Tissue Culture-Plants Casopis
Tissue Culture-Plants Casopis
Tissue Culture-Plants Casopis
Tissue Culture in Ornamentals: Cultivation Factors,
Propagation Techniques, and Its Application
Hasan Mehbub 1 , Ayasha Akter 2 , Mst. Arjina Akter 3,4 , Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal 5 ,
Md. Ashraful Hoque 3 , Monika Tuleja 6 and Hasan Mehraj 4, *
1 The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Ehime University, Matsuyama 790-8556, Japan
2 Department of Horticulture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
3 Department of Plant Pathology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh
4 Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
5 Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 739-8511, Japan
6 Department of Plant Cytology and Embryology, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University,
Gronostajowa 9, 30-387 Krakow, Poland
* Correspondence: hmehraj02@yahoo.com or hmehraj02@port.kobe-u.ac.jp
Abstract: Ornamentals come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to suit a wide range of climates,
landscapes, and gardening needs. Compared to demand, a shortage of plant materials and diver-
sity force the search for solutions for their constant acquisition and improvement to increase their
commercial value, respectively. In vitro cultures are a suitable solution to meet expectations using
callus culture, somatic embryogenesis, protoplast culture, and the organogenesis of protocorm-like
bodies; many of these techniques are commercially practiced. Factors such as culture media, explants,
carbohydrates, plant growth regulators, and light are associated with the success of in vitro propaga-
tion. Techniques, especially embryo rescue and somatic hybridization, are widely used to improve
ornamentals. The development of synthetic seed allows season-independent seed production and
Citation: Mehbub, H.; Akter, A.;
Akter, M.A.; Mandal, M.S.H.; Hoque, preservation in the long term. Despite the advantages of propagation and the improvement of orna-
M.A.; Tuleja, M.; Mehraj, H. Tissue mentals, many barriers still need to be resolved. In contrast to propagation and crop developmental
Culture in Ornamentals: Cultivation studies, there is also a high scope for molecular studies, especially epigenetic changes caused by
Factors, Propagation Techniques, and plant tissue culture of ornamentals. In this review, we have accumulated and discussed an overall
Its Application. Plants 2022, 11, 3208. update on cultivation factors, propagation techniques in ornamental plant tissue culture, in vitro
https://doi.org/10.3390/ plant improvement techniques, and future perspectives.
Academic Editor: Keywords: in vitro; callus; somatic embryogenesis; hybridization; protoplast fusion; protocorm-like
Iyyakkannu Sivanesan body; synthetic seeds; epigenetic variation
(WH) medium [7], Linsmaier and Skoog (LS) medium [8], Gamborg (B5) medium [9], Nitsch
and Nitsch (NN) medium [10], etc., are also widely accepted. These nutrient supplement
media are the basal media that usually contain major salts (plant macronutrients), minor
salts (plant micronutrients), vitamins, and organic compounds. Solidifying agents are used
in the basal medium to support the plantlets in micropropagation and, to some extent, in
liquid culture medium. Different kinds of agars—phytagel, gelrite, gellan gum, etc.—are
used to solidify the nutrient supplement culture media for plant tissue culture that are
available in the commercial market. The pH of the basal nutrient supplement media keeps
changing during preparation, which is required to adjust before autoclaving. The pH in
the media is considered a dynamic variable for in vitro plant growth and development.
MS medium is the most used medium in vitro, and manipulation of MS medium and
culture conditions according to the plant—specific requirements are also practiced [11,12].
The success of plant tissue culture techniques largely depends on sources of carbon, plant
growth regulators (PGRs), culture environment, lights, genotype, type of explant, etc. The
key tool for the success of plant tissue culture technology greatly relies on the proper culture
media composition and their culture condition because of plant—specific response. Other
than propagation, tissue culture technology has been used for plant improvement, somatic
hybrid development, synthetic seed production, and ploidy manipulation. We reviewed
the research findings of plant tissue culture technologies for ornamental plant propagation,
cultivation factors, and their application in ornamentals from a future perspective.
slower than sucrose) of maltose is the main oblige [29]. Plants take a long time to absorb
and metabolize maltose, and the requirement is sometimes twice that of sucrose [29]. From
the above discussion, it is clear that exogenous carbohydrate supplements are crucial for
in vitro plant growth and development. Exogenous carbohydrate concentration is also
varied, and concentrations over a threshold level could be toxic, hamper photosynthesis,
and inhibit in vitro plant growth [30–32].
Figure1.1. The
Figure Theapplication
application of
of monochromatic
monochromatic white
white (a),
(a), red
red (b),
specific wavelengths (white LED; 420–750 nm, red LED; 580–670 nm, blue LED;
specific wavelengths (white LED; 420–750 nm, red LED; 580–670 nm, blue LED; 420–550 nm, 420–550 nm,and
green LED; 460–610 nm) for in vitro PLB proliferation.
green LED; 460–610 nm) for in vitro PLB proliferation.
overcomesthe thestated
disadvantages [56,57]. Red LED showed efficiency for callus proliferation,
disadvantages [56,57]. Red LED showed efficiency for callus proliferation, PLB PLB organogen-
esis, PLB proliferation,
organogenesis, shoot induction,
PLB proliferation, shootshoot multiplications,
induction, and plantlet regeneration
shoot multiplications, and plantlet
in different ornamentals,
regeneration in differentsuch as orchids,such
ornamentals, gerbera, chrysanthemum
as orchids, gerbera, (cv. Kitam Cheonsu),
chrysanthemum (cv.
anthurium (cv. Violeta
Kitam Cheonsu), and Pink
anthurium (cv. Lady),
and Pinkpeace
Lady),lily, giant protea,
heliconia, peace and
lily, hosta
protea, and hostaTable S4). Far red was
(Supplementary Tableefficient
S4). Farfor
redthe plant
was growth
efficient forof
plant growth of
(cv. Ellen) (Supplementary Table S4). A higher percentage of red
chrysanthemum (cv. Ellen) (Supplementary Table S4). A higher percentage LED with aoflower per-
red LED
centage of blue LED is suitable for the PLBs and plantlet regeneration of Phalaenopsis,
Rosa × kordesii, chrysanthemum (cv. Ellen), gerbera, anthurium, heliconia, peony, and
spurflower, while some other ratios of red and blue LED mixture were found to be effective
in some ornamentals (Supplementary Table S4).
A mixture of red and blue LEDs, compared with red LED alone, enhanced both plant
growth and development by increasing the net photosynthesis in Cymbidium [58,59] because
the spectral energy distribution of red and blue light coincides with that of chlorophyll
absorption [60]. Red and blue LED combinations were reported as effective for the growth
and development of PLBs in Cymbidium, Doritaenopsis, Phalaenopsis, and Calanthe [26,57]
(Supplementary Table S4). Blue LED increases the shoot formation of PLB cultures in
Dendrobium officinale and D. kingianum [61,62], while PLBs cultured under red and blue
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 5 of 33
LED showed the lowest and highest, respectively, in vitro differentiation rates on Oncidium
and D. officinale [61,63]. Very little information is available on the effect of green LED
on in vitro micropropagation of ornamentals. In recent studies, it was found that green
LED increased PLB regeneration in Dendrobium [31], and Cymbidium [64]; however, PLB
generation was more efficient under green LED when culture media had anti-auxin, PCIB
(p-Chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid, an anti-auxin), in D. okinawense [31]. Additionally, yellow
and orange light spectra have also been reported, respectively, in PLB, shoot, and plantlet
regeneration of Dendrobium and seed germination and rhizoid development of Bletilla
ochracea (Supplementary Table S4). These results suggest the requirement for a diverse
range of light spectra for in vitro micropropagation, which largely depends on plant species
and culture media supplements (Supplementary Table S4; Supplementary Table S5).
2. A
Figure 2.
Figure Adetailed
detailedscheme of of
scheme protoplast isolation
protoplast and and
isolation establishment of an in
establishment of vitro
an inprotoplast culture.
vitro protoplast
Sugar concentration is another important factor for high-yield protoplasts, and the
Sugarsugar concentration
concentration rangesimportant
is another from 0.3 factor
to 0.8 for
M in ornamentals
high-yield [69,74,76,81–84].
protoplasts, and the
Factors such as the concentration of enzyme, digestion period, pH of
effective sugar concentration ranges from 0.3 to 0.8 M in ornamentals [69,74,76,81–84]. the enzyme so-
lution, temperature, and agitation during incubation are also important
Factors such as the concentration of enzyme, digestion period, pH of the enzyme solution, for protoplast
isolation in ornamentals
temperature, and agitation [69,73,74,79,83,85,86].
during incubation are In also
orchids, the first
important forprotoplasts were iso-
protoplast isolation
lated in 1978 [87,88], while few studies reported colony formation [89–93]. After
in ornamentals [69,73,74,79,83,85,86]. In orchids, the first protoplasts were isolated in 1978 successful
[87,88], isolation,
while therereported
few studies are somecolony
challenges to plantlet
formation regeneration
[89–93]. from an
After successful isolated
isolation, Typesareofsome
culture medium,toculture
challenges medium
plantlet components,
regeneration from an strength
the culture
medium, carbon sources, pH of the culture medium, supplements of
Types of culture medium, culture medium components, strength of the culture medium,the culture medium,
PGRs, and culture conditions have been proven to be vital factors for plantlet generations
carbon sources, pH of the culture medium, supplements of the culture medium, PGRs,
from protoplasts [69]. Considering these factors and despite these limitations, plantlets
and culture conditions have been proven to be vital factors for plantlet generations from
have been generated successfully in several ornamental plant species [69,73,74,78,94,95].
protoplasts [69]. Considering these factors and despite these limitations, plantlets have
been generated
3.3. Somatic successfully in several ornamental plant species [69,73,74,78,94,95].
An alternative to root and shoot regeneration from the callus, regeneration of the whole
3.3. Somatic Embryogenesis
plant from the plant cell throughout embryo formation, was identified in 1958 [96,97]. The
An alternative
development to root or
of an embryo and shoot
plant regeneration
from from the callus,
the vegetative/somatic regeneration
cell is of the
known as somatic
whole plant from the plant cell throughout embryo formation, was identified
embryogenesis [98]. The procedure for somatic embryogenesis is illustrated in Figure 3. in 1958
matic embryogenesis is considered more efficient than other propagation techniques. which
guarantees variability. It produces identical genotypes differing from zygotic embryos,
which guarantees variability. The bipolar structure of a somatic embryo consists of apical
(known as plumule) and basal meristem regions (known as radicles), which are responsible
for shoot and root formation, respectively [99]. Cytological and histological studies have
as somatic embryogenesis [98]. The procedure for somatic embryogenesis is illustrated in
Figure 3. Somatic embryogenesis is considered more efficient than other propagation
techniques. which guarantees variability. It produces identical genotypes differing from
zygotic embryos, which guarantees variability. The bipolar structure of a somatic embryo
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 consists of apical (known as plumule) and basal meristem regions (known as radicles), 7 of 33
which are responsible for shoot and root formation, respectively [99]. Cytological and
histological studies have confirmed that PLBs (details in Section 3.4) are also somatic
embryos [99]. Morphogenesis or regeneration of PLBs can be initiated by direct or indirect
confirmed that PLBs (details in Section 3.4) are also somatic embryos [99]. Morphogenesis
embryogenesis. Organogenesis of PLB avoiding the callus phase is known as direct
or regeneration of PLBs can be initiated by direct or indirect embryogenesis. Organogenesis
embryogenesis, and PLB generated from the callus (an intermediate phase) is known as
of PLB avoiding the callus phase is known as direct embryogenesis, and PLB generated
indirect embryogenesis [99].
from the callus (an intermediate phase) is known as indirect embryogenesis [99].
In somatic embryogenesis, the
somatic embryogenesis, the morphogenic
PGRs, hormones, concentrations of PGRs or hormones, light, etc.
PGRs, hormones, concentrations of PGRs or hormones, light, etc. [99–102]. Plantlet [99–102]. Plantlet regener-
ation by somatic embryogenesis has been reported in many genera of
regeneration by somatic embryogenesis has been reported in many genera of orchids; for orchids; for example—
Cymbidium [103–108], Phalaenopsis
example—Cymbidium [103–108],[108–115], Oncidium
Phalaenopsis [28,116–120],
[108–115], Dendrobium
Oncidium [121–124],
Rhynchostylis [125], Renanthera [126], Paphiopedilum [127,128], Malaxis
Dendrobium [121–124], Rhynchostylis [125], Renanthera [126], Paphiopedilum [127,128], [129,130], Epipactis ver-
atrifolia [131], Spathoglottis plicata [132], Geodorum densiflorum [133], Anoectochilus
Malaxis [129,130], Epipactis veratrifolia [131], Spathoglottis plicata [132], Geodorum densiflorum elatus [134],
and Anoectochilus zhejiangensis
elatus [134],[135]. In additionzhejiangensis
and Nothodoritis to orchids, [135].
it hasInalso been reported
addition to orchids, in
diverse ornamentals, such as rose [136], Rosa × damascena [137], chrysanthemum
it has also been reported in diverse ornamentals, such as rose [136], Rosa ×damascena [137], [138,139],
lilies [140–146], jasmine
chrysanthemum [138,139],[147],
[140–146],[148–151], carnation
jasmine [147], Camellia carnation
lisianthus [153–157],
Cineraria [158], coneflower [159,160], Crocus [161–163], Clematis [164–166];
[152], Camellia [153–157], Cineraria [158], coneflower [159,160], Crocus [161–163], Clematis Sawara cy-
press [167], cyclamen [168], bellflower [169], passion flowers [170], perennial
[164–166]; Sawara cypress [167], cyclamen [168], bellflower [169], passion flowers [170], daisy and false
daisy tulip [173],daisy
and false periwinkle [174],
[171,172]; peony
tulip [173],[175,176],
periwinkle anthurium [177–181],
[174], peony gen-
tian [182–185], Exacum trinervium [186], gloriosa [187,188], amaryllis
anthurium [177–181], gentian [182–185], Exacum trinervium [186], gloriosa [187,188], [189], phlox [190], Cen-
amaryllis erythraea [191], Lachenalia
[189], phlox viridifloraerythraea
[190], Centaurium [192], pine [193–196],
[191], Japanese
Lachenalia black[192],
viridiflora pine [197],
agave [198–201], and hosta [202].
[193–196], Japanese black pine [197], agave [198–201], and hosta [202].
3.4. Protocorm-like Body
3.4. Protocorm-like Body
In Cymbidium orchid, protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) were noticed for the first time
duringIn the
culture protocorm-like bodiesProtocorms
by Morel (1960) [203]. (PLBs) werearenoticed for the first
small spherical time
during theformed
structures shoot-tip
in aculture by Morel
germinating seed;(1960) [203]. Protocorms
protocorm-like arewith
structures small spherical
similar tuber-
tics generated from somatic cells in tissue culture techniques are known as PLBs [204,205].
PLBs are induced directly from explants and/or indirectly from calluses [206], and the for-
mation, regeneration, and proliferation of PLBs are among the most efficient techniques of
micropropagation, especially for clonal propagation of orchids [207]. Meristemoids in callus
cells initiate polarized growth, and continuous cell division causes the shoot pole (for shoot
initiation) and the base pole (for root initiation) of a protocorm-like body (PLB) [127,204,208].
The induction of PLBs has several advantages over typical shoot and plantlet regeneration,
such as a higher rate of multiplications, long-term preservation, easy differentiation into
shoots, generations of secondary PLBs, etc. The success of efficient PLB induction, regenera-
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 8 of 33
tion, and proliferation depends on multiple factors. Culture media ingredients, such as car-
bohydrate sources, plant growth regulators, elicitors, etc., are also crucial for efficient PLB
organogenesis and regeneration [205]. Growth retardants also stimulate PLB regeneration
in orchids through the inhibition of GA biosynthesis [26]. Setting up the optimum tempera-
ture in the growth chamber is also necessary for PLB proliferation, and a higher or lower
temperature compared to the optimum causes stress in PLB regeneration in orchids [209].
Light quality is another crucial factor for PLB organogenesis and regeneration for photosyn-
thetic and phototropic responses, and many studies have suggested the efficiency of LEDs
over traditional fluorescent light, suggesting the advantages of monochromatic light for
PLB organogenesis and regeneration (Supplementary Table S4) [205]. However, different
factors can work synergistically for better PLB organogenesis and regeneration compared
with their independent applications. However, all these external factors are highly species-
specific (Supplementary Table S5) [205]. We have also reported the manipulation of culture
media and growth conditions for PLB regeneration in Dendrobium [30,209–214] and Pha-
laenopsis [26,215–217]. We found that culture media manipulation and light quality are
highly species-specific in orchid PLB proliferation.
Besides these techniques, seed culture, meristem culture, anther culture, embryo
culture, ovule culture, cell suspension culture, and direct shoot organogenesis are also
practiced for in vitro plantlet generation in ornamentals.
Figure ofembryo
non-viable) seed after hybridization.
for the
the culture
culture of
of the
the ovary,
ovary, ovule,
ovule, and
and embryo
embryo [223–225].
[223–225]. The
The success
embryo rescue depends on various factors, such as size and age of the embryo,
embryo rescue depends on various factors, such as size and age of the embryo, intactness intact-
ness of embryo, excision procedure, sterilization, culture medium, supplementation in
of embryo, excision procedure, sterilization, culture medium, supplementation in culture
culture medium, light, temperature, etc. [221,222]. It has been used in crop improve-
medium, light, temperature, etc. [221,222]. It has been used in crop improvement by
ment by intraspecific/interspecific/intergeneric hybrid development, haploid/double
intraspecific/interspecific/intergeneric hybrid development, haploid/double haploid
haploid production, overcoming embryo abortion, overcoming seed dormancy, over-
production, overcoming embryo abortion, overcoming seed dormancy, overcoming self-
coming self- and cross-incompatibility, shortening the breeding cycle, propagating rare
and cross-incompatibility, shortening the breeding cycle, propagating rare plants, etc.
plants, etc. [226–228]. For example, breeding cycles were shortened by embryo rescue
[226–228]. For example, breeding cycles were shortened by embryo rescue in rose [229],
in rose [229], and lily [230]. Interspecific hybrids were developed in chrysanthemums
and lily [230]. Interspecific hybrids were developed in chrysanthemums by embryo rescue
by embryo rescue technique for cold-tolerant [224,225,231], heat-tolerant [232], drought-
technique for cold-tolerant [224,225,231], heat-tolerant [232], drought-tolerant [233,234],
salt-tolerant [235], aphid resistance [236], and heterotic [224,232,237] characteristics. A
new flower shape and cold-tolerant intraspecific (Campanula carpatica ‘White’) and
interspecific (C. medium and C. formanekiana) hybrid, respectively, were developed in
bellflowers [238]. Interspecific hybrids, haploids, or double haploids were developed in
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 9 of 33
tolerant [233,234], salt-tolerant [235], aphid resistance [236], and heterotic [224,232,237]
characteristics. A new flower shape and cold-tolerant intraspecific (Campanula carpatica
‘White’) and interspecific (C. medium and C. formanekiana) hybrid, respectively, were de-
veloped in bellflowers [238]. Interspecific hybrids, haploids, or double haploids were
developed in rose [239–241], tulip [242], lisianthus [243], lily [244], day lily [245], calla
lily [246], alstroemeria or peruvian lily [247–250], Primula [251,252], night-blooming cac-
tus [253–255], gentian [256–258], Camellia [259], begonia [260], Christmas bells or golden lily
of the valley [261], carnation [262,263], Gypsophila [264], Rhododendron [265], cyclamen [266],
and ornamental alliums [267,268]. Embry rescue has been widely studied for crop im-
provement, while its current research has been reduced by the rapid evolution of advanced
molecular breeding.
In addition, embryo rescue is generally used to overcome post-fertilization barriers
in plants, while many ornamentals have pre-fertilization barriers [269,270] that can be
overcome by in vitro pollination. In in vitro pollination, plant reproductive cells (stigma
and anther) are isolated and fused under controlled conditions to develop a zygotic embryo.
The in vitro technique has been applied for in vitro flowering and pollination in different
ornamentals [227,271].
Illustration of
Figure 5. Illustration
Figure of somatic
somatic hybrid
hybrid or or cybrid
cybrid development
development through
through protoplast
protoplast fusion.
fusion. Here,
NaNO33; ; sodium
sodium nitrate,
nitrate, Ca(NO
Ca(NO33)2);2 ;calcium
polyvinyl alcohol,
alcohol, DS;
DS; dextran
dextran sulfate,
polyethylene glycol (PEG).
The combination
The combination of the nuclear genome of one parent with the mitochondrial and/or and/or
chloroplast genome
chloroplast genome of of the
the other
other parent
parent proceeds
proceeds in somatic hybridization. An An alternative
and improved
and improvedsomatic
incompatibilityis the
is donor–recipient
the donor–recipient fusionfusion
method, where specific
method, where
genes or chromosomes can be transferred [272,273]. Chemicals used for protoplast
specific genes or chromosomes can be transferred [272,273]. Chemicals used for protoplast fusions
are known
fusions are as fusogens,
known and sodium
as fusogens, and nitrate
sodium(NaNO ), calcium
nitrate3 (NaNO nitrate (Ca(NO
3), calcium )2 ), dextran
nitrate3(Ca(NO 3)2),
sulfate, polyvinyl
dextran alcohol, alcohol,
sulfate, polyvinyl and polyethylene glycol are
and polyethylene common
glycol fusogensfusogens
are common [274]. Somatic
Somatic by protoplast
hybridization fusion can
by protoplast develop
fusion either symmetric
can develop or asymmetric
either symmetric hybrids,
or asymmetric
which are known as somatic hybrids or cybrids (Figure
hybrids, which are known as somatic hybrids or cybrids (Figure 5). 5).
The first
The first asymmetric
asymmetric hybrid
hybrid was
was found
found in in somatic
somatic hybridization
hybridization through
through fusion
between Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) and Petroselium hortense (parsley)
between Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) and Petroselium hortense (parsley) [275,276]. Many [275,276]. Many
wild plant species have some significant traits, especially disease and pathogen
wild plant species have some significant traits, especially disease and pathogen resistance, resistance,
and these traits can be transferred into cultivated crop species. Somatic hybridization
allows the transfer of desirable traits to increase yield, resistance, tolerance, etc. [277,278].
It allows breeders to create novel hybrids by the asexual process, bypassing conventional
breeding (Figure 5).
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 10 of 33
and these traits can be transferred into cultivated crop species. Somatic hybridization
allows the transfer of desirable traits to increase yield, resistance, tolerance, etc. [277,278].
It allows breeders to create novel hybrids by the asexual process, bypassing conventional
breeding (Figure 5).
Somatic hybridization has been applied for the genetic improvements of various
flowering and ornamentals, such as rose [72], Dendrobium [279], chrysanthemum [95],
dianthus [280], gentin [281,282], iris [283], lily [284], petunia [285], between petunia and
Calibrachoa [286], hydrangea [287], cyclamen [288], coneflower [289], and Saintpaulia [290].
Somaclonal variants or somatic hybrids can be confirmed by morphological, biochem-
ical, protein marker, cytogenetic, and molecular analyses. Restriction fragment length poly-
morphism (RFLP), simple sequence repeat (SSR), amplified fragment length polymorphism
(AFLP), methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP), transposon-based
marker systems, and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) have been applied for the vali-
dation of somatic hybrids at the molecular level in several ornamentals [278]. Somaclonal
variation is highly dependent on the PGRs [291]. The main constraints of somatic hy-
bridization are the difficulties in isolating protoplasts (described in Section 3.2), generating
unexpected and useless variations, newly generated variants that are not novel, etc. [278].
Figure6.6. Production
numbersininthe thefigure
ending point ofeach
point of eachstep,
step, such
such as the
as the production
production of synthetic
of synthetic seeds
seeds (1), (1), short-term
short-term storage
storage of of
seeds (2),seeds (2), synthetic
synthetic seeds for transportation
seeds for transportation (3), storage
(3), long-term long-term storage ofseeds
of synthetic synthetic seeds
(4), and (4),
and plantlet generation from synthetic seeds (5).
generation from synthetic seeds (5).
Figure vitrochromosome
manipulation) for
for genetic diversification.
5. Future Perspective
In vitro plant propagation and multiplication offer significant potential for the ad-
vancement of both basic and applied biological sciences. Rapid multiplication and propa-
gation by callus culture, protoplast culture, somatic embryogenesis, PLB organogenesis,
and direct plantlet regeneration allowed for the cheaper and disease-free seedling of a
diverse ornamental plant species. Millions of in vitro plantlets of different ornamentals are
generated worldwide for commercial purposes. However, it is important to put more effort
into reducing the cost of production. In contrast to propagation, it also facilitates plant
improvement following diverse techniques, such as embryo rescue, somatic hybridization,
in vitro pollination, ploidy manipulation, the development of synthetic seeds, etc., and
large numbers of hybrids in various ornamentals have already been developed. In addition,
the in vitro technique is largely used for phytochemicals and secondary metabolite produc-
tion. However, more effort is needed to reduce species-specific and other factor-specific
responses for the efficient regeneration of ornamentals.
In recent years, researchers have started to study at the molecular level, including
genetic transformation, using in vitro technology in ornamentals [300]. About 40 genera
have been reported on creating transgenic ornamental species using Agrobacterium tumefa-
synthetic seeds, etc., and large numbers of hybrids in various ornamentals have already
been developed. In addition, the in vitro technique is largely used for phytochemicals and
secondary metabolite production. However, more effort is needed to reduce species-
specific and other factor-specific responses for the efficient regeneration of ornamentals.
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 In recent years, researchers have started to study at the molecular level, including
13 of 33
genetic transformation, using in vitro technology in ornamentals [300]. About 40 genera
have been reported on creating transgenic ornamental species using Agrobacterium
tumefaciens-mediated transformation [301]; however, only a few ornamentals, such as
ciens-mediated transformation [301]; however, only a few ornamentals, such as Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis and petunia, have suitable and efficient transformation techniques. Some
and petunia, have suitable and efficient transformation techniques. Some studies have
studies have revealed that many genes and transcriptions are involved in the in vitro
revealed that many genes and transcriptions are involved in the in vitro organogenic callus,
organogenic callus, shoot, root, somatic embryos, and PLBs, and the transcriptions of
shoot, root, somatic embryos, and PLBs, and the transcriptions of those genes are also
those genes are also regulated by the exogenous application of different growth regulators
regulated by the exogenous application of different growth regulators [302].
It is believed that plant tissue culture generates genetically identical genotypes or
It is believed that plant tissue culture generates genetically identical genotypes or
somaclonal variants. Recent studies in Arabidopsis and crop plants, such as rice, wheat,
somaclonal variants. Recent studies in Arabidopsis and crop plants, such as rice, wheat,
corn, barley, and rye, have suggested that tissue culture can alter the genetic nature by
corn, barley, and rye, have suggested that tissue culture can alter the genetic nature by
point mutations [303]. In contrast to genetic factors, different epigenetic regulators, such as
point mutations [303]. In contrast to genetic factors, different epigenetic regulators, such
DNA methylation and histone modifications, are also involved in regulating the success
as DNA methylation and histone modifications, are also involved in regulating the
of in vitro plant propagation [302,303]. Most of the genetic and epigenetic studies were
success of in vitro plant propagation [302,303]. Most of the genetic and epigenetic studies
conducted in the model plant Arabidopsis or crop plants, and this suggests the scope of
were conducted in the model plant Arabidopsis or crop plants, and this suggests the scope
future study in genetic and epigenetic aspects (Figure 8).
of future study in genetic and epigenetic aspects (Figure 8).
Figure 8. Prospects for advanced molecular research in plant tissue culture using orchid plants as an
example. Here, Tc; Tissue culture regenerated plants, Vs; traditional vegetatively propagated plants.
Tissue culture alters genome-wide DNA methylation in the CG, CHG, and CHH
contexts (H represents the A, C, or T), and these alterations change the gene expression that
might be regulating factors for in vitro plant growth and development. DNA methylation
was studied in the callus and somatic embryos of Arabidopsis and crop plants, and callus and
somatic embryos are vulnerable to the alteration of DNA methylation, leading to changes in
gene expression [303,304]. Involvement of di-methylated lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4me2)
was associated with successful shoot regeneration from callus in Arabidopsis [305], while
H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 histone marks are involved with the callus tissues in rice [306].
These reports suggest the importance of epigenetic regulation of in vitro regenerated plants.
Besides DNA methylation and histone modification, different miRNAs and sRNAs may
also be involved in the success of in vitro plant propagation. The expression of transposable
elements (TEs) can also be epigenetically regulated in vitro environments; for example, TEs
can be activated by the plant tissue culture [307]. However, there has been no significant
advancement in the molecular mechanisms controlling in vitro regeneration in ornamentals.
Studies on Arabidopsis and crop plants provide fundamental knowledge for disclosing
the molecular mechanisms in ornamental plant species. Therefore, it is high time for ad-
vanced study of the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that would provide a breakthrough
in the commercialization of in vitro propagation of ornamental plant species.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.
mdpi.com/article/10.3390/plants11233208/s1, Table S1: Effective plant growth regulators and other
factors for the in vitro culture in ornamentals [38,110,111,113,114,123,173,192,308–507]; Table S2: Effective
elicitors for the in vitro culture in ornamentals [26,51,215–217,340,404,458,470,482,508–517]; Table S3: Effec-
tive additives for the in vitro culture in ornamentals [342,347,350,363,365,504,518–523]; Table S4: Effective
light emitting diodes (LEDs) for the in vitro culture in ornamentals [26,31,55,58,61,210,440,467,524–554];
Table S5: Studies in combination of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and plant growth regulators in vitro
culture in ornamentals [26,31,55,58,61,62,210,317,440,467,524–559].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.M. (Hasan Mehraj); writing—original draft preparation,
H.M. (Hasan Mehbub), A.A., M.A.A., M.S.H.M., M.A.H. and H.M. (Hasan Mehraj); visualization,
Plants 2022, 11, 3208 14 of 33
H.M. (Hasan Mehraj); writing—review and editing, M.T. and H.M. (Hasan Mehraj). All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: We thank to our colleagues for accessing, non-open access to us, articles.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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