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Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

A Hybrid-Switching Based Bridgeless PFC

Converter for On-Board Battery Chargers using
Predictive Current Control

Mohammad Reza Abedi*‡, Brian Ernzen*

*Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Baylor University, Waco, TX

mohammadreza_abedi@baylor.edu, brian_ernzen@baylor.edu

Corresponding Author; Mohammad Reza Abedi, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Baylor University, Waco, TX,+1 254 548 1566, mohammadreza_abedi@baylor.edu

Received: 02.09.2012 Accepted: 01.10.2012

Abstract- This paper presents a hybrid-switching based bridgeless PFC converter for on-board battery chargers. Using this
novel topologythe front-end full-bridge rectifierhas beeneliminated resulting in performance, size, and cost advantage over
conventional bridge type PFC converters.Unity power factor and very low total harmonic distortion (THD) is achieved over
wide input voltage and load current range using Predictive Current Control (PCC) for hybrid-switching based bridgeless PFC
converter. The control law is derived for an accurate model of the converter including parasitic elements. To investigate the
dynamic performance of the PFC rectifier, the small-signal models are derived. Input voltage feed-forward compensation
provides sinusoidal input current and a desired output voltage even if the input voltage is disturbed. Simulation results sho w
the effectiveness of using predictive current control for hybrid-switching based bridgeless PFC converter.
Keywords- Hybrid-Switching Based Bridgeless PFC Converter, On-Board Battery Charger, Predictive Current Control (PCC)

1. Introduction Particularly, an on-board battery charger has to be small

and light in order to maximize energy efficiency and the
Recently, some of major cities in the world formulates a distance covered per charging [3]. Therefore, a high
policy and encourages popularizing an eco-friendly vehicle, frequency switching technique is required to reduce size of
typically Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-In Hybrid EVs passive components, and to minimize switching losses
(PHEVs). In order to speed up its commercial launching in caused by the high frequency switching. The battery
the market, it is necessary to obtain a high-efficiency battery charging algorithm point of view, various researches are
and its charger technology, which is the key power source of performed to have better battery charging algorithm, for
the vehicles. Among of various batteries, Nickel Metal instance, Constant Voltage (CV), Constant Current (CC),
Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) and Li-Polymer CC-CV, power control and pulse injection method and so on,
batteries are mostly being used to have better energy density, considering lifecycle, safety and efficiency of the batteries
efficiency, safety and cost, and the batteries performances are [4-5].
improving. There are two types of chargers for EV
The main part of On-board battery chargers is diode-
application. One is a standalone type which can be compared
bridge rectifier followed by PFC circuit in order to improve
to a petrol station aimed at fast charge. The other is an on-
power factor of input current and output voltage regulation.
board type which would be appropriate for slow charge from
Low power factor and harmonics have a negative effect on
a house utility outlet during nighttime, when demand of
power quality degrading overall system efficiency in power
electricity is low. Slow charge overnight is very beneficial
systems. To overcome these deficiencies, AC/DC circuits
for an electricity distribution system [1-2].
with active power factor correction (PFC) have been
developed [6-7]. These PFC circuits use a bridge followed
Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

by a switch mode circuit that is controlled to actively shape (Presented in [8] by Slobodan Cuk) is considered in this
the input current from the AC power source. The most configuration to eliminate the front-end full-bridge rectifier
common switch mode circuit used in this application is the resulting in performance, size, and cost advantage over
boost converter. While being an improvement over the conventional bridge type PFC converters. The novel hybrid
simple bridge rectifier with an output capacitor, these PFC switching method enables new Single-Stage ac-dc converter
circuits still have a limitation due to high conduction losses topology, consisting of just three switches and a single
in the diodes of the bridge. These conduction losses are magnetic component, to reach a much higher efficiency,
especiallyprominent during low input voltage situations in higher power factor, and lower total harmonic distortion.
which the input current is large. DC Link Battery
Until recently, despite efforts to develop a new circuit Bridgeless DC/DC
AC Line Input
that could achieve active PFC without the bridge, it had been Filter PFC Rectifier Converter
assumed that the bridge rectifier in PFC circuits was an
unavoidable necessity. However, this is not the case as a new
class of converters capable of the direct ac-dc conversion Fig. 2. The overall block diagram of on-board battery
with PFC using hybrid-switching is indeed possible as charger using the novel hybrid-switching based bridgeless
introduced for the first time in [8]. PFC converter.
The overall objective of this paper is the implementation The novel bridgeless PFC converter requires only a
and control of hybrid-switching based PFC converter to single resonant capacitor and no input inductor compared to
provide the high efficient on-board battery chargers. The the isolated bridgeless converter. Despite the use of a
required small signal analysis for both the positive and resonant inductor and a resonant capacitor, thanks to the
negative half cycle of the input line voltage independently. novel hybrid-switching method, the DC voltage gain depends
This small signal analysis is required in order to achieve on the duty ratio only and not on resonant component values
control and perform stability analysis of the bridgeless PFC or the load current.
converter with hybrid switching. Section II proposes the
power stage structure of EV on-board battery charger with
3. Novel Hybrid Switching Method
hybrid-switching based PFC converter. Section III reviews
the operation and steady state relations of the bridgeless
converter with hybrid switching. Section IV provides the 3.1. Topology Description
predictive current control of this novel topology for on-board
battery chargers. Simulation results demonstrate the validity In this bridgeless converter with hybrid switching [8], all
of this approach in section V. full bridge rectifier elements have been eliminated such that
this converter operates directly from AC line. As shown in
Fig.3, this topology uses three switches: one active switch
2. The Power Stage Structure of EV On-Board Battery
and two diodes. The active switch controls both diode
switches to operate in the correct way for both the positive
and negative half cycle of input AC line voltage.
The common schematic block diagram of on-board
battery charger is depicted in Fig. 1. To prevent conducted To meet this objective, hybrid switching is utilized,
harmonics and noise from entering the power supply an input which is the combination of square-wave PWM switching
filter has been included in this configuration. The diode- and resonant switching techniques. Hybrid switching
bridge rectifier followed by PFC circuit in order to improve operates in a totally different way than conventional resonant
power factor of input current and output voltage regulation is and quasi resonant converters. As shown in Fig. 3, this
the nature of this typical configuration. The output of EV topology consists of a series LC resonant network which has
battery charger needs to be isolated from the main for safety the essential role of utilizing the hybrid-switching in this
consideration. For dc-dc stage many topologies such as soft- converter [8].
switched full bridge, ZVS half bridge, and soft-switched iL L Ir Lr
Cr I
forward converter can be considered [1-4], which is not our    V
D2 
objective in this work.
DC Link Battery

Full-Bridge PFC DC/DC

AC Line Input
Filter Rectifire Circuit Converter
Fig. 3. The novel hybrid-switching based bridgeless PFC
Fig. 1. The overall block diagram of conventional on-board
battery charger.
3.2. Steady State Operation
In order to configure the small, light and high efficiency
on-board battery charger, the new hybrid switching based Since the converter includes different electrical
bridgeless rectifier followed by dc-dc converter is adopted in configurations for operating in positive and negative half
this research which is shown in Fig. 2. The bridgeless PFC
converter based on novel hybrid switching method

Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

cycle of the input AC line voltage, operating sequences of DC voltage and it circulating energy in the switch S and
the converter should be analyzed for each polarity separately. diode D1. From the resonant circuit in Fig. 4a, we have
The operating subintervals of the converter for the
positive half cycle of input AC line are illustrated in Fig. 4.
The stateof the active switch S controls which subinterval the
converter is in.
iL L Cr Ir Lr I
   V

 D2  (a) (b)
D1 Fig. 5. Resonant inductor current (a) and resonant capacitor
voltage (b) waveforms in one switching cycle during the
 positive half cycle of input AC line. [8]
(a) dir (t )
Lr  vCr (t ) (3)
iL L Cr Lr dt
 I
 V

 D2  The nonlinear averaged equation for bridgeless
Vg converter working in positive half cycle can be extracted
from Eqs. (1) and (2) as following

d i(t )
L Ts
 vg (t )  d (t ) v(t ) Ts
 d (t ) vCr (t ) Ts
(b) dt Ts

Fig. 4. The operating sequences of the converter for positive d v(t ) v(t )
half cycle of input AC line a) when the switch is in on state C Ts
 d (t ) iL (t ) Ts
 Ts
dt R
b) when the switch is in off state.
As mentioned before the resonant inductor is flux
As shown in Fig. 4, during the on-time subinterval of balanced during the on-time interval only, this means:
switch S, passive switch D1 conducts and the passive switch
D2 does not conduct. During the off-time subinterval of This reduces the Eq. (4) to
switch S, passive switch D2 conducts in response to the state
d i(t )
of S and the passive switch D1 does not conduct. L Ts
 vg (t )  d (t ) v(t ) Ts
dt Ts
We assumed that the inductor L is large enough to result
in a constant input dc current with ignoring the ac ripple d v(t ) v(t )
current. During the on-time subinterval of switch S, the C Ts
 d (t ) iL (t ) Ts
 Ts
dt R
following equations can be written
Eq.(5) is identical to nonlinear equation of Boost
di(t ) converter which was predictable from Fig. 4. As it shown in
L  v g (t ) (1.a)
dt this figures the circuit is actually operates like a boost
converter when the input is positive. The resonant tank has
dv(t ) v(t )
C  (1.b) no important role in energy transfer, as it is in series with the
dt R current source L, and circulating energy in the switch S and
Where the Eqs. (1.a) and (1.b) are representing the large diode D1 .We need these additional resonant switch elements
low-pass filter elements of the converter (L and C), they are (Lr and Cr), to make the hybrid-switching method possible.
designed such that their ripple components are small. During The operating subintervals of the converter for the
the off-time subinterval of switch S, the following equations negative half cycle of the input AC line are illustrated in Fig.
can be written 6. Just as in the case of the positive half cycle, the state of
di(t ) the active switch S controls which subinterval the converter
L  vg (t )  v(t )  vCr (t ) (2.a) is in.As shown in Fig. 6, during the on-time subinterval of
dt switch S, passive switch D2 conducts and the passive switch
dv(t ) v(t ) D1 does not conduct. During the off-time subinterval of
C  iL (t )  switch S, passive switch D1 conducts in response to the state
dt R (2.b) of S and the passive switch D2 does not conduct.Ignoring the
As can be seen in Fig.4 the resonant inductor Lr is in ac ripple current with assuming that the inductor L is large
series with PWM inductor during the off-time, so resonant enough to result in a constant input dc current. During the
inductor current cannot be considered to be a state. Despite on-time subinterval of switch S, the following equations can
the PWM inductor which is flux balanced over the entire be written
switching period, the resonant inductor is excited with a co-
sinusoidal ac ripple voltage ∆vr of the resonant capacitor
Cras shown in Fig. 5 and is fully flux balanced during the on-
time interval only.Thus this inductor cannot support any net

Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

iL Cr Lr I V
discharging Cr, keeping the charge balance of the capacitor

 D2  Cr. From the resonant circuit in Fig. 6a, we have
D1 dir (t )
Lr  vCr (t )  v(t ) (8)

The nonlinear averaged equation for bridgeless
(a) converter working in positive half cycle can be extracted
from Eqs. (6) and (7) as following
iL Cr Lr I

 V
  D2  d i(t )
L Ts
 vg (t )  d (t ) vCr (t ) Ts
D1 dt Ts

 d v(t ) v(t )
C Ts
 d (t ) iLr (t ) Ts
 Ts
dt R
As discussed before the inductor is flux balanced during
Fig. 6. The operating sequences of the converter for negative the on-time interval only, so from putting the
half cycle of input AC line a) when the switch is in on state
b) when the switch is in off state. Then:
di(t ) vCr (t )  v(t ) (10)
L  v g (t ) (6.a) Ts Ts
Also it has been mentioned that resonant capacitor Cr
dv(t ) v(t ) receives energy from the inductor L during off-time interval
C  i Lr (t )  (6.b)
dt R and delivers energy to the load during the on-time interval,
During the off-time subinterval of switch S, the note that C r Ts dv (t )dt  0 , so from Fig. 5 considering
0 Cr
following equations can be written energy balance in resonant capacitor

di(t )
 v g (t )  vCr (t ) (7.a) d (t ) iLr (t ) Ts
 d ' (t ) iL (t ) (11)
Putting Eqs. (10) and (11) into Eq. (9)
dv(t ) v(t )
C  (7.b)
dt R d i(t )
L Ts
 v g (t )  d (t ) v(t ) Ts
Like the positive half cycle of input AC line during the dt Ts

off-time subinterval the resonant inductor Lr is in series with d v(t ) v(t )

PWM inductor, so the resonant inductor current cannot be C Ts
 d ' (t ) i L (t ) Ts
 Ts
considered as a state. Again despite the PWM inductor which dt R
is flux balanced over the entire switching period, as shown in Eq.12 indicates that despite the resonant circuit
Fig. 7 the resonant inductor is fully flux balanced during the consisting of resonant capacitor Cr and resonant inductor Lr,
on-time interval only. and corresponding sinusoidal and co-sinusoidal time domain
waveforms of resonant current and resonant capacitor
voltage, the nonlinear averaged equation and so on dc
conversion ratio does not depend on either one of them and
their values or the switching period TS, but only depends on
the operating duty ratio, D, as in conventional dc-dc

(a) (b)
4. Predictive Current Controller Design of the Hybrid-
Fig. 7. Resonant inductor current (a) and resonant capacitor Switching Based Bridgeless PFC Converter
voltage (b) waveforms in one switching cycle during the
negative half cycle of input AC line.[8] The proposed digital control algorithm [9] of the novel
In the negative half cycle of line voltage, the operation is bridgeless PFC converter based on average current mode
quite different from what we had in the positive half cycle. control is illustrated in Fig. 8. The predictive current control
To some extent, it looks like a Cuk converter. The key algorithm is derived based on the assumption that the
element is transferring the energy through the resonant bridgeless converter switching frequency is much higher than
capacitor Cr. It receives energy from the inductor L during the line frequency so the input voltage, Vin, can be assumed
off-time interval and delivers energy to the load during the as a constant in one switching cycle, Ts. In the outer voltage
on-time interval. The resonant inductor Lr is just used for loop, the output voltage is sensed and compared with the
voltage reference Vref. The error becomes the input of the
voltage proportional-integral (PI) controller. The output of

Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

this PI controller is the scaling factor for the rectified voltage iL (n  1)  VPI . sin(line.t (n  1)) (17)
that is used as one of the inputs to the multiplier. The product
of the scaling factor and the rectified voltage divided by the In this equationVPI is the peak value of reference
square of the root mean square (RMS) of input voltage is the current, which is regulated by the output of the voltage loop
current reference, which is shown withi*ref in Fig. 8. The regulator, as shown in Fig.8. Is the rectified line frequency
inner current loop implements average current mode control sinusoidal waveform, which is stored as a look up table.In
to force the average inductor current to follow the reference DSP implementation, the limitation value of the PI regulator
current. is easily determined based on the rated load. The predictive
algorithm in Eq. (16) can be use to generate the duty cycles
vˆg (s) and achieve near unity power factor in the implementation of
 Gig (s) PFC with novel bridgeless converter.

iˆ ( s ) As shown in Fig. 8. The duty cycles are generated by the

 Gvg(s)  predictive algorithm. The rectified voltage Vinis sensed for

peak value and zero cross signal detection. The peak value of

Current dˆ ( s )  the rectified voltage is used in the predictive algorithm

 Predictive  Gid (s) vˆ ( s )
 implementation. The reference current, iref, is from the

multiplier. Its amplitude is determined by the output of the PI

i*ref (s)
 Gvd (s) controller in the voltage loop. Its phase and sinusoidal
 vˆe ( s ) 
 waveform are determined by the zero cross detection and the
Gc (s )
 sine-wave look-up table. The output voltage Vo is controlled

by the closed loop using a PI regulator. In this digital control

v̂ref system, the feedback signals are Voand Vin. The output is
the gate signal for the switch. Consequently, no current loop
Fig. 8. Predictive Current Control (PCC) block diagram of is needed in the calculation of the duty cycle, all the duty
the novel bridgeless PFC converter. cycles required to achieve unity power factor in a half line
The averaged inductor current and capacitor voltage in period can be generated in advance with this predictive
one switching cycle of bridgeless boost converter are current control strategy.
described in Eqs. (5) and (12). As discussed before this
equations are the same for both negative and positive half 5. Simulation and Verification
cycle. Since the switching frequency is much higher than the
line frequency,Eq. (9) can be expressed as: Simulations have been carried out in the
V g (t (n))Ts (1  d (n))Vo (t (n))Ts MATLAB/Simulink environment to verify the good
i L (t (n  1))  i L (t (n))   (13) performance of the proposed method. The following
parameters as shown in Table 1 have been considered in the
Where iL(t(n)), iL(t(n+1)) are the inductor current at the simulation.
beginning of nth and (n+1)th switching cycles. The discrete
time form ofEq. (13) for inductor current can be written as: Table 1. Simulation parameters
Key parameters Values
V g (n)Ts (1  d (n))Vo (n)Ts
i L (n  1)  i L (n)   (14) Input voltage 110 VAC/ 50Hz
Output voltage 200 - 300VDC
This equation implies that the inductor current at the Nominal Power 3kW
beginning of the next switching cycle is determined by the PWM carrier frequency 100kHz
inductor current, the input voltage, the output voltage and the L and C 1mH/ 10µF
duty cycle at the present switching cycle. So the required
duty cycle at the present switching cycle can be expressed as: The performances obtained with the novel bridgeless
Boost converter using predictive current control are outlined
L i L (n  1)  i L (n) Vo (n)  Vg (n) in Figs. 9-12 operating at the desired output reference voltage
d ( n)   (15)
Ts Vo (n) Vo (n) Vref = 300V. The steady-state waveforms of the input
voltage, current, and output voltage are shown in Fig. 9. The
Now to force the inductor current to follow the reference line THD is 2% and the power factor is 0.9997. The DC
current and control the output voltage to follow the reference output voltage is stabilized at the reference value of 300 volts
voltage, iL(n+1) and Vo(n) are substituted by iref(n+1) and with a 1% ripple at 50 Hz. The output voltage stabilization
Vref(n) respectively. The desired duty cycle can be derived for input voltage step change from 110V to 130V (RMS)
as: have been illustrated in Fig. 10. The line current THD is
2.3% and the power factor is 0.993 with 3%overshoot in
L iref (n  1)  i L (n) Vref (n)  V g (n)
d ( n)   (16) output voltage. Fig. 11 shows the output voltage stabilization
Ts Vref (n) Vref (n) for 50% load step change, which comes with 2.5% line
current THD and the power factor of 0.9995 with 4% output
Where voltage overshoot and 0.7 second response time. As shown
in Fig. 12 the input current remained sinusoidal despite the

Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

input voltage disturbance with the third harmonic (30% For more investigation the performance of both
amplitude of fundamental harmonic). bridgeless and conventional Boost rectifiers between 1 per-
unit to 2 per-units has been simulated through MATLAB.
The outcome is summarized in two charts in Figs. 17-18. It
can be concludedfrom these charts as output power increases
from 1 pu to 2 pu the power factor decreases and total
harmonic distortion increases for both bridgeless and
conventional converters, which means both converters have
their best performance on their full load condition. The most
concerning subject in this investigation is that the bridgeless
PFC rectifier shows better performance (higher power factor
and lower THD) than the conventional one in all over power
range from 1 pu to 2 pu.
Fig.9. Input voltage, current and output voltage waveforms
for full load.

Fig.13. Power factor improvement of the bridgelessrectifier

Fig.10. Output voltage stabilization for input voltage step

change from 110V to 130V.

Fig.14. Input current total harmonic distortion of the

bridgeless Boost rectifier

Fig.11. Output voltage stabilization for 50% load step


Fig.15. Power factor of conventional Boost based rectifier

Fig.12. Input current and output voltage waveforms for

disturbed input voltage.
As a case study the power factor and THD for bridgeless
and conventional Boost rectifier are compared through the
MATLAB simulation in Figs. 13-16. As illustrated in these
figures using bridgeless Boost rectifier the power factor has Fig.16. Input current total harmonic distortion of
been improved from 0.997 to more than 0.999 at similar load conventional Boost based rectifier
condition and THD has been improved from 4.5% to 2%
compare to the conditional Boost based rectifier.

Mohammad Reza Abedi et al., Vol.2, No.4, 2012

Table 3. Line Current THD comparison between
0,9995 conventional Boost and bridgeless Boost rectifier
Power Factor

0,999 Po [pu] 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

PFC1 Conventional Boost Rectifier
0,9985 Conventional 3.03 3.23 3.67 3.67 3.82 4.11
0,998 PFC2 Bridgeless Boost Rectifier Boost THD
0,9975 Bridgeless 2.08 2.29 2.46 2.67 2.88 2.88
0,997 Boost THD
1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
Output Power [pu] References

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0.9976 0.9974 0.9973 0.9971 0.9970 0.9968
Boost PF
0.9997 0.9995 0.9994 0.9992 0.9991 0.9991
Boost PF


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