IV Year EC

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Course Structure

Electronics & Communications Engineering

VII Semester


No. Code
1 ------- Open Elective-I 3 1 0 4
2 ------- Departmental Elective-III 3 1 0 4
3 EEC 701 Optical Communication 3 1 0 4
4 Data Communication
EEC 702 3 1 0 4
5 EEC 703 VLSI Design 3 1 0 4
6 Optical Communication &
EEC-751 0 0 2 1
Networking Lab
7 EEC-752 Electronics Circuit Design 0 0 3 2
8 Industrial Training Viva-
EEC-753 0 0 2 1
9 EEC-754 Project 0 0 2 1
10 GP-701 General Proficiency. 0 0 0 1
Total 15 5 9 26
VIII Semester


No. Code
1 -------Open Elective-II** 3 1 0 4
2 -------Departmental Elective-IV 3 1 0 4
3 Wireless & Mobile
EEC 801 3 1 0 4
4 EEC 802 Optical Network 3 1 0 4
5 EEC-851 Project 0 0 12 08
6 GP-801 General Proficiency. 0 0 0 0
Total 12 4 9 24

Open Electives-I

EOE-071 Entrepreneurship Development

EOE-072 Quality Management
EOE-073 Operation Research
EOE-074 Introduction to Biotechnology
EOE-075 Micro and smart systems

Open Electives-II

EOE-081 Non Conventional Energy Resources

EOE-082 Nonlinear Dynamic system
EOE-083 Product Development
EOE-084 Automation and Robotics
Departmental Elective III

1. EEC 031 Information Theory & Coding

2. EEC 032 Digital Image Processing
3. EEC 033 Voice Over IP
4. EEC 034 Filter Design
5. EEC 035 Applied Fuzzy Electronic Systems

Departmental Elective IV

1. EEC 041 Electronic Switching

2. EEC 042 Digital System Design using VHDL
3. EEC 043 Speech Processing
4. EEC 044 Advanced Display Technologies & Systems
5. EEC 045 Satellite & RADAR systems
Unit Topics Lectures
I Overview of optical fiber communication: The general system, Advantages of 10
optical fiber communication. Optical spectral band.
Optical Fiber waveguides: Introduction, Ray theory transmission
Total internal reflection, acceptance angle, numerical aperture, skew rays.
Electromagnetic mode theory for optical propagation: Electromagnetic waves,
modes in a planar guide, phase and group velocity, phase shift with total
internal reflection and the evanescent field, goos hanchen shift.
II Cylindrical Fiber: modes, mode coupling, step index fibers Graded index 10
fibers, Single mode Fiber: Cut-off wavelength, Mode field diameter and spot
size, effective refractive index, Group delay and mode delay factor, The
Gaussian approximation, equivalent step index methods.
Signal distortion in optical fibers - Attenuation, Material Absorption, losses in
silica glass fibers; Intrinsic absorption, Extrinsic absorption. Linear scattering
losses; Ray light scattering, Mie scattering.
Non linear Scattering losses: fiber bending losses;
Dispersion, Chromatic dispersion: material dispersion, waveguide dispersion.
Intermodal dispersion: Multimode step index fiber, Multimode graded index
Overall fiber dispersion Multimode fiber, Dispersion modified single mode
fibers ,Dispersion–shifted fiber, dispersion flatted fibers, nonzero-dispersion-
shifted fibers (MZ-DSF),
Polarization: Fiber birefringence, polarization mode dispersion, polarization-
maintaining fibers, Non linear effects: Scattering effects, Kerr effects.
III Optical sources - Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs): Structures, light source 6
materials, Quantum Efficiency on LED Power Modulation of a LED,
Laser Diodes- models and threshold conditions, laser diode rate equations,
External quantum efficiency, resonant frequency, laser diode structures and
radiation patterns, single mode lasers modulation of laser diodes, laser lines.
IV Source to fiber power launching, Source Output patterns, Power coupling 6
calculation, Power launching versus wavelength, equilibrium numerical
Photo detectors: Physical principles of photodiodes: The PIN photo detector,
Avalanche photodiodes.
Photo detector Noise: Noise sources, signal to noise ration.
Detector Response time: Depletion layer photocurrent, response time
structure of in GaAs APDs, Temperature effect on Avalanche gain,
comparison of photo detectors.
V Optical receiver operation: Fundamental receiver operation: Digital signal 8
transmission, error sources, front end amplifier.
Digital receiver performance: Probability of error receiver sensitivity, The
Quantum Unit.
Eye Diagram: Eye Pattern Features, BER and Q Factor Measurement
Coherent Detection: Fundamental concepts, Homodyne detection, heterodyne
detection, IBER comparisons.
Digital links: Point to point links, power penalties.
Text Book:
1. John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications”, PEARSON, 3rd Edition, 2010.
2. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications”, TMH, 4th Edition, 2008.

Reference Books:
1. Govind P. Agrawal, “Fiber Optic Communication Systems”, John Wiley, 3rd Edition, 2004.
2. Joseph C. Plais, “Fiber Optic Communication”, Pearson Education, 4th Ed, 2004.


Unit Topics Lectures
I Communication problem and system models, components of communication 8
systems, communication channels and their characteristics, mathematical
models for communication channels, multiple access techniques, link budget
II Representation of deterministic and stochastic signals, random noise 8
characterization in communication systems, signal-to-noise ratio,
characterization of communication signals and systems: signal space
representations, representation of analog and digitally modulated signals,
spectral characteristics of modulated signals
III Optimal receivers: Receivers for signals corrupted by AWGN, Error 8
performance Analysis of receivers for memory-less modulation, optimal
receivers for modulation methods with memory, OFDM, MIMO, Source
Coding, Channel Coding (Hamming codes)
IV Error Control, Flow Control, Sliding Window Protocols, HDLC, PPP, Local 8
area networks: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Token Ring, Introduction to Gigabit
Ethernet and Wireless LANs; Hubs, bridges and switches
V MAC Layer 8
Static Channel Allocation in LANs and MANs, Dynamic Channel Allocation
in LANs and MANs, ALOHA, Carrier Sense Multiple Access Protocols,
Collision-Free Protocols, Limited-Contention Protocols, Wavelength Division
Multiple Access Protocols, Wireless LAN Protocols, IEEE Standard 802.3
Text Books:
1. Madhow, U., (2008), Fundamentals of Digital Communication, Cambridge University Press
2. Lathi, B. P. & Ding, Z., (2010), Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems,
Oxford University Press
3. Stallings, W., (2010), Data and Computer Communications, Pearson.
4. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks” Pearson.
5. Ajit Pal, “Data Communication and Computer Networks”, PHI
6. Dimitri Bertsekas, Robert G. Gallager, “Data Networks”, Prentice Hall, 1992
Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction: A Brief History, Preview, MOS Transistors, CMOS Logic, 8
CMOS Fabrication and Layout, Design Partitioning, Logic Design, Circuit
Design, Physical Design, Design Verification, Fabrication, Packaging and
II Delay: Introduction, Transient Response, RC delay model, Linear Delay 8
Model, Logical Effort of Paths, Timing Analysis Delay Models.
Power: Introduction, Dynamic Power, Static Power
III Energy – Delay Optimization, Low Power Architectures. 8
Interconnect: Introduction, Interconnect Modelling, Interconnect Impact,
Interconnect Engineering, Logical Effort with Wires
IV Dynamic logic circuits: Introduction, basic principle of pass transistor 8
circuits, synchronous dynamic circuit techniques, dynamic CMOS circuit
techniques, domino CMOS logic.
Semiconductor memories: Introduction, DRAM, SRAM, ROM, flash
V Low – Power CMOS Logic Circuits: Introduction, Overview of Power 8
Consumption, Low – Power Design through voltage scaling, Estimation and
Optimization of switching activity, Reduction of Switched Capacitance and
Adiabatic Logic Circuits.
Design for Testability: Introduction, Fault Types and Models, Controllability
and Observability, Ad Hoc Testable Design Techniques, Scan Based and
BIST Techniques

Text Book:
1. Neil H.E.Weste, David Money Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design – A circuits and Systems
Perspective” Pearson, 4th Edition

2. Sung-Mo Kang & Yosuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis & Design”,
TMH, 3rd Edition.

Reference Books:
1. D. A. Pucknell and K. Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design: Systems and Circuits”, PHI, 3rd Ed.,
2. W.Wolf, Modern VLSI Design: System on Chip, Third Edition, Pearson, 2002.


Unit Topic Lectures
I Entropy: Entropy, Joint Entropy and Conditional Entropy, Relative Entropy 8
and Mutual Information, Relationship Between Entropy and Mutual
Information, Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy, and Mutual
Information, Jensen’s Inequality and Its Consequences, Log Sum Inequality
and Its Applications, Data-Processing Inequality, Sufficient Statistics, Fano’s
II Asymptotic Equipartition Property: Asymptotic Equipartition Property 8
Consequences of the AEP: Data Compression, High-Probability Sets and the
Typical Set
Data Compression: Examples of Codes, Kraft Inequality, Optimal Codes,
Bounds on the Optimal Code Length, Kraft Inequality for Uniquely
Decodable Codes, Huffman Codes, Some Comments on Huffman Codes,
Optimality of Huffman Codes, Shannon–Fano–Elias Coding
III Channel Capacity: Examples of Channel Capacity, 7.2 Symmetric Channels, 8
Properties of Channel Capacity, Preview of the Channel Coding Theorem,
Definitions, Jointly Typical Sequences, Channel Coding Theorem
IV Block Codes 8
Digital communication channel, Introduction to block codes, Single-parity-
check codes, Product codes, Repetition codes, Hamming codes, Minimum
distance of block codes, Soft-decision decoding, Automatic-repeat-request
Linear codes
Definition of linear codes, Generator matrices, Standard array, Parity-check
matrices, Error syndromes, Error detection and correction, Shortened and
extended linear codes
V Convolution codes 8
Encoding convolutional codes, Generator matrices for convolutional codes,
Generator polynomials for convolutional codes, Graphical representation of
convolutional codes, Viterbi decoder

Text Books:
1. Joy A. Thomas, Thomas M. Cover, “Elements of information theory”, Wiley-Interscience; 2
edition (July 18, 2006)
2. S. Gravano, “Introduction to Error Control Codes” OUP Oxford (24 May 2001)
3. Robert B. Ash, “Information Theory”, Dover Publications (November 1, 1990)
4. Todd k Moon, “Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms ” Wiley,
Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction: Overview of Image Processing, Nature of Image Processing, 8
Application area of image processing, Digital Image Representation, Types of
images, Digital Image Processing Operations, Fundamental steps in DIP,
Overview of Digital Image Systems, Physical Aspect of Image Acquisition,
biological Aspect of Image Acquisition, sampling & quantization, Digital
Halftone Process, Image storage and File formats.
II Image Transforms: Need for image transforms, Properties of Fourier 8
transform, Discrete cosine transform, Discrete sine transform, Hadamard
transform, Haar transform, Slant transform, SVD and KL transforms,
Comparison between transforms.
Image Enhancement: Image Quality and Need for image enhancement,
Image enhancement operations, Image enhancement in spatial domain,
histogram based techniques, Spatial Filtering concepts, Image smoothing
spatial filters, Image Sharpening spatial filters, Image smoothing in frequency
domain filtering, Image sharpening in frequency domain, Homomorphism
III Image Restoration: Introduction to degradation, Types of Image 8
degradations, image degradation models, noise modeling, Estimation of
degradation functions, Image restoration in presence of noise only, Periodic
noise and band – pass and band reject filtering, difference between
enhancement & restoration, Image restoration techniques.
IV Image Compression: Image compression model, Compression algorithms 8
and its types, Type of redundancy, lossless compression algorithms, Lossy
compression algorithms, Image and video compression standards.
V Image Segmentation: Introduction, Detection of Discontinuities, Edge 8
Detection, Hough Transforms and Shape Detection, corner detection,
Principle of thresholding, Principle of region - growing.

Text Books:

1. S. Sridhar, “Digital Image Processing”, OXFORD University Press, Second Edition.

2. Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E woods Steven L. Eddins, ‘‘Digital Image’’, Pearson.
3. Rafael C. Gonzalez Richard E woods Steven L. Eddins, ‘‘Digital Image Processing Using
MATLAB’’, Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edition.
4. Anil K Jain, ‘’Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, Pearson.
Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction: Carrier-Grade, VoIP, VoIP Challenges, Overview of the IP 8
Protocol Suite, The Internet Protocol, IP Version 6, IP Multicast, The
Transmission Control Protocol, The User Datagram Protocol, The Stream
Control Transmission Protocol, The Real-Time Transport Protocol, The RTP
Control Protocol, Security and Performance Optimization
Speech-Coding Techniques
A Little about Speech, Audio, and Music, Voice Sampling, Voice Quality,
Types of Speech Coders, Waveform Coders, Analysis-by-Synthesis Codecs,
G.722–Wideband Audio
II Signaling Protocols: 8
H.323: Multimedia Conferencing over IP The H.323 Architecture, RAS
Signaling, Call Signaling, Call Scenarios, H.245 Control Signaling,
Conference Calls, Securing an H.323 Network.
The Session Initiation Protocol The SIP Architecture, Overview of SIP
Messaging Syntax, Examples of SIP Message Sequences, Redirect and Proxy
Servers, The Session Description Protocol, Usage of SDP with SIP, SIP
Extensions and Enhancements, Usage of SIP for Features and Services,
III Distributed Gateways and the Softswitch Architecture 8
Separation of Media and Call Control, Softswitch Architecture, Protocol
Requirements for Controlling Media Gateways, Protocols for Controlling
Media Gateways, MGCP, MEGACOP/H.248.1.
IV VoIP and SS7 8
The SS7 Protocol Suite, SS7 Network Architecture, ISUP, Performance
Requirements for SS7, SIGTRAN, Interworking SS7 and VoIP Architectures
V Quality of Service 8
The Need for QoS, Overview of QoS Solutions, The Resource Reservation
Protocol, DiffServ, Multiprotocol Label Switching, Combining QoS Solutions

Text Books:
1. Richard Swale, Daniel Collins,“ Carrier-Grade VoIP”, McGraw-Hill Education 3rd
2. Olivier Hersent, Jean Pierre Petit, David Gurle, “IP Telephony – Deploying Voice Over-IP
Protocols”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2005

Unit Topic Lectures

I Introduction: Fundamentals, Types of filters and descriptive terminology, 8
why we use Analog Filters, Circuit elements and scaling, Circuit
simulation and modelling.
Operational amplifiers: Opamp models, Opamp slew rate, Operational
amplifiers with resistive feedback: Noninverting and Inverting,
Analyzing Opamp circuits, Block diagrams and feedback, The Voltage
follower, Addition and subtraction, Application of Opamp resistor
II First order filter: Bilinear transfer functions and frequency response – 8
Bilinear transfer function and its parts, realization of passive elements,
Bode plots, Active realization, The effect of A(s), cascade design.
III Second order low pass and band pass filters: Design parameters, Second 8
order circuit, frequency response of low pass and band pass circuits,
Integrators and others biquads.
IV Second order filters with arbitrary transmission zeros: By using 8
summing, By voltage feed forward, cascade design revisited.
Low pass filters with maximally flat magnitude: the ideal low pass filter,
Butterworth response, Butterworth pole locations, low pass filter
specifications, arbitrary transmission zeros.
V Low pass filter with equal ripple (Chebyshev) magnitude response: The 8
chebyshev polynomial ,The chebyshev magnitude response, Location of
chebyshev poles, Comparison of maximally flat & equal–ripple
responses, Chebyshev filter design
Inverse chebyshev and cauer filters: Inverse chebyshev response, From
specifications to pole and zero locations, Cauer magnitude response,
Chebyshev rational functions, Cauer filter design.

Text Book:

1. Rolf. Schaumann, Haiqiao Xiao, Mac. E. Van Valkenburg, “Analog Filter Design”, 2nd
Indian Edition, Oxford University Press.
Reference Books:
1. J. Michael Jacob ,”Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits”,
Second edition, Pearson.
2. T. Deliyannis, Yichuang Sun, J.K. Fidler, “Continuous-Time Active Filter Design”, CRC

Unit Topic Lectures

I. History of Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Sets, Possibility Distributions, Fuzzy Rules, 8

Fuzzy Sets, Operations of Fuzzy Sets, Properties of Fuzzy Sets, Geometric
Interpretations of Fuzzy Sets, Possibility Theory, Fuzzy Relations and their
Compositions, Fuzzy Graphs, Fuzzy Numbers, Functions with Fuzzy
Arguments, Arithmetic Operations of Fuzzy Numbers.

II. Fuzzy Rules: Fuzzy Mapping Rule, Fuzzy Implication Rule, Fuzzy Rule 8
Based Models for Function Approximations, Theoretical Foundation of
Fuzzy Mapping Rules, Types of Fuzzy Rule Based Models: Mamdani
Model, TSK Model, Standard Additive Model, Fuzzy Implications and
Approximate Reasoning: Propositional Logic, First Order Predicate
Calculus, Fuzzy Implications, Approximate Reasoning, Criteria and
Family of Fuzzy Implications, Possibility vs. Probability, Probability of
Fuzzy Event, Probabilistic Interpretations of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Measure.

III. Uncertainty in information; Classical Sets, Fuzzy Sets and their properties; 8
Cardinality of Classical Relations and their properties, The a- Level Set,
Cardinality of Fuzzy Relations and their properties; Composition;
Tolerance and Equivalence relationship; Membership Functions;
Fuzzification and Defuzzification process; Fuzzy to Crisp Conversions;
Lambda cuts; Extension Principle, Crisp functions and its mapping, Fuzzy
functions and its mapping; Fuzzy Numbers; Internal Analysis in

IV. Approximate method of Extension, Vertex Method, DSW Algorithm, and 8

Restricted DSW Algorithm and their comparison, Classical Predicate
Logic; Fuzzy Logic; Approximate Reasoning; Fuzzy Tautologies,
Contradictions, Equivalence, and Logical Proof; Fuzzy Rule Based
Systems, Models of Fuzzy AND, OR, and Inverter; Fuzzy Algebra; Truth
Tables; Fuzzy Functions; Concept of Fuzzy Logic Circuits; Fuzzy Flip-
Flop; Fuzzy Logic Circuits in Current Mode, Furry Numbers.

V. Fuzzy Logic in Control Engineering: Fundamental Issues in Control 8

Engineering, Control Design Process, Semiformal Aspects of Design
Process, Mamdani Architecture of Fuzzy Control, The Sugeno-Takagi
Architecture. Fuzzy Logic in Hierarchical Control Architecture, Historical
Overview and Reflections on Mamdani`s Approach, Analysis of Fuzzy
Control System via Lyapunov`s Direct Method, Linguistic Approach to the
analysis of Fuzzy Control System, Parameter Plane Theory of Stability,
Takagi-Sugeno-Kang Model Of Stability Analysis.
Text Book:
1. John Yen, Reza Langari, “Fuzzy Logic: Intellegent Control and Information”, Pearson
2. Ahmad M. Ibrahim, “Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics”, Prentice Hall Publication.
3. Ahmad M. Ibrahim, “Fuzzy Logic for Embedded Systems Applications”, Newnes
4. Witold Pedrycz, Fernando Gomide, “Fuzzy Systems Engineering: Toward Human-Centric
Computing”, John Wiley Publications.
EEC 751 Optical Communication & Networking Lab
Part - A
1. Familiarisation of different types of cables and different commands.
a) Identify Cat5 cable , RJ 45 Connector , Crimping Tool , Wire Stripper
b) Use Wire Stripper for Cutting wire shield and Understanding of Internal Structure of Cat
5 Cable
c) Finding Pin No-1 on RJ 45 Connector and Inserting Wires in connector
d) Crimping of RJ45 connector using Crimping tool
e) Preparation of Straight cable (used for Dissimilar devices such as PC to Switch , PC to
router ) and Cross cables (used for similar devices such as PC to PC , Router to Router ,
Switch to Switch)
f) Understand different commands like ping, treacert, ifconfig, dig etc..

2. Making a subnet and configuring router

a) Understand the working of a router & method to access the router via
console or using telnet, different types of cables used for connectivity.
b) Different types of show commands & their purpose.
c) Assignment of IP address and enabling layer 3 connectivity.
d) Implement sub netting

3. Configuring web and DHCP servers

a) Understand Internet Information Services tool and its installation.
b) To configure web services using IIS tool.
c) Configure DHCP

4. Configuring VLAN
a) Understand the configuration of Vlan in a switch
b) How to make the port of a switch as an access port & a trunk port, purpose of the Vlan in
a network
c) Different types of show commands & their purpose.

5. To implement a simple file transfer protocol (FTP) using connection oriented and
connectionless sockets.

6. To develop a concurrent file server that spawns several threads, one for each client requesting
a specific file.

7. To develop a simple chatting application using (i) Connection oriented and (ii)
Connectionless sockets

Part – B (Any 4 Experiments):

1. To setting up fiber optic analog link.

2. Study and measurement of losses in optical fiber.
3. Study and measurement of numerical aperture of optical fiber.
4. Study and perform time division multiplexing (digital).
5. Study of framing in time division multiplexing.
6. Study of Manchester coding and decoding.
7. Study of voice coding and codec chip.
8. Study and measure characteristics of fiber optic LED’s and photo detector.
EEC 752 Electronics Circuit Design Lab.

In this practical course students will carry out a design oriented project work using various analog/
digital building blocks which they have already studied in their analog electronic/ digital electronic
courses such as Electronic circuits, integrated circuits and filter design. The project may include but
not restricted to any of the following:

1. Universal op-amp based biquad

2. Universal OTA biquad
3. Amplitude control or stabilization applied to any sinusoidal oscillators
4. Op-amp/ OTA based function generator
5. Any application of log/antilog circuits
6. Any applications of analog multiplier/ divider
7. Any digital system design and its hardware implementation using TTL/ CMOS ICs
8. Any circuit idea (not studied in the course) using 555 Timer in conjunction with any other

The above must include

1. Design the circuit.

2. Make hardware and measure various parameters.
3. Simulation in Spice of the designed circuit.
4. Comparison of measured and simulated results.

A report is to be made for evaluation.

EEC 801 Wireless & Mobile Communication 310

Unit Topic Lectures

I Evolution of mobile radio communication fundamentals. General Model of 8

Wireless Communication Link, Types of Signals, Cellular Infrastructure,
Cellular System Components, Antennas for Cellular Systems, Operation of
Cellular Systems, Channel Assignment, Frequency reuse, Channel
Assignment strategies, Handoff Strategies Cellular Interferences,
Sectorization; Wireless Channel and Radio Communication, Free Space
Propagation Model, Channel Noise and Losses, Fading in Land Mobile
Systems, Multipath Fading, Fading Effects on Signal and Frequency,
Shadowing; Wireless Channel Modeling: AWGN Channel, Rayleigh
Channel, Rician Fading Channel, Nakagami Fading Channel, Ocumura and
Hata Path Loss Model; Channel Modelling: Stochastic, Flat Fading,
Wideband Time-Dispersive Channel Modelling.

II Theory of Vocoders, Types of Vocoders; Spread Spectrum Modulation, 8

Pseudo-Noise Codes with Properties and Code Generation Mechanisms,
DSSS and FHSS Systems, Time Hopping and Hybrid Spread Systems;
Multicarrier Modulation Techniques, Zero Inter Symbol Interference
Communication Techniques, Detection Strategies, Diversity Combining
Techniques: Selection Combining, Threshold Combining, Equal Gain
Combining, Maximum Ratio Combining; Spatial Diversity and Multiplexing
in MIMO Systems, Channel Estimation,

III Equalization Techniques: Transversal Filters, Adaptive Equalizers, Zero 8

Forcing Equalizers, Decision Feedback Equalizers, and related algorithms;
Multiplexing and Multiple Access: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, OFDMA, SC-
FDMA, IDMA Schemes and Hybrid Method of Multiple Access Schemes,
RAKE Receiver; Multiple Access for Radio Packet Systems: Pure ALOHA,
Slotted ALOHA, CSMA and their versions; Packet and Pooling Reservation
Based Multiple Access Schemes.

IV GSM system for mobile Telecommunication, General Packet Radio Service, 8

Edge Technology; CDMA Based Standards: IS 95 to CDMA 2000, Wireless
Local Loop, IMT 2000 and UMTS, Long Term Evolution (LTE), Mobile
Satellite Communication.

V Introduction to Mobile Adhoc Networks, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Standards, WiMax 8

Standards, Li-Fi Communication, Ultra-Wideband Communication, Mobile
data networks, Wireless Standards IMT 2000, Introduction to 4G and concept
of NGN.
Text Book:
1. T.S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communication-Principles and practice”, Pearson Publications,
Second Edition.
2. Upena Dalal, “Wireless Communication and Networks”, Oxford Press Publications.
3. T L Singal ,“Wireless Communications ”, McGraw Hill Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Andrea Goldsmith, “Wireless Communications”, Cambridge University Press.
2. S. Haykin & M. Moher, “Modern wireless communication”, Pearson, 2005.
Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction to Optical Network:- Optical Networks: multiplexing 8
techniques, second generation optical networks. The optical layer, optical
packet switching.
Transmission Basics: wavelength, frequencies and channel spacing,
wavelength standards.
Non linear Effects: Effective length and area, stimulated brillouin
scattering, stimulated raman scattering, Propagation in a non linear medium,
self phase modulation, cross phase modulation Four wave mixing.
II Components:-Couplers: Principles of operation, Conservation of energy, 8
Isolators and circulators: Principles of operation
Multiplexers and filters: Gratings, diffraction pattern, Bragg grating, Fiber
gratings, Fabry-perot filters, multilayers dielectric thin – film filters,
Mach-Zehnder interferometers, Arrayed waveguide grating, Acousto-optic
tunable filter, High channel count multiplexer Architecture.
Switching : large optical switches, Optical switch Technologies, large
electronic switches wavelength converters: Optoelectronic Approch , optical
grating, interferometric techniques wave mixing. Crosstalk: Intra-channel
crosstalk, inter-channel crosstalk, crosstalk in Networks, Bidirectional
system crosstalk reduction.
III Networks- SONET/SDH: Multiplexing, SONET/SDH layers, SONET 8
Frame structure, SONET/SDH physical layer, Elements of a SONET/SDH
infrastructure. ATM: Function of ATM, Adaptation layers, Quality of
IP: Routing and forwarding, QOS, WDM Network elements: Optical line
terminals, Optical line amplifiers,.
Optical add/Drop multiplexers: Architecture, reconfigurable OADMS,
Optical cross connects: All optical OXC configuration.
IV WDM Network Design Cost Trade-offs, Light path Topology Design, and 8
Routing and wavelength assignment problems, Dimensioning Wavelength
Routing Networks, Network Survivability, Basic Concepts, Protection in
SONET/SDH, Protection in client layer, Optical Layer Protection, Different
Schemes, Interworking between Layers, Access Networks, Network
Architecture Overview, Enhanced HFC, FTTC, PON evolution
V Optical Switching, OTDM, Synchronization, Header Processing, 8
Buffering, Burst Switching, Deployment Considerations- SONET/SDH
core Network
Text Books:
1. R. Ramaswami, & K. N. Sivardrajan, “Optical Networks a Practical perspective”,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 3 Ed.
2. U. Black, “Optical Networks: Third Generation Transport Systems”/ Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Biswanath Mukherjee “Optical WDM Networks” Springer Pub 2006.


Unit Topic Lectures
I Evolution of switching systems: Introduction, Message switching, 8
Circuits switching, Functions of a switching system, Register- transiator-
senders, Distribution frames, Crossbar switch, A general trucking,
Electronic switching, Reed- electronic system, Digital switching
II Digital Switching: Switching functions, Space Division Switching, Time 8
Division Switching, Two-Dimensional Switching, Digital Cross-Connect
Systems , Digital Switching in an Analog Environment.
III Telecom Engineering: Network Traffic Load and Parameters, Grade of 8
Service and Blocking Probability, Modeling Switching Systems,
Incoming Traffic and Service Time Characterization, Blocking models
and Loss Estimates, Delay Systems
IV Control of switching systems: Introduction, Call-processing functions, 8
Common control, Reliability, availability and security; Stored-program
Signalling: Introduction, Customer line signalling, Audio-frequency
junctions and trunk circuits, FDM carrier systems, PCM signaling, Inter-
register signalling, Common-channel signalling principles, CCITT
signalling system no. 6 and 7, Digital customer line signalling.
V Packet Switching: Packet Switching, Statistical Multiplexing, Routing 8
Control (dynamic routing, virtual circuit routing and fixed-path routing),
Flow Control, X.25, Frame Relay, TCP/IP
ATM Cells, ATM Service Categories, ATM Switching (ATM Memory
Switch, Space-Memory Switch, Memory-Space Switch, Memory-Space-
Memory switch, Banyan Network Switch).

Text Books:

1. Thiagarajan Viswanathan & Manav Bhatnagar, “Telecommunication Switching Systems and

Networks”, PHI.
2. J.E. Flood, “Telecommunication Switching, Traffic and Networks”, Pearson Education.

3. John C. Bellamy, “Digital Telephony”, John Wiley, 3rd Ed.

Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction to VHDL, reserve words, structures, modeling, objects, data 8
type and operators, sequential statements and processes, sequential
modeling and attributes, conditional assignment, concatenation and case,
array loops and assert statements, subprograms.
II Digital System Design Automation– Abstraction Levels, System level 8
design flow, RTL design flow, VHDL.
RTL Design with VHDL – Basic structures of VHDL, Combinational
circuits, Sequential circuits, Writing Test benches, Synthesis issues, VHDL
Essential Terminologies
VHDL Constructs for Structures and Hierarchy Descriptions – Basic
Components, Component Instantiations, Iterative networks, Binding
Alternatives, Association methods, generic Parameters, Design
III Concurrent Constructs for RT level Descriptions – Concurrent Signal 8
Assignments, Guarded signal assignment
Sequential Constructs for RT level Descriptions – Process Statement,
Sequential WAIT statement, VHDL Subprograms, VHDL library Structure,
Packaging Utilities and Components, Sequential Statements.
VHDL language Utilities - Type Declarations and Usage, VHDL
Operators, Operator and Subprogram overloading, Other TYPES and TYPE
– related issues, Predefined Attributes
IV VHDL Signal Model – Characterizing hardware languages, Signal 8
Assignments, Concurrent and Sequential Assignments, Multiple Concurrent
Drivers Standard Resolution.
V Hardware Cores and Models - Synthesis rules and styles, Memory and 8
Queue Structures, Arithmetic Cores, Components with Separate Control
and Data parts.
Core Design Test and Testability - Issues Related to Design Test, Simple
Test benches.

Text Books:

1. Z. Navabi, “VHDL-Modular Design and Synthesis of cores and Systems”, TMH – 3rd Edition.
2. R.D.M. Hunter, T. T. Johnson, “Introduction to VHDL” Spriger Publication, 2010.
3. J Bhasker , “VHDL Primer” –Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

3. C. H. Roth, “Digital System Design using VHDL”, PWS Publishing

4. Douglas Perry, “VHDL- Programming by examples”, MGH
Unit Topic Lectures
I Digital models for speech signals: Mechanism of speech 6
production & acoustic phonetics, the acoustic theory of speech
production, lossless tube models, and digital models for speech
II Time Domain methods of speech sampling: Time dependent 10
processing of speech, short time energy and average magnitude, short
time average zero crossing rate, discrimination between speech&
silence, pitch period estimation using parallel processing, short time
autocorrelation function & AMDF, pitch period estimation using
Auto correlation function.
III Short time Fourier Analysis: Definition and properties, design of filter 8
banks, implementation of filter bank summation method using FFT,
spectrographic displays, pitch detection, analysis by synthesis phase,
vocoder and channel vocoder.
IV Homomorphic speech processing: Homomorphic system for 6
convolution, complex cepstrum of speech, pitch detection using
Homomorphic processing, formant estimation, Homomorphic vocoder.
V Linear Predictive Coding of Speech: Basic principles of linear 10
predictive analysis, the autocorrelation method, computation of the gain
for the model, solution of LPC equations for auto correlation method,
prediction error and normalized mean square error, frequency
domain interpretation of mean squared prediction error relation of linear
predictive analysis to lossless tube models, relation between various
speech parameters, synthesis of speech from linear predictive parameters,
application of LPC parameters.

Text / Reference Books:

1. R. L. Rabiner & R.W. Schafer, “Digital Processing of speech signals”, Pearson Education.
2. B. Gold and Nelson Morgon, “Speech and audio signal processing”, Wiley India Edition,
Unit Topic Lectures
I Properties of Light, Geometric Optics, Optical Modulation; Vision and 8
Perception: Anatomy of Eye, Light Detection and Sensitivity, Spatial Vision
and Pattern Perception, Binocular Vision and Depth Perception; Driving
Displays: Direct Drive, Multiplex and Passive Matrix, Active Matrix Driving,
Panel Interfaces, Graphic Controllers, Signal Processing Mechanism; Power
Supply: Fundamentals, Power Supply Sequencing.

II Display Glasses, Inorganic Semiconductor TFT Technology, Organic TFT 8

Technology; Transparent Conductors, Patterning Processes: Photolithography
for Thin Film LCD, Wet Etching, Dry Etching; Flexible Displays: Attributes,
Technologies Compatible with Flexible Substrate and Applications, TFT
Signal Processing Techniques; Touch Screen Technologies: Introduction,
Coatings, Adhesive, Interfaces with Computer Mechanism.

III Inorganic Phosphors, Cathode Ray Tubes, Vacuum Florescent Displays, Filed 8
Emission Displays; Plasma Display Panels, LED Display Panels; Inorganic
Electroluminescent Displays: Thin Film Electroluminescent Displays, AC
Powder Electroluminescent Displays; Organic Electroluminescent Displays:
OLEDs, Active Matrix for OLED Displays; Liquid Crystal Displays:
Fundamentals and Materials, Properties of Liquid Crystals, Optics and
Modeling of Liquid Crystals; LCD Device Technology: Twisted Numeric and
Super twisted Numeric Displays, Smectic LCD Modes, In-Plane Switching
Technology, Vertical Aligned Nematic LCD Technology, Bistable LCDs,
Cholesteric Reflective Displays; LCD Addressing, LCD Backlight and Films,
LCD Production, Flexoelectro-Optic LCDs.

IV Paper like and Low Power Displays: Colorant Transposition Displays, MEMs 8
Based Displays, 3-D Displays, 3-D Cinema Technology, Autostereoscopic 3-
D Technology, Volumetric and 3-D Volumetric Display Technology,
Holographic 3-D Technology; Mobile Displays: Trans-reflective Displays for
Mobile Devices, Liquid Crystal Optics for Mobile Displays, Energy Aspects
of Mobile Display Technology.

V Microdisplay Technologies: Liquid Crystals on Silicon Reflective 8

Microdisplay, Transmissive Liquid Crystal Microdisplay, MEMs
Microdisplay, DLP Projection Technology; Microdisplay Applications:
Projection Systems, Head Worn Displays; Electronic View Finders,
Multifocas Displays, Occlusion Displays, Cognitive Engineering and
Information Displays; Display Metrology, Standard Measurement Procedures,
Advanced Measurement Procedures: Spatial Effects, Temporal Effects,
Viewing Angle, Ambient Light; Display Technology Dependent Issues,
Standards and Patterns, Green Technologies in Display Engineering.
Text Book:
1. Janglin Chen, Wayne Cranton, Mark Fihn , “Handbook of Visual Display Technology”,
Springer Publication.


Unit Topic Lectures
I Introduction to radar, radar block diagram and operation, radar 8
frequencies, Applications of radar.
The Radar Equation: Detection of signals in noise , Receiver noise and the
signal to noise ratio, Probabilities of detection and false alarm, Integration
of Radar Pulses, Radar cross section of targets, Radar cross section
fluctuations, Transmitter Power, Pulse Reception Frequency , Antenna
Parameters, System Losses.
II MTI and Pulse Doppler Radar: Introduction to Doppler and MTI Radar, 8
Delay Line cancellers, Staggered Pulse Reception Frequencies, Doppler
Filter Banks, Digital MTI Processing, Moving Target Detector,
Limitations to MTI Performance.
III Tracking Radar: sequential lobing, conical scan, monopulse Tracking, low 8
angle tracking, tracking in range.
Elements of Satellite Communications, Orbital mechanics, look angle and
orbit determination, launches and launch vehicle, orbital effects.
Introduction to geo-synchronous and geo-stationary satellites.
IV Satellite sub-systems: Attitude and Orbit control systems, Telemetry, 8
Tracking and command control system, Power supply system,
Introduction to satellite link design, basic transmission theory, system
noise temperature and G/T ratio, design of down link and uplink, design
of satellite links for specified C/N, satellite data communication
V Direct broadcast satellite television and radio, satellite navigation and the 8
global positioning systems, GPS position location principle, GPS
receivers and codes, Satellite Signal Acquisition, GPS navigation
Message, GPS Signal Levels, Timing Accuracy, GPS Receiver Operation.

Text / Reference Books:

1. Merrill I. Skolnik “ Introduction to Radar Systems”, Mc Graw- Hill.

2. J.C.Toomay, Paul J. Hannen “Principles of Radar”, PHI Learning.
3. B.Pratt, A.Bostian, “Satellite Communications”, Wiley India.
4. D.Roddy, ”Satellite Communications”, TMH.

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