Lecturenote - 617395735waterCAD Handout 4

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3 Reporting Results
An important feature in all water distribution modeling software is the ability to present results
clearly. This lesson outlines several of Bentley WaterCAD V8i reporting features, including:

 Reports, which display and print information on any or all elements in the system.
 Element Tables (FlexTables), for viewing, editing, and presentation of selected data and
elements in a tabular format.
 Profiles, to graphically show, in a profile view, how a selected attribute, such as
hydraulic grade, varies along an interconnected series of pipes.
 Contouring, to show how a selected attribute, such as pressure, varies throughout the
distribution system.
 Element Annotation, for dynamic presentation of the values of user-selected variables in
the plan view.
 Color Coding, which assigns colors based on ranges of values to elements in the plan
view. Color coding is useful in performing quick diagnostics on the network.

For this lesson, you will use the system from the Scenario Management lesson, saved as
MYLESSON3 in the Bentley\WaterGEMS\Lesson directory. If you did not complete this
lesson, you may use the file LESSON4.WTG (LESSON4.DWG in AutoCAD).

To open the existing project

2. Select File > Save As.
3. Enter the filename MYLESSON4, and click Save.

4. Select File > Project Properties, and change the Project Title to Lesson 4 - Reporting


1. Choose Analysis > Scenarios or click to open Scenarios.

2. Select the 2000 l/min., 3 hour fire flow at J-6 (EPS) scenario.

3. Click to compute the Scenario.

4. Click Report > Scenario Summary

5. The report opens.

6. You can use the toolbar to save, print or copy the results to another program.
7. Close the Scenario Summary.

8. Choose Report > Element Tables > Tank.

9. Click Report and select for either the Current Time Step or All Time Steps.

10. Use the Page icons to navigate through the report.

Every element can generate a report in the same general format, which includes the name
of the calculated scenario and information describing the element's properties and results
in detail.

You can print this report using these icons.

The report will print in the exact format seen on the screen.

11. Close the report, and then exit the Tank FlexTable.


When data must be entered for a large number of elements, clicking each element and entering
the data can be time consuming. FlexTable elements can be changed using the global edit tool, or
filtered to display only the desired elements. Values that are entered into the table will be
automatically updated in the model. The tables can also be customized to contain only the

desired data. Columns can be added or removed, or you can display duplicates of the same
column with different units.

FlexTables are dynamic tables of input values and calculated results. White columns are editable
input values, and yellow columns are non-editable calculated values. When data is entered into a
table directly, the values in the model will be automatically updated. These tables can be printed
or copied into a spreadsheet program.

Global Edit and Filtering are very useful tools. For example, if you decide to evaluate how the
network might operate in five years. Assume that the C factor for 5-year old ductile iron pipe
reduces from 130 to 120. It would be repetitive to go through and edit the pipe roughness
through the individual pipe dialog boxes, particularly when dealing with a large system. Instead,
you will use the filter tool in this example to filter out the PVC pipes, and then use global edit
tool to change the pipe roughness on the ductile iron pipes only.

To use Global Edit and Filtering

1. Set up a new Alternative and Scenario to capture the changes to the C values.
a. Click Analysis > Alternatives. Highlight the P-8 and P-9 Set to 200 mm
Physical Alternative and click New Child Alternative.
b. Rename the new Alternative 5-yr.-old D.I.P.
c. Close the Alternatives manager.
d. Click Analysis > Scenarios.
e. Select the P-8 and P-9 Set to 200 mm scenario.
f. Right click and select New > Child Scenario.
g. Rename the new scenario 5-yr.-old D.I.P.

h. Double-click the new scenario to open the Properties editor. Change the Physical
alternative to 5-yr.-old D.I.P.

2. Click Report > Element Tables > Pipe.

3. Right-click the Material column and choose Filter > Custom from the menu.
4. The query builder opens.
a. Double-click on Material in the Fields list.
b. Click the = equal sign.
c. Click to select the Unique Values for Material

d. Double-click Ductile Iron.

e. Click Apply , then click OK.

5. Use the Global Edit tool to modify all of the roughness values in the table.
a. Right-click the Hazen-Williams C column and select Global Edit.
b. Select Set from the Operation list.
c. Enter 120 into the Value field.

d. Click OK. All of the values are now set to 120.

6. To deactivate the filter, right-click anywhere in the dialog box and click Filter > Reset
from the menu. Click Yes to reset the filter.
7. You may also wish to edit a table by adding or removing columns using the Table
a. Click Edit to open the table editor.

b. Scroll through the list on the left to view the types of data available for placement
in the table. You can select an item to add or remove from the table.

c. You can adjust the order which the columns will be displayed by using the arrows

below Selected Columns .

d. Click Ok to save your changes or Cancel to exit the table without making change.
8. Click to exit the table.
9. Choose Analysis > Scenarios > Compute Scenario > Batch Run.
10. Check 5-yr.-old D.I.P., and then click Batch.
11. Click to exit the table when you are finished.

Create a Print Preview and Profile

1. To create a print preview of the distribution system, click File > Print Preview > Fit to

This option will create a preview of the entire system regardless of what the screen

The print preview opens in a separate window, which can then be printed or copied to the

2. Close the print preview window.

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3. To create a profile view, choose View > Profiles, or click Profile in the toolbar. This
activates the Profiles manager.
4. Click New to open the Profile Setup dialog box, and then click Select From Drawing to
choose the element to profile.
5. The dialog box closes and select opens. Choose a few elements to include in the profile
and click Done .

6. The Profile Setup dialog box opens with the selected elements appearing, in order, in the

Click Open Profile to view the profile.

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7. After you create the profile, you can make adjustments to its appearance by clicking
Profile Series Options or Chart Options .

8. The graph can be printed or copied to the clipboard.

9. Close the Profile window.
10. Close the Profile manager.

To Create a Contour

The contouring feature in Bentley WaterCAD V8i enables you to generate contours for reporting
attributes such as elevation, pressure, and hydraulic grade. You can specify the contour interval,
as well as color code the contours by index values or ranges of values. In this lesson, you will
contour based on hydraulic grade elevations.

1. Choose View > Contours or click Contours .

2. Click New in the Contour Manager.
3. Choose Hydraulic Grade from the Field menu.
4. Choose All Elements in the Selection Set menu.
5. Click Initialize and select Full Range to update the Minimum and Maximum HGL
6. Make sure Color by Index is selected

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7. Select Smooth Contours to improve the overall appearance of the drawing.

8. Click OK.

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9. View result in the drawing pane.

10. Close the Contour Manager.

Element Symbology

When you want to label network attributes use the Annotation feature. With it, you can control
which values are displayed, how they are labeled, and how units are expressed.

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1. Choose View > Element Symbology > New > New Annotation.

2. Select the Field Name to annotate.

3. Enter additional information into the other fields as needed.
4. Click Apply.
5. The drawing will now display all of the annotations. You can try changing the properties
of an element and recalculating. The annotations will update automatically to reflect any
changes in the system.
6. If the annotation is crowded, you can click and drag the annotation to move it.

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7. Click OK.

Color Coding

1. Choose View > Element Symbology and click an element to create a new color coding
for that element type.
2. Right-click the element and choose New > Color Coding or click New > New Color
Coding from the toolbar.
3. The Color Coding dialog box allows you to set the color coding for links, nodes, or both.
a. Select Diameter from the Field Name menu.
b. In the table, enter values of 150, 200, and 1000 mm with colors of red, blue, and
green, respectively.

c. Click Calculate Range > Full Range to get the minimum and maximum values
for the variable displayed at the top of the dialog box. The maximum must be
higher than the minimum.
d. Then, click Initialize and the model will select the color coding ranges in the
table automatically.

e. Click OK to generate the Color Coding.

4. You can add a legend to the drawing. Right-click on the color coding and select Insert
Legend from the menu. You can move the legend in the drawing by clicking the mouse
and dragging the legend.
5. Close any open dialog boxes.
6. Save the project.

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