Redondo Beach City of Redondo Beach MB 1.0 23.3 27.7 29.0 230.9 19.7 22.3 25.3 159.1 18.87% 45.13%
CA Redondo Beach City of Redondo Beach TOTAL 1.0 24.0 28.5 29.7 236.8 20.2 22.9 25.9 163.0 19.13% 45.28%

CA Riverside Riverside Transit Agency DR 0.6 14.5 16.0 15.3 127.6 10.0 11.6 11.5 82.6 38.37% 54.48%
CA Riverside Riverside Transit Agency MB 14.7 339.7 408.0 421.0 3,354.8 250.0 283.4 307.6 2,207.1 38.97% 52.00%
CA Riverside Riverside Transit Agency TOTAL 15.3 354.2 424.0 436.3 3,482.4 260.0 295.0 319.1 2,289.7 38.94% 52.09%

CA Sacramento Sacramento Reg Tr Dist DR 1.6 35.4 40.7 40.1 326.5 31.7 33.1 34.5 256.3 17.02% 27.39%
CA Sacramento Sacramento Reg Tr Dist LR 17.3 416.3 452.8 502.3 3,830.3 342.3 350.0 371.9 2,950.4 28.87% 29.82%
CA Sacramento Sacramento Reg Tr Dist MB 22.6 463.8 555.6 688.5 4,909.2 388.1 423.4 505.9 3,370.3 29.64% 45.66%
CA Sacramento Sacramento Reg Tr Dist TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA 762.1 806.5 912.3 6,577.0 NA NA

CA San Bernardino OMNITRANS DR 0.5 11.4 13.0 12.3 99.3 9.3 10.0 10.2 65.4 24.41% 51.83%
CA San Bernardino OMNITRANS MB 18.1 415.6 472.3 514.7 3,960.3 362.4 415.3 417.9 3,187.4 17.31% 24.25%
CA San Bernardino OMNITRANS TOTAL 18.6 427.0 485.3 527.0 4,059.6 371.7 425.3 428.1 3,252.8 17.48% 24.80%

CA San Carlos Caltrain CR 18.1 443.0 494.8 468.9 3,527.4 478.8 504.4 515.1 3,765.4 -6.11% -6.32%
CA San Carlos Caltrain TOTAL 18.1 443.0 494.8 468.9 3,527.4 478.8 504.4 515.1 3,765.4 -6.11% -6.32%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA San Carlos San Mateo County Tran Dist DR 0.6 15.2 17.3 17.1 137.1 13.2 13.9 13.9 103.4 20.98% 32.59%
CA San Carlos San Mateo County Tran Dist MB 26.4 586.0 700.2 808.1 5,734.5 473.4 546.2 597.9 3,986.8 29.48% 43.84%
CA San Carlos San Mateo County Tran Dist TOTAL 27.0 601.2 717.5 825.2 5,871.6 486.6 560.1 611.8 4,090.2 29.27% 43.55%

CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit System DR 0.8 18.1 20.4 20.5 161.1 13.9 14.9 15.3 101.7 33.79% 58.41%
CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit System LR 104.3 2,842.2 2,977.1 3,031.0 25,073.7 2,068.7 2,163.6 2,299.3 16,501.2 35.50% 51.95%
CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit System MB 102.5 2,444.4 2,712.0 2,823.9 22,197.7 2,050.5 2,116.5 2,601.5 16,868.3 17.90% 31.59%
CA San Diego San Diego Metrop Transit System TOTAL 207.7 5,304.7 5,709.5 5,875.4 47,432.5 4,133.1 4,295.0 4,916.1 33,471.2 26.57% 41.71%

CA San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy & TD DR 0.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 12.7 1.4 1.4 1.5 9.9 -9.30% 28.28%
CA San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy & TD FB 3.9 121.9 123.9 108.9 788.8 61.5 43.3 43.2 202.5 >100% >100%
CA San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy & TD MB 4.2 109.1 121.2 115.1 895.5 82.3 80.8 82.0 571.7 40.92% 56.64%
CA San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, Hwy & TD TOTAL 8.2 232.3 246.4 225.3 1,697.0 145.2 125.5 126.7 784.1 77.15% >100%

CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD AG 1.5 39.4 42.9 46.7 318.3 27.8 29.1 33.2 161.8 43.17% 96.72%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD CR 4.4 97.7 113.4 114.3 896.7 71.1 78.9 89.5 568.5 35.87% 57.73%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD HR 139.7 3,305.8 3,760.3 3,906.1 28,933.2 2,247.6 2,482.6 2,749.2 16,959.0 46.70% 70.61%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Bay Area RTD TOTAL 145.7 3,442.9 3,916.6 4,067.1 30,148.2 2,346.5 2,590.6 2,871.9 17,689.3 46.33% 70.43%

CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy CC 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy LR 14.4 1,427.0 1,600.4 1,712.6 12,609.2 1,521.3 1,811.0 2,032.7 8,927.6 -11.65% 41.24%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy MB 14.3 5,326.3 5,995.4 6,180.0 47,850.8 4,085.2 4,525.2 4,844.8 34,675.1 30.07% 38.00%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy TB 107.0 2,806.3 3,129.1 3,228.5 24,764.7 2,227.5 2,395.3 2,501.7 17,274.2 28.63% 43.36%
CA San Francisco San Francisco Muni Rwy TOTAL 135.7 9,559.6 10,724.9 11,121.1 85,224.7 7,834.0 8,731.5 9,379.2 60,876.9 21.05% 40.00%

CA San Francisco Water Emergency Tr Auth FB NA 179.0 184.9 181.9 1,328.4 124.3 105.5 72.4 458.8 80.61% >100%
CA San Francisco Water Emergency Tr Auth TOTAL NA 179.0 184.9 181.9 1,328.4 124.3 105.5 72.4 458.8 80.61% >100%

CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth DR 1.1 22.2 25.2 23.8 198.4 17.8 19.5 20.2 144.0 23.83% 37.78%
CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth LR 12.5 311.4 356.4 344.7 2,534.5 0.0 0.7 145.3 1,132.6 >100% >100%
CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth MB 57.8 1,380.5 1,581.5 1,672.2 12,749.9 1,043.0 1,167.0 1,202.7 8,654.7 35.79% 47.32%
CA San Jose Santa Clara Valley Trp Auth TOTAL 71.4 1,714.1 1,963.1 2,040.7 15,482.8 1,060.8 1,187.2 1,368.2 9,931.3 58.12% 55.90%

CA San Rafael Marin County Transit District DR 0.2 6.2 6.2 6.0 55.3 6.8 6.7 7.0 48.1 -10.24% 14.97%
CA San Rafael Marin County Transit District MB 7.8 212.4 228.8 235.7 1,897.8 157.0 169.4 183.7 1,280.2 32.70% 48.24%
CA San Rafael Marin County Transit District TOTAL 8.0 218.6 235.0 241.7 1,953.1 163.8 176.1 190.7 1,328.3 31.04% 47.04%

CA San Rafael Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Tr Dist (S CR 1.8 43.8 48.3 49.1 340.4 24.6 25.0 27.9 147.8 82.19% >100%
CA San Rafael Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Tr Dist (S TOTAL 1.8 43.8 48.3 49.1 340.4 24.6 25.0 27.9 147.8 82.19% >100%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA Santa Barbara Santa Barbara MTD DR 0.2 3.3 3.9 3.9 31.7 3.6 3.5 3.6 28.3 3.74% 12.01%
CA Santa Barbara Santa Barbara MTD MB 11.0 298.0 264.0 344.1 3,055.2 230.2 258.8 337.3 2,081.6 9.66% 46.77%
CA Santa Barbara Santa Barbara MTD TOTAL 11.1 301.3 267.9 348.0 3,086.9 233.8 262.3 340.9 2,109.9 9.58% 46.31%

CA Santa Clarita Santa Clarita Transit DR 2.2 8.1 8.9 8.5 66.1 5.7 6.2 6.2 44.6 40.88% 48.21%
CA Santa Clarita Santa Clarita Transit MB 7.3 131.8 179.4 173.4 1,423.8 143.4 107.2 121.7 1,162.0 30.16% 22.53%
CA Santa Clarita Santa Clarita Transit TOTAL 9.5 139.9 188.3 181.9 1,489.9 149.1 113.4 127.9 1,206.6 30.66% 23.48%

CA Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Metro Transit Dist DR 0.2 5.5 6.1 6.9 50.8 4.7 5.4 5.2 35.7 20.92% 42.30%
CA Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Metro Transit Dist MB 7.9 151.2 172.2 307.2 2,204.7 114.5 129.6 227.2 984.1 33.80% >100%
CA Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Metro Transit Dist TOTAL 8.1 156.7 178.3 314.1 2,255.5 119.2 135.0 232.4 1,019.8 33.39% >100%

CA Santa Monica Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus DR 0.1 2.1 2.2 2.1 18.1 1.6 1.6 1.8 12.1 28.00% 49.59%
CA Santa Monica Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus MB 23.6 558.6 624.5 709.4 5,163.0 484.3 502.3 526.3 3,941.4 25.09% 30.99%
CA Santa Monica Santa Monica's Big Blue Bus TOTAL 23.7 560.7 626.7 711.5 5,181.1 485.9 503.9 528.1 3,953.5 25.10% 31.05%

CA Simi Valley City of Simi Valley/Transit DR 0.1 3.5 4.0 3.8 29.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 17.3 66.18% 69.36%
CA Simi Valley City of Simi Valley/Transit MB 0.5 10.7 13.0 13.5 102.9 12.0 13.0 10.4 99.9 5.08% 3.00%
CA Simi Valley City of Simi Valley/Transit TOTAL 0.6 14.2 17.0 17.3 132.2 14.2 15.3 12.7 117.2 14.93% 12.80%

CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Rail Comm CR 8.9 30.6 38.5 37.9 283.9 20.6 23.8 25.8 153.5 52.42% 84.95%
CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Rail Comm TOTAL 8.9 30.6 38.5 37.9 283.9 20.6 23.8 25.8 153.5 52.42% 84.95%

CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Trans Dist DR 0.3 6.2 7.6 6.9 54.9 4.4 5.3 5.1 30.8 39.86% 78.25%
CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Trans Dist MB 7.3 142.7 196.3 194.1 1,448.8 123.4 157.5 153.6 1,124.3 22.69% 28.86%
CA Stockton San Joaquin Reg Trans Dist TOTAL NA 148.9 203.9 201.0 1,503.7 127.8 162.8 158.7 NA 23.26% NA

CA Thousand Palms SunLine Transit Agency DR 0.3 8.5 9.4 9.6 81.3 8.0 8.5 8.7 65.3 9.13% 24.50%
CA Thousand Palms SunLine Transit Agency MB 7.0 178.3 201.8 215.4 1,751.6 147.3 162.4 175.1 1,469.7 22.83% 19.18%
CA Thousand Palms SunLine Transit Agency VP 0.1 1.6 1.7 1.7 13.9 1.3 1.5 1.5 12.5 16.28% 11.20%
CA Thousand Palms SunLine Transit Agency TOTAL 7.4 188.4 212.9 226.7 1,846.8 156.6 172.4 185.3 1,547.5 22.11% 19.34%

CA Torrance Torrance Transit System DR NA NA NA NA NA 2.0 2.1 2.1 17.2 NA NA

CA Torrance Torrance Transit System MB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 210.8 211.3 220.3 1,587.4 NA NA
CA Torrance Torrance Transit System TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA 212.8 213.4 222.4 1,604.6 NA NA

CA Vallejo Solano County Transit (SolTrans) DR 0.0 1.2 1.4 1.4 12.5 0.9 1.1 1.2 8.6 25.00% 45.35%
CA Vallejo Solano County Transit (SolTrans) MB 3.0 63.2 74.8 71.1 506.6 40.2 44.1 45.5 334.5 61.09% 51.45%
CA Vallejo Solano County Transit (SolTrans) TOTAL 3.0 64.4 76.2 72.5 519.1 41.1 45.2 46.7 343.1 60.23% 51.30%

CA Ventura Ventura County Transp Comm MB 1.2 25.7 32.8 35.2 258.8 19.2 23.7 27.6 183.1 32.91% 41.34%
CA Ventura Ventura County Transp Comm TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CA Visalia Visalia City Coach DR 0.1 2.3 2.5 2.5 20.8 2.3 2.4 1.8 13.9 12.31% 49.64%
CA Visalia Visalia City Coach MB 1.8 40.5 51.5 53.7 421.8 40.8 46.8 48.9 388.2 6.74% 8.66%
CA Visalia Visalia City Coach TOTAL 1.9 42.8 54.0 56.2 442.6 43.1 49.2 50.7 402.1 6.99% 10.07%

CA West Covina Foothill Transit MB 27.6 559.3 622.3 641.7 5,158.1 509.4 549.3 569.5 3,972.9 11.98% 29.83%
CA West Covina Foothill Transit TOTAL 27.6 559.3 622.3 641.7 5,158.1 509.4 549.3 569.5 3,972.9 11.98% 29.83%

CO Colorado Springs Mountain Metropolitan Transit DR 0.4 7.9 10.7 10.1 79.7 7.7 8.6 8.9 67.6 13.89% 17.90%
CO Colorado Springs Mountain Metropolitan Transit MB 8.9 218.5 302.9 213.1 1,646.0 193.8 184.4 166.3 1,426.1 34.89% 15.42%
CO Colorado Springs Mountain Metropolitan Transit VP 0.0 0.7 0.9 0.8 7.5 0.8 0.9 0.9 7.2 -7.69% 4.17%
CO Colorado Springs Mountain Metropolitan Transit TOTAL 9.3 227.1 314.5 224.0 1,733.2 202.3 193.9 176.1 1,500.9 33.78% 15.48%

CO Denver Regional Trp District CR 34.3 724.5 832.4 709.3 6,025.9 656.6 655.3 686.8 4,679.9 13.38% 28.76%
CO Denver Regional Trp District DR 3.0 58.9 75.2 66.2 558.0 55.1 60.6 50.2 432.1 20.74% 29.14%
CO Denver Regional Trp District LR 58.9 1,222.8 1,393.6 1,276.4 10,282.4 937.0 990.8 1,165.1 6,968.7 25.86% 47.55%
CO Denver Regional Trp District MB 163.8 3,177.6 4,028.4 3,627.5 28,978.3 2,815.1 2,944.6 3,106.6 22,732.3 22.19% 27.48%
CO Denver Regional Trp District VP 0.8 15.9 17.1 16.9 145.7 15.8 16.8 16.7 143.1 1.22% 1.82%
CO Denver Regional Trp District TOTAL 260.8 5,199.7 6,346.7 5,696.3 45,990.3 4,479.6 4,668.1 5,025.4 34,956.1 21.66% 31.57%

CO Fort Collins Transfort DR 0.0 2.5 2.9 2.8 23.4 2.6 2.7 2.6 21.2 3.80% 10.38%
CO Fort Collins Transfort MB 6.1 80.0 145.1 198.0 1,253.6 86.8 127.7 194.7 989.6 3.40% 26.68%
CO Fort Collins Transfort TOTAL 6.1 82.5 148.0 200.8 1,277.0 89.4 130.4 197.3 1,010.8 3.40% 26.34%

CO Grand Junction Mesa County Reg Transp Office DR 0.1 2.3 2.8 2.5 21.3 1.8 2.1 2.2 15.3 24.59% 39.22%
CO Grand Junction Mesa County Reg Transp Office MB 1.6 33.8 41.0 40.3 331.1 31.9 33.7 31.9 285.7 18.05% 15.89%
CO Grand Junction Mesa County Reg Transp Office TOTAL 1.7 36.1 43.8 42.8 352.4 33.7 35.8 34.1 301.0 18.44% 17.08%

CT Hartford Connecticut DOT DR 0.2 4.7 5.1 5.0 40.7 3.7 4.1 4.2 30.7 23.33% 32.57%
CT Hartford Connecticut DOT MB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

CT Hartford Connecticut Transit MB NA 1,962.9 2,189.5 2,419.9 15,818.0 1,542.3 1,511.4 1,580.9 12,366.5 41.81% 27.91%
CT Hartford Connecticut Transit TOTAL NA 1,962.9 2,189.5 2,419.9 15,818.0 1,542.3 1,511.4 1,580.9 12,366.5 41.81% 27.91%

CT Hartford Greater Hartford Tran Dist DR 1.7 37.4 43.0 43.0 331.9 32.0 32.5 33.3 258.2 26.18% 28.54%
CT Hartford Greater Hartford Tran Dist TOTAL 1.7 37.4 43.0 43.0 331.9 32.0 32.5 33.3 258.2 26.18% 28.54%

CT New Haven Connecticut DOT CR 0.7 20.5 20.0 17.9 138.5 14.5 12.7 13.7 79.6 42.79% 73.99%
CT New Haven Connecticut DOT TOTAL 0.7 20.5 20.0 17.9 138.5 14.5 12.7 13.7 79.6 42.79% 73.99%

CT New Haven Greater New Haven Transit Dist DR 0.7 16.9 18.0 18.0 145.3 15.3 15.3 15.9 127.5 13.76% 13.96%
CT New Haven Greater New Haven Transit Dist TOTAL 0.7 16.9 18.0 18.0 145.3 15.3 15.3 15.9 127.5 13.76% 13.96%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

CT Norwalk Norwalk Transit District DR 0.4 7.4 8.0 8.5 63.0 6.1 6.0 7.7 46.7 20.71% 34.90%
CT Norwalk Norwalk Transit District MB 5.2 122.0 130.0 129.2 890.0 80.5 76.1 77.6 605.2 62.77% 47.06%
CT Norwalk Norwalk Transit District TOTAL 5.6 129.4 138.0 137.7 953.0 86.6 82.1 85.3 651.9 59.49% 46.19%

DC Washington District Dept of Transp LR 1.0 19.5 33.4 32.6 207.5 24.7 18.8 18.9 225.6 37.02% -8.02%
DC Washington District Dept of Transp MB 5.7 177.3 169.2 157.7 1,341.9 155.9 153.8 178.4 1,012.9 3.30% 32.48%
DC Washington District Dept of Transp TOTAL 6.7 196.8 202.6 190.3 1,549.4 180.6 172.6 197.3 1,238.5 7.12% 25.10%

DC Washington Washington Metro Area TA HR 316.4 8,495.2 8,331.8 8,553.5 67,574.6 6,128.4 5,664.7 6,496.0 39,151.3 38.77% 72.60%
DC Washington Washington Metro Area TA MB 311.2 7,803.4 8,387.4 8,792.0 65,175.3 5,236.3 5,466.6 6,101.5 42,660.5 48.67% 52.78%
DC Washington Washington Metro Area TA TOTAL 627.6 16,298.6 16,719.2 17,345.5 132,749.9 11,364.7 11,131.3 12,597.5 81,811.8 43.51% 62.26%

DE Wilmington Delaware Transit Corp DR 3.0 60.5 67.9 67.5 557.2 51.0 53.9 57.5 413.3 20.63% 34.82%
DE Wilmington Delaware Transit Corp MB 26.5 562.1 620.7 567.8 4,586.2 451.8 447.3 432.8 3,631.7 31.44% 26.28%
DE Wilmington Delaware Transit Corp TOTAL 29.5 622.6 688.6 635.3 5,143.4 502.8 501.2 490.3 4,045.0 30.26% 27.15%

FL Fort Myers Lee Tran DR 0.5 12.3 14.9 11.8 116.9 11.8 12.6 12.9 105.7 4.56% 10.60%
FL Fort Myers Lee Tran MB 5.2 130.8 147.3 119.1 1,575.4 119.6 119.3 116.5 1,317.3 11.76% 19.59%
FL Fort Myers Lee Tran VP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.00% -100.00%
FL Fort Myers Lee Tran TOTAL 5.7 143.1 162.2 130.9 1,692.3 131.4 131.9 129.4 1,430.3 11.08% 18.32%

FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Transp Auth AG 1.1 24.1 25.7 20.6 213.4 27.4 27.3 25.0 217.2 -11.67% -1.75%
FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Transp Auth DR 0.7 19.2 20.8 14.7 171.5 20.3 18.9 18.7 184.2 -5.53% -6.89%
FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Transp Auth FB 1.1 41.1 36.0 31.0 324.1 40.5 31.5 28.7 231.4 7.35% 40.06%
FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Transp Auth MB 17.5 435.7 490.4 441.7 3,893.0 403.4 417.1 408.8 3,761.7 11.27% 3.49%
FL Jacksonville Jacksonville Transp Auth TOTAL 20.4 520.1 572.9 508.0 4,602.0 491.6 494.8 481.2 4,394.5 9.09% 4.72%

FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency AG 17.3 512.1 508.4 305.2 4,207.6 368.8 344.3 331.9 2,753.6 26.86% 52.80%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency DR 4.5 107.2 117.9 108.8 996.3 110.1 110.8 115.4 996.5 -0.71% -0.02%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency HR 41.0 953.3 1,076.5 1,012.3 8,891.1 722.2 749.6 795.7 7,152.5 34.16% 24.31%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency MB 125.4 3,190.0 3,442.0 3,123.6 28,266.6 2,769.9 2,843.6 2,877.1 28,291.9 14.90% -0.09%
FL Miami Miami-Dade Transit Agency TOTAL 188.2 4,762.6 5,144.8 4,549.9 42,361.6 3,971.0 4,048.3 4,120.1 39,194.5 19.09% 8.08%

FL Orlando Central Florida RTA DR 2.3 55.2 62.4 52.7 494.5 50.4 49.1 49.5 448.6 14.30% 10.23%
FL Orlando Central Florida RTA MB 48.9 1,320.5 1,439.1 1,249.2 11,708.4 1,106.3 1,167.7 1,151.2 9,801.0 17.04% 19.46%
FL Orlando Central Florida RTA VP 0.4 20.1 21.9 20.7 193.8 22.8 23.4 22.1 198.2 -8.20% -2.22%
FL Orlando Central Florida RTA TOTAL 51.6 1,395.8 1,523.4 1,322.6 12,396.7 1,179.5 1,240.2 1,222.8 10,447.8 16.45% 18.65%

FL Orlando SunRail CR 3.8 82.5 85.1 60.1 697.7 67.8 61.3 58.3 532.3 21.50% 31.07%
FL Orlando SunRail TOTAL 3.8 82.5 85.1 60.1 697.7 67.8 61.3 58.3 532.3 21.50% 31.07%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

FL Pompano Beach South Florida RTA (Tri-Rail) CR 10.9 267.3 302.9 282.4 2,495.8 205.7 223.6 225.8 1,796.9 30.15% 38.89%
FL Pompano Beach South Florida RTA (Tri-Rail) MB 1.0 27.8 29.3 25.5 234.2 22.6 19.5 18.2 193.1 36.98% 21.28%
FL Pompano Beach South Florida RTA (Tri-Rail) TOTAL 11.8 295.1 332.2 307.9 2,730.0 228.3 243.1 244.0 1,990.0 30.72% 37.19%

FL St. Petersburg Pinellas Suncoast Tran Auth DR 0.6 13.9 15.3 11.4 129.9 15.7 15.2 15.2 190.6 -11.93% -31.85%
FL St. Petersburg Pinellas Suncoast Tran Auth MB 28.6 705.4 750.1 629.7 7,039.0 744.9 754.7 598.4 7,369.9 -0.61% -4.49%
FL St. Petersburg Pinellas Suncoast Tran Auth TOTAL 29.2 719.3 765.4 641.1 7,168.9 760.6 769.9 613.6 7,560.5 -0.85% -5.18%

FL Stuart Martin County Public Transit Service DR NA 0.3 0.4 0.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

FL Stuart Martin County Public Transit Service MB NA 7.4 8.4 7.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
FL Stuart Martin County Public Transit Service TOTAL NA 7.7 8.8 7.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

FL Tampa Hillsborough Area Reg TA DR NA 14.8 18.2 15.3 141.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA

FL Tampa Hillsborough Area Reg TA LR NA 92.5 94.6 75.9 828.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA
FL Tampa Hillsborough Area Reg TA MB 30.4 815.0 912.3 845.3 7,380.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA
FL Tampa Hillsborough Area Reg TA TOTAL NA 922.3 1,025.1 936.5 8,349.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA

FL West Palm Beach Palm Beach County STD DR 2.5 57.3 67.6 62.1 522.0 49.9 54.5 56.4 461.9 16.29% 13.01%
FL West Palm Beach Palm Beach County STD MB 21.0 510.2 578.5 517.4 4,773.4 528.1 531.7 502.9 4,533.0 2.78% 5.30%
FL West Palm Beach Palm Beach County STD TOTAL 23.4 567.5 646.1 579.5 5,295.4 578.0 586.2 559.3 4,994.9 4.04% 6.02%

GA Atlanta Georgia Regional Trp Auth MB NA 34.0 44.0 46.0 329.0 23.1 28.0 30.0 182.3 52.90% 80.47%
GA Atlanta Georgia Regional Trp Auth VP NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
GA Atlanta Georgia Regional Trp Auth TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth DR 2.1 49.7 56.4 55.8 443.1 40.4 43.1 42.1 340.9 28.90% 29.98%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth HR 92.4 2,389.6 2,574.5 2,762.2 20,699.8 2,052.3 2,120.5 2,339.7 16,393.1 18.64% 26.27%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth LR 0.5 18.6 16.9 16.8 125.9 14.3 10.7 10.3 85.6 48.16% 47.08%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth MB 100.0 2,512.6 2,730.0 2,680.4 20,446.6 1,893.0 2,114.1 1,947.8 18,450.8 33.05% 10.82%
GA Atlanta Metro Atlanta Rapid Tr Auth TOTAL 195.1 4,970.5 5,377.8 5,515.2 41,715.4 4,000.0 4,288.4 4,339.9 35,270.4 25.62% 18.27%

GA Macon Macon-Bibb County Transit Auth DR 0.1 3.7 4.4 4.1 34.6 3.1 3.5 3.3 25.3 23.23% 36.76%
GA Macon Macon-Bibb County Transit Auth MB 1.9 37.1 61.6 50.7 431.0 33.0 31.0 32.0 280.7 55.63% 53.54%
GA Macon Macon-Bibb County Transit Auth TOTAL 2.0 40.8 66.0 54.8 465.6 36.1 34.5 35.3 306.0 52.60% 52.16%

HI Honolulu City & Cnty of Honolulu DOTS DR 2.9 72.9 79.7 77.8 650.0 67.4 65.9 64.0 557.6 16.78% 16.57%
HI Honolulu City & Cnty of Honolulu DOTS MB 117.8 2,953.3 3,388.7 3,413.5 27,415.2 2,840.7 2,953.1 2,786.5 23,781.0 13.70% 15.28%
HI Honolulu City & Cnty of Honolulu DOTS TOTAL 120.6 3,026.2 3,468.4 3,491.3 28,065.2 2,908.1 3,019.0 2,850.5 24,338.6 13.77% 15.31%

IA Ames Ames Transit Agency DR 0.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 10.2 0.9 1.0 1.1 6.6 10.00% 54.55%
IA Ames Ames Transit Agency MB 12.8 67.9 292.4 525.1 2,742.3 52.9 247.9 482.1 1,771.5 13.09% 54.80%
IA Ames Ames Transit Agency TOTAL 12.8 68.9 293.6 526.2 2,752.5 53.8 248.9 483.2 1,778.1 13.08% 54.80%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

ID Ketchum Mountain Rides Transportation Auth DR NA 1.4 2.0 2.0 6.3 0.6 0.3 1.2 2.6 >100% >100%
ID Ketchum Mountain Rides Transportation Auth MB NA 36.0 45.0 42.1 402.8 29.7 28.0 23.4 287.7 51.79% 40.01%
ID Ketchum Mountain Rides Transportation Auth VP NA 5.0 5.0 4.0 32.3 2.5 2.3 2.3 17.7 97.18% 82.49%
ID Ketchum Mountain Rides Transportation Auth TOTAL NA 42.4 52.0 48.1 441.4 32.8 30.6 26.9 308.0 57.81% 43.31%

ID Moscow Smart Transit DR 0.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 9.1 0.7 0.7 0.7 5.9 61.90% 54.24%
ID Moscow Smart Transit MB 0.3 4.3 6.9 6.7 57.2 5.7 7.5 8.9 57.9 -19.00% -1.21%
ID Moscow Smart Transit TOTAL 0.3 5.3 8.1 7.9 66.3 6.4 8.2 9.6 63.8 -11.98% 3.92%

IL Arlington Heights PACE Suburban Bus DR 13.3 271.0 293.7 285.6 2,466.0 263.9 272.3 268.0 2,176.4 5.73% 13.31%
IL Arlington Heights PACE Suburban Bus MB 48.3 1,114.6 1,275.9 1,291.3 10,107.3 1,071.1 1,151.8 1,220.0 8,942.3 6.94% 13.03%
IL Arlington Heights PACE Suburban Bus VP 2.2 40.4 50.2 50.3 392.5 37.6 36.2 40.0 287.2 23.81% 36.66%
IL Arlington Heights PACE Suburban Bus TOTAL 63.8 1,426.0 1,619.8 1,627.2 12,965.8 1,372.6 1,460.3 1,528.0 11,405.9 7.16% 13.68%

IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority DR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority HR 351.1 9,350.6 9,649.5 10,200.3 76,601.1 7,987.5 8,061.2 8,988.3 54,533.0 16.63% 40.47%
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority MB 470.9 11,554.4 12,641.8 13,266.3 103,565.8 10,605.1 10,949.7 12,058.8 84,352.0 11.45% 22.78%
IL Chicago Chicago Transit Authority TOTAL 822.0 20,905.0 22,291.3 23,466.6 180,166.9 18,592.6 19,010.9 21,047.1 138,885.0 13.66% 29.72%

IL Chicago Metra CR 115.8 2,221.5 2,409.5 2,365.0 17,220.9 1,608.1 1,577.0 1,598.6 9,376.8 46.25% 83.65%
IL Chicago Metra TOTAL 115.8 2,221.5 2,409.5 2,365.0 17,220.9 1,608.1 1,577.0 1,598.6 9,376.8 46.25% 83.65%

IL Granite City Madison County Trans Dist DR 0.2 3.5 4.2 4.8 34.1 3.2 3.4 3.6 25.1 22.55% 35.86%
IL Granite City Madison County Trans Dist MB 4.7 91.3 123.1 135.5 921.6 76.8 90.2 102.5 744.8 29.83% 23.74%
IL Granite City Madison County Trans Dist VP 0.2 4.4 4.7 4.5 38.6 3.2 3.2 3.0 26.4 44.68% 46.21%
IL Granite City Madison County Trans Dist TOTAL 5.1 99.2 132.0 144.8 994.3 83.2 96.8 109.1 796.3 30.06% 24.87%

IL Kankakee River Valley Metro MTD DR 0.0 1.3 1.6 1.7 12.6 1.0 1.3 1.3 8.8 27.78% 43.18%
IL Kankakee River Valley Metro MTD MB 1.7 40.4 47.0 44.7 353.9 36.8 35.7 35.3 351.0 22.54% 0.83%
IL Kankakee River Valley Metro MTD TOTAL 1.7 41.7 48.6 46.4 366.5 37.8 37.0 36.6 359.8 22.71% 1.86%

IL Macomb Go West Transit MB 1.0 10.4 23.2 38.3 182.7 8.7 17.1 27.2 149.0 35.66% 22.62%
IL Macomb Go West Transit TOTAL 1.0 10.4 23.2 38.3 182.7 8.7 17.1 27.2 149.0 35.66% 22.62%

IL Moline Rock Island County MMTD DR 0.3 4.8 5.7 5.7 42.1 4.7 5.5 5.5 39.3 3.18% 7.12%
IL Moline Rock Island County MMTD FB 0.3 13.1 10.1 3.9 34.3 11.9 9.5 4.2 35.1 5.86% -2.28%
IL Moline Rock Island County MMTD MB 4.7 121.4 137.2 149.9 1,203.2 136.0 148.3 149.3 1,185.7 -5.79% 1.48%
IL Moline Rock Island County MMTD TOTAL 5.3 139.3 153.0 159.5 1,279.6 152.6 163.3 159.0 1,260.1 -4.86% 1.55%

IL Normal Bloomington-Normal Public Transit DR 0.3 7.6 8.4 8.5 66.0 5.6 5.7 5.8 45.5 43.27% 45.05%
IL Normal Bloomington-Normal Public Transit MB 6.2 111.2 161.5 217.4 1,328.7 108.2 161.5 170.4 1,174.4 11.36% 13.14%
IL Normal Bloomington-Normal Public Transit TOTAL 6.5 118.8 169.9 225.9 1,394.7 113.8 167.2 176.2 1,219.9 12.55% 14.33%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

IL Peoria Greater Peoria Mass Tr Dist DR 0.5 8.1 12.8 14.1 96.4 10.6 9.9 8.1 83.2 22.38% 15.87%
IL Peoria Greater Peoria Mass Tr Dist MB 4.7 130.0 155.4 160.0 1,194.4 123.6 131.2 137.1 1,099.5 13.65% 8.63%
IL Peoria Greater Peoria Mass Tr Dist TOTAL 5.2 138.1 168.2 174.1 1,290.8 134.2 141.1 145.2 1,182.7 14.24% 9.14%

IL Rockford Rockford Mass Transit Dist DR 0.5 9.0 9.1 9.4 82.7 9.0 9.1 9.4 82.0 0.00% 0.85%
IL Rockford Rockford Mass Transit Dist MB 2.8 69.0 73.6 71.8 628.4 58.6 66.7 71.6 546.5 8.89% 14.99%
IL Rockford Rockford Mass Transit Dist TOTAL 3.3 78.0 82.7 81.2 711.1 67.6 75.8 81.0 628.5 7.80% 13.14%

IL Springfield Sangamon Mass Transit District DR 0.3 5.9 7.1 7.2 58.2 6.0 6.0 6.3 51.9 10.38% 12.14%
IL Springfield Sangamon Mass Transit District MB 4.3 79.2 105.4 109.1 741.0 73.3 85.2 89.7 696.6 18.33% 6.37%
IL Springfield Sangamon Mass Transit District TOTAL 4.6 85.1 112.5 116.3 799.2 79.3 91.2 96.0 748.5 17.79% 6.77%

IL Urbana Champaign-Urbana MTD DR 0.5 7.3 9.5 12.2 84.2 4.8 4.7 8.2 39.9 63.84% >100%
IL Urbana Champaign-Urbana MTD MB 23.9 283.0 641.8 917.5 5,442.2 256.0 585.6 842.5 3,510.8 9.39% 55.01%
IL Urbana Champaign-Urbana MTD TOTAL 24.4 290.3 651.3 929.7 5,526.4 260.8 590.3 850.7 3,550.7 9.96% 55.64%

IN Chesterton Northern IN Commuter TD CR 5.1 149.1 136.2 123.8 1,044.2 121.6 107.9 105.7 689.8 22.05% 51.38%
IN Chesterton Northern IN Commuter TD TOTAL 5.1 149.1 136.2 123.8 1,044.2 121.6 107.9 105.7 689.8 22.05% 51.38%

IN Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Public Tr Corp DR 0.3 5.7 6.6 6.0 56.9 6.8 6.2 5.5 48.9 -1.08% 16.36%
IN Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Public Tr Corp MB 3.9 92.3 107.4 103.7 864.4 115.8 119.6 122.6 863.8 -15.25% 0.07%
IN Fort Wayne Fort Wayne Public Tr Corp TOTAL 4.2 98.0 114.0 109.7 921.3 122.6 125.8 128.1 912.7 -14.56% 0.94%

IN Indianapolis Indianapolis Public Trp Corp DR 0.5 9.9 11.1 10.5 91.3 12.8 12.6 10.5 108.0 -12.26% -15.46%
IN Indianapolis Indianapolis Public Trp Corp MB 19.7 469.0 531.0 515.7 4,138.9 432.9 452.8 443.5 3,710.7 14.03% 11.54%
IN Indianapolis Indianapolis Public Trp Corp TOTAL 20.2 478.9 542.1 526.2 4,230.2 445.7 465.4 454.0 3,818.7 13.34% 10.78%

IN Lafayette Greater Lafayette PTC DR NA NA NA NA NA 2.4 2.6 2.6 21.3 NA NA

IN Lafayette Greater Lafayette PTC MB NA 149.8 NA NA NA 105.8 238.6 378.0 1,581.1 NA NA
IN Lafayette Greater Lafayette PTC TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA 108.2 241.2 380.6 1,602.4 NA NA

IN Muncie Muncie Indiana Transit Sys DR 0.1 2.8 3.4 3.3 27.4 2.9 2.9 2.8 26.4 10.47% 3.79%
IN Muncie Muncie Indiana Transit Sys MB 3.0 48.9 78.0 80.6 589.7 44.9 60.7 66.3 529.3 20.71% 11.41%
IN Muncie Muncie Indiana Transit Sys TOTAL 3.1 51.7 81.4 83.9 617.1 47.8 63.6 69.1 555.7 20.22% 11.05%

IN South Bend South Bend Public Transp DR 0.2 4.6 5.4 5.2 45.0 4.2 4.6 4.6 37.0 13.43% 21.62%
IN South Bend South Bend Public Transp MB 4.3 83.5 107.7 109.1 814.1 68.8 81.8 88.7 672.9 25.49% 20.98%
IN South Bend South Bend Public Transp TOTAL 4.5 88.1 113.1 114.3 859.1 73.0 86.4 93.3 709.9 24.85% 21.02%

KS Olathe Johnson County Transit DR 0.2 4.4 4.6 4.5 40.4 4.2 4.5 4.4 29.2 3.05% 38.36%
KS Olathe Johnson County Transit MB 1.0 14.3 21.3 28.4 165.0 10.6 15.1 20.1 105.5 39.74% 56.40%
KS Olathe Johnson County Transit TOTAL 1.2 18.7 25.9 32.9 205.4 14.8 19.6 24.5 134.7 31.58% 52.49%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

KS Wichita Wichita Transit MB 3.9 78.0 103.9 105.7 723.8 57.0 78.0 81.2 546.6 33.02% 32.42%
KS Wichita Wichita Transit TOTAL 3.9 78.0 103.9 105.7 723.8 57.0 78.0 81.2 546.6 33.02% 32.42%

KY Bowling Green Community Action of Southern KY DR 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.5 5.1 0.8 0.8 0.7 6.8 -30.43% -25.00%
KY Bowling Green Community Action of Southern KY MB 0.3 4.8 6.0 6.0 44.8 4.3 4.7 4.7 37.6 22.63% 19.15%
KY Bowling Green Community Action of Southern KY TOTAL 0.3 5.3 6.6 6.5 49.9 5.1 5.5 5.4 44.4 15.00% 12.39%

KY Fort Wright Tr Auth of Northern Kentucky DR 0.2 5.2 6.4 6.4 54.9 5.7 6.1 6.3 48.3 -0.55% 13.66%
KY Fort Wright Tr Auth of Northern Kentucky MB 5.6 188.5 146.2 164.9 1,206.3 112.9 127.2 131.9 1,007.5 34.30% 19.73%
KY Fort Wright Tr Auth of Northern Kentucky TOTAL 5.8 193.7 152.6 171.3 1,261.2 118.6 133.3 138.2 1,055.8 32.68% 19.45%

KY Lexington Transit Auth Lexington-Fayette DR 0.6 14.5 15.4 14.7 131.5 14.6 15.1 14.7 125.0 0.45% 5.20%
KY Lexington Transit Auth Lexington-Fayette MB 10.8 189.8 284.0 335.2 2,163.7 170.6 214.3 271.8 1,792.8 23.19% 20.69%
KY Lexington Transit Auth Lexington-Fayette VP 0.1 1.4 1.9 2.8 13.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 5.3 >100% >100%
KY Lexington Transit Auth Lexington-Fayette TOTAL 11.5 205.7 301.3 352.7 2,308.7 185.8 230.1 287.2 1,923.1 22.27% 20.05%

KY Louisville Transit Auth of River City DR 1.1 27.4 30.9 29.2 248.7 28.2 27.5 25.5 241.0 7.76% 3.20%
KY Louisville Transit Auth of River City MB 16.3 437.3 513.1 531.2 4,009.4 378.9 421.2 445.8 3,409.4 18.92% 17.60%
KY Louisville Transit Auth of River City TOTAL 17.4 464.7 544.0 560.4 4,258.1 407.1 448.7 471.3 3,650.4 18.24% 16.65%

KY Owensboro Owensboro Transit System DR 0.4 1.3 1.4 1.4 12.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 13.6 -8.89% -8.82%
KY Owensboro Owensboro Transit System MB 0.7 18.6 20.8 17.1 160.0 15.0 14.6 15.2 149.9 26.12% 6.74%
KY Owensboro Owensboro Transit System TOTAL 1.1 19.9 22.2 18.5 172.4 16.5 16.1 16.7 163.5 22.92% 5.44%

LA Baton Rouge Capital Area Transit System MB 3.8 105.7 118.7 126.1 937.0 89.4 89.0 82.8 823.3 34.19% 13.81%
LA Baton Rouge Capital Area Transit System TOTAL 3.8 105.7 118.7 126.1 937.0 89.4 89.0 82.8 823.3 34.19% 13.81%

LA New Orleans Regional Transit Auth DR NA 16.5 17.4 NA NA 13.5 12.9 8.7 101.9 NA NA
LA New Orleans Regional Transit Auth LR NA 337.1 NA NA NA 220.1 163.3 170.4 1,914.0 NA NA
LA New Orleans Regional Transit Auth MB NA 439.1 NA NA NA 429.3 381.0 267.2 3,375.7 NA NA
LA New Orleans Regional Transit Auth TOTAL NA 792.7 NA NA NA 662.9 557.2 446.3 5,391.6 NA NA

MA Amherst UMass Transit Service MB 5.5 56.6 65.3 303.2 1,523.8 39.1 58.9 291.8 709.5 9.06% >100%
MA Amherst UMass Transit Service TOTAL 5.5 56.6 65.3 303.2 1,523.8 39.1 58.9 291.8 709.5 9.06% >100%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth CR 69.4 1,569.7 1,752.9 1,837.4 13,152.9 724.5 791.2 1,068.4 5,143.7 99.68% >100%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth DR 3.3 82.5 89.3 89.0 735.0 75.5 75.7 75.8 625.4 14.89% 17.52%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth FB 4.9 110.1 113.4 89.1 606.7 68.2 63.6 51.8 276.8 70.26% >100%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth HR 246.7 7,080.0 6,446.7 6,175.3 58,448.0 5,766.4 6,057.8 6,998.4 43,120.7 4.67% 35.55%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth LR 82.6 2,394.0 2,226.6 2,356.9 20,011.4 1,992.2 2,046.2 2,638.5 14,800.7 4.50% 35.21%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth MB 271.2 6,704.0 7,125.0 7,417.3 59,288.8 5,524.6 5,782.2 6,582.0 45,189.0 18.77% 31.20%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth TB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 241.4 99.8 100.2 119.5 806.2 -100.00% -70.06%
MA Boston Massachusetts Bay Tr Auth TOTAL 678.0 17,940.3 17,753.9 17,965.0 152,484.2 14,251.2 14,916.9 17,534.4 109,962.5 14.90% 38.67%

MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin CR 9.1 250.2 273.3 265.7 2,043.4 67.5 87.3 176.6 763.2 >100% >100%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin DR 5.3 142.0 158.0 157.5 1,258.3 146.1 145.0 138.3 1,228.9 6.54% 2.39%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin HR 4.2 69.9 122.1 164.8 1,058.3 137.8 132.2 142.1 1,149.6 -13.42% -7.94%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin LR 12.8 317.2 367.4 364.2 2,471.8 205.8 237.4 249.6 1,923.9 51.39% 28.48%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin MB 125.5 3,334.9 3,553.3 4,189.5 31,035.5 3,121.0 2,910.8 3,658.7 26,451.9 14.32% 17.33%
MD Baltimore Maryland Transit Admin TOTAL 156.9 4,114.2 4,474.1 5,141.7 37,867.3 3,678.2 3,512.7 4,365.3 31,517.5 18.81% 20.15%

MD Largo Prince Georges County Transp DR 0.1 3.9 4.5 4.7 29.9 3.4 3.3 3.3 30.3 31.00% -1.32%
MD Largo Prince Georges County Transp MB 4.1 91.9 103.9 115.4 881.2 77.4 90.6 104.3 679.6 14.29% 29.66%
MD Largo Prince Georges County Transp TOTAL 4.2 95.8 108.4 120.1 911.1 80.8 93.9 107.6 709.9 14.88% 28.34%

MD Rockville Montgomery County Ride-On DR 0.2 1.9 2.0 2.2 12.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 >100% >100%
MD Rockville Montgomery County Ride-On MB 43.1 1,115.9 1,122.7 1,168.9 10,479.2 1,094.8 1,143.0 1,181.1 8,702.6 -0.33% 20.41%
MD Rockville Montgomery County Ride-On TOTAL 43.3 1,117.8 1,124.7 1,171.1 10,492.0 1,095.0 1,143.3 1,181.5 8,703.5 -0.18% 20.55%

MI Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Transportation Auth DR NA 8.8 9.1 9.5 83.9 10.0 10.0 9.4 81.1 -6.80% 3.45%
MI Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Transportation Auth MB NA 247.1 309.8 430.8 2,589.1 152.1 189.5 323.5 1,400.1 48.50% 84.92%
MI Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Transportation Auth VP NA 13.4 14.4 12.5 113.3 11.9 12.5 12.6 107.3 8.92% 5.59%
MI Ann Arbor Ann Arbor Transportation Auth TOTAL NA 269.3 333.3 452.8 2,786.3 174.0 212.0 345.5 1,588.5 44.28% 75.40%

MI Battle Creek Battle Creek Transit DR 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.8 6.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 14.7 -40.48% -55.78%
MI Battle Creek Battle Creek Transit MB 0.9 20.6 22.3 21.7 174.8 16.7 17.4 19.3 147.7 20.97% 18.35%
MI Battle Creek Battle Creek Transit TOTAL 1.3 21.4 23.2 22.5 181.3 18.2 18.8 20.6 162.4 16.49% 11.64%

MI Detroit City of Detroit Dept of Trp MB 32.2 810.6 848.5 865.0 6,908.5 728.4 552.5 729.1 6,288.5 25.58% 9.86%
MI Detroit City of Detroit Dept of Trp TOTAL 32.2 810.6 848.5 865.0 6,908.5 728.4 552.5 729.1 6,288.5 25.58% 9.86%

MI Flint Mass Transportation Authority DR 1.6 39.0 42.0 40.2 349.6 37.5 34.9 35.4 304.8 12.43% 14.70%
MI Flint Mass Transportation Authority MB 6.7 150.5 173.1 200.1 1,594.1 123.2 132.5 166.9 1,206.9 23.92% 32.08%
MI Flint Mass Transportation Authority TOTAL 8.4 189.5 215.1 240.3 1,943.7 160.7 167.4 202.3 1,511.7 21.59% 28.58%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

MI Grand Rapids Interurban Transit Partnership DR 0.8 17.5 19.6 18.3 168.3 17.8 19.0 18.5 155.9 0.18% 7.95%
MI Grand Rapids Interurban Transit Partnership MB 18.7 304.9 382.0 543.2 3,814.5 287.3 335.1 513.2 3,028.7 8.32% 25.95%
MI Grand Rapids Interurban Transit Partnership VP 0.0 0.5 0.4 2.5 17.8 0.6 0.7 0.7 5.5 70.00% >100%
MI Grand Rapids Interurban Transit Partnership TOTAL 19.6 322.9 402.0 564.0 4,000.6 305.7 354.8 532.4 3,190.1 8.05% 25.41%

MI Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Metro Transit Sys DR 0.4 8.9 10.1 9.9 85.3 8.5 8.4 8.6 66.1 13.33% 29.05%
MI Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Metro Transit Sys MB 5.1 108.6 120.0 155.4 1,057.1 111.5 90.1 117.5 1,044.4 20.34% 1.22%
MI Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Metro Transit Sys TOTAL 5.5 117.5 130.1 165.3 1,142.4 120.0 98.5 126.1 1,110.5 19.82% 2.87%

MI Lansing Capital Area Transp Authority DR 1.0 23.0 25.7 25.7 228.0 21.9 23.8 25.6 192.0 4.35% 18.75%
MI Lansing Capital Area Transp Authority MB 18.6 261.6 345.9 767.1 3,577.0 203.5 247.2 603.8 2,207.9 30.36% 62.01%
MI Lansing Capital Area Transp Authority TOTAL 19.6 284.6 371.6 792.8 3,805.0 225.4 271.0 629.4 2,399.9 28.71% 58.55%

MI Monroe Lake Erie Transp Commission DR 0.3 4.8 5.9 5.6 43.6 5.0 5.0 4.4 40.2 13.19% 8.46%
MI Monroe Lake Erie Transp Commission MB 0.5 10.8 13.0 13.9 102.8 11.9 12.3 12.1 101.9 3.86% 0.88%
MI Monroe Lake Erie Transp Commission TOTAL 0.8 15.6 18.9 19.5 146.4 16.9 17.3 16.5 142.1 6.51% 3.03%

MI Muskegon Heights Muskegon Area Transit Sys DR 0.2 5.0 5.7 4.6 41.2 2.2 2.3 2.7 10.6 >100% >100%
MI Muskegon Heights Muskegon Area Transit Sys MB 0.6 11.8 13.5 13.7 111.2 12.3 12.6 12.6 106.9 4.00% 4.02%
MI Muskegon Heights Muskegon Area Transit Sys TOTAL 0.8 16.8 19.2 18.3 152.4 14.5 14.9 15.3 117.5 21.48% 29.70%

MI Port Huron Blue Water Area Transp Comm DR 1.7 32.1 37.8 34.8 284.5 22.8 25.2 25.7 191.5 42.06% 48.56%
MI Port Huron Blue Water Area Transp Comm MB 2.0 41.0 45.6 41.0 344.4 33.1 35.1 33.4 289.4 25.59% 19.00%
MI Port Huron Blue Water Area Transp Comm TOTAL 3.7 73.1 83.4 75.8 628.9 55.9 60.3 59.1 480.9 32.52% 30.78%

MN Burnsville Minnesota Valley Transit Auth DR 0.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 6.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 3.8 62.50% 73.68%
MN Burnsville Minnesota Valley Transit Auth MB 3.4 65.6 168.6 84.3 677.7 45.5 87.2 63.8 406.3 62.09% 66.80%
MN Burnsville Minnesota Valley Transit Auth TOTAL 3.4 66.4 169.6 85.1 684.3 46.0 87.7 64.4 410.1 62.09% 66.86%

MN Eden Prairie Southwest Metro Transit DR 0.4 8.6 10.0 9.6 79.9 5.4 5.5 5.9 42.5 67.86% 88.00%
MN Eden Prairie Southwest Metro Transit MB 1.9 13.1 45.9 61.2 197.9 7.3 25.1 35.8 90.0 76.25% >100%
MN Eden Prairie Southwest Metro Transit TOTAL 2.3 21.7 55.9 70.8 277.8 12.7 30.6 41.7 132.5 74.59% >100%

MN Minneapolis Metro Transit CR 0.3 6.2 7.3 7.4 56.3 4.7 4.9 6.3 32.6 31.45% 72.70%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit LR 36.6 987.0 1,043.1 1,226.3 9,042.5 866.4 916.8 1,087.8 7,562.0 13.42% 19.58%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit MB 89.4 2,210.5 2,444.8 2,601.9 19,596.4 1,867.4 1,927.2 2,237.7 15,896.9 20.31% 23.27%
MN Minneapolis Metro Transit TOTAL 126.3 3,203.7 3,495.2 3,835.6 28,695.2 2,738.5 2,848.9 3,331.8 23,491.5 18.11% 22.15%

MN Plymouth Plymouth Metrolink & DAR DR 0.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 22.2 2.5 2.6 2.9 21.6 -16.25% 2.78%
MN Plymouth Plymouth Metrolink & DAR MB 0.3 7.7 8.0 8.2 68.5 4.4 4.8 7.7 34.3 41.42% 99.71%
MN Plymouth Plymouth Metrolink & DAR TOTAL 0.4 9.9 10.2 10.5 90.7 6.9 7.4 10.6 55.9 22.89% 62.25%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

MN Saint Cloud St. Cloud Metrop Trans Comm DR 0.4 9.4 10.6 10.4 88.9 9.6 10.4 10.1 81.4 1.00% 9.21%
MN Saint Cloud St. Cloud Metrop Trans Comm MB 2.1 52.6 57.3 52.9 460.7 54.8 59.4 61.6 504.1 -7.39% -8.61%
MN Saint Cloud St. Cloud Metrop Trans Comm TOTAL 2.5 62.0 67.9 63.3 549.6 64.4 69.8 71.7 585.5 -6.17% -6.13%

MO Kansas City Kansas City Area Trp Auth DR 1.2 27.7 31.3 28.3 250.7 26.7 27.1 26.5 231.2 8.72% 8.43%
MO Kansas City Kansas City Area Trp Auth MB 36.0 892.0 1,004.8 996.5 7,608.7 789.2 845.6 854.1 6,756.0 16.25% 12.62%
MO Kansas City Kansas City Area Trp Auth VP 0.1 2.5 3.5 3.0 23.9 2.4 2.5 3.2 24.7 11.11% -3.24%
MO Kansas City Kansas City Area Trp Auth TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency DR 1.1 28.3 31.2 29.0 286.5 32.1 31.2 28.6 301.1 -3.70% -4.85%
MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency LR 20.7 546.2 563.9 655.9 5,022.1 513.0 549.9 587.1 4,312.4 7.03% 16.46%
MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency MB 40.9 984.7 1,135.9 1,152.8 8,916.8 996.8 1,024.4 1,047.9 8,686.5 6.66% 2.65%
MO Saint Louis Bi-State Dev Agency TOTAL 62.7 1,559.2 1,731.0 1,837.7 14,225.4 1,541.9 1,605.5 1,663.6 13,300.0 6.59% 6.96%

MO Springfield City Utilities of Springfield DR NA 1.6 1.6 1.5 12.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 10.9 14.63% 12.84%
MO Springfield City Utilities of Springfield MB NA 78.6 89.6 88.3 687.5 69.5 70.6 73.4 588.0 20.14% 16.92%
MO Springfield City Utilities of Springfield TOTAL NA 80.2 91.2 89.8 699.8 70.8 72.0 74.8 598.9 20.04% 16.85%

MT Missoula Missoula Urban Transportation Distri DR 0.2 4.5 5.1 5.0 40.3 2.9 3.2 3.2 26.2 56.99% 53.82%
MT Missoula Missoula Urban Transportation Distri MB 3.6 81.2 93.6 92.4 691.7 70.7 72.1 66.1 596.5 27.91% 15.96%
MT Missoula Missoula Urban Transportation Distri TOTAL 3.8 85.7 98.7 97.4 732.0 73.6 75.3 69.3 622.7 29.15% 17.55%

NC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Transit DR 0.2 4.6 5.1 5.0 41.2 3.7 3.9 4.2 30.5 24.58% 35.08%
NC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Transit MB 13.4 172.5 368.6 377.7 2,417.8 196.1 457.7 528.2 2,172.2 -22.27% 11.31%
NC Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Transit TOTAL 13.6 177.1 373.7 382.7 2,459.0 199.8 461.6 532.4 2,202.7 -21.80% 11.64%

NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit DR 0.6 14.0 15.8 15.7 127.6 14.1 14.4 14.5 118.0 5.81% 8.14%
NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit LR 17.1 486.9 511.7 503.2 3,819.1 265.7 280.6 352.9 2,189.3 67.02% 74.44%
NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit MB 17.6 400.9 484.0 509.6 4,125.0 510.2 519.1 487.3 4,390.8 -8.05% -6.05%
NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit VP 0.2 3.5 4.0 3.8 32.4 3.1 2.9 3.1 25.4 24.18% 27.56%
NC Charlotte Charlotte Area Transit TOTAL 35.5 905.3 1,015.5 1,032.3 8,104.1 793.1 817.0 857.8 6,723.5 19.66% 20.53%

NC Durham GoDurham Transit DR 0.4 10.3 11.3 11.3 89.6 9.7 10.3 10.3 88.4 8.58% 1.36%
NC Durham GoDurham Transit MB 16.8 451.0 482.3 475.1 3,833.9 376.9 386.0 391.0 3,350.1 22.06% 14.44%
NC Durham GoDurham Transit TOTAL 17.2 461.3 493.6 486.4 3,923.5 386.6 396.3 401.3 3,438.5 21.71% 14.10%

NC Greensboro Greensboro Transit Auth DR 0.6 13.3 14.8 14.3 125.3 14.0 15.2 14.7 123.3 -3.42% 1.62%
NC Greensboro Greensboro Transit Auth MB 7.0 170.8 199.9 172.6 1,576.1 146.1 163.6 171.3 1,283.0 12.95% 22.84%
NC Greensboro Greensboro Transit Auth TOTAL 7.6 184.1 214.7 186.9 1,701.4 160.1 178.8 186.0 1,406.3 11.58% 20.98%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

NC Raleigh GoRaleigh DR 2.3 58.4 63.9 63.3 494.3 46.3 43.5 47.5 388.5 35.18% 27.23%
NC Raleigh GoRaleigh MB 13.7 363.5 395.7 384.7 3,245.7 312.3 319.3 314.1 2,645.0 20.96% 22.71%
NC Raleigh GoRaleigh TOTAL 16.0 421.9 459.6 448.0 3,740.0 358.6 362.8 361.6 3,033.5 22.76% 23.29%

NC Resrch Trigle Park GoTriangle DR 0.1 2.7 3.3 3.0 27.4 2.4 2.8 3.0 23.1 9.76% 18.61%
NC Resrch Trigle Park GoTriangle MB 5.8 124.1 154.0 150.6 1,138.1 107.6 128.0 130.4 963.6 17.13% 18.11%
NC Resrch Trigle Park GoTriangle VP 0.1 2.8 2.8 2.7 23.5 2.2 2.5 2.5 19.5 15.28% 20.51%
NC Resrch Trigle Park GoTriangle TOTAL 6.0 129.6 160.1 156.3 1,189.0 112.2 133.3 135.9 1,006.2 16.94% 18.17%

NC Winston-Salem Piedmont Auth for Regional Transp MB 0.9 21.3 22.7 21.4 187.0 19.2 21.6 20.9 166.1 6.00% 12.58%
NC Winston-Salem Piedmont Auth for Regional Transp VP 0.3 7.0 8.6 8.8 56.9 4.2 4.6 3.9 43.7 92.13% 30.21%
NC Winston-Salem Piedmont Auth for Regional Transp TOTAL 1.3 28.3 31.3 30.2 243.9 23.4 26.2 24.8 209.8 20.70% 16.25%

NJ Jersey City Port Authority of NY & NJ AG NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

NJ Jersey City Port Authority of NY & NJ FB 1.8 45.0 50.8 49.8 333.5 31.0 29.2 31.2 168.8 59.30% 97.57%
NJ Jersey City Port Authority of NY & NJ HR 158.6 3,946.2 4,166.8 4,450.6 33,872.0 2,994.4 2,962.0 3,324.7 21,519.1 35.37% 57.40%
NJ Jersey City Port Authority of NY & NJ TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp CR NA 3,896.8 4,120.1 4,406.6 32,495.6 2,839.4 2,808.9 3,052.4 19,358.7 42.79% 67.86%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp LR NA 1,525.0 1,556.2 1,691.4 12,959.0 1,291.4 1,245.5 1,332.7 9,991.2 23.34% 29.70%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp MB NA 9,459.3 10,110.5 10,505.5 82,247.1 7,905.0 8,040.8 8,526.4 63,705.8 22.90% 29.10%
NJ Newark New Jersey Transit Corp TOTAL NA 14,881.1 15,786.8 16,603.5 127,701.7 12,035.8 12,095.2 12,911.5 93,055.7 27.61% 37.23%

NM Albuquerque City of Albuquerque T & PD DR 0.6 13.6 16.3 15.4 125.7 10.9 12.6 13.1 86.3 23.77% 45.65%
NM Albuquerque City of Albuquerque T & PD MB 20.8 525.5 589.1 508.8 4,298.0 393.2 395.7 389.4 3,151.8 37.77% 36.37%
NM Albuquerque City of Albuquerque T & PD TOTAL 21.3 539.1 605.4 524.2 4,423.7 404.1 408.3 402.5 3,238.1 37.35% 36.61%

NM Albuquerque New Mexico Dept of Trp CR 1.8 41.1 48.7 47.6 311.3 21.6 24.2 25.1 111.8 93.79% >100%
NM Albuquerque New Mexico Dept of Trp MB 0.6 10.2 13.2 12.6 91.8 5.8 7.9 8.7 50.1 60.71% 83.23%
NM Albuquerque New Mexico Dept of Trp TOTAL 2.3 51.3 61.9 60.2 403.1 27.4 32.1 33.8 161.9 85.85% >100%

NM Española North Central Regional Transit Distri MB 0.5 9.3 11.0 10.5 82.8 7.9 9.3 9.2 58.5 16.67% 41.54%
NM Española North Central Regional Transit Distri TOTAL 0.5 9.3 11.0 10.5 82.8 7.9 9.3 9.2 58.5 16.67% 41.54%

NM Las Cruces City of Las Cruces-RdRUNR Tr DR 0.1 3.0 3.8 3.4 27.8 2.8 3.0 2.9 21.9 17.24% 26.94%
NM Las Cruces City of Las Cruces-RdRUNR Tr MB 1.5 32.4 41.2 42.3 289.0 26.6 28.2 30.6 229.7 35.71% 25.82%
NM Las Cruces City of Las Cruces-RdRUNR Tr TOTAL 1.6 35.4 45.0 45.7 316.8 29.4 31.2 33.5 251.6 34.01% 25.91%

NM Los Alamos Los Alamos County, Atomic City Tra DR 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.3 2.8 0.2 0.3 0.3 2.5 37.50% 12.00%
NM Los Alamos Los Alamos County, Atomic City Tra MB 1.3 27.2 30.5 28.1 186.0 17.7 16.2 18.5 83.8 63.74% >100%
NM Los Alamos Los Alamos County, Atomic City Tra TOTAL 1.3 27.6 30.9 28.4 188.8 17.9 16.5 18.8 86.3 63.35% >100%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

NM Santa Fe Santa Fe Trails - City of Santa Fe MB NA 35.7 31.3 33.3 NA 33.5 29.9 24.4 225.9 14.24% NA
NM Santa Fe Santa Fe Trails - City of Santa Fe TOTAL NA 35.7 31.3 33.3 NA 33.5 29.9 24.4 225.9 14.24% NA

NV Las Vegas RTC of Southern Nevada DR 4.9 109.4 124.8 118.2 988.1 100.4 103.8 103.0 808.2 14.71% 22.26%
NV Las Vegas RTC of Southern Nevada MB 136.7 3,721.1 4,072.2 4,084.8 32,674.9 3,282.2 3,341.4 3,260.7 27,988.9 20.17% 16.74%
NV Las Vegas RTC of Southern Nevada TOTAL 141.5 3,830.5 4,197.0 4,203.0 33,663.0 3,382.6 3,445.2 3,363.7 28,797.1 20.01% 16.90%

NV Reno RTC of Washoe County DR 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.9 55.7 12.1 11.4 11.6 99.1 -92.88% -43.79%
NV Reno RTC of Washoe County MB 15.9 409.7 445.8 426.5 3,319.3 448.7 221.5 338.4 3,572.0 27.11% -7.07%
NV Reno RTC of Washoe County TOTAL 16.3 410.4 446.7 427.4 3,375.0 460.8 232.9 350.0 3,671.1 23.07% -8.07%

NY Albany Capital District Transp Auth DR 0.9 26.5 28.4 27.6 233.9 15.7 15.8 16.6 144.8 71.52% 61.53%
NY Albany Capital District Transp Auth MB 41.2 981.5 1,108.3 1,228.6 9,221.1 863.3 915.5 1,078.5 7,649.0 16.14% 20.55%
NY Albany Capital District Transp Auth VP 0.2 6.9 6.7 6.2 59.9 6.4 5.1 7.8 57.3 2.59% 4.54%
NY Albany Capital District Transp Auth TOTAL 42.3 1,014.9 1,143.4 1,262.4 9,514.9 885.4 936.4 1,102.9 7,851.1 16.96% 21.19%

NY Albion Orleans Transit Service DR 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.2 1.9 -57.14% -52.63%
NY Albion Orleans Transit Service MB 0.1 1.8 1.9 1.9 16.4 2.2 2.0 2.0 18.7 -9.68% -12.30%
NY Albion Orleans Transit Service TOTAL 0.1 1.9 2.0 2.0 17.3 2.5 2.2 2.2 20.6 -14.49% -16.02%

NY Batavia Batavia Bus Service DR 0.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 5.1 1.0 0.9 1.3 8.9 -62.50% -42.70%
NY Batavia Batavia Bus Service MB 0.1 1.6 1.7 1.6 13.9 0.6 0.6 1.2 6.3 >100% >100%
NY Batavia Batavia Bus Service TOTAL 0.1 1.7 1.8 2.6 19.0 1.6 1.5 2.5 15.2 8.93% 25.00%

NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Trp Auth DR 0.8 17.3 19.5 19.2 160.3 16.2 17.4 18.6 132.1 7.28% 21.35%
NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Trp Auth LR 7.9 198.8 195.8 217.7 1,754.6 182.5 178.8 204.4 1,331.9 8.24% 31.74%
NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Trp Auth MB 40.9 925.0 952.0 1,137.6 8,507.2 854.4 883.0 1,104.0 7,421.8 6.10% 14.62%
NY Buffalo Niagara Frontier Trp Auth TOTAL 49.6 1,141.1 1,167.3 1,374.5 10,422.1 1,053.1 1,079.2 1,327.0 8,885.8 6.46% 17.29%

NY Canandaigua Canandiagua Area Transit Service DR 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 2.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 3.6 -65.00% -41.67%
NY Canandaigua Canandiagua Area Transit Service MB 0.5 10.4 12.8 9.7 101.2 9.2 8.8 9.2 77.6 20.96% 30.41%
NY Canandaigua Canandiagua Area Transit Service TOTAL 0.5 10.5 12.9 10.2 103.3 9.9 9.4 9.9 81.2 15.07% 27.22%

NY Dansville Livingston Area Transp Svce DR 0.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 18.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 13.7 12.50% 32.85%
NY Dansville Livingston Area Transp Svce MB 0.1 1.0 1.5 5.2 32.8 1.0 1.2 5.3 17.1 2.67% 91.81%
NY Dansville Livingston Area Transp Svce TOTAL 0.2 3.1 3.7 7.2 51.0 2.9 3.1 7.1 30.8 6.87% 65.58%

NY Ithaca Tompkins Consol Area Transit DR 0.2 3.6 4.0 4.0 32.7 3.3 3.1 3.4 27.6 18.37% 18.48%
NY Ithaca Tompkins Consol Area Transit MB 6.0 100.1 132.1 261.5 1,833.0 84.8 190.2 360.3 1,258.5 -22.29% 45.65%
NY Ithaca Tompkins Consol Area Transit TOTAL 6.2 103.7 136.1 265.5 1,865.7 88.1 193.3 363.7 1,286.1 -21.67% 45.07%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

NY Jamaica AirTrain JFK AG 20.3 586.3 628.9 648.5 4,884.8 365.9 365.9 376.5 2,154.5 68.16% >100%
NY Jamaica AirTrain JFK TOTAL 20.3 586.3 628.9 648.5 4,884.8 365.9 365.9 376.5 2,154.5 68.16% >100%

NY Lyons Wayne Area Transp Service DR 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.8 16.67% 16.67%
NY Lyons Wayne Area Transp Service MB 0.5 5.8 8.5 16.6 62.0 5.2 6.3 13.3 52.3 24.60% 18.55%
NY Lyons Wayne Area Transp Service TOTAL 0.5 6.0 8.7 16.9 64.1 5.4 6.5 13.5 54.1 24.41% 18.48%

NY New York MTA Bus Company MB 266.4 8,107.1 8,424.5 8,831.2 73,785.0 7,159.9 7,007.4 7,971.3 57,655.0 14.56% 27.98%
NY New York MTA Bus Company TOTAL 266.4 8,107.1 8,424.5 8,831.2 73,785.0 7,159.9 7,007.4 7,971.3 57,655.0 14.56% 27.98%

NY New York MTA Long Island Rail Road CR 226.1 5,930.5 6,287.3 6,446.9 50,796.0 4,897.9 4,795.7 5,314.6 33,663.0 24.36% 50.90%
NY New York MTA Long Island Rail Road TOTAL 226.1 5,930.5 6,287.3 6,446.9 50,796.0 4,897.9 4,795.7 5,314.6 33,663.0 24.36% 50.90%

NY New York MTA Metro-North Railroad CR 191.2 4,424.4 4,576.6 4,913.0 37,262.7 3,264.6 3,155.7 3,430.6 23,032.7 41.25% 61.78%
NY New York MTA Metro-North Railroad FB 0.4 7.0 9.9 7.5 50.5 0.0 0.3 3.6 3.9 >100% >100%
NY New York MTA Metro-North Railroad MB 0.6 11.0 12.8 13.7 109.7 8.0 8.0 8.1 58.2 55.60% 88.49%
NY New York MTA Metro-North Railroad TOTAL 192.2 4,442.4 4,599.3 4,934.2 37,422.9 3,272.6 3,164.0 3,442.3 23,094.8 41.47% 62.04%

NY New York MTA New York City Transit DR 29.6 778.8 828.9 807.2 6,674.2 702.7 696.0 682.8 5,900.2 16.02% 13.12%
NY New York MTA New York City Transit HR 5,675.7 142,706.0 148,363.0 164,237.0 1,290,101.0 120,132.9 115,449.0 122,379.0 901,314.2 27.19% 43.14%
NY New York MTA New York City Transit MB 1,545.2 39,777.9 41,408.9 42,856.7 358,412.3 35,556.7 35,182.2 38,931.3 295,873.2 13.11% 21.14%
NY New York MTA New York City Transit TOTAL 7,250.5 183,262.7 190,600.8 207,900.9 1,655,187.5 156,392.3 151,327.2 161,993.1 1,203,087.6 23.86% 37.58%

NY New York MTA Staten Island Railway HR 12.7 256.7 274.1 343.8 2,735.7 219.9 223.3 281.2 1,817.8 20.73% 50.50%
NY New York MTA Staten Island Railway TOTAL 12.7 256.7 274.1 343.8 2,735.7 219.9 223.3 281.2 1,817.8 20.73% 50.50%

NY New York New York City DOT FB NA 1,336.5 1,313.6 1,244.2 10,040.5 1,002.4 939.6 947.6 6,870.7 34.77% 46.14%
NY New York New York City DOT MB NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 7.4 7.1 51.7 -100.00% -100.00%
NY New York New York City DOT TOTAL NA 1,336.5 1,313.6 1,244.2 10,040.5 1,008.4 947.0 954.7 6,922.4 33.82% 45.04%

NY Poughkeepsie Dutchess County Public Transit DR 0.0 1.9 2.3 2.0 17.3 1.9 1.8 1.9 13.6 10.71% 27.21%
NY Poughkeepsie Dutchess County Public Transit MB 2.6 52.5 60.7 64.6 486.1 48.3 50.2 53.4 384.7 17.05% 26.36%
NY Poughkeepsie Dutchess County Public Transit TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

NY Rochester Lift Line DR 0.6 13.7 15.3 14.8 125.6 13.1 13.6 13.7 113.5 8.42% 10.66%
NY Rochester Lift Line TOTAL 0.6 13.7 15.3 14.8 125.6 13.1 13.6 13.7 113.5 8.42% 10.66%

NY Rochester Rochester Genesee RTA DR 0.6 14.6 15.9 15.9 129.8 11.0 11.0 11.4 47.4 38.92% >100%
NY Rochester Rochester Genesee RTA MB 27.6 646.0 684.7 806.6 6,143.4 558.0 572.8 664.8 5,166.4 19.03% 18.91%
NY Rochester Rochester Genesee RTA TOTAL 28.2 660.6 700.6 822.5 6,273.2 569.0 583.8 676.2 5,213.8 19.39% 20.32%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

NY Rock Glen Wyoming Transit Service DR 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.6 4.7 0.4 0.4 0.6 4.6 -21.43% 2.17%
NY Rock Glen Wyoming Transit Service MB 0.1 2.5 2.8 2.9 23.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 19.9 9.33% 17.59%
NY Rock Glen Wyoming Transit Service TOTAL 0.1 2.7 3.1 3.5 28.1 2.8 2.9 3.2 24.5 4.49% 14.69%

NY Syracuse CNY Centro DR NA 13.7 15.0 14.3 121.1 11.7 12.1 12.0 98.9 20.11% 22.45%
NY Syracuse CNY Centro MB NA 265.0 494.4 814.9 4,455.3 256.8 387.0 507.2 2,894.4 36.78% 53.93%
NY Syracuse CNY Centro TOTAL NA 278.7 509.4 829.2 4,576.4 268.5 399.1 519.2 2,993.3 36.27% 52.89%

NY Waterloo Seneca Transit Service DR 0.0 0.9 1.2 0.8 7.9 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.7 61.11% 38.60%
NY Waterloo Seneca Transit Service MB 0.1 2.0 2.3 2.5 19.2 1.9 2.0 2.0 16.2 15.25% 18.52%
NY Waterloo Seneca Transit Service TOTAL 0.1 2.9 3.5 3.3 27.1 2.5 2.6 2.6 21.9 25.97% 23.74%

OH Akron METRO Regional Transit Authority DR 0.7 14.9 16.9 17.0 137.9 15.5 15.4 16.0 131.3 4.05% 5.03%
OH Akron METRO Regional Transit Authority MB 12.1 288.6 343.0 325.9 2,553.3 232.5 262.4 273.0 2,089.7 24.69% 22.19%
OH Akron METRO Regional Transit Authority TOTAL 12.8 303.5 359.9 342.9 2,691.2 248.0 277.8 289.0 2,221.0 23.50% 21.17%

OH Canton Stark Area RTA DR 0.4 8.3 9.8 9.0 83.1 8.4 8.5 9.1 71.5 4.23% 16.22%
OH Canton Stark Area RTA MB 4.7 92.0 112.0 100.0 824.0 90.5 124.1 96.4 823.1 -2.25% 0.11%
OH Canton Stark Area RTA TOTAL 5.1 100.3 121.8 109.0 907.1 98.9 132.6 105.5 894.6 -1.75% 1.40%

OH Cincinnati Southwest Ohio RTA DR 0.6 13.9 16.1 14.8 127.6 13.4 14.6 14.4 96.5 5.66% 32.23%
OH Cincinnati Southwest Ohio RTA MB 32.9 769.7 853.6 975.1 6,878.1 585.5 666.4 773.2 5,317.2 28.31% 29.36%
OH Cincinnati Southwest Ohio RTA TOTAL 33.5 783.6 869.7 989.9 7,005.7 598.9 681.0 787.6 5,413.7 27.85% 29.41%

OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA DR 1.7 44.8 48.2 45.5 383.4 37.3 36.9 37.3 305.5 24.22% 25.50%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA HR 8.1 216.4 231.7 247.8 2,035.4 195.4 197.1 214.1 1,731.5 14.72% 17.55%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA LR 2.4 54.6 68.6 66.7 491.5 52.7 12.1 0.0 326.7 >100% 50.44%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA MB 50.9 1,212.5 1,366.0 1,440.9 10,985.0 1,029.6 1,171.9 1,291.6 9,097.6 15.07% 20.75%
OH Cleveland Greater Cleveland Reg TA TOTAL 63.1 1,528.3 1,714.5 1,800.9 13,895.3 1,315.0 1,418.0 1,543.0 11,461.3 17.95% 21.24%

OH Columbus Central Ohio Transit Auth DR NA 24.2 26.9 29.4 226.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA

OH Columbus Central Ohio Transit Auth MB 34.0 835.4 967.2 987.8 7,458.9 746.4 769.1 864.1 6,422.9 17.26% 16.13%
OH Columbus Central Ohio Transit Auth TOTAL NA 859.6 994.1 1,017.2 7,685.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA

OH Dayton Greater Dayton Regional TA DR 0.5 13.0 13.4 13.1 109.7 14.7 14.6 13.7 121.7 -8.14% -9.86%
OH Dayton Greater Dayton Regional TA MB 12.6 299.1 359.4 399.7 2,557.0 268.1 289.8 301.5 2,539.3 23.13% 0.70%
OH Dayton Greater Dayton Regional TA TB 5.9 147.0 170.3 184.0 1,281.3 149.3 158.6 162.6 1,340.9 6.55% -4.44%
OH Dayton Greater Dayton Regional TA TOTAL 19.0 459.1 543.1 596.8 3,948.0 432.1 463.0 477.8 4,001.9 16.47% -1.35%

OH Delaware Delaware Area Transit Agency MB 3.4 7.0 8.1 7.2 74.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 50.8 14.36% 45.67%
OH Delaware Delaware Area Transit Agency TOTAL 3.4 7.0 8.1 7.2 74.0 6.0 6.5 7.0 50.8 14.36% 45.67%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

OH Grand River LAKETRAN DR 0.8 17.1 20.6 21.6 173.0 18.5 18.5 18.7 146.9 6.46% 17.77%
OH Grand River LAKETRAN MB 1.2 24.7 28.4 27.4 221.4 19.1 19.2 21.2 161.2 35.29% 37.34%
OH Grand River LAKETRAN TOTAL 2.0 41.8 49.0 49.0 394.4 37.6 37.7 39.9 308.1 21.35% 28.01%

OH Kent Portage Area Reg Trp Auth DR NA 3.3 3.6 3.8 31.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 29.7 5.94% 4.71%
OH Kent Portage Area Reg Trp Auth MB NA 16.5 38.6 86.9 378.2 11.8 25.8 67.7 203.7 34.85% 85.67%
OH Kent Portage Area Reg Trp Auth TOTAL NA 19.8 42.2 90.7 409.3 15.1 29.2 71.1 233.4 32.32% 75.36%

OH Lima Allen County Regional Transit Autho DR 1.9 5.1 3.3 3.6 28.2 1.6 1.7 2.2 14.2 >100% 98.59%
OH Lima Allen County Regional Transit Autho MB 0.7 13.8 16.8 15.9 130.8 13.4 14.4 15.0 130.4 8.64% 0.31%
OH Lima Allen County Regional Transit Autho TOTAL 2.6 18.9 20.1 19.5 159.0 15.0 16.1 17.2 144.6 21.12% 9.96%

OH New Lexington Perry County Transit DR 0.2 5.4 4.7 4.3 37.3 4.1 3.9 3.4 32.0 26.32% 16.56%
OH New Lexington Perry County Transit TOTAL 0.2 5.4 4.7 4.3 37.3 4.1 3.9 3.4 32.0 26.32% 16.56%

OH Toledo Toledo Area Reg Transit Auth DR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

OH Toledo Toledo Area Reg Transit Auth MB 5.7 175.3 127.4 144.6 1,375.0 96.1 102.5 124.0 650.5 38.65% >100%
OH Toledo Toledo Area Reg Transit Auth TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

OH Youngstown Western Reserve Trans Auth DR 0.1 3.2 3.6 3.4 29.2 3.5 3.5 3.5 30.9 -2.86% -5.50%
OH Youngstown Western Reserve Trans Auth MB 4.8 107.1 124.9 120.8 935.5 80.0 85.1 83.0 681.6 42.20% 37.25%
OH Youngstown Western Reserve Trans Auth TOTAL 4.9 110.3 128.5 124.2 964.7 83.5 88.6 86.5 712.5 40.37% 35.40%

OK Lawton Lawton Area Tr System (LATS) MB 0.8 16.9 22.3 26.7 153.1 13.4 15.4 16.2 117.0 46.44% 30.85%
OK Lawton Lawton Area Tr System (LATS) TOTAL 0.8 16.9 22.3 26.7 153.1 13.4 15.4 16.2 117.0 46.44% 30.85%

OK Oklahoma City Central Oklahoma TA DR 0.0 3.3 3.9 3.9 33.3 3.8 4.1 4.0 33.3 -6.72% 0.00%
OK Oklahoma City Central Oklahoma TA FB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
OK Oklahoma City Central Oklahoma TA MB 8.3 211.0 231.7 223.4 1,797.1 179.2 180.8 180.6 1,431.0 23.21% 25.58%
OK Oklahoma City Central Oklahoma TA TOTAL 8.3 214.3 235.6 227.3 1,830.4 183.0 184.9 184.6 1,464.3 22.57% 25.00%

OR Eugene Lane Transit District DR 0.3 6.4 7.4 7.0 56.6 6.1 5.9 5.4 49.8 19.54% 13.65%
OR Eugene Lane Transit District MB 16.4 432.7 428.1 469.5 4,009.0 346.0 336.1 374.7 3,028.1 25.88% 32.39%
OR Eugene Lane Transit District TOTAL 16.7 439.1 435.5 476.5 4,065.6 352.1 342.0 380.1 3,077.9 25.78% 32.09%

OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist CR 0.5 9.6 11.6 10.4 87.5 8.4 8.6 8.2 66.2 25.40% 32.18%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist DR 1.7 40.0 44.6 43.5 361.2 30.9 33.3 33.0 237.5 31.79% 52.08%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist LR 63.7 1,830.5 1,861.8 1,765.5 15,238.6 1,461.4 1,458.8 1,436.8 11,617.3 25.27% 31.17%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist MB 105.9 2,703.5 2,908.3 2,925.3 24,021.8 2,487.6 2,475.8 2,574.5 20,210.8 13.26% 18.86%
OR Portland Tri-County Metro Trp Dist TOTAL 171.9 4,583.6 4,826.3 4,744.7 39,709.1 3,988.3 3,976.5 4,052.5 32,131.8 17.79% 23.58%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

OR Salem Salem-Keizer Transit DR 0.2 5.5 6.5 6.2 55.4 5.1 5.0 4.5 43.3 24.66% 27.94%
OR Salem Salem-Keizer Transit MB 15.0 188.6 197.6 240.9 1,714.1 160.2 153.8 161.1 1,405.9 31.99% 21.92%
OR Salem Salem-Keizer Transit TOTAL 15.2 194.1 204.1 247.1 1,769.5 165.3 158.8 165.6 1,449.2 31.77% 22.10%

PA Allentown Lehigh & Northampton Trp Auth DR 0.6 13.4 15.8 14.9 135.5 16.1 16.4 15.3 125.5 -7.74% 7.97%
PA Allentown Lehigh & Northampton Trp Auth MB 11.4 256.2 297.4 315.6 2,298.9 217.2 209.0 215.7 1,906.4 35.41% 20.59%
PA Allentown Lehigh & Northampton Trp Auth TOTAL 12.0 269.6 313.2 330.5 2,434.4 233.3 225.4 231.0 2,031.9 32.42% 19.81%

PA Altoona Altoona Metro Transit DR NA 0.3 0.4 0.4 3.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 4.0 -21.43% -12.50%
PA Altoona Altoona Metro Transit MB 1.4 26.6 35.4 44.1 318.7 30.3 34.6 39.1 258.3 2.02% 23.38%
PA Altoona Altoona Metro Transit TOTAL NA 26.9 35.8 44.5 322.2 30.8 35.1 39.5 262.3 1.71% 22.84%

PA Erie Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority MB 3.6 88.2 122.6 94.1 787.9 77.7 98.7 67.5 612.2 25.01% 28.70%
PA Erie Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority TOTAL 3.6 88.2 122.6 94.1 787.9 77.7 98.7 67.5 612.2 25.01% 28.70%

PA Harrisburg Cumberland-Dauphin-Harrisburg TA DR NA 11.2 12.7 11.3 103.1 11.9 12.3 11.6 100.4 -1.68% 2.69%
PA Harrisburg Cumberland-Dauphin-Harrisburg TA MB NA 80.7 96.8 102.6 773.1 85.3 89.3 80.1 730.0 9.97% 5.90%
PA Harrisburg Cumberland-Dauphin-Harrisburg TA TOTAL NA 91.9 109.5 113.9 876.2 97.2 101.6 91.7 830.4 8.54% 5.52%

PA Harris-Phil Penn DOT (Keystone) CR 2.6 77.4 79.4 82.1 607.7 50.0 50.4 55.2 327.5 53.53% 85.56%
PA Harris-Phil Penn DOT (Keystone) TOTAL 2.6 77.4 79.4 82.1 607.7 50.0 50.4 55.2 327.5 53.53% 85.56%

PA Johnsonburg Area Transp Auth NC PA DR 0.4 7.1 8.9 10.6 84.6 7.5 7.8 9.7 68.3 6.40% 23.87%
PA Johnsonburg Area Transp Auth NC PA MB 0.6 11.8 14.8 15.4 120.0 11.3 13.1 13.9 106.4 9.66% 12.78%
PA Johnsonburg Area Transp Auth NC PA VP 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA
PA Johnsonburg Area Transp Auth NC PA TOTAL 1.0 19.2 24.0 26.3 206.4 18.8 20.9 23.6 174.7 9.79% 18.15%

PA Johnstown Cambria County Transit Auth DR 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.3 3.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 3.9 -23.08% -12.82%
PA Johnstown Cambria County Transit Auth IP 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
PA Johnstown Cambria County Transit Auth MB 2.0 56.5 65.9 61.5 503.7 54.0 53.3 52.0 452.9 15.44% 11.22%
PA Johnstown Cambria County Transit Auth TOTAL 2.0 56.8 66.3 61.8 507.1 54.4 53.8 52.4 456.8 15.13% 11.01%

PA Lancaster Red Rose Transit Authority DR 6.5 13.4 15.0 14.0 122.4 12.1 13.1 12.7 100.4 11.87% 21.91%
PA Lancaster Red Rose Transit Authority MB 4.4 89.6 100.4 99.3 792.6 80.1 83.6 83.1 710.0 17.22% 11.63%
PA Lancaster Red Rose Transit Authority TOTAL 11.0 103.0 115.4 113.3 915.0 92.2 96.7 95.8 810.4 16.51% 12.91%

PA Lebanon County of Lebanon Tr Auth DR 0.2 3.0 3.5 3.3 29.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 22.9 7.69% 30.57%
PA Lebanon County of Lebanon Tr Auth MB 0.7 17.0 18.7 17.3 146.3 15.7 15.5 15.1 133.6 14.47% 9.51%
PA Lebanon County of Lebanon Tr Auth TOTAL 0.9 20.0 22.2 20.6 176.2 18.6 18.6 18.2 156.5 13.36% 12.59%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA CR 55.7 1,208.6 1,365.7 1,478.5 11,462.3 790.1 834.5 1,017.2 6,404.1 53.41% 78.98%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA DR 2.8 66.5 80.2 65.1 597.5 43.8 63.8 48.8 443.3 35.42% 34.78%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA HR 132.0 2,956.5 3,388.3 3,647.6 30,479.9 2,919.3 2,985.4 3,741.2 24,624.6 3.59% 23.78%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA LR 38.1 798.8 1,010.2 1,073.8 8,423.9 635.8 650.1 1,007.6 6,155.7 25.69% 36.85%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA MB 272.8 6,267.9 6,907.6 7,473.5 60,249.1 6,010.8 5,716.1 6,751.9 49,128.0 11.74% 22.64%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA TB 8.1 185.9 200.3 224.6 1,910.9 187.1 186.0 229.7 1,613.8 1.33% 18.41%
PA Philadelphia Southeastern Penn TA TOTAL 509.4 11,484.2 12,952.3 13,963.1 113,123.6 10,586.9 10,435.9 12,796.4 88,369.5 13.54% 28.01%

PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co DR NA 73.2 81.1 77.0 649.6 70.6 73.1 70.8 559.9 7.83% 16.02%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co IP NA 113.7 0.0 0.0 207.3 106.7 92.3 70.1 517.6 -83.76% -59.95%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co LR NA 221.3 231.2 262.5 1,782.2 192.1 189.0 226.7 1,392.3 17.64% 28.00%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co MB NA 2,429.4 2,765.9 3,161.9 23,538.8 1,959.5 2,231.5 2,656.8 17,173.1 22.04% 37.07%
PA Pittsburgh Port Auth of Allegheny Co TOTAL NA 2,837.6 NA NA NA 2,328.9 2,585.9 3,024.4 19,642.9 NA NA

PA Reading Berks Area Reading Trp Auth DR 5.3 10.8 12.3 11.6 99.4 10.9 11.4 11.4 93.5 2.97% 6.31%
PA Reading Berks Area Reading Trp Auth MB 8.4 174.3 190.1 178.8 1,457.8 192.7 210.5 209.3 1,587.3 -11.31% -8.16%
PA Reading Berks Area Reading Trp Auth TOTAL 13.7 185.1 202.4 190.4 1,557.2 203.6 221.9 220.7 1,680.8 -10.57% -7.35%

PA Rochester Beaver County Transit Authority DR NA 5.6 6.6 6.2 52.2 4.7 5.1 4.8 41.1 26.03% 27.01%
PA Rochester Beaver County Transit Authority MB 1.4 30.1 34.8 33.0 258.9 26.4 26.4 25.9 228.0 24.40% 13.55%
PA Rochester Beaver County Transit Authority TOTAL NA 35.7 41.4 39.2 311.1 31.1 31.5 30.7 269.1 24.65% 15.61%

PA Scranton County of Lackawanna Transit Syst DR 0.4 9.2 10.4 9.7 84.8 8.8 9.5 9.3 73.1 6.16% 16.01%
PA Scranton County of Lackawanna Transit Syst MB 2.3 55.1 58.7 54.1 460.2 43.1 45.7 46.1 341.3 24.46% 34.84%
PA Scranton County of Lackawanna Transit Syst TOTAL 2.7 64.3 69.1 63.8 545.0 51.9 55.2 55.4 414.4 21.35% 31.52%

PA State College Centre Area Transp Auth DR NA 6.1 6.9 7.3 56.4 5.2 5.3 5.2 45.6 29.30% 23.68%
PA State College Centre Area Transp Auth MB 13.9 90.6 311.1 598.8 2,853.0 46.6 198.1 501.0 1,110.8 34.17% >100%
PA State College Centre Area Transp Auth VP NA 3.7 4.1 4.0 35.3 3.7 3.7 3.8 34.6 5.36% 2.02%
PA State College Centre Area Transp Auth TOTAL NA 100.4 322.1 610.1 2,944.7 55.5 207.1 510.0 1,191.0 33.65% >100%

PA Williamsport Williamsport Bureau of Tr DR 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.9 0.00% 0.00%
PA Williamsport Williamsport Bureau of Tr MB 18.6 68.6 79.7 74.8 610.0 61.4 72.1 61.1 547.5 14.65% 11.42%
PA Williamsport Williamsport Bureau of Tr TOTAL 18.7 68.7 79.8 74.9 610.9 61.5 72.2 61.2 548.4 14.62% 11.40%

PA York Central Pennsylvania Transportation DR 2.7 57.7 70.8 52.5 440.1 38.7 39.0 37.9 306.3 56.57% 43.68%
PA York Central Pennsylvania Transportation MB 2.9 88.6 99.0 92.7 743.3 80.7 80.5 80.6 663.9 15.92% 11.96%
PA York Central Pennsylvania Transportation TOTAL 5.7 146.3 169.8 145.2 1,183.4 119.4 119.5 118.5 970.2 29.07% 21.97%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

PR San Juan Puerto Rico DOT DR 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
PR San Juan Puerto Rico DOT HR 9.5 194.9 244.6 189.7 1,748.6 131.0 157.8 171.4 1,106.9 36.72% 57.97%
PR San Juan Puerto Rico DOT MB 3.5 72.0 88.6 71.4 661.6 66.8 70.4 69.0 523.8 12.51% 26.31%
PR San Juan Puerto Rico DOT TOTAL 12.9 266.9 333.2 261.1 2,410.2 197.8 228.2 240.4 1,630.7 29.23% 47.80%

RI Providence Rhode Island Public TA DR 1.0 22.9 25.5 25.2 201.2 18.8 18.4 19.8 152.5 29.12% 31.93%
RI Providence Rhode Island Public TA MB NA 746.3 781.6 950.4 7,220.9 695.6 609.9 854.0 6,030.6 14.76% 19.74%
RI Providence Rhode Island Public TA VP 0.3 6.3 6.9 6.5 57.6 5.8 5.9 5.9 55.4 11.93% 3.97%
RI Providence Rhode Island Public TA TOTAL NA 775.5 814.0 982.1 7,479.7 720.2 634.2 879.7 6,238.5 15.11% 19.90%

SC Charleston Charleston Area RTA DR 0.2 5.6 5.9 5.5 50.9 5.3 5.7 5.7 47.7 1.80% 6.71%
SC Charleston Charleston Area RTA MB 6.9 172.8 185.7 169.5 1,628.7 161.4 169.0 178.6 1,442.4 3.73% 12.92%
SC Charleston Charleston Area RTA TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

SC Clemson Clemson Area Transit MB NA 20.4 52.4 117.6 488.3 17.5 49.2 78.8 274.9 30.86% 77.63%
SC Clemson Clemson Area Transit TOTAL NA 20.4 52.4 117.6 488.3 17.5 49.2 78.8 274.9 30.86% 77.63%

SC Columbia Central Midlands Regional Transit A DR 0.2 4.8 4.4 4.0 42.9 4.0 5.1 5.3 39.3 -8.33% 9.16%
SC Columbia Central Midlands Regional Transit A MB 5.6 125.9 155.7 173.8 1,212.0 117.4 138.7 157.7 1,346.5 10.05% -9.99%
SC Columbia Central Midlands Regional Transit A VP 0.1 2.9 3.2 3.0 24.5 2.9 2.6 2.7 24.0 10.98% 2.08%
SC Columbia Central Midlands Regional Transit A TOTAL 5.9 133.6 163.3 180.8 1,279.4 124.3 146.4 165.7 1,409.8 9.46% -9.25%

SC Greenville Greenville Transit Authority DR 0.0 1.0 1.3 1.1 9.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 6.0 61.90% 58.33%
SC Greenville Greenville Transit Authority MB 3.1 62.7 73.2 64.5 524.9 59.4 58.8 53.5 474.7 16.72% 10.58%
SC Greenville Greenville Transit Authority TOTAL 3.1 63.7 74.5 65.6 534.4 60.1 59.5 54.2 480.7 17.26% 11.17%

SD Sioux Falls Sioux Area Metro DR 0.2 3.9 4.9 4.5 41.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 34.9 4.72% 17.77%
SD Sioux Falls Sioux Area Metro MB 1.3 29.4 34.7 35.3 286.5 33.0 34.0 33.0 299.9 -0.60% -4.47%
SD Sioux Falls Sioux Area Metro TOTAL 1.5 33.3 39.6 39.8 327.6 37.2 38.2 37.3 334.8 0.00% -2.15%

TN Franklin Franklin Transit Authority DR NA 1.6 2.0 2.4 18.3 1.3 1.4 1.8 12.4 33.33% 47.58%
TN Franklin Franklin Transit Authority MB NA 2.7 3.0 6.8 33.0 4.7 2.8 6.6 27.3 -11.35% 20.88%
TN Franklin Franklin Transit Authority TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

TN Kingsport Kingsport Area Transit Service MB NA 6.5 7.6 7.2 56.3 6.0 5.8 5.6 53.9 22.41% 4.45%
TN Kingsport Kingsport Area Transit Service TOTAL NA 6.5 7.6 7.2 56.3 6.0 5.8 5.6 53.9 22.41% 4.45%

TN Knoxville Knoxville Area Transit DR 0.3 6.2 7.1 6.5 56.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 52.6 3.13% 7.22%
TN Knoxville Knoxville Area Transit MB 7.9 196.4 204.3 195.2 1,530.4 162.0 166.7 166.8 1,440.8 20.26% 6.22%
TN Knoxville Knoxville Area Transit TOTAL 8.2 202.6 211.4 201.7 1,586.8 168.4 173.1 173.2 1,493.4 19.62% 6.25%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

TN Memphis Memphis Area Transit Auth DR NA 17.5 18.6 NA NA 10.7 10.8 11.3 88.7 NA NA
TN Memphis Memphis Area Transit Auth LR NA 33.8 34.5 NA NA 32.0 22.9 22.9 180.2 NA NA
TN Memphis Memphis Area Transit Auth MB 9.0 220.1 232.3 244.7 2,127.8 227.1 223.0 202.1 1,978.6 6.88% 7.54%
TN Memphis Memphis Area Transit Auth TOTAL NA 271.4 285.4 NA NA 269.8 256.7 236.3 2,247.5 NA NA

TN Murfreesboro City of Murfreesboro MB 0.3 8.3 7.5 9.6 75.0 8.3 8.8 8.9 73.4 -2.31% 2.18%
TN Murfreesboro City of Murfreesboro TOTAL 0.3 8.3 7.5 9.6 75.0 8.3 8.8 8.9 73.4 -2.31% 2.18%

TN Nashville Metropolitan Transit Auth DR 1.2 27.1 31.9 30.3 246.0 24.5 25.6 25.5 206.4 18.12% 19.19%
TN Nashville Metropolitan Transit Auth MB 24.2 579.1 685.6 638.9 5,086.9 343.3 391.0 407.6 3,223.3 66.70% 57.82%
TN Nashville Metropolitan Transit Auth TOTAL 25.3 606.2 717.5 669.2 5,332.9 367.8 416.6 433.1 3,429.7 63.69% 55.49%

TN Nashville Regional Transp Auth CR 0.4 7.9 9.6 9.4 68.0 6.3 6.0 6.7 38.4 41.58% 77.08%
TN Nashville Regional Transp Auth MB 0.2 3.9 5.2 5.2 40.0 3.4 3.6 3.1 25.4 41.58% 57.48%
TN Nashville Regional Transp Auth VP 0.0 1.0 1.8 1.2 11.1 1.5 1.9 1.9 12.8 -24.53% -13.28%
TN Nashville Regional Transp Auth TOTAL 0.6 12.8 16.6 15.8 119.1 11.2 11.5 11.7 76.6 31.40% 55.48%

TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth CR 1.4 28.1 45.9 42.0 356.2 37.8 36.1 35.7 216.1 5.84% 64.83%
TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth DR 2.9 66.1 74.8 73.4 580.5 40.5 40.5 41.3 307.2 75.22% 88.96%
TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth MB 63.8 1,571.2 1,777.4 1,931.6 14,209.8 1,466.0 1,447.1 1,568.0 12,036.4 17.83% 18.06%
TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth VP 1.2 25.7 29.7 28.2 223.3 21.2 20.9 20.8 180.4 32.91% 23.78%
TX Austin Capital Metropolitan Trp Auth TOTAL 69.2 1,691.1 1,927.8 2,075.2 15,369.8 1,565.5 1,544.6 1,665.8 12,740.1 19.23% 20.64%

TX Bryan Brazos Transit District DR 0.3 6.0 7.0 6.5 53.9 5.8 6.0 5.8 46.8 10.80% 15.17%
TX Bryan Brazos Transit District MB 1.0 19.1 22.0 21.3 161.8 18.0 23.8 17.9 172.5 4.52% -6.20%
TX Bryan Brazos Transit District TOTAL 1.3 25.1 29.0 27.8 215.7 23.8 29.8 23.7 219.3 5.95% -1.64%

TX Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Regional TA DR 0.7 13.1 15.2 14.2 119.3 12.5 12.2 12.0 97.9 15.80% 21.86%
TX Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Regional TA MB 10.9 213.0 236.4 246.1 1,876.1 177.3 187.0 194.7 1,590.6 24.42% 17.95%
TX Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Regional TA VP 0.4 8.7 9.6 8.4 63.8 6.2 5.9 5.8 48.0 49.16% 32.92%
TX Corpus Christi Corpus Christi Regional TA TOTAL 12.0 234.8 261.2 268.7 2,059.2 196.0 205.1 212.5 1,736.5 24.63% 18.58%

TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit DR 2.8 62.7 71.4 70.4 562.3 46.1 46.5 46.4 373.5 47.12% 50.55%
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit LR 57.7 1,527.3 1,627.5 1,583.6 13,125.6 1,314.5 1,355.7 1,435.9 10,919.2 15.40% 20.21%
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit MB 76.8 1,923.0 2,100.8 2,227.9 17,412.3 1,785.8 1,884.5 1,937.4 15,233.8 11.48% 14.30%
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit VP NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 2.1 2.1 1.8 18.2 -100.00% -83.52%
TX Dallas Dallas Area Rapid Transit TOTAL NA 3,513.0 3,799.7 3,881.9 31,103.2 3,148.5 3,288.8 3,421.5 26,544.7 13.55% 17.17%

TX Dallas-Ft Worth Trinity Railway Express CR 3.5 74.2 87.7 89.7 764.1 74.7 75.5 85.1 623.4 6.93% 22.57%
TX Dallas-Ft Worth Trinity Railway Express TOTAL 3.5 74.2 87.7 89.7 764.1 74.7 75.5 85.1 623.4 6.93% 22.57%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

TX El Paso El Paso Mass Transit Dept DR 0.6 14.4 15.7 14.7 128.7 14.9 14.5 13.5 121.8 4.43% 5.67%
TX El Paso El Paso Mass Transit Dept LR 0.3 4.4 5.5 7.1 37.4 1.5 2.6 2.8 6.9 >100% >100%
TX El Paso El Paso Mass Transit Dept MB 18.6 394.1 504.1 523.9 3,957.8 346.3 399.3 405.1 2,901.0 23.59% 36.43%
TX El Paso El Paso Mass Transit Dept TOTAL 19.5 412.9 525.3 545.7 4,123.9 362.7 416.4 421.4 3,029.7 23.61% 36.12%

TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro CR 1.6 49.0 47.3 51.6 394.6 34.8 32.8 37.5 244.1 40.72% 61.66%
TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro DR 0.9 21.6 23.8 22.8 189.8 20.3 20.7 21.2 164.6 9.65% 15.31%
TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro MB 12.6 320.0 346.5 349.5 2,683.3 260.4 263.4 286.2 2,200.2 25.43% 21.96%
TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro VP 1.3 26.7 32.2 31.1 212.1 12.6 12.5 13.8 104.3 >100% >100%
TX Fort Worth Trinity Metro TOTAL 16.3 417.3 449.8 455.0 3,479.8 328.1 329.4 358.7 2,713.2 30.10% 28.25%

TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co DR 5.1 125.4 136.8 135.1 1,107.1 116.7 109.5 103.8 941.8 20.39% 17.55%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co LR 40.9 968.7 1,109.9 1,108.5 8,935.9 821.7 880.7 852.6 6,330.0 24.74% 41.17%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co MB 150.3 3,763.0 4,154.7 4,277.5 33,600.7 3,019.2 3,218.5 3,137.5 25,990.1 30.08% 29.28%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co VP 1.9 38.1 44.7 41.3 350.7 31.2 31.7 29.5 238.0 34.31% 47.35%
TX Houston Metro Tr Auth of Harris Co TOTAL 198.2 4,895.2 5,446.1 5,562.4 43,994.4 3,988.8 4,240.4 4,123.4 33,499.9 28.75% 31.33%

TX Lewisville Denton County Transportation Auth CR 0.6 12.4 14.9 19.1 129.1 10.3 12.0 15.1 88.9 24.06% 45.22%
TX Lewisville Denton County Transportation Auth DR 2.5 69.2 70.3 71.1 497.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 20.2 >100% >100%
TX Lewisville Denton County Transportation Auth MB 4.6 25.5 52.7 219.8 809.1 28.0 99.1 206.4 570.4 -10.64% 41.85%
TX Lewisville Denton County Transportation Auth TOTAL 7.7 107.1 137.9 310.0 1,435.2 40.4 113.1 223.4 679.5 47.25% >100%

TX Lubbock Citibus DR 0.5 10.9 13.1 10.4 93.8 8.5 8.7 7.6 72.7 38.71% 29.02%
TX Lubbock Citibus MB 7.7 53.1 118.4 319.6 1,315.0 39.6 121.2 239.3 781.7 22.74% 68.22%
TX Lubbock Citibus TOTAL 8.2 64.0 131.5 330.0 1,408.8 48.1 129.9 246.9 854.4 23.68% 64.89%

TX McAllen City of McAllen MB 1.5 43.8 47.3 49.2 389.5 40.1 39.1 39.7 347.4 18.00% 12.12%
TX McAllen City of McAllen TOTAL 1.5 43.8 47.3 49.2 389.5 40.1 39.1 39.7 347.4 18.00% 12.12%

TX Port Arthur Port Arthur Transit DR NA 0.7 0.8 0.7 6.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 7.0 0.00% -5.71%
TX Port Arthur Port Arthur Transit MB NA 5.5 7.8 9.4 69.0 7.0 6.9 5.6 54.4 16.41% 26.84%
TX Port Arthur Port Arthur Transit TOTAL NA 6.2 8.6 10.1 75.6 7.8 7.6 6.3 61.4 14.75% 23.13%

TX San Antonio VIA Metropolitan Transit DR 3.1 69.3 78.5 76.5 628.9 61.4 63.1 63.6 501.1 19.25% 25.50%
TX San Antonio VIA Metropolitan Transit MB 71.9 1,809.7 1,987.8 2,024.3 16,107.3 1,689.3 1,695.3 1,789.6 14,449.2 12.52% 11.48%
TX San Antonio VIA Metropolitan Transit TOTAL 75.0 1,879.0 2,066.3 2,100.8 16,736.2 1,750.7 1,758.4 1,853.2 14,950.3 12.75% 11.95%

TX Sugar Land Fort Bend County Public Transportat DR 0.5 9.2 10.8 9.6 83.0 8.3 9.2 8.5 63.3 13.85% 31.12%
TX Sugar Land Fort Bend County Public Transportat MB 0.5 10.7 12.4 11.7 94.1 8.2 8.7 7.8 63.5 40.89% 48.19%
TX Sugar Land Fort Bend County Public Transportat TOTAL 1.0 19.9 23.2 21.3 177.1 16.5 17.9 16.3 126.8 27.02% 39.67%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

TX Waco Waco Transit System DR 0.2 4.6 5.3 5.0 47.6 5.7 5.8 5.3 46.9 -11.31% 1.49%
TX Waco Waco Transit System MB 2.6 29.9 49.8 83.5 465.8 23.1 42.0 71.9 353.6 19.12% 31.73%
TX Waco Waco Transit System TOTAL 2.8 34.5 55.1 88.5 513.4 28.8 47.8 77.2 400.5 15.80% 28.19%

UT Park City Park City Transit DR 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 5.1 0.7 0.5 0.6 5.8 0.00% -12.07%
UT Park City Park City Transit MB 3.1 115.2 109.9 83.6 1,292.3 82.3 80.7 61.3 1,052.7 37.63% 22.76%
UT Park City Park City Transit TOTAL 3.1 115.7 110.5 84.3 1,297.4 83.0 81.2 61.9 1,058.5 37.33% 22.57%

UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority CR 12.6 262.5 303.9 340.3 2,317.6 173.6 206.8 245.2 1,437.2 44.93% 61.26%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority DR 4.1 71.1 93.2 97.1 695.5 49.1 66.8 70.9 408.0 39.94% 70.47%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority LR 36.0 865.9 957.1 984.8 8,079.9 682.3 773.8 881.2 5,885.7 20.13% 37.28%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority MB 55.2 1,150.7 1,379.4 1,594.0 11,617.5 967.0 1,095.7 1,249.5 8,940.1 24.51% 29.95%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority VP 2.4 53.7 55.4 64.6 532.6 46.4 49.4 47.8 445.6 20.96% 19.52%
UT Salt Lake City Utah Transit Authority TOTAL 110.3 2,403.9 2,789.0 3,080.8 23,243.1 1,918.4 2,192.5 2,494.6 17,116.6 25.25% 35.79%

VA Alexandria Virginia Railway Express CR 5.6 99.1 117.9 141.9 841.1 54.4 57.8 57.3 360.3 >100% >100%
VA Alexandria Virginia Railway Express TOTAL 5.6 99.1 117.9 141.9 841.1 54.4 57.8 57.3 360.3 >100% >100%

VA Arlington Arlington Transit (ART) DR 0.1 3.4 3.8 3.8 31.5 3.7 3.7 3.8 28.7 -1.79% 9.76%
VA Arlington Arlington Transit (ART) MB 6.1 153.5 163.7 162.8 1,326.0 143.3 143.8 148.6 1,140.8 10.17% 16.23%
VA Arlington Arlington Transit (ART) TOTAL 6.2 156.9 167.5 166.6 1,357.5 147.0 147.5 152.4 1,169.5 9.87% 16.08%

VA Blacksburg Blacksburg Transit DR 0.1 2.0 2.4 2.6 19.6 2.1 2.3 2.5 19.9 1.45% -1.51%
VA Blacksburg Blacksburg Transit MB 11.1 47.1 263.8 495.3 2,338.8 30.8 224.1 497.9 1,180.8 7.09% 98.07%
VA Blacksburg Blacksburg Transit TOTAL 11.2 49.1 266.2 497.9 2,358.4 32.9 226.4 500.4 1,200.7 7.04% 96.42%

VA Fairfax City of Fairfax CUE Bus MB 2.8 45.4 75.9 82.8 429.5 30.1 37.1 50.0 284.6 74.15% 50.91%
VA Fairfax City of Fairfax CUE Bus TOTAL 2.8 45.4 75.9 82.8 429.5 30.1 37.1 50.0 284.6 74.15% 50.91%

VA Fairfax Fairfax County Dept of Transp MB 26.4 677.8 738.9 709.6 5,673.9 607.5 629.9 616.9 4,018.3 14.67% 41.20%
VA Fairfax Fairfax County Dept of Transp TOTAL 26.4 677.8 738.9 709.6 5,673.9 607.5 629.9 616.9 4,018.3 14.67% 41.20%

VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit DR 1.2 27.2 30.4 29.9 252.0 24.5 25.4 25.9 210.5 15.44% 19.71%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit FB 0.8 31.0 28.5 21.7 186.2 30.9 21.6 21.0 153.9 10.48% 20.99%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit LR 2.6 63.8 72.3 71.5 560.8 58.4 56.7 61.8 449.3 17.35% 24.82%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit MB 19.5 501.3 538.2 493.9 4,039.7 480.0 463.8 461.4 4,045.6 9.12% -0.15%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit VP 0.2 3.4 3.9 3.5 34.5 3.9 4.4 4.0 33.3 -12.20% 3.60%
VA Hampton Hampton Roads Transit TOTAL 24.3 626.7 673.3 620.5 5,073.2 597.7 571.9 574.1 4,892.6 10.14% 3.69%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

VA Richmond Greater Richmond Transit Co DR 0.2 3.6 4.0 4.5 34.6 2.4 2.6 2.8 21.6 55.13% 60.19%
VA Richmond Greater Richmond Transit Co MB 29.5 765.0 812.0 816.7 6,341.9 647.2 698.5 720.7 5,704.8 15.84% 11.17%
VA Richmond Greater Richmond Transit Co VP 0.5 10.8 12.4 12.3 95.0 9.9 9.7 10.0 88.3 19.93% 7.59%
VA Richmond Greater Richmond Transit Co TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

VA Williamsburg Williamsburg Area Transport DR 0.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 12.1 1.6 1.9 1.5 12.7 -22.00% -4.72%
VA Williamsburg Williamsburg Area Transport MB 5.4 175.0 153.7 147.8 1,157.7 164.4 131.2 120.7 938.9 14.46% 23.30%
VA Williamsburg Williamsburg Area Transport TOTAL 5.4 176.2 154.9 149.3 1,169.8 166.0 133.1 122.2 951.6 14.03% 22.93%

VA Woodbridge PRTC Omni-Ride DR NA 0.2 0.3 0.3 2.5 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.9 100.00% >100%
VA Woodbridge PRTC Omni-Ride MB 4.3 133.5 157.0 149.5 1,109.5 85.3 90.0 92.3 643.4 64.42% 72.44%
VA Woodbridge PRTC Omni-Ride TOTAL NA 133.7 157.3 149.8 1,112.0 85.4 90.1 92.5 644.3 64.48% 72.59%

VT Burlington Green Mountain Transit DR NA NA NA NA NA 3.1 3.2 3.3 24.9 NA NA

VT Burlington Green Mountain Transit MB NA 127.6 144.8 188.6 1,320.4 110.7 120.3 167.2 1,015.6 15.77% 30.01%
VT Burlington Green Mountain Transit TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA 113.8 123.5 170.5 1,040.5 NA NA

WA Bremerton Kitsap Transit DR 7.9 16.5 18.9 19.7 151.9 15.5 15.9 15.7 112.2 16.99% 35.38%
WA Bremerton Kitsap Transit FB 3.2 75.5 79.2 83.1 590.9 61.0 63.0 60.2 406.0 29.10% 45.54%
WA Bremerton Kitsap Transit MB 43.9 90.4 103.0 105.8 844.3 81.2 84.8 87.7 711.2 17.93% 18.71%
WA Bremerton Kitsap Transit VP 3.0 5.9 7.1 6.3 57.6 5.0 5.7 5.7 47.0 17.68% 22.55%
WA Bremerton Kitsap Transit TOTAL NA 188.3 208.2 214.9 1,644.7 162.7 169.4 169.3 1,276.4 21.94% 28.85%

WA Everett Snohomish County PTBA DR 0.4 8.9 9.2 8.4 81.3 8.0 8.4 8.3 59.4 7.29% 36.87%
WA Everett Snohomish County PTBA MB 18.7 460.0 497.2 500.1 4,003.4 399.7 405.0 408.0 3,354.4 20.17% 19.35%
WA Everett Snohomish County PTBA VP 1.1 23.2 25.8 25.7 205.5 18.0 19.8 19.7 162.0 29.91% 26.85%
WA Everett Snohomish County PTBA TOTAL 20.3 492.1 532.2 534.2 4,290.2 425.7 433.2 436.0 3,575.8 20.36% 19.98%

WA Olympia Intercity Transit DR NA 10.2 11.7 11.5 92.9 10.2 9.8 9.6 75.1 12.84% 23.70%
WA Olympia Intercity Transit MB 9.5 260.1 274.5 274.5 2,183.4 202.4 208.7 221.8 1,534.0 27.84% 42.33%
WA Olympia Intercity Transit VP 4.1 16.7 18.4 17.6 152.6 14.3 14.7 15.2 133.4 19.23% 14.39%
WA Olympia Intercity Transit TOTAL NA 287.0 304.6 303.6 2,428.9 226.9 233.2 246.6 1,742.5 26.67% 39.39%

WA Richland Ben Franklin Transit DR 1.3 34.5 34.3 34.0 264.2 19.9 19.9 22.7 155.1 64.48% 70.34%
WA Richland Ben Franklin Transit MB 6.3 130.5 166.4 181.3 1,270.0 110.7 112.4 148.8 1,020.9 28.58% 24.40%
WA Richland Ben Franklin Transit VP 0.8 21.0 16.9 24.5 159.6 12.5 13.4 13.4 116.7 58.78% 36.76%
WA Richland Ben Franklin Transit TOTAL 8.4 186.0 217.6 239.8 1,693.8 143.1 145.7 184.9 1,292.7 35.82% 31.03%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp DR 2.3 55.6 59.8 57.5 501.2 49.8 51.5 51.9 399.9 12.86% 25.33%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp LR 3.6 95.3 104.0 102.1 800.9 78.1 78.4 77.8 562.3 28.64% 42.43%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp MB 170.8 4,693.5 4,857.2 4,849.7 39,717.1 3,895.6 3,880.7 4,040.7 30,591.6 21.86% 29.83%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp TB 36.2 788.4 819.1 847.3 7,109.8 747.0 744.0 812.5 5,638.1 6.57% 26.10%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp VP 2.8 62.3 63.4 60.4 522.3 54.4 54.7 45.6 376.7 20.30% 38.65%
WA Seattle King County Dept of Trp TOTAL 215.7 5,695.1 5,903.5 5,917.0 48,651.3 4,824.9 4,809.3 5,028.5 37,568.6 19.46% 29.50%

WA Seattle Sound Transit CR 5.3 101.9 121.5 113.8 891.9 64.6 69.7 72.6 505.5 62.98% 76.44%
WA Seattle Sound Transit DR 0.2 4.0 4.4 4.1 36.7 2.5 2.9 3.1 23.6 47.06% 55.51%
WA Seattle Sound Transit LR 77.3 2,202.7 2,340.6 2,322.8 17,644.6 1,041.8 1,020.7 1,138.0 6,500.6 >100% >100%
WA Seattle Sound Transit MB 24.4 625.4 667.1 637.9 5,090.4 464.9 512.2 512.0 3,437.1 29.64% 48.10%
WA Seattle Sound Transit TOTAL 107.2 2,934.0 3,133.6 3,078.6 23,663.6 1,573.8 1,605.5 1,725.7 10,466.8 86.47% >100%

WA Seattle Washington State Ferries FB 56.8 1,974.2 1,941.2 1,645.3 13,376.1 2,179.6 2,008.0 1,530.2 13,655.7 -2.75% -2.05%
WA Seattle Washington State Ferries TOTAL 56.8 1,974.2 1,941.2 1,645.3 13,376.1 2,179.6 2,008.0 1,530.2 13,655.7 -2.75% -2.05%

WA Spokane Spokane Transit Authority DR NA 26.2 29.3 29.2 240.5 21.1 21.7 22.1 173.1 30.51% 38.94%
WA Spokane Spokane Transit Authority MB NA 501.4 539.1 595.2 4,719.4 427.2 431.0 470.1 3,798.7 23.14% 24.24%
WA Spokane Spokane Transit Authority VP NA 7.3 7.8 8.5 65.7 5.3 6.2 6.3 52.6 32.58% 24.90%
WA Spokane Spokane Transit Authority TOTAL NA 534.9 576.2 632.9 5,025.6 453.6 458.9 498.5 4,024.4 23.60% 24.88%

WA Tacoma Pierce Transit DR 0.6 17.4 19.4 18.9 153.9 14.9 13.7 12.6 111.9 35.19% 37.53%
WA Tacoma Pierce Transit MB 16.3 386.8 403.7 462.7 3,601.2 378.2 378.0 397.9 3,225.3 8.59% 11.65%
WA Tacoma Pierce Transit VP 1.0 30.1 35.4 32.2 281.8 26.5 27.8 26.4 239.7 21.07% 17.56%
WA Tacoma Pierce Transit TOTAL 18.0 434.3 458.5 513.8 4,036.9 419.6 419.5 436.9 3,576.9 10.24% 12.86%

WA Vancouver Clark Co Pub Trp Benefit Area DR 0.5 13.8 14.9 15.7 129.5 11.1 10.9 11.8 87.2 31.36% 48.51%
WA Vancouver Clark Co Pub Trp Benefit Area MB 13.0 330.6 367.0 344.5 2,878.1 285.7 281.0 292.3 2,465.0 21.32% 16.76%
WA Vancouver Clark Co Pub Trp Benefit Area VP 0.1 1.9 2.3 1.7 16.2 1.8 1.9 1.6 16.0 11.32% 1.25%
WA Vancouver Clark Co Pub Trp Benefit Area TOTAL 13.6 346.3 384.2 361.9 3,023.8 298.6 293.8 305.7 2,568.2 21.63% 17.74%

WA Wenatchee Chelan-Douglas PTBA DR 0.2 5.7 5.8 5.5 48.0 4.9 5.1 5.1 39.5 12.58% 21.52%
WA Wenatchee Chelan-Douglas PTBA MB 3.0 73.8 78.9 77.0 669.7 67.9 68.2 66.9 571.2 13.15% 17.24%
WA Wenatchee Chelan-Douglas PTBA TOTAL 3.3 79.5 84.7 82.5 717.7 72.8 73.3 72.0 610.7 13.11% 17.52%

WI Green Bay Green Bay Metro Transit DR 0.2 3.6 4.1 4.2 33.7 1.6 3.3 3.8 17.5 36.78% 92.57%
WI Green Bay Green Bay Metro Transit MB 2.5 50.2 55.3 66.8 476.7 38.8 40.0 48.4 342.7 35.46% 39.10%
WI Green Bay Green Bay Metro Transit TOTAL 2.7 53.8 59.4 71.0 510.4 40.4 43.3 52.2 360.2 35.54% 41.70%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
State and Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
Primary City
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

WI Madison Metro Transit DR NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

WI Madison Metro Transit MB 24.1 474.2 502.2 845.8 5,884.2 305.5 354.8 789.1 3,125.3 25.72% 88.28%

WI Milwaukee Milwaukee County Tr Sys DR 1.3 29.9 32.9 31.9 263.8 25.9 27.1 27.1 214.8 18.23% 22.81%
WI Milwaukee Milwaukee County Tr Sys MB 51.9 1,301.6 1,376.7 1,485.6 11,602.3 1,218.1 1,273.3 1,429.5 10,429.4 6.20% 11.25%
WI Milwaukee Milwaukee County Tr Sys TOTAL 53.1 1,331.5 1,409.6 1,517.5 11,866.1 1,244.0 1,300.4 1,456.6 10,644.2 6.44% 11.48%

WI Port Washington Ozaukee County Transit Services DR 0.3 5.9 7.2 7.1 57.0 5.8 6.0 6.0 53.9 13.48% 5.75%
WI Port Washington Ozaukee County Transit Services MB 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.2 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 >100% >100%
WI Port Washington Ozaukee County Transit Services TOTAL 0.3 6.9 8.2 8.1 63.2 5.8 6.0 6.5 54.4 26.78% 16.18%

WI Racine Ryde Racine DR 0.0 2.0 2.4 2.0 20.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 20.7 -9.86% -1.93%
WI Racine Ryde Racine MB NA 39.2 46.0 55.0 381.4 37.2 38.7 40.8 343.9 20.14% 10.90%
WI Racine Ryde Racine TOTAL NA 41.2 48.4 57.0 401.7 39.6 41.0 43.2 364.6 18.42% 10.18%

WV Martinsburg Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority DR 0.1 1.9 2.3 2.5 20.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 15.3 11.67% 33.99%
WV Martinsburg Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority MB 0.3 4.8 6.7 8.9 56.4 5.0 6.4 8.0 53.5 5.15% 5.42%
WV Martinsburg Eastern Panhandle Transit Authority TOTAL 0.4 6.7 9.0 11.4 76.9 6.8 8.4 10.2 68.8 6.69% 11.77%

WV Morgantown Mountain Line Transit Authority DR NA 0.6 0.6 0.6 7.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 4.8 -5.26% 62.50%
WV Morgantown Mountain Line Transit Authority MB NA 30.4 53.1 64.1 391.2 23.9 45.3 56.4 284.1 17.52% 37.70%
WV Morgantown Mountain Line Transit Authority TOTAL NA 31.0 53.7 64.7 399.0 24.6 46.0 56.9 288.9 17.18% 38.11%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

CANADA Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
Province and City Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

AB Banff Bow Valley Regional Transit Service MB 5.0 175.1 167.2 118.8 809.1 65.5 81.2 49.1 281.0 >100% >100%
AB Banff Bow Valley Regional Transit Service TOTAL 5.0 175.1 167.2 118.8 809.1 65.5 81.2 49.1 281.0 135.50% 187.94%

AB Calgary Calgary Transit LR 199.2 5,759.5 5,041.7 6,668.1 41,840.3 2,818.9 2,985.6 4,374.3 24,510.8 71.62% 70.70%
AB Calgary Calgary Transit MB 145.0 3,196.0 3,384.8 4,305.8 29,706.4 2,135.2 2,261.5 3,313.4 18,552.4 41.20% 60.12%
AB Calgary Calgary Transit TOTAL 344.2 8,955.5 8,426.5 10,973.9 71,546.7 4,954.1 5,247.1 7,687.7 43,063.2 58.51% 66.14%

AB Edmonton Edmonton Transit System LR 61.1 1,388.6 1,472.6 1,998.0 13,553.3 1,012.1 1,056.4 1,457.9 9,607.8 37.79% 41.07%
AB Edmonton Edmonton Transit System MB 160.2 3,642.6 3,862.9 5,241.2 35,553.0 2,654.8 2,771.0 3,824.3 25,203.0 37.80% 41.07%
AB Edmonton Edmonton Transit System TOTAL 221.2 5,031.2 5,335.5 7,239.2 49,106.3 3,666.9 3,827.4 5,282.2 34,810.8 37.80% 41.07%

AB Leduc City of Leduc, Leduc Transit Service MB NA 6.3 7.0 9.7 58.5 3.2 3.8 5.6 28.1 82.54% >100%
AB Leduc City of Leduc, Leduc Transit Service TOTAL NA 6.3 7.0 9.7 58.5 3.2 3.8 5.6 28.1 82.54% 108.19%

AB Sherwood Park Strathcona County Transit MB NA 48.4 49.6 116.3 566.8 27.8 28.1 85.5 346.2 51.56% 63.72%
AB Sherwood Park Strathcona County Transit TOTAL NA 48.4 49.6 116.3 566.8 27.8 28.1 85.5 346.2 51.56% 63.72%

BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth AG 384.3 10,591.2 10,591.5 11,042.1 84,791.8 6,676.1 6,972.5 7,631.4 52,509.6 51.43% 61.48%
BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth CR 3.8 73.5 82.2 83.5 632.9 41.9 45.0 54.2 345.3 69.53% 83.29%
BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth FB 14.3 437.6 439.5 418.0 3,152.4 261.3 286.0 273.4 1,775.1 57.80% 77.59%
BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth MB 667.4 17,677.2 17,878.8 19,450.1 148,578.0 12,060.8 12,338.8 14,369.5 100,667.1 41.88% 47.59%
BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth TB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
BC Burnaby Greater Vancouver Transp Auth TOTAL 1,069.8 28,779.5 28,992.0 30,993.7 237,155.1 19,040.1 19,642.3 22,328.5 155,297.1 45.49% 52.71%

BC Victoria BC Transit DR 1.0 21.8 22.2 22.4 199.5 20.5 20.9 20.1 160.9 7.97% 23.99%
BC Victoria BC Transit MB 88.0 1,857.0 1,747.3 2,191.2 15,901.5 1,277.7 1,325.9 1,643.8 10,964.1 36.45% 45.03%
BC Victoria BC Transit TOTAL 89.0 1,878.8 1,769.5 2,213.6 16,101.0 1,298.2 1,346.8 1,663.9 11,125.0 36.04% 44.73%

ON Brampton Brampton Transit MB 181.8 4,249.7 4,521.8 5,162.1 34,927.6 1,679.0 1,804.4 2,045.9 13,162.7 >100% >100%
ON Brampton Brampton Transit TOTAL 181.8 4,249.7 4,521.8 5,162.1 34,927.6 1,679.0 1,804.4 2,045.9 13,162.7 152.00% 165.35%

ON Ottawa OC Transpo/Para Transpo DR NA 59.8 62.6 66.9 502.1 38.0 41.9 45.7 305.2 50.72% 64.52%
ON Ottawa OC Transpo/Para Transpo LR NA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% NA
ON Ottawa OC Transpo/Para Transpo MB NA 4,602.2 3,950.3 8,049.6 47,731.3 2,839.1 2,837.5 5,686.4 28,002.9 46.11% 70.45%
ON Ottawa OC Transpo/Para Transpo TOTAL NA 4,662.0 4,012.9 8,116.5 48,233.4 2,877.1 2,879.4 5,732.1 28,308.1 46.16% 70.39%

ON Richmond Hill York Region Transit MB 58.5 1,380.0 1,448.1 1,650.2 11,237.3 870.0 958.3 1,077.8 6,659.5 54.10% 68.74%
ON Richmond Hill York Region Transit TOTAL 58.5 1,380.0 1,448.1 1,650.2 11,237.3 870.0 958.3 1,077.8 6,659.5 54.10% 68.74%

ON Toronto GO Transit CR NA 2,611.0 3,077.4 3,156.1 17,659.9 724.4 1,027.1 1,160.2 5,283.7 >100% >100%
ON Toronto GO Transit MB NA 859.1 909.6 1,237.3 6,897.4 410.0 467.0 557.8 2,914.8 >100% >100%
ON Toronto GO Transit TOTAL NA 3,470.1 3,987.0 4,393.4 24,557.3 1,134.4 1,494.1 1,718.0 8,198.5 172.64% 199.53%

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

CANADA Average Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Trips for Trips for Trips for Trips Thru Year-
Province and City Transit Agency Mode Weekday Jul '22 Aug '22 Sep '22 Sep '22 Jul '21 Aug '21 Sep '21 Sep '21 Quarterly to-Date
(000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) (000's) Change Change

ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission DR 7.9 188.7 188.5 246.7 1,640.8 131.1 136.9 178.5 1,087.2 39.73% 50.92%
ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission HR 770.6 19,520.0 19,970.0 22,590.0 161,570.0 12,200.0 13,200.0 14,610.0 90,789.0 55.16% 77.96%
ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission IR 15.7 400.0 410.0 460.0 3,300.0 250.0 270.0 300.0 1,862.3 54.88% 77.20%
ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission LR 190.6 5,540.0 5,520.0 5,420.0 44,160.0 3,620.0 3,890.0 4,130.0 27,063.0 41.58% 63.17%
ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission MB 904.2 23,240.0 23,630.0 26,650.0 199,150.0 17,650.0 18,200.0 19,480.0 141,969.0 32.88% 40.28%
ON Toronto Toronto Transit Commission TOTAL 1,889.1 48,888.7 49,718.5 55,366.7 409,820.8 33,851.1 35,696.9 38,698.5 262,770.5 42.24% 55.96%

QC Montreal Societe de transport de Montreal DR 10.4 248.8 250.8 276.5 2,269.4 169.4 173.4 200.6 1,374.2 42.82% 65.14%
QC Montreal Societe de transport de Montreal HR 791.1 19,562.7 21,039.2 24,621.4 173,391.4 12,866.7 14,321.5 18,752.6 108,896.9 41.97% 59.23%
QC Montreal Societe de transport de Montreal MB NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
QC Montreal Societe de transport de Montreal TOTAL NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Modes: MB - Bus, DR - Demand Response, CR - Commuter Rail, HR - Heavy Rail, LR - Light Rail, AG - Automated Guideway, CC - Cable Car, FB - Ferry Boat, IP - Inclined Plane, IR - Intermediate Rail,
MO - Monorail, TB - Trolleybus, VP - Vanpool

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