ISSN: 2455-6939
Volume:04, Issue:04 "July-August 2018"
Saja. J. S. Baday
Plants tissue culture is one of the most important and modern techniques that is used in plant
propagation and improvement of plants in quantity and quality. Plant tissue culture playing an
increasing role in field plant production in industrial countries. Plant tissue culture depends on
several factors that help the success of the plant propagation program and the types of tissue that
can be grown and propagation. Plant tissue culture is applied to plant research for many purposes
such as propagation of plants and production of disease-free plants.
Plant tissue culture is a technique that means the growth of plant cells or tissues in glass or
plastic containers containing industrial nutrient media contain the required nutrients under
complete conditions of sterilization. Pots contain the media and a plant material called (tissue
farm) preserved in incubators with controlled temperatures and lighted according to the
appropriate needs of the plant (1). The technology of plant tissue culture provides the best way to
propagate plants in high quality and free of diseases and in large quantities in a short period
compared to traditional methods of breeding that takes (10-15 years) (2). The limited availability
of plant seeds in a timely manner, which takes time to obtain them, as well as that some seeds
begin to deteriorate due to exposure to bio-stresses so plant tissue culture technology provided
alternative ways to improve crops. Plant tissue culture refers to the process in which parts of
plant tissue are introduced into a media that contains nutrients and nutrients necessary for plants
to continue to function or grow. The tissue parts are often used as leaves, stems and seeds and
any part of the plant parts can be used for tissue culture purposes. Various materials such as plant
growth regulators and agar are used to facilitate this process. Tissue culture is applied to plant
research for many purposes such as propagation of plants and production of disease-free plants.
Any part of the plant is taken during tissue culture and grown in a controlled media where
environmental conditions and sterilization. Plant tissue culture relies on the fact that many plant
cells have the ability to regenerate a whole plant (totipotency). Single cells, plant cells without
cell walls (protoplasts), pieces of leaves, stems or roots can often be used to generate a new plant
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International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research
ISSN: 2455-6939
Volume:04, Issue:04 "July-August 2018"
on culture media given the required nutrients and plant hormones (3). In this review, we will
discuss the areas of plant tissue culture, the factors that help in the success of the plant culture
program, the types of tissue that can be grown and propagation.
The most current researches in the field of plant tissue culture deals with genetics and plant
breeding. Through breeding new varieties can be devised with special specifications in terms of
production and disease resistance. There are still many problems facing plant breeders such as
time factor and plant incompatibility different crosses to transfer a specific characteristic
between plants, include:
Cell culture
Mutations are important sources needed by plant breeders as a source of genetic variations that
can result in plants superior to their origins. Mutations can occur in sexual cells that are easily
transmitted to subsequent generations. If the mutations occur in Somatic cells, to the next
generation that have been cultivated, and since the rate of occurrence of genetic mutations very
little in nature so it became necessary to use different techniques to develop mutations in both
genomes in vivo or in vitro. Mutagenesis in vitro is one of the technologies that can be used in
this field. Through this technique, millions of cells can be exposed to stress, whether physical
such as emulsions or chemical, such as Ethel methane sulphonate (EMS) Selection of mutant
cells and replanting of plants. This technique can be used for breeding purposes to obtain plants
with specific specifications such as NaCl salt tolerance or pesticide and toxin resistance by
adding such media to the food media used in the development of cells showing resistance to this
stresses (5).
Protoplast fusion
The technique of isolating, cultivating and integrating protoplast has provided a solution to the
problem of incompatibility between species and species and the development of embryos that
can not be obtained in nature, as well as the possibility of transferring new genetic material from
one cell to another. This technique is carried out by the cell wall either chemically or by cell
membrane enzymes such as cellulose, then isolate the protoplast and promote the integration of
protoplast desired varieties with the presence of some chemicals such as sodium nitrate or
calcium ions or polyethylene glycol (PEG) and can be used to short-range electric stimulation to
promote the process of integration and called this technique electrofusion (6).
vaccine, the researchers resorted to isolate anther in its entirety and its cultivation in the stage of
evolution . The technique is much easier to cultivate than the pollen, however, there are some
caveats to use as plants may be created from the anther wall, which consists of body cells
containing the original number of chromosomes. Thus, the resulting plants are double-
chromosome diploid as well as plants containing half the number of haploid chromosomes
originating from on this basis; all the plants produced from the growth of the stalks should be
examined to ascertain the number of chromosomes (7).
cultivated part. The larger the size, the greater the chance of success and the less chances of
obtaining healthy plants (9).
Root culture
Roots cultivation technique has contributed to the study of the construction of many phenolic
compounds, alkaloids, vitamins and amino acids. This technique involves root removal from
plant plantations and planting on a sterile liquid media times. The roots are then cut and
replanted periodically, where the roots produce the spinach and produce it into the center where
the active substances are extracted from the medium or extracted directly from the roots (12).
Callus culture
The researchers resort to the induction of callus from the plant known to produce the requir ed
material in cases where it is difficult to plant special members of the plant or that these materials
produced in small quantities and then extract these materials from the callus tissue has been
extracted many alkaloids this technique in addition to the release of enzymes inhibitors
Antibiotics and antimicrobial agents (14).
Plant propagation is one of the most important practical applications for growing plant tissues. It
is possible to obtain very large numbers of homogenous plants in a short period of time
compared to conventional methods, as well as multiplication of hybrid plants and the rescue of
endangered species as well as being the only way to reproduce plants that can not be propagated
by roads Other vegetables, the MS food medium identified by Murashige and Skoog in 1962 has
had a significant impact on the development of plant tissue culture, include:
2. Temperature
Temperature is a determinant of the development of the cultivated plant part. The temperature at
which the vegetable part or plant is preserved depends mainly on the type of plant and the type of
part used in agriculture. In general, the development of the plant part at 25 ° C is appropriate in
most cases.
3. Light
Cultured tissues do not need light in the early stages of agriculture because the fabric or plant
part does not process photosynthesis and is entirely dependent on the nutrient medium of the
elements and materials needed for growth, while light is very important in the final stages of
cultivation, include:
The effect of the photovoltaic period varies on the composition of the organs according to the
plants. 16 hours of lighting a day is suitable for most plants, but some callus farms grow better in
the dark.
Kind of light
White light stimulates the formation of buds, while red light stimulates the formation of flowers,
while the dark and distant red rays stimulate the formation of roots, and found that blue light has
a catalytic effect on the emergence of branches from the pulp of tobacco plant.
Light intensity
The lighting intensity of 1000 lux is suitable for the stage of emergence of seedlings and
multiplication of propagation stages, while increasing the intensity of the light to 10000 lux
suitable for the growth of the parts of the plant in the rooting stage (18).
Source of explant
For plant cells, the ability of embryogenesis and efficiency was noted. This susceptibility varies
according to the plant tissue within each plant and different plant species, the cells lose their
ability to embryogenesis, but they regain their ability to organogenesis.
The physiological
The young tissue has a higher ability to restore the virtual configuration compared to older tissue,
whether these tissues are inherited from plants, grass or wood, and the season of taking the plant
part and the stage of growth of the mother plant affects the success of the growth of the plant
5. Genetics
Genetics of species and species within a species plays a large role in their response to tissue
culture. There are cultivars that are easy to propagate, while other varieties are difficult to
reproduce. This may be due to variation in hormonal content, which is reflected in plant growth
plant needs.
6. Disinfestation
The food medium is also suitable for the growth of pathogens, so the sterilization process is very
necessary to prevent the presence of these organisms, which if they exist, they will compete as
well as attacking him causing death, and the process of surface sterilization is not feasible to get
rid of organisms that grow within the fabric Planted.
7. Donor plant
The physiological state of the mother plant has a significant role on the behavior of the cultivated
part. For example, the plant part taken from mature trees often requires a food medium that
differs in its components from mature trees (19).
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International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research
ISSN: 2455-6939
Volume:04, Issue:04 "July-August 2018"
2. Embryo Culture
Embryo culture is the type of tissue culture that involves the isolation of an embryo from a plant
for in vitro growth. The term embryo culture is used to refer to sexually produced zygotic
embryo culture. Embryo culture may involve the use of a mature of immature embryo. Mature
embryos for culture are essentially obtained from ripe seeds. Immature embryo involves the use
of immature embryos from unripe/hybrid seeds that failed to germinate. In doing so, the embryo
is able to produce a viable plant. The ovule, seed or fruit from which the embryo obtained were
sterilized. Salt sucrose was used to provide the embryo with nutrients. The culture is reinforced
with organic and inorganic compounds, inorganic salts growth regulators (21).
3. Callus Culture
Callus the term used referring to unspecialized, unorganized and a dividable mass of cells. A
callus is produced when explants are cultured in an appropriate medium. Callus culture includes
the growth of a callus (differentiated and non- differentiated cells), which is then followed by a
procedure that induces organ differentiation. The culture is often sustained on a gel medium,
which composed of agar and a mixture of given macro and micronutrients depending on the type
of cells. Different types of basal salt mixtures such as Murashige and Skoog medium are used in
addition to vitamins to enhance growth (22).
4. Organ Culture
Organ culture is a type of tissue culture involving the isolating of an organ for in vitro growth.
Any organ plant can be used as an explant for the culture process (Shoot, root, leaf, and flower).
Organ culture, the method is used for preserve their structure or functions, which allows the
organ to still, resemble and retain the characteristics they would have in vivo. New growth
(differentiated structures) continues given that the organ retains its physiological features (23).
5. Protoplast Culture
Protoplast are cells without cell walls (naked cells). Protoplast culture is an important method
that provides numerous cells (single cells) that can be used for various studies. The protoplast
has regenerated a cell wall, and then it goes through the process of cell division to form a callus,
which then cultured for continuous growth (24).
6. Anther culture
Anther culture is one of the oldest and most widely used methods for the production of single-
chromosomal plants. This method was first applied to the Datura plant. It was applied to several
plants such as rice, wheat, barley, maize, potatoes and tobacco. Only the growth and
development of pollen can be achieved with minimal growth of the surrounding tissue or lack of
growth. The pollen develops into the embryos as regular as in tobacco or develops into an
irregular mass of callus as in the grains. Sterilize the non-open floral shoots containing the stalks
at the appropriate surface and remove the petals and leaves. The stalks are grown directly on the
appropriate food media (25).
1. Establishment stage
This stage involves all steps related to the selection of cultivated plant area (knots, interned and
leaf) identification of sterilization material and the time required for it, control of the conditions
surrounding the transplant, selection of the appropriate medium for agriculture in terms of type
and components.
2. Multiplication stage
It is an important and critical stage where the success or failure of the propagation process is
determined and depends on the total number and quality of the resulting plants, and at this stage
the propagation of the plant part that was cultivated in the first stage.
4. Acclimatization stage
This process is important for plants resulting from the cultivation of plant tissues that are not
ready to with stand the external environmental conditions. The resulting plants are very sensitive
due to their growth and development in farms with a special environment where all plant needs
are met. On the other hand, the process of photosynthesis in tissue cultures is very small
compared to the growing plant in the field (26). These stages are explained shape (1).
Steps of Agriculture
Transfer to rooting media
Rooted shoots (plantlet)
Shoots or plantlets transferred to gradual weaning processes
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