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Tech 4th semester

(CS-302)  Analysis and Design Of Algorithm

Education point online



1) Define Algorithm, Pseudocode and Program? How to analyse

2) What criteria are used during the analysis of the algorithm?
3) Need of obtaining the time and space complexity measures of
an algorithm?
4) What do you mean by asymptotic notations? (VVI)
5) Define Big "oh" with example.
6) Define Heap.
7) Explain heapsort algorithm with example.
8) Heap sort alogithm numerical.(VVI)
9) what is divide and conquer strategy?
10) complexity of binary search algorithm?
11) Explain Mergesort algorithm and find the complexity of
12) What is quicksort? What does it mean to partition a number of
data item in quick sort?
13) Write Strassen's algorithm for multiplication?
14) Recurrrence Relation Numerical.
15) Algorithm for binary search. (imp)
16) Quick sort Numerical.
UNIT 2 Bohot Bada Naam

1) Greedy Technique in details. (Concept/algorithm)

2) Explain - Optimal Merge Pattern/ optimal solution.
3) Explain greedy strategy for optimal merge patterns.
4) What is Huffman code ?
5) What is Spanning Tree ? & Minimum spanning Tree?
6) Prims Algorithm algorithm? & Kruskal's Algorithm?
7) Write algorithm for Knapsack problem.
8) Job sequencing with deadlines.
9) Algorithm for Single sourse shortest path and find its
10) Binary Merge tree numerical. 
11) Huffman code numerical.
12) Prims algorithm numerical.
13) Knapsack instance Numerical.
14) What is Knapsack problem.
15) Job Sequencing Numerical.


1) What is Dynamic Programing? Charactristics & Elements of

Dynamic Programing.
2) Explain Principle of Optimality.
3) Explain 0/1 Knapsack Problem & its Numerical. (IMP)
4) Explain multistage graphs. (IMP)
5) What is Reliablity Design Problem?
6) Explain Floyd-Warshall algorithm with the help of an example.
7) Floyd's algorithm numerical.


1) What is Backtracking.
2) Explain Recursive and non-recursive backtracking.
3) Explain stste space tree.
4) Explain 4-queen's problem using backtracking. A=1
5) Explain 8-queen's problem using backtracking.
6) Explain graph coloring problem.
7) Explain backtracking for graph colouring problem.
8) Explain branch and bound method.
9) Traveling Salesperson problem.
10) Salesperson Reduced Cost Numerical. (VVI)
11) Branch and bound numerical.
12) Explain lower bound theory.
13) Explain parallel algorithm with example.

UNIT 5 Tree

1) Explain Binary Search Tree.

2) Explain algorithm to insert an item in binary tree.
3) Explain function for deletion of a node for Binary Search Tree.
4) Explain algorithm for insertion a new node in AVL tree.
5) Define Height balanced tree.
6) Explain 2-3 trees with examples.
7) Explain B-Tree ? Write its property & need of B-Tree?
8) AVL Tree Numerical.
9) AVI is better than Binary Search Tree Numerical.(VVVI)
10) Balanced Tree Numerical.
11) B-Tree Construction.
12) Define Tree traversals.
13) Define Graph traversals.
14) What is BFS and DFS Algorithm.
15) Inorder, Pre Order & Post Order numerical.
16) Explain P and NP Problems.

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