As Spec Ri 002 Answer

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AS/RI/SPEC-002 Page 1
1. An indication appearing on a radiograph as a dark, elongated area of varying length and width located
at the centre of a weld would probably be classified as:
A. aligned porosity
B. slag line
C. wagon tracks
D. lack of penetration

2. A narrow, dark line traveling in irregular directions would generally indicate the presence of:
A. a crack
B. slag line
C. aligned porosity
D. lack of fusion

3. Three liquids which are essential to process an exposed film properly are:
A. stop bath, acetic acid, and water
B. developer, stop bath, and H2O2
C. developer, fixer, and water
D. acetic acid, fixer, and stop bath

4. A very thin, straight, dark line, either continuous or intermittent, located parallel to the weld cap, and
indication one side of a weld would be indicative of:
A. weld spatter
B. non-metallic inclusion
C. tungsten inclusion
D. Lack of fusion

5. Indications appearing singly or as clusters of small, light spots in GTA weld would most probably be
classified as:
A. weld spatter
B. non-metallic inclusion
C. tungsten inclusion
D. gas holes

6. The term used to describe the reduction in the base metal thickness where the last weld bead is fused
to the surface is called :
A. convexity
B. undercut
C. lack of fusion
D. concavity

7. The defect that occur in T- joint parent metal due to heat input
A. Transverse crack
B. Crater crack
C. Lamellar tearing
D. Lack of cross penetration

8. A term used to describe the oxides and other solids which are shown radio graphically as elongated or
rounded inclusions is:
A. slag
B. porosity

AS/RI/SPEC-002 Page 2
C. suck-up
D. worm holes

9. Improper welding technique during the cap finishing leads to following type of defect
A. Lack of root fusion
B. Slag inclusion
C. Undercut
D. Crater crack

10. Which of the following defect occurs in single V weld due to high heat input in SAW welding process?
A. Lack of fusion
B. Lack of penetration
C. Slag inclusion
D. Solidification cracking

11. The purpose of IQI or Penetrometer is used to indicate

A. Image sharpness
B. Density of the film
C. Image quality
D. All the above

12. Which of the following is a planer defects?

A. Porosity
B. Slag
C. Crack
D. Crater crack

13. The application form number for the vision examination and its validity as per PCN documents are:
A. PSL /44 & 3 years
B. PSL /44 & 1 years
C. PSL 57A & 1 year
D. PSL 30 & 2 years

14. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called as
A. Mass number
B. atomic number
C. atom number
D. none of the above

15. The other name of SMAW process is


16. Solidification cracks can appear in several locations, orientations but most commonly
A. Transverse crack
B. Longitudinal centreline cracks and at the weld central line
C. Heat affected zone crack
D. Crater crack

AS/RI/SPEC-002 Page 3
17. The base metal next to the weld that has been heated to a sufficiently high temperature to cause a
change in micro structure is the
A. Heat affected zone
B. Tempered zone
C. Quenched zone
D. None of the above

18. In TIG, the bright light spot indication in a film is due to

A. Slag inclusion
B. Tungsten inclusion
C. Sand inclusion
D. None of the above

19. The Purpose of Normalising is to

A. Reduce ductility
B. Improve mechanical properties
C. Reduce grain size
D. All the above

20. The procedure of revalidation of certification without examination after 5 years period of validity is
A. Recertification
B. Renewal
C. Re- examination
D. All the above

21. What result do the following score give for RI weld method level 2 exams?
Specific -70%, general -70 % and practical 90 %
A. fail, retest of any 3 part allowed
B. pass
C. fail, retest not allowed
D. more info required

22. Contractions and shrinkage of the molten metal in the root leads to the following defect:
A. Lack of penetration
B. Suck back or concavity
C. Excess penetration
D. All the above

23. Densitometer calibration shall be checked by

A. Setting zero in the same viewer used for interpretation and calibrate on film to be interpreted
B. Setting zero in the same viewer used for interpretation and calibrate on step wedge film density
C. Setting zero in any viewer and calibrate on film to be interpreted
D. None of the above

24. The shielding gases used in MIG/TIG welding process are:

A. Argon
B. Helium
C. Carbon di-oxide & oxygen
D. All the above

AS/RI/SPEC-002 Page 4
25. When welding a rolled plates T-joints, due to poor ductility and heat input, parent metal planer defect
may be formed and it is called as
A. Lamellar tearing
B. Hydrogen induced crack
C. Arc strikes
D. Lamination

26. The validity of a PCN certificate is---------- years

A. 3
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4

27. Star shaped defect is also called as

A. Crater crack
B. Crescent crack
C. Hot tear
D. Solidification crack

28. Damp flux, poor drying of electrode and improper shielding of weld molten metal leads to
A. Cluster porosity
B. Slag inclusion
C. Cracks
D. Lack of fusion

29. A dark line of varying width on a radiograph that follows the edge of the fusion zone of a weld is
indicative of:
A. undercutting
B. incomplete fusion
C. porosity
D. shrinkage

30. Which of the following Process is HIGH hydrogen Process

D. All the above

31. The purpose of backing bar in a single weld plate is to:

A. To get proper shape of weld
B. To control root penetration
C. To support the weld plates
D. None of the above

32. The best method of arresting the development process is to place the film in
A. an acid stop bath
B. a fixer solution
C. a water rinse
D. a wetting solution

AS/RI/SPEC-002 Page 5
33. The developer solution and fixer solutions are :
A. Acid and Alkaline
B. Alkaline and Acidic
C. Both are acids
D. Both are alkaline

34. Fluorescent (salt) screens are only used rarely in industrial radiography when a drastic reduction of
exposure time, in combination with the detection of large defects, is required. These screens results in
A. Poor definition
B. High definition
C. High sensitivity
D. None of the above

35. Who discovered X rays

A. Rontgen
B. Pierrie and Marrie Curie
C. William Hooke
D. Both A and B

36. The appearance of colored stains on a processed radiograph could be caused by:
a. neutralization of the acid in the fixer solution
b. neutralization of the alkaline content in the fixer solution
c. acidification of the fixer solution
d. underdevelopment

37. Reticulation resulting in a puckered or net-like film surface is probably caused by:
a. crimping film after exposure
b. sudden extreme temperature change while processing
c. water or developer on unprocessed film
d. excessive object-to-film distance

38. Properties of gamma rays

A. Produce from the release of pure excess energy from a nucleus during disintegrations of radio nuclide
B. Has no mass and no charge
C. It is simply a stream of high frequency energy
D. All the above

39. The intensity of X-or gamma radiation is measured in:

A. roentgens
B. ergs
C. roentgens per unit of time
D. H&D units

40. The other name of Penetrometer

A. Densitometer
B. Image quality indicator
C. Dosimeter
D. Collimator

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