Balintetal2011 NCC
Balintetal2011 NCC
Balintetal2011 NCC
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Global climate change (GCC) significantly affects distribu- from nine aquatic insect species of European mountain regions. We
tional patterns of organisms1 , and considerable impacts on examined seven species of caddisfly (Chaetopterygopsis maclachlani,
biodiversity are predicted for the next decades. Inferred ef- Drusus discolor, Drusus romanicus, Hydropsyche tenuis, Rhyacophila
fects include large-scale range shifts towards higher alti- aquitanica, Rhyacophila carpathica and Rhyacophila pubescens;
tudes and latitudes2 , facilitation of biological invasions3 and Trichoptera), the mayfly Ameletus inopinatus (Ephemeroptera) and
species extinctions1,3 . Alterations of biotic patterns caused the stonefly Arcynopteryx compacta (Plecoptera; Supplementary
by GCC have usually been predicted on the scale of taxo- Table S1). The selected species have alpine, Arctic–alpine or
nomically recognized morphospecies1 . However, the effects of endemic distributions (Supplementary Table S1) and are restricted
climate change at the most fundamental level of biodiversity— to cold, fast-running, oxygen-saturated streams with low organic
intraspecific genetic diversity—remain elusive4 . Here we show matter input7 . These habitats are limited to higher altitudes, leading
that the use of morphospecies-based assessments of GCC to insular distribution patterns of the species in the European
effects will result in underestimations of the true scale of biodi- mountains. Strong genetic population differentiation and high
versity loss. Species distribution modelling and assessments of proportions of regionally endemic haplotypes have been shown
mitochondrial DNA variability in nine montane aquatic insect for all but one range-restricted species (Supplementary Table S1),
species in Europe indicate that future range contractions will indicating very limited potential for long-distance dispersal. The
be accompanied by severe losses of cryptic evolutionary lin- species were chosen for their thermal sensitivity, their dispersal
eages and genetic diversity within these lineages. These losses limitation and the availability of unbiased locality data and range-
greatly exceed those at the scale of morphospecies. We also wide phylogeographic data sets. We applied an ensemble forecasting
document that the extent of range reduction may be a useful of species distributions to project future ranges of our study
proxy when predicting losses of genetic diversity. Our results species under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
demonstrate that intraspecific patterns of genetic diversity (IPCC) 2080 A2a (‘business as usual’) and the IPCC 2080 B2a
should be considered when estimating the effects of climate (‘reduced CO2 emissions’) emission scenarios8 . Assuming only
change on biodiversity. short-distance dispersal, primarily in the form of local altitudinal
Numerous studies document the effects of GCC on biodiversity shifts in response to climate warming, we inferred genetic diversity
both at the ecosystem and species level, but not at the level of losses by associating predicted range losses with present haplotype
intraspecific genetic diversity. This is surprising, given that the use distributions at the basin scale (see Methods).
of molecular techniques in biodiversity research increasingly results Projections of future range shifts (SDM) showed significant
in the recognition of high levels of cryptic biodiversity below the losses of climatically suitable areas for all species under both
morphospecies level5 . Efforts to delimit evolutionarily significant IPCC emission scenarios (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. S1 and
units (ESUs) for biodiversity-related fields acknowledge the fact Table S3). Range contractions were most severe at the low-latitude
that the morphospecies concept seems increasingly insufficient edges of species ranges and in low mountain ranges (Fig. 1).
for holistic biodiversity estimates6 . However, a concise framework These areas are well known for high species diversity and for the
for estimating the effects of GCC on cryptic biodiversity and frequent occurrence of endemic intraspecific lineages9,10 . Three
spatial genetic differentiation is still lacking. Here we introduce species with restricted distribution are directly threatened by
a widely applicable approach based on the use of range-wide GCC-mediated extinction, as their present ranges are projected to
phylogeographic mitochondrial DNA data and species distribution become completely unsuitable or strongly reduced depending on
modelling (SDM), which allows estimation of climate-related the respective emission scenario (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Fig. S1
future changes of genetic and cryptic biodiversity. We reason that and Table S3). More extensive suitable areas under GCC were
species with strong genetic population structure will experience projected for each of the remaining six morphospecies. At present,
massive losses of cryptic diversity and ESUs under GCC, and that all of these species have relatively large distributions. Suitable
examining GCC effects solely at the level of morphospecies will areas will generally shift from the Central European highlands
underestimate the extent of climate-driven biodiversity loss. to higher elevations in the Alps. Extensive suitable areas were
To test our hypotheses, we used range-wide mitochondrial projected in the north for the two Arctic–alpine species (Fig. 1 and
sequence data (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) Supplementary Fig. S1).
1 Biodiversityand Climate Research Centre (BiK-F), Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2 Molecular Biology Center, Babeş-Bolyai
University, Treboniu Laurian 42, 400271 Cluj, Romania, 3 Senckenberg Research Institutes and Natural History Museums, Department of Limnology and
Conservation, Clamecystrasse 12, 63571 Gelnhausen, Germany, 4 Institute of Zoology, Department of Ecology, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz,
Becherweg 13, 55128 Mainz, Germany, 5 Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Koblenz-Landau, Fortstrasse 7, 76829 Landau, Germany. † These
authors contributed equally to this work. *e-mail:;
Arctic¬alpine distribution (A. compacta) Alpine distribution (D. discolor) Range-restricted distribution (D. romanicus)
Figure 1 | Projections of climatically suitable regions for three montane aquatic insect species representing different distribution types in Europe.
Distribution types are listed according to ref. 10. Top: present conditions; middle and bottom: IPCC 2080 emission scenarios A2a and B2a. Coloured
shading indicates modelled present and future ranges; dots show sampling localities. Grey areas display elevations >500 m above sea level. Left:
A. compacta; middle: D. discolor; right: D. romanicus. Analogous projections for the other species are shown in Supplementary Fig. S1. Projections of future
range shifts (SDM) show significant losses of climatically suitable areas for all species under both emission scenarios (paired t-test on
square-root-normalized absolute values of suitable area sizes of each species: present–A2a, t = 8.5127, df = 8, P = 0.00002; present–B2a, t = 10.7075,
df = 8, P = 0.00001).
Five examined species comprise two or more ESUs based on 2% under the severe emission scenario, and 68% under the more mod-
sequence divergence threshold (Fig. 2), and eight species comprise erate scenario (Figs 2 and 3 and Supplementary Table S3). These
two or more ESUs based on the generalized mixed Yule-coalescent estimated losses of genetic diversity correlate with losses of suitable
(GMYC) delineation (Supplementary Figs S2–S4 and Table S3). We areas (Fig. 4). This indicates that the extent of GCC-induced range
found that substantially more ESUs face extinction by the loss of reduction may be a good predictor of changes in genetic diversity,
climatically suitable areas when compared with the morphospecies, at least for species with limited migration potential.
regardless of the method used for ESU delineation (Figs 2 and 3 The highest levels of intraspecific genetic diversity losses
and Supplementary Figs S2–S4 and Table S2). Depending on the measured as number of haplotypes and lost ESUs are projected
method of ESU delimitation, 52% and 59% of ESUs will be lost in the Mediterranean region followed by the Central European
under the moderate CO2 emission scenario (Fig. 3); 65 to 79% of highlands and the Carpathians (Supplementary Tables S4–S6).
ESUs will be lost under the more severe greenhouse-gas emission In many European species, genetic diversity is greatest in
scenario. The results highlight the greater resolution achieved when regions of their putative Pleistocene glacial refugia in southern
using ESUs rather than morphospecies when predicting the impact Europe10 . In general, ancestral refugial populations also show
of GCC on biodiversity. This is particularly relevant as detailed stud- stronger genetic differentiation and exhibit the oldest splits9 .
ies of intraspecific genetic variation often yield previously unrec- Under our climate change projections, all but two populations
ognized, morphologically cryptic evolutionary lineages5 . Losses of in the classical southern refugia are projected to become
diversity under scenarios of GCC are even more severe when trans- extinct (two high-altitude Pyrenees populations of A. compacta
lated into haplotypes. A large number of haplotypes are geographi- are the exception; Supplementary Table S4 and S5). Thus,
cally restricted to areas that will not be climatically suitable for them ancestral, highly diverse populations will be lost. Among our
in the future. On average, 84% of haplotypes lose all of their areas study species, deep ancestral splits are seen in D. discolor,
A. inopinatus
AI l
D. discolor
DD l
DD ll
R. pubescens DD IV
RP lll DD V
RP ll
RP l DD Vl
R. carpathica RC l DD Vll
DR l
RA ll DR ll
DR lll D. romanicus
R. aquitanica
RA l
HT l C. maclachlani
CM l
H. tenuis
AI ll AC l
A. compacta
A. inopinatus
AI l
D. discolor
DD l
DD ll
R. pubescens DD III
RP lll
RP ll DD V
RP l DD Vl
R. carpathica RC l DD Vll
DR l
RA ll DR ll
DR lll
R. aquitanica D. romanicus
RA l
HT l C. maclachlani
H. tenuis CM l
Figure 2 | Predicted loss of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I haplotypes for nine montane aquatic insect species in Europe under two IPCC
2080 CO2 emission scenarios. Top: A2a ‘business as usual’ scenario; bottom: B2a ‘reduced CO2 emission’ scenario. Shown is a combined UPGMA tree for
all species. For clarity, species are separated by background colour. White branches show lost haplotypes (no climatically suitable areas projected). Highly
diverged lineages (2% sequence divergence molecular operational taxonomic units) are marked on the outer circle. Molecular operational taxononmic
units codes are given outside the circle and follow Supplementary Table S5.
D. romanicus and R. pubescens. The other species with particularly severe in the Mediterranean region3 and many ancestral
Mediterranean populations (A. compacta and H. tenuis) show and genetically diverse southern lineages of temperate species are
shallow splits resulting from postglacial recolonization of Central likely to become extinct.
Europe from southern refugia and greatest diversity in the GCC effects on genetic diversity may differently impact leading-
recolonized regions of the Carpathians and Central European edge, central and rear-edge populations2,13 . Our study supports
highlands, respectively. This reflects the special situation of this pattern, with marked decreases of intraspecific diversity
montane species in Europe with high genetic diversity in the Central mainly predicted for the genetically most diverse low-latitude and
European highlands9,11,12 . In general, our study supports the idea low-mountain populations. However, the coarse resolution of our
that climate change-induced biodiversity losses are projected to be modelling approach cannot discount future suitable habitat patches
Morphospecies 2% MOTUs data and SDM, the drawn conclusions rely on several assumptions.
We used neutral mitochondrial DNA haplotype variation as a
1 surrogate for intraspecific genetic diversity. We specifically chose
mitochondrial DNA as it is the most common marker for large-scale
2 assessments of genetic population structure15 and it is widely used
12 for the identification of cryptic evolutionary lineages16 . Thus, the
6 particular strength of the approach lies in the wide availability
3 of such homologous data from varying organism groups of
different geographic regions and ecological guilds. With decreases
in sequencing costs, comparative homologous multi-locus data
GMYC species Haplotypes sets will become more readily available, allowing further improved
estimates of genetic diversity losses4 .
54 An important issue for SDM-based predictions of GCC effects
on biodiversity is the difficulty of implementing dispersal and
58 migration scenarios into projections of future distribution17 . The
44 discrepancy between the widespread use and importance of SDM
15 233
in ecological studies on the one hand, and the rare implementation
of sophisticated approaches for assessing dispersal on the other
hand, is largely due to a limited understanding of dispersal rates and
migration patterns for many taxa17 . Dispersal of immature stages
Figure 3 | Losses of morphospecies, ESUs and mitochondrial DNA (eggs, larvae and pupae) of aquatic insects is often accidental or
haplotypes combined for nine montane aquatic insect species in Europe passive and usually restricted to within-stream movement, whereas
under two IPCC 2080 CO2 emission scenarios. Absolute numbers of units dispersal among streams or catchments happens during the winged
that will persist under both future climate projections (blue), units that will adult life stages18 . Here we assumed that over the short timescales
be lost only under the ‘business as usual’ scenario (A2a; pink) and units relevant to this study, cold-adapted insects will generally be limited
lost under both scenarios (grey). MOTUs, molecular operational to short-distance compensatory altitudinal shifts in response to
taxonomic units. climate warming. Our rationale for restricting dispersal to within
basin movements is based on the general dispersal limitation of
in small pockets of favourable microclimate conditions, for example our study taxa. This assumption is supported by high rates of
in springs. It has been proposed13 that low-latitude rear-edge pop- genetic differentiation found between populations (Supplementary
ulations of numerous species survived past climate warming in very Table S1). For instance, it was shown that D. discolor migrated
restricted climatic islands. We also consider future microrefugia altitudinally but not longitudinally during warm phases in the
possible for highland species; however, persisting populations will interglacial9 . Thus, we considered gene flow among river basins
probably be highly vulnerable as a result of severely reduced effec- rare—particularly in the timeframe of ∼70 years relevant for
tive population sizes. Although GCC will probably result in genetic this study—and used watersheds as proxies for dispersal barriers
impoverishment in rear-edge populations, shifting ranges may also for larvae and adults. This approach seems suitable for other
enhance global intraspecific genetic diversity. This may result from montane or Arctic–alpine aquatic taxa with restricted over-land
local adaptation in leading-edge populations2 or increased local dispersal, particularly in hololimnic organisms18 . For other species
intraspecific genetic diversity through hybridization of historically that show greater long-distance dispersal propensities, however, the
isolated lineages after a climate-driven secondary contact14 . implementation of dynamic models that consider more complex
Although our data indicate the usefulness of combining dispersal scenarios17 will be of crucial importance when inferring
phylogeographic data sets based on mitochondrial DNA sequence GCC effects on genetic diversity.
70 60
A2a B2a
Haplotypes lost
Haplotypes lost
0 0
0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000
Area lost (km2) Area lost (km2)
Figure 4 | Correlation between predicted losses of area and inferred losses of haplotypes. Left: A2a IPCC 2080 ‘business as usual’ CO2 emission
scenario; n = 9, R = 0.79, P = 0.012; Right: B2a IPCC 2080 ‘reduced CO2 emissions’ scenario; n = 9, R = 0.73, P = 0.025. Pearson correlations were carried
out on square-root-normalized absolute values of haplotype and area losses.
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21. Davis, M. B. & Shaw, R. G. Range shifts and adaptive responses to quaternary Acknowledgements
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22. Chown, S. L. et al. Adapting to climate change: A perspective from evolutionary K. Schwenk (University of Landau) for helpful comments. This study was financially
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25. Zhou, X., Adamowicz, S., Jacobus, L., DeWalt, R. E. & Hebert, P. D. N. M.B., C.N. and S.U.P. conceived the research. M.B., C.N. and S.U.P. conducted
Towards a comprehensive barcode library for arctic life—Ephemeroptera, the research. S.D., C.H.M.E., P.H., S.L., J.S., K.T., M.B. and S.U.P. contributed new
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27. Drummond, A. J. & Rambaut, A. BEAST: Bayesian evolutionary analysis by Additional information
sampling trees. BMC Evol. Biol. 7, e214 (2007). The authors declare no competing financial interests. Supplementary information
28. Ezard, T., Fujisawa, T. & Barraclough, T. Species delimitation by threshold accompanies this paper on Reprints and
statistics version 1. (2009). permissions information is available online at
29. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to S.U.P. or C.N.