SITHKOP004 Assessment 1 Global V1.0

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Assessment Task 1 SITHKOP004

Assessment Task 1 - Questions and answers

Performance objective
The students need to demonstrate performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop menus and meal
plans for people who have special dietary needs for health, lifestyle and cultural reasons. It requires the ability to
identify the dietary requirements of customers, develop special menus and meal plans to meet those requirements,
cost menus and to monitor and evaluate the success of menu performance.

Assessment description
In this assessment students need to answer questions related with developing menu and meal plans for special dietary
need people.

o You are required to address each question in this assessment.

o Once you have completed all questions, check all responses.

o Your trainer will be providing you with feedback.

You must submit:

o Answers to all the questions stated in Appendix 1

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Your assessor will be looking for:

 culinary terms and trade names for:

o substitute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary recipes

o ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs
o ingredients that cause common allergic reactions
o food additives and preservatives
 main types and culinary characteristics of special diets that are part of contemporary Australian society
 main types and culinary characteristics of cultural or religious diets that are part of contemporary Australian
 main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements:
o meaning of drug-food interactions, food allergy and food intolerance
 key health and legal consequences of failing to address special requirements:

o allergic reactions
o anaphylaxis
o food sensitivity or intolerance reactions
 basic principles and practices of nutrition:
 primary components of Australian Dietary Guidelines, in particular those for older Australians, children and
adolescents and their use in menu planning
 methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw ingredients:

o butcher’s test
o standard measures
o standard yield tests.

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Appendix 1

You are required to complete all questions and tasks for assessment.

1. The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating provides 5 nutritional guidelines for adults, children and adolescents, and
the Elderly, which vary slightly for each group. Provide a brief description of what these recommend in general:
1.For children's and adolescents- General nutritional needs are eating plenty of vegetables, legumes and
fruits ;choosing water as a drink…..
2. For adult - Pregnancy - increased caloric intake depending on stage of pregnancy, additional
requirement for iron, zinc and fol-ate (the latter particularly during the earlier stages).
3. For athletes- may require increased levels of iron; dietary requirements vary according to type of sport
and performance level; a diet high in carbohydrates may be preferred during endurance sport events.
4.For defence force personnel- may require high protein and low, healthy fats in their food to supply
energy needs….
5.For elderly - enjoying a wide variety of nutritious foods; eating plenty of vegetables (including
legumes) and fruit…..

2. Explain two (2) implications that the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating has towards your role as a chef:
1.The ability to balance flavour and nutrition- Incorporating more nutritionally such as vegetables and carefully
using flavorful fat to make it go further can produce dishes that have the right levels of taste and healthy goodness

2. Hygiene is paramount. As you are dealing with high-risk groups, the correct processes must be followed
throughout the preparation steps, e.g. washing of vegetables and fruit to prevent Listeria contamination.
Establishing clear purchasing guides for all seafood, poultry and meat items can save considerable labour and assist
with correct recipe execution.

3. You are working as the chef in a hospital and a new patient has Coeliac disease. How will you ensure that the
patient is not adversely affected?
A new patient who has Coeliac disease must be gluten intolerance in which the body reacts badly to gluten, a protein
component in grains such as wheat, rye and barley. Gluten-free alternatives such as corn, rice, soy, tapioca and
potato flours are good substitutes. When preparing their food, must beware of hidden gluten in items such as soy
sauce, beer, condiments, small goods, etc.

4. You work at Hotel Futura as a chef. For a seminar the hotel offers the food choices outlined in the table below.
Which menu adjustments would be required for each course for guests requiring gluten free meals and for those who
suffer from diabetes?
Afternoon Tea Dinner
Breakfast Morning Tea Lunch
Poached Eggs on Assorted sweet Pork Piccata, Mini Danish, Caesar Salad
sour dough with muffins mushroom risotto, assorted tea
ham and spinach Ratatouille

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sandwiches Sole fillets with

beurre blanc, steamed
Tropical Fruit Salad asparagus

Chocolate Raspberry
Mille Feuille

Gluten Free

-No wheat, rye, No wheat, rye, No wheat, rye, barley – No wheat, rye, No wheat, rye, barley –
barley barley beware of hidden barley beware of hidden
-alternatives such as --alternatives such gluten, e.g. in beer --alternatives such gluten, e.g. in beer
corn, rice, soy, as corn, rice, soy, --alternatives such as as corn, rice, soy, --alternatives such as
tapioca and potato tapioca and potato corn, rice, soy, tapioca tapioca and potato corn, rice, soy, tapioca
flours flours and potato flours and potato flours


No adjustment Replace sweet Replace fruit salad to Replace danish to Ensure is sugar free
require muffin to sugar green salad sugar free low Chocolate Raspberry
free low carb cake carb pastry Mille Feuille

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5. List three diseases that can be linked to diet, and explain how a change in diet could be beneficial in these cases:

Factors to be considered during the selection, preparation, cooking and serving processes
1. Diabetes - is required for people with diabetes. Diabetes can develop due to the failure of the body to properly
maintain its blood sugar (glucose levels). There is a spectrum of requirements for diabetes sufferers and you need to
discuss with them their individual needs. Generally speaking, however, the diet involves ensuring that there is a
source of carbohydrate e.g. pasta, rice, potato, bread and preferably low Glycaemic Index varieties. This diet should
also be low in fat.

2. Coeliac disease -People diagnosed with coeliac disease have an intolerance to dietary gluten. Gluten is the protein
component of wheat, rye, barley and oats, and is present in many foods made from these. When people with coeliac
disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the villi in the small intestine. This
causes inflammation and flattening of the villi which can seriously deplete the surface area of the small intestine and
therefore reduce absorption of nutrients.Coeliacs must avoid foods such as wheat, barley and rye breads, flour, wheat
and oat-based cereals, wheat pasta, biscuits, cakes, pastry products, etc. Gluten may also be present in other foods
such as confectionery, small goods, sauces, dressings and other condiments, malted and cereal drinks, yeast extract
spreads and many others.It is important that people with coeliac disease replace foods containing gluten with gluten-
free alternatives to ensure a healthy balanced diet.
3.Hypertension- is a major global health concern since high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke and
death. Scientific evidence indicates that decreasing sodium intake can reduce blood pressure. So, limiting highly
salted foods, processed foods, and so-called fast foods may improve our cardiovascular health

6. What are the requirements for the following dietary needs?

Dietary needs Requirements
Lactose intolerance Ensure that you get enough calcium each day. Vitamin D helps your body absorb and
use calcium. Be sure to eat foods that contain vitamin D, such as eggs and certain
kinds of fish, such as salmon. Some ready-to-eat cereals and orange juice have added
vitamin D.

Low sodium Avoid adding salt to cooking (e.g. vegetables). Allow the customer to taste the cooked
food first and see if it needs salt at all
Flavour food with added herbs and spices instead of relying on salt

Coeliac Coeliacs must avoid foods such as wheat, barley and rye breads, flour, wheat and oat-
based cereals, wheat pasta, biscuits, cakes, pastry products, etc. Gluten may also be
present in other foods such as confectionery, small goods, sauces, dressings and other
condiments, malted and cereal drinks, yeast extract spreads and many others.
Replace food with gluten free

Diabetes mellitus the diet involves ensuring that there is a source of carbohydrate e.g. pasta, rice, potato,
bread and preferably low Glycaemic Index varieties. This diet should also be low in fat

7. Some religions have specific requirements regarding which types of food or food combinations may be
consumed. What is the basic information you need to consider when writing menus for the following client groups,
but also generally when catering for any religious based requirements?
Customers Requirements

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Jewish customers Jews observe a strict diet and only eat foods God has designated as kosher (fit for
consumption). Jews do not eat anything that has encountered pain, suffering, sickness
or is considered unclean. Example:Meat and meat by-products must come from
cloven-hoofed animals that chew their cud (such as sheep, cattle and goats) and be
slaughtered in accordance with Jewish laws. Jews do not eat pork

Muslim customers Muslims do not eat pork, blood, carrion or any animals that are found dead. They must
eat halal meat which has been butchered according to a special ritual. All meat must
come from an herbivorous animal. Alcohol is also forbidden. Foods that are prohibited
are referred to as haram. Pork and birds of prey are considered haram and so are not
eaten. Foods that are in question are considered mashbooh.

Hindu customers Many of Hindu are vegetarian. One of the central tenets of Hinduism is that all living
things, including animals and plants, are inter-connected with divinity. Hindus also
believe in reincarnation. Hindus practice non-violence and respect towards all life and
therefore have to balance the need to eat with their other beliefs. If meat is eaten, it is
never from a cow, as the cow is considered to be a sacred animal. Food that stimulates
the senses such as garlic and onions may also be avoided by some followers. 

General There are a few main denominations of Christianity and in general there is little
restriction on what food can be consumed. However, some followers fast for certain
periods, such as Lent. Roman Catholics do not eat red meat on Fridays, particularly
during Lent. 
Seventh-Day Adventists practise the kosher laws laid down in the Bible (but not in
other Jewish texts). They therefore do not eat pork and other foods described as
"unclean". In general Seventh Day Adventists follow a healthy way of living and avoid
stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. Vegetarianism is recommended and
the Adventist-owned company Sanitarium is known for producing vegetarian
alternative products.

8. Which aspects in terms of patient requirements and product availability need to be considered for texture
modification of foods? Which equipment is typically used to prepare and present texture modified preparations?
Texture modifications are usually required if a patient suffer from problems chewing foods, which would require
puréed foods, or have difficulties with swallowing, which would require puréed food to be pushed through a fine
sieve.Specific standards apply based on the patient needs, e.g. for speech pathology reasons drinks may be
thickened with special agents to achieve syrup (mildly thick), honey (moderately thick) or 'spoonable' pudding
consistency (extremely thick). Thickening liquids allows for easier swallowing as the liquid slides slowly down the
throat making swallowing easier. However, The Dietitians Association of Australia and Speech Pathology Australia
have developed the Australian Standards for Texture Modified Foods and Fluids in order to help chefs prepare
foods with the appropriate texture.

9. Provide examples for potential reactions to food allergies or intolerances. What are the consequences of failing to
address special requirements for food allergies, medical conditions or drug-food interactions? What would be your
actions to avoid negligence and meet legal requirements?

Examples for potential reactions to food allergies or intolerances- If a patient requires extra iron in their diet,
vitamin C is often taken at the same time, as this helps the iron get absorbed by the body. In this case it may be as
simple as having a glass of orange juice at the same time as the iron is taken. On the other hand, the acidity of some
fruit juices can interfere with several widely used drugs, causing potentially dangerous effects. Always consider the
effects on the individual, as an incorrectly prepared menu item could cause severe distress and adverse health
effects. Also consider the legal implications as any injury or pain caused could lead to claims and associated costs
to the enterprise and the chef personally. Whilst there are statutory minimums under the Civil Liability Act in

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personal injury cases, the chef could expose his employer to liability with the employer being vicariously liable for
the chef's negligent act. The employer may then have recourse against the employee, depending on the
circumstances and intent of the employee.
In additional, more factors which need to be considered to avoid negligence include:
 Read all food labels to ensure no undesired additives are contained in any food product
 Ensure thorough hygiene practices to prevent cross-contamination - this is particularly important when
preparing meals for customers with gluten intolerance: the frying pan may look clean, however traces of flour
burnt into the walls of a pan can have serious implications
 Ensure strict food safety principles for all preparation methods but consider the additional risks for children,
women during pregnancy, the elderly and customers with immune deficiencies

10. Which major nutrients are provided through the following foods?

A)Bread, cereal, rice, pasta, noodles


B)Vegetables, legumes Capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and tomatoes

Good source of fibre

C)Dark green and orange vegetables like spinach, broccoli, carrots and pumpkin

Vitamin A, calcium

D)Green vegetables, dried peas, beans and lentils

Vitamin A,Good source of fibre

E)Fruit - Vitamins-vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K...

11.Which nutrients are the main energy providers for the human body? What is their general role, nutritional value
and how much of each should be included in a healthy diet?

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats provide the body with energy. In Australia and New Zealand the acceptable
macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) is 15–25% of energy from protein to ensure adequate intake of protein and
other micronutrients, 20–35% from fat to sustain body weight and ensure adequate micronutrient intake and 45–65%
from carbohydrate, to ensure adequate fat and protein intake.

12. What are food additives?

How can additives affect individuals and how can you as a chef identify specific additives in foods?

Food additive is a substances that are added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture, or
appearance of food are known as food additives  such as salt.It is often the additives that are used to give a food a
marketable quality, such as colour, that most commonly cause allergic reactions. Some of these hypersensitive
reactions include: Digestive disorders – diarrhoea and colicky pains. Nervous disorders – hyperactivity, insomnia
and irritability.s a chef must always beware and read the food label to check what additives are in foods, read the
label. All food ingredients, including any additives, must be listed on the label of a food. The ingredients are listed in
descending order of in going weight.

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13. Which factors need to be considered when choosing cookery methods to ensure foods maintain maximum
nutritional values or meet dietary requirements?
Avoid using just one cookery method. Serve a grilled steak with fried potatoes and glazed vegetables or fresh salads.
This will also enhance the taste, flavours and colours .

14. What are the key features of the following lifestyle diets?

Diet Key Features

No food or product of animal origin at all, e.g. milk, gelatine or honey. The diet
has to be monitored carefully as it can lead to the risk of nutritional inadequacy,
especially protein and vitamin B12. Vegan sources of protein include nuts, seeds
and legumes (including soy)
No animal flesh or eggs or egg products. Milk and milk products are generally
Lacto vegetarian
included. The protein intake of the diet may be low if not carefully planned.

No animal flesh or dairy products but eggs are allowed

Ovo vegetarian

No animal flesh but eggs and dairy products are allowed. This form of vegetarian
Ovo-lacto vegetarian
diet is usually not at risk of nutritional deficiencies

No red meat or poultry but seafood is allowed. This form of vegetarian diet is
Pesco vegetarian
usually not at risk of nutritional deficiencies

No red meat but will eat poultry and seafood. This form of vegetarian diet is
Semi vegetarian
usually not at risk of nutritional deficiencies.

15. How do storage and part processing affect the nutritional values of fresh fruit and vegetables?
Always store the fresh fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator changes its nutritional value. Immediately after they are
picked, fruits and vegetables start losing some of those vitamins. Cold storage in a fridge will slow the decay of
produce like berries, spinach, and potatoes. However, with each passing day, leafy greens like spinach lose essential
nutrients like folate and Vitamin C. Keep your fridge below 40 degrees F for best results.Besides, processing
(including preparation) makes food healthier, safer, tastier and more shelf-stable. While the benefits are numerous,
processing can also be detrimental, affecting the nutritional quality of foods.

16. Which nutritional requirements need to be considered for the following customer groups?

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Customer Group Needs

Girls during
Increased need for iron/double intake requirements of iron during menstruation
adolescence/women during

Pregnancy and during

Increased caloric intake depending on stage of pregnancy, additional requirement for
iron, zinc and folate (the latter particularly during the earlier stages)
Athletes  May require increased levels of iron

 Dietary requirements vary according to type of sport and performance level; a diet
high in carbohydrates may be preferred during endurance sport event
Defence Force Personnel  May require high protein and low, healthy fats in their food to supply energy
 May need variation to standard ration packs when in the field

 Require sufficient vitamins in their diet

Vegetarian diets
To ensure all essential amino acids are included, protein from diverse plant sources –
legumes, nuts, cereals or dairy (if consumed) as well as soy products should be eaten

People with Disabilities

The disability may affect the ability to digest proteins, yeast or certain bacteria.
Artificial flavours and colours can also affect individuals negatively and careful study
of labels is essential. Confer with the appropriate health professional to develop a
detailed written care plan, e.g. to increase the amount of B vitamins in the diet.
Institution-based Catering People who rely on institutions such as schools, hospitals, aged care facilities and army
barracks usually have particular dietary requirements, whether that is health related or
simply a balanced, energy-filled diet.The assistance of a nutritionist is often required

People living in remote  Availability of fresh produce is limited, particularly fruit and vegetables
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people may supplement purchased food with
traditional hunted and foraged foods

 Consumption of bush foods should be supported and encouraged

People affected by disaster Often psychological trauma associated with disaster events can have lasting health
or environmental extremes consequences. We need to be aware that these people may be immune-compromised or
have other issues affecting their overall health which would need to be taken into
consideration. Also, in the immediate aftermath of such an event, you should work
with health professionals to ensure any prepared meals account for the dietary

17. Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and the net portion cost for each
commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the portion size per kg provided.
List the formulas or working steps you have used for the asparagus and the Sirloin Calculations in the table.

Commodity $ / kg s Net Yield/ kg Net cost/k Portions /kg Net Portion Cost/ $


Zucchini 2.95 16% 0.84 3.51 0.100 0.35

Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.75 6.38 0.100 0.64

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Carrots 1.40 16% 0.84 1.67 0.100 0.17

Asparagus 11.30 22% 0.78 14.49 0.100 1.45

Kohlrabi 4.28 32% 0.68. 6.29 0.100 0.63

Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.93 0.100 1.30

Onions 2.45 14% 0.86 2.85 0.050 0.14


Sirloin 16.80 26% 0.74 22.70 0.280 6.36

Loin of Pork 14.80 14% 0.86 17.21 0.250 4.30

Leg of Lamb 8.90 27% 0.73 12.19 0.250 3.05

Show Formulas/Calculation steps – for Asparagus:

1kg Asparagus=$11.30
Trimming= 22% x 1kg=0.22kg
Net yet/kg=1kg-0.22kg=0.78kg
Net portion/Cost=net os/kg x portion/kg

Show Formulas/Calculation steps – for Sirloin:

1kg Sirlion=$16.80
Trimming= 26% x 1kg=0.26kg
Net yet/kg=1kg-0.26kg=0.74kg
Net portion/Cost=net os/kg x portion/kg
=$12.19 x 0.25

18. Provide an overview of the following contemporary dietary trends and provide an example for potential impacts
each of these may have on health or nutritional balance.

Diet Description Issues

Cabbage Soup Diet It involves eating only cabbage soup for a While causing weight loss it leads to an
week imbalance of nutrients

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Lemon Detox For a given period no food is eaten and It leads to weight loss but the lack of nutrients
only a mixture of lemon juice, salt, water affects the body and often leads to excessive
and possible   herbal teas are consumed. gain once the diet is finished
This supposedly removes toxins in the
Macrobiotic Diet This diet has its roots in Japan and It leads to low iron, calcium and protein
consisted of only eating brown rice and intake plus a lack of trace elements and if
water. The diet has now been slightly done for an extended time period can lead to
amended focussing on high fibre, low fat osteoporosis
and no animal foods
Raw Food Diet 75% of all food consumed is raw food, as Eating raw food is fine in most circumstances
the diet logic says that cooking destroys but the key focus has to be on balancing
enzymes nutrients which is difficult with this diet

Stone Age Diet It is also referred to as Palaeolithic or The shortfall in carbohydrates can lead to
Paleo diet, Caveman diet or pre-historic nutrient deficiencies and there is no scientific
diet. The diet includes products that were basis to the claims made by the diet.
available to caveman, i.e. meat, seafood, Additionally the animals and food that we
root vegetables that can be eaten raw, consume nowadays are quite different from
fruits, nuts and natural sugars. It excludes the food sources of the past
all grains, refined sugars, yeast, alcohol,
dairy products, processed meats and salts.

19. Provide 2 methods you can employ to obtain feedback on dietary menus and customer satisfaction:

1.Formal questionnaires often use key elements that are assessed such as portion size, taste, presentation, service etc.
This example provides a good guide.

2.Direct feedback is through a mystery shopper process where a report is compiled by an anonymous reviewer of the
establishment. This is then analysed by management and used as part of continuous improvement.

20. List the 2 most important aspects in terms of feedback which must be considered when evaluating the
success of a menu or dish:
1.Via available software in POS systems where a report can be configured sorting sales data based on selected fields.
The system can print out a daily or weekly summary of items sold.

2.when customers make their choices for the days or week ahead you will need to collate the information to see its
effect on demand and the associated ordering requirements. Reviewing the ongoing demands can help to adjust the
popularity of items on the menu. 

21. What is the importance of health professional when seeking feedback on dietary menus? Whom could this

The involvement of allied health professionals in the feedback loop is essential as they are often in direct contact
with the client. They will also provide insights on the appeal of the dishes to clients or patients as they often have a
closer relationship. Doctors and nurses may also supply specific feedback based on the medical needs of the
individual. Dietary needs are quite complex and it is essential to relate to the appropriate staff for the necessary

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