Bentonite Plug

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Revision: 03/03/2017

1. Identification
Trade Name: Pel Plug TR90
Description: Time release coated bentonite pellets
Synonyms: Bentonite – Montmorillonite - Smectite
Intended use: Well / Borehole Sealant
Recommended Restrictions: Workers (and your customers or users in the cases of resale) should be
informed of the potential presence of respirable dust and respirable
crystalline silica as well as their potential hazards. Appropriate training in the
proper use and handling of this material should be provided as required
under applicable regulations.

Manufacturer: PDSCo, Inc.

105 W. Sharp St
El Dorado, AR 71730
Tel – 870 863 5707
Fax – 870 863 0603

2. Hazards Identification
Product not classified as hazardous according to US/EU regulations.

Physical Hazards: Not classified

Health Hazards: Not classified
Environmental Hazards: Not classified
OSHA Defined Hazards: Not classified

Label Elements
Hazard Symbol: None
Signal Word: None
Hazard Statement: The substance does not meet the criteria for classification.

Precautionary Statement
Prevention: Observe good industrial hygiene practices.
Response: Wash hands after handling.
Storage: Store away from incompatible materials
Disposal: Dispose of waste in accordance with local authority requirements.

3. Composition/Information on Ingredients
Substances: Name & Synonyms CAS number %
Trade Secret* Proprietary*
Bentonite 1302-78-9 90-100
Quartz 14808-60-7 <= 5
Feldspars 68476-23-5 <= 5
Cristobalite 14464-46-1 <= 2
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Calcium Carbonate 471-34-1 <= 1

 Designates that a specific chemical identity and/or percentage of composition has been withheld as
a trade secret.
Composition: Occupational Exposure Limits for constituents are listed in section 8. Bentonite is
composed mainly of smectite group minerals but the composition is varied, as expected for a UVCB
substance, and other mineral constituents will be present in small and varying amounts. These minor
constituents are not relevant for classification and labeling. The purity of the product is 100% w/w.
Impurities are not applicable for a UVCB substance.

4. First-Aid Measures
Inhalation: Remove the source of contamination or remove the affected to fresh air. Seek
medical attention if respiratory symptoms persist. No specific first aid measures
Ingestion: No specific first aid measures noted.

Skin: No hazards which require first aid measures. Wash the skin with soap and water.
If any irritation persists seek medical attention.
Eyes: No hazards which require first aid measures. If irritation occurs flush
thoroughly with water. If irritation persists seek medical attention.

General Information: No hazards which require special first aid measures. Provide general supportive
measures and treat symptomatically.

5. Firefighting Measures
Suitable extinguishing media: All standard firefighting media.

Extinguishing media which must

not be used for safety reasons: None known.

Special exposure hazards: Non-combustible. The product itself will not burn.
The product becomes slippery when wet.
Special protective equipment Standard protective clothing and firefighting equipment.
for firefighters:

6 Accidental Release Measures

Personal precautions: No specific precautions are necessary. Avoid creating and breathing
dust – see section 8. The product becomes slippery when wet.
Environmental precautions: No special environmental precautions required.
Methods for cleaning up: Avoid creating and breathing dust.

7. Handling and Storage

Handling: Do not breathe airborne dust and avoid creating dusty conditions.
Material is slippery when wet.
Storage: Store in dry storage area. Close container when not in use.
No restrictions on storage with other products.

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8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Occupational Exposure Limits

OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)
Constituents Type Value Form
Inert or Nuisance Dusts PEL 5 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction
(CAS SEQ250)
15 mg/m3 Total Dust

OSHA Table Z-3 Limits for Mineral Dusts (29 CFR 1910.1000)
Constituents Type Values Form
Inert or Nuisance Dusts TWA 5 mg/m3 & 15 MPPCF Respirable Fraction
(CAS SEQ250)
15 mg/m3 & 50 MPPCF Total Dust

ACGIH Threshold Limit Values

Constituents Type Values Form
Inert or Nuisance Dusts TWA 3 mg/m3 Respirable Fraction
(CAS SEQ250)
10 mg/m3 Total Dust

Biological Limit Values: No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredients.

Appropriate Engineering Controls: Use approved industrial ventilation and local exhaust as required
to maintain exposures below applicable exposure limits.

Personal Protective Equipment: If engineering controls and work practices cannot prevent excessive
exposure, the selection of personal protective equipment should be
determined by a qualified professional based on specific application
of this product.

Respiratory Protection: Ensure good ventilation. Use a NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator

If there is risk of exposure to dust at levels exceeding the exposure
Hand Protection: Not required under normal conditions.

Eye Protection: Goggles or safety glasses when there is danger of eye contact.

Skin Protection: Standard work clothing. Environmental Exposure Controls: No

special requirements.

General Hygiene: Always observe good hygiene measures, such as washing after
handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking.
Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove
contaminants. Use good industrial hygiene practices in handling this
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Appearance: Pellets
Odor: None/slight
PH (0.5% solution): 7 - 11
Melting point Not determined.
Boiling point: Not applicable
Flash point: Not applicable
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Explosive properties: Not explosive
Oxidizing properties: Not determined
Vapor pressure: Not determined
Vapor density: Not applicable
Relative density: 2.6 g/cm3
- water solubility: < 0.9 mg/l
Partition coefficient:
n-octanol/water: Not applicable
Viscosity: Not applicable
Evaporation rate: Not applicable

10. Stability and Reactivity

Stability: Stable under normal conditions of use.
Conditions to avoid: Moisture
Materials to avoid: None known
Hazardous decomposition products: None

11. Toxicological Information

Acute toxicity: Not classified

Eye Contact: Dust in the eyes may cause irritation.
Ingestion: Not classified
Inhalation: Inhalation of dust may irritate respiratory system.
Skin contact: Dust may irritate skin.

Toxicology Data
Substance CAS Number LD50 Oral LD50 Dermal LC50 Inhalation
Bentonite 1302-78-9 > 5000 mg (rat) No data > 5.27 mg/L (rat)
> 2000 mg (rat) No data No data

Skin Corrosion: Not classified.

Serous Eye Irritation: Not classified. Dust, mild irritant to eyes.
Respiratory Sensitization: Not classified
Skin sensitization: Not classified
Germ Cell Mutagenicity Not classified

Carcinogenicity In June 2003, SCOEL (the EU Scientific Committee on

Occupational Exposure Limits) concluded that the main effect in
humans of the inhalation of respirable crystalline silica dust is
silicosis. “There is sufficient information to conclude that the relative
risk of lung cancer is increased in persons with silicosis (and,
apparently, not in employees without silicosis exposed to silica dust
in quarries and in the ceramic industry). Therefore, preventing the
onset of silicosis will also reduce the cancer risk…” (SCOEL SUM
Doc 94-final, June 2003) According to the current state of the art,
worker protection against silicosis can be consistently assured by
respecting the existing regulatory occupational exposure limits.
Occupational exposure to respirable dust and respirable crystalline
silica should be monitored and controlled. This product contains
<10% total crystalline silica. The respirable crystalline silica as
determined by the SWeRF method is <1% w/w.

Reproductive Toxicity: Not classified.

Aspiration Hazard: Not an aspiration hazard.

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12. Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity The product is not classified as environmentally hazardous, however,

this does not exclude the possibility that large or frequent spills can
have a harmful or damaging effect on the environment.

Substance CAS Number Species Toxicity Results

Bentonite 1302-78-9 Oncorhynchus Mykiss TLM96 10000 ppm
Oncorhynchus Mykiss LC50 (96h) 16000-19000 mg/L
Black Bass LC50 (24h) 2800-3200 mg/L
Warmouth Bass LC50 (24h) 2800-3200 mg/L
Blue Gill LC50 (24h) 2800-3200 mg/L
Sunfish LC50 (24h) 2800-3200 mg/L
Metacarcinus Magister EC50 (96h) 81.6 mg/L
Pandalus Danae EC50 (96h) 24.8 mg/L
Daphnia Magna EC50 (48h) > 100 mg/L

Persistence and Degradability: Not applicable to inorganic substances

Bioaccumulative Potential: Will not bioaccumulate.
Mobility in Soil: Near insoluble, low mobility in soil.
Other Adverse Effects: No adverse ecological effects are expected.

13. Disposal Considerations

Disposal Instructions: Dispose according to all local, state and federal regulations.
Hazardous waste code: Not regulated
Contaminated packaging: Follow all applicable regulations.

14. Transport Information

Land transport (DOT/ADR) Not classified as dangerous for transport.
Sea transport (IMDG/IMO): Not classified as dangerous for transport.
Air transport (IATA/ICAO): Not classified as dangerous for transport.

Transport in bulk according to Annex II

of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: Not applicable

15. Regulatory Information

US Federal Regulations: This product is not known to be a “Hazardous Chemical” as defined by

the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200

CERCLA Hazardous
Substances List (40 CFR 302.4) Not listed
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)
Hazard Categories:
Immediate Hazard: No
Delayed Hazard: No
Fire Hazard: No
Pressure Hazard: No
Reactivity Hazard: No
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16. Regulatory Information

US Federal Regulations: This product is not known to be a “Hazardous Chemical” as defined by

the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200

CERCLA Hazardous
Substances List (40 CFR 302.4) Not listed

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)

Hazard Categories:
Immediate Hazard: No
Delayed Hazard: No
Fire Hazard: No
Pressure Hazard: No
Reactivity Hazard: No

SARA 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances

No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.
None present

SARA 311/312 Hazardous Chemical: No

SARA 313 – Specific Toxic Chemical Listings

This material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the
threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.
None present. Not Regulated.

OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)

Not listed

17. Other Information

HMIS Rating
Health: 1
Flammability: 0
Reactivity: 0

NFPA Rating
Health: 1
Fire: 0
Reactivity: 0

Training Advice: Read the safety data sheet and technical data sheet prior to using the product.

Further Information: UVCB = a substance of Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction

products or Biological materials

SWeRF = Size Weighted Respirable Fraction methodology is a scientific method

developed to quantify the content of respirable particles within a bulk product.

The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information
and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe

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handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a
warranty or quality specification. The manufacturer expressly does not make any representations,
warranties, or guarantees as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness nor assumes any liability for its use.
It is the user’s responsibility to verify the suitability and completeness of such information for each particular
use. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material
used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text. PDSCo, Inc.
cannot anticipate under which this information and its product, or the products of other manufacturers in
combination with its product, may be used. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure safe conditions for
handling, storage and disposal of the product, and to assume liability for loss, injury, damage or expense
due to improper use. The information in the sheet was written based on the best knowledge and experience
currently available.

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