Case Report: Hemorrhage After Dental Extractions PDF
Case Report: Hemorrhage After Dental Extractions PDF
Case Report: Hemorrhage After Dental Extractions PDF
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root of the mandibular left first premolar. The mandibular right extended to the patient’s right buccal and right submandib-
second and third molars were painful on palpation. ular spaces. Concurrently, the patient continued to have
After the radiographic and intraoral examination, at ap- oozing intraorally from both the left and right extraction
proximately 2:30 PM, informed consent was obtained for sites. At this time, the patient was sedated with propofol,
extraction of the mandibular left first premolar and mandi- and the airway was secured with an oral endotracheal tube.
bular right second and third molars. Approximately 7.2 mL It was estimated that the patient lost 500 mL of blood before
of 2% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine was adminis- intubation. The intubation was performed approximately 3
tered, and the mandibular right second and third molars hours after his extractions were completed.
were extracted with minimal force or disturbance of the The patient’s sister, who accompanied him to the oral
surrounding tissues by use of an elevator and forceps. The surgery clinic that afternoon, was consulted regarding her
surrounding granulation tissue was removed with a curette, brother’s medical history. Although she was not aware of
and gauze was packed over the extraction sites. Attention any pre-existing medical condition, she reported that her
was then drawn to the mandibular left first premolar. A brother had been an alcoholic for many years and, to her
full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap was reflected, and the knowledge, was not under the care of any physician.
tooth was extracted with the assistance of a surgical hand- Baseline laboratory values obtained in the ED showed a
piece. platelet count of 21,000/mm3 (normal range, 150-450,000/
It was noted after the extractions that the patient had mm3), hemoglobin level of 10.1 g/dL (normal range, 3.5-
persistent oozing from the posterior sites. The patient’s 17.5 g/dL), and hematocrit level of 30% (normal range,
medical history was reviewed again, but he did not disclose 41%-53%). In addition, liver function enzyme tests showed
any further information. On removal of the gauze, persistent an aspartate aminotransferase level of 308 U/L (normal
oozing of the extraction sites was seen. No pulsatile bleed- range, 8-20 U/L), alanine transferase level of 86 U/L (normal
ing was noted. The mandibular left first premolar extraction range, 0-35 U/L), alkaline phosphatase level of 141 U/L
site was also seen to be oozing unusually. Absorbable gela- (normal range, 20-70 U/L), and total bilirubin level of 2.0
tin powder (Gelfoam; Pharmacia, Kalamazoo, MI) was ini- mg/dL (normal, ⬍1 mg/dL). The decision was made to
tially placed into the sockets of the mandibular left first transfer the patient to the medical intensive care unit
premolar and mandibular right second and third molars to (MICU) for observation and hematologic evaluation. Before
attempt hemorrhage control. Gauze was then placed over admission to the MICU, the patient was transfused with 3 U
the sites and held firmly in place. This did not control the of pooled platelets and 2 U of fresh-frozen plasma (FFP).
bleeding. Oxidized regenerated cellulose (Surgicel; Ethicon, Ten milligrams of vitamin K were administered intramuscu-
Somerville, NJ) was then introduced into the sockets with larly. On admission to the MICU, the patient’s physical
gauze pressure over the sockets. The bleeding persisted, examination (with the exception of his head and neck
and microfibrillar collagen hemostat (Avitene; Davol, Cran- examination) was unremarkable. No hepatosplenomegaly
ston, RI) was obtained and placed into the sockets with was appreciated. His abdomen was soft and slightly dis-
placement of gauze soaked with topical thrombin of bovine tended, with no rebound or shifting dullness. His pulmo-
origin (Thrombin-JMI; GenTrac, Middletown, WI) over the nary and cardiovascular examinations were also normal.
sockets. This was removed temporarily to facilitate place- Overnight in the MICU, an additional 5 U of platelets, 4 U
ment of multiple sutures to obtain primary closure. of FFP, and 25 g of desmopressin (DDAVP; Sinopep Phar-
During the course of this treatment, the patient ingested maceutical, Hangzhou, China) IV soluset were adminis-
blood, causing gastrointestinal distress. This resulted in an tered. Steroids were considered, but they were not admin-
episode of emesis. Monitors were applied to the patient to istered because they are only useful in cases of autoimmune
obtain a second set of vital signs. The blood pressure was splenic sequestration and do not have a role in alcohol-
recorded as 140/83 mm Hg with a heart rate of 81 beats/ induced sequestration. Piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn; Pfizer,
min. New York, NY) and vancomycin (Vancocin; Alpharma Phar-
Despite aggressive local measures, the slow oozing con- maceutical, Fort Lee, NJ) antibiotic therapy was initiated for
tinued. It was then decided to transport the patient to the pulmonary coverage and for potential infection of a hema-
emergency department (ED), where laboratory values could toma. Vital signs on admission to the MICU and for the next 24
be obtained and appropriate medical management could be hours were documented closely and are shown in Table 1.
instituted because a significant bleeding diathesis was sus- Despite these various pharmacologic coagulation and he-
pected. Shortly after the patient’s arrival in the ED, it was mostatic efforts, the patient continued to exhibit persistent
observed that the bleeding was causing elevation of the oozing from the extraction sites. He subsequently lost an
floor of the mouth. Because of the threat to the patient’s estimated 1,500 mL of blood in the following 12 hours. In
airway, anesthesiology was consulted. consultation with the hematology team, additional rounds
Members of the oral and maxillofacial surgery, anesthesi- of FFP, packed red blood cells (PRBCs), DDAVP, and plate-
ology, and emergency medicine teams agreed that the pa- lets were administered. Embolization of the bleeding was
tient should be intubated prophylactically for airway con- considered not to be an option because of the medical
trol. Before intubation, it was also noted that the edema had nature of the bleed. Aminocaproic acid (EACA) (Amicar;
1h 4h 8h 12 h 16 h 20 h 24 h 24-h Range
Blood pressure (mm Hg) 136/86 123/68 122/78 127/80 113/80 103/59 166/90 103-166/59-90
Heart rate (beats/min) 128 122 129 130 143 133 123 122-143
Temperature (°F) 101.6 103.2 101.8 100.9 101.5 101.8 101.3 100.9-103.2
Lieberman et al. Hemorrhage After Dental Extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010.
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1h 4h 8h 12 h 16 h 20 h 24 h 24-h Totals
Fluids 600 mL 600 mL 600 mL 600 mL 200 mL dextrose 200 mL dextrose 200 mL dextrose 3,150 mL
normal normal normal normal 5% in water 5% in water 5% in water normal
saline saline saline saline (50 mL/h) (50 mL/h) (50 mL/h) saline
(bolus) (150 mL/h) (150 mL/h) (150 mL/h) 250 mL normal 300 mL 200 mL 600 mL
saline / normal saline / normal saline / dextrose
aminocaproic aminocaproic aminocaproic 5% in
acid (bolus) acid acid water
(50 mL/h) (50 mL/h)
Blood 1,900 mL 2,050 mL 3,300 mL 7,250 mL
Urine output Not measured 260 mL initial ⬃50 mL/h ⬃38 mL/h ⬃30 mL/h ⬃25 mL/h ⬃37 mL/h 1,050 mL
Blood loss ⬃500 mL Not measured Not measured 1,500 mL Not measured Not measured 1,500 mL ⬃3,500 mL
Lieberman et al. Hemorrhage After Dental Extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010.
Pfizer) was introduced as both a systemic and topical anti- goals (Table 5). The patient’s vital signs were labile (Table
fibrinolytic agent. The patient was administered an initial 2), and he exhibited severe cervicofacial edema and ana-
bolus dose of 4 g and received an additional 10 g of EACA sarca (a generalized infiltration of edema fluid into subcu-
infused over a period of 10 hours. Topically, gauze soaked taneous connective tissue) that confined him to intubation
with 5 g of EACA was placed at the extraction sites. in the MICU. A series of failed cuff-leak tests and computed
Over the course of 24 hours, the patient’s condition was tomography scans of the patient’s airway clearly showed
extremely guarded because of the onset of hypovolemic the severity of edema (Fig 4). A repeat computed tomogra-
shock. The patient exhibited a steady decrease in urine phy scan was completed before extubation (Fig 5). After 13
output and blood pressure, as well as a corresponding days, there was a clinical and radiographic decrease in
elevation in heart rate (Tables 1, 2). The patient was febrile upper airway edema, and the patient was extubated with-
throughout the night and had a maximum temperature of out complication on November 12, 2007, in the presence of
103.2°F. Despite aggressive replacement therapy, the pa- members of the respiratory, anesthesia, MICU, otolaryngol-
tient’s complete blood count showed little improvement ogy, and oral and maxillofacial surgery teams. The patient
because of the ongoing bleeding and the apparent splenic
was transferred from the MICU to the medicine service for
sequestration of platelets (Table 3). Compounding the pa-
further observation and management (Figs 6, 7).
tient’s deteriorating physiologic state, the extraction site
The patient was ultimately diagnosed with ethanol-in-
continued to ooze throughout the night. An estimated total
of 3,500 mL of blood loss was recorded over the 24-hour duced cirrhosis and secondary factor VII deficiency. The
period after extractions. results of hepatic viral tests did not indicate a significant
Twenty-four hours after the extractions, there was no role for active viral infection in the patient’s thrombocyto-
alleviation of the intraoral bleeding. The hematology team penia or liver dysfunction: hepatitis C, nonreactive; hepati-
recommended the use of recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa), tis B surface antigen, nonreactive; hepatitis B surface anti-
which was administered at a dose of 30 g/kg. After the body, reactive (⬎10 IU/mL); hepatitis A antibody
administration of rFVIIa, the patient showed a substantial immunoglobulin, reactive; and hepatitis A antibody immu-
decrease in intraoral oozing and hemostasis was achieved noglobulin, nonreactive.
(Figs 2, 3). The first 24 hours’ transfusions are documented The patient was discharged from the hospital 34 days
in Table 4. postoperatively in stable condition with furosemide (Lasix;
The patient’s condition remained guarded as a result of DAVA Pharmaceuticals, Fort Lee, NJ) therapy and a daily
the physiologic sequelae of distributive shock, and further vitamin regimen including a multivitamin, folic acid, and
transfusions were administered in an attempt to meet target thiamine.
6 PM)
Platelets 21 66 88 64
Hemoglobin 10.1 9.4 6.4 6.5
Hematocrit 30 27.3 18.7 19.1
White blood cells 4.8 6.4 6.8 2.4
Fibrinogen 173 157.6
Prothrombin time 15.3 14.7 14.0 9.9
International Normalized Ratio 1.52 1.45 1.38 0.94
Partial thromboplastin time 28.7 28.7 25.0 31.0
Lieberman et al. Hemorrhage After Dental Extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010.
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6 PM)
FFP 2U 4U 6U 12 U
Pooled platelets 6U 2U 2U 10 U
Packed red blood cells 2U 4U 6U
DDAVP 25 g 25 g 50 g
(desmopressin acetate)
Vitamin K 10 mg 5 mg IV 10 mg IV soluset 25 mg
intramuscular soluset
Amicar (EACA) 4 g IV soluset in 5 g IV soluset in 14 g systemic
250 mL normal 250 mL normal 10 g local/topical
saline (bolus) saline (1 g/h)
5 g IV soluset in Gauze soaked with
250 mL normal 5-g topical
saline (1 g/h) application
Gauze soaked with
5-g topical
rFVIIa 2.4 mg (30 g/kg) 2.4 mg
Rho (D) immune 300 g 300 g
Lieberman et al. Hemorrhage After Dental Extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010.
hol intake, recreational drug use, sexual history, and Platelet transfusion should be considered before
bleeding tendencies. Patient testing should include surgery in the thrombocytopenic patient. One unit of
complete blood count, prothrombin time, Interna- platelets yields an average increase of 5,000 to
tional Normalized Ratio, partial thromboplastin time, 8,000/L in 1 hour. Approximately one third of plate-
and liver function tests. Any abnormal values detected lets are sequestered in the spleen; therefore, the sur-
should be reviewed, and a primary care physician geon should be aware that patients with splenomeg-
should be consulted before any surgical treatment. A aly will sequester these transfused platelets more
platelet count of 100,000/L is desirable for major rapidly. Fifty-eight percent of platelet transfusions ad-
surgical procedures, and minor oral surgical proce- ministered to splenomegalic patients produce a cor-
dures may be performed with little risk with a platelet rected count increment of less than 7,500.4
count of 50,000/L.
Pooled platelets 1U 8U 1U
Packed red blood cells 1U
Vitamin K 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg 10 mg
Amicar (EACA) 20 g IV soluset in 1 L 5 g IV soluset in
dextrose 5% in 500 mL dextrose
water (1 g/h) 5% in water (500
Gauze soaked with mg/h)
5-g topical Gauze soaked with
application 3 times 5-g topical
per day application 3
times per day
Rho (D) immune globulin 300 g
Lieberman et al. Hemorrhage After Dental Extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010.
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