Broadvest Corporate Advisories - Marketing Plan

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Marketing Plan
● Business Summary ● Budget
● Business Initiatives ● Marketing Channels
● Target Market ● Marketing Technology
● Market Strategy
Marketing Plan

Our Objective The objective of the Marketing department is

to introduce the ZAMREG Platform to the
Beneficiaries of different government
programs I.e. FISP, CDF and SCT. This will be
facilitated by the use of TV, Radio ,Field
Marking, peer to peer, and Social Media
advertisement to grow the number of
ZAMREG users.

Our mission is to empower Citizens to

effectively communicate with current and
potential stakeholders on different platforms
Business Summary

Our Company
Broadvest Corporate Advisories Ltd is a company headquartered in Lusaka with
offices in Cairo Road Loti House. The company’s mission is to offer Corporate,
Legal and financial services and solutions to different Clients.

Our Marketing Leaders

Tom Mwashi Moonga is Broadvest Corporate

Advisories Ltd Chief Marketing Officer. He will
develop the overall marketing objectives of the
Company and review the objectives in each Financial

SWOT Analysis
As Broadvest Corporate Advisories Ltd marketing team, we want to help the
brand lean into what it does well, improve what it doesn’t, capitalize on what it
can do, and defend against what could challenge it. With that in mind, here is our
SWOT analysis for 2023

Strengths Weaknesses

I. Accessibility-to a) Slow internet Speed in Far

documentation and Flunked
adequate information for b) USSD CODE- Applicants are
registration processing and unable to fully register on
submission ZAMREG since the
II. Free and Convenient Services application is incapable of
to our users. uploading documentation.
III. Use of Website Application- c) Internet Users- Majority of
it can accommodate more Citizens have little or no
users therefore, It’s easy to access to internet
access on any device with an connectivity.
Internet Connection
IV. USSD CODE; Applicants can
Initiate registration via USSD
V. Transparency in the
Application process.
VI. Increased Turnaround Time
from registration to Approval
Opportunities Threats

I. We offer a first of its I. Government Interference

kind platform which II. Lack of working capital
will allow us to III. Copyright infringement-
establish a strong Another player on the market
brand recognition and
build customer loyalty
II. Real time processing of
Registration and
Applications on
III. ZAMREG assists its
users to access multiple
public services on one
Business Initiatives

ZAMREG has the ambitious goal to provide an electronic registration platform

that will set out to make the registration and Application of multiple Public
Services . To help the business do that, our marketing team will pursue the
following initiatives in 2023;

Description Zambia has more than 120 Radio stations. Over the
next 6 months, we’ll work on a Nationwide Radio
Campaign that becomes a go-to resource for our
customers’ burning questions – and our number-one
source of leads month over month.

Goal of initiative With Radio having the widest media coverage

across all demographic and geographic target
markets, this will increase awareness of the ZAMREG
Platform and create critical top-of-the-funnel
marketing content that helps our sales team start
more conversations with prospects.

Metrics to measure 710,315 are active daily listeners of radio in Zambia.

Our Measurement for success in this area is 142,063
success listeners who translate into Leads.

Description Zambia has 2.9M Social Media Users with 2.6M

being Facebook Users. Over the next 6 months, we
intend to have active online presence that becomes
a go-to resource for our customers’ burning
questions – and our number-one source of leads
month over month.

Goal of initiative With an Ad Reach of 47.5% of the internet users

(2.598M) this will offer us the highest potential
penetration rate amongst already established social
media users. From all the social media platforms we
have established that it has the largest social media
engagement in Zambia. This will increase awareness
of the ZAMREG Platform and create critical top-of-
the-funnel marketing content that helps our sales
team start more conversations with prospects.

Metrics to measure With 2.6M prospects on Facebook alone our

measurement for success will be 10%.

Description Zambia has more than 42 Television stations with an

Average daily viewership of 325,000. Over the next 6
months, we’ll work on a Nationwide TV Campaign
that becomes a go-to resource for our customers’
burning questions – and our third source of leads
month to month.

Goal of initiative With TV having the widest Public media coverage

with Viewership across all demographic and
geographic target markets, this will increase
awareness of the ZAMREG Platform and generate

Metrics to measure With 325,000 Television Viewers our measurement

for success will be 15%.
Target Market

In 2023 we’re targeting the following Markets where we’ll sell our Services and
reach out to customers:

The agricultural industry continues to grow, and

programs such as Farmers Input Support Program
FISP (FISP) are pivoting due to a rise in demand for
delivery and access to farming inputs.

With 156 Constituencies, 20% of the Funds

CDF allocated to each constituency is meant for Loans
EMPOWERMENT and Grants. ZAMREG is capable of capturing
LOANS & applicants by assisting them in the application
GRANTS process .
The SCT registration service will help over
SOCIAL CASH 1.5m citizens who are currently not receiving
TRANSFER the allocated funds. ZAMREG will facilitate
the registration and processing the would be

Buyer Personas
Within our target markets, we’ve identified the following buyer personas to
represent our ideal customers:

Mr. Banda is a Farmer in Chongwe who can’t

afford Farming Inputs due to high prices of. The
FARMER Farmers Input Support Program(FISP) is an
initiative that supports farmers like Mr. Banda
with Subsidized farming inputs.

PADOKO Co-operative is a Co-operative that has

CO- agreed to venture into Mining as a Business. This
Co-operative can access these funds from the
OPERATIVE Loan and Grants allocation in CDF.
This includes [sub-industries where your business
Mukolima Musheke is a differently abled girl aged 16
might target more specific segments of your
LESS who is living under the 45% margin that is below the
audience]. [Example: Industry 1: Food and
PRIVILAGED Extreme Poverty line in Zambia. ZAMREG will be able to
Beverage. This includes bar & grills, breweries,
facilitate the Registration for SCT so that people like
steakhouses, etc.]
Mukolima Musheke can access Funds allocated to the
less privileged in Society.
Competitive Analysis
Within our target market(s), we expect to compete with the following


ZISPIS offers the same Services as we do on Social

How we compete Cash Transfer but with resources, size and
affordability of a Nationwide Agency

ZAMREG can offer more personalized services to our

How we compete Target Audience
Market Strategy

ZAMREG is a Website Based Application, offering Registration, Clerical and Administration
services in all of the following areas;

• Farmers Input Support Program (FISP)

• Constituency Development Fund Empowerment Loans and Grants
• Social Cash Transfer

Our services provide a range of options for our users that other stake holders such as Banks and
Ministries can take advantage of for easy access to their would be Beneficiaries.

We offer free services to all our users across ZAMREG.

Other stake holders that will partner with for advertising and payment facilitation, will be
required to pay a fee depending on the following;

• Business Type
• Business Size and,
• Business Needs.

We also craft specific packages based on the impact of our work.

We will promote our services in the following ways;

• Search Engine Optimization

• Paid Campaigns on social media
• Organic channels i.e. our Website and Email.
• TV and Radio Adverts

This strategy combines paid, personal and organic opportunities to increase the awareness of

Our process will look different for all customers. Clients will receive any and all
information depending on the type of Service.

Physical Evidence
ZAMREG is a website Based Application which clients will have access to via mobile or fixed
internet connectivity. For users without internet access the platform can be accessed using a
USSD code.

Over the course of 2023 given the cash allotted to the Marketing team, we expect
to invest in the following items to ensure we meet the objectives outlined in this
marketing plan:

Marketing Expense Estimated Price

TV and Radio K150,000.00

Social Media Advertisement K50,000.00

Event Sponsorship K50,000.00

Marketing Software K10,000.00

Miscellaneous K40,000.00

Total K300,000.00
Marketing Channels

Over the course of 2023 we will launch/ramp up our use of the following channels
for educating our customers, generating leads, and developing brand awareness:


Purpose of channel Brand Awareness, customer acquisition and client


Metrics to measure Webinar Signups, Signup -to attendance rate,

attendee -to QL rate

Purpose of channel Employee Branding, Company Brand awareness and

Visual Engagement.

Metrics to measure Followers, Likes.

Marketing Technology

We will utilize the following technologies and software to help us achieve our
goals and objectives.

Marketing CRM
Sage 300 ERP- It is an Enterprise Resource Program that has a Marketing Module suitable for
our business type. It integrates our marketing sales and customer service software in one
central location and also connects us to a suit of other marketing tools our team can Utilize.

Email Marketing Software

Microsoft Outlook- Enables us to send mass communication to our customer base, enroll our
webinar registrants in nurture streams before and after the attendance and enable sales people
to communicate in sync with marketing.

Social Media Management Software

We manage our social media publishing with HUBSPOTS social media software. We can post on
multiple platforms and see engagements in one place.

Video Hosting Software

YOUTUBE-It enables ZAMREG to share videos on how to operate the platform.

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