Unit - 9

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Nutrition Notes for IHM First Semester

Food provided by residential institutions, such as boarding schools, college hostels, hospitals
and old- age homes, are probably the one source of nutrition for the residents and must be
adequate. The list of residential institute is long, and it is the responsibility and moral obligation
of the caterer to provide nutritionally adequate meal to the resident. Sample menu based on the
principles of meal planning and recommend dietary allowances (RDAs) should be provided to
the caterer to ensure that the meal is balanced as well as attractive, appetizing, & affordable.
Correct cooking practices should be followed to prevent looses of heat – liable nutrients,
oxidative losses as well as leaching losses. While selecting commodities, fruits and vegetables
at proper stage of maturity, which are fresh and intact, should be purchased. If convenience
foods are to be purchased, their cost should be considered. The foods standards laid down by
the govt. of various commodities should be checked especially for compulsory standard. For
example the fruit product order for processed fruit and vegetable products such as tomato
sauce, pineapple slices in syrup etc. just planning balanced meal is not sufficient. The nutrients
present in the food should be conserved while preparing food, and cooking practices which
enhances nutrients should be observed.
Eating out has become a way of life. In the past, people eat in restaurant to celebrate a
special occasion or it was a weary traveler on the look out of bed and board. Today, practically
everybody who steps out of the house for work, education, or business has at least one main
meal away from home. Number of food joints to shoot every strata of society has mushroomed
in towns and cities. Many of these places are unlicensed, with the food handler having little or
no knowledge about nutrients and nutrition, health and diseases. The purpose of eating is to
satisfy the hunger pangs & tickle the taste buds. What the consumer looks for today is cost and
convenience, the majority paying little heed to the oil bubbling and frothing in the fry pan , or to
the non-discriminated addition of ajinomoto to make vegetarian food more flavorful. To make
quick money, hygienic practices are ignored or sufficient investments in proper storage and
cooking equipments is not made leading to the vicious cycle of diseases and malnutrition
affecting work efficiency and productivity.
Some common practices which reduce the nutritional value of food are harmful to health are:
• Buying poor quality fruits and vegetables in bulk because of lower rate.
• Improper storage leading to further loss of nutrition.
• Faulty cooking practices such as using excess water and then evaporating it to get correct
constituency: cutting and then washing vegetables.
• Overcooking and discarding cooking water( for liquor)
• Soaking vegetables in water
• Cooking in an open pan
• Keeping hot food over extended service period.
• Repeated reheating of entire food of instead of reheating quantity required.
• Adding alkali to hasten softening of pulses and vegetables and to preserve green colour.
• Using Aji-no-moto(MSG) in all preparations to bring out the flavor of food aji-no-moto is used in
soups in place of stock permitted level in food is 1%


The fast food industry is growing rapidly all over the world to provide a quick meal to the
customer at an unaffordable cost and in very little time. in India the fast food industry comprises
mainly of south Indian, Punjabi snacks and popular MNCs like KFC, MC’D, pizza hut etc. many
product have been modified to suit the Indian palate and respect religious sentiments. Many of
these provide take away or drive-thru services as well as sitting area to eat food on the
premises. Modern commercial fast food is often highly processed & prepared & industrial
fashion. Most items on the menu are prepared at central supply facility & then shipped to
individual outlets where they are reheated / cooked or assembled in a short time. The central
kitchen ensures consistency in product quality & ability to deliver the order quickly to the
customer eliminating labour & equipment cost in the individual restaurant.


A wide variety of convenience foods are available and new products and attractive packages
are being launched every day to meet growing demands of working women, single families, the
elderly and commercial establishment who are too busy to invest valuable time and labour in
pre-preparation. The newly launched products in the market can be categorized under 5 heads
• Basic product – needs some preparation before cooking e.g. shelled green peas
• Ready to cook products – needs no further preparation before cooking e.g. frozen green peas
• Ready to use products – must be prepared and heated e.g. instant tomato soup powder
• Pre cooked products – prepared dish which needs heating before consumption e.g. paneer
• Table ready products – packet can be opened and eaten e.g. potato chips
Many products launched in the market make health claims which at times could be misleading.
Convenience is not the main criteria, but meeting the days nutritional needs should be checked.
Some newly launched products based on soya proteins Are industrial prepare often under strict
regulation and control and sometimes bacteriology safer than fresh goods, if they are not stored
under temperature controlled storage during retailing, their nutritive value and overall quality can
be grossly affected.
Many products launched in the market make health claims which at times could be misleading.
Convenience is not the main criteria, but meting the days’ nutritional needs should be checked.
Some newly launched products based on soy proteins, flax seeds, carotene and vitamin E rich
oils have distinct benefits while other foods such as non-diary creams have both advantages
because of no cholesterol and disadvantages
Because of fatty acids composition of vegetables, oils seeds. Bakeries shortenings in the
market are especially designed for a particular product and the ready product are of superior
quality but the Trans fatty acid present in these fats are harmful to health.
They are compounds that prevent oxidation. Oxidation is the process that turns newspaper
yellow and cut apples brown. Oxidation leads to degenerative changes in our body. Antioxidants
such as vitamin C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium help protect against free radical
damage. They scavenge free radicals and protect body cells against cancer. They prevent
atherosclerosis and coronary artery diseases (CAD). The sources of antioxidants are listed
• Vitamin E soya oil, sunflower oil., almond, spinach, and mint
• Vitamin C amla, guava, green leafy vegetables and all citrus fruit
• Beta-carotene all green leafy vegetables, and all yellow orange and read fruits and vegetables.
• Selenium whole grain, pulses, green leafy vegetables and cauliflower
• Non- nutrient antioxidant phenolic compounds, favonoids and isoflavones present in beans,
cloves oats, tea, coffee etc.
We need to consume much more than the RDA for antioxidant effect.


Nutrition facts labels tell you about the nutrition of a particular product. This information includes
serving size, number of servings in the package, calories per serving and the amount of various
nutrients contained in the product. Once you understand the labels, they can help you follow a
healthy diet and make it easier to choose the most nutritious foods.

Making Healthy Food Decisions -Nutrition labels do affect

people's food choices. When you are deciding between two
different foods, you can look at the nutrition labels to determine
which food is more nutritious. You can compare the labels to
determine which foods are lowest in calories, fat, saturated fat,
trans fat, cholesterol, sodium and sugar. These are the
ingredients you should limit for good health. Checking the
ingredients list will help you avoid foods that contain additives
or other ingredients that you want to avoid. The foods with the
fewest ingredients and those that only contain ingredients that
you would have in your own kitchen are healthier than those
with lots of ingredients you don't recognize.
Maintaining a Healthy Weight - Reading nutrition labels can
help you make the right food choices when you are trying to lose
weight or prevent weight gain. In a study published in the
"Journal of the American Dietetic Association" in April 2000,
people told by their doctors to lose weight for health reasons
who used nutrition labels consumed fewer calories, more fiber
and less saturated fat, sugar and carbohydrates than the people
who didn't use nutrition labels.

Nutrient Consumption - Many Americans don't consume enough

fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C, so these are always
included on nutrition labels. You can use the percent daily
values listed on the label to give you a good idea which foods
are high or low in these essential nutrients. Foods that contain
at least 10 percent of the daily value for a nutrient are good
sources of that nutrient, and foods that contain 20 percent of the
daily value for a nutrient are considered high in that nutrient.

Considerations - While nutrition facts labels can be helpful, not

everyone understands the information included or the
importance of it. A study published in the "American Journal of
Preventive Medicine" in November 2006 found that people who
had low levels of literacy and numeracy often didn't understand
these labels and that even some people who were more literate
sometimes had trouble interpreting nutrition facts labels.
Doctors and other health providers need to provide education to
their patients on how to use these labels when making dietary
Probiotics – These are “good” bacteria that help keep your digestive system healthy by
controlling growth of harmful bacteria.

Prebiotics - These are carbohydrates that cannot be digested by the human body. They are
food for probiotics.
The primary benefit of probiotics and prebiotics appears to be helping you maintain a healthy
digestive system.

Good Sources Of Probiotics - One of the best sources of probiotics is yogurt. It has good
bacteria like lactobacillus or bifidobacteria. Look for “live or active cultures” on the label to be
sure your favorite brand of yogurt is a rich source of probiotics. Other good food sources are
sauerkraut, miso soup, fermented, soft cheeses (like Gouda), and even sourdough bread. The
common feature of all these foods is fermentation, a process that produces probiotics.

Good Sources Of Prebiotics - To help maintain healthy level of prebiotics, you can feed them
with the foods you eat. Foods rich in prebiotics include asparagus, Jerusalem artichokes,
bananas, oatmeal, and legumes.

Nutraceutical, the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceutical”, is a food or food product that provides
health and medical benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease.
"A nutraceutical is a product isolated or purified from foods that is generally sold in medicinal
forms not usually associated with food. A nutraceutical is demonstrated to have a physiological
benefit or provide protection against chronic disease."
Such products may range from isolated nutrients, dietary supplements and specific diets to
genetically engineered foods, herbal products, and processed foods such as cereals, soups,
and beverages.


 Fast food is refers to those kinds of food that are prepared and ready to be eaten within
the shortest time possible.
 Additionally, fast food constitute foodstuffs that are available for sale in restaurants and
stores made up of ingredients that that can be preheated or precooked without any problem and
served in a take away form .
 Fast foods are characterized by high fat content, high calories, high cholesterol, and
quick, convenient and high sodium concentration.
 Similarly, it is inexpensive made from ingredients that are cheap such as fat meat and
refined grains. These kinds of foods are not only available in restaurants but also in vending
equipment as well as 24-hour expediency stores.
 Examples of fast food include the following, sandwiches, hot dogs, pitas, fried chicken, French
fries, chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips and ice cream to mention but a few.
Saves time
The most notable argument brought forth in support of fast food is that it saves time as well as
convenience. On the same note fast food save time in the context that one will not engage in all
those activities of buying, cleaning such food stuffs, cooking as well as washing dishes. It is also
true that when one gets home after a tiresome day thus very tired and bored, the efforts needed
to cook can be substituted with having fast food.

Saves money
Similarly, fast foods are cheaper. This is because they are made from cheaper ingredients such
as refined grains, meat with a lot of fat among others instead of ingredients that are expensive
and nutritious such as vegetables, lean meat and fresh fruits. On the same note considering
people who live alone, the expenses of cooking are much higher compared to when buying fast

Health advantage
Despite the fact that those opposing fast food claim that it results to various problems in human
health, it is worth noting that fast foods have contributed to taller and individuals with higher life

Sharing and convenience

It is evident that fast food are usually packed in away that it can be taken out of the restaurant
and eaten from anywhere, be it in the car, office, at the bus station. Additionally, unlike other
kinds of food, fast food comes with the absolute advantage of splitting and sharing between or
even amongst individuals.

A study carried out asking why individuals bought fast food established that reliability of such
kind of food is what propels them to buying them. Fast foods are easy to obtain, are in plenty,
varied in nature and readily available.

Nutritional information
Most of the fast food joints have adopted a culture of making available the information
concerning nutrients of their food. It is worth mentioning that with such kind of information as
well as a number food stuff variety, one has a chance to choose the best kind of food that suits
him or her.
Health issues
It has been brought forth that fast foods are characterized by high fat content, high calories, high
cholesterol, and quick, high sodium concentration and made from ingredients that are cheap
such as fat meat and refined grains. All these pose a greater risk to human health. Too much
eating of fast food with such health problems as obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular
disorders, and liver problems.

Heart attack
Fast foods are prepared using Trans fat which is an artery-clogging fat. Food prepared using
this fat includes French fries as well as chicken nuggets to mention but a few.

Increased high blood pressure

Fast food contains a good deal of sodium concentration, this aggravates the risk of high blood

Continual eating of such kind of food means that we accumulate a lot of calories in our body
that are not useful leading to individuals being obese.

Liver problem
Since the liver is responsible for purification/filtering of harmful substances as well as producing
substances that help breakdown fats, when fast foods are consumed every now and then, the
liver will be overloaded and damaged. This in turn leads to very serious health problems that
can be fatal.

It has been documented that fast food is addictive. What this means is that individuals who are
used to eating such foods cannot go for long without having a bit of such food.

Family bond
The issue of fast food has been brought forth as another factor that jeopardizes family bond.
This is because no or very minimal time is used in preparing food together, leave alone eating
together. Young people are spending more of their time in having a meal with their fellow friends
other than their family members.
Psychologist hold that meal time is a family meeting where each and every member is in a
position to share their thought, ideas, problems as well as feelings. This usually helps in
strengthening the bond between and among family members. This is in jeopardy during this era
of growth in fast food industries.

Lower nutritional content

Fast food has been linked and it is a fact that most of them apart from pizza lack dietary fiber as
well as essential micro-nutrients such as vitamin and minerals. It is worth mentioning that food
that lack fiber brings with it a number of stomach complication such as constipation.
Although previously it was stated that fast food is inexpensive, that was only true when
considering an individual buying such kind of food cooking at home. It is important to not that a
family visiting or buying fast food once in a while is not that expensive, but when this is done
more often, then the amount of money spent can be quite much more as compared to if the
family could just buy the food in super market, take the time to prepared it and enjoy a dinner or
lunch together as a family


We should not advocate for doing away with fast food due to its various disadvantages,but that
we should not fight the industry and bring it down to its knees but rather champion for further
improvement of fast food that will bring out high quality and healthy food. This will indeed ensure
that people consume healthy foods and at the same time cushioning those that depend on the
industry for their daily bread from economic uncertainty of doing way with the sector.

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