Prop of Water Lab
Prop of Water Lab
Prop of Water Lab
Student Materials
• The Science of Water Lab Activities: Student Directions
• The Science of Water Lab Activities: Student Worksheets
• The Science of Water: Student Quiz
• Reflecting on the Guiding Questions: Student Worksheet
The Science of Water Lab Activities: Student Directions
Safety Precautions
• Wearing goggles is dependent on your school’s safety criteria.
• Caution needs to be exercised around hot plates and the alcohol burner.
• Caution needs to be exercised around hot water and hot glassware.
• Do not eat or drink anything in the lab.
• Do not wear open-toed sandals in the lab.
• Wear long hair tied back to prevent touching the substances at the lab stations.
• 3 pennies
• Available water
• Small containers of water, oil, and soapy water
• A dropper for each of the containers
• A square, about 4” x 4”, of wax paper
Safety Precautions
• Wearing goggles is dependent on your school’s safety criterion.
• Do not eat or drink anything in the lab.
• Do not wear open-toed sandals in the lab.
• Wear long hair tied back.
• 4 pieces of capillary tubing of varying small sized diameters (no greater than
7mm in diameter), 8-24 inches in length
• Metric ruler
• Pan of dyed (with food coloring) water into which to set the capillary tubing
• Clamps on ring stands to stabilize the tubing so that it remains upright in a
straight position
1. Check to make sure all of the materials needed are at your lab station.
2. Set the capillary tubing into the dye-colored water from the largest diameter
tubing to the smallest. Make certain they are all upright and secure.
3. Record the height of each of the tubes in the table on your worksheet every 2
4. After 10 minutes, release the capillary tubing, wrap the tubing in paper towels,
and deposit them in an area designated by your teacher.
5. Answer the questions about this experiment on your lab sheet.
Lab Station C: Can You Take the Heat?
The purpose of this lab is to investigate the heat capacity of water. You will measure the
temperature of water (specific heat of water is 4.19 kJ/kg.K) and vegetable oil (specific
heat of vegetable oil is 1.67 kJ/kg.K) over equal intervals of time, and will record your
data and findings on your lab sheet.
Specific heat is the amount of energy required to raise 1.0 gram of a substance 1.0o C.
Safety Precautions
• Cool hot glassware slowly. Wait a few minutes before placing in cold water or the
glass will break.
• Wearing goggles is dependent on your school’s safety criterion.
• Do not eat or drink anything in the lab.
• Do not wear open-toed sandals in the lab.
• Wear long hair tied back.
• Use caution when working with fire or heat. Do not touch hot glassware.
Assemble two Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers, each containing one of the liquids, with a
thermometer suspended into each liquid, from a clasp attached to a stand, inserted about
midway into the liquid.
• 2 equal amounts, about 100 mL, of water and vegetable oil
• 2 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks or 2 250-mL beakers
• 2 thermometers
• 2 Bunsen burners or 1-2 hot plates
• 2 ring stands: each ring stand will have a clamp to hold the thermometer. Use a
screen if using a Bunsen burner rather than hot plate(s).
• Cold water bath for cooling the Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers
1. Set the cooled flasks containing their solutions on the ring stands or hot plate.
2. Take the initial temperature reading of each of the liquids.
3. Turn on the hot plate to a medium temperature, or, if using Bunsen burners
instead, light them, adjusting the flame of each to the same level.
4. Record the temperature of the liquid in each flask every 2 minutes until 4 minutes
after each liquid boils. Record the temperature in the table on your lab sheet.
5. After recording the final temperatures, move the Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers
with tongs or a heat-resistant set of gloves into the cooling bath. Add small
amounts of ice as needed to keep the water temperature cold.
6. Answer the questions about this experiment on your lab sheet.
Lab Station D: Liquid at Room Temperature Data Activity
The purpose of this activity is to discover how unusual it is, based on a substance’s
molecular weight, that water is a liquid at room temperature.
Safety Precautions
None are needed, since this is a paper and pencil activity.
• Water is Weird! Data Table
• Lab worksheet for recording trends
Data table 1 shows the physical properties of a variety of substances. This table is typical
of one that a chemist would examine to look for trends in the data. For instance, is there
any correlation with the color of the substance and its state of matter? Is there any
correlation between the state-of-matter of a substance and its density? How does water
compare to other substances?
1. Examine the data table. Look for relationships between the physical properties of
some of these substances. What do you notice that fits into any patterns? What is
the opposite or is unusual to the most common pattern?
2. Discuss the trends with your lab partner. Record your thoughts on your lab
3. Answer the questions about this experiment on your lab worksheet.
Water is Weird!
Data Analysis Activity
Water is Weird! How Do We Know?
We have been discussing the many ways that water is weird. Water seems pretty common
to us. How do we know that it is unusual? Let’s compare water to some other substances
and see what we can find, using the data table below.
Record the trends that you notice on your lab worksheet.
Lab Station E: Now You See It, Now You Don’t
A Dissolving Lab
The purpose of this activity is to introduce the idea that different types of liquids may
dissolve different substances.
Safety Precautions
• Wearing goggles is dependent on your school’s safety criterion.
• Do not eat or drink anything in the lab.
• Do not wear open-toed shoes.
• Tie long hair back.
• 6 plastic cups
• 6 plastic spoons
• Water
• Oil
• Granulated salt
• Granulated sugar
• Iodine crystals
1. Fill 3 plastic cups 1/3 to 1/2 full with water.
2. Fill 3 plastic cups 1/3 to 1/2 full with oil.
3. Put about a half-teaspoon of salt into the water in one cup and another half-
teaspoon of salt into the oil in one cup.
4. Stir each for about 20 seconds or until dissolved.
5. Record your observations in the table on your lab sheet.
6. Repeat this procedure with sugar.
7. Repeat this procedure using iodine crystals BUT only drop 2 or 3 crystals into the
water and into the oil.
8. Record your observations and answer the questions about this experiment on your
lab sheet.
Lab Station F: Predict a New World!
Inquiry Activity
We all know that ice floats; we take it for granted. However, in nature, the solid form of a
substance being less dense than the liquid form is extraordinary. What we don’t know or
think about much is how our world would be affected if ice did not float in water. This
“thought” activity is explores the worldly implications if ice had a greater density than
Safety Precautions
None are required because this is a paper and pencil activity.
• A fish bowl with some fish and live plants
1. Read the following. Look at the fish bowl. Think. Write your thoughts on your lab
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
1. What does a high surface tension do to the number of liquid molecules that can stay
2. Based on your evidence, compare the surface tension of these four substances.
3. After placing a few drops of each of the liquids on the wax paper, draw what the drops
look like from the side view. Be sure to capture the relative height/flatness of the drop
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
2. Define cohesion
3. Ask your teacher to provide you with the diameter of the capillary tubes if they are not
labeled. In the table below, record the height of the liquid in capillary tubing of
different diameters as you take your measurements.
Diameter of
2 minutes
4 minutes
6 minutes
8 minutes
10 minutes
4. Based on your evidence, what statement can you make about water’s speed of climbing
a capillary tube relative to the diameter (size of the opening) of the capillary?
5. What does this mean about how fast water is able to “climb” tubes within plants?
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
Specific heat is the amount of energy that it takes to raise 1.0 gram of a substance 1.0o C.
Fill out the table as you conduct your experiment.
1. Based on your evidence, which substance has the highest specific heat? The lowest?
2. Think about and explain the relationship between high specific heat of a liquid and
hydrogen bonding.
3. Compare the boiling temperatures of water and of oil. What is the relationship
between hydrogen bonding and boiling temperature?
4. What happened to the temperature of the water and the oil after boiling? Explain why.
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
Lab Station D:
Liquid at Room Temperature Data Activity
1. What trends do you notice in the data table? Explain.
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
A solvent is the liquid that is doing the dissolving. A solute is the substance that will be
dissolved in the liquid.
Record your observations about how quickly and thoroughly each of the solutes dissolves
in water and oil in the table below.
Salt Sugar Iodine Crystals
1. Summarize what you found in your experiment, based on your recorded observations.
2. Why do you think that some substances dissolve easier in one type of liquid than in
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
1. Summarize your thoughts about the impact on the world if ice were denser than
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
2. Draw a water molecule. Label the atoms that make up the water molecule with their
chemical symbol. If there is an electrical charge or a partial electrical charge on any
of the atoms, indicate that by writing the symbols on the atoms:
+ = positive charge = negative charge
δ+ = partial positive charge δ- = partial negative charge
4. Why does water have an increased surface tension compared to most other liquids?
5. What is “hydrogen bonding”? What makes these bonds unique?
b. Explain what the energy is being used for that is heating the water at the boiling
10. Explain how a spider can walk on water.
11. Fill out the following table: Name and explain five of water’s unique properties, and
provide an example of the phenomenon in nature caused by each of these properties.
Property of Explanation of Property Phenomenon Property Causes
Name__________________________________ Date______________________ Period ______
3. How can nanotechnology help provide unique solutions to the water shortage?
What I learned in these activities:
4. Can we solve our global water shortage problems? Why or why not?
What I learned in these activities: